permitted for commercial purposes without the express written permission of Veriteq Instruments.
Veriteq, a Vaisala company
13775 Commerce Parkway
Richmond, BC V6V 2V4
Veriteq Instruments, Veriteq, Veriteq vLog, Veriteq viewLinc, Veriteq vNet, and Veriteq Spectrum are
trademarks of Veriteq Instruments, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks referred to are the property of their respective owners.
The RealPort protocol is used under license from Digi International Inc.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting
from the use of this manual.
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third
parties which may arise through the use of this software. Veriteq Instruments, Inc. and its subsidiaries
assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of hardware malfunction. Be sure to make backup copies of all important data to protect against data loss.
Veriteq Instruments, Inc. makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding Veriteq data loggers or software, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The exclusion of implied
warranties is not permitted by some states. As such, the exclusion may not apply to you.
The Veriteq vNet device has been tested using a variety of network systems. However, the large number of possible hardware and network configurations makes testing under every circumstance impossible. If you have trouble using the Veriteq vNet device, contact Veriteq Instruments.
Technical Support
Call Veriteq for free technical support (8am-4pm Pacific Standard Time).
In North America, call 1-866-861-3388. Outside North America, call 604-273-6850.
Document part number: 880-0401-02
Release date: July 2010
About this Manual
The Veriteq vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guide
includes the information you need to install, configure and
operate your vNet device with a Veriteq data logger.
Who this Manual is for
This manual is for administrators who will install and
configure the vNet device to be used with a Veriteq data
logger and Veriteq viewLinc, Spectrum, or vLog software.
This manual covers several topics, including how to:
• configure IP settings, Ethernet settings and device
• set administrator passwords
• view clients connected to your vNet device
• back up and restore vNet device configuration
• update the vNet device
• restart the vNet device
Conventions Used in this Document
This document uses the following conventions:
• A sequence of actions is indicated by a list separated by a
vertical line. For example:
“From the vNet Configuration and Management interface, choose Configuration | Network | IP Settings”
• Menu selections, items you select, the names of buttons
and tabs are shown in bold.
vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guideiii
Related Documentation and Software Products
For a visual overview of the installation of your vNet device,
consult the Quick Start Guide for viewLinc with vNet or Digi
Use V eriteq viewLinc software and their associated online
Help to:
• monitor channels
• set and acknowledge alarms
• view and graph logger data
• transfer data from multiple networked Veriteq loggers
Use V eriteq vLog and Spectrum software and their related
Getting Started with the Veriteq vNet
Power over Ethernet Device
Welcome to the Veriteq vNet Power over Ethernet User
Guide. The following sections will assist you in setting up the
vNet device:
• Installing the vNet device at your Site
• Launching the vNet Configuration and Management
• Viewing Network Configuration Settings
• Configuring IP Settings
• Creating a NetBIOS Name
• Changing Ethernet Settings
• Editing Serial Port Settings
• Setting Device Information
• Changing the Administrator Password
• Setting an Idle Timeout for the Web Session
• Viewing Connections and Network Statistics
• Viewing Power Settings
• Setting the System Fan
• Enabling 15V Loop Power Excitation
• Backing Up or Restoring Configuration Settings
• Updating the vNet Device
• Restarting the vNet Device
• Restoring Factory Default Settings
• Getting Help
Digi Devices
While the focus of this User Guide is the Veriteq vNet PoE
device, the instructions in the two driver installation sections,
Installing Drivers Using Device Setup and Installing
Drivers Using RealPort Setup, can also be used to install
Digi devices.
vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guide1
Getting Started
When installed, the vNet Power over Ethernet (PoE) device
becomes part of a data monitoring system comprised of
several software components ( including viewLinc, Veriteq
vLog or Spectrum), and hardware components (Veriteq data
loggers, a PC with a supported Web browser, and the vNet
Before you start using your vNet device, complete the
installation and configuration instructions included in this
User Guide.
Once your vNet device is installed (connected to the data
logger and your network), you are ready to complete the
configuration steps detailed in this User Guide.
Installing the vNet device at your Site
There are a few things to remember when connecting your
data logger to the vNet device:
• Remove the protective label on the bottom of the data
• Be sure to slide the logger as far right as possible towa rds
the two tabs before pushing down into the vNet device bed
(you should hear a ‘click’). Refer to Figure 2, “Inserting
data logger into vNet device” on page 3.
• If you are mounting the vNet device on a wall, ensure the
device is in the upright position (the fan on top and data
connections on the right).
• Use the wall anchors and screws prov ided for use with the
vNet device mounting brackets.
Important:Do not drop the device as the impact may
The following diagram shows how to use vNet devices to
connect data loggers to a network:
Figure 1: Connecting data loggers to your network
Figure 2: Inserting data logger into vNet device
Figure 3: Inserting power supply
vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guide3
Attaching Main Hardware
1Remove the protective label on the bottom of the data
2Connect the data logger to the vNet device.
3Connect the vNet device to the power supply and
Ethernet outlet. When power is supplied to the vNet
device, the red power LED will blink for 7-8 seconds,
then stay on. When a network connection is made, the
LNK LED will light up and stay on, and the ACT LED will
blink intermittently.
Note:To ensure a secure connection, insert the power
supply barrel-end connector into the device and
turn 1/4 to the right (see Figure 3 on page 3).
However, if your network supports Power over
Ethernet, you do not need to connect to an external power supply .
Installing Drivers Using Device Setup
Device drivers must be installed in Windows® for each of the
vNet or Digi devices that are connected to the network. This
allows the Veriteq software to access the data loggers.
Use the instructions in this section if the drivers will be
installed on a PC that is on the same subnet as the vNet or
Digi devices. If the PC is on a different subnet, use the
Installing Drivers Using RealPort Setup section instead.
1Obtain an IP address for each of the vNet or Digi devices
from your IT department. They should either be r eserved
IP addresses supplied by DHCP or static IP addresses. If
the IP addresses are being reserved, the DHCP server
must be updated before you proceed with the installation.
2Insert the Veriteq vNet Device Drivers CD into the PC. If
the Software Installation menu does not display
automatically, click Start on the Taskbar, then select
Run. Type D:\setup.exe (replace ‘D’ with the drive letter
of your CD-ROM drive), then click OK.
3Additional information can be found on the CD by clicking
on Documentation Index on the Software Installation
menu. Click on vNet PoE Readme to see if there are any
updates to the information in the User Guide, especially
to the installation instructions. For information on Digi
devices, click on Digi Documentat ion Index, then select
the desired document for the Digi device you will be
4Click on Device Setup Wizard on the Software
Installation menu.
5Connect the vNet PoE Logger Interface or Digi device to
an open Ethernet port on your network. If the device and
your network both support Power over Ethernet, an
external power supply is not needed. Otherwise, conn ect
the power supply barrel plug into the vNet or Digi device
(see Figure 3 on page 3), and plug the power supply into
a wall outlet.
6When the Welcome to the Digi Device Setup Wizard
screen is displayed, click Next.
7Scroll down the device list until you find the MAC address
of the device you are installing. (The MAC address is on
the side of the vNet device above the serial number, or
on the bottom of the Digi device.) If the device does not
appear in the list, wait a few seconds, then click Refresh.
Select the device, then click Next.
Note:If the device you are installing is not shown, you
may need to change some settings in your firewa ll softw ar e:
•Allow the dgrunwiz.exe and dgcfgwiz.exe programs
to receive incoming network connections. You will
find these programs in a folder similar to:
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local
Settings\Temp\RarSFX0 where ‘user’ is
your Windows
•Unblock UDP port 2362 and multi-cast address, as these are used by device discovery.
8Specify the IP settings:
vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guide5
• If DHCP will be used to supply a reserved IP address,
select Obtain IP settings automatically using DHCP,
then click Next.
• If a static IP address will be assigned to the device,
select Use the following IP settings, enter the desired
IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway, then
click Next.
9 From the Scenario List, select RealPort (COM Port
Redirection), then click Next.
10 Ensure the Install Digi RealPort on this computer
checkbox is checked, click Next, then click Next on the
following screen. Wait for the new settings to be saved to
the device. This will take up to 3 minutes, depending on
the device.
11If you have another device to install, check the
Configure another device checkbox, then click Finish.
Repeat steps 5 through 11.
12 When the last device has been installed, clear the
Configure another device checkbox, then click Finish.
13 A list of all installed devices that use the RealPort driver
will be displayed in the Command Prompt window after a
short delay. Record the COM port number(s) of the
device(s) you installed, as you will need to know them
when using the Veriteq software products. Close the
Command Prompt window by selecting the title bar, then
pressing any key on the keyboard.
14 Refer to the Launching the vNet Configuration and
Management Interface section for further instructions
on opening the web-based interface to change the
password or other settings.
Installing Drivers Using RealPort Setup
Device drivers must be installed in Windows® for each of the
vNet or Digi devices that are connected to the network. This
allows the Veriteq software to access the data loggers.
Use the instructions in this section if the drivers will be
installed on a PC that is on a different subnet than the vNet or
Digi devices. If the PC is on the same subnet, use the
Installing Drivers Using Device Setup section instead.
1Obtain an IP address for each of the vNet or Digi devices
from your IT department. They should either be r eserved
IP addresses supplied by DHCP or static IP addresses. If
the IP addresses are being reserved, the DHCP server
must be updated before you proceed with the i nstallatio n.
2 Insert the Veriteq vNet Device Drivers CD into the PC
where the drivers are to be installed. If the Software
Installation menu does not display automatically, click
Start on the Taskbar, then select Run. Type
D:\setup.exe (replace ‘D’ with the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive), then click OK.
3Additional information can be found on the CD by clicking
on Documentation Index on the Software Installation
menu. Click on vNet PoE Readme to see if there are any
updates to the information in the User Guide, especially
to the installation instructions. For information on Digi
Devices, click on Digi Documentation Index, then
select the desired document for the Digi device you will
be using.
4If you are installing a vNet device, click on vNet RealPort
Setup on the Software Installation menu. If you are installing a Digi device, click on Digi RealPort Setup.
Note:It is very important to select the correct setup
option. If you accidentally select the wrong
option, click Cancel when the Welcome screen
is displayed.
If the Welcome screen asks you to en sure that the device
is powered up and connected to the network, disregard
the message and click Next. If the Add a New Device
option is displayed instead, select it, then click Next.
6Scroll to the bottom of the device list, wait until
“Searching...” is no longer displayed, select <Device not
listed>, then click Next.
7Enter the Device Model Name. For a vNet device this
name is on the serial number label, for example, CDLVNET-P. The model name for a Digi device typically
appears on the top and bottom of the device, for
example, Digi One SP or PortServer TS 4.
8Enter the IP address that you obtained in step 1.
9Under COM Port Settings set No. Ports to 1 for a vNet
device. For Digi devices specify the number of ports
supported by the device, usually 1,2 or 4.
10 Under COM Port Settings, set Starting COM to the
lowest COM port number that the setup wizard is allowed
to use. The wizard will automatically choose the first
vNet Power over Ethernet Device User Guide7
available Windows COM port and map it to the first
physical port on the device. If the device has more than
one physical port, the wizard will assign the next
available COM port(s) to the remaining physical port(s).
Note:The Windows Device Manager can be used to
change the assigned COM port number(s) after
the device is installed.
Click Finish.
12 If your vNet or Digi device is not yet connected to the
network, or is not yet configured with the IP address you
entered in step 8, you will be presented with a message
indicating that no device could be located. Click Yes to
13 Wait for the setup wizard to finish. This could take up to
3 minutes. Click Finish.
14 A list of all installed devices that use the RealPort driver
will be displayed in the Command Prompt window after a
short delay. Record the COM port number(s) of the
device(s) you installed, as you will need to know them
when using the Veriteq software products. Close the
Command Prompt window by selecting the title bar, then
pressing any key on the keyboard.
15 Repeat steps 4 through 14 for any additional devices that
need to be installed. Do not continue with step 16 until all
devices have been installed.
16 If any of the vNet or Digi devices you installed drivers for
are not yet connected to the network, connect them to an
open Ethernet port on the desired subnet of your
network. If the device and your network both support
Power over Ethernet, you do not need an external powe r
supply. Otherwise, connect the power supply barrel plug
into the vNet or Digi device (see Figur e 3 on p age 3) a nd
plug the power supply into a wall outlet.
17 If all of the vNet or Digi devices you installe d are using IP
addresses reserved with DHCP, go to the Launching
the vNet Configuration and Management Interface
section for further instructions on opening the web-based
interface to change the password or other settings.
However , if one or more of the devices are to h ave static
IP addresses assigned, procee d with step 18 .