© Vaisala 04/l 2014 This material is subject to copyright
HMS112 Outdoor Humidity and Temperature Transmitters for HighAccuracy Measurements in Building Automation Applications
▪ Proven HUMICAP
180R sensor for superior long-term
▪ Measures relative humidity and temperature; dew point
temperature, wet bulb temperature, and enthalpy outputs
▪ ±2 %RH accuracy
▪ NIST traceable calibration (certificate included)
▪ On-site calibration with HM70 Hand-Held Meter or PC
▪ Shield protects temperature and humidity probes from
scattered, as well as, direct solar radiation and rain
▪ Easy to install on a pole, horizontal beam or flat surface
Outdoor mounted transmitter shall incorporate a thin film polymer capacitive HUMICAP
humidity sensor that is field replaceable (re-calibration in the field also required after replacement).
Electronics to be protected in a NEMA4 enclosure. Accuracy to be ± 2% RH for the 0 to 90% RH range,
and ± 3% RH from 90 to 100% RH between +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F). Sensor shall have a
stability of ±0.5 %RH/year in typical HVAC applications. Transmitter to be loop powered by 10 to
28 VDC (RL = 0Ω) or 20 to 28 VDC (RL = 600Ω), provide a linear output signal of 4 to 20 mA
corresponding to 0 to 100% RH, and operate over a temperature range of 40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140
°F). Temperature sensor to be a platinum 1000Ω RTD having a linear output signal of 4 to 20 mA
corresponding to -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F). Accuracy to be ± 0.2°C (0.36°F) at 20°C (68°F).
Transmitter shall have the ability to calibrate relative humidity, without disturbing operation, using a
single point electronic field calibrator. NIST traceable calibration and certificate included. Shall have
options to calculate and output additional parameters: dew point temperature, wet bulb temperature,
and enthalpy.
Vaisala Model: HMS112 (Relative Humidity and Temperature)
1-888-VAISALA (824-7252)
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individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product
names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. All
specifications — technical included — are subject to change