Vaisala HM70 User Manual



Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held
Humidity and Temperature Mete
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Phone (int.): +358 9 8949 1
P.O. Box 26 Fax: +358 9 8949 2227 FIN-00421 Helsinki Finland
Visit our Internet pages at
© Vaisala 2007 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be communicated to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.
The contents are subject to change without prior notice.
Please observe that this manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards the customer or end user. All legally binding commitments and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale.

Table of Contents

GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................5
About This Manual...................................................................5
Version Information...............................................................5
General Safety Considerations...............................................5
Recycling ..................................................................................6
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................9
Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Temperature and Humidity
Meter HM70 ............................................................................... 9
Display Parameters..................................................................9
PREPARATIONS BEFORE USE.................................................................13
Installing and Recharging the Batteries ..............................13
Turning ON the Device...........................................................14
TAKING MEASUREMENTS ........................................................................15
Beware of Temperature Differences.....................................16
BUTTONS, DISPLAYS AND MENUS..........................................................17
Buttons and Navigation.........................................................17
Basic Display.......................................................................... 18
Graphical Display...................................................................19
Pressure Setting.....................................................................21
Display Settings .....................................................................22
Quantities and Units............................................................22
Hold/Save Display...............................................................23
Graphic History ...................................................................23
User Interface .........................................................................24
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 1
User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
Selecting Language.............................................................24
Automatic Power OFF.........................................................25
Changing Shortcut Keys......................................................25
Button Click and Backlight on Button Press........................26
Setting Date and Time.........................................................26
Device Information.................................................................27
Reverting to Factory Settings..............................................27
RECORDING DATA.....................................................................................29
Stopping Recording ...............................................................30
Viewing Recorded Data..........................................................30
Checking Memory Status.......................................................31
Deleting All Recorded Files...................................................31
MI70 Link Program for Transferring Recorded Data to PC 32
MI70 Link Program for Real-Time PC Monitoring................32
OTHER FUNCTIONS....................................................................................33
Setting Alarm Levels..............................................................33
Chemical Purge (Optional) ....................................................34
Turning Chemical Purge ON...............................................34
Sensor Preheat (Optional).....................................................36
Turning Sensor Preheat ON/OFF........................................37
HM70 in Checking and Adjusting..........................................39
Calibration Cables..................................................................39
Calibration and Adjustment of HMD/W 60/70, HMD/W 20/30
and HMP130 Series Transmitters..........................................40
Calibration and Adjustment of HMT100
Series Transmitters................................................................42
Field Checking and Adjustment Using a Calibrated
Reference Probe .................................................................42
One-Point Adjustment Using a Calibrator ...........................43
Two-Point Adjustment Using a Calibrator ...........................44
LiCl-NaCl Adjustment..........................................................45
Calibration and Adjustment of HMP230/240 Transmitters
and HMM210 Modules............................................................45
Field Checking and Adjustment of Humidity by Using a
Calibrated Reference Probe................................................47
1-Point Humidity Adjustment by Using a Calibrator............47
2-Point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator ...........................48
Calibration and Adjustment of HMT320
Series Transmitters................................................................49
2 ___________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Field Checking and Adjustment by Using a Calibrated
Reference Probe.................................................................
1-Point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator...........................50
2-Point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator...........................51
Calibration and Adjustment of HMT330
Series Transmitters................................................................ 52
Field Checking and Adjustment by Using a Calibrated
Reference Probe.................................................................53
1-Point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator...........................53
2-Point Adjustment by Using a Calibrator...........................54
LiCl-NaCl Adjustment..........................................................55
Field Checking of DMW19 Transmitter ................................56
ANALOG OUTPUT CONNECTION.............................................................59
Selecting and Scaling the Analog Output ...........................59
General Information about Calibrations ..............................61
Relative Humidity Adjustment..............................................61
LiCl-NaCl Automatic Adjustment.........................................61
2-Point Adjustment..............................................................62
1-Point Adjustment..............................................................63
Temperature Adjustment....................................................... 63
1-Point Adjustment..............................................................64
2-Point Adjustment..............................................................65
Last Adjustment Date ............................................................65
MAINTENANCE ...........................................................................................67
Changing the Filter.................................................................67
Changing the Battery Pack....................................................67
Error Messages ......................................................................68
Technical Support..................................................................69
Return Instructions................................................................69
Vaisala Service Centers......................................................... 70
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................71
Probes HMP75, HMP76 and HMP77......................................71
Measured Variables............................................................71
Relative Humidity...........................................................71
Calculated Variables..............................................................72
VAISALA________________________________________________________________________ 3
User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
Typical Ranges....................................................................72
Accuracies of Calculated Variables................................73
Accuracy of Dewpoint Temperature °C..........................73
Accuracy of Mixing Ratio g/kg........................................73
Accuracy of Wet Bulb Temperature °C..........................74
Accuracy of Absolute Humidity g/m³..............................74
General ....................................................................................74
MI70 Indicator..........................................................................75
Indicator General.................................................................75
Battery Pack...................................................................76
General about Vaisala Hand-Held Humidity and
Temperature Meter HM70..............................................76
Electromagnetic Compatibility........................................76
Dimensions in mm (inches)...................................................78
4 ___________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 1 ________________________________________________________ General Information


About This Manual

This manual provides information for operating, and maintaining the Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter HM70.

Version Information

Table 1 Manual Revisions
Manual Code Description
M210297EN-A May 2002 - First release M210297EN-B April 2004 M210297EN-C January 2005 M210297EN-D April 2006 M210297EN-E May 2007 - Sensor types updated to
M210297EN-F October 2007 - USB connectivity option added,
new display languages (Chinese, Japanese, Russian) added.
180R and HUMICAP® 180RC

General Safety Considerations

Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death.
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________


Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost.
Note highlights important information on using the product.
Recycle all applicable material.
Dispose of batteries and the unit according to statutory regulations. Do not dispose of with regular household refuse.
6 ___________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 1 ________________________________________________________ General Information


Vaisala hereby represents and warrants all Products manufactured by Vaisala and sold hereunder to be free from defects in workmanship or material during a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery save for products for which a special warranty is given. If any Product proves however to be defective in workmanship or material within the period herein provided Vaisala undertakes to the exclusion of any other remedy to repair or at its own option replace the defective Product or part thereof free of charge and otherwise on the same conditions as for the original Product or part without extension to original warranty time. Defective parts replaced in accordance with this clause shall be placed at the disposal of Vaisala.
Vaisala also warrants the quality of all repair and service works performed by its employees to products sold by it. In case the repair or service works should appear inadequate or faulty and should this cause malfunction or nonfunction of the pro duct to which the service was performed Vaisala shall at its free option either repair or have repaired or replace the product in question. The working hours used by employees of Vaisala for such repair or replacement shall be free of charge to the client. This service warranty shall be valid for a period of six (6) months from the date the service measures were completed.
This warranty is however subject to following conditions:
a) A substantiated written claim as to any alleged
defects shall have been received by Vaisala within thirty (30) days after the defect or fault became known or occurred, and
b) The allegedly defective Product or part shall,
should Vaisala so require, be sent to the works of Vaisala or to such other place as Vaisala may indicate in writing, freight and insurance prepaid and properly packed and labelled, unless Vaisala agrees to inspect and repair the Product or replace it on site.
This warranty does not however apply when the defect has been caused through
a) normal wear and tear or accident;
b) misuse or other unsuitable or unauthorized use of
the Product or negligence or error in storing, maintaining or in handling the Product or any equipment thereof;
c) wrong installation or assembly or failure to
service the Product or otherwise follow Vaisala's service instructions including any repairs or installation or assembly or service made by unauthorized personnel not approved by Vaisala or replacements with parts not manufactured or supplied by Vaisala;
d) modifications or changes of the Product as well
as any adding to it without Vaisala's prior authorization;
e) other factors depending on the Customer or a
third party.
Notwithstanding the aforesaid Vaisala's liability under this clause shall not apply to any defects arising out of materials, designs or instructions provided by the Customer.
This warranty is expressly in lieu of and excludes all other conditions, warranties and liabilities, express or implied, whether under law, statute or otherwise, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose and all other obligations and liabilities of Vaisala or its representatives with respect to any defect or deficiency applicable to or resulting directly or indirectly from the Products supplied hereunder, which obligations and liabilities are hereby expressly cancelled and waived. Vaisala's liability shall under no circumstances exceed the invoice price of any Product for which a warranty claim is made, nor shall Vaisala in any circumstances be liable for lost profits or other consequential loss whether direct or indirect or for special damages.
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
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Chapter 2 ________________________________________________________ Product Description


Vaisala HUMICAP® Hand-Held Temperature and Humidity Meter HM70

HM70 consists of two main units: MI70 indicator and HMP75/HMP76/HMP77 probe. HM70 Hand-held humidity meter incorporates Vaisala's advanced HUMICAP® technology which enables reliable and high performance humidity measurement. HM70 is available with an optional, ready-to-use Microsoft Windows® software, which allows an easy way to handle measurement data using a serial line or a USB instrument cable.
Vaisala HM70 is delivered with a factory calibration certificate.

Display Parameters

- RH relative humidity (% RH)
- T temperature (°C/°F)
- T
- T
- a : absolute humidity (g/m
- x : mixing ratio (g/kg / gr/lb)
- T
- H2O: humid air volume/ dry air volume (ppm)
- pw: water vapour pressure (hPa/ lb/in
- pws: saturation water vapour pressure(hPa/ lb/in
- h : enthalpy (kJ/kg / Btu/lb)
- aw : water activity
T (0°°C/32 °°F) and frostpoint temperature T below the freezing point.
: dewpoint/frostpoint1) temperature (°C/°F)
: dewpoint temperature2) (°C/°F)
: wetbulb temperature (°C/°F)
shows dewpoint temperature above the freezing point
/ gr/ft3)
(dewpoint over ice)
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
Td shows dewpoint over water throughout the entire measurement range.
1 Recharger connector 2 Connector ports for
probes and cables
3 Power ON/OFF
Port I 2
Port II
Figure 1 MI70 indicator
10 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
________________________________________________________________ Product Description
1 Probe filter 2 Probe HMP75/76/77 3 Calibration button under
the screw
Basic probe for relative humidity and temperature measurement Preheat and chemical purge options available (HMP75B).
Rugged probe with a long stainless steel shaft. Preheat and chemical purge options available (HMP76B).
Cable probe for industrial processes up to 180 °C. Preheat and chemical purge options available (HMP77B).
Figure 2 HMP75, HMP76, and HMP77 probes
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
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12 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 3 ____________________________________________________ Preparations Before Use


Installing and Recharging the Batteries

1. If you are using alkaline batteries, remove the back plate of the
indicator and insert the batteries. If the HM70 is ordered with a rechargeable battery pack, it is already in place as shipped from the factory.
2. Recharge the battery pack as follows: Plug in the recharger
connector to the base of the indicator and connect the recharger to a wall socket. A battery symbol in the corner of the display starts to roll.
- It is not recommended to use HM70 during the first recharging.
After the first charge cycle is complete, you can use the HM70 while recharging.
- The duration of recharging depends on the charge level of the
battery pack. 4 hours is a typical recharging time. The recommended first charging time is 6 hours.
3. When the battery symbol stops rolling, the battery is fully
recharged. Disconnect the recharger.
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________

Turning ON the Device

1. Connect the probe to the either of the base connectors of the
2. Press the button to turn on the device.
3. Select the language by using the buttons. Confirm by
pressing SELECT. You can select the language later as well, see page 24.
4. To change the date, select Date and press SET. Change the date
by using any of the buttons. To confirm the date, press OK. The default date presentation format is:
year-month-date. If you want to change the format, see page 26.
5. To change the time, select Time and press SET. Change the
time by using arrow buttons. To confirm the time, press OK. The default time presentation format is 24-hour clock. If you want to use 12-hour clock, select 12-hour clock, and press ON.
6. Press EXIT. To check and change the pressure setting, select
YES. Otherwise select NO to enter the basic display.
14 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 4 ______________________________________________________ Taking Measurements


If you are starting the HM70 for the first time, see Chapter 3 Preparations Before Use first.
To take measurements with the HM70, follow the instructions below:
1. Connect the probe to MI70-indicator.
2. Press POWER ON/OFF button.
3. If you have a chemical purge option in your probe (HM70 series
probe versions B), remember to carry out chemical purge regularly, see page 34.
4. In case there is a risk for condensation, use the optional preheat
(HM70 series probe versions B) when installing the probe, see page 36.
5. Install the probe to the measuring position. If measuring in
pressurized processes, see the instructions on page 21.
6. Before measurements, ensure that the air pressure setting of
HM70 is correct. See page 21.
7. The basic display opens. Let the reading stabilize.
If you need to disconnect the probe from the indicator, first press
POWER ON/OFF button to turn the indicator OFF. This ensures that all
settings and data are saved properly.
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________

Beware of Temperature Differences

In humidity measurement and especially in calibration it is essential that temperature of the probe and measuring environment is the same. Even a small difference in temperature between the environment and the probe causes an error. As the curve below shows, if the temperature is +20 °C and the relative humidity 100 %RH, a difference of ±1 °C between the environment and the probe causes an error of ±6 %RH. When the humidity is 90 %RH, the corresponding error is ±5.4 %RH.
A temperature difference of a few degrees can also cause water to condense on the sensor surface. HUMICAP®® sensor starts to function normally as soon as the water has evaporated. If the condensed water is contaminated, the life span of the probe may shorten and calibration may change. See also information about sensor preheat, page 36.
9 8 7 6 5 4
dRH (%RH)
3 2 1 0
-40-200 20406080100 Temperature (°C)
Figure 3 Measurement error at 100 %RH with 1 °C
difference between the ambient and sensor temperature
16 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 5 _________________________________________________Buttons, Displays and Menus


Buttons and Navigation

To open a menu view
1. Press an arrow button
2. Press this shortcut button
Press down the POWER ON/OFF button until the indicator turns on/off. Press the SHORTCUT buttons to activate the function shown above the button.
Shortcut buttons
Arrow buttons
Power ON/OFF
Figure 4 MI70 buttons
Press any of the ARROW buttons to open the MENUS. In the MENUS you can navigate
with ARROW buttons.
VAISALA_______________________________________________________________________ 17
User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________

Basic Display

1. Selected quantities. Up to three of the quantities can be selected at
a time.
- RH relative humidity (% RH)
- T temperature (ºC/ ºF)
- T
- Td : dewpoint temperature2) (ºC/ ºF)
- a : absolute humidity (g/m3/ gr/ft3)
- x : mixing ratio (g/kg / gr/lb)
- Tw: wetbulb temperature (ºC/ ºF)
- H2O: humid air volume/ dry air volume (ppm)
- pw: water vapour pressure (hPa/ lb/in2)
- pws: saturation water vapour pressure(hPa/ lb/in2)
- h : enthalpy (kJ/kg / Btu/lb)
- a
2. Shortcut button Graphic
5 6
Figure 5 MI70 basic display
: dewpoint/frostpoint1 temperature (ºC/ ºF)
: water activity
changes display into curve mode
3. Shortcut button Hold/Sa
freezes display and you may save the
reading into the memory.
4. Shortcut button Record
5. State of battery.
6. Pressure setting.
takes you to the Recording/Viewing menu.
Graphic, Hold/Sa and Record -functions above the shortcut buttons are set
in the factory. You can change them to refer other functions (see page
18 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 5 _________________________________________________Buttons, Displays and Menus

Graphical Display

Graphical display shows you the measurements in a form of curve. From the curve you can examine the data trend and history of the last minutes. Graphical display shows firstly the curve of the uppermost quantity shown in a basic display.
1. In basic display, press Graphic or (alternatively open the MENU,
select Display, select Graphic history
2. Graphical display opens. More information on page 23 Graphic


3. Press
BACK to return to the basic display.
In the menus you can change settings and select the functions.
1. Open the main menu by pressing any of the buttons.
2. Press OPEN within 5 seconds. The basic display returns if you
do not open the MENU shortly. If this happens, begin with the item 1 again.
3. Move in the menus by using buttons.
4. Select the item with buttom.
5. Press to return to the earlier level.
6. EXIT returns back to normal operation.
Main menu Display menu
Functions menu
Recording/Viewing menu
Settings menu Environment menu
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User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________
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20 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
Chapter 6 __________________________________________________________________Settings


Pressure Setting

When measuring in pressurized environments, the actual process pressure value must be given to the HM70. The pressure can be given in the following units:
hPa: Absolute pressure given in the unit of hPa. barg
bara: Absolute process pressure given in the unit of bar. psia
Follow the instructions below:
1. Open the
2. Select
3. Press
4. Press SET to set the ambient pressure value.
5. Set the pressure value by using buttons. Press +/- to
6. Press
Gauge pressure given in the unit of bar. Indicates the pressure
difference between normal atmospheric pressure and the actual process pressure.
Absolute pressure given in the unit of psi.
MENU; press OPEN
ENVIRONMENT with and press .
UNIT to change the pressure unit. Default unit is hPa.
change the sign of the pressure value. Press OK to save the value.
EXIT to return to the basic display.
VAISALA_______________________________________________________________________ 21
User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________

Display Settings

Quantities and Units

All the quantities and units are shown in page 9.
1. Open the MENU; press OPEN.
2. Select Display, press .
3. Select Quantities and units, press
4. To select a quantity, move on the quantity you want by using the
arrow buttons, press SELECT.
5. To change the unit, move on the quantity you want by using the
arrow buttons, then press UNIT .
6. To hide a quantity, move on the quantity you want to hide by using
the arrow buttons, then press HIDE.
7. Press EXIT to return to the basic display.
8. If asked, press
otherwise press
YES, if you want to check environment settings,


You can turn on the decimal display by using the Rounding function. The default setting is rounding off .
1. Open the MENU: press OPEN
2. Select the Display, press
3. Select Rounding.
4. Press ON to have rounding on. Press OFF to deactivate
rounding (two decimal display).
5. Press
22 __________________________________________________________________ M210297EN-E
EXIT to return to the basic display.
Chapter 6 __________________________________________________________________Settings

Hold/Save Display

Hold/Save function enables you to freeze a certain display reading. This reading can be saved into the memory.
1. Open MENU: press OPEN.
2. Select Display, press
3. Select Hold/Save display.
4. Press HOLD to freeze the display. The frozen measurement data is
5. Press SAVE to save the reading and CANCEL to return to the
6. You can save several readings with HOLD-SAVE function. The data
points are identified on the basis of the saving date and time. All the individual readings (data points) are stored in a same file marked with . The file remains in the indicator memory even if the indicator is switched OFF.
7. To view the saved readings, press Record, select View recorded
press .
8. Select the file marked with , press . Now you can see the
saved data readings. Press TIMES to see the recording timestamps.
9. Press EXIT to return to the basic display.

Graphic History

Graphic history shows the data curve of the last hour. To see longer graphs, use the data recording function to save the data and then view it as a graph.
1. Open the
2. Select Display, press
3. Select Graphic history, press SHOW to have a graphical history
4. To get the statistical info on the graph area (minimum, maximum
and mean values), press
MENU: press OPEN.
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