Vaisala GUARDIAN Technical data

Vaisala Guardian Road Weather Information System
Guardian data is presented in a way that aids decision-making.
What is Vaisala Guardian?
The Vaisala Guardian is a non­invasive Road Weather Information System (RWIS) that reliably and cost-effectively provides you with the most accurate road surface or pavement specic weather information available.
The Guardian enables you to remotely monitor road surface conditions in real-time, with precision. It also provides road weather data that makes forecasting far more accurate and reliable.
It is the clear choice
Featuring simple “do it yourself” installation, ease of use and virtually maintenance-free operation, it is the clear choice for municipalities, cities and towns. Guardian is a non-invasive RWIS solution that is available at a fraction of the total cost of an in­pavement sensor system.
The advantages of a non­invasive system
Municipalities, counties and towns are choosing Guardian for locations that are challenging to site weather stations with embedded sensors. The Guardian employs state-of-the­art sensors that are easily mounted above or beside roadways.
More and accurate data
Employing state-of-the-art technology and laser spectroscopy, Guardian’s sensors measure a larger surface area. Guardian accurately measures the road surface state and provides a variety of data; amount of accumulated water, frost, ice, slush and snow, real-time measurements of grip, humidity, air and pavement temperature. This enables you to instantly assess the effectiveness of winter maintenance efforts and the level of traction and safety offered by roadways and sidewalks.
Guardian provides you with signicant lead time to take the appropriate maintenance action before road conditions deteriorate.
Ease of installation and relocation
Guardian can be quickly and easily attached to existing structures, such as lampposts, signposts and buildings. Once mounted, you just hook up power, hit the switch and start transmitting data.
Virtually maintenance­free operation
No need for maintenance contracts and practically no risk of costly downtimes. Guardian requires only periodic cleaning of its sensor lenses and it will automatically inform you when the lenses are dirty.
Reliable support
Vaisala provides 24/7 helpdesk support during winter to answer any questions you might have.
Guardian can be incorporated into established weather station systems, or can be used as a starting point to develop a relatively low-cost, exible, easy to install system.
Use Guardian’s traffic camera and you always have an eye on the road when it matters most.
Provides signicant lead time before maintenance actions • become necessary
Facilitates improved road safety and accident prevention • (injury, damage to property and loss of life)
Eliminates guesswork and promotes the effective allocation • of resources
Ready for immediate use (minimal training required)•
Quick “do it yourself” installation and relocation: easily • attached to lighting poles, trafc signals or buildings
Virtually maintenance free•
Year-round applications•
Improves the accuracy of forecasting•
Risk mitigation (accurate data and historical records reduce • exposure to litigation)
Convenient, centrally managed solution•
Financial Benefits
Promotes signicant annual savings in equipment • maintenance, road treatment materials, labour and fuel
Cost effective: Reduced installation cost, due to no • requirement for slot-cutting, limited civils works and relatively low power consumption
Saves you the cost of purchasing and operating a server and • managing data
System Features
Integral modem unit for wireless communication with • server
Display in Vaisala visualisation software•
Vaisala Support
24/7 helpdesk support in winter months•
Data management, display and archiving responsibilities • are managed by dedicated experts
You benet from decades of experience in RWIS and • unsurpassed levels of reliability and expertise
Guardian benefits
Operational Benefits
Improved decision-making through real-time information•
Measures grip: an excellent metric to gauge the success of - • and need for - winter maintenance actions
Environmental Benefits
Environmentally friendly: reduces use of fuel and anti-icing • agents
Promotes reduced contamination of soils, vegetation, water, • highway facilities and vehicles
Helps to minimize the corrosion of pavement, bridges and • infrastructures caused by road salt
Information Benefits
Immediate access to meaningful real-time data that is easy • to understand
Access highly accurate data 24/7 from any where with an • Internet connection
Automated alerts by e-mail or SMS when detected • conditions meet thresholds that you set
Data collection and data management all included for the • same price
Option to access shared information with neighbouring • authorities for an increased scope of information
Vaisala is the only company that manufactures all the sensors and RPU electronics on its road weather stations
For more information, visit or contact us at
Ref. B210838EN-B ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.