442.4 x 200 x 43.7 mm (17.42x 7.87 x 1.72")
Without Mount: 2.70 kg (5.95 lb)
WithMount: 2.79 kg (6.15 lb)
Enclosure Material
SGCC Stee l
Total Non-Blocking Throughput
26 Gbps
Switching Capacity
52 Gbps
Forwar ding Rate
38.69 Mpps
Max. Power Consumption
Power Method
Univer sal AC Input: 100-240VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power Supply
AC/DC, Internal, 36W
Networking Interfaces
(24) 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet RJ45 P orts
(2) 1 G bps SFP P orts
Manag ement Inter face
Ethernet In-Ba nd
SMB La yer 2 G igabit Etherne t Switch
ESD/EMP Pr otection
Air: ± 16 kV, Contact: ± 12 kV
Opera ting Tempera ture
-5to 40° C (23 to 104° F)
Opera ting Humidity
10 - 90% Noncondensing
(1) Bootup Animation: Bootup in Prog ress
Firmware Upgra de Icon: Firmware U pgrading
Steady White: Factory D efaults, Awaiting Adoption
Steady Blue: Device is Adopted
Gre en: 1G, Amber: 10/100 Mbps
Gre en: 1G
UniFi Switch 24
U SW -24 i s a ma n ag e d La y e r 2 sw itc h wi th ( 24) Gi ga b it Eth er n et p or ts a nd ( 2) SF P p or ts . It s
co mp ac t 7.9 " d ep th a nd f an le ss de sig n a ll ow it t o be p la ce d in a n y wo r ks pa ce , a nd t he 1 .3 "
to uc hs cr ee n pr o vi de s cu rr e nt s wit ch s ta te s an d th e ne ce s sa ry in fo rma ti on y ou ne ed f or qu ick
di ag n os is.
Specifica tions are sub jec t to chan ge. Ubiq uiti pro ducts are sold with a limited war ranty des cribed at: www .ui.com/sup por t/warr anty
©20 20 Ubiquiti Inc. All rights res erv ed. Ubiquiti, Ubiq uiti Netwo rks , the Ubiqu iti U logo, the Ubiquiti beam logo, Un iFi, and Un iFi Networ k are trademar ks or regis tered trademar ks of Ubiquiti Inc. in the
United States and in other co untries. All other trademar ks are the prope rty of their res pective ow ners .