Appendix E: Contact Information .................................125
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Ubiquiti Networks Support .................................................... 125
Table of ContentsUniFi Controller User Guide
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 1: Software InstallationUniFi Controller User Guide
Chapter 1: Software
Thank you for purchasing the Ubiquiti Networks® UniFi®
Enterprise System. The UniFi devices are bundled with the
UniFi Controller software, which allows you to manage
your UniFi network using a web browser.
This User Guide is for use with version 4.8.7 or above of the
UniFi Controller software.
System Requirements
• Linux, MacOSX, or Microsoft Windows 7/8/10
• Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (1.8 or above
• Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft
Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (or above)
Network Topology Requirements
• A DHCP-enabled network (so any device can obtain an
IP address)
• One of the following:
• UniFi Cloud Key
• A management station running the UniFi Controller
software, located either on-site and connected to the
same Layer-2 network, or off-site* in a cloud or NOC
• For the public address system capability of the
UAP-AC-EDU: A compatible Android™ or iOS device
located on the same Layer-2 network as the UniFi
Controller and UniFi APs
All UniFi devices support off-site management controllers.
Follow the instructions in this chapter after you install the
hardware, which is described in the Quick Start Guide.
Software Installation
Download the latest version of the UniFi Controller
software at
Follow the instructions for your specific computer or
device type.
UniFi Cloud Key Users
If you have the UniFi Cloud Key, please refer to “UniFi
Cloud Key” on page 5 for more information.
UniFi Cloud Users
If you have a UniFi cloud account, please refer to “UniFi
Cloud Account” on page 12 for more information.
Linux Users
Please refer to the UniFi blog on our community site at:
Mac Users
1. Launch UniFi.pkg.
2. Click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions to
install the software.
* Requires Layer-3 adoption. For details, refer to:
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Network Health
Network Health
2 minutes
UniFi Switch
3. Go to Go > Applications and double-click the UniFi
2 minutes
UniFi Security
Gateway PRO
Proceed to “Configuring the UniFi Controller Software”
on page 2.
Sample Network Diagram
Chapter 1: Software InstallationUniFi Controller User Guide
PC Users
1. Launch UniFi-installer.exe.
2. Click Install.
3. If your computer doesn’t have Java 1.6 or above
installed, you will be prompted to install it. Click Install
to continue.
Configuring the UniFi Controller Software
1. The UniFi Controller software startup will begin. Click
Launch a Browser to Manage Wireless Network.
2. Select your country and time zone. Alternatively, you
can click restore from a previous backup to use a file
that contains your backup settings. Click Next.
4. Click Next.
5. Ensure that the Start UniFi Controller after installation
option is checked and click Finish.
Note: The UniFi Controller software can also be
launched from Start > All Programs.
Note: U.S. product versions are locked to the U.S.
Country Code to ensure compliance with FCC
3. Select the devices that you want to configure and
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 1: Software InstallationUniFi Controller User Guide
4. The UniFi Setup Wizard will create a secure primary
wireless network for your devices. Perform the
following steps:
a. Enter the wireless network name (SSID) in the Secure
SSID field.
b. Enter a passphrase to be used for your primary
network in the Security Key field.
c. To enable guest access, select Enable Guest Access,
and enter a guest network name in the Guest SSIDfield.
d. Click Next.
5. Enter an admin name in the Admin Name field and
password in the Password field to use when accessing
the management interface as a super admin. Confirm
your password in the Confirm Password field. Click
6. Review your settings. Click Finish to save your settings
or click Back to make changes. Once the wizard
is finished, the browser will be redirected to the
management interface.
Congratulations, your wireless network is now configured.
A login screen will appear for the UniFi Controller
management interface. Enter the admin name and
password that you created and click Login.
Note: Only the super admin –not any site admin–
can view devices that are Pending Approval and
then adopt them on the UniFi Controller. Ensure
that you save the super admin login information for
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Proceed to “Using the UniFi Controller Software” on
page 17 for information on using the UniFi Controller
Chapter 1: Software InstallationUniFi Controller User Guide
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
UAP-AC Outdoor
UniFi Cloud Key
UniFi Switch
UniFi Security
Gateway PRO
Chapter 2: UniFi Cloud
You can access the UniFi Controller via the UniFi Cloud Key
and/or the UniFi cloud account. This chapter describes the
• UniFi Cloud Key
• “UniFi Cloud Account” on page 12
UniFi Cloud Key
The UniFi Cloud Key includes the pre-installed UniFi
Controller software.
System Requirement
Web Browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft
Edge, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (or above)
Network Topology Requirement
A DHCP-enabled network (for the UniFi Cloud Key to
obtain an IP address)
Chrome Instructions
1. Ensure that your host system is on the same Layer-2
network as the UniFi CloudKey.
2. Launch the Chrome web browser and type in the address field. Press enter
(PC) or return (Mac).
3. Enter the username and password for your UBNT
account. Click Sign In.
Software Installation
After you follow the hardware installation instructions
in the UniFi Cloud Key Quick Start Guide, use one of the
following methods to launch the software:
• If you are using Chrome, go to the Chrome Instructions
section (recommended).
• If you are using a different web browser, go to
“Instructions for Other Web Browsers” on page 7.
Sample Network Diagram
4. Click Find Cloud Key.
Note: The default fallback IP address of the UniFi
Cloud Key is
5. If the Ubiquiti® Device Discovery Tool is already
installed, proceed to step 7.
If the tool is not installed, you will be prompted to add
it. Proceed to step 6.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
6. To install the tool:
a. Click Install.
b. Click Add app to confirm.
7. The Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool will search for the
UniFi Cloud Key. Select it to continue.
9. Wait for the UniFi Controller to be adopted, and then
select it.
10. Click Launch Site.
8. Configure the UniFi Controller:
a. Select the appropriate country.
b. Select the appropriate time zone.
c. Enter an admin name in the Admin Name field
and a password in the Password field to use when
accessing the management interface.
d. Confirm your password in the Confirm Password
e. Keep the IP address or enter a hostname in the
Controller Hostname field.
f. If you want to set up an SSH login for management
access to the UniFi Cloud Key, then select Use non-default SSH credentials. Enter a username in
the SSH Username field, and enter a password in the
SSH Password field.
g. Click Submit to save your changes.
A login screen will appear for the UniFi Controller
management interface. Enter the admin name and
password that you created and click Login.
Proceed to “Using the UniFi Controller Software” on page 17 for information on using the UniFi Controller
Note: A future feature will enable backup of the
UniFi Controller database and configuration on the
included microSD card.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
Instructions for Other Web Browsers
1. Ensure that your host system is on the same Layer-2
network as the UniFi CloudKey.
2. The UniFi Cloud Key is set to DHCP by default, so it
will try to automatically obtain an IP address. Assign a
specific IP address to the UniFi Cloud Key, or check the
DHCP server for its IP address.
Note: The default fallback IP address of the UniFi
Cloud Key is
3. Launch the web browser. In the address field, type
https:// followed by the appropriate IP address. Press
enter (PC) or return (Mac).
4. Click Manage to run the UniFi Setup Wizard.
6. Select the devices that you want to configure and
7. The UniFi Setup Wizard will create a secure primary
wireless network for your devices. Perform the
following steps:
Note: You can click Configure to change the
settings of the UniFi Cloud Key (refer to “UniFi Cloud Key Configuration” on page 8 for
more information). The default login is ubnt/ubnt
or root/ubnt.
5. The UniFi Setup Wizard screen appears. Alternatively,
you can click restore from a previous backup to use a
file that contains your backup settings. Click Next.
Note: U.S. product versions are locked to the U.S.
Country Code to ensure compliance with FCC
a. Enter the wireless network name (SSID) in the Secure
SSID field.
b. Enter a passphrase to be used for your primary
network in the Security Key field.
c. To enable guest access, select Enable Guest Access,
and enter a guest network name in the Guest SSIDfield.
d. Click Next.
8. Enter an admin name in the Admin Name field and
password in the Password field to use when accessing
the management interface as a super admin. Confirm
your password in the Confirm Password field. Click Next.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
Note: Only the super admin –not any site
admin– can view devices that are Pending
Approval and then adopt them on the UniFi
Controller. Ensure that you save the super admin
login information for futureuse.
9. Review your settings. Click Finish to save your settings
or click Back to make changes. Once the wizard
is finished, the browser will be redirected to the
management interface.
Congratulations, your wireless network is now configured.
A login screen will appear for the UniFi Controller
management interface. Enter the admin name and
password that you created and click Login.
UniFi Cloud Key Configuration
Login Instructions
1. Ensure that your host system is on the same Layer-2
network as the UniFi CloudKey.
2. The UniFi Cloud Key is set to DHCP by default, so it
will try to automatically obtain an IP address. Assign a
specific IP address to the UniFi Cloud Key, or check the
DHCP server for its IP address.
Note: The default fallback IP address of the UniFi
Cloud Key is
3. Launch the web browser. In the address field, type
https:// followed by the appropriate IP address. Press
enter (PC) or return (Mac).
4. You have two options:
• Manage Click Manage to access the UniFi
Controller. Proceed to “Using the UniFi Controller Software” on page 17 for more information.
• Configure Click Configure to change the settings of
the UniFi Cloud Key.
Proceed to “Using the UniFi Controller Software” on page 17 for information on using the UniFi Controller
Note: A future feature will enable backup of the
UniFi Controller database and configuration on the
included microSD card.
5. After you click Configure, enter the Username and
Password (the default login is ubnt/ubnt). Then click
The Main screen will appear.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
Navigation Bar
The UniFi Cloud Key configuration consists of three
primary pages:
• “Main” on page 9
• “Configuration” on page 10
• “Maintenance” on page 10
At the top right of each screen, click the Username to
display the Change Password and Logout options:
Change password To change the password, click
. The Change Password screen will appear:
The Main screen displays basic status information about
the UniFi Cloud Key.
Device Name Displays the hostname or alias of the UniFi
Cloud Key.
MAC Address Displays the MAC address or hardware
identifier of the UniFi Cloud Key.
Version Displays the version number of the UniFi Cloud
Key firmware.
Uptime Displays the duration of time the UniFi Cloud Key
has been running.
Date Displays the current date and time.
Disk Space
Available Displays the percentage of available disk space.
Used Displays the amount of used disk space.
Free Displays the amount of available disk space.
Total Displays the total amount of disk space.
• Old password Enter the current password (the default
is ubnt).
• New password Enter the new password.
• Confirm Password Enter the new password again.
• Submit Click Submit to apply changes.
• Cancel Click Cancel to discard changes.
Logout To manually sign out of the UniFi Cloud Key
configuration, click .
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
The Configuration screen allows you to configure the basic
and network settings of the UniFi Cloud Key.
Basic Settings
Device Name Enter a descriptive name or identifier for
the UniFi Cloud Key. Also known as a host name.
Time Zone Select the appropriate time zone.
Reset Button Use of the hardware Reset button on the
UniFi Cloud Key is enabled by default. To prevent an
accidental reset to default settings, click to toggle Off.
Network Settings
Configuration Mode Select the Internet connection type
for your service: Static or DHCP.
• Static The service provider assigns fixed network
settings to your service for manual entry. Enter the
following information:
- IP address Enter the Internet IP address of the UniFi
Cloud Key.
- Netmask Enter the subnet mask of the UniFi Cloud
- Gateway Enter the IP address of the network’s
gateway router.
- Primary DNS Enter the IP address of the network’s
primary DNS server.
- Secondary DNS Enter the IP address of the network’s
secondary DNS server.
• DHCP The use of the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) is the default. The UniFi Cloud Key
automatically acquires network settings from the
network’s DHCP server.
- Fallback IP Address Enter the IP address for the UniFi
Cloud Key to use if an external DHCP server is not
- Fallback Netmask Enter the netmask for the UniFi
Cloud Key to use if an external DHCP server is not
Apply Changes Click Apply Changes to save changes.
Discard Click Discard to cancel changes.
The Maintenance screen contains administrative options,
so you can change the password, reboot the UniFi Cloud
Key, power it off, reset it to factory defaults, upgrade the
UniFi Cloud Key firmware, or upgrade the UniFi Controller
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
Password To change the password, click Change
Password. The Change Password screen will appear:
• Old password Enter the current password (the default
is ubnt).
• New password Enter the new password.
• Confirm Password Enter the new password again.
• Submit Click Submit to apply changes.
• Cancel Click Cancel to discard changes.
Reboot Click Reboot to powercycle the UniFi Cloud Key.
Power Off Click Power Off to turn off the UniFi Cloud Key.
Reset to Defaults Click Reset to Defaults to reset the
UniFi Cloud Key to its factory default settings. This option
will reboot the UniFi Cloud Key, and all factory default
settings will be restored.
Note: We recommend that you back up your UniFi
Controller configuration (refer to “Backup” on page 31 for more information) before resetting the
UniFi Cloud Key to its defaults.
Version Displays the version number of the UniFi Cloud
Key firmware.
Check for Updates Click Check for Updates to see if
there is a newer firmware version. If there is, then you can
follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade now.
Update Manually Click Update Manually to update the
firmware. The Please Confirm Update screen will appear.
You have two options:
• upload file If you have the firmware saved in a specific
location, then click Select File to browse for the file.
• get file from URL If you know the URL of the firmware’s
location, then enter it in the URL field.
• Update Click Update to proceed with the update.
• Cancel Click Cancel to skip the update.
Note: Updating the UniFi Cloud Key firmware will
also update the UniFi Controller software. We
recommend that you back up your UniFi Controller
configuration (refer to “Backup” on page 31 for
more information) before updating the UniFi Cloud
Key firmware.
Version Displays the version number of the UniFi
Controller software.
Check for Updates Click Check for Updates to see if
there is a newer software version. If there is, then you can
follow the on-screen instructions to upgrade now.
Note: We recommend that you back up your UniFi
Controller configuration (refer to “Backup” on page 31 for more information) before upgrading.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
UniFi Cloud Account
You must be a super admin for initial cloud management.
Once cloud access is enabled by the super admin, then
any other admin can also enable cloud access.
Note: The cloud account is also known as the Single
Sign-On (SSO) account.
Login Instructions
1. Launch the Chrome web browser and type
https:// followed by the appropriate Controller
Hostname/IP address as specified in “Settings >
Controller” on page 30. Press enter (PC) or return
2. Enter the username and password for your UBNT
account. Click Sign In.
(icon) Displays the icon corresponding to the device
running the UniFi Controller. Green indicates an active
UniFi Controller. Gray indicates an inactive UniFi Controller.
UniFi Cloud Key
Controller Displays the hostname, alias, or MAC address
of the device running the UniFi Controller. You can click
the name to get additional details at the bottom of the
screen. (Go to “Additional Details” on page 13 for
more information.)
IP Address Displays the IP address of the device running
the UniFi Controller.
Sites Displays the total number of sites managed by the
UniFi Controller.
Devices Displays the total number of devices managed
by the UniFi Controller.
Clients Displays the total number of clients on the sites
managed by the UniFi Controller.
Version Displays the software version number of your
UniFi Controller.
Actions Click a button to perform the desired action:
• Remove Click
from your cloud account.
Chat At the lower left of the screen, click
window for online chat support.
to remove the UniFi Controller
to open a
Note: If you do not have an account, click
Register and follow the on-screen instructions.
A list of UniFi Controllers will appear.
# Displays the number of UniFi Controllers.
Search Enter the text you want to search for. Simply
begin typing; there is no need to press Enter.
You can click any of the column headers to change the
At the top right of the screen, click to display the My
Account and Sign Out options:
My Account To change your account settings and/or
password, click . The Account Settings screen
will appear:
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
There are three pages available:
• Profile Access your account settings:
- First Name Enter your first name.
- Last Name Enter your last name.
- Username Enter your login username.
- Email Enter the email address of your cloud account.
- Update Settings Click to apply your changes.
• Security Change your account password:
- Create a New Password Enter a new password with
at least eight characters.
- Update Settings Click to apply your changes.
IP address Displays the IP address of the UniFi Cloud Key.
(status) Displays the status information: Adopted or
Pending Adoption.
mac Displays the MAC address or hardware identifier of
the UniFi Cloud Key.
firmware Displays the firmware version number of the
UniFi Cloud Key.
Manage Click to configure the UniFi Cloud Key. Refer to
“UniFi Cloud Key Configuration” on page 8 for more
Cancel Click to exit this screen.
Additional Details
Select a UniFi Controller to display more information at
the bottom of the screen.
• Beta Program Follow the on-screen instructions if you
want to join the beta program.
Sign Out To manually sign out of the cloud account, click
Find Cloud Key
To add a UniFi Cloud Key, click Find Cloud Key at the top
right of the screen. The Find Cloud Key screen will appear:
IP address Displays the IP address of the UniFi Cloud Key.
(status) Displays the status information: Pending
mac Displays the MAC address or hardware identifier of
the UniFi Cloud Key.
firmware Displays the firmware version number of the
UniFi Cloud Key.
Adopt Click to adopt the UniFi Cloud Key. Refer to step
8 of “Chrome Instructions” on page 5 for more
Cancel Click to exit this screen.
• (icon) Green indicates an active UniFi Controller. Gray
indicates an inactive UniFi Controller.
• (controller_name) Displays the Controller Hostname/IP
address as specified in “Settings > Controller” on page
• IP Address Displays the IP address of the device
running the UniFi Controller.
• Sites Displays the total number of sites managed by the
UniFi Controller.
• Software Version Displays the software version
number of your UniFi Controller.
• Devices Displays the total number of devices managed
by the UniFi Controller.
• Clients Displays the total number of clients on the sites
managed by the UniFi Controller.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
• Search Enter the text you want to search for. Simply
begin typing; there is no need to press Enter.
• (site_name) Displays the name of the site. You can click
the name to get additional details on the right.
• (_ Unread Alerts) Displays the number of unread alerts.
• Launch Site Click Launch Site to access the UniFi
Controller. Proceed to “Using the UniFi Controller Software” on page 17 for more information.
• (map) Displays a visual representation of your
network’s status. The status of each dashboard node is
indicated by color:
- Green Green indicates that the node is active and all
devices are online.
- Red Red indicates one of the following:
• WWW Internet connectivity is down.
• WAN The UniFi Security Gateway is offline.
• LAN One or more Switches are offline.
• WLAN More than half of the APs are offline.
- Orange Orange indicates that half or fewer than half
of the APs are offline.
Note: Orange is not applicable to the WWW,
WAN, and LAN nodes.
You can place the mouse over each node icon to display
basic status information.
- WWW The basic details of the Internet connection
are displayed.
• Gateway Displays the IP address of the service
provider’s gateway.
• DNS Displays the IP addresses of the Domain Name
System (DNS) servers.
• IP Displays the Internet IP address of the UniFi
Security Gateway.
• Uptime Displays the length of time the Internet
connection has been active.
• Latency Displays the amount of time it takes a
packet to travel from the UniFi Security Gateway to
the service provider’s gateway.
• Up Displays the upload rate of your Internet
• Down Displays the download rate of your Internet
- WAN The basic details of the UniFi Security Gateway
connection are displayed.
- Gray Gray indicates that there are no devices
available for that node.
• LAN IP Displays the local IP address of the UniFi
Security Gateway.
• Clients Displays the total number of local clients.
• Up Displays the upload rate of the UniFi Security
• Down Displays the download rate of the UniFi
Security Gateway.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
- LAN The basic details of the wired network(s) are
• Gateway Displays the IP address of the service
provider’s gateway.
• Users Displays the number of clients connected to
the wired network.
• Guests Displays the number of clients connected
to the guest wired network.
• Switches Displays the number of UniFi Switches
connected to the wired network.
• Up Displays the upload rate of the wired
• Down Displays the download rate of the wired
- WLAN The basic details of the wireless network(s) are
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
• Users Displays the number of clients connected to
the primary wireless network(s).
• Guests Displays the number of clients connected
to the guest wireless network(s).
• APs Displays the number of APs in the primary
wireless network(s) and the number of APs in the
guest wireless network(s).
• Up Displays the upload rate of the wireless
• Down Displays the download rate of the wireless
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 2: UniFi CloudUniFi Controller User Guide
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
UniFi Controller User Guide
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi
Controller Software
The UniFi Controller software has a browser-based
interface for easy configuration and management.
To access the interface, perform the following steps:
1. Launch the UniFi Controller application if hasn’t already
been started.
• Mac users: Go > Applications > UniFi
• Windows users: Start > All Programs >
2. The UniFi login screen will appear. Enter the username
and password in the appropriate fields and clickLogIn.
Click the refresh icon to update the on-screen
information. Select the refresh interval: 15seconds,
1minute, 2minutes (default), 5minutes, or Never.
At the top right of the screen, click to display the
Change Password and Sign Out options:
Change Password To change the login name and/or
password, click . The Change My Password
screen will appear:
Navigation Bar
The UniFi software consists of six primary pages. This User
Guide covers each page with a chapter. For details on a
specific page, refer to the appropriate chapter.
“Dashboard” on page 33
“Map” on page 37
“Devices” on page 43
“Clients” on page 51
“Statistics” on page 55
“Insights” on page 59
Common Interface Options
The common interface options are accessible from all tabs
in the UniFi interface.
• Admin Enter the admin name.
• Email Enter the email address of the admin account.
• Password Enter the new password.
• Confirm Password Enter the new password again.
• Save Click to apply changes.
• Cancel Click
Sign Out To manually sign out of the UniFi Configuration
Interface, click .
to discard changes.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
UniFi Controller User Guide
The UniFi Controller can manage multiple UniFi networks,
which are called sites. Each site has its own configurations,
maps, statistics, guest portals, and site administrator
accounts. The multiple sites are logically separated, and
the initial site is named Default.
Current Site To create a new site, click the drop-down
arrow to display the drop-down menu.
Click Add Site, and the Add Site screen will appear:
• Site Name Enter a name that describes the site. It will
be used in the Current Site drop-down menu.
• Submit Click
to save changes.
The Properties tab is hidden by default. To display it, click
the properties icon.
Information about each selected device appears as a
popup within this tab. The information varies depending
on the device type. For more information, see the
appropriate chapter:
• “UniFi Security Gateway Details” on page 67
• “UniFi Switch Details” on page 75
• “UniFi Access Point Details” on page 83
• “UniFi VoIP Phone Details” on page 95
• “Client Details” on page 97
The tab displays a list of available sub-tabs:
• Site Site-related settings.
• Wireless Networks Wireless network and group setup,
including Zero Handoff Roaming.
• Networks Wired network setup.
• Guest Control Guest portal and policies.
• Admins Admin accounts and privileges.
• User Groups User group settings.
• VoIP VoIP setup.
• Extensions VoIP extension, group, and conference
• Controller Identity, discovery, and email server settings.
• Cloud Access Cloud login credentials.
• Maintenance System configuration backup, system
configuration restore, and support files.
Settings > Site
Configure the site-specific settings. To switch sites, select a
different site from the Current Site drop-down menu at the
top of any screen.
Controls and Live Chat
At the bottom left of the screen, there are three controls:
• Alerts (see “Alerts” on page 32)
Events (see “Events” on page 32)
At the bottom right of the screen, there is the live chat
tab. Click
Chat with us
to open a window for online chat
Site Configuration
Site Name Change the name of the site.
Country Select the appropriate country.
Time Zone Select the appropriate time zone.
Automatic Upgrade When enabled, the following
options will automatically upgrade your firmware when an
update is available.
• Automatically upgrade AP firmware Select this option
to automatically upgrade firmware on the APs.
• Automatically upgrade phone firmware Select
this option to automatically upgrade firmware on the
LED When enabled, the LED on the UniFi device will light
up. When disabled, the LED will turn off.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
UniFi Controller User Guide
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
DPI (Beta) Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is more
advanced than conventional Stateful Packet Inspection
(SPI) filtering for traffic analysis. Ubiquiti’s proprietary
DPI engine includes the latest application identification
signatures to track which applications (and IP addresses)
are using the most bandwidth.
• Clear DPI Counters Click to delete all collected DPI
data. Click Confirm or Cancel.
Alert Select this option to enable alert emails, which will
be sent to the email addresses of the administrators.
Uplink Connectivity Monitor It monitors the uplinks of
the managed APs, either wired or wireless, by checking to
see if the gateway/custom IP can be reached. The monitor
and wireless uplink capability are enabled by default.
• Default Gateway Enabled by default. All managed
APs will use the gateway of the AP that is providing IP
information, either by DHCP or Static designation.
• Custom IP Click to specify an IP address.
- Uplink IP Address All managed APs will use the IP
address you enter.
SNMP Select this option to activate the SNMP
(Simple Network Monitor Protocol) agent. SNMP
is an application layer protocol that facilitates the
exchange of management information between
network devices. Network administrators use SNMP
to monitor network-attached devices for issues that
• Community String Specify the SNMP community
string. It is required to authenticate access to MIB
(Management Information Base) objects and functions
as an embedded password. The device supports a
read-only community string; authorized management
stations have read access to all the objects in the MIB
except the community strings, but do not have write
access. The device supports SNMP v1. The default
Remote Logging Enable to define a remote syslog server.
• Remote IP Address Enter the IP address of the syslog
• Port Enter the port number of the syslog server. The
default is 514.
Device Authentication This option protects SSH access
to the UniFi devices. All devices in the same site share the
same SSH username and password. You can also make
• Username Enter the new username.
• Password Enter the new password.
Apply Click
to save changes.
Settings > Wireless Networks
Configure the wireless networks for each site. You can
have up to four wireless network names or SSIDs per
WLAN Group The Default WLAN group is automatically
Add a New WLAN Group To add a new WLAN group,
click the button. Go to the Add or Edit a WLAN Group
Add or Edit a WLAN Group
• Name Enter or edit a descriptive name for the WLAN
• Mobility To enable seamless roaming (Zero Handoff),
select the checkbox.
Note: The UAP-AC, UAP-AC-Outdoor, UAP-AC-LITE,
support Zero Handoff Roaming.
When you enable this option, multiple Access Points
(APs) act as an AP cluster, appearing as a single AP. The
wireless client detects only one AP, so it seamlessly
roams from AP to AP – there is no need to re-negotiate.
The APs determine which AP has the best connection
and should serve the client. They use multicasting to
communicate so they must be wired in the same Layer 2
Zero Handoff Roaming does not support wireless
uplinks and can only be used on a secured network. It
is also not meant for all scenarios. For example, if there
is too much load or interference, then Zero Handoff
Roaming may not be appropriate for your scenario.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
Configure the following options:
- Radio Select the appropriate radio, 2G or 5G.
- Channel Select the channel that all of the APs will use
for Zero Handoff Roaming.
Load Balancing (Not available if you enabled the Mobility
option.) Select this option to balance the number of
clients you specify per radio. Then enter the number of
clients in the field provided.
Legacy Support (Not available if you enabled the Mobility
option.) By default, legacy devices, such as 802.11b
devices, are excluded. Select this option if you want to
support legacy devices.
Save Click to apply changes.
UniFi Controller User Guide
Create or Edit a Wireless Network
• Name/SSID Enter or edit the wireless network name
• Enabled Select this option to make this network active.
• Security Select the type of security to use on your
wireless network.
- Open This option is typically only used on the guest
network. When enabled, wireless network access is
open to anyone without requiring a password.
- WEP WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is the oldest
and least secure security algorithm. WPA
methods should be used when possible.
Cancel Click
to discard changes.
For each WLAN group, you have the following:
• Remove a WLAN Group To remove a WLAN group,
select it from the drop-down menu, and then click the
• Options To make changes, select the WLAN group from
the drop-down menu, and then click . Go to “Add
or Edit a WLAN Group” on page 19.
Wireless Networks
Name Displays the wireless network name or SSID.
Security Displays the type of security being used on your
wireless network.
Guest Network Indicates whether or not the network is a
guest network.
Actions Click a button to perform the desired action:
• Edit Click to make changes to the wireless
network settings. Go to the Create or Edit a Wireless Network section in the next column.
• Delete Click
Create Wireless Network Click
a wireless network. Go to the Create or Edit a Wireless
Network section in the next column.
to remove the wireless network.
to add
• WEP Key Enter a WEP encryption key in
hexadecimal format. You can enter a 64-bit or
128-bit key:
64-bit10 Hexadecimal Characters
(0-9, A-F, or a-f )
Example: 00112233AA
Note: You can use 5 printable characters,
which will be translated to the
corresponding HEX code.
128-bit26 Hexadecimal Characters
(0-9, A-F, or a-f )
Note: You can use 13 printable
characters, which will be translated to the
corresponding HEX code.
• Key Index Specify which Index of the WEP Key
to use. Four different WEP keys can be configured
at the same time, but only one is used. Select the
effective key: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
- WPA-Personal WPA or Wi-Fi Protected Access was
developed as an encryption method stronger than
WEP. WPA-Personal requires a passphrase to connect
to the wireless network.
• Security Key Enter the passphrase that users will
use to connect to the wireless network.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
UniFi Controller User Guide
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
- WPA-Enterprise WPA Enterprise uses a RADIUS
server to authenticate users on the wireless network.
• RADIUS Auth Server Provide the following
information about the RADIUS authentication
• IP Address Enter the IP address.
• Port Enter the port number. The default is 1812.
• Password Enter the password.
• Delete Click the delete
icon to remove this
authentication server.
• Add Auth Server If you have another
authentication server, click this option and
complete the IP Address, Port, and Password fields.
• RADIUS Accounting Server Provide the following
information about the RADIUS server:
• IP Address Enter the IP address.
• Port Enter the port number. The default is 1813.
• Password Enter the password.
• Delete Click the delete
icon to remove this
accounting server.
• Add Acct Server If you have another accounting
server, click this option and complete the IP Address, Port, and Password fields.
• Guest Policy Select this option to enable guest access
policies on this wireless network.
Advanced Options
• Hide SSID Select this option if you don’t want the
wireless network name or SSID to be broadcast.
• WPA Mode (Available if WPA security is enabled.) Select
the appropriate WPA method: Both, WPA1 Only, or
WPA2 Only (default).
• Encryption Select the appropriate encryption method:
Auto, TKIP Only, or AES/CCMPOnly (default).
• User Group Assign wireless users to a specific user
group. For more information about user groups, see
“Settings > User Groups” on page 28.
• UAPSD Disabled by default. Unscheduled Automatic
Power Save Delivery. Select this option to enable the
power save mode of Wi-Fi devices.
• Scheduled Select Enable WLAN Schedule to restrict
wireless access to the schedule you set.
- Monday-Sunday Select the days you want to
- Hours Use the sliders to select the start and end
times of the day’s wireless access.
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
Settings > Networks
Configure the networks for each site.
• VLAN To use a VLAN, select Use VLAN ID and enter the
VLAN ID number.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
Name Displays the network name.
Purpose Displays a description of this network.
Subnet Displays the IP address and prefix size.
VLAN Displays the VLAN ID, if applicable.
Actions Click a button to perform the desired action:
• Edit Click
settings. Go to “Create or Edit a Network” on page
• Delete (Not available for the default network.) Click
to remove the network.
Create New Network Click
network. Go to “Create or Edit a Network” on page 22.
to make changes to the network
to add a
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
UniFi Controller User Guide
Create or Edit a Network
• Name Enter or edit the network name.
• Purpose Select the most appropriate description:
Corporate, Guest, Remote User VPN, Site-to-Site VPN,
Voice, or VLAN Only. Then follow the instructions for
your selection:
Corporate or Guest Network
• DHCP WINS Server Select this option to designate
WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server(s).
- WINS Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the WINS
server in each field.
• DHCP Lease Time The IP addresses assigned by the
DHCP server are valid only for the duration specified
by the lease time. Increasing the time ensures client
operation without interruption, but could introduce
potential conflicts. Decreasing the lease time avoids
potential address conflicts, but might cause more slight
interruptions to the client while it acquires a new IP
address from the DHCP server. Enter the number of
• DHCP Guarding Disabled by default. Select this option
to detect and block unauthorized DHCP servers.
- Trusted DHCP Server IP Enter the IP address of the
trusted DHCP server.
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
Remote User VPN
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
• IP/Subnet Enter the IP address and prefix size.
• VLAN (Not available for the default Corporate network,
LAN.) Enter the VLAN ID.
• IGMP Snooping Select this option to monitor IGMP
(Internet Group Management Protocol) traffic and
thereby manage multicast traffic.
• DHCP Server Enabled by default. The local DHCP server
assigns IP addresses to DHCP clients on the network.
• DHCP Range Enter the starting and ending IP
addresses of the range in the fields provided.
• DHCP Name Server Configure the name or DNS
(Domain Name System) server setting.
- Auto Enabled by default. Name servers are
automatically assigned by the DHCP server.
- Manual Select this option to manually select name
• Name Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the name
server in each field.
• IP/Subnet Enter the IP address and prefix size.
• IP Pool The starting and ending IP addresses of the
pool automatically appear after you complete the
IP/Subnet field.
• Name Server Configure the name or DNS (Domain
Name System) server setting.
- Auto Enabled by default. Name servers are
automatically assigned by the DHCP server.
- Manual Select this option to manually select name
• Name Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the name
server in each field.
• WINS Server Select this option to designate WINS
(Windows Internet Naming Service) server(s).
- WINS Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the WINS
server in each field.
• RADIUS IP Enter the IP address of the RADIUS server,
which is used for authentication.
• RADIUS Password Enter the password of the RADIUS
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
UniFi Controller User Guide
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
• Site-to-Site VPN Enabled by default. The remote user
can access the site’s resources as well as the resources of
any other VPNs connected to the site. If you disable this
option, then the remote user can only access the site’s
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
Site-to-Site VPN
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
• Remote Site Select the appropriate site from the
drop-down list.
Note: If you have admin privileges for the local and
remote sites, then you can view and select sites.
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
- Manual Select this option to manually select name
• Name Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the name
server in each field.
• DHCP WINS Server Select this option to designate
WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) server(s).
- WINS Server 1/2 Enter the IP address of the WINS
server in each field.
• DHCP Lease Time The IP addresses assigned by the
DHCP server are valid only for the duration specified
by the lease time. Increasing the time ensures client
operation without interruption, but could introduce
potential conflicts. Decreasing the lease time avoids
potential address conflicts, but might cause more slight
interruptions to the client while it acquires a new IP
address from the DHCP server. Enter the number of
• DHCP Guarding Select this option to detect and block
unauthorized DHCP servers.
- Trusted DHCP Server IP Enter the IP address of the
trusted DHCP server.
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
If you enable VoIP, then the UniFi Controller automatically
creates a Voice network; otherwise this network option is
not available.
• IP/Subnet Enter the IP address and prefix size.
• IGMP Snooping Select this option to monitor IGMP
(Internet Group Management Protocol) traffic and
thereby manage multicast traffic.
• DHCP Server Enabled by default. The local DHCP server
assigns IP addresses to DHCP clients on the network.
• DHCP Range Enter the starting and ending IP
addresses of the range in the fields provided.
• DHCP Name Server Configure the name or DNS
(Domain Name System) server setting.
- Auto Enabled by default. Name servers are
automatically assigned by the DHCP server.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
• VLAN Enter the ID number of the VLAN. Devices
belonging to the same VLAN communicate as if
they were attached to the same wire. Every VLAN ID
represents a different VLAN. The VLAN ID range is 2 to
• IGMP Snooping Select this option to monitor IGMP
(Internet Group Management Protocol) traffic and
thereby manage multicast traffic.
• DHCP Guarding Select this option to detect and block
unauthorized DHCP servers.
- Trusted DHCP Server IP Enter the IP address of the
trusted DHCP server.
• Save Click
• Cancel Click
to apply changes.
to discard changes.
Chapter 3: Using the UniFi Controller Software
UniFi Controller User Guide
Settings > Guest Control
The Guest Control screen displays the following sections:
• Guest Policies (see below)
• “Hotspot” on page 25 (for Hotspot authentication)
• “Access Control” on page 27
Guest Policies
Enable Guest Portal Disabled by default. When disabled,
guests can access the Internet without entering a
password or accepting the Terms of Use. When this option
is enabled, you can control the Guest Portal.
Authentication When the Guest Portal is enabled, the
authentication options will appear:
• “Authentication > No Authentication” on page 24
• “Authentication > Simple Password” on page 24
• “Authentication > Hotspot” on page 25
• “Authentication > External Portal Server” on page 27
Authentication > No Authentication
Select this option if guests are not required to log in, but
must accept the Terms of Use. You must also select Enable Guest Portal under Settings > Guest Control to enforce
selection of the Terms of Use by the guest. See “Guest
Policy” on page 21 for more information.
Landing Page After accepting the Terms of Use, guests
are redirected to the landing page. Select one of the
following options:
• Redirect to the original URL After accepting the Terms
of Use, guests are directed to the URL they requested.
• Promotional URL After accepting the Terms of Use,
guests are redirected to the URL that you specify. Ensure
that the URL begins with http://.
Portal Customization Select this option to have
customized portal pages appear in place of the default
login pages. See “Portal Customization” on page 107
for details on setting up custom portal pages.
Portal URL Hostname Select this option to enter and
use a hostname for the portal URL in place of the default
IP address. Paired with an SSL certificate, this ensures
that site certificates are displayed as trusted in the guest
browser. Example:
When logging in with No authentication, guests will be
required to accept the Terms of Use before gaining access
to the Internet.
Authentication > Simple Password
Select this option if guests are required to enter a simple
password and accept the Terms of Use. You must also
select Enable Guest Portal under Settings > Guest Control
to enforce password entry and selection of the Terms of
Use by the guest. See “Guest Policy” on page 21 for
more information.
Expiration Specify the guest login expiration after a
designated period of time: 8 hours, 24hours, 2 days, 3 days,
4 days, 7 days, or User-defined, which can be designated in
minutes, hours, and days.
Guest Password Enter a password that guests must enter
before accepting the Terms of Use and connecting to the
Expiration Specify the guest login expiration after a
designated period of time: 8 hours, 24hours, 2 days, 3 days,
4 days, 7 days, or User-defined, which can be designated in
minutes, hours, and days.
Ubiquiti Networks, Inc.
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