Quick Installation Guide
LED Indication
Interface Panel
7106506355 REV1.0.0
Typical Network Topology
Solid green
The device is working properly.
Flashing red
System errors. RAM, Flash,
Ethernet, WLAN or firmware
may be malfunctioning.
Flashing yellow
Firmware update is in progress.
Do not disconnect or power off
the device.
Double-flashing red, green, yellow
The device is being reset to its
factory default settings.
With the device powered on, press and hold the button for about 8 seconds until the LED flashes red, then
release the button. The device will restore to factory default settings.
The port is used to connect to a router or a switch to transmit data or to a PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment),
such as a PoE switch, for both data transmission and Power over Ethernet (PoE) through Ethernet cabling.
Hardware Installation
The EAP can be ceiling rail mounted, ceiling-mounted, or wall-mounted.
The instructions for various mounting options are on the back of this Quick Installation Guide.
Option 1: Ceiling Rail Mounting
Option 2: Ceiling Mounting
A DHCP server (typically a router) is required to assign IP addresses to the EAPs and clients in your local network.
The management host can be in the same or different network segment with the EAPs.
Power Supply
The EAP can be powered via a PSE device (such as a PoE switch) or a power adapter.
Via PoE Switch
PoE Switch
Connect an Ethernet cable from the PoE switch to the ETHERNET port.
Via Power Adapter
PoE Adapter
Manangement Host
To quickly set up a wireless network connection with mass EAPs, you can manage the EAPs via EAP Controller or in Cluster mode.
Software Configuration
Via EAP Controller
Note: The IP address of the management host must be reachable for the EAPs in the network. In this example, the management host is in the same
LAN with the EAPs.
Step 1: Installing the EAP Controller
On the management host, download the EAP Controller installation file from the product support page at
www.tp-link.com. Run the file and follow the wizard to install the EAP Controller.
Step 2: Configuring the EAP Controller
Launch the EAP Controller and follow the configuration wizard to create a primary wireless network. After the wizard
is finished, a login screen will appear. Enter the Admin name and password you created and click
Sign In.
Step 3: Adopting the EAP devices
Adopt the EAP devices in the Controller management interface to change their status from pending to connected.
Option 3: Wall Mounting
Via Cluster Mode
Note: 1. The EAPs forming a cluster must be of the same model and in the same LAN.
2. EAPs with the same cluster name will form a cluster.
3. The management host must be in the same LAN with the EAPs.
Step 1: Logging in to the EAP
On the management host, open a browser and type the IP address (assigned by the DHCP server) of the EAP in the
address field, and press the
Enter key. Fill in admin (all lowercase) for both username and password to login.
Step 2: Choosing the Work Mode
Choose the work mode as Cluster in the drop-down box, the EAP will reboot and switch to Cluster mode. The EAPs
with the same cluster name will form a cluster and one of them will be elected as the Master EAP automatically.
Step 3: Managing the EAPs
On the management host, log in to to any EAP’s IP address and you will be redirected to the Master EAP’s web manmgement
page, where you can manage each EAP in the cluster.
Plug one end of the provided power adapter into the POWER port of the EAP and the other end to a standard
electrical wall outlet.
For More Configurations
Now you can manage your wireless network and view network statistic using the EAP Controller. Please refer to
the EAP Controller User Guide to learn more information about configuring and using the Controller software.
For More Configurations
Now you can manage your wireless network and view network statistic in cluster mode. Please refer to the
EAP User Guide to learn more information about Cluster mode.

Option 1: Ceiling Rail Mounting
Option 2: Ceiling Mounting
Option 3: Wall Mounting
Ceiling T-rail Clip M3×6 Pan-head Screws
Position the Ceiling T-rail Clip and push the movable
part toward the rail base.
Use an M3×6 pan-head screw to secure the T-rail Clip
onto the ceiling rail.
Hole for Ethernet cable
M3×30 Pan-head Screws
Remove the ceiling tile.
Place the mounting bracket in the center of the ceiling
tile. Mark the three positions of the screw holes and a
10mm hole for the Ethernet cable to feed through.
Drill three 4mm holes and a 10mm hole for the Ethernet
Wing Nuts
M3×28 Plastic Wall Anchors
M3×20 Self-tapping Screws
Attach the EAP to the mounting bracket by aligning
ARROW 1 (on the EAP) with ARROW 2 (on the
mounting bracket), then rotate the EAP clockwise until
it locks into place.
Make two small pencil marks on the wall. Make sure
the two marks are level and should be 98.6mm apart.
Drill two 6mm holes through the center of your marks.
Attach the mounting bracket to the Ceiling T-rail Clip
using four M3x6 pan-head screws.
Attach the EAP to the mounting bracket by aligning
ARROW 1 (on the EAP) with ARROW 2 (on the
mounting bracket), then rotate the EAP clockwise until
it locks into place.
Secure the mounting bracket to the ceiling tile using
three M3x30 pan-head screws, washers and wing
nuts, as shown on the left.
Attach the EAP to the mounting bracket by aligning
ARROW 1 (on the EAP) with ARROW 2 (on the
mounting bracket), then rotate the EAP clockwise until
it locks into place.
Insert the plastic wall anchors into the 6mm holes and
drive the self-tapping screws into the anchors. Do not
drive the screws all the way in and leave enough
clearance to hang the EAP.
Hang the EAP on the screws. Make sure the EAP is
firmly seated against the wall.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET port.
Website: http://www.tp-link.com Tel: +86 755 26504400 E-mail: support@tp-link.com
Feed the Ethernet cable through the hole and set the
ceiling tile back into place. Connect the Ethernet
cable to the ETHERNET port.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the ETHERNET port on
the EAP.
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