TP-Link P1200-08 EMS User Guide

EMS User Guide
GPON OLT P1200-08
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No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd. Copyright © 2017 TP-Link Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
About This Manual
This manual is applicable to TP-Link GPON OLT products, The contents of this document include TP-Link PON Element Management System (hereinafter refer to as “EMS”) software installation and operation guidelines. Users should learn this document first when beginning to operate GPON OLT device.
1 Software Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Software Information ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Functional Features ....................................................................................................... 1
2 EMS Software Installation ........................................................................................................... 1
3 EMS Start-Up ............................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 EMS Server Start-Up ...................................................................................................... 2
3.2 EMS Client Start-Up ....................................................................................................... 2
3.3 Login EMS ...................................................................................................................... 2
4 EMS Software Framework Introduction ...................................................................................... 3
4.1 Main Window Introduction .............................................................................................. 3
4.2 Device Management Window ........................................................................................ 5
5 Add and Delete Management Object .......................................................................................... 5
5.1 Add and Delete Location ................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Add and Delete Device .................................................................................................. 7
6 GPON OLT Management ............................................................................................................ 9
6.1 OLT Chassis Management ............................................................................................. 9
6.2 OLT Chassis Management ........................................................................................... 10
6.2.1 View System Status ............................................................................................ 11
6.2.2 OLT Management Configuration ....................................................................... 12
6.2.3 OLT and ONU Upgrade Management .............................................................. 14
6.2.4 OLT Uplink Port Attribute Configuration ............................................................ 15
6.2.5 OLT trunk(LACP) Configuration ........................................................................ 16
6.2.6 OLT Port Mirror Configuration ........................................................................... 18
6.2.7 OLT Mac Address Management ........................................................................ 20
6.2.8 Uplink Port Broadcast Storm Suppression Configuration ................................. 22
6.2.9 OLT Port VLAN Management ........................................................................... 24
6.2.10 OLT STP Management ...................................................................................... 40
6.2.11 ACL Management ............................................................................................. 44
6.2.12 OLT QoS Configuration ..................................................................................... 51
6.3 OLT PON Card Management ....................................................................................... 54
6.3.1 OLT PON Port Basic Configuration ................................................................... 55
6.3.2 View OLT PON Port Optical Module Information .............................................. 56
6.3.3 OLT DBA Profile Configuration .......................................................................... 56
6.3.4 OLT line Profile Configuration ........................................................................... 59
6.3.5 OLT Service (business) Profile Configuration ................................................... 65
6.3.6 OLT Traffic Profile Configuration ....................................................................... 76
6.3.7 PON Radio Storm Suppression ........................................................................ 77
6.3.8 ONU Auto Authentication .................................................................................. 79
6.3.9 ONU VOIP Service Configuration ..................................................................... 85
6.3.10 Upgrade ONU .................................................................................................... 95
6.4 PON Port Is Managed Separately ................................................................................ 97
7 Manage ONU Device ................................................................................................................ 98
7.1 Introduction of ONU Management ............................................................................... 98
7.2 ONU Basic Information Management .......................................................................... 99
7.2.1 View Basic Information of ONU ......................................................................... 99
7.2.2 ONU Capability Set Information View ............................................................... 99
7.2.3 ONU Optical Link Information ......................................................................... 100
7.3 ONU Port Management .............................................................................................. 101
7.3.1 Basic Configuration of ONU Port .................................................................... 101
7.3.2 ONU Port Access Mode Vlan Configuration ................................................... 101
7.3.3 ONU Port Rate Limit........................................................................................ 102
7.4 ONU CATV Management ........................................................................................... 103
7.5 ONU VOIP Service Configuration .............................................................................. 104
7.5.1 ONU VOIP Service IP Configuration ............................................................... 104
7.5.2 ONU VOIP Registered Tel-number Configuration .......................................... 106
7.5.3 View ONU VOIP Registered State .................................................................. 108
8 Operation Logs Management .................................................................................................. 109
9 Alarm Logs Management ......................................................................................................... 111
10 Database Management ............................................................................................................ 114
11 User Management .................................................................................................................... 115
12 Device Upgrade ........................................................................................................................ 116
13 Device Search Function ........................................................................................................... 118
14 End ........................................................................................................................................... 119
1 Software Introduction
1.1 Software Information
The EMS software is a C/S architecture integrated device management platform, which is designed based on SNMP protocol.
The EMS need following operational environment OS: Windows XP/2000/Vista/7/8/10 Hardware: at least 2.4GHz CPU, 512M memory Software: JAVA 1.5, MySQL 5.0
1.2 Functional Features
The EMS software has following main features:
Based on standard SNMP protocol Support multi-user access, C/S structure Support centralization management of TP-Link GPON serial products Support discovering topology automatically, TreeView, modifying topology manually Support all functional configuration Support division of management rights Support real-time alarm and historic alarm log query Support perfect log management Use single database and Support database backup and import functions Support real-time performance collection and port traffic statistics. Use third-party open database platform
2 The EMS Software Installation
The EMS install file has integrated the database software by default, so as long as the EMS is installed, the corresponding database software is also installed simultaneously. if your computer has installed the database software already, you don’t need to uninstall it, it will not disturb the EMS software installation.
It’s easy to install the EMS, just need to click ‘Next Step’, and you will finish it. When you finish the installation of the EMS, you will find two Shortcuts in the installation directory
or desktop for server and
client .
Note: When the EMS installation finished successfully, you can start it directly.
3 The EMS Start-Up
The architecture of EMS is C/S (Server and Client), Server and Client. You should start Server program before start Client program.
3.1 EMS Server Start-Up
Run the TP-Link PON EMS Server (hereinafter refer to as “EMS Server”) program, we will find
icon in the system tray after the Server runs successfully
Note: EMS Server start-up time is no longer than 30 seconds. If the program runs more than 30
seconds, it means the program doesn’t start properly.
3.2 EMS Client Start-Up
Run the TP-Link PON EMS Client (hereinafter refer to as “EMS Client”) program after the EMS Server program starts. The EMS Client and EMS Server can be run on the same computer or two independent computers with reliable intercommunication.
Note: To ensure operational performance of software, it is recommended that the EMS Server and EMS Client be installed on the same computer or different computers in the same LAN.
After the EMS Client starts successfully, the login page will appears as follows:
3.3 Login EMS
If the EMS Server and EMS Client are installed on the same computer, enter the user name and password and login directly. If the Server and Client are installed on different computers, you must click the ‘Advance’ and configure, page appears as follows:
Configurations are as follows: change poll server’s IP to the server’s IP which EMS server runs on, port and Timeout Keep the default.
Note: The default user is "admin", password is "1234"for client to login. After login the EMS Client successfully, you will see the main page. The typical page appears as
At this point, The EMS Server and EMS Client programs have been started successfully.
4 EMS Software Framework Introduction
4.1 Main Window Introduction
After login successfully, system will enter main window management page.
main menu
topology tool bar
Device list window
Topology window
real-time alarm
operation log window
As shown above, the EMS Client main window is divided into the following sections:
Main menu:
Main menu contains System, Alarm, Configure, Performance and Help parts. Their main features are as follows:
Main Menu Including System Configuration, MIB Browser, Database Maintenance and User Manage, etc. Alarm Menu Alarm Query, Configure Trap Rule and System Log are within this menu. Configuration Menu Top-tree update, device add/delete, device configuration, map update and device upgrade
features are located in this menu. Performance Menu Including performance monitor and alarm threshold configuration. Help menu Change software skin, language and about information.
Device list window:
The device list window shows all the devices under management currently. The device list can directly observe whether the device is online, whether there is an alarm. You can enter into the management window of the device by double click the device.
The OLT device has 5 level management object in the device list window, the machine box, exchange control module, PON module, PON port and ONU level.
Topology window:
Windows of topology is the main display area of the EMS software, according to the management device, user can move device to right position on regional background map for visual management. Double click the device object on the topology diagram, you can enter the device management window to perform various operations on the device.
The administrator can add or modify the passive network part of the topology diagram manually,
such as the optical splitters in PON network, to make the topology same to the actual network layout.
Real-time alarm and Operational log:
The real-time alarm window shows the abnormal alarm information of the current management device, such as alarm object, alarm time, alarm content, etc.
The operation log window records all the operations of the EMS, so it’s convenient to trace who has operated it.
4.2 Device Management Window
For device management, EMS is mainly through the corresponding device management window to operate. Through the Configuration menu or double click the device icons located on Top-tree or topology map, manager can open the device management windows. Following are several typical examples:
System Management Window PON Card Management
Switch and Control Card Window ONU management window
5 Add and Delete Management Object
5.1 Add and Delete Location
For convenience of managing numerous devices, divide them in different regions according to
Add Location shortcut
Add Location menu
their deployed locations is normally needed. According to following steps to divide management regions:
1) Add a Location node on the Top-tree list. Showing as follows:
As above figure, through ‘Add Location’ menu or its shortcut, open add location operate window, as following:
Operation steps:
i. Select the parent node for new added node; ii. Input the name of new node; iii. Select map for the new location node (The map should be upload first), when select this
node on top-tree, the topology area will apply this map;
2) Location node delete
As above figure, right click the selected location node and delete it.
Add Device shortcut
Add Device menu
5.2 Add and Delete Device
Note: Before using EMS to manage an EPON device, you need to login OLT system to enable
SNMP functions and to configure the read-write community. The read the community is public, and write community is private by default.
Configuration and view commands are as follows: (see CLI user Manual for more relevant configuration view commands).
Next, you need to add the device to the EMS manually, and the operation of adding a GPON OLT device is as follows.
1) Add OLT
As above figure, through ‘Add Device’ sub-menu or its shortcut to open the device add window and add device.
As above figure, the new added device need configure following parameters: Location Select the location node where the added device should be located. Device Type Select the device type for the new added device. The EMS can manage all TP-Link GPON OLT
products. So, it is needed to select correct device type. Select P1200-08 for TP-Link 8-port GPON OLT device.
Device Alias In order to recognize the managed device easily, a suitable alias is normally needed instead of IP
Address or MAC Address. This device alias will be displayed in the device list area. IP Address Input the management IP Address of the new added element device, which can be in-band or
out-band IP Address. Read and Write Community EMS software is designed based on SNMP protocol to communicate with managed devices. Read
and write community is used by SNMP protocol as access password. Community value inputted here should be the same with which configured in managed device, such EMS can communicate with the managed device successfully.
Polling Interval and SNMP Read and Write Timeout Value EMS software will poll the managed device periodically with a configured time interval. Normally,
the poll interval can use the default value. SNMP read and write timeout values are the longest wait time for EMS to wait response from managed device. Usually, the default value is suitable. Manager can also revise these values according to the real network performance situation.
When the above parameters are configured, click OK button to finish the device add operation. When success, the new added device’s icon will appear in the device list and topology area. Showing as following figure:
2) Delete OLT
Newly added device icon on the topology diagram
Obsolete or unwanted device in device list can be deleted from EMS. Right click on the selected device icon and select Delete option to delete a device.
i. Deleted device can’t be restored and need to be added when need. ii. All the information of the deleted device will also be removed from EMS. iii. None any configurations on the deleted device itself will be changed.
6 GPON OLT Management
OLT device mainly consists of OLT chassis, Switch and Control module, PON Card module and ONU Device management module. The following sections describe the management of EMS software for these parts.
6.1 OLT Chassis Management
Double click the OLT chassis icon to open the chassis management window. Typically as following figure
OLT chassis management includes following several parts.
Front Panel
The equipment panel parts display the power supply of the device and the status of each port indicator light in real time. The meaning of the indicator is subject to the panel label.
When EMS can’t connect with the OLT this window will change to gray color.
Basic Information
This section shows the system description, system OID, running time, contact information, system name, location and other basic information. Click ‘Refresh’ button can refresh the above information.
6.2 Control Card Management
Double click 'Switch Control Card' icon in device list to open the 'Control Card Management' window. Typical as following figure:
Following management features are contained on this window:
view or set device basic information; view or set the IP address, the trap address, SNMP management parameters, etc; upgrade OLT device`s firmware; view and set the uplink ports, such as the admin status of port, and the port rate; Swap TRUNK functionality (link aggregation) configuration; MAC address table management; Uplink ports storm suppression management; OLT port VLAN configuration management; OLT IGMP configuration; OLT STP configuration; ACL management configuration; QoS configuration;
Following sections in this part introduce the management features contained in the control card management window.
6.2.1 View System Status
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'System Status' to view the page.
System info Display Board card name, serial number, vendor Name, system time, software and hardware
version number, device running time and other information. Frame info Display PON port number, GE port number, fan slot numbers, and fan operation status. Save config The button of Save Configis mainly for saving all configuration of OLT. Reboot Click Rebootbutton, and OLT will reboot. Set The button of ‘Set’ is used for setting system time.
6.2.2 OLT Management Configuration
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Management Config' page:
System info View inband IP address, outband IP address, subnet mask, gateway, inband VLAN. Instructions:
1) Inband management comes from uplink port and needs to add management VLAN for uplink
2) Outband management comes from MGMT port and needs to add IP for MGMT port.
3) Normally, modify the IP of management and device parameters, EMS will lose connection with
device, user need to modify management IP of device in EMS, only in this way, can we
connect device again. Trap address Alarm receiving address is the destination IP address which alarm information sent to, when the
alarm occur, GPON OLT will sent Data Packet of ‘SNMP TRAP’ to the management PC, usually,
trap address is same to the PC’s IP which start EMS, Users can set four trap addresses mostly.
[Example of trap address configuration]
Example: configure trap information as follows :host name is 1234,Alarm reception address is alarm port is 162community is public.
6.2.3 Device Upgrade Management
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Device Upgrade Management' page.
The configuration management interface can upgrade the software of OLT. Note: before upgrading, you need to ensure that there is an upgrade file. The FTP server need to
connect with OLT.
[Example of device upgrade configuration] Example: Upgrade firmware via FTP server which IP is
6.2.4 OLT Uplink Port Attribute Configuration
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Switch Card Attribute' page.
The ‘Switch Card Attribute’ management page is mainly used to configure and view the attribute
parameters of OLT 's uplink port (GE photoelectric port and 10GE uplink port). The parameters are described as follows:
Admin Status Set the uplink port state to enable or disable. When the port is set to 'Up', the port is opened and
when the port is set to 'Down', the port is closed, 'testing' status is not available currently. Operation Status Displays the current link state of the uplink port, when the uplink port connects with the end
devices, the operation state is displayed as 'Up '; when the uplink port does not connect with any end devices, the operation state is displayed as 'Down ', and the running state only shows but can’t be configured.
Media Type Show the media type of the uplink port, the default interface of GE1-GE8 is the optical interface,
and the media type is shown as 'Fiber'. the default interface of GE9-GE16 is the electrical interface, and the media type is shown as 'Twisted Pair '; XGE1 and XGE2 are uplink port of 10GE.
Auto Negotiation Status Display the uplink port rate and duplex mode, 1000M full duplex, 100M full duplex, 10M full duplex
and auto negotiation status.
Auto Negotiation Mode
Configure the uplink port rate and duplex mode, 1000M full duplex, 100M full duplex, 10M full duplex and auto negotiation mode.
PerfStats Of 15 minute Enable Configure PerfStats Of 15 minute Enable of uplink port, ’False’ means stop performance statistics
of every fifteen minutes on uplink port. ’True’ means start performance statistics of Every fifteen minutes on uplink port.
PerfStats Of 24 hour Enable Configure PerfStats Of 24 hours Enable of uplink port, ‘False’ means stop performance statistics
of every 24 hours on uplink port. ‘True’ means start performance statistics of every 24 hours on uplink port.
Last Status Change time Show the change cycle of performance statistics time, and the time of performance statistics
changes every 300ms. Mac Addr Learn Max Num Limit the number of MAC addresses (0-8092) that are permitted to pass by the uplink port, set to
'0' means no limit, set to '1-8092' to limit the number of MAC addresses which permitted to pass by the uplink port.
Port Isolation Enable Set up data isolation or not between one uplink port and others. ‘False’ means uplink port can
access to each other. ‘True’ means uplink port can`t access to the other uplink port.
6.2.5 OLT trunk(LACP) Configuration
The device supports the link aggregation protocol LACP which conforms to the IEEE802.3 ad standard. The LACP protocol is used to bundle multiple uplink ports together to form a single logical connection to increase the bandwidth of the link and realize backup functions of uplink port, which means when a port is broken, other ports can still communicate.
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main interface to open the
'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Switch Card Trunk Group Config' page.
The features of OLT LACP are as follows:
Link aggregation function is mainly applied to all uplink port; The default aggregation group is 16; All port can be added to a aggregation group; Support several equalization algorithms based on the source and destination MAC address,
source and destination IP address;
Each port can be assigned to only one aggregation group and cannot be assigned to multiple
aggregation groups at the same time.
LACP Function parameter on EMS are as follows: Trunk Group ID
Show number of link aggregation groups available by default on OLT, default number is 1-16, link aggregation groups can’t be added, only can be modified and configured.
Trunk Group Member
Show which uplink port members are already in the link aggregation group.
Trunk Group Name
Name of the link aggregation group.
Trunk Group Policy
Select a strategy of link aggregation negotiation, which can be negotiated in several ways, such as the source and destination MAC address, source, and destination IP address.
Operation Status
Show the configuration state of the link aggregation group, the 'Up' indicates that the configured link aggregation group is successful and has taken effect, 'Down' indicates that the configured link
aggregation group is unsuccessful and hasn’t taken effect.
Actual Speed
Shows the current negotiation rate of the link aggregation group.
Admin Status
Configure the management status of the link aggregation group, 'Up' to enable the link aggregation group and 'Down' to disable the link aggregation group.
[Example of link aggregation configuration] Example: Add GE1 and GE3 to link aggregation group 1, named 1234, with source MAC and
destination MAC negotiation.
6.2.6 OLT Port Mirror Configuration
Port mirror function is used to copy the packets of Source port to other port (destination port), the user can monitor the packets which copy to the destination port to monitor network and debug. All uplink port and PON port can be set to source or destination ports.
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Switch Card Mirror' page.
Source port
Specify the source port that needs to be captured and analyzed. User should know the concepts of
'Ingress Direct' and 'Egress Direct' first: 'Egress Direct' means the direction of the packets leave the port; ‘Ingress Direct’ means the
direction the packets enter the port. When only one direction is checked, OLT will copy packets of one direction to the destination port.
When both directions are selected, all packets are mirrored to the destination port.
Destination port
The port that receives packets of the source port. The configuration of the ports is as follows:
1) select the source port. All ports can be selected as the source port, each port has 'Ingress
Direct’ and 'Egress Direct'.
2) specify the destination port. You can specify one of the ports as the destination port, and all
source port packets will be forwarded to the specified destination port.
[Example of port mirror configuration] Example: check ge2 in the 'Ingress Direct' and 'Egress Direct' and select ge8 in 'Destination
port' then click 'Set' button. All traffic of ge2 are mirrored to ge8 port.
6.2.7 OLT MAC Address Management
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page to open the 'Control Card Management' window and enter the 'Mac Address Management' page.
MAC Address Management
MAC address management window is used to configure OLT’s mac address aging time and clear MAC address, view the MAC address information which OLT has learnt, including MAC address, VLAN ID, type of MAC address, port ID, parameters are as follows:
Mac address aging time
Set OLT's MAC address aging time. The MAC address that OLT learned will be cleaned automatically after this time.
Mac address clear Choose a type of mac address in ‘Mac Address Clear’ then click the ‘Set’ button, the MAC
address of the specified type will be cleaned. Mac Address List The MAC address list mainly displays the MAC address that have learned by OLT, including the
VLAN of the MAC address, the type and the port where the MAC address is learnt. The parameters we can view or configured in the MAC address list are as follows:
Mac Address
Specified mac address, format as: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx or xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
Display the vlan of mac address which from uplink port or pon port and the the vlan which
we set for static mac address.
Mac Addr Type
There are three options, static, blackhole, and dynamic.
Static represents a static MAC address. When the source MAC address of the packet matches this static MAC address, it will be forwarded. The static MAC address will not be cleaned after the aging time.
Blackhole represents the black hole of the MAC address. If the source MAC address of the message is matched with this MAC address, it is discarded and not allowed to be circulated.
Dynamic represents a MAC address automatically learnt by OLT, it will be cleaned after the aging time.
Port ID
Show the port which MAC address learned from.
Click the ‘Add’ button to bring up a window of ‘Add MAC’. We can add a static MAC address to the MAC address table.
After finishing configuration, click ‘Confirm’ button, at the same time, MAC address list will show
this new added mac-address entry. Delete’ button: Choose a specified mac-address entry in MAC address list, clicking ‘Delete’
button can delete this entry.
Click ‘Refresh’ button to update MAC address list.
6.2.8 Uplink Port Broadcast Storm Suppression Configuration
Storm suppression function is used to let the uplink port suppress the unicast storms, multicast storms and broadcast storms to prevent these storms from adversely impacting the network performance.
Double click the 'Switch Control Card' icon on the left side of the main page, open the 'Control Card Management' window, enter the 'SNI Broadcast Storm Suppression' management page configuration.
Unicast / multicast / broadcast storm suppression enabled When ‘True’ is selected, the unicast / multicast / broadcast storm suppression function of the port
is enabled. When ‘False’ is selected, the unicast / multicast / broadcast storm suppression function of the port
is disabled. Unicast / multicast / broadcast inpacket rate This parameter is used to configure the packet rate limitation, when the
unicast/multicast/broadcast packet rate is higher than the limitation, the storm suppression function will be enabled, and the corresponding traffic will be suppressed. The limitation value should be between 1-1488100 pps.
[Example of storm suppression configuration] Example: The unicast storm suppression function is set to True and the unicast inpacket rate is
5000 pps. The multicast storm suppression function is set to True and the multicast inpacket rate to 5000 pps. The broadcast storm suppression function is set to True and the broadcast inpacket rate to 5000 pps. Click 'Set' button after the configuration, a prompt window will pop up and click the 'OK' button to complete the configuration.
6.2.9 OLT Port VLAN Management
VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network), is a kind of technology that logically divided the LAN into multiple segments based on user demand (functions, departments or applications, etc.) without considering the physical location of the virtual network. VLAN technology allows a network administrator to divide a physical network into different logical segments (VLAN), each containing a set of devices with the same requirements.
The advantage of VLAN technology is that the traffic within a VLAN will not be forwarded to other VLANs, thus helping to control network traffic, simplify network management and improve network security.
The VLAN configuration of the GPON system is divided into the VLAN configuration of the OLT and the VLAN configuration of the ONU part. The VLAN management of the ‘Switch Control Card’ section refers to the VLAN configuration of the OLT part.
The VLAN function of the OLT part of the TP-Link GPON system is as follows:
Support Port-based VLAN and IEEE802.1Q VLAN. Support full 4K VLAN group, VID range 1~4094. VLAN 1 is the system reserved VLAN, it includes all switch ports, all ports are UNTAG mode. All switch ports, including uplink ports and downlink ports support VLAN Partition. OLT Port VLAN Management
Double click the ‘Switch Control Card’ icon on the left side of the main page, open the ‘Control Card Management’ window, and enter the 'VLAN List' page. Typical page is as follows:
The VLAN list has ‘Selected’, ‘VLAN ID’, ‘VLAN Name’, ‘Tag Port’, ‘Untag Port’, ’Modify’ items. Here's a brief introduction to these projects:
Use to select a VLAN entry.
VLAN ID displays all the VLAN ID that are available on the current OLT. VLAN Name displays the name of the current existing VLAN.
Tag Port / Untag Port
In the Port of Tag Port, the egress packets will be tagged with a VLAN Tag. In the Port of Untag Port, the VLAN tag of the egress packets will be stripped off. Modify OLT VLAN
Each VLAN entry has a 'Config' button, which is used to modify the VLAN's 'Tag Mode’ and ‘Member Port' as shown below, click 'Confirm' button to complete the configuration after setting up.
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