Simplify Messaging, Effi ciently and Gracefully
Voice mail, e-mail, faxes, text messages, and more come to your
business at all hours, and sometimes in overwhelming numbers.
How do you manage it all? Toshiba’s Stratagy® voice mail works
with Toshiba’s Strata® CIX™ IP business communication systems,
to help you manage messages and communicate better. Improve
customer service by providing callers with instant attention,
responsiveness, and access to information.
Voice Mail
Toshiba Stratagy Voice Mail enables you to:
Simplify voice mailbox operation through your Strata CIX
telephone with LCD display and soft keys, making your
communication system easy to use.
Manage voice, fax, and e-mail messages from your PC or
telephone via Unifi ed Messaging. Access all your critical
communications from a single screen.
Essential Applications
All Strata CIX Voice Mail systems provide these essential applications:
Automated Attendant—streamlines operational effi ciency by
enabling callers to route their own calls and leave messages
without receptionist assistance.
Call Routing—sends callers to the specifi c extension or depart-
ment they want. Callers can easily fi nd a person’s extension by
using the company directory feature.
Telephone Answering—offers callers the choice of leaving a
message, calling another extension, holding, or being transferred
to an operator for assistance.
Voice Messaging—creates, sends, receives, forwards, and saves
voice messages. Users can manage voice messages with ease by
simply pressing specifi c telephone keys.
Audiotext—enables callers to play pre-recorded information
on demand as directed by audio prompts. It’s an easy way to
answer customers’ most frequently asked questions.
Call Screening—requests caller to state their name and com-
pany, and announces the calling party by playing the recording
to the station user, who can accept or re-route the call.
Message Notifi cation—lets users know when a voice message
arrives by any combination of lighting a message waiting light,
pager, or calling a home phone, cellular phone, or any
off-premise location.
Record calls directly into your voice mailbox with a single
button on your telephone. Starting, pausing, and stopping
a recording is as easy as pressing a key.
Network your Stratagy voice mail with all your locations to use
it as your centralized voice mail system. Or, network multiple
voice mail systems using AMIS or VPIM networking.
Communicate effectively both in and out of the offi ce with other
employees and customers 24 hours-a-day, 365 days-a-year.
Customize voice processing functions using Stratagy’s Token
Programming, a powerful yet simple scripting language. Tokens
can add or enhance voice mail features and functions such as
recording and playback, audio fi les, or using DTMF entries by
callers to provide data response or special call routing. Tokens can
perform functions as simple as a hook-fl ash, and as complicated
as an IVR application, specifi c to your needs. Token Programming
is developed and deployed by Authorized Toshiba Dealers.
Choices to Meet Every Need
From small to large, basic to sophisticated, from an integrated
circuit card to a rack-mountable network server, you’ll fi nd a
Stratagy voice mail solution designed to cost-effectively meet
your company’s specifi c needs. Since Stratagy is expandable, your
investment will be protected as your voice processing needs change.
Powerful Applications Delivered to Your Desktop
You can add optional features to your Stratagy ES voice mail
system to further customize your application.
Unifi ed Messaging—allows you to access all your critical com-
munications from a single screen, including voice, e-mail, and fax
LVMU1A, GVPH, iES16, and iES32 models seamlessly integrate
your voice message processing on a single printed circuit card
inside your Strata CIX system—with no need for external
connections, standard telephone ports, or separate power
backup systems.
ES48 and ES96R2 server-based models are available ranging in size
from an 8-port desktop to a 96-port rack-mountable chassis. Each
platform is designed for incremental expansion that accepts one or
more Intel PCI peripheral boards in which to support voice and fax
Strata Media Application Server (MAS) available in 8-port or
32-port models, supports voice processing and all value-added
applications integrated within one platform that connects to
the Strata CIX via Ethernet. Applications include Auto Attendant,
Voice Mail, Automated Speech Recognition (ASR), Text-To-Speech,
Unifi ed Messaging, Interactive Voice Response (IVR), Automatic
Call Distribution (ACD), ACD Reporting, Toshiba-approved 3rd
party CTI applications, Info Manager® Web-based telephone
applications, FeatureFlex® adaptability tools, and browser-based
system administration.
Fax Applications—stores inbound faxes in your mailbox and
allows them to be printed, forwarded, or displayed on your PC
screen. Fax On Demand and Fax Back enable users to receive
printed information. Fax Broadcast lets you instantly transmit
any fax document to multiple recipients.
Text-To-Speech—enables any touch-tone telephone to audibly
read e-mail messages to you, providing easy access to e-mail
when you don’t have access to your computer or the Internet.
Speech Recognition—processes voice commands, making
communication easy and intuitive. Callers can quickly access
information or a specifi c person’s extension.
Interactive Voice Response—enables Toshiba Authorized
Software Developers to create custom IVR applications.
LVMU1A Minimum 2 ports, expandable to 8 ports via licensing upgrade. Message storage 40 hours. 360 mailboxes. On board remote access modem.
GVPH Strata CIX40 Voice Mail, Auto Attendant, Voice Mail, Soft Keys, Call Monitor.
iES16 Minimum 4 ports, expandable to 16 ports via electronic upgrade. Message storage 100 hours. Internal (soft) remote access modem.
iES32 Minimum 4 ports, expandable to 32 ports via electronic upgrade. Message storage 600 hours. Internal (soft) remote access modem.
ES48 Minimum 4 ports, expandable to 48 ports by adding voice boards. Message storage 2,000 hours.
ES96 Minimum 4 ports, expandable in 4 or 12-port increments to 96 ports by adding voice boards. Message storage 2,000 hours.
MicroMAS Minimum confi guration 2 ports, expandable in 2-port increments to 8 ports. Up to 8 HMP-based or Dialogic hardware-based ports
assigned as either 8 voice mail ports, 8 ACD ports, or 4 voice mail ports and 4 ACD ports. Voice mail message storage 5,000 hours.
MAS Minimum 4 ports, expandable to 32 ports. Up to 32 HMP ports assigned as either 32 Voice mail ports, 32 ACD ports, or16
voice mail ports and 16 ACD ports. Voice Mail message storage 5,000 hours.
Mailbox Capacity Unlimited (100 million possible mailbox numbers in software – limited only by hard drive capacity) on all models except LVMU.
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division
9740 Irvine Blvd., Irvine, CA 92618-1697 (949) 583-3700
© 2008 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. All product, service and company names are trademarks,
registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Information including without limitation specifi cations,
availability, content of services, and contact information is subject to change without notice.
Literature Order #: TSD-CIX-BR-VMB-DS-VC/4500137