Thank you for purchasing the Topcon RL-H3A/B Rotating Laser.
To quickly and effectively use the RL-H3A/B, please read these brief instructions carefully,
and keep them in a convenient location for future reference.
Handling Precautions
Before starting work or operation, be sure to check that the instrument is functioning cor-

Safety Information
In order to ens ur e the safe use of this product, prevent any danger to the operator or others,
or damage to property, important warnings are placed on the product and inserted in the
instruct ion manual.
We recommend that you become familiar with the meaning o f these Warning s and Cauti ons
bef or e continui ng.
Display Meaning

• High temperat ur e may ca use fire .
Do not cover the charger while it is charging.
• Risk of fir e or electric shock.
Do not use damaged power cable, plug and socket.
• Risk of fir e or electric shock.
Do not use a wet battery or charger.
• May ignite explosively.
Never use an instrument near flammable gas, liquid matte r, and do not use in a coal mine.

• Use of controls or adjustm ent or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Do not connect or disconnect equipment with wet hands,you are at risk of electric
shocks if you do!
Risk of inju ry by overt ur n the car rying case.

User Precautions
Wear the required protectors (safety shoes, helmet, etc.) when operating.
Exceptions fro m Responsi bility
The user of this product is expected to follow all operating instructions and make periodic checks of the
product’s performance.
The manufacturer, or its representatives, assumes no responsibility for results of a faulty or intentional
usage or misuse including any direct, indirect, consequential damage, and loss of profits.
The manufacturer, or its rep resentatives, assumes no responsibility for consequential damage, and

Laser Safety
This product uses a visible laser beam, and is manufactured and sold in accordance with
“P e rformance Standards for Ligh t- Em itt ing Produ ct s” ( FDA/BRH 21 CFR 1040) or “Radiation
Safety of Laser Products, Equipment Classification, Requirements and User’s Guide” (IEC
Pub lic at i on 6082 5-1 ) prov ided on the safet y stan dards for laser products .
As per the said standard, R L-H3A standard model is classified as “Class 3R Laser Product”
RL-H3B model is classified as “Class 1 Laser Products”. In case of any failure, do not
disasse mble the i nstrument. Contact TOPC ON or y our TOPC ON dealer.

Beam aperture
Class 1 Laser Product
Visible La ser B eam
Laser output : Approx. 0.9mw

Foreword ............................................................................. 1
Handling Prec autions ....... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... . 1
Safety Information .................................................................2
Safety Precautions ................................................................ 2
User Precautions ... ..................................................... ...........5
Exceptions from Responsibility .............................................5
Laser Safety .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... . 6
Contents ................ ..................... ..................... ..................... .8
Standard System Components .............................................9
Nomenclature ..................................................................... 10

Standard System Components
1)RL-H3A Instrument ..................1set
2)Battery unit
3)LS-70A/B Laser Sensor **........1pc.
4)Laser Sensor holder model 6....1pc.
5)Ca rry in g case........... ............ .....1pc.
6)Instruction man ua l.... ............ .....1vol.
1)RL-H3 B Instrume nt .................. .1set
2)Battery unit
3)LS-70A/B Laser Sensor
** ........1pc.
4)Laser Sensor holder model 6....1pc.
5)C arr ying case............... ............ .1pc.
6)In s truction ma nua l... ... .. ........ .....1vol.