This user’s guide describes the evaluation module (EVM) for the Texas instruments TPS25940X devices.
TPS25940X devices are eFuse with true reverse blocking for power mux that operates from 2.7 V to 18 V,
the device has integrated back-to-back FETs with programmable undervoltage, overvoltage, reversevoltage, overcurrent and in-rush current protection features.
The TPS25940XEVM allows reference circuit evaluation of TI's TPS25940X devices. The TPS25940X
devices are available with both latched and auto-retry operation.
1.1EVM Features
•2.7-V to 18.0-V (TYP) operation
– CH1 rising input voltage turn-on threshold – 10.5 V (TYP)
– CH1 falling input voltage turn-off threshold – 9.7 V (TYP)
– CH2 rising input voltage turn-on threshold – 2.3 V (TYP)
– CH2 falling input voltage turn-off threshold – 2.1 V (TYP)
•0.6-A to 5.0-A programmable current limit
•Programmable undervoltage lockout, overvoltage
•Programmable V
•Latched-off TPS25940LRUV (CH2)
•Auto-Retry TPS25940ARUV (CH1)
•Pushbutton RESET signal
•On-board transorb for overvoltage input protection
•Schottky diode at output to minimize negative spike when load is removed
1.2EVM Applications
•Solid state drives and hard disk drives
•PCIe, RAID, and NIC cards
•USB power switch
– PLCs
– Solid-state relays and FAN control
slew rate
The TPS25940XEVM-635 enables full evaluation of the TPS25940X devices. The EVM supports two
versions (Auto-retry and Latched) of the devices on two Channels (CH1 and CH2, respectively). Input
power is applied at J3 (CH1) and J8 (CH2), while J2 (CH1)/J7 (CH2) provide the output connection to the
load, refer to the schematic in Figure 1, and test setup in Figure 2.
D5/C1 (CH1), D9/C7 (CH2) provides input protection for TPS25940X (U1 and U2, respectively) while
D4/C2/C3/C4 (CH1), D8/C8/C9/C10 (CH2) provides output protection.
Table 1. TPS25940X EVM Options and Default Setting
Part NumberEVM FunctionVINRangeUVLOOVPCurrent LimitFault Response
TPS25940XEVM-635 Current Limiter with DEVSLP 2.7 V–18 V 10.5 V 2.3 V (internal) 16.5 V3.6 A2.1 A5.3 AAuto-retryLatched
S1 allows U1 and S2 allows U2 to be RESET or disabled. A power good (PG) indicator is provided by D3,
D6 for CH1 and CH2, respectively, and circuit faults can be observed with D2 and D6. Scaled channel
current can be monitored at TP11 and TP22 with a scale factor of 0.842 V/A.
TPS25940XEVM-635: Evaluation Module for TPS25940XSLVUA44–June 2014
The following sections describe physical access, test equipment, test setup, and test procedures for the
4.1Physical Access
Table 2 lists the TPS25940XEVM-635 input and output connector functionality. Table 3 describes the test
point availability and Table 4 describes the jumper functionality.
J3CH1VIN1(+), GND(–)CH1 Input power supply to the EVM
J2VOUT1(+),GND(–)CH1 Output power from the EVM
J8CH2VIN2(+), GND(–)CH2 Input power supply to the EVM
J7VOUT2(+),GND(–)CH2 Output power from the EVM
Channe Test PointsLabelDescription
CH1TP3VIN1CH1 Input power supply to the EVM
TP8EN_UV1CH1 Active high enable and under voltage input
TP5OVP1CH1, Active high overvoltage input (>16.5V)
TP11IMON1CH1 Current monitor. Load current = 1.187 × voltage on TP11
TP2VOUT1CH1 Output from the EVM
TP9PG1CH1 Power good test point
TP4FLTb1CH1, Fault test point
CH2TP15VIN2CH2 Input power supply to the EVM
TP17EN_UV2CH2 Active high enable and under voltage input
TP18OVP2CH2, Active high overvoltage input
TP22IMON2CH2 Current monitor. Load current = 1.187 × voltage on TP22
TP16VOUT2CH2 Output from the EVM
TP21PG2CH2 Power good test point
TP20FLTb2CH2, Fault test point
Table 2. Input and Output Connector Functionality
Table 3. Test Points Description
J1J1Priority Mux Setting (applicable to TPS25942XEVM-635)
J4LO - HICH2 Current Setting
J5J5PG1 and FLTb1 setting
J6J6DEVSLP1 Setting
J9LO - HICH2 Current Setting
J10J10DEVSLP2 Setting
D2 (Red)D2CH1 circuit fault indicator. LED turns on when the internal MOSFET is disabled due to
TPS25940XEVM-635: Evaluation Module for TPS25940XSLVUA44–June 2014
Table 4. Jumper and LED Descriptions
a fault condition such as over load , short circuit, under voltage etc.