The TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 allows reference circuit evaluation of TI's TPS254900A-Q1 automotive USB
charging port controller with integrated power switch, cable compensation, and short-to-battery protection.
The TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 provides the electrical signatures on DP_IN and DM_IN to support all
current charging schemes. The TPS254900A-Q1 incorporates USB cable voltage drop compensation by
linearly sensing the port current and automatically adjusting the output voltage of the LMR14030SDDAR to
keep the cable end device voltage within the normal operating range. The TPS254900A-Q1 incorporates
up to an 18-V short to battery protection for VBUS, DP_IN and DM_IN.
The EVM supports the following features:
•TPS254900A-Q1 built-in IEC 61000-4-2 ESD protection on DP_IN and DM_IN pins
•Linear USB cable voltage droop compensation
•The TPS254900A-Q1 is fully AEC Q100 qualified
•Built-in short to battery protection and notification on VBUS, DP_IN and DM_IN
The EVM can be used in the following applications:
•Automotive infotainment system
•Automotive USB charging box
The TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 enables full evaluation of the TPS254900A-Q1 device. Refer to the
schematic in Figure 1. An automotive voltage range input is applied at the J1 connector. The input voltage
is regulated by the LMR14030SDDAR buck regulator (U1) and associated circuitry. This provides a
nominal 5-V, 3-A output at +5 VDCfor the TPS254900A-Q1 (U2).
The TPS254900A-Q1 internal power switch connects +5 VDCfurnished by the LMR14030SDDAR regulator
to VBUS at the downstream facing USB connector, J5. When the internal power switch is ON, the D6 LED
(green) illuminates. USB 2.0 data can be passed through the TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 from J5 to J4
when the TPS254900A-Q1 is configured for either SDP or CDP mode using the J6 header. The
TPS254900A-Q1 status and fault conditions can be detected using the D3 (blue) and D2 (red) LEDs,
The TPS254900A-Q1 provides system-level ESD protection in accordance with IEC 61000-4-2 up to ±8kV contact and ±15-kV air discharge at the DP_IN and DM_IN signals going to J5. These pins as well as
VBUS pin will also provide detection of shorts to the battery by triggering the FAULT logic and illuminating
The TPS254900A-Q1 provides USB cable voltage droop compensation at the load through the use of the
CS pin. Sinking current into the CS pin mirrors the current through the TPS254900A-Q1 power switch at a
rate of 82 µA/A. The CS pin current is summed with the LMR14030SDDAR regulator feedback current
through R1 causing the voltage at +5 VDCto change with USB downstream load current. The +5 V
increases linearly as load current increases. This compensation will keep the load end voltage close to 5
VDC. The default compensation resistor values (R1 and R4) target a USB cable resistance of 200 mΩ.
Refer to the TPS254900A-Q1 data sheet for more information.
The TPS254900A-Q1 provides a current detection function through the use of the IMON pin. Connect a
resistor between IMON and GND. The system can detect the load current in real time by monitoring the
IMON voltage.
Table 1 lists the TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 connector functionality, Table 2 describes the test point
availability and Table 3 describes the jumper functionality.
Table 1. Connector Functionality
J5J5Downstream facing USB 2.0 connector. Connect to the USB 2.0 slave for
data pass through from J4. USB output power is also provided to the slave.
J4J4Upstream facing USB 2.0 connector. Connect to the USB 2.0 host for data
pass through to J5. USB input power can also be provided by the host
when the J3 shunt is installed.
J1J1Automotive input voltage range connector. Connect to a 7 V–18 V, 1.5-A
voltage source according to the polarity marked on the EVM.
D2 (RED)D2TPS254900A-Q1 FAULT output is triggered
D3 (BLUE)D3TPS254900A-Q1 STATUS output is triggered
D6 (GREEN)D6TPS254900A-Q1 output powered
Table 2. Test Points
Test PointColorLabelDescription
TP1SM-LVDCTPS254900A-Q1 power switch input from DC-DC converter
TP2SM-LCSLoop injection point
TP3SM-LGNDGND Test point
TP4SM-LGNDGND Test point
TP7SM-LSTATUSTPS254900A STATUS pin test point
TP8SM-LFAULTTPS254900A FAULT pin test point
TP9SM-LVINTPS254900A VIN pin test point
TP10SM-LOUTTPS254900A VBUS pin test point
TP11SM-LIMONTPS254900A IMON pin test point
Table 3. Jumpers
J2J2Install to power TPS254900A-Q1 with a DC/DC
J3J3USB host furnished input voltage. Install to power TPS254900A-Q1 with a USB
J6J6TPS254900A-Q1 mode select jumper block. Install shunt at EN (1-2) to disable
TPS254900AQ1EVM-003 Evaluation Module
TPS254900A-Q1. C1, C2, OVP_SEL positions select the charging mode for
TPS254900A-Q1. Refer to the data sheet for more information.