The TPS2456 is a dual, 12 V, channel protection
(hotswap) and blocking (ORing) controller that
provides inrush control, current limiting, overload
protection, and reverse current blocking. The current
sense topology provides both accurate current limits
and independent setting of current limit and fast trip
The ORing control uses an external MOSFET to
block reverse current when an input is shorted.
Systems with closely matched supply voltages and
feed networks can supply current from both supplies
The MONx output provides an accurate analog
indication of load current.
The protection circuits may be used without blocking,
and the blocking may be used without protection.
Internal connections prevent implementation of these
as four fully-independent functions.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
Figure 1. Two Sources, One Load Application Diagram
These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam
during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.
TPS2456RHH–40°C to 85°CQFN36 (6mm × 6mm)TPS2456
(1) For package and ordering information see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document or see the TI Web site at
(1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953.
(2) The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance under natural convection is obtained in a simulation on a JEDEC-standard, High-K board, as
specified in JESD51-7, in an environment described in JESD51-2a.
(3) The junction-to-case(top) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the package top. No specific JEDEC-standard
test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88.
(4) The junction-to-board thermal resistance is obtained by simulating in an environment with a ring cold plate fixture to control the PCB
temperature, as described in JESD51-8.
(5) The junction-to-top characterization parameter, yJT, estimates the junction temperature of a device in a real system and is extracted
from the simulation data for obtaining qJA, using a procedure described in JESD51-2a (sections 6 and 7).
(6) The junction-to-board characterization parameter, yJBestimates the junction temperature of a device in a real system and is extracted
from the simulation data for obtaining qJA, using a procedure described in JESD51-2a (sections 6 and 7).
(7) The junction-to-case(bottom) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the exposed (power) pad. No specific
JEDEC standard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88.
Over recommended junction temperature range and all voltages referenced to GND, unless otherwise noted.
GAT1x, GAT2x–0.3 to 30V
INx, OUTx, SENPx, SENMx, SETx, ENx, FLTx, PGx, ORENx–0.3 to 17V
CTx, MONx–0.3 to 5V
FLTx, PGx current sinking5mA
MONx current sourcing5mA
VINT current–1 to 1mA
Junction TemperatureInternally Limited°C
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only. Functional operation of the device under any conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions for extended periods of time may affect device reliability.
(1) Tested with HAT2156 MOSFET.
(2) These parameters are provided for reference only, and do not constitute part of TI's published device specifications for purposes of TI's
Current limit threshold47.55052.5mV
Sink current in current
Fast trip thresholdMeasure V
Fast turn-off delay(V
= 15 V
= 1 V, V
– V
Channel UVLO
UVLO hysteresisV
Blocking Comparator
Turn-on thresholdMeasure (V
Turn-off thresholdMeasure (V
Turn-off delay20 mV overdrive, t
Gate Drivers – GAT1x, GAT2x
Output voltageV
Sourcing currentV
Sinking current
= V
= V
Fast turnoff, V
= 10 V21.52324.5V
= 10 V, V
Sustained, 4 V ≤ (V
Pulldown resistanceIn thermal shutdown142026kΩ
Fast turn-off duration51015µs
Disable delayENx pin to V
Startup TimeINx rising to GAT1x or GAT2x sourcing current (ENx and ORENx0.25ms
Supply Current (I
+ I
+ I
+ I
Both channels enabled3.14mA
Both channels disabled22.8mA
Thermal Shutdown
Shutdown temperatureTJrising140150°C
(3) See Figure 3 for timing definition.
(4) See Figure 2 for timing definition.
(5) These parameters are provided for reference only, and do not constitute part of TI's published device specifications for purposes of TI's
SENPA1IAInput voltage sense – connect to input supply. Connect to the source side of R
SENMA3IAConnect this pin to the load side of the R
VINT4I/O–Connect a bypass capacitor (e.g., 0.01µF) to GND for this internal supply.
ORENA6IABlocking transistor enable, active high.
GND7GND–Connect pin to ground.
GND8GND–Connect pin to ground
CTB10I/OBConnect CTBfrom CTB to GND to set the fault timer period (see text).
GAT2B11OBBlocking transistor gate drive.
OUTB12I/OBOutput voltage monitor and bias input.
GND13GNDBConnect pin to ground.
ORENB14IBBlocking transistor enable, active high.
GAT1B15OBProtection transistor gate drive.
SENMB16IBConnect this pin to the load side of the R
SENPB18IBInput voltage sense – connect to input supply. Connect to the source side of R
INB19PWRBControl power input – connect to input supply.
–20––No connection.
FLTB21OBFault output, active low, asserted when B fault timer runs out.
PGB22OBPower good output, active low, asserts when V
GND23GND–Connect pin to ground.
GND24GND–Connect pin to ground.
GND25GND–Connect pin to ground.
PGA26OAPower good output, active low, asserts when V
FLTA27OAFault output, active low, asserted when A fault timer runs out.
GND28GND–Connect pin to ground.
ENB29IBEnable, (active high).
GAT1A30OAProtection transistor gate drive.
ENA31IAEnable, (active high).
GND32GNDAConnect pin to ground.
OUTA33I/OAOutput voltage monitor and bias input.
GAT2A34OABlocking transistor gate drive.
CTA35I/OAConnect CTAfrom CTA to GND to set the fault timer period (see text).
INA36PWRAControl power input – connect to input supply.
PAD–––Solder pad to GND.
(1) Specifies whether this pin is part of A channel, B channel, or is common to both (-).
Connect R
and R
Connect R
Connect R
Connect R
conjunction with R
from the input supply to SETA to program the current limit in conjunction with R
(see text).
. The fast-trip threshold equals 100 mV / R
from MONA to GND to set the current limit in conjunction with R
from MONB to GND to set the current limit in conjunction with R
. The fast-trip threshold equals 100 mV / R
from input supply to SETB to program the current limit program the current limit in
The TPS2456 supports two 12-V protection (hotswap) and blocking (ORing) channels designated A and B.
Where there are separate pins for both A and B channels, the pin name is shown with an x in place of A or B to
describe the function. For example, references to CTx would be the same as CTA or CTB. Programming
components are referred to in the text by reference designators used in Figure 1.
CTx – A capacitor from CTx to GND sets the period V
channel down and declares a fault. V
will be low during startup and current limit. Low V
to source 10 µA into the external capacitor (CTx). When V
by pulling the GAT1x and GAT2x pins low, declares a fault by pulling the FLTx pin low, and latching off. A 200 Ω
internal pull down keeps this pin low during normal operation when not in current limit. It is normal to see a
sawtooth on this pin when the channel is latched off by a fault.
ENx – Active high enable input. A low on ENx turns off the channel by pulling GAT1x and GAT2x low. An internal
200 kΩ resistor pulls this pin up to VINT. ENx may be left floating when the channel is to be permanently
FLTx – Active low open-drain output indicating that V
the fault timer and shut the channel down. FLTx may be left open if not used.
GAT1x – Gate drive output for the protection MOSFET. This pin sources 30 µA to turn the MOSFET on. An
internal clamp prevents this pin from rising more than 14.5 V above INx.
Up to 30µA may be sunk while current limit is active. A fast trip (overcurrent), disable (from ENx), or fault timeout
enables a 10 µs, 1 A, discharge current and 14 mA pulldown. The pulldown will be released after 10 µs if only a
fast trip had occurred.
Setting ENx low holds GAT1x low. GAT1x may be left open if not used.
GAT2x – Gate drive output for the blocking MOSFET. The blocking MOSFET prevents reverse channel current
when OUTx is higher than INx. This is often used when two input sources are ORed together. GAT2x sources 30
µA to turn the MOSFET on. GAT2x is low when ENx is low, ORENx is low, FLTx is low, a fast trip is active, or a
voltage reversal has occurred. A 10 µs, 1 A, discharge and 14 mA pulldown are applied when this occurs.
An internal clamp prevents this pin from rising more than 14.5 V above OUTx. Setting the ORENx or ENx pins
low holds the GAT2x pin low.
GAT2x may be left open if not used.
INx - Supply pin for the internal circuitry. A small bypass capacitor (e.g. 0.1 µF) is recommended for this pin.
MONx – A resistor connected from this pin to ground forms part of the current limit programming. As the current
delivered to the load increases, so does the voltage on this pin. The current-limit circuit controls GAT1x to limit
channel current at a V
Equation 1 through Equation 4 define current limit and fast trip values using R
of 675 mV. The current limit circuit is inactive for lower values of V
, R
, and R
. V
can by sampled with an external A/D converter to measure the channel current.
ORENx – Active high input. Pulling this pin low disables the blocking function by pulling the GAT2x pin low.
Pulling this pin high (or allowing it to float high) allows the blocking function to operate normally. The M2x internal
diode may carry the load current when GAT2x is low and V
> V
An internal 200 kΩ resistor pulls this pin to VINT. ORENx may be left open when blocking is not used, or does
not require active control.
OUTx – Senses the output voltage of the channel. This voltage is used by the biasing, blocking, and power good
PGx – Active low open-drain output. A low on PGx indicates that V
has exceeded 10.63 V, and has not
fallen below 10.50 V. These thresholds are internally set, and modifying the OUTx connection may effect
blocking operation.
SENMx – Senses the voltage on the load side of R
SENPx – Senses the voltage on the source side of R
trip overcurrent shutdown is activated at a V
SETx – A resistor connected from this pin to SENPx sets the current limit level in conjunction with R
as described in Equation 1 through Equation 4.
for use by the fast trip and current limiting circuits.
for use by the fast trip and blocking circuits. The fast
of 0.1 V.
VINT – This pin connects to the internal 2.35 V rail. A 0.1 µF capacitor must be connected from this pin to
ground. VINT is not designed to be a general-purpose bias rail.