Texas Instruments SmartRF06 User Manual

User’s Guide
SWRU321A – May 2013
SmartRF06 Evaluation Board
User’s Guide
SmartRF is a trademark of Texas Instruments
SWRU321A – May 2013
Table of Contents
4.1 INSTALLING SMARTRF STUDIO AND USB DRIVERS ................................................................ 7
4.1.1 SmartRF Studio ................................................................................................................. 7
4.1.2 FTDI USB driver ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ........................................................................................... 11
6.1 XDS100V3 EMULATOR ...................................................................................................... 13
6.1.1 UART back channel ........................................................................................................ 14
6.2 POWER SOURCES ............................................................................................................. 14
6.2.1 USB Power ...................................................................................................................... 15
6.2.2 Battery Power .................................................................................................................. 15
6.2.3 External Power Supply .................................................................................................... 16
6.3 POWER DOMAINS .............................................................................................................. 17
6.3.1 XDS Domain ................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.2 EM Domain...................................................................................................................... 17
6.3.3 3.3 V Domain .................................................................................................................. 18
6.4 LCD ................................................................................................................................. 18
6.5 MICRO SD CARD SLOT ...................................................................................................... 19
6.6 ACCELEROMETER .............................................................................................................. 19
6.7 AMBIENT LIGHT SENSOR .................................................................................................... 20
6.8 BUTTONS .......................................................................................................................... 20
6.9 LEDS ............................................................................................................................... 21
6.9.1 General Purpose LEDs ................................................................................................... 21
6.9.2 XDS100v3 Emulator LEDs .............................................................................................. 21
6.10 EM CONNECTORS ............................................................................................................. 21
6.11 BREAKOUT HEADERS AND JUMPERS ................................................................................... 23
6.11.1 I/O Breakout Headers ..................................................................................................... 23
6.11.2 XDS100v3 Emulator Bypass Headers ............................................................................ 24
6.11.3 20-pin ARM JTAG Header .............................................................................................. 25
6.11.4 10-pin ARM Cortex Debug Header ................................................................................. 26
6.12 CURRENT MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................. 27
6.12.1 High-side current sensing ............................................................................................... 27
6.12.2 Current Measurement Jumper ........................................................................................ 27
7.1 20-PIN ARM JTAG HEADER .............................................................................................. 29
7.2 10-PIN ARM CORTEX DEBUG HEADER ............................................................................... 29
7.3 CUSTOM STRAPPING ......................................................................................................... 30
List of Figures
Figure 1 – Driver install: a) Update driver, b) Specify path to FTDI drivers..................................... 8
Figure 2 – Driver install: a) VCP loaded and b) drivers successfully installed ................................ 8
Figure 3 – SmartRF06EB (rev. 1.2.1) with EM connected ............................................................ 10
Figure 4 – SmartRF06EB architecture .......................................................................................... 12
Figure 5 – SmartRF06EB revision 1.2.1 front side ........................................................................ 13
Figure 6 – SmartRF06EB revision 1.2.1 reverse side ................................................................... 13
Figure 7 – Jumper mounted on J5 to enable the UART back channel ......................................... 14
Figure 8 – Main power switch (P501) and source selection switch (P502) ................................... 15
Figure 9 – SmartRF06EB power selection switch (P502) in “USB” position ................................. 15
Figure 10 – SmartRF06EB power source selection switch (P502) in “BAT” position ................... 16
Figure 11 – SmartRF06EB external power supply header (J501) ................................................ 16
Figure 12 – Power domain overview of SmartRF06EB ................................................................. 17
Figure 13 – Mount a jumper on J502 to bypass EM domain voltage regulator ............................. 18
Figure 14 – Simplified schematic of Ambient Light Sensor setup ................................................. 20
Figure 15 – SmartRF06EB EM connectors RF1 and RF2 ............................................................ 21
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Figure 16 – SmartRF06EB I/O breakout overview ........................................................................ 23
Figure 17 – XDS100v3 Emulator Bypass Header (P408) ............................................................. 24
Figure 18 – 20-pin ARM JTAG header (P409) .............................................................................. 25
Figure 19 – 10-pin ARM Cortex Debug header (P410) ................................................................. 26
Figure 20 – Simplified schematic of high-side current sensing setup ........................................... 27
Figure 21 – Measuring current consumption using jumper J503 .................................................. 27
Figure 22 – Simplified connection diagram for different debugging scenarios ............................. 28
Figure 23 – Debugging external target using SmartRF06EB ........................................................ 29
Figure 24 – ARM JTAG header (P409) with strapping to debug external target .......................... 30
List of Tables
Table 1 – SmartRF06EB features ................................................................................................... 5
Table 2 – Supply voltage: Recommended operating conditions and absolute max. ratings ........ 11
Table 3 – Temperature: Recommended operating conditions and storage temperatures ........... 11
Table 4 – UART Back channel signal connections ....................................................................... 14
Table 5 – Power domain overview of SmartRF06EB .................................................................... 17
Table 6 – LCD signal connections ................................................................................................. 19
Table 7 – Micro SD Card signal connections ................................................................................ 19
Table 8 – Accelerometer signal connections ................................................................................. 20
Table 9 – Ambient Light Sensor signal connections ..................................................................... 20
Table 10 – Button signal connections ........................................................................................... 20
Table 11 – General purpose LED signal connections ................................................................... 21
Table 12 – EM connector RF1 pin-out........................................................................................... 22
Table 13 – EM connector RF2 pin-out........................................................................................... 22
Table 14 – SmartRF06EB I/O breakout overview ......................................................................... 24
Table 15 – 20-pin ARM JTAG header pin-out (P409) ................................................................... 25
Table 16 – 10-pin ARM Cortex Debug header pin-out (P410) ...................................................... 26
Table 17 – Debugging external target: Minimum strapping (cJTAG support) ............................... 30
Table 18 – Debugging external target: Optional strapping ............................................................ 30
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TI XDS100v3 Emulator
cJTAG and JTAG emulator for easy programming and debugging of SoCs on Evaluation Modules or external targets.
High-speed USB 2.0 interface
Easy plug and play access to full SoC control using SmartRF™ Studio PC software. Integrated serial port over USB enables communication between the SoC via the UART back channel.
64x128 pixels serial LCD
Big LCD display for demo use and user interface development.
Four general purpose LEDs for demo use or debugging.
Micro SD card slot
External flash for extra storage, over-the-air upgrades and more.
Five push-buttons for demo use and user interfacing.
Three-axis highly configurable digital accelerometer for application development and demo use.
Light Sensor
Ambient Light Sensor for application development and demo use.
Current measurement
Current sense amplifier for high side current measurements.
Breakout pins
Easy access to SoC GPIO pins for quick and easy debugging.
SWRU321A – May 2013
1 Introduction
The SmartRF06 Evaluation Board (SmartRF06EB or simply EB) is the motherboard in development kits for Low Power RF ARM Cortex®-M based System on Chips from Texas Instruments. The board has a wide range of features, listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1 – SmartRF06EB features
2 About this manual
This manual contains reference information about the SmartRF06EB. Chapter 4 will give a quick introduction on how to get started with the SmartRF06EB. It describes
how to install SmartRF Studio to get the required USB drivers for the evaluation board. Chapter 5 briefly explains how the EB can be used throughout a project’s development cycle. Chapter 6 gives an overview of the various features and functionality provided by the board.
A troubleshooting guide is found in chapter 8 and Appendix A contains the schematics for SmartRF06EB revision 1.2.1.
The PC tools SmartRF Studio and SmartRF Flash Programmer have their own user manual. See chapter 9 for references to relevant documents and web pages.
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3 Acronyms and Abbreviations
ALS Ambient Light Sensor cJTAG Compact JTAG (IEEE 1149.7) CW Continuous Wave DK Development Kit EB Evaluation Board EM Evaluation Module FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array I/O Input/Output JTAG Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1) LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode LPRF Low Power RF MCU Micro Controller MISO Master In, Slave Out (SPI signal) MOSI Master Out, Slave In (SPI signal) NA Not Applicable / Not Available NC Not Connected RF Radio Frequency RTS Request to Send RX Receive SoC System on Chip SPI Serial Peripheral Interface TI Texas Instruments TP Test Point TX Transmit UART Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit USB Universal Serial Bus VCP Virtual COM Port
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4 Getting Started
Before connecting the SmartRF06EB to the PC via the USB cable, it is highly recommended to perform the steps described below.
4.1 Installing SmartRF Studio and USB drivers
Before your PC can communicate with the SmartRF06EB over USB, you will need to install the USB drivers for the EB. The latest SmartRF Studio installer [1] includes USB drivers both for Windows x86 and Windows x64 platforms.
After you have downloaded SmartRF Studio from the web, extract the zip-file, run the installer and follow the instructions. Select the complete installation to include the SmartRF Studio program, the SmartRF Studio documentation and the necessary drivers needed to communicate with the SmartRF06EB.
4.1.1 SmartRF Studio
SmartRF Studio lets you explore and experiment with the RF-ICs as it gives full overview and access to the devices’ registers to configure the radio and has a control interface for simple radio operation from the PC.
This means that SmartRF Studio will help radio system designers to easily evaluate the RF-IC at an early stage in the design process. It also offers a flexible code export function of radio register settings for software developers.
The latest version of SmartRF Studio can be downloaded from the Texas Instruments website [1], where you will also find a complete user manual.
4.1.2 FTDI USB driver Install FTDI USB driver manually in Windows
If the SmartRF06EB was not properly recognized after plugging it into your PC, try the following steps to install the necessary USB drivers. The steps described are for Microsoft Windows 7, but are very similar to those in Windows XP and Windows Vista. It is assumed that you have already downloaded and installed the latest version of SmartRF Studio 7 [1].
Open the Windows Device Manager and right click on the first “Texas Instruments XDS100v3” found under “Other devices” as shown in Figure 1a.
Select “Update Driver Software…” and, in the appearing dialog, browse to <Studio install dir>\Drivers\ftdi as shown in Figure 1b.
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a) b)
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Figure 1 – Driver install: a) Update driver, b) Specify path to FTDI drivers
Press Next and wait for the driver to be installed. The selected device should now appear in the Device Manager as “TI XDS100v3 Channel x” (x = A or B) as seen in Figure 2b. Repeat the above steps for the second “Texas Instruments XDS100v3” listed under “Other devices”. Enable XDS100v3 UART back channel on Windows
If you have both “TI XDS100v3 Channel A” and “TI XDS100v3 Channel B” listed under Universal
Serial Bus Controllers, you can proceed. Right click on “TI XDS100v3 Channel B” and select Properties. Under the Advanced tab, make sure “Load VCP” is checked as shown in Figure 2a.
A “USB Serial Port” may be listed under “Other devices”, as seen in Figure 1a. Follow the same steps as for the “Texas Instruments XDS100v3” devices to install the VCP driver. When the
drivers from <Studio install dir>\Drivers\ftdi is properly installed, you should see the USB Serial Port device be listed under “Ports (COM & LPT)” as shown in Figure 2b.
The SmartRF06EB drivers are now installed correctly.
Figure 2 – Driver install: a) VCP loaded and b) drivers successfully installed
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SWRU321A – May 2013 Install XSD100v3 UART back channel on Linux
The ports on SmartRF06EB will typically be mounted as ttyUSB0 or ttyUSB1. The UART back channel is normally mounted as ttyUSB1.
1. Download the Linux drivers from [2].
2. Untar the ftdi_sio.tar.gz file on your Linux system.
3. Connect the SmartRF06EB to your system.
4. Install driver a. Verify the USB Product ID (PID) and Vendor ID (VID).
The TI XDS100v3 USB VID is 0x0403 and the PID is 0xA6D1, but if you wish to find the PID using a terminal window/shell, use
> lsusb | grep -i future
b. Install driver using modprobe
In a terminal window/shell, navigate to the ftdi_sio folder and run
> sudo modprobe ftdi_sio vendor=0x403 product=0xA6D1
SmartRF06EB should now be correctly mounted. The above steps have been tested on Fedora and Ubuntu distributions.
If the above steps failed, try uninstalling ‘brltty prior to step 5 (technical note TN_101, [2]).
> sudo apt-get remove brltty
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5 Using the SmartRF06 Evaluation Board
The SmartRF06EB is a flexible test and development platform that works together with RF Evaluation Modules from Texas Instruments.
An Evaluation Module (EM) is a small RF module with RF chip, balun, matching filter, SMA antenna connector and I/O connectors. The modules can be plugged into the SmartRF06EB which lets the PC take direct control of the RF device on the EM over the USB interface.
SmartRF06EB currently supports:
- CC2538EM SmartRF06EB is included in e.g. the CC2538 development kit.
Figure 3 – SmartRF06EB (rev. 1.2.1) with EM connected
The PC software that controls the SmartRF06EB + EM is SmartRF Studio. Studio can be used to perform several RF tests and measurements, e.g. to set up a CW signal and send/receive packets.
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Operating voltage
Absolute max. rating
Min. [V]
Max. [V]
Min. [V]
Max. [V]
XDS100v3 Emulator1 [4]
LCD [5]
Accelerometer [6]
Ambient light sensor [7]
Operating temperature
Storage temperature
Min. [˚C]
Max. [˚C]
Min. [˚C]
Max. [˚C]
XDS100v3 Emulator [4]
LCD [5]
Accelerometer [6]
Ambient light sensor [7]
1 2
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The EB+EM can be of great help during the whole development cycle for a new RF product.
- Perform comparative studies. Compare results obtained with EB+EM with results from
your own system.
- Perform basic functional tests of your own hardware by connecting the radio on your
board to SmartRF06EB. SmartRF Studio can be used to exercise the radio.
- Verify your own software with known good RF hardware, by simply connecting your own
microcontroller to an EM via the EB. Test the send function by transmitting packets from your SW and receive with another board using SmartRF Studio. Then transmit using SmartRF Studio and receive with your own software.
- Develop code for your SoC and use the SmartRF06EB as a standalone board without PC
The SmartRF06EB can also be used as a debugger interface to the SoCs from IAR Embedded workbench for ARM or Code Composer Studio from Texas Instruments. For details on how to use the SmartRF06EB to debug external targets, see chapter 7.
5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
The minimum and maximum operating supply voltages and absolute maximum ratings for the active components onboard the SmartRF06EB are summarized in Table 2. Table 3 lists the recommended operating temperature and storage temperature ratings. Please refer to the respective component’s datasheet for further details.
Table 2 – Supply voltage: Recommended operating conditions and absolute max. ratings
Table 3 – Temperature: Recommended operating conditions and storage temperatures
The XDS100v3 Emulator is USB powered. Values refer to the supply and I/O pin voltages of the connected target. Recommended minimum operating voltage.
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EM Domain (1.8 – 3.6 V)
XDS Domain
3.3 V Domain
EM Connectors
AccelerometerLEDsButtonsLight Sensor
Level shifter
SD Card Reader
Load switch
Bypass Header
UART back
Level shifter
ARM Cortex
Debug Header
I/O breakout headers
3.3 V Domain Enable
I/O Breakout Headers
SWRU321A – May 2013
6 SmartRF06 Evaluation Board Overview
SmartRF06EB acts as the motherboard in development kits for ARM® Cortex™ based Low Power RF SoCs from Texas Instruments. The board has several user interfaces and connections to external interfaces, allowing fast prototyping and testing of both software and hardware. An overview of the SmartRF06EB architecture is found in Figure 4. The board layout is found in Figure 5 and Figure 6, while the schematics are located in Appendix A.
This chapter will give an overview of the general architecture of the board and describe the available I/O. The following sub-sections will explain the I/O in more detail. Pin connections between the EM and the evaluation board I/O can be found in section 6.10.
Figure 4 – SmartRF06EB architecture
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EM current measurement testpoint and jumper
XDS bypass header
20-pin ARM JTAG Header
General purpose buttons
UART back channel breakout
10-pin ARM Cortex Header
EM I/O breakout
Main power
Power source
selection switch
External power
supply connector
EM reset button
bypass jumper
Micro SD
card slot
Ambient Light
EM connectors
UART back channel enable Jumper
1.5 V AAA Alkaline Battery holder
XDS100v3 Emulator
1.5 V AAA
Alkaline Battery
CR2032 coin
cell battery
SWRU321A – May 2013
Figure 5 – SmartRF06EB revision 1.2.1 front side
Figure 6 – SmartRF06EB revision 1.2.1 reverse side
6.1 XDS100v3 Emulator
The XDS100v3 Emulator from Texas Instruments has cJTAG and regular JTAG support. cJTAG is a 2-pin extension to regular 4-pin JTAG. The XDS100v3 consists of a USB to JTAG chip from FTDI [2] and an FPGA to convert JTAG instructions to cJTAG format.
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Signal name
Probe header
EM pin
UART Receive (EM data in)
EM_UART_RX (P412.2)
UART Transmit (EM data out)
EM_UART_TX (P412.3)
UART Clear To Send signal
EM_UART_CTS (P412.4)
UART Request To Send signal
EM_UART_RTS (P412.5)
Never connect batteries and an external power source to the SmartRF06EB at the same time! Doing so may lead to excessive currents that may damage the batteries or cause onboard components to break. The CR2032 coin cell battery is in particular very sensitive to reverse currents (charging) and must never be combined with other power sources (AAA batteries or an external power source).
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In addition to regular debugging capabilities using cJTAG or JTAG, the XDS100v3 Emulator supports a UART backchannel over a USB Virtual COM Port (VCP) to the PC. The UART back channel supports flow control, 8-N-1 format and data rates up to 12Mbaud.
Please see the XDS100v3 emulator product page [4] for detailed information about the emulator. The XDS100v3 Emulator is powered over USB and is switched on as long as the USB cable is connected to the SmartRF06EB and the main power switch (S501) is in the ON position. The XDS100v3 Emulator supports targets with operating voltages between 1.8 V and 3.6. The min (max) operating temperature is -20 (+70) ˚C.
6.1.1 UART back channel
The mounted EM can be connected to the PC via the XDS100v3 Emulator’s UART back channel. When connected to a PC, the XDS100v3 is enumerated as a Virtual COM Port (VCP) over USB. The driver used is a royalty free VCP driver from FTDI, available for e.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux and Max OS X. The UART back channel gives the mounted EM access to a four pin UART interface, supporting 8-N-1 format at data rates up to 12 Mbaud.
To enable the SmartRF06EB UART back channel the “Enable UART over XDS100v3” jumper (J5), located on the lower right side of the EB, must be mounted (Figure 7). Table 4 shows an overview of the I/O signals related to UART Back Channel.
Figure 7 – Jumper mounted on J5 to enable the UART back channel
Table 4 – UART Back channel signal connections
6.2 Power Sources
There are three ways to power the SmartRF06EB; batteries, USB bus and external power supply. The power source can be selected using the power source selection switch (S502) seen in Figure
8. The XDS100v3 Emulator can only be powered over USB. The main power supply switch (S501) cuts power to the SmartRF06EB.
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