
Professional Audio CD Recorders
Pla ys MP3 f iles ins ide
D-RW901SL and CD- RW900SL are rugged CD
Recorders with slid e-in dr ives for high-quality
audio reco rding on CD- R and CD -RW media in pr ofes-
sio nal and semi-professional areas. Differences can be
found amon g their features, while aud io performance
is virt ually identical f or both un its.
The CD -RW900SL is a good choice for ho me
recor ding, live reco rding and other semi-professional
app licatio ns. Its br oad feature set easily beats any
conven tional con sumer CD recorder.
The CD -RW901SL, aime d at h igh-deman d pro -
fes siona ls, give s studios and contractors balanced
analogue connections, AES-EBU digital I/O, as well as
par allel and RS-232C seri al ports for i ntegr ation into
med ia control systems. With t wo linke d units, users
are able to c reate reco rdings over s everal h ours. A Time
CD -R W900SL · C D- RW 901SL Pr of es sion al Audi o CD Reco rd er s
Track Inc rement featu re autom atically add s a CD track
ID every few minutes (selec table f rom 1 to 10 minutes),
ide al for event recording and sound s ampli ng. With
its Call f unction a nd additional edi ting capabilitie s for
tra ck and i ndex mark s, the CD-RW901SL is idea l for
live a pplic ations in br oadcast s tudio s, theat res or a ny
per manen t installati on.
Fea ture s of both models
Rec ords to p ro CD- R, CD -RW and
con sume r CD- R an d CD- RW
med ia
NEW ! Selec tab le re ad spee d to
inc reas e playa bility of l owgrade or dam aged medi a
24- bit A/ D and D/A c onver ters
Inp ut s ample rate c onver ter
(32 to 48 k Hz, d efea table)
Ind epen dant L/R analo gue
inp ut l evel contr ol
Dig ital volu me
Syn c recor ding f unct ion
Aut o or manual trac k divis ion
Dig ital fade i n/out fro m 1 t o
30 s ec i n 1-sec step s
Rec mute fun ctio n to reco rd
sil ence
Era se/un -final ize CD-RWs
Sup ports CD-Tex t
Com puter k eyboard ( PS/2) can
be used f or CD -Text inpu t and as
a r emote c ontr ol
Tim er f unct ion (pl ay wh en
pow er co mes on)
Con tinuous, single, rand om, or
progr am (u p to 99 song s) pl ay
All , sin gle, or A- B re peat play
NEW ! Selec tab le sk ip m ode:
jum p by trac k or in 1- minute
ste ps
Aut o Cue and Auto Read y
func tions
Pla ys MP3 f iles on CDs
dir ectories
Sho ws MP 3 tag s on Disp lay ( ID3)
Pit ch co ntro l (±16% i n 0.1 t o
1.0% steps)
Key co ntro l (±6 semi -tone s)
Key orig inal f unct ion (cha nge
tem po withou t ch angin g key)
SPDIF coax ial d igit al I/ O
Opt ical TOS digital I /O
RCA u nbalanc ed a nalog ue I/O
Rem ote c ontr ol in clud ed
(CD-RW 900SL : Infra-red r emote
con trol, r ecei ver c an b e dea ctivat ed, C D-RW901SL : wi red
rem ote con trol )
2-U rack -mount cons truc tion
Add itio nal featu res of
XLR bala nced anal ogue I/O
RS-232C serial por t (9- pin D -sub)
Par allel p ort (15-pi n D- sub)
Call func tion
Man ually a djus t track mar ks
Tim e Track Incr ement: Adds a CD
tra ck ID e very 1 to 10 minute s
Set/s earc h ind ex marks
Selec tab le co py ID
NEW ! Con tinuous r ecor ding with
two C D-RW901SL uni ts
*E/ A: Ei ngän ge/A usgä nge

Professional Audio CD Recorders
Gen eral CD- RW901S L CD- RW90 0SL
Spe cif icat ions
Rec orda ble med ia CD- R, C D-R W, CD -R- DA, C D-R W-DA
Qua ntis ati on 16- bit line ar 16- bit line ar
Sam plin g f requ enc y 44.1 kHz 44.1 kHz
Fre quen cy resp ons e 2 0 Hz to 2 0 kHz , ±0 .8 d B (P layb ack)
Sig nal- to- nois e ra tio 95 d B (P layb ack) , 90 dB ( Reco rdi ng) 95 d B (P layb ack) , 90 dB ( Reco rdi ng)
Dyn ami c ra nge 95 d B (P layb ack) , 90 dB ( Reco rdi ng) 95 d B (P layb ack) , 90 dB ( Reco rdi ng)
Tota l ha rmo nic d ist ort ion <0.0 06 % (Pl ayba ck), <0.0 08 % (Re cor ding ) <0.0 06 % (Pl ayba ck), <0.0 08 % (Re cor ding )
Cha nnel sep ara tion >90 dB ( Play back , at 1 k Hz), >80 d B (R ecor din g, a t 1 k Hz) >90 dB ( Play back , at 1 k Hz), >80 d B (R ecor din g, a t 1 k Hz)
Hig h-s peed CD- RW i s su ppo rted
20 H z to 20 kHz, ±1.0 d B (Re cor ding )
Ana logu e in puts and outp uts CD- RW901S L CD- RW90 0SL
Ana logu e in put , un bala nced RCA RCA
In put leve l no mina l/ma xim um, impe danc e
Ana logu e ou tpu t, u nbal ance d RCA RCA
Ou tpu t le vel nomi nal/ maxi mum, imp eda nce
Ana logu e in put , ba lanc ed XLR –
In put leve l no mina l/ma xim um, impe danc e
Ana logu e ou tpu t, b alan ced XLR –
Ou tpu t le vel nomi nal/ maxi mum, imp eda nce
Hea dpho nes out put 6.3 -mm ster eo j ack 6.3 -mm ster eo j ack
No min al ou tpu t po wer 2 x 20 mW (in to 32 Ohm) 2 x 20 mW (int o 32 Ohm)
–10 d BV (–16 dBFS ) / +6 d BV, 22 kOh m –10 d BV (–16 dBFS ) / +6 d BV, 22 kOh m
–10 d BV (–16 dBFS ) / +6 d BV, 60 0 Oh m –10 dB V (–16 dBFS ) / + 6 dB V, 60 0 Oh m
+4 dBu (–16 dB FS) / +20 d Bu, 14 kO hm –
+4 dBu (–16 dB FS) / +20 d Bu, 75 Oh m –
CD- R, C D-R W, CD -R- DA, C D-R W-DA
Hig h-s peed CD- RW i s su ppo rted
20 H z to 20 kHz, ±0. 8 dB (Pla ybac k)
20 H z to 20 kHz, ±1.0 d B (Re cor ding )
Di gita l inp uts and outp uts C D-RW 901SL C D-RW 900SL
Sam plin g f requ enc y co nver ter inpu t 32–4 8 k Hz 32–4 8 k Hz
Coa xia l C inch , IE C609 58 Ty pe I I (SP DIF) Cinc h, IE C60 958 Type II (S PDIF )
Opt ica l TOS, IEC 6095 8 Ty pe II (SP DIF) TOS, IEC6 0958 Type II (SPDI F)
AES /EBU XLR , IE C609 58 ( AES/ EBU) –
Ot her c onne ctor s CD- RW901S L CD- RW90 0SL
Par alle l po rt D-S ub, 15 -pi n –
Ser ial por t D-S ub, 9 -Pi n (R S-232 C) –
Rem ote conn ect or 2 .5- mm MI ni j ack (for RC-RW 901SL onl y) –
Key boar d co nne cto r Mi ni DI N, 6 -pi n (P S/2) Min i DI N, 6 -pin (PS /2)
Ot her s peci fic atio ns CD- RW901S L CD- RW90 0SL
Vol tage req uire men ts Eur ope: 230 V / 50 H z Eur ope: 230 V / 50 H z
Pow er co nsu mpti on 17 W 16 W
Dim ensi ons (W x H x D) 483 mm x 9 4 mm x 30 9 mm 483 mm x 94 mm x 308 mm
Wei ght 4.7 kg 4.5 kg
Sup plie d ac ces sori es W ire d re mote cont rol In fra -re d re mote con trol
rear panel
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All tradem arks a re prop erty of th eir re specti ve hol ders.
Visit www.t ascam- europe. com or www. tascam. com fo r mos t up- to-dat e info rmation .
ww w.tascam-europe.com
TASC AM D ivi sion, TEAC Eur ope GmbH, Bah nstr. 12, 6 5205 W iesb aden , Ge rman y
TEA C UK Ltd., Uni t 19 & 20, T he C ourt yar ds, Hatt ers Lane, Wat ford , Her tfo rds hire WD18 8 TE, UK
rear panel