TANDBERG MSE 8220 User Manual

IP VCR 2200 Series
MSE 8220 blade
Version 4 Revision 4
Philip Pedersens vei 20
1366 Lysaker
Telephone: +47 67 125 125
Telefax: +47 67 125 234
Video: +47 67 117 777
E-mail: tandberg@tandberg.com
Introduction....................................................................................................................... 1
Connecting the IP VCR to your network.................................................................................... 2
Before connecting the power............................................................................................... 2
Assigning an IP Address to the IP VCR................................................................................... 2
Log in to the web interface ................................................................................................. 3
Choosing a gatekeeper .......................................................................................................... 6
Registering the IP VCR with an external gatekeeper .................................................................. 6
Registering the IP VCR with the internal gatekeeper.................................................................. 7
Creating recordings.............................................................................................................10
Calling out and recording ................................................................................................. 10
Recording using the Recording Console ............................................................................... 13
Recording point-to-point H.323 calls................................................................................... 15
Recording a conference when the IP VCR calls out.................................................................. 16
Recording a conference when the MCU calls the IP VCR .......................................................... 17
Playing back recordings ........................................................................................................19
Playing back to a PC ....................................................................................................... 19
Playing back to an endpoint............................................................................................... 23
Using the auto attendant.......................................................................................................25
Dial the auto attendant and create a recording ........................................................................ 25
Customizing the auto attendant banner................................................................................. 27
Using Folders ....................................................................................................................28
Recording directly to a folder ............................................................................................ 29
Recording directly to a folder with the recording console .......................................................... 30
Dialing the auto attendant for a specific folder........................................................................ 30
Recording computer displays .................................................................................................31
Configuring the IP VCR to use H.239.................................................................................. 31
Recording the content channel........................................................................................... 32
Using a gateway to call the IP VCR..........................................................................................33
Transferring recordings........................................................................................................35
Downloading a recording to your PC................................................................................... 35
Uploading a recording from your PC ................................................................................... 37
Transferring a recording from one IP VCR to another .............................................................. 38
Managing endpoints ............................................................................................................40
Setting up users and editing user privileges ................................................................................41
Closing the IP VCR browser..................................................................................................42


This tutorial provides detailed instructions on how to set up and administer the Codian IP Video Conference Recorder (IP VCR). It describes how to connect the unit, and then how to log in and use it to set up a connection with endpoints and conferences.

Using the tutorial

The tutorial is designed to be followed in the order in which the steps are provided.
Online help complements this guide by providing detailed descriptions of each of field. To display help at any time, click the icon in the top right hand corner of the screen.
In this tutorial the instruction ‘Go to Settings > Gatekeeper’ means click the Settings link on the menu bar and then click the Gatekeeper tab.
Click on settings Then click on Gatekeeper
Throughout this guide there are helpful tips in green that explain things in more detail, for example:
Before powering on the IP VCR, connect the blue console cable included with the IP VCR to the console port.
These provide useful advice on features and functions of the unit.


It is assumed that you have used video conference recording equipment before and understand industry standard terms.
Ideally you need access to a Codian MCU unit in addition to an IP VCR so you can see the effect of joining and of recording a conference. To try all of the features described in this tutorial you also need a gatekeeper and two endpoints.

IP VCR software version

This tutorial was prepared using IP VCR 2200 series version 2.2 software. If you are using this tutorial with a different release of the IP VCR or the VCR blade (the MSE 8220 VCR blade) some screen shots may be different.

Connecting the IP VCR to your network

This section gives an overview of the commands needed to set up and log in to the IP VCR. You will make your first recording in the next section, Creating recordings.

Before connecting the power

1 Connect the console port using the blue console cable included with the IP VCR
2 Set your console software to the following settings:
Value Setting
Baud rate 38400 Data bits 8 Parity None Stop bits 1 Flow control None
3 Connect an Ethernet cable from Ethernet Port A to an Ethernet switch (rather than a hub) in order to
minimize the interference from other devices on the network
The Ethernet port is a 10/100/1000 Mbps auto-sensing connection.
4 Turn on the IP VCR by plugging in the power lead
The IP VCR does not have an on/off switch.

Assigning an IP Address to the IP VCR

1 Wait until the red alarm light on the front panel is extinguished and the command prompt appears on the
By default, the IP VCR 2200 uses DHCP to obtain an IP address. However, you can assign a static IP address if you prefer or if a DHCP server is not available.
2 Assign the IP address by one of the following methods:
a. To use DHCP, enter dhcp at the VCR prompt and then press Enter.
IPVCR:> dhcp
b. To assign a static IP address, enter the information using the following format and then press Enter:
static <IP> <netmask> <default gateway> <DNS server>
If you do not have a DNS server, use in place of the DNS server address – you must enter a DNS server address. For example, to assign an address of where the default gateway is at, enter:
3 To display the current IP address, enter status at the VCR prompt and then make a note of the IP address
as you will need it during the tutorial
f To see all commands available from the console interface, type help and press Enter f To see the syntax for each of the commands, type them in and press Enter

Log in to the web interface

You can now log in and control the IP VCR via the web interface. The web interface is used to administer the IP VCR device and manage recordings, users, and associated devices.
1 Using a web browser, type in the host name or IP address of the IP VCR that you displayed in the
previous section
You now automatically have the rights of the ‘guest’ user.
2 Click on the Click here to log in link
To configure the unit, you must log in as the admin user.
3 Click Change log in
4 Type in the username admin with no password and press Enter
You are advised to set up a password for the admin account to restrict who is able to perform box-wide configuration changes such as changing the IP VCR’s IP address. Instructions are provided later in the tutorial.
The web interface screens have a number of features in common:
f Menu bar with a number of options that open up setup, configuration or status screens f Screens with one or more tabs where each tab is a separate page f Pages with one or more sections. Section headings are in blue with white writing. Some pages have
several sections and you will need to scroll down to see all the sections
f Links and buttons. Some buttons appear more than once on a page so that you do not need to scroll too
f If the page has an icon then clicking on the icon will open the online help page for the current page f The navigation aid below the menu bar shows where you are in the web interface by identifying the levels
that you have worked through to reach the current page

Choosing a gatekeeper

A gatekeeper is an H.323 entity on the network that provides services such as address translation and network access control for H.323 terminals, gateways, and MCUs. A gatekeeper is optional on an H.323 network but its presence allows end users to replay recordings stored on the IP VCR by dialing a number or entering a text string. H.323 capable devices can be configured to register their IP and alias addresses with a gatekeeper. The IP VCR can register E.164 numeric IDs with the gatekeeper. H.323 endpoints can then call in to view and create recordings using numbers instead of having to use an IP address or domain name.
The IP VCR can be configured to work with your existing gatekeeper. If you do not have a gatekeeper on your network the IP VCR can provide a gatekeeper service for the H.323 network.

Registering the IP VCR with an external gatekeeper

If you already have a gatekeeper on your network follow the steps in this section to configure the IP VCR to register with it. If you do not have a gatekeeper on your network proceed to
the internal gatekeeper
1 Go to Settings > Gatekeeper
Registering the IP VCR with
2 Select Enabled from the H.323 gatekeeper usage drop down list
3 Enter the IP address or hostname of the gatekeeper on your network in the H.323 gatekeeper address
text box
4 For the Gatekeeper registration type, select Gateway
If the IP VCR is configured to register prefixes Codian recommend registering the IP VCR as a Gateway. The “Which gatekeepers have been tested for the IP VCR?” FAQ in the Technical Support section of the Codian web site details any exceptions to this advice.
5 Ensure the Port A checkbox is selected
6 Enter a name for your IP VCR in the H.323 ID to register text box
H.323 endpoints that are registered with the gatekeeper can Users can call the VCR using the ID given here.
7 Enter 71 in the Point to point incoming prefix text box
The Point to point incoming prefix will be used later on in the tutorial.
8 Click Apply changes to register the IP VCR with the gatekeeper on your network
Your endpoints should also be registered with the gatekeeper on your network. Your endpoint documentation should describe how to register the endpoint with the gatekeeper.

Registering the IP VCR with the internal gatekeeper

If you do not already have an H.323 gatekeeper on your network the IP VCR can be configured to provide gatekeeper services. You will also have to configure the firewall on the IP VCR to allow access to the H.323 gatekeeper service. Only complete this section if you have not completed the steps in the Registering the IP VCR with an external gatekeeper section.
Up to twenty five devices can be registered with the gatekeeper. A feature key can be purchased to increase this limit.
1 Go to Network > Services and set the H.323 gatekeeper checkbox
The H.323 gatekeeper firewall port is not open on the IP VCR by default. If you enable the built-in gatekeeper, without first opening the port, an error message will be displayed.
2 Click Apply changes to open the H.323 gatekeeper firewall port
3 Go to Gatekeeper
4 Select Enabled from the status drop down list
The other fields can be left blank as they control gatekeeper neighboring. This is an advanced feature that is not covered by this tutorial. For more information on gatekeeper neighboring refer to the online help.
5 Click Apply changes to enable the built in gatekeeper
The IP VCR can now be configured to register with the built-in gatekeeper.
6 Go to Settings -> Gatekeeper
7 For H.323 gatekeeper usage, select Enabled
8 For H.323 gatekeeper address enter the local IP loopback address
9 For Gatekeeper registration type, select Gateway
If the IP VCR is configured to register prefixes Codian recommend registering the IP VCR as a Gateway. The “Which gatekeepers have been tested for the IP VCR?” FAQ in the Technical Support section of the Codian web site details any exceptions to this advice.
9 Enter a name for your IP VCR in the H.323 ID to register text box
H.323 endpoints that are registered with the gatekeeper can Users can call the VCR using the ID given here.
10 Enter 71 in the Point to point incoming prefix text box
This Point to point incoming prefix will be used later on in the tutorial.
11 Click Apply changes to register the IP VCR with the internal gatekeeper
Your H.323 endpoints should also be registered with the gatekeeper on the IP VCR. Your endpoint documentation should describe how to register the endpoint with the gatekeeper.

Creating recordings

There are a number of ways to create a recording: f Call out and record: the IP VCR, via its web interface, calls out to a H.323 endpoint and records its
media streams
f Make a call to the IP VCR after it has been configured to record incoming calls by default f Call in to the IP VCR’s auto attendant and select Record session to record yourself f Call a specific gatekeeper registered numeric ID to trigger a recording f Call another endpoint through the IP VCR (a point-to-point call) via a prefix the IP VCR has registered
with the gatekeeper. The IP VCR will be part of the call and record the media streams from both endpoints
Equally there are a number of ways to play back a recording: f Call out and play: the IP VCR, via its web interface, calls out to a H.323 endpoint and plays back a
recording to it
f Streaming the recording to a user’s desktop via a player application such as QuickTime™ f Calling in to the IP VCR’s auto attendant and selecting the recording for play back f Registering the recording with a gatekeeper and playing it back by calling its registered numeric ID
In this tutorial you try several ways to record and play back.

Calling out and recording

This section describes how to create your first recording by connecting directly to an endpoint. Later in the tutorial you will record video from a conference and from a point-to-point call.
1 Go to Recordings
The Recordings list opens and shows any existing recordings.
2 Click Call out and record
3 Type in a name for the recording – for example training recording 2
4 Type in the IP address or hostname of the endpoint that you want to record from
5 Select whether to connect to this endpoint using H.323 or SIP
6 Leave all other values as their default settings
Later in the tutorial you will be shown how to pre-configure H.323 endpoints. This allows recordings to be started quickly using preconfigured settings.
7 Click Call endpoint
8 If the endpoint is not configured to automatically answer calls, accept the call on the endpoint
When the endpoint answers the call the IP VCR starts recording and will continue recording until the call is disconnected. The recording captures the video and audio streams being sent by the endpoint to the IP VCR.
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