Stryker Power-PRO XT Maintenance Manual

PPoowweerr--PPRROO™™ XXTT CCoott
MMaaiinntteennaannccee MMaannuuaall
6506-109-002 Rev G.1
Refer to instruction manual/booklet
CE mark
Authorized representative in the European Community
European medical device
General warning
Warning; crushing of hands
Warning; non-ionizing radiation
No pushing
Do not lubricate
Catalogue number
Lot (batch) code
Serial number
For US Patents see
Date of manufacture
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 EN
Mass of equipment with safe working load
Safe working load
Type B applied part
Type BF applied part
Lift here
Medical Equipment Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. With Respect to Electric Shock, Fire, and Mechanical Hazards Only in Accordance with ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2012 and CAN/ CSA-C22.2 No. 60601-1:14.
Direct current
Alternating current
Class II electrical equipment: equipment in which protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation only, but in which additional safety precautions such as double insulation or reinforced insulation are provided, there being no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon installation conditions.
Dangerous voltage
SSMMRRTT power system
Protection from powerful water jets
In accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as amended, this symbol indicates that the product should be collected separately for recycling. Do not dispose of as unsorted municipal waste. Contact local distributor for disposal information. Ensure infected equipment is decontaminated prior to recycling.
WEEE Directive (2012/96/EC). Contains cadmium.
The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) is a non-profit, public service organization that promotes the recycling of portable rechargeable batteries. Batteries must be delivered to a battery collection site. Visit the RBRC website ( to find a nearby collection site or call the phone number shown on the recycling symbol.
Contains nickel cadmium cells and should be recycled accordingly
Battery terminal identification (data line, negative, and positive)
EN 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
Ni-Cd cell identification per IEC 61951-1:2003
2300 mAh
<60s >300s
TRA Registered No: ER35122/14 Dealer No: DA35173/14
Battery capacity, typical charge, and duration
Cot duty cycle: 16.7% (less than 60 seconds on, more than 300 seconds off)
This device complies with Part 18 of the FCC rules
Two person lift
This way up
Fragile, handle with care
Keep dry
450 lb /205 kg weight capacity
Do not stack more than three high
English text below this symbol is intended for USA audiences only
Registered in United Arab Emirates by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities
Product complies with applicable EMC standards in Australia/New Zealand
Approved by independent communications authority of South Africa
Box manufacturer’s certificate - this packaging box has a minimum test value of 500 lb per sq. in
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 EN
TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss
Warning/Caution/Note Definition ..............................................................................................................................5
Summary of safety precautions ................................................................................................................................5
Pinch points .......................................................................................................................................................6
Mechanical stability ............................................................................................................................................6
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................8
Product description .................................................................................................................................................8
Indications for use...................................................................................................................................................8
Expected service life ...............................................................................................................................................9
Disposal/recycle .....................................................................................................................................................9
Contraindications ....................................................................................................................................................9
Specifications - Power-PRO.....................................................................................................................................9
Standards with required options .............................................................................................................................11
Specifications - SMRT ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Product illustration - Power-PRO............................................................................................................................ 13
Product illustration - SMRT ....................................................................................................................................14
Contact information............................................................................................................................................... 14
Serial number location - Power-PRO ...................................................................................................................... 15
Serial number location - SMRT ..............................................................................................................................15
Date of manufacture.............................................................................................................................................. 15
Preventive maintenance .........................................................................................................................................16
Lubrication ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Regular inspection and adjustments .......................................................................................................................16
Every month or two hours ................................................................................................................................. 16
Every three months or six hours.........................................................................................................................17
Every six months or 12 hours ............................................................................................................................18
Every 12 months or 24 hours.............................................................................................................................18
Foot end fastener part replacement schedule .....................................................................................................19
Maintenance record ..............................................................................................................................................19
Training record .....................................................................................................................................................20
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Electronics and hydraulics locator ..........................................................................................................................21
Hydraulic assembly............................................................................................................................................... 22
Hydraulic assembly wiring schematics....................................................................................................................22
Electrical system block diagram – unload ................................................................................................................23
Electrical system block diagram – load....................................................................................................................23
Litter drifts (without patient weight) .........................................................................................................................24
Base drifts (without patient weight) .........................................................................................................................25
Litter does not lower in the powered mode ..............................................................................................................25
Litter does not extend in the powered mode - check motor .......................................................................................25
Litter does not extend in powered mode - check the power indicator LED ..................................................................25
Base does not retract in the powered mode............................................................................................................. 26
Base does not extend in the manual mode ..............................................................................................................26
Base does not retract in the manual mode ..............................................................................................................26
Litter does not retract in the manual mode (with patient weight) ................................................................................26
Litter does not extend in the manual mode .............................................................................................................. 26
High speed retract does not engage .......................................................................................................................26
LCD error codes - main micro ................................................................................................................................26
LCD error codes - safety micro............................................................................................................................... 27
Main cable assembly............................................................................................................................................. 28
Main cable assembly wiring schematics..................................................................................................................29
Control board assembly......................................................................................................................................... 29
Control board assembly wiring schematics.............................................................................................................. 30
SMRT charger power LED is NOT illuminated .........................................................................................................30
SMRT charger will not charge the SMRT Pak .......................................................................................................... 30
SMRT charger indicator LEDs are NOT illuminated when the Pak is inserted.............................................................31
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 1 EN
12 VDC automotive cable fuse replacement ............................................................................................................31
A fully charged SMRT Pak does not provide sufficient power for cot operation ...........................................................32
SMRT charger indicates a SMRT Pak error (amber LED), but the Pak performs well on the cot...................................32
Charger indicates a temperature delay (flashing amber LED), but the Pak is within the normal operating temperature
range ................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Service ....................................................................................................................................................................33
Backrest adjustment..............................................................................................................................................33
Head section replacement .....................................................................................................................................34
Backrest gas cylinder replacement ......................................................................................................................... 34
Manual release cable adjustment ...........................................................................................................................35
Filling the hydraulics assembly reservoir ................................................................................................................. 36
Wheel locking force adjustment.............................................................................................................................. 36
Steer-Lock mechanism adjustment.........................................................................................................................37
Cot retaining post adjustment.................................................................................................................................37
Cot retaining post replacement............................................................................................................................... 38
Cot retaining post screw replacement .....................................................................................................................39
Hydraulic A valve or B valve replacement ............................................................................................................... 39
Hydraulic manual release valve replacement ..........................................................................................................40
Hydraulic cylinder replacement ..............................................................................................................................41
Hydraulic hose replacement................................................................................................................................... 42
Terminal block replacement ...................................................................................................................................43
Siderail assembly replacement (standard) .............................................................................................................. 45
Siderail assembly replacement (XPS option) ........................................................................................................... 45
Ratchet assembly replacement (XPS option) ..........................................................................................................47
Release handle assembly replacement (XPS option) ...............................................................................................48
Spring handle assembly replacement (XPS option) .................................................................................................49
Cot assembly .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Base assembly .......................................................................................................................................................56
No wheel lock option...............................................................................................................................................60
Single wheel lock option ......................................................................................................................................... 61
Dual wheel lock option............................................................................................................................................62
Caster horn assembly - 6082-002-012 ...................................................................................................................63
Adjustable caster lock assembly ............................................................................................................................64
No Steer-Lock option .............................................................................................................................................. 65
Steer-Lock, optional - 6506-038-000...................................................................................................................... 66
Steer-Lock sub assembly, head end ......................................................................................................................67
6 in. molded wheel assembly - 6060-002-010........................................................................................................ 68
Cot retaining post, right - 6085-033-000................................................................................................................. 69
Optional kickstand assembly - 6085-102-000 ........................................................................................................70
Kickstand sub assembly - 6085-002-016 ............................................................................................................... 71
Outer lift tube assembly, base pivot - 6500-301-021.............................................................................................. 72
Inner lift tube assembly, base pivot - 6500-301-022 .............................................................................................. 73
Inner lift tube, litter pivot, patient right assembly - 6500-001-034 .......................................................................... 74
Inner lift tube, litter pivot, patient left assembly - 6500-001-035.............................................................................75
Standard siderail.....................................................................................................................................................76
Siderail assembly....................................................................................................................................................77
Outer rail sub assembly, right .................................................................................................................................78
Outer rail sub assembly, left ................................................................................................................................... 79
Hall sensor assembly..............................................................................................................................................80
Sensor housing assembly ...................................................................................................................................... 81
XPS option siderail .................................................................................................................................................82
EN 2 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
XPS main assembly, right - 6500-003-034............................................................................................................. 83
XPS main assembly, left - 6500-003-044 ...............................................................................................................84
Power assembly ..................................................................................................................................................... 85
Hydraulic sub assembly - 6500-101-030 ................................................................................................................87
Foot end assembly .................................................................................................................................................88
Button assembly - 650600010016..........................................................................................................................92
Trend - 6085-031-000 ............................................................................................................................................. 93
Trend assembly ......................................................................................................................................................94
Gatch, optional - 6500-082-000..............................................................................................................................95
Gatch assembly, optional .......................................................................................................................................96
Gatch support assembly, optional .......................................................................................................................... 99
Fowler assembly................................................................................................................................................... 100
Standard Fowler ................................................................................................................................................... 101
1865 Fowler option ...............................................................................................................................................102
Antler only head section option............................................................................................................................. 103
Head section (non-Power-LOAD compatible) - 6506-001-020 ............................................................................105
Head section (Power-LOAD compatible) - 6506-001-021 ................................................................................... 106
Head section - 6500-002-020 ............................................................................................................................... 107
Head section lock assembly - 6500-001-026 .......................................................................................................109
Bent, antler only head section - 650600020020...................................................................................................110
In-fastener shut-off assembly, optional - 6500-001-027....................................................................................... 113
No head section oxygen bottle holder option - 6506-036-000 ............................................................................. 114
Power-LOAD compatible option - 6506-127-000 ................................................................................................. 115
Performance-LOAD option - 6506-034-001 .........................................................................................................118
Power-LOAD and Performance-LOAD option - 6506-034-002............................................................................ 120
Foot end fastener assembly (Power-LOAD compatible option)...........................................................................123
G-rated restraint package - 6500-002-030 ........................................................................................................... 126
X-restraint package - 6500-001-430..................................................................................................................... 127
X-restraint package, cobalt blue - 6500-001-431 ................................................................................................. 128
RRUUGGGGEEDD™-X restraint package - 6506-001-430 ...............................................................................................129
Belt extension - 6082-160-050 ............................................................................................................................. 130
Battery pack, SMRT - 6500-033-000.................................................................................................................... 131
Defibrillator platform - 6506-170-000.................................................................................................................... 132
Defibrillator platform common components..........................................................................................................134
Equipment hook option ......................................................................................................................................... 136
Head extension option - 6100-044-000 ................................................................................................................ 137
Head extension assembly ....................................................................................................................................138
Pillow - 6100-041-030 ...........................................................................................................................................139
Load wheel, hard - 6500-101-086 ........................................................................................................................ 140
Wheel, front - 6500-001-086................................................................................................................................. 141
IV pole assembly, two-stage, right - 6500-310-000.............................................................................................. 142
IV pole assembly, three-stage, right - 6500-315-000 ...........................................................................................143
IV pole assembly, two-stage, right - 6500-101-041.............................................................................................. 144
IV pole assembly, three-stage, right - 6500-101-043 ...........................................................................................145
IV pole assembly, two-stage, left - 6500-311-000 ................................................................................................ 146
IV pole assembly, three-stage, left - 6500-316-000 ............................................................................................. 147
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 3 EN
IV pole assembly, two-stage, left - 6500-101-042 ................................................................................................ 148
IV pole assembly, three-stage, left - 6500-101-044 ............................................................................................. 149
IV pole assembly, two-stage, dual - 6500-312-000 .............................................................................................. 150
IV pole assembly, three-stage, dual - 6500-317-000 ........................................................................................... 151
Oxygen bottle holder, foot end - 6500-240-000.................................................................................................... 152
Oxygen bottle holder assembly - 6500-101-040 .................................................................................................. 153
Oxygen bottle holder, Fowler - 6500-241-000...................................................................................................... 154
Removable oxygen bottle holder - 6080-140-000 ................................................................................................ 155
Retractable head section oxygen bottle holder - 6085-046-000 .......................................................................... 156
Base storage net - 6500-160-000 ......................................................................................................................... 157
Backrest pouch - 6500-130-000 ...........................................................................................................................158
Head end storage flat - 6500-128-000.................................................................................................................. 159
Transfer flat........................................................................................................................................................... 160
Knee Gatch bolster mattress - 6500-002-150 ...................................................................................................... 161
Knee Gatch bolster mattress, gray - 6506-002-150 ............................................................................................. 162
Knee Gatch bolster mattress, XPS - 6500-003-130 ............................................................................................. 163
Knee Gatch bolster mattress grey, XPS - 6506-003-130..................................................................................... 164
Safety hook, short - 6060-036-017 / Safety hook, long - 6060-036-018 / Safety hook, J - 6092-036­018
........................................................................................................................................................................ 165
Recycling passport ...............................................................................................................................................166
650600010016 ................................................................................................................................................... 166
6500-201-010 ....................................................................................................................................................... 167
6500-201-148 ....................................................................................................................................................... 168
6500-101-010 ....................................................................................................................................................... 169
6500-002-159 ....................................................................................................................................................... 170
6500-001-214 ....................................................................................................................................................... 171
6500-002-028 ....................................................................................................................................................... 172
6500-102-015 ....................................................................................................................................................... 173
EMC information ................................................................................................................................................... 174
EN 4 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
WWaarrnniinngg//CCaauuttiioonn//NNoottee DDeeffiinniittiioonn
The words WWAARRNNIINNGG, CCAAUUTTIIOONN, and NNOOTTEE carry special meanings and should be carefully reviewed.
Alerts the reader about a situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. It may also describe potential serious adverse reactions and safety hazards.
Alerts the reader of a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury to the user or patient or damage to the product or other property. This includes special care necessary for the safe and effective use of the device and the care necessary to avoid damage to a device that may occur as a result of use or misuse.
NNoottee -- Provides special information to make maintenance easier or important instructions clearer.
SSuummmmaarryy ooff ssaaffeettyy pprreeccaauuttiioonnss
Always read and strictly follow the warnings and cautions listed on this page. Service only by qualified personnel.
• Always keep your hands clear of the red safety bar pivots when you load, unload, or change the height position of the cot.
• Always use both hands when you transport the cot.
• PPoowweerr--PPRROO with the PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD compatibility option operates primarily at these frequencies: 70 - 85 kHz for inductive charging and 13.56 MHz±7 kHz, Amplitude Modulated (OOK), ERP: -82.37 dBm. The inductive charging can operate between these frequencies: 70 - 125 kHz. Other equipment may interfere with the PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD system, even if that other equipment complies with CISPR emission requirements.
• Always relieve pressure before you disconnect hydraulic or other lines. Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious injury. Tighten all connections before you apply pressure. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately.
• Do not use bare hands to check for hydraulic leaks.
• Improper usage of the product can cause injury to the patient or operator. Operate the product only as described in this manual.
• Do not modify the product or any components of the product. Modifying the product can cause unpredictable operation resulting in injury to patient or operator. Modifying the product also voids its warranty.
• This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their expense.
• Always use authorized parts to avoid the risk of product damage.
• Always check hoses and lines regularly to avoid damage to the cot. Check and tighten loose connections. Hydraulic lines, hoses, and connections can fail or loosen due to physical damage, kinks, age, and environment exposure.
• Do not tip the cot onto its load wheels and actuate the product as this will allow air to enter the hydraulic system.
• Do not lubricate the bearings in the X-frame as it will degrade the performance of the cot and may void its warranty.
• The cot retaining post is shipped pre-configured for an X-frame cot. If the fastener has been configured for an H-frame cot, you must adjust the retaining post to accommodate the fastener.
• The use of accessories, transducers, and cables, other than those specified or provided by the manufacturer, could result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased electromagnetic immunity and result in improper operation.
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 5 EN
• The emissions characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in industrial areas and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A). If it is used in a residential environment, for which CISPR 11 class B is normally required, this equipment might not offer adequate protection to radio frequency communication services. The user might need to take mitigation measures, such as relocating or reorienting the equipment.
• Portable RF communications equipment, including peripherals such as antenna cables and external antennas, should be used no closer than 12 inches (30 cm) to any part of PPoowweerr--PPRROO and SSMMRRTT charger, including cables specified by the manufacturer.
• Avoid stacking or placing other equipment adjacent to PPoowweerr--PPRROO and SSMMRRTT charger to prevent improper operation of the products. If such use is necessary, carefully observe PPoowweerr--PPRROO and SSMMRRTT charger and the other equipment to make sure that they are operating properly.
PPiinncchh ppooiinnttss
WWAARRNNIINNGG -- Always keep your hands clear of the red safety bar pivots when you load, unload, or change the height position of the cot.
FFiigguurree 11 –– PPiinncchh ppooiinnttss
MMeecchhaanniiccaall ssttaabbiilliittyy
WWAARRNNIINNGG -- Always use both hands when you transport the cot.
EN 6 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
FFiigguurree 22 –– MMeecchhaanniiccaall ssttaabbiilliittyy
• If the cot is on a plane steeper than five degrees, place the cot in the lowest position.
• Do not use the defibrillator option and the foot end oxygen bottle holder option at the same time.
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 7 EN
This manual assists you with the operation or maintenance of your Stryker product. Read this manual before operating or maintaining this product. Set methods and procedures to educate and train your staff on the safe operation or maintenance of this product.
• Improper usage of the product can cause injury to the patient or operator. Operate the product only as described in this manual.
• Do not modify the product or any components of the product. Modifying the product can cause unpredictable operation resulting in injury to patient or operator. Modifying the product also voids its warranty.
• This manual is a permanent part of the product and should remain with the product even if the product is sold.
• Stryker continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. This manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing. There may be minor discrepancies between your product and this manual. If you have any questions, contact Stryker Customer Service or Technical Support at 1-800-327-0770.
PPrroodduucctt ddeessccrriippttiioonn
The Stryker Model 6506 PPoowweerr--PPRROO™ XT cot is a powered ambulance cot that consists of a platform mounted on a wheeled X-frame designed to support and transport a maximum weight of 700 lb (318 kg) in pre-hospital and hospital environments.
The device is collapsible for use in emergency vehicles and has an adjustable load height feature to allow the device to be set to different ambulance deck heights for proper body mechanics during loading and unloading. The NiCd battery­powered hydraulic lift system allows operators to raise and lower the cot using the powered controls, while duplicate foot end controls on the upper and lower lift bars accommodate different operator positions or sizes. The cot is equipped with a manual back-up release handle to allow the operation of cot functions in the event of power loss. The device is equipped with a retractable head section for 360-degree mobility in any height position, siderails, patient securement straps, an adjustable pneumatic backrest, and various optional accessories that assist with the transport of a patient. Maximum patient comfort is attainable with the three different litter positions of shock, flat leg, and optional knee Gatch positioning.
The SSMMRRTT™ power system consists of a SSMMRRTT charger and a SSMMRRTT Pak. The SSMMRRTT Pak powers the hydraulic lift system of the Stryker powered ambulance cots.
IInnddiiccaattiioonnss ffoorr uussee
The Stryker PPoowweerr--PPRROO XT is a powered wheeled stretcher, which is intended to support and transport the entire body of a traumatized, ambulatory, or non-ambulatory human patient (includes infants and adults).
The battery-powered hydraulic lift system is intended to help reduce the effort required by the operator to raise and lower the cot. The device is designed to support patients in a supine (horizontal) or sitting position and facilitate the transportation of associated medical equipment (such as oxygen bottles, monitors, or pumps) in emergency or transport vehicles. This ambulance cot is intended to be used in pre-hospital and hospital environments, and in emergency and non-emergency applications. It is rated to a maximum capacity of 700 lb (318 kg) (sum of the patient, mattress, and accessory weight) and the intended operators of the device are trained professionals including emergency medical service and medical care center personnel, as well as medical first responders.
PPoowweerr--PPRROO XT is not intended for extended stay or use as a hospital bed or in devices that modify air pressure, such as hyperbaric chambers.
EN 8 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
EExxppeecctteedd sseerrvviiccee lliiffee
PPoowweerr--PPRROO has a seven year expected service life under normal use conditions and with appropriate periodic maintenance.
The SSMMRRTT charger has a seven year expected service life under normal use conditions and with appropriate periodic maintenance.
The SSMMRRTT Pak battery has a two year expected service life under normal use conditions.
Always follow the current local recommendations and/or regulations governing environmental protection and the risks associated with recycling or disposing of the equipment at the end of its useful life.
None known.
SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss -- PPoowweerr--PPRROO
NNoottee -- Safe working load indicates the sum of the patient, mattress, and accessory weight.
Maximum unassisted lift capacity
Backrest articulation/shock position (standard Fowler - 6506-012-003)
Backrest articulation/shock position (1865 Fowler option - 6506-012-004)
Backrest articulation/shock position (6506-700-
Overall length/minimum length/width 81 in./63 in./23 in. 206 cm/160 cm/58 cm
Caster diameter/width 6 in./2 in. 15 cm/5 cm
Minimum operators required for loading/ unloading an occupied cot
700 lb 318 kg
500 lb 227 kg
0° to 73°/+15°
0° to 75°/+15°
6° to 73°/+15°
Adjustable from 14 in. to 41.5 in.
125 lb 57 kg
Adjustable from 36 cm to 105 cm
Minimum operators required for loading/ unloading an unoccupied cot
Recommended fastener systems Model 6370 or 6377 Floor mount type, Model 6371
Recommended loading height
Recommended working height (excluding mattress)
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 9 EN
Wall mount type, Model 6390 PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD, Model 6392 PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee--LLOOAADD
Up to 36 in. Up to 91 cm
15.75 in. 40 cm
Hydraulic oil Stryker part number 6500-001-293
130 °F (54 °C)
-30 °F
(-34 °C)
130 °F (54 °C)
-30 °F
(-34 °C)
1060 hPa
1060 hPa
Power system
Battery 24 VDC NiCd - SSMMRRTT power system
Charger 100-240 VAC 1.20 A,
50/60 Hz or 12 VAC 4.16 A - SSMMRRTT power system
Cot duty cycle 16.7% (less than 60 seconds on, more than 300
seconds off)
Standards (cots and chargers) ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1:2012, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.
60601-1:14, KKK-A-1822 For standards that require specific options, see
Standards with required options
Cot loads over 300 lb (136 kg) may require additional assistance to meet the set cot load height.
Height measured from bottom of mattress at seat section to ground level.
Cot is weighed with one battery and without mattress and restraints.
Set the cot height to any ambulance deck height that ranges from 26 in. to 36 in. (66 cm to 91 cm).
(page 11).
Stryker reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
PPoowweerr--PPRROO XT is designed to conform to the Federal Specification for the Star-of-Life Ambulance (KKK-A-1822).
PPoowweerr--PPRROO XT is designed to be compatible with some competitive cot fastener systems.
The yellow and black color scheme is a proprietary trademark of Stryker Corporation.
Hereby, Stryker declares that the radio equipment type short range device is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: com/EMS/EU%20Declaration%20of%20Conformity/index.html.
Labels may be unreadable from a viewing distance greater than 12 inches.
WWAARRNNIINNGG -- PPoowweerr--PPRROO with the PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD compatibility option operates primarily at these frequencies: 70 - 85 kHz for inductive charging and 13.56 MHz±7 kHz, Amplitude Modulated (OOK), ERP: -82.37 dBm. The inductive charging can operate between these frequencies: 70 - 125 kHz. Other equipment may interfere with the PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD system, even if that other equipment complies with CISPR emission requirements.
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall ccoonnddiittiioonnss
OOppeerraattiioonn SSttoorraaggee aanndd ttrraannssppoorrttaattiioonn
Relative humidity
Atmospheric pressure
CCAAUUTTIIOONN -- This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their expense.
EN 10 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
NNoottee -- In accordance with the European REACH regulation and other environmental regulatory requirements, the 6500­001-210 and 6500-001-211 hydraulic hoses contain dibutyl phthalate (DBP).
SSttaannddaarrddss wwiitthh rreeqquuiirreedd ooppttiioonnss
To be compliant with the standards, you must install the following required options on your cot.
NNoottee -- Compatible cot is loaded into PPoowweerr--LLOOAADD in powered mode for crash testing.
OOppttiioonn sseelleeccttiioonn
SAE J3027 crash-test standards with the use of a crash-rated fastener
AS/NZS-4535 crash-test standards with the use of a crash-rated fastener
BS EN 1789:2007+A2:2014 crash-test standards with the use of a crash-rated fastener
BS EN 1865-3:2012 +A1:2015
BS EN 1865-2:2010 +A1:2015
RReessttrraaiinntt ppaacckkaaggee MMaattttrreessss OOppttiioonn
X-restraint package (6500­001-430) or RUGGED-X restraint package (6506­001-430)
X-restraint package (6500­001-430)
G-rated restraint package (6500-002-030), X-restraint package (6500-001-430), or RUGGED-X restraint package (6506-001-430)
Knee Gatch bolster mattress (6500-002-150/ 6506-002-150) or XPS mattress (6500-003-130/ 6506-003-130) (depending on cot siderail)
Knee Gatch bolster mattress (6500-002-150/ 6506-002-150) or XPS mattress (6500-003-130/ 6506-003-130) (depending on cot siderail)
Knee Gatch bolster mattress (6500-002-150/ 6506-002-150) or XPS mattress (6500-003-130/ 6506-003-130) (depending on cot siderail)
XPS option (6506-040-000)
1865 Fowler option (6506­012-004)
The Britax Meridian SICT Series No. 7200/A/2010 Convertible Child Restraint with the X-restraint package (6500-001-430) has been dynamically crash tested with a 10 kg crash dummy to 18.2 G forward and 10 G sideward per AS/NZS-4535: 1999 crash-test standards.
SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss -- SSMMRRTT
SSMMRRTT cchhaarrggeerr SSMMRRTT PPaakk AACC ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy XXPP ppoowweerr MMeeaannWWeellll
Electrical input 13.9 VDC 4.16 A Not applicable 100-240 VAC
1.20 A 50/60 Hz
Electrical output Open circuit 40
VDC 1.20 A
Width 5.125 in. (130.175
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 11 EN
2.375 in. (60.325 mm)
24 VDC NiCd 12 VDC 4.16 A 12 V 5.4 A 12 V 5.0 A
3.25 in. (82.55 mm)
4 in. (101.6 mm) 2.56 in. (65.02
1.61 in. (40.89 mm)
100-240 VAC ~1.4 A 50/60 Hz
1.32 in. (33.5 mm) 1.24 in. (31.5 mm)
2.19 in. (55.5 mm) 1.97 in. (50 mm)
100-240 VAC ~1.4 A 50/60 Hz
SSMMRRTT cchhaarrggeerr SSMMRRTT PPaakk AACC ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy XXPP ppoowweerr MMeeaannWWeellll
88 °F (31 °C)
43 °F
(6 °C)
88 °F (31 °C)
43 °F
(6 °C)
104 °F (40 °C)
-4 °F
(-20 °C)
1060 hPa
1060 hPa
1060 hPa
Length 7 in. (177.8 mm) 5.75 in. (146.05
4.72 in. (119.89 mm)
4.94 in. (119.89 mm)
4.72 in. (125 mm)
Weight 1.3 lb (.59 kg) 3.8 lb (1.7 kg) .61 lb (.28 kg) .68 lb (.308 kg) .71 lb (.32 kg)
Equipment type Not applicable Not applicable Class II Not applicable Not applicable
Approvals ANSI/AAMI
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable ES60601-1: 2012, CAN/CSA­C22.2 No. 60601­1:14
EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall ccoonnddiittiioonnss OOppeerraattiioonn CChhaarrggiinngg SSttoorraaggee aanndd
Atmospheric pressure
Specifications are approximate and may vary from unit to unit or as a result of power supply fluctuations.
Stryker reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
EN 12 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
PPrroodduucctt iilllluussttrraattiioonn -- PPoowweerr--PPRROO
FFiigguurree 33 –– PPoowweerr--PPRROO XXTT
A Footrest release handle J Siderail release handle B C D Footrest M E F Wheel lock O Head section release handle G H I
Height adjustment switches Manual back-up release handle
Height sensor housing (on other side)
Cot retaining post Battery release Battery
K L Backrest
N Retractable head section
Transport wheels
Backrest adjustment handle
Safety bar Load wheel
Hydraulic unit
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 13 EN
PPrroodduucctt iilllluussttrraattiioonn -- SSMMRRTT
FFiigguurree 44 –– SSMMRRTT ppoowweerr ssyysstteemm
A B SSMMRRTT Pak G Data C DC cable H D E
SSMMRRTT charger
AC power supply AC power cord
Output cord
Power (-) Power (+)
CCoonnttaacctt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
Contact Stryker Customer Service or Technical Support at: 1-800-327-0770.
Stryker Medical 3800 E. Centre Avenue
Portage, MI 49002 USA
NNoottee -- The user and/or the patient should report any serious product-related incident to both the manufacturer and the Competent authority of the European Member State where the user and/or patient is established.
To view your operations or maintenance manual online, see
Have the serial number (A) of your Stryker product available when calling Stryker Customer Service or Technical Support. Include the serial number in all written communication.
EN 14 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
SSeerriiaall nnuummbbeerr llooccaattiioonn -- PPoowweerr--PPRROO
FFiigguurree 55 –– SSeerriiaall nnuummbbeerr llooccaattiioonn
SSeerriiaall nnuummbbeerr llooccaattiioonn -- SSMMRRTT
The serial number for the SSMMRRTT charger is located on the bottom of the unit. The lot number for the SSMMRRTT Pak is located on the top of the SSMMRRTT Pak above the red release button.
DDaattee ooff mmaannuuffaaccttuurree
The year of manufacture is the first 2 digits of the serial number for PPoowweerr--PPRROO.
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 15 EN
PPrreevveennttiivvee mmaaiinntteennaannccee
• Always relieve pressure before you disconnect hydraulic or other lines. Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious injury. Tighten all connections before you apply pressure. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately.
• Do not use bare hands to check for hydraulic leaks.
• Always use authorized parts to avoid the risk of product damage.
• Always check hoses and lines regularly to avoid damage to the cot. Check and tighten loose connections. Hydraulic lines, hoses, and connections can fail or loosen due to physical damage, kinks, age, and environment exposure.
• Do not tip the cot onto its load wheels and actuate the product as this will allow air to enter the hydraulic system.
Establish and follow a maintenance schedule and keep records of the maintenance activity. Remove product from service before you perform the preventive maintenance inspection. You may need to perform preventive maintenance checks more often based on your level of product usage. Service only by qualified personnel.
When using maintenance products, follow the directions of the manufacturer and reference all material safety data sheets (MSDS).
The cot has been designed to operate without the need for lubrication.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN -- Do not lubricate the bearings in the X-frame as it will degrade the performance of the cot and may void its warranty.
RReegguullaarr iinnssppeeccttiioonn aanndd aaddjjuussttmmeennttss
The following schedule is a general guide to maintenance. Factors such as weather, terrain, geographical location, and individual usage will alter the required maintenance schedule. If you are unsure how to perform these checks, contact your Stryker service technician. If you are in doubt as to what intervals to follow to maintain your product, consult your Stryker service technician. Check each routine and replace worn parts if necessary.
EEvveerryy mmoonntthh oorr ttwwoo hhoouurrss
Inspect these items every month or two hours, whichever comes first.
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Settings In-fastener shutoff configuration
Cylinder Extend cylinder rod. Wipe the cylinder rod with a soft cloth
and household cleaner.
Cables and wires No hanging wires from routings or connections
Manual backup release handle Manual backup release handle functions
Litter Frame and litter
Base Frame and base
Wheels All wheels are secure, roll, and swivel
EN 16 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Head section Safety bar operates. Pull toward the head section to make
sure that the safety bar swings and rotates freely and pulls back to the home position
Restraint Restraints function with no excessive wear (such as a bent
or broken receiver or latch plate or torn or frayed webbing)
Battery SSMMRRTT Pak housing and terminal area for cracks or
damage before first and every use
Charger SSMMRRTT charger and parts for cuts in the cord, bent pins or
contacts, or cracks in the housing before first and every use
EEvveerryy tthhrreeee mmoonntthhss oorr ssiixx hhoouurrss
Inspect these items every three months or six hours, whichever comes first.
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Cylinder All fasteners are secure
No hydraulic fluid (red) leaks
Loose fittings - tighten, if needed
Hydraulics Motor mount fasteners are secure
No hydraulic fluid leaks
No leaks from reservoir
Cables and wires No damage or pinching of wiring harness, cable, or lines
No damaged connectors
Manual backup release handle Base extends and retracts when you pull the manual
backup release handle
Cot does not lower when you pull the manual backup release handle with 100 lb (45 kg) or more on the cot
Litter All fasteners are secure
Backrest cylinder operates
Adjust pneumatic cylinder for full range of motion, if required
Base All fasteners are secure
X-frame X-frame expands and retracts
Kickstand (optional) Retracts fully to the transport position
Bolts are tightened
Head section All fasteners are secure
Head section extends and locks
Accessories and parts (optional) All accessories and parts operate (such as IV pole, head
extension and pillow, oxygen bottle holder, and restraint extender)
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 17 EN
EEvveerryy ssiixx mmoonntthhss oorr 1122 hhoouurrss
Inspect these items every six months or 12 hours, whichever comes first.
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Hydraulics Hoses and fittings for damage or wear
Hydraulic velocity fuse - place a weight of approximately 50 lb (23 kg) on the cot, raise the cot, lift the cot with two operators, pull the manual backup release handle, rapidly set the cot down, and make sure that the cot does not drop
Electronic controls Extend cot to raised position, measure and check load
Jog function operates
High speed retract works
Switches No damage or wear to either switch
Both switches operate
Litter No bent, broken, or damaged components
No damage or tears on cot grips
Siderails operate and latch
Foot rest operates
Mattress No cracks or tears
Base No bent, broken, or damaged components
Cot retaining post is secure. If not, replace the screw
No excessive damage to X-frame guards
Wheels Free of debris
Head section No bent, broken, or damaged components
Grip bar has no excessive damage or tears
Load wheels are secure and roll
Kickstand (optional) Lubricate the kickstand spring and internal spring housing
(optional) using TTrrii--FFllooww® lubrication.
EEvveerryy 1122 mmoonntthhss oorr 2244 hhoouurrss
Inspect these items every 12 months or 24 hours, whichever comes first.
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Settings Cot and fastener fit and function
Safety bar connects to the vehicle safety hook
Cylinder Cylinder is adjusted - lock nut is tight and the cot stops
moving when it hits the dead stops
Manual backup release handle Returns to the stowed position
EN 18 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
IItteemm IInnssppeecctt
Litter All welds are intact, not cracked, or broken
Warning labels present, legible
Base All welds are intact, not cracked, or broken
Wheels Check and adjust wheel locks
Retractable head section oxygen bottle holder (optional) Straps and clips for wear
Defibrillator platform (optional) Straps not frayed or torn
Latch hooks are intact and secure
FFoooott eenndd ffaasstteenneerr ppaarrtt rreeppllaacceemmeenntt sscchheedduullee
For PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee--LLOOAADD compatible cots, you must replace the foot end fastener parts every 18,078 calls. This is to make sure that the PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee--LLOOAADD remains functional. Follow this call volume time table to remain compliant with this requirement.
CCaallllss ppeerr ddaayy MMoonntthhss
≤ 7 Not applicable
8 77
9 67
10 59
MMaaiinntteennaannccee rreeccoorrdd
DDaattee MMaaiinntteennaannccee ooppeerraattiioonn
BByy HHoouurrss
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 19 EN
DDaattee MMaaiinntteennaannccee ooppeerraattiioonn
BByy HHoouurrss
TTrraaiinniinngg rreeccoorrdd
TTrraaiinniinngg ddaattee
TTrraaiinneeee nnaammee BBaassiicc ttrraaiinniinngg RReeffrreesshheerr uuppddaattee OOwwnneerr’’ss mmaannuuaall,, iinn--
sseerrvviiccee,, ffoorrmmaall ccllaassss,, eettcc..
EN 20 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
EElleeccttrroonniiccss aanndd hhyyddrraauulliiccss llooccaattoorr
NNoottee -- Some components have been removed for clarity.
A Cap-side hydraulic hose G Manual backup release
B Electronic housing (control
C Hydraulic cylinder I Power indicator LED
D Hydraulic manifold
E LCD screen K Sensor housing (hall effects
F Main cable L Switches, height adjustment
board inside)
H Manual release cable
J Rod-side hydraulic hose
sensor inside)
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 21 EN
HHyyddrraauulliicc aasssseemmbbllyy
Item Item
Pressure switch
Pressure switch connector
A-valve solenoid
A-valve connector
B-valve solenoid
B-valve connector
Motor connector
A A-valve connector D Motor connector B B-valve connector E Pressure switch C
Hydraulic manifold
F Pressure switch connector
HHyyddrraauulliicc aasssseemmbbllyy wwiirriinngg sscchheemmaattiiccss
EN 22 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
EElleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemm bblloocckk ddiiaaggrraamm –– uunnllooaadd
Press Extend (+) Button
Open A-Valve
Top Hall Effects
Sensor Detected?
Stop until button is pressed Jog Up
Ramp in motor (Up)
Ramp out motor and stop
Top Hall Effects
Sensor Detected?
Run motor at max speed
Lift and extend functions
EElleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemm bblloocckk ddiiaaggrraamm –– llooaadd
Lower and retract function
6506-109-002 Rev G.1 23 EN
Press (–) Button
Pressure Switch
Hold B-Valve open until
button released or pressure
switch closes
Open B-Valve
Open B-Valve and Ramp in
Ramp out motor and stop,
Close B-Valve
Bottom Hall Effects
Sensor Detected?
Run motor at max speed
Pressure Switch
LLiitttteerr ddrriiffttss ((wwiitthhoouutt ppaattiieenntt wweeiigghhtt))
1. Check the manual release cable adjustment.
2. Change the locking manual valve.
3. Change “B” valve.
EN 24 6506-109-002 Rev G.1
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