Still RX70-16, RX70-18, RX70-20 Operator Manual

Original instructions
Diesel truck
RX70-16 RX70-18 RX70-20
7311 7312 7313
174749 EN - 03/2017


Address of manufacturer and contact details

STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10 22113 Hamburg, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 40 7339-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 7339-1622 Email: Website:
749 EN - 03/2017 I

Table of contents

1 Foreword
Your truck .......................................................... 2
Descriptionofthetruck ................................................. 2
General ............................................................ 4
CElabelling ......................................................... 5
EC declaration of conformit
Accessoriesoverview ................................................. 7
Overview ........................................................... 8
Nameplate ......................................................... 10
Production number . . . ............................................... 11
StVZO(RoadTrafficLicensingRegulations)information ....................... 11
Use of truck ........................................................ 11
Proper usage ....................................................... 11
Proper use during towing .............................................. 12
Impermissibleuse ................................................... 12
Placeofuse ........................................................ 13
Usingworkingplatforms ............................................... 14
Information about docum
Documentationscope ................................................ 15
Supplementarydocumentation .......................................... 16
Issue date and topicali
Copyrightandtrademarkrights .......................................... 17
Explanation of information symbols used . . ................................ 17
List of abbreviations
Definitionofdirections ................................................ 20
Schematicviews .................................................... 20
Environmental con
Packaging ......................................................... 22
Disposal of components and batteries ..................................... 22
y in accordance with Machinery Directive ............... 6
entation ........................................ 15
tyoftheoperatinginstructions .......................... 17
.................................................. 18
siderations .......................................... 22
Definition of respon
Operatingcompany .................................................. 24
Specialist .......................................................... 24
Drivers ........................................................... 25
Essentials for safe operation ........................................... 27
Insurance cover on company premises .................................... 27
Changes and retrofi
Changes to the overhead guard and roof loads .............................. 29
Warning regarding non-original parts ..................................... 29
sible persons ........................................ 24
tting ............................................... 27
749 EN - 03/2017 III
Table of contents
Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems . . . ........................... 30
Tyres ............................................................. 30
Medicalequipment ................................................... 32
Exercise caution when handling gas springs and accumulators .................. 32
Lengthoftheforkarms ................................................ 33
Residual risk ....................................................... 34
Residual dangers, residual risks ......................................... 34
Specialrisksassociatedwithusingthetruckandattachments ................... 35
Overview of hazards and coun
Danger to employees ................................................. 41
Safety inspections ................................................... 42
Regular safety inspection
Checkingthedieselengineemissions ..................................... 42
Truckswithparticlefilters .............................................. 43
Insulationtesting .................................................... 44
Safety regulations when handling consumables ............................. 45
Permissibleconsumables ............................................. 45
Oils .............................................................. 45
Hydraulicfluid ...................................................... 46
Batteryacid ........................................................ 47
Dieselfuel ......................................................... 48
Coolantandcoolingfluid .............................................. 50
Disposalofconsumables .............................................. 50
Emissions ......................................................... 52
termeasures ................................. 38
ofthetruck ..................................... 42
General view ....................................................... 56
Driver's compartment ................................................. 57
Operating and displ
Display and operating unit . . . .......................................... 58
Operatingdevicesforhydraulicanddrivingfunctions .......................... 59
Double mini-lever
Three-waymini-lever ................................................. 61
Four-waymini-lever .................................................. 62
Joystick4Plus ...................................................... 63
Fingertip .......................................................... 64
Miniconsole ....................................................... 65
IV 1
ay elements ......................................... 58
.................................................... 60
74749 EN - 03/2017
Table of contents
4 Operation
Testing and activities before daily use ..................................... 68
Visualinspections ................................................... 68
Checkingthecoolingfluidlevel .......................................... 71
Checking the engine oil level ........................................... 72
Climbing in and out of the tru
Shelvesandcupholders .............................................. 74
AdjustingtheMSG65/MSG75driver'sseat ................................ 75
Adjustingthearmrest ................................................. 79
Adjustingthesteeringcolumn ........................................... 80
Unlockingtheemergencyoffswitch ...................................... 80
AccessauthorisationwithPINcode(variant) ................................ 84
Operating the signal horn .............................................. 94
Seatbelt .......................................................... 94
Driver'scab ........................................................ 97
Starting the engine ................................................... 98
Checking the brake syste
Checkingthesteeringsystemforcorrectfunction ............................101
Checking the emergency off function .....................................101
Zero adjustment of the l
Checking the vertical lift mast position (variant) for correct function . ...............104
Operation of the display operating unit ....................................105
Displays ........................................................ . . 105
Adjustingthedisplays ................................................106
Symbolsinthedisplay ................................................106
Setting the date or time
Resetting the daily kilometres and daily operating hours .......................111
Setting the language . . ...............................................112
Soft key button for operat
ConfiguringBlue-Qefficiencymode ......................................113
Blue-Q efficiency mode ...............................................115
Functional description . ...............................................1
Effects on additional consumers .........................................115
SwitchingefficiencymodeBlue-Qonandoff ................................116
Driving ............................................................117
Safety regulations when driving .........................................117
Driveways ....................................................... . . 119
Setting the drive prog
Selectingthedrivedirection ............................................122
Actuatingthedrivedirectionswitch,mini-leverversion .........................123
ck .......................................... 73
............................................ 81
mforcorrectfunction ..............................100
oadmeasurement(variant) ...........................102
ing various equipment variants .......................112
rams .............................................122
749 EN - 03/2017 V
Table of contents
Actuating the vertical rocker switch for the "drive direction", joystick 4Plusversion ....124
Actuating the drive direction switch, fingertip version ..........................124
Actuating the drive direction
Startingtodrive .....................................................125
Starting drive mode, dual-pedal version (variant) . . ...........................127
Operatingtheservicebrake ............................................13
Parkingbrake ......................................................131
Actuating the mechanical parking brake ...................................131
Actuating the electric park
Steering ...........................................................138
Driving on ascending and descending gradients . . ...........................139
Reducing speed with a raise
Automatic shut-off of the internal combustion engine (variant) ...................140
Parking ...........................................................141
Parking the truck securel
Wheel chock (variant) ................................................142
Lifting ............................................................143
Lifting system variants
Automaticliftcutout(variant) ...........................................143
Liftmastverticalposition(variant) ........................................144
Typesofliftmast ....................................................148
Malfunctionsduringliftingmode .........................................150
Hydraulicblockingfunction .............................................151
Lifting system operati
Controlling the lifting system using a double mini-lever .........................153
Controllingtheliftingsystemusingatriplemini-lever ..........................154
Controlling the lift
Controllingtheliftingsystemusingthejoystick4Plus ..........................156
Controlling the lifting system using the fingertip . . . ...........................158
Changing the fork arm
Forkextension(variant) ...............................................161
Operationwithreversibleforkarms(variant) ................................163
Workingwithloads ...................................................165
Safety regulations when handing loads ....................................165
Beforetakingupload .................................................166
Load measurement (va
Picking up loads .....................................................170
Danger area .......................................................171
Transportingpallets ..................................................17
Transporting suspended loads ..........................................172
Loadpickup ...................................................... . 173
ing system using a quadruple mini-lever ......................155
switch,mini-consoleversion ......................125
ingbrake ......................................133
dload(variant) ................................140
yandswitchingitoff ...............................141
ngdevices .........................................152
s ...............................................159
riant) ...........................................167
VI 1
74749 EN - 03/2017
Table of contents
Transportingloads ...................................................177
Settingdownloads ...................................................178
Drivingonlifts ......................................................180
Driving on loading bridges .............................................181
Attachments .......................................................182
Fittingattachments ..................................................182
Releasingthepressurefromthehydraulicsystem ............................184
Generalinstructionsforcontrollingattachments .............................186
Controlling attachments us
Controlling attachments using the double mini-lever and the 5th function ...........190
Controllingattachmentsusingatriplemini-lever .............................192
Controlling attachments u
Controlling attachments using a quadruple mini-lever .........................196
Controlling attachments using the quadruple mini-lever and the 5th function .........198
Controlling attachments
Controlling attachments using the joystick 4Plus and the 5th function . . . ...........201
Controlling the attachments with the fingertip ...............................202
Controlling attachment
Clamp locking mechanism (variant) ......................................205
Takingupaloadusingattachments ......................................208
Auxiliary equipment ..................................................20
Switchingthelightingonandoff .........................................209
Switching the rotating beacon on and off . . . ................................210
Switching the hazard wa
Switchingdirectionindicatorsonandoff ...................................211
Switching the double working spotlights on and off. ...........................214
STILL SafetyLight (v
Operatingthewindscreenwiper/washer ...................................217
Fillingthewashersystem ..............................................217
FleetManager (variant
Shock recognition (variant) .............................................218
Cruisecontrol(variant) ................................................218
Driver restraint syst
Cab ..............................................................223
Opening the cab door . . ...............................................223
Closing the cab door
Openingthesidewindows ........................................... . . 224
Closing the side windows ..............................................225
Operating the inte
Operating the rear window heating .......................................227
Radio(variant) ......................................................227
riorlighting ...........................................226
ing a double mini-lever ............................188
singthetriplemini-leverandthe5thfunction .............194
viathejoystick4Plus ...............................200
s with the fingertip and 5th function ......................203
rningsystemonandoff .............................210
ariant) .............................................216
) ................................................217
ems(variants) .......................................222
749 EN - 03/2017 VII
Table of contents
Heatingsystem .....................................................228
Push-up roof window (variant) ..........................................229
Clipboard (variant) ...................................................230
Trailer operation ....................................................231
Towedload ....................................................... . 231
Coupling pin in the counterw
Automatictowcoupling ...............................................234
Towingtrailers ......................................................242
Display messages ...................................................244
Displaycontent .....................................................244
Errorcodetable .....................................................245
General messages ...................................................247
Drive-specificmessages ..............................................256
Malfunctionsintheelectricparkingbrake ..................................263
Refuelling .........................................................269
Dieselfuel-Specifications .............................................269
Topping up the diesel fuel ..............................................273
Cleaning ..........................................................275
Cleaning the truck ...................................................275
Cleaning the electrical system ..........................................277
Cleaning load chains .................................................27
Cleaning the windows ................................................278
Afterwashing .......................................................279
Behaviour in emergenc
Emergency shutdown ................................................279
Procedureiftrucktipsover .............................................281
Emergency hammer ..................................................282
Emergency lowering .................................................282
Emergency operation of the electric parking brake . ...........................284
Disconnecting the batte
Jumpstarting .......................................................286
Towing .......................................................... . 288
Transporting the truck ................................................290
Transport ..........................................................290
Craneloading ......................................................292
Shutdown .........................................................295
Shuttingdownandstoringthetruck ......................................295
Returningtoserviceafterstorage ........................................297
eight ........................................232
ies .............................................279
ry ..............................................285
I 174749 EN - 03/2017
Table of contents
5 Maintenance
Safety instructions for maintenance ......................................300
Generalinformation ..................................................300
Workingonthehydraulicequipment ......................................300
Working on the electrical equipment ......................................301
Working on the ignition syst
Safetydevices ......................................................302
Setvalues ....................................................... . . 302
Liftingandjackingup .................................................302
Workingatthefrontofthetruck ..........................................302
General maintenance information ........................................304
Personnel qualifications ...............................................3
Informationforcarryingoutmaintenance ..................................304
Maintenance - 1000 hours/annually ......................................307
Maintenance — 3000 hours/
Orderingsparepartsandwearingparts ....................................311
Quality and quantity of the required operating materials ........................312
Lubricationplan .....................................................313
Maintenance data table ...............................................314
Providing access to maintenance points ...................................317
Openingthebonnet ................................................ . . 317
Closing the bonnet ...................................................317
Installingandremovingthebottomplate ...................................318
Maintenance after first 5
Maintenance during the break-in period . . . ................................320
Remaining ready for operation ..........................................321
Cleaning the radiator,
Topping up the cooling fluid and checking the coolant concentration ...............321
Changing the air filter insert ............................................323
Draining water from the
Eberspächer particle filters - Regeneration . ................................326
Lubricatingthejointsandcontrols ........................................329
Maintaining the seat belt
Checkingthedriver'sseat .............................................331
Checking the door latch ...............................................332
Servicing wheels and tyre
Servicingthebattery .................................................334
Replacingfuses .....................................................336
Checking the hydraulic
Checkingthehydraulicsystemforleaks ...................................337
Lubricatingtheliftmastandrollertrack ....................................338
em ..........................................301
everytwoyears ................................311
0 operating hours ..................................320
checkingforleaks ...................................321
fuelfilter .........................................325
s .............................................332
oillevel ..........................................336
749 EN - 03/2017 IX
Table of contents
Greasingtheautomatictowcoupling ......................................339
Changing the heating system fresh air filter .................................341
1000-hour maintenance / Annua
Othertasks ........................................................343
Checking theribbed V-belt . . . ..........................................343
Checking the exhaust gas sys
Changing the fuel filter ................................................344
Changing the fuel filter for Eberspächer particle filters .........................345
Checking the lift cylinders
Checkingtheforkarms ................................................346
Checkingthereversibleforkarms ........................................346
l maintenance ..............................343
tem .......................................343
and connections for leaks ..........................345
6 Technical data
Dimensions ........................................................348
VDI datasheet for RX70-16, RX70-18 and RX70-20 ..........................350
Ergonomic dimensions ................................................354
Fuse assignment ....................................................356
4749 EN - 03/2017


1 Foreword

Your truck

Your truck
Description of the truck
The internal combustion engine-powered trucks of series RX70-16/18/20 with a load capacity of up to 2 t are equipped with a diesel-electric drive. The diesel-electric drive combines the advantages of the diesel engine with the precise control of an electric drive.
The bend-resistant and war mast enables safe load hand heavy loads. The comfortab partment features the mo gonomic design to preven and increase safety.
The low centre of gravity of the truck provides stability, which is guaranteed if the truck is used according to its intended use.
Brake system
The brake system of the truck is comprised of three different brakes:
• Service brake
• Regenerative brake
• Parking brake
The service brake is based on a wear-free, oil-immersed multi-disc brake. This multi-disc brake is used as the service brake for heavy braking or emergency braking with the brake pedal. In the normal working mode, the regenerative brake of the electric traction motor takes effect. The regenerative brake converts the acceleration energy of the truck into electrical energy. This causes the truck to decelerate as soon as the accelerator pedal is released. Completely removing your foot from the accelerator pedal causes the truck to brake until it comes to a standstill. A parking brake ensures that the truck remains securely in place when parked.
p-resistant lift
ling, even with
le driver's com-
st up-to-date er-
t signs of fatigue
The truck is equipped with four-stroke diesel engin
a four-cylinder,
e. The engine is
4749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1
Your truck
cooled by means of a closed coolant circuit. The engine is lubricated via forced circulation lubrication. The combustion air is drawn in and cleaned by a dry air filter. Different equipment variants are available, for example a diesel particle filter.
Hydraulic system
All lift cylinders are hydraulically actuated. The required oil volume flow is realised via a gear pump, which is connected to the internal combustion engine. The proportional valve technology provides particularly sensitive movements and safe handling of the load. The hydraulic functions can be parameterised individually by the authorised service centre.
Up to three hydraulic circ activate attachments (va the equipment, a hydrauli available in the lifting c dampening pressure peaks system.
uitscanbeusedto riant). Depending on
c accumulator is also
ircuit for the purpose of
in the hydraulic
Drive concept
The internal combustion engine drives an electric generator. The generated current is directed to an electric traction motor, which drives the truck. An electronic speed controller gently provides high torque for both forwards and backwards travel.
The components for the drive unit and the lift drive are enclosed in order to prevent the ingress of dust or moisture. This means that the truck is suitable for indoor and outdoor use. In addition, all drives for traction, steering and lifting are maintenance-free.
The driving characterist haviour can be adapted to t or driving habits. Five d available for this purpo driving speed is 22 km/h. mode Blue-Q reduces ener up to 10%, without impair
ics and lifting be-
he application
rive programmes are
se. The maximum
The energy-saving
gy consumption by
ing performance.
749 EN - 03/2017 3
1 Foreword
Your truck
Operating devices
The truck is characterised by an accessible operating concept. When purchasing the truck, a variety of controls and equipment variants are available:
• Double mini-lever
• Triple mini-lever
• Quadruple mini-lever
• Joystick 4Plus
• Fingertip switch
• Single pedal
• Dual pedal
Hands are always kept free for steering and for controlling the operational movements to allow efficient working. The forces that need to be applied for this purpose are reduced to a minimum thanks to the compact steering wheel. The simple handling of the truck is assisted by the agile steering axle.
The truck described in these operating instruc­tions corresponds to the applicable standards and safety regulations.
If the truck is to be operated on public roads, it must conform to the existing national regula­tions for the country in which it is being used. The driving permit must be obtained from the appropriate office.
Thetruckshavebeenfitt art technology. All tha the truck safely and mai
These operating instructions provide the necessary information to do this. Read and observe the information provided before commissioning the truck. This will prevent accidents and ensure that the warranty remains valid.
ed with state-of-the-
t remains is to handle
ntain its functionality.
4749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1
Your truck
CE labelling
The manufacturer uses CE labe cate that the truck complies w and regulations valid at the t This is confirmed by the issued of conformity. The CE labelli the nameplate.
An independent structural change or addition to the truck can compromise safety, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration of conformity must be carefully stored and made available to the responsible authorities.
ith the standards
ime of marketing.
EC declaration
ng is attached to
749 EN - 03/2017 5
1 Foreword
Your truck
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Machinery Directive
Berzeliusstraße 10
D-22113 Hamburg Germany
We declare that the
Industrial truck
according to these operating instructions
according to these operating instructions
conforms to the latest version of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Personnel authorised to compile the technical documents:
See EC compliance declaration
4749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1
Your truck
Accessories overview
• Key for key switch (2 pieces)
• Key for cab (variant)
• Hexagon socket wrench for emer lowering
749 EN - 03/2017 7
1 Foreword
Your truck
15 10
10 bar
5030 1270
4430 4030 1150 1260 1200 1500 3730 1180 1290 1430 1500 3430 1210 1330 1470
1010 1050
1150 1310
1110 1230 1250 1500
800 700
13 14
Regelmäßige Prüfung
(FEM 4.004)
Nächste Prüfung
19 20
STILL GmbH Hamburg
nach nationalen Vorschriften basierend auf den EG-Richtlinien: 2009/104/EG, 99/92/EG
Die Prüfplakette ersetzt nicht das Prüfprotokoll
Mitglied der: Fédération Européene de la Manutention
Type-Modèle-Typ / Serial no.-No. de série-Serien-Nr. / year-année-Baujahr
Rated capacity Capacité nominale Nenn-Tragfähigkeit
Battery voltage Tension batterie Batteriespannung
Rated drive power Puissance motr.nom. Nenn-Antriebsleist.
Unladen mass
Masse à vide Leergewicht
* see Operating instructions voir Mode d'emploi siehe Betriebsanleitung
max min.*
kg kg
xx xxxx x xxxxx
3 4
4749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1
Your truck
1 Decal information: "Dual-pedal operation"
(variant) 2 Manufacturer's label text 3 Decal information: FEM audit 4 Inspection sticker 5 Warning sign: Passengers are not allowed 6 Decal information: Lifting gear attachment
point 7 Decal information: Tyre filling pressure 8 Decal information: Driving dynamics 9 Cable strap 10 Decal information: Do not jump off if the
truck is tipping over / Lean in the opposite
direction to which the truck is tipping 11 Decal information: Caution / Read the
operating instructions / Fasten the seat belt 12 Decal information: Lifting gear attachment
point 13 Decal information: Parking brake released
14 Decal information: Parking brake applied 15 Warning sign: Danger due to shearing /
Danger due to high fluid pressure
16 Warning sign: Do not stand underneath the
fork / Do not stand on the fork 17 Decal information: Sound power level 18 Decal information: Caution / Read the
operating instructions / Fasten the seat belt
/ Apply the parking brake when leaving the
truck / Passengers are not allowed / Do not
jump off if the truck is tipping over / Lean in
the opposite direction to which the truck is
tipping 19 Decal information: StVZO (German Road
Traffic Licensing Regulations) information
(variant) 20 Decal information: nameplate 21 Decal information: Factory number 22 Decal information: capacity rating plate
749 EN - 03/2017 9
1 Foreword
Your truck
The truck can be identified from the informa­tion on the nameplate.
Type-Modèle-Typ / Serial no.-No. de série-Serien-Nr. / year-année-Baujahr
12 11
Rated capacity Capacité nominale Nenn-Tragfähigkeit
Battery voltage Tension batterie Batteriespannung
Rated drive power Puissance motr.nom. Nenn-Antriebsleist.
Unladen mass
Masse à vide Leergewicht
* see Operating instructions voir Mode d'emploi siehe Betriebsanleitung
max min.*
kg kg
5 6
1 Type 2 Production number 3 Year of manufacture 4 Tare weight in kg 5 Max. permissible battery weight in kg (for
electric forklift trucks only)
6 Min. permissible battery weight in kg (for
electric forklift trucks only)
7 Ballast weight in kg (for electric forklift trucks
8 Refer to the technical data listed in these
operating instructions for more detailed
information 9 CE labelling 10 Nominal drive power in kW 11 Battery voltage in V 12 Rated capacity in kg
10 1
74749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1

Use of truck

Production number
The production number is used to identify the truck. It can be found on the nameplate and must be referred to in all technical questions.
The production number contains the following coded information:
(1) Production location
(2) Model
(3) Year of manufacture
(4) Sequential number
StVZO (Road Traffic Licensing Regulations) information
This label includes information on the weight and load distribution of the truck.
xx xxxx x xxxxx
Use of truck
Proper usage
The truck described in these operating in­structions is suitable for lifting, transporting and stacking loads.
749 EN - 03/2017 11
1 Tare weig 2 Permitte 3 Permi 4Per 5 Payload (in kg)
ht (in kg)
d total weight (in kg)
tted front axle weight (in kg)
mitted rear axle weight (in kg)
1 Foreword
Use of truck
The truck may only be used for its proper purpose as set out and described in these operating instructions.
If the truck is to be used for purposes other than those specified in the operating instruc­tions, the approval of the manufacturer and, if applicable, the relevant regulatory authorities must be obtained beforehand to prevent haz­ards.
The maximum load to be lifted the capacity rating plate (l must not be exceeded; see als entitled "Before picking up
Proper use during towing
This truck is suitable fo of trailers and is equipp for this purpose. This oc not exceed 2% of the daily the truck is to be used for regular basis, the manu consulted.
The regulations regarding trailer operation must be observed; see chapter "Trailer operation".
is specified on
oad diagram) and
o the chapter
a load".
r the occasional towing
ed with a towing device
casional towing may
operating time. If
towing on a more
facturer should be
Impermissible use
The operating company or driver, and not the manufacturer, is liable for any hazards caused by improper use.
Please observe the definition of the following responsible persons: "operating company" and "driver".
Use for purposes other than those described in these operating instructions is prohibited.
There is a risk of fatal injury from falling off the truck while it is moving!
– It is prohibited to carry passengers
on the truck.
12 1
74749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1
Use of truck
The truck may not be operated in areas where there is a risk of fire, explosion or corrosion, or in areas that are particularly dusty.
Stacking or unstacking is not permissible on inclined surfaces or ramps.
Place of use
The truck can be used outdoors.
If the truck is equipped wi filter" equipment variant prerequisites for use in v national regulations for must be observed.
Operation on public roads is only permitted with the "StVZO" (Road Traffic Licensing Regulations) equipment variant.
If the truck is to be operated on public roads, it must conform to the existing national regula­tions for the country in which it is being used.
The ground must have an capacity (concrete, a surface. Routes, work widths must conform to these operating instr entitled "Routes".
Driving on upward and downward gradients is permitted provided the specified data and specifications are observed; see the chapter entitled "Routes".
The truck is suitable for use in many different countries, ranging from those situated in the Tropics to those in Nordic regions (tempera­ture range: -20°C to +40°C).
This truck is not designed to cold stores.
The operating company must ensure suitable fire protection for the relevant application in the truck's surroundings. Depending on the application, additional fire protection must be provided on the truck. If in doubt, contact the relevant authorities.
th the "particle
, it fulfils the essential
entilated halls. The
the country of use
adequate load
sphalt) and a rough
ing areas and aisle
the specifications in
uctions; see the chapter
be operated in
749 EN - 03/2017 13
1 Foreword
Use of truck
Please observe the definition of the following responsible person: "operating company".
Risk to health from exhaust gases! Exhaust gases from internal combustion engines
are harmful to your health. In particular, the soot particles contained in the diesel exhaust gas can cause cancer. When the internal combustion engine is left running, there is a risk of poisoning due to the CO, CH and NOx components contained in the exhaust gas.
Modern exhaust gas treatment systems (e.g. catalytic converters, particle filters or comparable systems) can clean exhaust gases in a way that reduces the health hazard and risk of poisoning when operating the truck.
– Observe the national laws and regulations when
using trucks with an internal combustion engine in entirely or partially enclosed working areas.
– Always ensure sufficient ventilation.
Using working platforms
The use of working platforms is regulated by na­tional law. The use of working platforms is only permitted by virtue of the jurisdiction in the country of use.
– Observe national legislation. – Before using working platforms, consult the
national regulatory authorities.
14 1
74749 EN - 03/2017
Foreword 1

Information about documentation

Information about documentation
Documentation scope
• Original operating instructions
• Original operating instructions for attach­ments (variant)
• Spare parts list
• VDMA rules for the proper use of industrial trucks
• Depending on the truck equipment, "UPA" operating instructions may also be provided
These operating instructi measures necessary for the and proper maintenance o possible variants avail printing. Special versi requirements (UPA) are d separate operating inst any questions, please co service centre.
Enter the production number and year of manufacture from the nameplate in the space provided:
Production number:
Year of manufacture:
ons describe all
safe operation
able at the time of
ons to meet customer
ocumented in
ructions. If you have
ntact your authorised
Please quote the product technical enquiries
Each truck comes with a set of operating instructions. These instructions must be stored carefully and must be available to the driver and operating company at all times. The storage location is specified in the chapter entitled "Overviews".
If the operating instructions are lost, the op­erating company must obtain a replacement from the manufacturer immediately.
The operating inst spare parts list and c spare part.
The personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the equipment must be familiar with these operating instructions.
ion number in all
ructions are included in the
an be reordered as a
749 EN - 03/2017 15
1 Foreword
Information about documentation
The operating company must ensure that all users have received, read and understood these operating instructions.
Please observe the definition of the following responsible persons: "operating company" and "driver".
Thank you for reading and complying with these operating instructions. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, or if you have found any errors, please contact the authorised service centre.
Supplementary documentation
This industrial truck may deviate from the standard equipment or from the variants and be fitted with unplanned equipment (UPA).
This may include the following, for example:
• Special sensors
• Special attachments
• Towing devices
• Customer-specific attachments
In this case, the industrial truck has additional documentation. This may be in the form of an insert or separate operating instructions.
The original operating instructions for this industrial truck are valid for the operation of standard equipment and variants without restriction. The operational and safety infor­mation in the original operating instructions continues to be valid in its entirety unless it is specifically countermanded in this additional documentation.
The requirements for the qualification of personnel as well as the time for maintenance may vary. This is defined in the additional documentation.
– If you have any questions, please contact
your authorised service centre.
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Foreword 1
Information about documentation
Issue date and topicality of the operating instructions
The issue date of these operating instructions can be found on the title page.
STILL is constantly engaged in the further development of trucks. These operating instructions are subject to change, and any claims based on the information and/or illustrations contained in them cannot be asserted.
Please contact your author for technical support rela
ised service centre
ting to your truck.
Copyright and trademark
These instructions mus translated or made acce ties—including as exce express written approv
al of the manufacturer.
Explanation of infor
t not be reproduced,
ssible to third par-
rpts—except with the
mation symbols
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent the risk of fatalities.
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent the risk of injuries.
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent material damage and/or destruction.
For technical requirements that require special attention.
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1 Foreword
Information about documentation
To prevent environmental damage.
List of abbreviations
This list of abbreviati of operating instructi viations that are liste appear in these operati
DC Direct Current
GAA Gewerbeaufsichtsamt
Display operating unit
Berufsgenossenschaftlicher Grundsatz
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Regel
Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschrift German accident prevention regulations
Communauté Européenne
Commission on the Rules for the Approval of the Electrical Equipment
Fédération Européene de la Manutention
maximum Force
ons applies to all types ons. Not all of the abbre­d here will necessarily
ng instructions.
eutsches Institut für Normung
uropean Community
ropean standard
German implementation of EU occupa­tional health and safety directives
German implementation of the EU working equipment directive
German insurance company for the com­pany and employees
German principles and test specifications for occupational health and safety
German rules and recommendations for occupational health and safety
Confirms conformity with product-specific European directives (CE mark)
International commission on the rules for the approval of electrical equipment
Direct current
Remote data transmission
erman standardisation organisation
European Federation of Materials Han­dling and Storage Equipment
Maximum power German authority for monitoring/issuing
regulations for worker protection, environ­mental protection, and consumer protec­tion
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+ 350 hidden pages