Still RX50-10, RX50-13, RX50-15, RX50-16 Operator Manual

Original instructions
Electric forklift truck
RX50-10 RX50-13 RX50-15 RX50-16
5060 5061 5063 5065 5066
55048011501 EN - 12/2015


Address of manufacturer and contact details

STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10 22113 Hamburg, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 40 7339-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 7339-1622 Email: Website:
048011501 EN - 12/2015 I

Table of contents

1 Foreword
Your truck .......................................................... 2
General ............................................................ 2
CElabelling ......................................................... 2
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Machinery Directive ............... 3
Accessories ......................................................... 3
Information about documentation ......................................... 4
Documentationscope ................................................. 4
Issue date and topicality o
Copyrightandtrademarkrights ........................................... 5
Explanation of information symbols used . . ................................. 5
Listofabbreviations ................................................... 6
Definitionofdirections ................................................. 9
Schematicviews ..................................................... 9
Environmental consider
Packaging ......................................................... 11
Disposal of components and batteries ..................................... 11
ftheoperatinginstructions ........................... 5
ations .......................................... 11
2 Introduction
Use oftruck ........................................................ 14
Proper usage ....................................................... 14
Proper use during towing .............................................. 14
Impermissibleuse ................................................... 14
Placeofuse ........................................................ 15
Parkingintemperaturesbelow-10°C ..................................... 16
Using working platf
Residual risk ....................................................... 17
Residual dangers, residual risks ......................................... 17
Special risks assoc
Overviewofhazardsandcountermeasures ................................. 20
Danger to employees . . ............................................... 23
orms ............................................... 16
iatedwithusingthetruckandattachments ................... 18
Definition of resp
Operatingcompany .................................................. 26
Specialist .......................................................... 26
Drivers ........................................................... 27
Essentials for safe operation ........................................... 29
Insurance cover on company premises .................................... 29
onsible persons ........................................ 26
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Table of contents
Changes and retrofitting ............................................... 29
Changes to the overhead guard and roof loads . . . ........................... 32
Warning regarding non-origin
Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems . . . ........................... 33
Tyres ............................................................. 33
Medicalequipment ................................................... 34
Exercise caution when handling gas springs and accumulators .................. 35
Lengthoftheforkarms ................................................ 35
Safety tests ........................................................ 37
Regularsafetyinspectionofthetruck ..................................... 37
Insulationtesting .................................................... 37
Safety regulations for han
Permissibleconsumables ............................................. 39
Oils .............................................................. 39
Hydraulicfluid ...................................................... 40
Batteryacid ........................................................ 41
Brakefluid ......................................................... 42
Disposal of consumables
Emissions ......................................................... 45
alparts ..................................... 32
dling consumables ............................... 39
.............................................. 44
General view of truck ................................................. 50
General view of drive
Operating devices and display elements ................................... 53
Display and operating unit . . . .......................................... 53
Operating devices f
Multi-lever ......................................................... 56
Doublemini-lever .................................................... 57
Three-way mini-lev
Four-waymini-lever .................................................. 59
Joystick4Plus ...................................................... 60
Fingertip .......................................................... 61
Miniconsole ....................................................... 62
Identification points .................................................. 64
Overview .......................................................... 64
Nameplate ......................................................... 65
Productionnumber .................................................. 66
StVZO (Road Traf
r’s compartment ..................................... 52
orhydraulicandtractionfunctions ......................... 55
er ................................................. 58
fic Licensing Regulations) information ....................... 66
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Table of contents
5 Operation
Checks and operations prior to commissioning .............................. 68
Visualinspections ................................................... 68
Fillingthewashersystem .............................................. 70
Checking the condition of the wheels and tyres .............................. 71
Adjusting the GS15 driver’s
AdjustingtheMSG65/MSG75driver’sseat ................................ 74
Adjustingthearmrest ................................................. 77
Commissioning ..................................................... 79
Climbingon/off ...................................................... 79
Connecting the battery male connector .................................... 81
Shelfandcupholder ................................................. 81
Unlockingtheemergencyoffswitch ...................................... 82
Switchingonthekeyswitch ............................................ 83
Access authorisation wit
Operating the signal horn .............................................. 96
Seatbelt .......................................................... 97
Checking the brake syste
Checkingthesteeringsystemforcorrectfunction ............................100
Checking the emergency stop function ....................................101
Zero adjustment of the l
Checking the vertical lift mast position (variant) for correct function . ...............103
Driving ............................................................104
Safety regulations wh
Driveways ....................................................... . . 106
Settingthedriveprograms .............................................108
Reducing speed with a
Special overhead guard for drive-in racks (variant) ...........................109
Selectingthedrivedirection ............................................111
Actuating the drive d
Actuatingthedrivedirectionswitch,mini-leverversion .........................112
Actuating the vertical rocker switch for the "drive direction", joystick 4Plus version . . . . 113
Actuate the drive di
Actuatingthedrivedirectionswitch,mini-consoleversion ......................114
Startingdrivemode ..................................................114
Starting drive mode
Operatingtheservicebrake ............................................119
Actuating the mechanical parking brake . . . ................................120
Steering ...........................................................121
Reducing speed when turning (Curve Speed Control) .........................122
rectionswitch,fingertipversion ...........................113
seat ......................................... 72
hPINcode(variant) ................................ 86
mforcorrectfunction .............................. 99
oadmeasurement(variant) ...........................101
endriving .........................................104
raisedload(variant) ................................109
irectionswitch,multiple-leverversion ......................112
, dual-pedal version (variant) .............................116
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Table of contents
Lifting ............................................................123
Liftingsystemvariants ................................................123
Automatic lift cut out (varian
Liftmastverticalposition(variant) ........................................124
Typesofliftmast ....................................................128
Malfunctions during lifting m
Liftingsystemoperatingdevices .........................................131
Hydraulicblockingfunction .............................................132
Multi-lever lifting system
Controlling the lifting system using a double mini-lever .........................135
Controllingtheliftingsystemusingatriplemini-lever ..........................136
Controlling the lifting sy
Controllingtheliftingsystemusingthejoystick4Plus ..........................138
Controllingtheliftingsystemwiththefingertipconsole .........................140
Changing the fork arms ...............................................141
Forkextension(variant) ...............................................143
Operationwithreversibleforkarms(variant) ................................145
Workingwithloads ...................................................147
Safety regulations when handing loads ....................................147
Beforetakingupload .................................................148
Load measurement (vari
Picking up loads .....................................................152
Danger area .......................................................153
Transportingpallets ..................................................1
Transportofswingingloads ............................................154
Pickingupaload ....................................................155
Transporting loads ...................................................1
Setting down loads ...................................................160
Driving on ascending and descending slopes ...............................162
Drivingonlifts ......................................................162
Drivingonloadingbridges .............................................164
Workingwithattachments .............................................165
Fitting attachment
Releasingthepressurefromthehydraulicsystem ............................167
General instructions for controlling attachments . . ...........................169
Controlling attach
Controlling attachments using multi-lever operation and the 5th function ...........172
Controlling attachments using a double mini-lever . ...........................174
Controlling attac
Controllingattachmentsusingatriplemini-lever .............................178
Controlling attachments using the three-way mini-lever and the 5th function .........180
s ..................................................165
ments using multi-lever operation ...........................171
hmentsusingthedoublemini-leverandthe5thfunction ...........176
t) ...........................................123
ode .........................................130
stem using a quadruple mini-lever ......................137
ant) ...........................................149
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Table of contents
Controlling attachments using a quadruple mini-lever .........................182
Controlling attachments using the four-way mini-lever and the 5th function ..........184
Controlling attachments via t
Controlling attachments using the joystick 4Plus and the 5th function . . . ...........187
Controlling the attachments with fingertip . . ................................188
Controlling attachments with
Clamp locking mechanism (variant) ......................................191
Takingupaloadusingattachments ......................................195
Operation of additional equ
Switchinglightingonandoff ............................................197
Switching the rotating beacon on and off . . . ................................197
Switching the hazard warni
Switchingdirectionindicatorsonandoff ...................................198
Switching the double working spotlights on and off. ...........................201
Operating the windscreen
FleetManager (variant) . ...............................................203
Accidentrecorder(variant) .............................................204
Driver restraint system
Clipboard (variant) ...................................................204
Trailer operation ....................................................205
Towedload ....................................................... . 205
Tow coupling RO*230 . ...............................................206
Tow coupling RO*244 . ...............................................208
Towingtrailers ......................................................210
Cold store application .................................................211
Operating the display and operating unit ...................................214
Indicators .........................................................214
Adjustingthedisplays ................................................217
Symbolsinthedisplay ................................................217
Setting the date or ti
Resetting the daily kilometres and daily operating hours .......................222
Setting the language . . ...............................................223
Soft key button for o
ConfiguringBlue-Qefficiencymode ......................................224
Blue-Q efficiency mode ...............................................226
Functional descri
Effects on additional consumers .........................................226
SwitchingefficiencymodeBlue-Qonandoff ................................227
Malfunctions .......................................................229
Screencontent ................................................... . . 229
ption ................................................226
hejoystick4Plus ...............................186
fingertip and the 5th function ......................189
ipment .......................................196
ngsystemonandoff .............................198
wiper/washer ...................................203
s(variants) .......................................204
me ................................................222
perating various equipment variants .......................223
048011501 EN - 12/2015 VII
Table of contents
EMERGENCYSWITCHmessage .......................................230
SEATSWITCHmessage ..............................................230
SAFETYBELTmessage ..............................................233
APPLYHANDBRAKEmessage .........................................234
LOWERFORKSmessage .............................................235
REFERENCECYCLEmessage .........................................235
SERVICEBRAKEmessage ............................................236
Operation in special operating situations ...................................237
Transporting .......................................................237
Towing .......................................................... . 240
Craneloading ......................................................243
Behaviour in emergencies .............................................2
Emergency shutdown ................................................247
Procedureiftrucktipsover .............................................248
Emergency lowering .................................................248
Handling the battery ..................................................251
Safety regulations when handling the battery ...............................251
Opening and closingthe b
Opening/closing the battery door ........................................259
Disconnecting the battery male connector ..................................261
Battery replacement us
Batterytransportwithcrane ............................................269
Changing the battery using the internal roller channel .........................270
Battery replacement u
Battery installation or battery replacement without onboard devices . . . ............277
Maintainingthebattery ................................................278
Decommissioning ...................................................282
Parkingthetrucksecurelyandswitchingitoff ...............................282
Wheel chock (variant) ................................................284
Shutting down and sto
Recommissioningafterstorage .........................................286
Cleaning ..........................................................288
Cleaning the truck ...................................................2
Cleaning the electrical system ..........................................290
Cleaning load chains .................................................291
Afterwashing .......................................................292
attery hood .....................................254
ingabridge .......................................262
sing an external roller channel ..........................273
ringthetruck ......................................284
6 Maintenance
General maintenance information ........................................294
Personnelqualifications ...............................................294
II 55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Table of contents
Informationforcarryingoutmaintenance ..................................294
Maintenance — 1000 hours/annually .....................................297
Maintenance - 3000 hours/ever
Orderingsparepartsandwearingparts ....................................301
Quality and quantity of the required operating materials ........................301
Maintenance data table ...............................................303
Safety regulations for maintenance .......................................306
Generalinformation ..................................................306
Working on the hydraulic equ
Working on the electrical equipment ......................................306
Safetydevices ......................................................307
Setvalues ....................................................... . . 307
Liftingandjackingup .................................................307
Workingatthefrontofthetruck ..........................................308
Providing access to maint
Removing/installingthevalvecover ......................................310
Removing/installingthebottomplate .....................................311
Removing/installing th
Maintenance .......................................................315
Lubricatingthejointsandcontrols ........................................315
Checking the battery ho
Maintainingtheseatbelt ...............................................316
Checkingthedriver’sseat .............................................318
Servicing wheels and t
Checking the drive axle for oil level, leaks and general condition . .................320
Checkingthebrakefluidlevel ...........................................321
Checking the brake flu
Checking the battery condition, acid level and acid density ......................324
Checkingthefuses ...................................................325
Changing fuses .....................................................327
Checkingthehydraulicoillevel ..........................................329
Checkingthehydraulicsystemforleaks ...................................330
Lubricating the lif
Maintenance for trucks used in cold stores . ................................331
Maintaining the tow coupling ............................................331
1000-hour maintena
Othertasks ...................................................... . . 333
Checking the cable connections .........................................333
Checking accelera
Checkingthebrakesystemforcorrectoperationandleaks .....................333
Checking the dual pedal ...............................................334
e bottom plate for dual pedal operation (variant) .............313
yres .............................................318
idlevelsensor .....................................322
tmastandrollertrack ....................................331
nce / Annual maintenance ..............................333
tor pedal and brake pedal ................................333
ytwoyears .................................301
ipment ......................................306
enance points ...................................310
odlock ..........................................315
048011501 EN - 12/2015 IX
Table of contents
Checking the lift cylinders and connections for leaks ..........................334
Checkingforkarms ..................................................335
Checking the reversible fork a
rms ........................................335
7 Technical data
Dimensions ........................................................338
VDI datasheet: RX50-10 and RX50-13 ....................................339
VDI datasheet: RX50-15 an
Ergonomic dimensions ................................................347
Battery specifications .................................................348
Fuse assignment ....................................................351
dRX50-16 ....................................343
5048011501 EN - 12/2015


1 Foreword

Your truck

Your truck
The truckdescribed inthese operating instruc­tions corresponds to the applicable standards and safety regulations.
If the truck is to be operated on public roads, it must conform to the existing national regula­tions for the country in which it is being used. The driving permit must be obtained from the appropriate office.
Thetruckshavebeenfittedw art technology. All that re the truck safely and maint
These operating instructions provide the necessary information to do this. Read and observe the information provided before commissioning the truck. This will prevent accidents and ensure that the warranty remains valid.
CE labelling
The manufacturer uses CE labelling to indi­cate that the truck complies with the standards and regulations valid at the time of marketing. This isconfirmed by the issued EC declaration of conformity. The CE labelling is attached to the nameplate.
An independent structural change or addition to the truck can compromise safety, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration o carefully stored an responsible author
dmadeavailabletothe ities.
ith state-of-the-
mains is to handle
ain its functionality.
f conformity must be
5048011501 EN - 12/2015
Foreword 1
Your truck
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Machinery Directive
Berzeliusstraße 10
D-22113 Hamburg Germany
We declare that the
Industrial truck
according to these operating instructions
according to these operating instructions
conforms to the latest version of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Personnel authorised to compile the technical documents:
See EC compliance declaration
• Key for key switch (two pieces)
• Hexagon socket wrench for emergency lowering (not in multi-lever operation)
048011501 EN - 12/2015 3
1 Foreword

Information about documentation

Information about documentation
Documentation scope
• Original operating instructions
• Original operating instructions for attach­ments (variant)
• Spare parts list
• VDMA rules for the proper use of industrial trucks
These operating instructions describeall mea­sures necessary for the safe operation and proper maintenance of your truck in all pos­sible variants available at the time of printing. Special versions to meet customer require­ments are documented in separate operating instructions. If you have any questions,please contact your authorised service centre.
Enter the production num manufacturer from the na provided:
Production number
Year of manufacture
Please quote the produ technical enquiries.
Each truck comes with a set of operating instructions. These instructions must be stored carefully and must be available to the driver and operating company atany time. The storage location is specified in the "Overviews" chapter.
If the operating instructions are lost, the operator must obtain a replacement from the manufacturer immediately.
The operating instr spare parts list and a spare part.
The personnel responsible for operating and maintaining the equipment must be familiar with these operating instructions.
The operating company must ensure that all users have received, read and understood these operating instructions.
ber and year of
meplate in the space
ction number during all
uctions are included in the
can be reordered there as
5048011501 EN - 12/2015
Foreword 1
Information about documentation
Please observe the definition o responsible persons: "operat
f the following
ing company"
and "driver".
Thank you for reading and complying with these operating instructions. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvements, or if you have found any errors, please contact the authorised service centre.
Issue date and topicality of the operating instructions
The issue date of these operating instructions can be found on the title page.
STILL is constantly engaged in the further development of trucks. These operating instructions are subject to change, and any claims based on the information and/or illustrations contained in them cannot be asserted.
Please contact your au for technical support
thorised service centre
relating to your truck.
Copyright and tradem
These instruction translated or made ties—including as express written ap
s must not be reproduced,
excerpts—except with the proval of the manufacturer.
Explanation of in
ark rights
accessible to third par-
formation symbols
Indicates proceduresthat must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent the risk of fatalities.
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent the risk of injuries.
048011501 EN - 12/2015 5
1 Foreword
Information about documentation
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent material damage and/or destruction.
For technical requirements that require special attention.
To prevent environmental damage.
List of abbreviations
This list of abbreviations applies to all types of operating instructions. Not all of the abbre­viations that are listed here will necessarily appear in these operating instructions.
BGR German Social
Accident Insurance
Degrees Celsius
Degrees Fahrenheit
Display operating unit
German labour protection law
German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health
Employers’ liability insurance association
Employers’ liability insurance association act
Employers’ liability insurance association rule
Employers’ liability insurance association regulation
Approximately Symbol that confirms conformity with the valid product-specific European
directives International Commission on the Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equip­ment
5048011501 EN - 12/2015
Foreword 1
Information about documentation
Cubic centimetres
dB Decibels
Remote data transmission
DIN German standard
European Community
European standard
Fédération Européene de Maximum power
Grams Industrial inspectorate
la Manutention
If applicable If applicable
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
Hours per day (time driven each day in hours)
ID no. ID number
ISO International standard
kg Kilograms
kg/m km/h km/d
Kilograms per cubic metre Kilometres per hour Kilometres per day (kilometres driven each day)
kN Kilonewtons
kW Kilowatts
Energy consumption
Litres per hour
Litres per minute
LAN Local area network
Light emitting diode
Sound pressure level Continuous sound pressure level in driver’s compartment
Load centre of gravity
Or si
048011501 EN - 12/2015 7
1 Foreword
Information about documentation
Metres per second
Metres per second squared
Maximum workplace concentration
Max. Maximum
Min. Minimum
min Minutes rpm
Revolution(s) per minute
Millimetres N Newtons Nm Newton metres PIN
Personal identifica
Snap-in tyre for simplified assembly
German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
Technical Regulations for Hazardous Substances
And similar
tion number
Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
Association of German Engineers
German Engineering Federation
W Watts
WLAN Wireless e.g.
For example
local area network
5048011501 EN - 12/2015
Foreword 1
Information about documentation
Definition of directions
The directions"forwards" (1), "backwards" (3), "right" (2) and "left" (4) refer to the installation position of the parts as seen from the driver’s compartment; the load is to the front.
Schematic views
View of functions and operations
This documentati sequential) cha ations. Schemat ance truck are us dures.
These schemati tative of the s truck. The dia purpose of cla
on explains the (usually
in of certain functions or oper-
ic diagrams of a counterbal-
ed to illustrate these proce-
c diagrams are not represen-
tructural state ofthe documented
grams are used solely for the rifying procedures.
048011501 EN - 12/2015 9
1 Foreword
Information about documentation
View of the display operating unit
Views of operating statuses and values in the display of the display operating unit are examples and partly dependent on the truck equipment. As a result, the displays shown of the actual operating statuses and values can vary. Information that is not relevant for descriptions is not shown.
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Foreword 1

Environmental considerations

Environmental considerations
During delivery of the truck, certain parts are packaged to provide protection during transport. This packaging must be removed completely prior to initial start-up.
The packaging material mu properly after delivery o
st be disposed of
f the truck.
Disposal of component
s and
The truckis composed components or batter and disposed of, they
• disposed of,
• treated or
• recycled in accorda national regulatio
The documentation provided by the battery manufacturer must be observed when dispo­sing of batteries.
We recommend working with a waste mana­gement company for disposal purposes.
of different materials. If
ies need to be replaced
must be:
nce with regional and
048011501 EN - 12/2015 11
1 Foreword
Environmental considerations
55048011501 EN - 12/2015


2 Introduction

Use of truck

Use of truck
Proper usage
The truck described in these operating in­structions is suitable for lifting, transporting and stacking loads.
The truck may only be used for its proper purpose as set out and described in these operating instructions.
If the truck is to be used for than those specified in the o tions, the approval of the m applicable, the relevant r must be obtained beforeha ards.
The maximum load to be lifted is specified on the capacity rating plate (load diagram) and must not be exceeded; see also the chapter entitled "Before picking up a load".
Proper use during towing
This truck is suitable for the occasional towing of trailersand is equipped with a towing device for this purpose. This occasional towing may not exceed 2% of the daily operating time. If the truck is to be used for towing on a more regular basis, the manufacturer should be consulted.
The regulations regarding trailer operation must be observed; see chapter "Trailer operation".
purposes other
perating instruc-
anufacturer and, if
egulatory authorities
nd to prevent haz-
Impermissible use
The operating company or driver, and not the manufacturer, is liable for any hazards caused by improper use.
Please observe the definition of the following responsible persons: "operating company" and "driver".
Use for purposes other than those described in these operating instructions is prohibited.
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Introduction 2
Use of truck
There is a risk of fatal injury from falling off the truck while it is moving!
– It is prohibited to carry passengers
on the truck.
The truck may not be operated in areas where there is a risk of fire, explosion or corrosion, or in areas that are particularly dusty.
Stacking or unstacking is not permissible on inclined surfaces or ramps.
Place of use
The truck can be used both outside and in buildings. Operation on public roads is only permitted if the "StVZO" (German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations) equipment variant is installed.
If the truck is to be operated on public roads, it must conform to the existing national regula­tions for the country in which it is being used.
The ground must have an adequate load capacity (concrete, asphalt) and a rough surface. Routes, work areas and aisle widths must conform to the specifications in these operating instructions, see the "Routes" chapter.
Driving on upward and downward gradients is permitted provided the specified data and specifications are observed, see the "Routes "chapter.
The forklift truck is suitable for indoor and outdoor use in countries ranging from the Tropics to Nordic regions (temperature range:
-20°C to +40°C).
If the truck is to be used in a cold store, it must be configured accordingly and, if necessary, approved for such an environment; see the chapter entitled "Cold store application".
048011501 EN - 12/2015 15
2 Introduction
Use of truck
Batteries can freeze! If the truck is parked in an ambient temperature of
below –10 °C for an extended period, the batteries cool down. The electrolyte may freeze and damage the batteries. The truck is thennot ready for opera­tion.
– In an ambient temperature of below –10 °C, only
park the truck for shortperiods.
The operating company must ensure suitable fire protection for the relevant application in the truck’s surroundings. Depending on the application, additional fire protection must be provided on the truck. If in doubt, contact the relevant authorities.
Please observe the definition of the following responsible person: "operating company".
Parking in temperatures below -10°C
Batteries can freeze! Ifthetruckisparkedinanambienttemperature
below -10°C for an extended period, the batteries will cool down. The electrolyte may freeze and damage the batteries. The truck is then not ready for operation.
– When the ambienttemperature is below -10°C,
only park the truck for short periods of time.
Using working platforms
The use of working platforms is regulated by na­tional law. The use of working platforms is only permitted by virtue of the jurisdiction in the country of use.
– Observe national legislation. – Before using working platforms, consult the
national regulatory authorities.
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
Introduction 2

Residual risk

Residual risk
Residual dangers, residual risks
Despite careful working and compliance with standards and regulations, the occurrence of other risks when using the truck cannot be entirely excluded.
The truck and all other system components comply with current safety requirements. Nevertheless, even when the truck is used for its proper purpose and all instructions are followed, some residual risk cannot be excluded.
Even beyond the narrow dan truck itself, a residual r Persons in this area aroun exercise a heightened deg so that they can react imme of any malfunction, incid
All persons that are in the vicinity of the truck must be instructed regarding these risks that arise through use of the truck.
In addition,we draw attention to the safety regulati­ons in these operating instructions.
ger areas of the
isk cannot be excluded.
d the truck must ree of awareness,
diately in the event
ent or breakdown etc.
The risks can include:
• Escape of consumables due to leakages, rupture of lines and containers etc.
• Risk of accident when driving over difficult ground such as gradients, smooth or irregular surfaces, or with poor visibility etc.
• Falling, tripping etc. when moving on the truck, especially in wet weather, with leaking consumables or on icy surfaces
• Fire and explosion risks dueto batteries and electrical voltages
• Human error resulting from failure to observe the safety regulations,
• Unrepaired damage or defective and worn components,
• Insufficient maintenance and testing
• Use of incorrect consumables
• Exceeding test intervals
048011501 EN - 12/2015 17
2 Introduction
Residual risk
The manufacturer is not held responsible for accidents involving the truck caused by the failure of the operating company to comply with these regulations either intentionally or carelessly.
The stability of the truck has been tested to the latest technological standards and is guaran­teed provided that the truck is used properly and according to its intended purpose. These standards only take into account the dynamic and static tipping forces that can arise during specified use in accordance with the operat­ing rules and intended purpose. However, the danger of exceeding the moment of tilt due to improper use or incorrect operation and losing stability can never be excluded.
The loss of stability can b imised by the following ac
– Always secure the load against slipping,
e.g. by lashing.
– Always transport unstable loads in suitable
– Always drive slowly whe
– Drive with the load lowered.
– Even with sideshifts, align the load as
centrally as possible with the truck and transport in this position.
– Avoid turning and dia
slopes or gradients.
– Never have the load facing downhill when
travelling on slopes or gradients.
– Pick up only loads of the approved width.
– Always take great ca
swinging loads.
– Do not drive over ramp edges or steps.
e avoided or min-
n cornering.
gonally driving across
re when transporting
Special risks associated with using the truck and attachments
Approval from the manufacturer and attach­ment manufacturer must be obtained each
55048011501 EN - 12/2015
+ 344 hidden pages