The industrial trucks described in this user
manual are built to the applicable standards
and safety regulations. If your industrial truck
is to be driven on public roads it must satisfy
the applicable Road Traffic Act provisions for
the country concerned. The vehicle excise
licence must be obtained from the appropriate
The industrial trucks are fitted with the most
up-to-date technology Now it’s up to you to
operate your industrial truck safely and obtain
the benefits of its functional capabilities.
This user manual gives you the necessary
information for this. Read it and follow these
instructions before bringing your industrial
trucks into use! This way you will avoid accidents, spare yourself worry and maintain the
EC declaration of conformity, EC
mark of conformity
With the EC declaration of conformity, the
manufacturer confirms the compliance of the
industrial truck with the standards and regulations valid at the time of marketing. The
EC conformity mark is shown on the factory
nameplate and indicates compliance with the
above regulations.
A structural change or addition to the industrial
truck on one’s own authority can affect the
safety in an unreliable way thus invalidating
the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration of conformity must be
carefully stored and made available to the
responsible authorities.
2171673 [EN]
Information about documentation
Information about documentation
Documentation scope
• Operating and maintenance manual
• Operating and maintenance manual for
attachments (special equipment)
• Maintenance data table
• Spare parts list
• VDMA rules for the proper use of industrial
• Inspection and test log book for powerdriven industrial trucks (Germany only)
This operating and maintenance manual describes all necessary measures for safe operation and correct maintenance of your industrial truck. It includes all variants available up
to the time of going to press. Special designs
to meet customer requirements are documented in a separate operating and maintenance manual. For further information, please
contact your service centre.
Please enter the factory no. and year of
manufacture from the factory nameplate
in the space provided ⇒ Chapter "Nameplate", P. 4-49 below:
Please provide these numbers for all technical
An operating and maintenance manual is provided with every industrial truck. This manual
must be stored carefully and mustbe available
to the driver and operator at any time. The
storage location is specified in the Overviews
chapter ⇒ Chapter "Overviews", P. 39.
If the operating instructions are lost, the operator must obtain a replacement from the
manufacturer immediately.
The operating and maintenance manual is
included in the spare parts list and can be
reordered as a spare part.
171673 [EN]3
Information about documentation
This operating and maintenance manual must
be drawn to the attention of staff responsible for the operation and maintenance of the
The operator (see ⇒ Chapter "Definition of
terms used for responsible persons", P. 20)
must ensure that all users have received, read
and understood this manual.
Thank you for reading and complying with this
manual. For further information or improvement suggestions, or if you have identified
errors, please contact our service centre.
Issue date and currentness of manual
May 2007
STILL is constantly engaged in the further development of industrial trucks. Please note
that these operating instructions are subject to
change and any claims based on the information and figures contained in these operating
instructions cannot be asserted.
If you require technical support for your industrial truck, please contact the responsible
service centre.
We hope you enjoy your driving
Berzeliusstr. 4
22113 Hamburg, Germany
Copyright and proprietary rights
This manual - and any excerpts thereof - may
not be reproduced, translated or tansmitted in
any form to third parties without the express
written permission of the manufacturer.
4171673 [EN]
Information about documentation
Explanations of the signal terms
In the case of work procedures that must be strictly
adhered to in order to prevent a danger to the life or
physical condition of persons.
In the case ofprocedures thatmust be strictly adhered to in order to prevent injury to persons.
In the case of procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to preventmaterial damageand/or
For technical requirements that require special attention.
To prevent environmental damage.
Explanation of the cross-references
Cross references are used to direct the reader
to the appropriate section or chapter.
• Cross reference to a section: ⇒ Chapter "Explanation of the cross-references",P.1-5
• Cross reference to a chapter: ⇒ Chapter "Definition of terms used for responsible
persons", P. 20
171673 [EN]5
Information about documentation
Definition of directions
The directions forwards (1), backwards (3),
right (2), left (4) give the installation locations
of parts as seen from the driving position; the
load is at the front.
Sample graphics
This documentation explains the (usually sequential) sequence of certain functions or
operations. Schematic diagrams of a counterbalance truck are used to illustrate these
These schematic diagrams are not representative of the constructed state of the documented industrial truck. They serve only to
illustrate the sequences.
6171673 [EN]
Environmental considerations
Environmental considerations
During delivery of the industrial truck, certain parts are packaged to provide protection
during transport. This packaging must be removed completely prior to initial start-up.
The packaging material must be properly disposed of after delivery of the industrial truck.
Disposal of units and batteriesduring
repair work
It may be necessary to replace units as part of
maintenance work. Replaced units must then
be disposed of.
Your vehicle is comprised of different materials. Each of these materials must be
• disposed of,
• treated or
• recycled in accordance with regional and
national regulations.
When disposing of batteries, please refer to
the battery manufacturer’s documentation.
We recommend working with a waste management company for disposal purposes.
171673 [EN]7
Environmental considerations
8171673 [EN]
Use of truck
Use of truck
Proper use
The forklift truck described in this operating
manual is suitable for lifting, transporting and
stacking loads.
The truck may only be used for its proper purpose, as set out and described in this operating manual.
If the truck is to be used for other purposes
than those specified in the operating manual,
the approval of the manufacturer and, if necessary, the responsible regulator authorities,
must be obtained beforehand to prevent hazards.
The maximum load to be lifted is specified on
the capacity plate (load diagram) and may not
be exceeded.
Proper towing usage
This forklift truck is suitable for the occasional
towing of trailers and is equipped with a towing
device for this purpose. This occasional towing may not exceed 2% of the daily operating
time. If you want to use the forklift truck for
more frequent towing, the manufacturer must
be consulted.
The trailer operation provisions must be
followed. See ⇒ Chapter "Trailer operation", P. 130.
Impermissible use
Every hazard caused by impermissible use
is the responsibility of the operator or driver
and not of the manufacturer (also see in this
matter ⇒ Chapter "Definition of terms used for
responsible persons", P. 20).
Use for purposes other than those described
in these operating instructions is prohibited.
10171673 [EN]
Use of truck
Risk of accident!
Passengers are not allowed.
The forklift truck may not be operated in areas
where is a risk of fire, explosion or corrosion,
or areas that are particularly dusty.
Stacking or unstacking is not permissible on
inclined surfaces or ramps.
Place of use
The truck can be used outside and, with the
correct equipment, in buildings.
Use on public roads is only permitted if special
equipment in accordance with StVZO (Road
Traffic Licensing Regulations) is installed.
The various regulations applicable in different
countries for driving the truck on public roads
must be observed.
The ground must have sufficient load-bearing
capacity (concrete, asphalt). It should have
a rough surface. The driveways, work areas
and aisle widths must correspond with the
specifications in these operating instructions
(see ⇒ Chapter "Driveways", P. 5-78).
Driving on ascending and descending slopes
is permitted if the indicated data and specifications are observed (see ⇒ Chapter "Driveways",P.5-78).
The forklift truck is suitable for use in countries ranging from the Topics to Nordic regions
(temperature range: -20°C to +40°C).
This forklift truck is not designedfor use in cold
The operator (see ⇒ Chapter "Definition of
terms used for responsible persons", P. 20)
must ensure suitable fire protection in the surroundings of the truck for all applications of
the truck. Depending on the application, additional fire protection must be provided on the
industrial truck. In cases of doubt, contact the
relevant authorities.
171673 [EN]11
Use of truck
Use of working platforms
The use of working platforms is governed by national law. This law must be observed. This allowed
only if the law allows the use of working platforms in
your country.
Consult your national authorities (in Germany the
trade association) before any use.
12171673 [EN]
Residual risk
Residual risk
Residual dangers, residual risks
Despite careful working and compliance with
standards and regulations, the occurrence
of other risks when using the industrial truck
cannot be entirely excluded.
The industrial truck and all other system components comply with current safety requirements. Nevertheless, even when the truck is
used for its proper purpose and all instructions
are followed, some residual risk cannot be excluded.
Even beyond the narrow hazard areas of the
industrial truck itself, a residual risk cannot
be excluded. Persons in this area around the
industrial truck must exercise a heightened
degree of awareness, so that they can react
immediately in the event of any malfunction,
incident or breakdown etc.
All persons that are in the vicinity of the industrial
truck must be instructed regarding these risks that
arise through use of the industrial truck.
In addition,we draw attentionto the safety regulations in these operating instructions.
Risks can include:
• Escape of consumables due to leaks, rupture of lines and containers etc.
• Accident risk when driving over difficult
ground such as gradients, smooth or irregular surfaces, or poor visibility etc.
• Falling, tripping etc. when moving on the
industrial truck, especially in the wet, with
leaking consumables or icy surfaces.
• The stability of the industrial truck has been
tested to the latest standards. These standards only take into account the static and
dynamic tipping forces that can arise during
specified use in accordance with the operating rules and intended purpose. Risks that
arise from improper use or incorrect operation and result in tipping forces that exceed
the stability cannot be excluded in extreme
171673 [EN]13
Residual risk
• Loss of stability due to the load being unstable or the load slipping etc.
• Fire and explosionrisks due to batteries and
electrical voltages.
• Human error - disregarding safety regulations.
Special risks when using the forklift
truck and attachments
The manufacturer’s approval must be obtained for any unconventional use during
which the driver cannot ensure proper and
safe execution.
In particularly difficult cases such as the simultaneous use of two forklift trucks for transporting heavy or bulky loads, the supervisor
must be present at the place of use and accept
responsibility and control of this transport.
14171673 [EN]
Residual risk
171673 [EN]15
Residual risk
Overview of hazards and countermeasures
This flat sheet is intended to help evaluate the
hazards in your facility and applies to all drive
Observe the national regulations for your
Industrial truck
equipment does not
comply with local
Lack of skills and
qualification of driver
Usage by unauthorised persons
Industrial truck not
in safe operating
Impaired visibility
through load
Contamination of
respiratory air
Driver training (sit-on
and stand-on)
Access with key
only for authorised
Recurrent testing and
rectification of defects
Resource planning
Assessment of diesel
exhaust gases
Assessment of LPG
exhaust gases
Check note
√ actioned
- not affected
OIf in doubt, consult
OBGG 925
OTRGS 554 and
OMAK (Maximum
competent factory
inspectorate or
employers’ liability
insurance association
VDI 3313 driver permit
(Workplace Safety
(Workplace Safety
(Workplace Safety
Concentrations) list
and BetrSichVO
(Workplace Safety
Observe BetrSichVO,
BGR 104 and the
operating instructions.
Observe BetrSichVO,
BGR 104 and the
operating instructions.
Check note
√ actioned
- not affected
OBetrSichVO and BGR
OBetrSichVO and BGR
(Workplace Safety
Ordinance) and
ArbSchG (Health and
Safety at Work Act)
(Workplace Safety
Ordinance) and
ArbSchG (Health and
Safety at Work Act)
VDE 0510: In
- Ensure ventilation
- Insulation value
within permissible
171673 [EN]17
Residual risk
Risk for employees
According to the operating safety ordinance
(BetrSichVO) and German Law on Health
and Safety at Work (ArbSchG) the operator
(see ⇒ Chapter "Definition of terms used for
responsible persons", P. 20) must ascertain
and assess the hazards present at his plant.
He must specify the necessary measures
for health and safety for employees (BetrSichVO). The operator must thus draw up operating instructions applicable to his plant (§ 6
ArbSchG) and inform the driver accordingly. A
person responsible for health and safety must
be appointed.
Construction and equipment of the industrial
truck correspond to the Machinery Directive
98/37/EEC and they are therefore identified
with the CE symbol. They are therefore not
included in the hazard assessment, and the
attachments likewise on account of their own
CE marking . The operator must however
select the type and equipment of the industrial
trucks so as to comply with the local provisions
for usage.
The result must be documented (Section 6
ArbSchG). Inthe case of industrial truckusage
involving similar hazard situations it is permitted to summarise the results . The overview
provided (see ⇒ Chapter"Overview of hazards
and countermeasures", P. 2-16)means we are
helping you to comply with these regulations.
The overview specifies key hazards which
are most frequently the cause of accidents in
the event of non-compliance. If other major
hazards are involved at a specific plant , these
must be taken into consideration additionally.
In many plants the conditions of use for
industrial trucks are by and large similar
so that the hazards can be summarised in
one overview. Take note of information of
the respective employers’ liability insurance
association as regards this topic.
18171673 [EN]
Definition of terms used for responsible persons
Definition of terms used for responsible persons
Operating company
The operating company is the natural or legal
person that operates the industrial truck or
in whose employment the industrial truck is
The operating company must ensure that
the industrial truck is used only for its proper
purposes and in compliance with the safety instructions inthese operating and maintenance
The operating company must ensure that all
users read and understand the safety information.
The operating company is responsible for the
scheduling andcorrect performance of regular
safety checks.
We recommend that the national performance
specifications are adhered to.
A specialist is considered to be someone
whose technical training and experience
have enabled them to develop an appropriate knowledge of industrial trucks and who
is sufficiently familiar with the applicable national health and safety regulations, accident
prevention regulations, directives and generally recognised technical conventions (standards, VDE regulations, technical regulations
of other member states of the European Union
or other countries that are signatories to the
treaty establishing the European Economic
Area) as to be able to assess the condition of
industrial trucks in terms of health and safety.
This industrial truck may only be driven by
suitable persons who are at least 18 years
old, who have been trained in driving, have
demonstrated their skills in driving and handling loads to the operator or an authorised
20171673 [EN]
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