Still iGo neo CX-20 Supplement Instructions

Original instructions
iGo neo
Supplement to the series operating instructions for the CX-20
50108046085 EN - 08/2017


STILL GmbH Berzeliusstraße 10 22113 Hamburg, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 40 7339-0 Fax: +49 (0) 40 7339-1622 Email: Website:

Rules for the operating company of industrial trucks

In addition to these operating instructions, a code of practice containing additional information for the operating companies of industrial trucks is also available.
This guide provides information for handling industrial trucks:
• Information on how to select suitable industrial trucks for a particular area of application
• Prerequisites for industrial trucks
• Information on the use of industrial trucks
• Information on transport, initial commis­sioning and storage of industrial trucks
Internet address and QR code
The information c by pasting the add in a web browser or
an be accessed at any time
by scanning the QR code.
08046085 EN - 08/2017 I

Table of contents

1 Foreword
Your iGo neo ........................................................ 2
CElabelling ......................................................... 2
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with the Machinery Directive . ........... 2
Using the iGo neo .................................................... 2
Intended use ........................................................ 2
Improperuse ........................................................ 3
Requirements for the place of use ......................................... 4
Requirements for pallets a
Customer-specificconfigurationbytheauthorisedservicecentre .................. 5
Copyright clause for open-source programs ................................. 7
Roadways .......................................................... 7
Requirements for the ground conditions of roadways ........................... 7
Suitableroadways .................................................... 7
Information about the do
Validity of this supplement to the operating instructions ......................... 8
Issuedateandtopicalityoftheoperatinginstructions ........................... 9
Copyright and trademark
Explanation of information symbols used . . ................................ 10
Informationfortwo-pagePDFdisplay ..................................... 10
Environmental consid
DisposingofcomponentsusedforASSISTANCEmode ....................... 11
nd loads ........................................ 5
cumentation ...................................... 8
rights ........................................... 9
erations .......................................... 11
Definition of terms used for responsible persons ............................. 14
Duties of the operat
Duties of the operator . . ............................................... 15
Additional requirements applicable to the authorised service centre . . . ............ 15
Specialist .......................................................... 16
Basic principles for safe operation ....................................... 17
Modificationsandretrofitting ............................................ 17
Warning regarding non
Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems .............................. 18
Medicalequipment ................................................... 19
Residual risk ....................................................... 19
Residual dangers, residual risks ......................................... 19
Overviewofhazardsandcountermeasures ................................. 21
Danger to employee
ingcompany ......................................... 14
-genuineparts ..................................... 18
swhenASSISTANCEmodeisused ....................... 22
08046085 EN - 08/2017 III
Table of contents
Safety tests ........................................................ 23
Regularsafetyinspectionofthetruck ..................................... 23
Emissions ......................................................... 24
3 Components of the iGo neo
Overview of components used for ASSISTANCE mode ........................ 26
LED signalling unit ................................................... 27
Signals from the inner lig
Signals from the outer lighting zone on the LED signalling unit ................... 28
Movement tracking sensors ............................................ 29
Function of the movement t
Safety laser scanner ................................................. 31
Functionofthesafetylaserscanner ...................................... 31
Assistance button ................................................... 34
Functionsoftheassistancebutton ....................................... 34
Emergency off switch ................................................. 35
Additional emergency o
Remote control ..................................................... 36
Functionsoftheremotecontrol .......................................... 36
Charging the remote c
Changing the remote control . . .......................................... 40
htingzoneontheLEDsignallingunit ................... 27
rackingsensors ................................. 29
ffswitches ....................................... 35
ontrol ............................................ 38
4 Operating the iGo neo
Checks and tasks to be carried out when commencing ASSISTANCE mode ........ 44
Safety information r
Visual inspection before switching on ASSISTANCE mode ..................... 44
VisualinspectionandbraketestafterswitchingonASSISTANCEmode ............ 45
Safety regulations
Instructionsforsafeoperationofthetruck .................................. 47
PriorityrulesinmixedMANUAL/ASSISTANCEtraffic ......................... 51
Keeping roadways c
Operating the truck in ASSISTANCE mode ................................. 54
OverviewofASSISTANCEmode ........................................54
Switching the truc
SwitchingonASSISTANCEmode .......................................57
Adjustingthetruckalignment ........................................... 58
Positioning the truc
SwitchingbetweenACTIVEandPAUSEDmodesformovementtracking ........... 61
IV 5
elatedtousingthismode ................................ 44
in ASSISTANCE mode .................................. 47
learofobstacles ..................................... 52
konandoff ........................................... 56
kcorrectlyintheaisle .................................. 59
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Table of contents
Identifying the operator . ............................................... 62
Stoppingautomaticallyattheendoftheracking ............................. 64
Behaviour of the truck in respo
Truck behaviour in the event of an emergency stop ........................... 68
Movingthetruckpositiontothenextpallet .................................. 70
Driving automatically withou
SettingthedriveprogrammewhenoperatinginASSISTANCEmode .............. 72
Warning sounds in ASSISTANCE mode . . . ................................ 73
nsetoobstaclesintheroadway ................... 66
tmovementtracking ............................ 71
5 Storage
Storing and shutting down
the iGo neo .................................... 76
6 Cleaning
Cleaning the components used for ASSISTANCE mode ....................... 78
7 Transporting
Transporting the truck ................................................ 82
8 Maintenance
Maintaining the iG
Maintenance - 500 hours/every 6 months .................................. 87
Maintenance - 1000 hours/annually ...................................... 88
o neo ............................................... 86
9 Technical data
Dimensions ........................................................ 9
VDI datasheet: iGo neo CX 20 .......................................... 93
Technical data of the remote control components ............................ 95
l data of the safety laser scanner .................................. 96
08046085 EN - 08/2017 V


1 Foreword

Your iGo neo

Your iGo neo
CE labelling
The manufacturer uses CE labelling to indi­cate that the truck complies with the standards and regulations valid at the time of marketing. This is confirmed by the issued EC declaration of conformity. The CE labelling is attached to the nameplate.
An independent structural change or addition to the truck can compromise safety, thus invalidating the EC declaration of conformity.
The EC declaration of confo carefully stored and made responsible authorities
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with the Machinery Directive
The EC declaration of conformity in accor­dance with the Machinery Directive provided in the original operating instructions for the series-production truck is not valid for the iGo neo.
rmity must be
available to the

Using the iGo neo

Intended use
The iGo neo is based on a manually operated STILL series-production truck that has been equipped with additional navigation and safety components.
The truck can of operati
switch between different modes
108046085 EN - 08/2017
Foreword 1
Using the iGo neo
MANUAL mode corresponds to normal opera-
tion of the series-production truck:
• Ride-on mode
• Pedestrian mode with cockpit ( with drive switch)
• Pedestrian mode with push button (special equipment)
slow travel
ASSISTANCE mode is the additional opera-
ting mode of the iGo neo.
• When order picking, the truck automatically detects the aisle and the position of the operator. As soon as the operator climbs down from the truck, the truck automatically follows the operator at the same level along the racks. The truck maintains a constant distance to the racking, so that items can be transferred between the truck and the rack without interruption.
ASSISTANCE modecanalsob
by the operator using a rem
The truck must only be used for its intended purpose as set out and described in these op­erating instructions. In addition, the provisions in the original operating instructions for the series-production truck apply.
If the truck is to be used for purposes other than those specified in the operating instruc­tions, the approval of the manufacturer and, if applicable, the relevant regulatory authorities must be obtained in advance to prevent haz­ards.
The truck is only to b ternal transport in
operating mod is restricted to the sector.
Regardless of the safety devices present in the system, the operator remains responsible for the safe operation of the truck at all times, even in
e used for company-in-
es. Use of the truck
commercial and industrial
e controlled
ote control.
Improper use
The operating company or operator, and not the manufacturer, is liable for any hazards caused by improper use.
08046085 EN - 08/2017 3
1 Foreword
Using the iGo neo
It is prohibited to use the truck for purposes other than those described in these operating instructions.
The truck is not permitted to be used:
• On or along public roads
• In a cold store
• In areas at risk of explosion
• For transporting dangerous goods
• For transporting people or a
nimals as a load
Requirements for the plac
The requirements for the truck correspond to the r described in the origina for the series-producti
In addition, the followi
• The truck must not be operated in cold stores
•Thetruckisnot suitable for cleanroom environments
• The truck must only be u weather-protected lo
Permissible working environment for the truck:
Permitted temperatures
Permitted air humidity
l operating instructions
on truck.
ng restrictions apply:
place of use of the
equirements that are
sed indoors in
Min. °C Max. °C
Min. %
Max. % (without condensation water)
During use, ensure that the movement track­ing sensors and the safety laser scanner do not fog up due to changing between hot zones (approx. 40°C) and cold zones (approx. 4C) too rapidly. Fogged-up optics covers must be
108046085 EN - 08/2017
Foreword 1
Using the iGo neo
cleaned before use in ASSISTANCE mode (see the chapter entitled "Cleaning").
Requirements for pallets and loads
Pallets that are wider than the truck (max. 80 cm) must not be transported in
The weight and type of load must conform to the specifications in the original operating instructions for the series-production truck.
Pallets and loads must not the lateral dimensions of The load must not protrud in a longitudinal or late
The stability of the truck must not be jeopar­dised by the weight and height of the load, including when cornering.
The load must be secured so that it cannot fall from the truck or slip and protrude beyond the lateral truck contour, including when cornering. The load must be stacked carefully, with the centre of gravity as low as possible.
Pallets and loads that ifications may be moved mode only if the truck s justed in advance by th justments of this typ by qualified personne who have been trained to
the truck contour.
ral direction.
do not meet these spec-
in afety devices are ad­e manufacturer. Ad-
e must only be performed
l at the manufacturer
protrude beyond
e beyond the pallet
complete this work.
Customer-specific con the authorised servi
The authorised servi
ASSISTANCE mode to s
application condi the following para
• Dynamic and maximum speed of the drive programs
• Duration of the run-on time (robotics sys­tem) after the truck has been switched off
• Minimum distance
tions. Amongst other things,
meters can be set:
figuration by
ce centre
ce centre can configure
uit the specific
to the racking in
08046085 EN - 08/2017 5
1 Foreword
Using the iGo neo
• Minimum width of a crosswise roadway (crosswise roadway detection)
• Minimum lateral distance to any obstacles in the roadway
• Minimum distance to trucks ahe overhang
• Preferred truck alignment
• Adaptation to the fork length of the truck
• Start/stop positions when t several pallets in successi
• Automatic approach after losing track of the position of the operator (only the side to which the truck is aligned/both sides)
ad, with
108046085 EN - 08/2017
Foreword 1


Copyright clause for open-source programs
STILL uses open source software to operate the iGo neo as licensed by the owners of the respective rights. The used open source software can be made available for general use, however excluding any liability.This exclusion of liability includes implicit warranty of marketability or suitability of the software for a particular use. For more details, please refer to the individual license documents.
On request, the license text can be made available in print.
For further information p
lease contact us:
Requirements for the ground conditions of roadways
The truck is equipped with running wheels and drive wheels made from Vulkollan. The ground conditions of roadways affect the length of the braking distance (e.g. when performing an emergency stop) and therefore also have implications for the safety of persons and equipment.
The roadways on which the iGo neo will be used must be sufficiently flat, provide sufficient grip (good roughness properties) and offer sufficient load-bearing capacity. The requirements for the ground conditions correspond to the requirements for the series­production truck.
– Contact your aut
you are unsure ab for the ground.
horised service centre if
out the correct conditions
Suitable road
In ASSISTANCE be used on suita
mode, the truck must only
ble roadways:
08046085 EN - 08/2017 7
1 Foreword
Information about the documentati
The requirements for roadways described in the original operating instructions of the series-production truck also apply to trucks with the additional
In addition, the following provisions apply:
Additional requirements for roadways suitable for the ASSISTANCE mode of operation
Risk of accident due to dirty roadways Roadways must always be kept clean. Contami-
nation resulting from moisture, oils, greases, dust, chips etc. can cause faults and reduce safety.
– Always keep roadways clean. – For roadways, do not use any cleaning materials
or care products that smooth the surface.
Risk of accident f on or in the roadwa
In the roadway for h edges, steps, p truck will tip o
– Maintain a sa
differences o
is in
– Always cover d
rom sloping edges and gradients
de, the truck does not check
eight differences, e.g. on sloping
latforms, ramps and gradients. The
fe distance away from height
n or in the roadway when the truck
ifficult roadways in
Roadways must as holes, trou
be free of impairments, such
ghs or damage to the surface of
the roadway.
The roadways must be free of sloped sections.

Information about the documentation

Validity of this supplement to the operating instructions
This supplement to the operating instructions applies in addition to the existing operating instructions for the series-production truck and both are to be considered as the original
108046085 EN - 08/2017
Foreword 1
operating instructions. The operational and safety information in the standard operating instructions continues to be valid in its entirety unless it is specifically countermanded in this supplement to the operating instructions.
Risk of accident! It is essential that information in this supplement
to the operating instructions that differs to the information in the operating instructions for the series-production truck is observed!
Information about the documentati
Storing the operating instructions
This supplement to the operating instructions must be kept with the operating instructions for the series-production truck so that opera­tors and the operating company can access these instructions at any time. If the operating instructions are lost, the operating company must obtain a replacement from the manufac­turer immediately. The operating instructions are included in the spare parts list and can be reordered as a spare part.
Sufficient quantities of the documentation must also be made available for staff training purposes.
Issue date and topicality of the operating instructions
The issue date of these operating instructions can be found on the title page.
STILL is continuously working to enhance and improve the trucks. These instructions are subject to change, and any claims based on the information and/or illustrations contained in these operating instructions cannot be asserted.
If you require technical support for the truck, please contact the authorised service centre.
Copyright and trademark rights
These instructions must not be reproduced, translated or made accessible to third par-
08046085 EN - 08/2017 9
1 Foreword
Information about the documentati
ties—including as excerpts—except with the express written approval of the manufacturer.
Explanation of information symbols used
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent the risk of fatalities.
Indicates procedures to in order to prevent
Indicates procedures that must be strictly adhered to in order to prevent material damage and/or destruction.
For technical r special attent
that must be strictly adhered
the risk of injuries.
equirements that require
To prevent environmental damage.
Information for two-page PDF display
These operating instructions are optimised for both printing and for on-screen display.
The document contains double pages, with the illustrations on one side and the instruc­tions shown in a table on the other side. To ensure that this arrangement is shown cor­rectly on your screen, please set the following options in your PDF program:
View/Page Display
• Two Page View
• Show Cover Page in Two Page View
10 5
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Foreword 1

Environmental considerations

Environmental considerations
Disposing of components used for ASSISTANCE mode
The instructions for environmentally friendly disposal of truck components that are spec­ified in the operating instructions for the se­ries-production truck also apply to compo­nents used for
Disposing of the remote control and battery charger
Once they are deemed obsolete, the radio remote control and the battery charger must be scrapped in a collection point for hazardous waste.
Batteries that are no longer in use must be collected in appropriate containers.
08046085 EN - 08/2017 11
1 Foreword
Environmental considerations
12 5
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2 Safety
Definition of terms used for respons
ible persons
Definition of terms used for responsible persons
Duties of the operating company
The operating company is the natural or legal person or group who uses the truck or on whose authority the truck is used.
The operating company must ensure that the truck is only used for its intended purpose and in compliance with the safety regulations in these operating instructions and the operating instructions for the series-production truck.
The operating company must all users read and understa information in these oper and in the operating instr series-productiontruck instructions must be acce operator at all times.
The operating company is responsible for scheduling and correctly performing regular safety inspections, including safety inspec­tions on the components used for
The requirements for the operating com­pany—as well as the rights, duties and rules of behaviour of the operating company—as described in the operating instructions of the series-production truck also apply to trucks with the additional operation.
In addition, the following provisions apply:
• As part of safety train company must instruct t to handle the truck in This information applies different methods of handl
the operation.
• The operating company must instruct all affected personnel in the safe handling of a truck in
• The operating company is responsible for ensuring the safe condition of roadways (refer to the chapter entitled "Suitable roadways").
• The operating company m the truck is only operate
ensure that
nd the safety
ating instructions
uctions for the
. Both sets of operating
ssible to the truck
ing, the operating
he operator on how
in particular for the
ing the truck in
ust ensure that
d by persons
odes of
14 5
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Safety 2
Definition of terms used for respons
who have been trained in the handling of
ible persons
The operating company must observe the national regulations, laws and accident prevention regulations.
Duties of the operator
The operator is the person who drives the truck in
The requirements for the d the rights, duties and rul the driver—as described i instructions of the seri also apply to the operato additional
As part of safety training, the operator must re­ceive instruction from the operating company on how to handle the truck in mode.
In addition, the following provisions apply:
Special responsibility of the operator for theremotecontrol
The operator must nev control unattended w work and must never gi to anyone else. The rem be operated by the operat
Once work has been completed, the operator must ensure that the remote control cannot be accessed by unauthorised persons.
river—as well as
es of behaviour of
n the operating
es-production truck
ode of operation.
er leave the remote
hen performing their
ve the remote control
ote control may only
Additional requirements applicable to the authorised service centre
Work on components used for ASSISTANCE mode must only be performed only by the ser­vice centre authorised by the manufacturer.
The service engineer must have received spe­cial training from the manufacturer regarding the handling processes, technology and repair work involved with the iGo neo. It is not permit­ted for other persons to perform work on the components used for
08046085 EN - 08/2017 15
2 Safety
Definition of terms used for respons
This instruction does not apply to cleaning pro­cedures on components that are not located inside the truck; refer to the chapter entitled "Cleaning".
The following components are used for
• Safety laser scanner
• Movement tracking sensors
• Control components
• Control electronics and control software
• Emergency off switches
• LED signalling unit
• Switches
• Remote control
A qualified person is defin engineer or a person who f requirements:
• A completed vocational qualification that demonstrably proves their professional expertise. This proof should consist of a vocational qualification or a similar document.
• Professional experience indicating that the qualified person has gained practical experience of industrial trucks over a proven period during their career During this time, this person has become familiar with a wide range of symptoms that require checks to be carried out, such as based on the results of a hazard assessment or a daily inspection
• Recent professional in field of the industrial tr and an appropriate furthe are essential. The qualified have experience of carrying ou in question or of carrying out s Moreover, this person must be a the latest technological deve regarding the industrial truck t and the risk being assessed
ed as a service
ulfils the following
volvement in the
uck test in question
r qualification
person must
ible persons
imilar tests.
ware of
16 5
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Safety 2
Basic principles for safe operatio

Basic principles for safe operation

Modifications and retrofitting
If the truck needs to be converted or retrofitted for work that is not listed in these operating instructions or in the operating instructions for the series-production truck, approval from the manufacturer must be obtained in advance. Any modifications to the construction can impair the safety of the truck in mode and cause accidents.
Modifications to components used for
with the specific approval of the manufacturer. Approval from the relevant authority must be obtained where applicable. If modifications are carried out without the required approval, the CE declaration of conformity provided by the manufacturer is invalidated.
In particular, the following are not permitted:
• Modifications to compone
movement tracking sens ponents, control elect software, emergency of nalling unit, switches
• Use of attachment parts (e.g. headlights) on the truck. Attachment parts may be fitted only with the approval of the manufacturer as attachment parts can impair the safety functions of the truck. Approved attachment parts must not project beyond the contour of the truck
• Use of fork extensions on the truck
• Modifications to t
mode may be carried out only
mode (safety l
he fork spacing
nts used for
aser scanner,
ors, control com-
ronics and control
f switches, LED sig-
and remote control)
Modifying the tru
Risk of accident as a result of all safety functions being lost
Modifications by unauthorised persons to the parameters used by safety devices are forbidden.
Modifications to the truck parameters or component parameters may be performed exclusively by qualified personnel at the manufacturer who have been trained to
ck parameters
08046085 EN - 08/2017 17
2 Safety
Basic principles for safe operatio
complete this work! All modifications must be documented.
Warning regarding non-genuine parts
Genuine parts, components and accessories, including for cially designed for this truck. We specifically draw your attention to the fact that parts, com­ponents and attachments and accessories supplied by other companies have not been tested and approved by STILL.
Installation and/or use of such products may there­fore have a negative impact on the design features of the truck and thereby impair active and/or pas­sive driving safety in certain circumstances.
Only the authorised service centre may perform work on the components used for mode. The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage caused by the use of non-genuine parts and accessories without approval.
ASSISTANCE mode, are spe-
Damage, defects and misuse of safety systems
The operator must report any damage or other defects in components used for
mode to the supervisory personnel immediately. The truck must only be oper­ated in
MANUAL mode until the problem is
completely resolved. Components used for
ASSISTANCE mode include the safety laser
scanner, movement tracking sensors, control components, control electronics and control software, emergency off switches, LED sig­nalling unit, switches and remote control.
Trucks that are not safe for operation or for use on the road must not be used until they have been properly repaired.
Do not remove or deactivate safety systems and switches.
The contractually agreed set values for
ASSISTANCE mode may be changed only
18 5
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Safety 2

Residual risk

by qualified personnel at the manufacturer
who have been trained to complete this work.
Work on the electrical system (e.g. additional
headlights) is only permitted with the manu-
facturer's written approval. All work carried out
on the electrical system must be documented.
Medical equipment
Electromagnetic interferencemayoccur on medical
Only use equipment that is sufficiently protected
against electromagnetic interference.
Medical equipment, such as pacemakers or
hearing aids, may not work properly when the
– Ask your doctor or the manufacturer of
the medical equipment to confirm that the medical equipment is sufficiently protected against electromagnetic interference.
Residual risk
Residual dangers, residual risks
Despite working carefully and complying with
directives and standards, the possibility of
other dangers occurring when operating
the truck in
entirely excluded.
The system components used for
quirements. Nevertheless, there remains a
degree of residual risk, even when the truck is
used for its intended purpose and all instruc-
tions are followed.
Even beyond the narrow danger area of the
truck itself, a residual risk cannot be excluded
when operating the truck in
mode. Persons and drivers of other trucks
must exercise a heightened degree of aware-
ness regarding the truck, so that they can react
ASSISTANCE mode cannot be
mode comply with current safety re-
08046085 EN - 08/2017 19
2 Safety
Residual risk
immediately in the event of any malfunction, incident or breakdown etc.
All persons that are in the vicinity of the truck must be instructed regarding the dangers that arise from a truck operating in
In addition, we draw attention to the safety regulati­ons given in these operating instructions.
Additional risks that may arise when operating the truck in
• Risk of accident due to obstructed or blind
• Risk of accident due to an unsuitable
working environment that the scanner cannot detect, e.g. operation in unsuitable warehouse aisles
• Risk of accident as a result of objects
protruding into the driving area that the safety laser scanner cannot detect (e.g. obstacles above or below the scanner range)
• Risk of accident due to poor operator
visibility over the working area
• Unintentional operation of the remote
control by the operator
• Human error resulting from failure to
observe the safety regulations
• Unrepaired damage caused by force, or
faulty and worn components
• Work performed on components in the
system by unauthorised persons
• Insufficient maintenance and testing of
safety components
• Exceeding the test intervals of safety
• Risk of accident if the truck automatically
restarts movement following an emergency stop when operating in mode
The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for accidents involving the truck caused by the failure of the operating company or operator to note these risks either intentionally or due to lack of care.
ASSISTANCE mode include:
20 5
0108046085 EN - 08/2017
Safety 2
Residual risk
Overview of hazards and counter-
This table is designed to help operators eva-
luate the hazards present in
mode. It does not claim to be complete.
Observe the national regulations for your
For transport systems with an assistance system for driverless operation
Roadway quality inadequate
Load-carrying equipment incorrect; load could slip
Unpredictable driving behaviour
Roadways blocked or (temporarily) closed
Roadways intersect in a mix of ASSIS­TANCE/MANUAL mode No person detection in
Course of action Check note
Clean/clear roadways O BetrSichVO
Reposition load on pallet
Employee training
Mark roadways Keep roadways clear
Announce right-of-way rule
Employee training
√ Complete
- Not applicable
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
(Workplace Safety Ordinance)
08046085 EN - 08/2017 21
2 Safety
Residual risk
Obstacles such as ladders and working platforms within the movement area of the truck, e.g. for performing repair or maintenance work in the aisle Obstacles at right angles to the roadway or that protrude into the roadway that cannot be detected by the safety systems on the truck
Course of action Check note
Close off roadways to the affected movement or working areas using cones. Driverless trucks may not be operated in the closed-off area
Employee training
Danger to employees when ASSIS­TANCE mode is used
According to the German Ordinance on In­dustrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) and labour protection law (ArbSchG), the oper­ating company must determine and assess hazards during operation, and establish the labour protection measures required for em­ployees (BetrSichVO). This investigation must also include any hazards that arise as a result of using
ASSISTANCE mode. The operating
company must therefore draw up appropri­ate operating instructions (§ 6 ArbSchG) and make them available to the operator. A re­sponsible person must be appointed.
√ Complete
- Not applicable O
Please note the definition of the following responsible persons: "operating company" and "operator".
The construction and equipment of the truck correspond to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and are therefore marked with CE labelling. These elements are therefore not included in the hazard assessment. At­tachments possess their own CE labelling and likewise are not included for that reason. How­ever, the operating company must select the
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