Stanford Research Systems SR810 User Manual

DSP Lock-In Amplifier
1290-D Reamwood Avenue
Sunnyvale, California 94089
Phone: (408) 744-9040 • Fax: (408) 744-9049
Copyright © 1993, 2000 by SRS, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Revision 1.8 (01/2005)
Advanced Test Equipment Rentals 800-404-ATEC (2832)
Safety and Preparation for Use 1-3 Specifications 1-5 Abridged Command List 1-7
Your First Measurements 2-1 The Basic Lock-in 2-2 X and R 2-5 Outputs, Offsets and Expands 2-7 Storing and Recalling Setups 2-10 Aux Outputs and Inputs 2-11
What is a Lock-in Amplifier? 3-1 What Does a Lock-in Measure? 3-3 The SR810 Functional Diagram 3-4 Reference Channel 3-5 Phase Sensitive Detectors 3-7 Time Constants and DC Gain 3-8 DC Outputs and Scaling 3-10 Dynamic Reserve 3-12 Signal Input Amplifier and Filters 3-14 Input Connections 3-16 Intrinsic (Random) Noise Sources 3-18 External Noise Sources 3-20 Noise Measurements 3-22
Power On/Off and Power On Tests 4-1 Reset 4-1 [Keys] 4-1 Spin Knob 4-1 Local Lockout 4-2 Front Panel BNC Connectors 4-2 Key Click On/Off 4-2 Front Panel Display Test 4-2 Display Off Operation 4-2 Keypad Test 4-3 Standard Settings 4-4
FRONT PANEL Signal Input and Filters 4-5 Sensitivity, Reserve, Time Constants 4-7 CH1 Display and Output 4-12 Reference 4-15 Auto Functions 4-18 Setup 4-20 Interface 4-21 Warning Messages 4-23
REAR PANEL Power Entry Module 4-24 IEEE-488 Connector 4-24 RS-232 Connector 4-24
Table of Contents
Aux Inputs (A/D Inputs) 4-24 Aux Outputs (D/A Outputs) 4-24 X and Y Outputs 4-24 Signal Monitor Output 4-25 Trigger Input 4-25 TTL Sync Output 4-25 Preamp Connector 4-25 Using SRS Preamps 4-26
GPIB Communications 5-1 RS-232 Communications 5-1 Status Indicators and Queues 5-1 Command Syntax 5-1 Interface Ready and Status 5-2 GET (Group Execute Trigger) 5-2
DETAILED COMMAND LIST 5-3 Reference and Phase 5-4 Input and Filter 5-5 Gain and Time Constant 5-6 Display and Output 5-8 Aux Input and Output 5-9 Setup 5-10 Auto Functions 5-11 Data Storage 5-12 Data Transfer 5-15 Interface 5-20 Status Reporting 5-21
STATUS BYTE DEFINITIONS Serial Poll Status Byte 5-23 Service Requests 5-24 Standard Event Status Byte 5-24 LIA Status Byte 5-25 Error Status Byte 5-25
PROGRAM EXAMPLES Microsoft C, Nationall Instr GPIB 5-27
Introduction 6-1 Serial Number 6-1 Firmware Revision 6-1 Preset 6-1 Warm Up 6-1 Test Record 6-1 If A Test Fails 6-1 Necessary Equipment 6-1 Front Panel Display Test 6-2 Keypad Test 6-2
Table of Contents
PERFORMANCE TESTS Self Tests 6-3 DC Offset 6-4 Common Mode Rejection 6-5 Amplitude Accuracy and Flatness 6-6 Amplitude Linearity 6-8 Frequency Accuracy 6-9 Phase Accuracy 6-10 Sine Output Amplitude 6-11 DC Outputs and Inputs 6-13 Input Noise 6-15 Performance Test Record 6-17
Circuit Boards 7-1 CPU and Power Supply Board 7-3 DSP Logic Board 7-5 Analog Input Board 7-7
PARTS LISTS CPU and Power Supply Board 7-9 DSP Logic Board 7-13 Analog Board 7-20 Front Panel Display Board 7-27 Miscellaneous and Chassis Assembly 7-32
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS CPU and Power Supply Board Display Board Keypad Board DSP Logic Board Analog Input Board
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing injury or death, are present in this instrument. Use extreme caution whenever the instrument covers are removed. Do not remove the covers while the unit is plugged into a live outlet.
This instrument may be damaged if operated with the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR set for the wrong AC line voltage or if the wrong fuse is installed.
The SR810 operates from a 100V, 120V, 220V, or 240V nominal AC power source having a line frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Before connecting the power cord to a power source, verify that the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR card, located in the rear panel fuse holder, is set so that the correct AC input voltage value is visible.
Conversion to other AC input voltages requires a change in the fuse holder voltage card position and fuse value. Disconnect the power cord, open the fuse holder cover door and rotate the fuse-pull lever to remove the fuse. Remove the small printed circuit board and select the operating voltage by orienting the printed circuit board so that the desired voltage is visible when pushed firmly into its slot. Rotate the fuse-pull lever back into its normal position and insert the correct fuse into the fuse holder.
Verify that the correct line fuse is installed before connecting the line cord. For 100V/120V, use a 1 Amp fuse and for 220V/240V, use a 1/2 Amp fuse.
The SR810 has a detachable, three-wire power cord for connection to the power source and to a protective ground. The exposed metal parts of the instrument are connected to the outlet ground to protect against electrical shock. Always use an outlet which has a properly connected protective ground.
Do not attempt to service or adjust this instrument unless another person, capable of providing first aid or resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modifications to this instrument. Contact the factory for instructions on how to return the instrument for authorized service and adjustment.
- Power Cord
- Operating Manual
OPERATING Temperature: +10° C to +40° C (Specifications apply over +18° C to +28° C) Relative Humidity: <90% Non-condensing
NON-OPERATING Temperature: -25° C to 65° C Humidity: <95% Non-condensing
The front end amplifier of this instrument is easily damaged if a photomultiplier is used improperly with the amplifier. When left completely unterminated, a cable connected to a PMT can charge to several hundred volts in a relatively short time. If this cable is connected to the inputs of the SR810 the stored charge may damage the front-end op amps. To avoid this problem, always discharge the cable and connect the PMT output to the SR810 input before turning the PMT on.
Symbols that may be found on SRS products
Symbol Description
Alternating current
Caution - risk of electric shock
Frame or chassis terminal
Caution - refer to accompanying documents
Earth (ground) terminal
On (supply)
Off (supply)
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
Voltage Inputs Single-ended (A) or differential (A-B). Current Input 10 Full Scale Sensitivity 2 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5-10 sequence (expand off). Input Impedance Voltage: 10 M+25 pF, AC or DC coupled. Current: 1 k to virtual ground. Gain Accuracy ±1% from 20°C to 30°C (notch filters off), ±0.2% Typical Input Noise 6 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz (typical). Signal Filters 60 (50) Hz and 120(100) Hz notch filters (Q=4). CMRR 100 dB at 10 kHz (DC Coupled), decreasing by 6 dB/octave above 10 kHz Dynamic Reserve Greater than 100 dB (with no signal filters). Harmonic Distortion -80 dB.
Frequency Range 1 mHz to 102 kHz Reference Input TTL (rising or falling edge) or Sine. Sine input is1 M, AC coupled (>1 Hz). 400 mV pk-pk minimum signal. Phase Resolution 0.01° Absolute Phase Error <1° Relative Phase Error <0.01° Phase Noise External synthesized reference: 0.005° rms at 1 kHz, 100 ms, 12 dB/oct. Internal reference: crystal synthesized, <0.0001° rms at 1 kHz. Phase Drift <0.01°/°C below 10 kHz <0.1°/°C to 100 kHz Harmonic Detect Detect at Nxf where N<19999 and Nxf<102 kHz. Acquisition Time (2 cycles + 5 ms) or 40 ms, whichever is greater.
Zero Stability Digital display has no zero drift on all dynamic reserves. Analog outputs: <5 ppm/°C for all dynamic reserves. Time Constants 10 µs to 30 s (reference > 200 Hz). 6, 12, 18, 24 dB/oct rolloff. up to 30000 s (reference < 200 Hz). 6, 12, 18, 24 dB/oct rolloff. Synchronous filtering available below 200 Hz. Harmonic Rejection -80 dB
Frequency 1 mHz to 102 kHz. Frequency Accuracy 25 ppm + 30 µHz Frequency Resolution 4 1/2 digits or 0.1 mHz, whichever is greater. Distortion f<10 kHz, below -80 dBc. f>10 kHz, below -70 dBc.1 Vrms amplitude. Output Impedance 50 Amplitude 4 mVrms to 5 Vrms (into a high impedance load) with 2 mV resolution. (2 mVrms to 2.5 Vrms into 50 load). Amplitude Accuracy 1% Amplitude Stability 50 ppm/°C Outputs Sine output on front panel. TTL sync output on rear panel. When using an external reference, both outputs are phase locked to the
or 108 Volts/Amp.
external reference.
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
Channel 1 4 1/2 digit LED display with 40 segment LED bar graph. X, R, X Noise, Aux Input 1 or 2. The display can also be any of these
quantities divided by Aux Input 1 or 2. (Y and q are available over the interface only.) Offset X, Y and R may be offset up to ±105% of full scale. (Y via interface only) Expand X, Y and R may be expanded by 10 or 100. (Y via interface only) Reference 4 1/2 digit LED display. Display and modify reference frequency or phase, sine output amplitude,
harmonic detect, offset percentage (Xor R), or Aux Outputs 1-4. Data Buffer 8k points from Channel 1 display may be stored internally. The internal data
sample rate ranges from 512 Hz down to 1 point every 16 seconds. Samples
can also be externally triggered. The data buffer is accessible only over the
computer interface.
Channel 1 Output Output proportional to Channel 1 display, or X. Output Voltage: ±10 V full scale. 10 mA max output current. X and Y Outputs Rear panel outputs of cosine (X) and sine (Y) components. Output Voltage: ±10 V full scale. 10 mA max output current. Aux. Outputs 4 BNC Digital to Analog outputs. ±10.5 V full scale, 1 mV resolution. 10 mA max output current. Aux. Inputs 4 BNC Analog to Digital inputs. Differential inputs with1 M input impedance on both shield and center
conductor. ±10.5 V full scale, 1 mV resolution. Trigger Input TTL trigger input triggers stored data samples. Monitor Output Analog output of signal amplifiers (before the demodulator).
Interfaces IEEE-488 and RS-232 interfaces standard. All instrument functions can be controlled through the IEEE-488 and RS-232
interfaces. Preamp Power Power connector for SR550 and SR552 preamplifiers. Power 40 Watts, 100/120/220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Dimensions 17"W x 5.25"H x 19.5"D Weight 30 lbs. Warranty One year parts and labor on materials and workmanship.
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
VARIABLES i,j,k,l,m Integers f Frequency (real) x,y,z Real Numbers s String
REFERENCE and PHASE page PHAS (?) {x} 5-4 Set (Query) the Phase Shift to x degrees. FMOD (?) {i} 5-4 Set (Query) the Reference Source to External (0) or Internal (1). FREQ (?) {f} 5-4 Set (Query) the Reference Frequency to f Hz.Set only in Internal
RSLP (?) {i} 5-4 Set (Query) the External Reference Slope to Sine(0), TTL Rising
HARM (?) {i} 5-4 Set (Query) the Detection Harmonic to 1 i 19999 and i•f 102
SLVL (?) {x} 5-4 Set (Query) the Sine Output Amplitude to x Vrms. 0.004 x ≤ 5.000.
INPUT and FILTER page ISRC (?) {i} 5-5 Set (Query) the Input Configuration to A (0), A-B (1) , I (1 M) (2) or I
IGND (?) {i} 5-5 Set (Query) the Input Shield Grounding to Float (0) or Ground (1). ICPL (?) {i} 5-5 Set (Query) the Input Coupling to AC (0) or DC (1). ILIN (?) {i} 5-5 Set (Query) the Line Notch Filters to Out (0), Line In (1) , 2xLine In
GAIN and TIME CONSTANT page SENS (?) {i} 5-6 Set (Query) the Sensitivity to 2 nV (0) through 1 V (26) rms full scale. RMOD (?) {i} 5-6 Set (Query) the Dynamic Reserve Mode to HighReserve (0), Normal
OFLT (?) {i} 5-6 Set (Query) the Time Constant to 10 µs (0) through 30 ks (19). OFSL (?) {i} 5-6 Set (Query) the Low Pass Filter Slope to 6 (0), 12 (1), 18 (2) or 24
SYNC (?) {i} 5-7 Set (Query) the Synchronous Filter to Off (0) or On below 200 Hz
DISPLAY and OUTPUT page DDEF (?) { j, k} 5-8 Set (Query) the CH1 display to X, R, Xn, Aux 1or Aux 2 (j=0..4) and ratio the display to None, Aux1or Aux 2 (k=0,1,2). FPOP (?) { j} 5-8 Set (Query) the CH1Output Source to X (j=1) or Display (j=0). OEXP (?) i {, x, j} 5-8 Set (Query) the X, Y, R (i=1,2,3) Offset to x percent ( -105.00 x
AOFF i 5-8 Auto Offset X, Y, R (i=1,2,3).
AUX INPUT/OUTPUT page OAUX ? i 5-9 Query the value of Aux Input i (1,2,3,4). AUXV (?) i {, x} 5-9 Set (Query) voltage of Aux Output i (1,2,3,4) to x Volts. -10.500 x
SETUP page OUTX (?) {i} 5-10 Set (Query) the Output Interface to RS-232 (0) or GPIB (1). OVRM (?) {i} 5-10 Set (Query) the GPIB Overide Remote state to Off (0) or On (1). KCLK (?) {i} 5-10 Set (Query) the Key Click to Off (0) or On (1). ALRM (?) {i} 5-10 Set (Query) the Alarms to Off (0) or On (1).
reference mode.
(1), or TTL Falling (2).
(100 M) (3).
(2), or Both In (3).
(1), or Low Noise (2).
(3) dB/oct.
105.00) and Expand to 1, 10 or 100 (j=0,1,2).
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
SSET i 5-10 Save current setup to setting buffer i (1≤i≤9). RSET i 5-10 Recall current setup from setting buffer i (1≤i≤9).
AUTO FUNCTIONS page AGAN 5-11 Auto Gain function. Same as pressing the [AUTO GAIN] key. ARSV 5-11 Auto Reserve function. Same as pressing the [AUTO RESERVE]
APHS 5-11 Auto Phase function. Same as pressing the [AUTO PHASE] key. AOFF i 5-11 Auto Offset X,Y or R (i=1,2,3).
DATA STORAGE page SRAT (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the DataSample Rate to 62.5 mHz (0) through 512 Hz
SEND (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the Data Scan Mode to 1 Shot (0) or Loop (1). TRIG 5-13 Software trigger command. Same as trigger input. TSTR (?) {i} 5-13 Set (Query) the Trigger Starts Scan modeto No (0) or Yes (1). STRT 5-13 Start or continue a scan. PAUS 5-13 Pause a scan. Does not reset a paused or done scan. REST 5-14 Reset the scan. All stored data is lost.
DATA TRANSFER page OUTP? i 5-15 Query the value of X (1), Y (2), R (3) or θ (4). Returns ASCII floating
OUTR? 5-15 Query the value of CH1 Display. Returns ASCII floating point value. SNAP?i,j{,k,l,m,n} 5-15 Query the value of 2 thru 6 paramters at once. OAUX? i 5-16 Query the value of Aux Input i (1,2,3,4). Returns ASCII floating point
SPTS? 5-16 Query the number of points stored in Display i buffer (1,2). TRCA? j,k 5-16 Read k1 points starting at bin j0 from CH1 Display buffer in ASCII
TRCB? j,k 5-16 Read k1 points starting at bin j0 from CH1 Display buffer in IEEE
TRCL? j,k 5-17 Read k1 points starting at bin j0 from CH1 Display buffer in non-
FAST (?) {i} 5-17 Set (Query) Fast Data Transfer Mode On (1 or 2) or Off (0).On will
STRD 5-18 Start a scan after 0.5sec delay. Use with Fast Data Transfer Mode.
INTERFACE page *RST 5-19 Reset the unit to its default configurations. *IDN? 5-19 Read the SR810 device identification string. LOCL(?) {i} 5-19 Set (Query) the Local/Remote state to LOCAL (0), REMOTE (1), or
OVRM (?) {i} 5-19 Set (Query) the GPIB Override Remote state to Off (0) or On (1). TRIG 5-19 Software trigger
STATUS page *CLS 5-20 Clear all status bytes. *ESE (?) {i} {,j} 5-20 Set (Query) the Standard Event Status Byte Enable Register to the
*ESR? {i} 5-20 Query the Standard Event Status Byte. If i is included, only bit i is
(13) or Trigger (14).
point value.
floating point.
binary floating point.
normalized binary floating point.
transfer binary X and Y every sample during a scan over the GPIB interface.
command. Same as trigger input.
decimal value i (0-255). *ESE i,j sets bit i (0-7) to j (0 or 1). *ESE? queries the byte. *ESE?i queries only bit i.
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
*SRE (?) {i} {,j} 5-20 Set (Query) the Serial Poll Enable Register to the decimal value i (0-
255). *SRE i,j sets bit i (0-7) to j (0 or 1). *SRE? queries the byte,
*SRE?i queries only bit i. *STB? {i} 5-20 Query the Serial Poll Status Byte. If i is included, only bit i is queried. *PSC (?) {i} 5-20 Set (Query) the Power On Status Clear bit to Set (1) or Clear (0). ERRE (?) {i} {,j} 5-20 Set (Query) the Error Status Enable Register to the decimal value i
(0-255). ERRE i,j sets bit i (0-7) to j (0 or 1). ERRE? queries the
byte, ERRE?i queries only bit i. ERRS? {i} 5-20 Query the Error Status Byte. If i is included, only bit i is queried. LIAE (?) {i} {,j} 5-20 Set (Query) the LIA Status Enable Register to the decimal value i (0-
255). LIAE i,j sets bit i (0-7) to j (0 or 1). LIAE? queries the byte,
LIAE?i queries only bit i. LIAS? {i} 5-20 Query the LIA Status Byte. If i is included, only bit i is queried.
SR810 DSP Lock In-Amplifier
name usage 0 SCN No data is being acquired 1 IFC No command execution in
2 ERR Unmasked bit in error status
byte set
3 LIA Unmasked bit in LIA status
byte set
4 MAV The interface output buffer is
5 ESB Unmasked bit in standard
status byte set
6 SRQ SRQ (service request) has
7 Unused
name usage
bit 0 INP Set on input queue overflow 1 Unused 2 QRY Set on output queue overflow 3 Unused 4 EXE Set when command execution
error occurs
5 CMD Set when an illegal command
is received
6 URQ Set by any key press or knob
7 PON Set by power-on
name usage
bit 0 RSRV/INPT Set when on RESERVE or
INPUT overload 1 FILTR Set when on FILTR overload 2 OUTPT Set when on OUTPT overload 3 UNLK Set when on reference unlock 4 RANGE Set when detection freq
crosses 200 Hz 5 TC Set when time constant is
changed 6 TRIG Set when unit is triggered 7 Unused
name usage
bit 0 Unused 1 Backup Error Set when battery backup fails 2 RAM Error Set when RAM Memory test
finds an error 3 Unused 4 ROM Error Set when ROM Memory test
finds an error 5 GPIB Error Set when GPIB binary data
transfer aborts 6 DSP Error Set when DSP test finds an
error 7 Math Error Set when an internal math
error occurs
Getting Started
The sample measurements described in this section are designed to acquaint the first time user with the SR810 DSP Lock-In Amplifier. Do not be concerned that your measurements do not exactly agree with these exercises. The focus of these measurement exercises is to learn how to use the instrument.
It is highly recommended that the first time user step through some or all of these exercises before attempting to perform an actual experiment.
The experimental procedures are detailed in two columns. The left column lists the actual steps in the experiment. The right column is an explanation of each step.
[Keys] Front panel keys are referred to in brackets such as [Display] where
'Display' is the key label.
Knob The knob is used to adjust parameters which are displayed in the
Reference display.
The Basic Lock-in
This measurement is designed to use the internal oscillator to explore some of the basic lock-in functions. You will need BNC cables.
Specifically, you will measure the amplitude of the Sine Out at various frequencies, sensitivities, time constants and phase shifts.
1. Disconnect all cables from the lock-in. Turn the power on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power-on tests are completed.
2. Connect the Sine Out on the front panel to the A input using a BNC cable.
3. Press [Phase]
Press the [+90°] key.
Use the knob to adjust the phase shift.
Leave the phase shift at a non-zero value.
Press [Auto Phase]
4. Press [Freq]
Use the knob to adjust the frequency to
10 kHz.
When the power is turned on with the [Setup] key
The lock-in defaults to the internal oscillator reference
Display the reference phase shift in the Reference
Show the internal oscillator frequency in the Reference
pressed, the lock-in returns to its standard default settings. See the Standard Settings list in the Operation section for a complete listing of the settings.
The Channel 1 display shows X.
set at 1.000 kHz. The reference mode is indicated by the INTERNAL led. In this mode, the lock-in generates a synchronous sine output at the internal reference frequency.
The input impedance of the lock-in is 10 M. The Sine Out has an output impedance of 50 . Since the Sine Output amplitude is specified into a high impedance load, the output impedance does not affect the amplitude.
The sine amplitude is 1.000 Vrms and the sensitivity is 1 V(rms). Since the phase shift of the sine output is very close to zero, Channel 1 (X) should read close to 1.000 V.
display. The phase shift is zero.
This adds 90° to the reference phase shift. The value
of X drops to zero (out of phase).
The knob is used to adjust parameters which are shown in the Reference display, such as phase, amplitude and frequency.
Use the Auto Phase function to automatically adjust the phase to make X a maximum (and Y a minimum). The phase should be set very close to zero.
The knob now adjusts the frequency. The measured signal amplitude should stay within 1% of 1 V.
The Basic Lock-in
Use the knob to adjust the frequency back
to 1 kHz.
5. Press [Ampl]
Use the knob to adjust the amplitude to
0.01 V.
6. Press [Auto Gain] The Auto Gain function will adjust the sensitivity so that
7. Press [Sensitivity Up] to select 50 mV full scale.
Change the sensitivity back to 20 mV.
8. Press [Time Constant Down] to change the time constant to 300 µs.
Press [Time Constant Up] to change the
time constant to 3 ms.
9. Press the [Slope/Oct] key until 6 dB/oct is selected.
Press [Slope/Oct] again to select 12 dB/oct. Press [Slope/Oct] twice to select 24 db/oct.
Press [Slope/Oct] again to select 6 db/oct.
10. Press [Freq]
Use the knob to adjust the frequency to
55.0 Hz.
The internal oscillator is crystal synthesized with 25 ppm of frequency error. The frequency can be set with 4 1/2 digit or 0.1 mHz resolution, whichever is greater.
Show the sine output amplitude in the Reference
As the amplitude is changed, the measured value of X should equal the sine output amplitude. The sine amplitude can be set from 4 mV to 5 V rms into high impedance (half the amplitude into a 50 load).
the measured magnitude (R) is a sizable percentage of full scale. Watch the sensitivity indicators change.
Parameters which have many options, such as
sensitivity and time constant, are changed with up and down keys. The sensitivity and time constant are indicated by leds.
The value of X becomes noisy. This is because the 2f
component of the output (at 2 kHz) is no longer attenuated completely by the low pass filters.
Let's leave the time constant short and change the filter slope.
Parameters which have only a few values, such as
filter slope, have only a single key which cycles through all available options. Press the corresponding key until the desired option is indicated by an led.
The X output is somewhat noisy at this short time constant and only 1 pole of low pass filtering.
The output is less noisy with 2 poles of filtering.
With 4 poles of low pass filtering, even this short time constant attenuates the 2f component reasonably well and provides steady readings.
Let's leave the filtering short and the outputs noisy for now.
Show the internal reference frequency on the
Reference display.
At a reference frequency of 55 Hz and a 6 db/oct, 3 ms time constant, the output is totally dominated by the 2f component at 110 Hz.
The Basic Lock-in
11. Press [Sync Filter] This turns on synchronous filtering whenever the detection frequency is below 200 Hz.
Synchronous filtering effectively removes output components at multiples of the detection frequency. At low frequencies, this filter is a very effective way to remove 2f without using extremely long time constants.
The outputs are now very quiet and steady, even though the time constant is very short. The response time of the synchronous filter is equal to the period of the detection frequency (18 ms in this case).
This concludes this measurement example. You should have a feeling for the basic operation of the front panel. Basic lock-in parameters have been introduced and you should be able to perform simple measurements.
X and R
X, Y, R and q
This measurement is designed to use the internal oscillator and an external signal source to explore some of the display types. You will need a synthesized function generator capable of providing a 100 mVrms sine wave at 1.000 kHz (the DS335 from SRS will suffice), BNC cables and a terminator appropriate for the generator function output.
Specifically, you will display the lock-in outputs when measuring a signal close to, but not equal to, the internal reference frequency. This setup ensures changing outputs which are more illustrative than steady outputs. The displays will be configured to show X and R.
1. Disconnect all cables from the lock-in. Turn the power on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power-on tests are completed
2. Turn on the function generator, set the frequency to 1.0000 kHz (exactly) and the amplitude to 500 mVrms.
Connect the function output (sine wave)
from the synthesized function generator to the A input using a BNC cable and appropriate terminator.
3. Press [Freq]
Use the knob to change the frequency to
999.8 Hz.
4. Press [Channel 1 Display] to select R.
When the power is turned on with the [Setup] key
pressed, the lock-in returns to its standard settings. See the Standard Settings list in the Operation section for a complete listing of the settings.
The Channel 1 display shows X. The input impedance of the lock-in is 10 M. The
generator may require a terminator. Many generators have either a 50 or 600 output impedance. Use the appropriate feed through or T termination if necessary. In general, not using a terminator means that the function output amplitude will not agree with the generator setting.
The lock-in defaults to the internal oscillator reference set at 1.000 kHz. The reference mode is indicated by the INTERNAL led. In this mode, the internal oscillator sets the detection frequency.
The internal oscillator is crystal synthesized so that the actual reference frequency should be very close to the actual generator frequency. The X display should read values which change very slowly. The lock-in and the generator are not phase locked but they are at the same frequency with some slowly changing phase.
Show the internal oscillator frequency on the
Reference display. By setting the lock-in reference 0.2 Hz away from the
signal frequency, the X and Y outputs are 0.2 Hz sine waves (frequency difference between reference and signal). The X output display should now oscillate at about 0.2 Hz (the accuracy is determined by the crystals of the generator and the lock-in).
The default Channel 1 display is X. Change the display
to show R. R is phase independent so it shows a steady value (close to 0.500 V).
X and R
Press [Channel 1 Display] to select X again.
5. Use a BNC cable to connect the TTL SYNC output from the generator to the Reference Input of the lock-in.
Press [Source] to turn the INTERNAL led
Press [Trig] to select POS EDGE.
The phase (q) between the reference and the signal changes by 360° approximately every 5 sec (0.2 Hz difference frequency). The value of q can read via the computer interface.
Change the display back to X (slowly oscillating).
By using the signal generator as the external
reference, the lock-in will phase lock its internal oscillator to the signal frequency and the phase will be a constant.
Select external reference mode. The lock-in will phase lock to the signal at the Reference Input.
With a TTL reference signal, the slope needs to be set to either rising or falling edge.
The phase is now constant. The value of X should be steady. The actual value depends upon the phase difference between the function output and the sync output from the generator.
The external reference frequency (as measured by the lock-in) is displayed on the Reference display. The UNLOCK indicator should be OFF (successfully locked to the external reference).
The display may be stored in the internal data buffer at a programmable sampling rate. This allows storage of 8k points. See the Programming section for more details.
Outputs, Offsets and Expands
This measurement is designed to use the internal oscillator to explore some of the basic lock-in outputs. You will need BNC cables and a digital voltmeter (DVM).
Specifically, you will measure the amplitude of the Sine Out and provide analog outputs proportional to the measurement. The effect of offsets and expands on the displayed values and the analog outputs will be explored.
1. Disconnect all cables from the lock-in. Turn
the power on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power-on tests are completed.
2. Connect the Sine Out on the front panel to
the A input using a BNC cable.
3. Connect the CH1 OUPTUT on the front
panel to the DVM. Set the DVM to read DC Volts.
4. Press [Ampl] Use the knob to adjust the sine amplitude to
0.5 V.
5. Press [Channel 1 Auto Offset]
When the power is turned on with the [Setup] key
pressed, the lock-in returns to its standard settings. See the Standard Settings list in the Operation section for a complete listing of the settings.
The Channel 1 display shows X.
The lock-in defaults to the internal oscillator reference
set at 1.000 kHz. The reference mode is indicated by the INTERNAL led. In this mode, the lock-in generates a synchronous sine output at the internal reference frequency.
The input impedance of the lock-in is 10 M. The Sine Out has an output impedance of 50. Since the Sine Output amplitude is specified into a high impedance load, the output impedance does not affect the amplitude.
The sine amplitude is 1.000 Vrms and the sensitivity is 1 V(rms). Since the phase shift of the sine output is very close to zero, Channel 1 (X) should read close to
1.000 V.
The CH1 output defaults to X. The output voltage is
simply (X/Sensitivity - Offset)xExpandx10V. In this case, X = 1.000 V, the sensitivity = 1 V, the offset is zero percent and the expand is 1. The output should thus be 10 V or 100 % of full scale.
Display the sine output amplitude.
Set the amplitude to 0.5 V. The Channel 1 display should show X=0.5 V and the CH1 output voltage should be 5 V on the DVM (½ of full scale).
X and R may all be offset and expanded separately. (Y
via the interface only). Since Channel 1 is displaying X, the OFFSET and [Expand] keys below the Channel 1 display set the X offset and expand. The display determines which quantity (X or R) is offset and expanded.
Outputs, Offsets and Expands
Press [Channel 1 Offset Modify] Use the knob to adjust the X offset to 40.0%
Press [Channel 1 Expand] to select x10.
6. Connect the DVM to the X output on the The X and Y outputs on the rear panel always provide
Auto Offset automatically adjusts the X offset (or R) such that X (or R) becomes zero. In this case, X is offset to zero. The offset should be about 50%. Offsets are useful for making relative measurements. In analog lock-ins, offsets were generally used to remove DC output errors from the lock-in itself. The SR810 has no DC output errors and the offset is not required for most measurements.
The offset affects both the displayed value of X and any analog output proportional to X. The CH1 output voltage should be zero in this case.
The Offset indicator turns on at the bottom of the Channel 1 display to indicate that the displayed quantity is affected by an offset.
Show the Channel 1 (X) offset in the Reference display.
Change the offset to 40 % of full scale. The output offsets are a percentage of full scale. The percentage does not change with the sensitivity. The displayed value of X should be 0.100 V (0.5 V - 40% of full scale). The CH1 output voltage is (X/Sensitivity ­Offset)xExpandx10V.
CH1 Out = (0.5/1.0 - 0.4)x1x10V = 1 V With an expand of 10, the display has one more digit of
resolution (100.00 mV full scale). The Expand indicator turns on at the bottom of the
Channel 1 display to indicate that the displayed quantity is affected by a non-unity expand.
The CH1 output is (X/Sensitivity - Offset)xExpandx10V. In this case, the output voltage is
CH1 Out = (0.5/1.0 - 0.4)x10x10V = 10V The expand allows the output gain to be increased by
up to 100. The output voltage is limited to 10.9 V and any output which tries to be greater will turn on the OVLD indicator in the Channel 1 display.
With offset and expand, the output voltage gain and offset can be programmed to provide control of feedback signals with the proper bias and gain for a variety of situations.
Offsets add and subtract from the displayed values
while expand increases the resolution of the display.
Outputs, Offsets and Expands
rear panel. voltages proportional to X and Y (with offset and
expand). The X output voltage should be 10 V, just like the CH1 output.
7. Connect the DVM to the CH1 OUTPUT on
the front panel again.
Press [Channel 1 Output] to select Display.
Press [Channel 1 Display] to select R.
The front panel outputs can be configured to output
different quantities while the rear panel outputs always output X and Y.
Outputs proportional to X and Y (rear panel or CH1) have 100 kHz of bandwidth. The CH1 output, when configured to be proportional to the displays (even if the display is X) is updated at 512 Hz and has a 200 Hz bandwidth. It is important to keep this in mind if you use very short time constants.
CH1 OUTPUT can be proportional to X or the display. Choose Display. The display is X so the CH1 output should remain 10.0 V (but its bandwidth is only 200 Hz instead of 100 kHz).
Let's change CH1 to output R. The X and Y offset and expand functions are output
functions, they do NOT affect the calculation of R or q. Thus, Channel 1 (R) should be 0.5V and the CH1 output voltage should be 5V (½ of full scale).
The Channel 1 offset and expand keys now set the R offset and expand. The X offset and expand are still set at 40 % and x10 as reflected at the rear panel X output.
See the DC Outputs and Scaling discussion in the Lock-In Basics section for more detailed information on output scaling.
Storing and Recalling Setups
The SR810 can store 9 complete instrument setups in non-volatile memory.
1. Turn the lock-in on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power-on tests are completed. Disconnect any cables from the lock-in.
2. Press [Sensitivity Down] to select 100 mV.
Press [Time Constant Up] to select 1 S.
3. Press [Save]
Use the knob to select setup number 3. Press [Save] again.
4. Turn the lock-in off and on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power­on tests are complete.
5. Press [Recall]
Use the knob to select setup number 3. Press [Recall] again.
When the power is turned on with the [Setup] key
pressed, the lock-in returns to its standard settings. See the Standard Settings list in the Operation section for a complete listing of the settings.
Change the lock-in setup so that we have a non-default setup to save.
Change the sensitivity to 100 mV.
Change the time constant to 1 second.
The Reference display shows the setup number (1-9).
The knob selects the setup number. Press [Save] again to complete the save operation.
Any other key aborts the save. The current setup is now saved as setup number 3.
Change the lock-in setup back to the default setup.
Now let's recall the lock-in setup that we just saved. Check that the sensitivity and time constant are 1V and
100 ms (default values).
The Reference display shows the setup number.
The knob selects the setup number. Press [Recall] again to complete the recall operation.
Any other key aborts the recall. The sensitivity and time constant should be the same
as those in effect when the setup was saved.
Aux Outputs and Inputs
This measurement is designed to illustrate the use of the Aux Outputs and Inputs on the rear panel. You will need BNC cables and a digital voltmeter (DVM).
Specifically, you will set the Aux Output voltages and measure them with the DVM. These outputs will then be connected to the Aux Inputs to simulate external DC voltages which the lock-in can measure.
1. Disconnect all cables from the lock-in. Turn
the power on while holding down the [Setup] key. Wait until the power-on tests are completed.
2. Connect Aux Out 1 on the rear panel to the
DVM. Set the DVM to read DC volts.
3. Press [Aux Out] until the Reference display
shows the level of Aux Out 1( as indicated by the AxOut1 led below the display).
Use the knob to adjust the level to 10.00 V.
Use the knob to adjust the level to -5.00 V.
4. Press [Channel 1 Display] to select
5. Disconnect the DVM from Aux Out 1.
Connect AuxOut 1 to Aux In 1 on the rear panel.
When the power is turned on with the [Setup] key
pressed, the lock-in returns to its standard settings. See the Standard Settings list in the Operation section for a complete listing of the settings.
The 4 Aux Outputs can provide programmable
voltages between -10.5 and +10.5 volts. The outputs can be set from the front panel or via the computer interface.
Show the level of Aux Out 1 on the Reference display.
Change the output to 10V. The DVM should display
10.0 V. Change the output to -5V. The DVM should display
-5.0 V. The 4 outputs are useful for controlling other
parameters in an experiment, such as pressure, temperature, wavelength, etc.
Change the Channel 1 display to measure Aux Input 1.
The Aux Inputs can read 4 analog voltages. These inputs are useful for monitoring and measuring other parameters in an experiment, such as pressure, temperature, position, etc.
Only Aux Inputs 1 and 2 can be displayed on the front panel. The computer interface can read all four inputs.
We'll use Aux Out 1 to provide an analog voltage to measure.
Channel 1 should now display -5 V (Aux In 1).
The Channel 1 display may be ratio'ed to the Aux Input 1 or 2 voltages. See the Basics section for more about output scaling.
The display may be stored in the internal data buffers
Aux Outputs and Inputs
at a programmable sampling rate. This allows storage of not only the lock-in outputs, X or R, but also the values of Aux Inputs 1 or 2. See the Programming section for more details.
Aux Outputs and Inputs
SR810 Basics
Lock-in amplifiers are used to detect and measure very small AC signals - all the way down to a few nanovolts! Accurate measurements may be made even when the small signal is obscured by noise sources many thousands of times larger.
Lock-in amplifiers use a technique known as phase-sensitive detection to single out the component of the signal at a specific reference frequency AND phase. Noise signals at frequencies other than the reference frequency are rejected and do not affect the measurement.
Why use a lock-in?
Let's consider an example. Suppose the signal is a 10 nV sine wave at 10 kHz. Clearly some amplification is required. A good low noise amplifier will have about 5 nV/Hz of input noise. If the amplifier bandwidth is 100 kHz and the gain is 1000, then we can expect our output to be 10 µV of signal (10 nV x 1000) and 1.6 mV of broadband noise (5 nV/Hz x 100 kHz x 1000). We won't have much luck measuring the output signal unless we single out the frequency of interest.
If we follow the amplifier with a band pass filter with a Q=100 (a VERY good filter) centered at 10 kHz, any signal in a 100 Hz bandwidth will be detected (10 kHz/Q). The noise in the filter pass band will be 50 µV (5 nV/Hz x √100 Hz x 1000) and the signal will still be 10 µV. The output noise is much greater than the signal and an accurate measurement can not be made. Further gain will not help the signal to noise problem.
Now try following the amplifier with a phase­sensitive detector (PSD). The PSD can detect the signal at 10 kHz with a bandwidth as narrow as
0.01 Hz! In this case, the noise in the detection bandwidth will be only 0.5 µV (5 nV/Hz x .01 Hz x 1000) while the signal is still 10 µV. The signal to noise ratio is now 20 and an accurate measurement of the signal is possible.
What is phase-sensitive detection?
Lock-in measurements require a frequency reference. Typically an experiment is excited at a fixed frequency (from an oscillator or function generator) and the lock-in detects the response from the experiment at the reference frequency. In the diagram below, the reference signal is a square wave at frequency ω
. This might be the
sync output from a function generator. If the sine output from the function generator is used to excite the experiment, the response might be the signal waveform shown below. The signal is V
sin(ωrt + θ
) where V
is the signal amplitude.
The SR810 generates its own sine wave, shown as the lock-in reference below. The lock-in reference is V
sin(ωLt + θ
The SR810 amplifies the signal and then multiplies it by the lock-in reference using a phase-sensitive detector or multiplier. The output of the PSD is simply the product of two sine waves.
= V
sin(ωrt + θ
)sin(ωLt + θ
= 1/2 V 1/2 V
cos([ωr - ωL]t + θ
cos([ωr + ωL]t + θ
- θ
) -
+ θ
The PSD output is two AC signals, one at the difference frequency (ω sum frequency (ω
- ωL) and the other at the
+ ωL).
If the PSD output is passed through a low pass filter, the AC signals are removed. What will be left? In the general case, nothing. However, if wr equals ω
, the difference frequency component will
be a DC signal. In this case, the filtered PSD output will be
= ½ V
- θ
This is a very nice signal - it is a DC signal proportional to the signal amplitude.
Narrow band detection
Now suppose the input is made up of signal plus noise. The PSD and low pass filter only detect signals whose frequencies are very close to the lock-in reference frequency. Noise signals at frequencies far from the reference are attenuated at the PSD output by the low pass filter (neither
nor ω
frequencies very close to the reference frequency will result in very low frequency AC outputs from the PSD (|ω
depends upon the low pass filter bandwidth and roll-off. A narrower bandwidth will remove noise sources very close to the reference frequency, a wider bandwidth allows these signals to pass. The low pass filter bandwidth determines the
are close to DC). Noise at
| is small). Their attenuation
SR810 Basics
bandwidth of detection. Only the signal at the reference frequency will result in a true DC output and be unaffected by the low pass filter. This is the signal we want to measure.
Where does the lock-in reference come from?
We need to make the lock-in reference the same as the signal frequency, i.e. ω
= ωL. Not only do
the frequencies have to be the same, the phase between the signals can not change with time, otherwise cos(θ
- θ
) will change and V
will not
be a DC signal. In other words, the lock-in reference needs to be phase-locked to the signal reference.
Lock-in amplifiers use a phase-locked-loop (PLL) to generate the reference signal. An external reference signal (in this case, the reference square wave) is provided to the lock-in. The PLL in the lock-in locks the internal reference oscillator to this external reference, resulting in a reference sine wave at w
with a fixed phase shift of θ
Since the PLL actively tracks the external reference, changes in the external reference frequency do not affect the measurement.
All lock-in measurements require a reference signal.
In this case, the reference is provided by the excitation source (the function generator). This is called an external reference source. In many situations, the SR810's internal oscillator may be used instead. The internal oscillator is just like a function generator (with variable sine output and a TTL sync) which is always phase-locked to the reference oscillator.
Magnitude and phase
Remember that the PSD output is proportional to V
cosθ where θ = (θ
difference between the signal and the lock-in reference oscillator. By adjusting θ
- θ
). θ is the phase
we can make
θ equal to zero, in which case we can measure V (cosθ=1). Conversely, if θ is 90°, there will be no output at all. A lock-in with a single PSD is called a single-phase lock-in and its output is V
This phase dependency can be eliminated by adding a second PSD. If the second PSD multiplies the signal with the reference oscillator shifted by 90°, i.e. V
sin(wLt + θ
pass filtered output will be
= ½ V
- θ
~ V
Now we have two outputs, one proportional to cosq and the other proportional to sinθ. If we call the first output X and the second Y,
X = V
cosθ Y = V
these two quantities represent the signal as a vector relative to the lock-in reference oscillator. X is called the 'in-phase' component and Y the 'quadrature' component. This is because when θ=0, X measures the signal while Y is zero.
By computing the magnitude (R) of the signal vector, the phase dependency is removed.
R = (X
+ Y2)½ = Vsig
R measures the signal amplitude and does not depend upon the phase between the signal and lock-in reference.
A dual-phase lock-in, such as the SR810, has two PSD's, with reference oscillators 90° apart, and can measure X, Y and R directly. In addition, the phase q between the signal and lock-in reference, can be measured according to
θ = tan
+ 90°), its low
SR810 Basics
So what exactly does the SR810 measure? Fourier's theorem basically states that any input signal can be represented as the sum of many, many sine waves of differing amplitudes, frequencies and phases. This is generally considered as representing the signal in the "frequency domain". Normal oscilloscopes display the signal in the "time domain". Except in the case of clean sine waves, the time domain representation does not convey very much information about the various frequencies which make up the signal.
What does the SR810 measure?
The SR810 multiplies the signal by a pure sine wave at the reference frequency. All components of the input signal are multiplied by the reference simultaneously. Mathematically speaking, sine waves of differing frequencies are orthogonal, i.e. the average of the product of two sine waves is zero unless the frequencies are EXACTLY the same. In the SR810, the product of this multiplication yields a DC output signal proportional to the component of the signal whose frequency is exactly locked to the reference frequency. The low pass filter which follows the multiplier provides the averaging which removes the products of the reference with components at all other frequencies.
The SR810, because it multiplies the signal with a pure sine wave, measures the single Fourier (sine) component of the signal at the reference frequency. Let's take a look at an example. Suppose the input signal is a simple square wave at frequency f. The square wave is actually composed of many sine waves at multiples of f with carefully related amplitudes and phases. A 2V pk-pk square wave can be expressed as
S(t) = 1.273sin(ωt) + 0.4244sin(3ωt) +
0.2546sin(5ωt) + ...
where ω = 2πf. The SR810, locked to f will single out the first component. The measured signal will
be 1.273sin(ωt), not the 2V pk-pk that you'd measure on a scope.
In the general case, the input consists of signal plus noise. Noise is represented as varying signals at all frequencies. The ideal lock-in only responds to noise at the reference frequency. Noise at other frequencies is removed by the low pass filter following the multiplier. This "bandwidth narrowing" is the primary advantage that a lock-in amplifier provides. Only inputs at frequencies at the reference frequency result in an output.
RMS or Peak?
Lock-in amplifiers as a general rule display the input signal in Volts RMS. When the SR810 displays a magnitude of 1V (rms), the component of the input signal at the reference frequency is a sine wave with an amplitude of 1 Vrms or
2.8 V pk-pk.
Thus, in the previous example with a 2 V pk-pk square wave input, the SR810 would detect the first sine component, 1.273sin(ωt). The measured and displayed magnitude would be 0.90 V (rms) (1/2 x 1.273).
Degrees or Radians?
In this discussion, frequencies have been referred to as f (Hz) and w (2πf radians/sec). This is because people measure frequencies in cycles per second and math works best in radians. For purposes of measurement, frequencies as measured in a lock-in amplifier are in Hz. The equations used to explain the actual calculations are sometimes written using w to simplify the expressions.
Phase is always reported in degrees. Once again, this is more by custom than by choice. Equations written as sin(ωt + θ) are written as if θ is in radians mostly for simplicity. Lock-in amplifiers always manipulate and measure phase in degrees.
SR810 Basics
The functional block diagram of the SR810 DSP Lock-In Amplifier is shown below. The functions in the gray area are handled by the digital signal
processor (DSP). We'll discuss the DSP aspects of the SR810 as they come up in each functional block description.
Reference In Sine or TTL
Low Noise
50/60 Hz
100/120 Hz
Low Pass Filter
Low Pass Filter
DC Gain
R and
Θ Calc
DC Gain
Y Out
X Out
Sine Out
SR810 Basics
A lock-in amplifier requires a reference oscillator phase-locked to the signal frequency. In general, this is accomplished by phase-locking an internal oscillator to an externally provided reference signal. This reference signal usually comes from the signal source which is providing the excitation to the experiment.
Reference Input
The SR810 reference input can trigger on an analog signal (like a sine wave) or a TTL logic signal. The first case is called External Sine. The input is AC coupled (above 1 Hz) and the input impedance is 1 M. A sine wave input greater than 200 mV pk will trigger the input discriminator. Positive zero crossings are detected and considered to be the zero for the reference phase shift.
TTL reference signals can be used at all frequencies up to 102 kHz. For frequencies below 1 Hz, a TTL reference signal is required. Many function generators provide a TTL SYNC output which can be used as the reference. This is convenient since the generator's sine output might be smaller than 200 mV or be varied in amplitude. The SYNC signal will provide a stable reference regardless of the sine amplitude.
When using a TTL reference, the reference input trigger can be set to Pos Edge (detect rising edges) or Neg Edge (detect falling edges). In each case, the internal oscillator is locked (at zero phase) to the detected edge.
Internal Oscillator
The internal oscillator in the SR810 is basically a 102 kHz function generator with sine and TTL sync outputs. The oscillator can be phase-locked to the external reference.
The oscillator generates a digitally synthesized sine wave. The digital signal processor, or DSP, sends computed sine values to a 16 bit digital-to­analog converter every 4 µs (256 kHz). An anti­aliasing filter converts this sampled signal into a low distortion sine wave. The internal oscillator sine wave is output at the SINE OUT BNC on the front panel. The amplitude of this output may be set from 4 mV to 5 V.
When an external reference is used, this internal oscillator sine wave is phase-locked to the reference. The rising zero crossing is locked to the detected reference zero crossing or edge. In this mode, the SINE OUT provides a sine wave phase­locked to the external reference. At low frequencies (below 10 Hz), the phase locking is accomplished digitally by the DSP. At higher frequencies, a discrete phase comparator is used.
The internal oscillator may be used without an external reference. In the Internal Reference mode, the SINE OUT provides the excitation for the experiment. The phase-locked-loop is not used in this mode since the lock-in reference is providing the excitation signal.
The TTL OUT on the rear panel provides a TTL sync output. The internal oscillator's rising zero crossings are detected and translated to TTL levels. This output is a square wave.
Reference Oscillators and Phase
The internal oscillator sine wave is not the reference signal to the phase sensitive detectors. The DSP computes a second sine wave, phase shifted by θ
from the internal oscillator (and thus
from an external reference), as the reference input to the X phase sensitive detector. This waveform is sin(ω
t + θ
). The reference phase shift is
adjustable in .01° increments.
The input to the Y PSD is a third sine wave, computed by the DSP, shifted by 90° from the
t + θ
second sine wave. This waveform is sin(ω
Both reference sine waves are calculated to 20 bits of accuracy and a new point is calculated every 4 µs (256 kHz). The phase shifts (θ
the 90° shift) are also exact numbers and accurate to better than .001°. Neither waveform is actually output in analog form since the phase sensitive detectors are actually multiply instructions inside the DSP.
Phase Jitter
When an external reference is used, the phase­locked loop adds a little phase jitter. The internal oscillator is supposed to be locked with zero phase shift relative the external reference. Phase jitter means that the average phase shift is zero
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