Stanford Research Systems SR570 User Manual

Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
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Copyright © 1997 by SRS, Inc.
Revision 1.6
SR570 Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
Table of Contents
Condensed Information
Safety and Use iii Accessories Furnished iv Environmental Conditions iv Symbols v
Specifications vi Verifying Specifications ix
Abridged Command List x
Operation and Controls
Introduction 1 Overview 1 Quick Start Instructions 1 SR570 Block Diagram 2
Front Panel Operation 3 Power 3 Input 3 Defaults 3 Bias Voltage 4 Input Offset Current 4 Invert 4 Filters 4 Gain Mode 5 Sensitivity 5 Output 5 Filter Reset 5 Status 6
Rear Panel Operation 7 AC Power Input 7 Amplifier Power Output 7 Battery Charger 7 Blanking Input 8 Toggling Input 8 RS-232 Interface 8
Battery Care and Usage 8 Recharging 8 Battery Care 8
Remote Programming 10 Introduction 10 Command Syntax 10
Detailed Command List 10 Sensitivity Control 10 Input Offset Current Control 10 Bias Voltage Control 11 Filter Control 11 Other Commands 11
Programming Examples 12 BASIC 12 Microsoft C 13
SR570 Circuitry
Circuit Description 14
Front-End 14 Filters and Gain 14 Output Stages 14 Overload Detection 15 Microprocessor 15 Battery Charger and Preregs 15 Power Regulators 16 Rear Panel Interfaces 16 Batteries and P.E.M. 16 Front Panel 16
Calibration & Repair 17 Calibration 17 Front-end Replacement 17 Battery Replacement 17 Fuse Replacement 17
A. Amplifier Noise Sources
Input Noise A-1 Noise Sources A-1 Johnson Noise A-1 Shot Noise A-1
SR570 Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
1/f Noise A-1 Total Noise A-2 External Noise Sources A-2 Capacitive Coupling A-2 Inductive Coupling A-2 Ground Loops A-3 Microphonics A-3 Thermocouple Effects A-3 Baluns A-4
B. Gain Allocation Front-end Amplifier B-1 Op Amp Allocation B-1 Dynamic Reserve B-1
C. Capacitance Effects Feedback Capacitance C-1 Input Capacitance C-1
Component Parts List D-1 Main Circuit PC Board D-1 Front & Rear Panel PC Boards D-11 Miscellaneous Parts D-15
Schematic Circuit Diagrams Sheet No.
Input Stage 1/10 Filter and Gain 1 2/10 Filter and Gain 2 3/10 Output Stage 4/10 Microprocessor Section 5/10
Digital I/O & Front Panel Control 6/10
Battery Charger & Preregulators 7/10 Power Regs & Rear Panel Conn. 8/10 Front Panel 9/10 Rear Panel 10/10
SR570 Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
Safety and Preparation for Use
WARNING: Dangerous voltages, capable of causing death, are present in this instrument. Use
extreme caution whenever the instrument covers are removed.
************ CAUTION ************
This instrument may be damaged if operated
with the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR set for
the wrong ac line voltage or if the wrong fuse is
When the AC power cord is connected to the unit
and plugged into an AC outlet, the unit
automatically switches the amplifier power source
from internal battery operation to line operation.
The internal batteries are charged as long as AC
power is connected.
The SR570 operates from a 100V, 120V, 220V, or
240V nominal AC power source having a line
frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Before connecting the
power cord to a power source, verify that the
LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR card, located in the
rear panel fuse holder, is set so that the correct AC
input voltage value is visible.
Conversion to other AC input voltages requires a
change in the fuse holder voltage card position and
fuse value. Disconnect the power cord, open the
fuse holder cover door and rotate the fuse-pull
lever to remove the fuse. Remove the small
printed circuit board and select the operating
voltage by orienting the printed circuit board so
the desired voltage is visible. Push the card firmly
into its slot. Rotate the fuse-pull lever back to its
normal position and insert the correct fuse into the
fuse holder.
Verify that the correct line fuse is installed before
connecting the line cord. For 100V/120V, use a
1 Amp fuse and for 220V/240V, use a 1/2 Amp
The SR570 has a detachable, three-wire power
cord for connection to an AC power source and to
a protective ground. The exposed metal parts of the instrument are connected to the outlet ground to protect against electrical shock. Always use an outlet which has a properly connected protective ground.
All front panel BNC shields are isolated from the chassis ground and the power outlet ground via a 1M resistor. Do not apply any voltage to either the shields or to the outputs. The outputs are not protected against connection to any potential other than circuit ground.
Always ensure adequate ventilation when operating the SR570. The unit will generate heat while charging batteries.
All instrument settings are stored in nonvolatile memory (battery backed-up RAM) and are retained when the power is turned off. They are not affected by the removal of the line cord. If the power-on self test passes, the unit will return the settings that were in effect when the power was last turned off. If an error is detected or if the backup battery is exhausted, the default settings will be used. Additionally, if the FILTER RESET key is held down when the power is turned on, the instrument settings will be set to the defaults shown below:
Sensitivity = 1 µA/V, calibrated Invert = off Input Offset = +1 pA, calibrated, off Bias = 0 V, off Filters = none Hi Pass Freq = 0.03 Hz Lo Pass Freq = 1 MHz Gain Mode = Low Noise
SR570 Low-Noise Current Preamplifier
The original packing materials should be saved for reshipment of the SR570. If the original packing materials are not available, wrap the instrument in polyethylene sheeting or equivalent and place in a strong box, cushioning it on all sides by at least three inches of high-density foam or other filler material.
Under certain conditions, the SR570 may prove to be unsafe for applications involving human subjects. Incorrect grounding, component failure, and excessive common-mode input voltages are examples of conditions in which the instrument may expose the subject to large input currents. Therefore, Stanford Research Systems does not recommend or approve the SR570 for such applications.
The front-end amplifier of this instrument is easily damaged if a photomultiplier is used improperly with the amplifier. When left completely unterminated, a cable connected to a PMT can charge to several hundred volts in a relatively short time. If this cable is connected to the inputs of the SR570, the stored charge may damage the front-end op amps. To avoid this problem, always
connect the PMT output to the SR570 input before turning the PMT on.
- Power Cable
- Operating Manual
OPERATING Temperature: 10° C to 40° C Relative Humidity: < 90% Non-condensing
NON-OPERATING Temperature: -25° C to +65° C Non-condensing
Batteries used in this instrument are sealed lead acid batteries. With usage and time these batteries can leak. Always use and store this instrument in the feet-down position. To prevent possible damage to the circuitboard, it is recommended that the batteries be periodically inspected for any signs of leakage.
Input Virtual null or user set bias voltage (-5V to +5V). Input Impedance See Table 1 Input Offset ±1 pA to ±5 mA full scale adjustable dc offset current. Maximum Input ±5 mA. Noise See graphs on next page.
Sensitivity 1 pA/V to 1 mA/V in a 1-2-5 sequence. Vernier sensitivity in 1%
Frequency Response Flat to ±0.5 dB up to 1 MHz (1 mA/V sensitivity ). Frequency response
can be adjusted from the front panel to compensate for the effects of source capacitance at the input.
Grounding Amplifier ground is fully floating. Amplifier and chassis grounds may be
connected together at rear panel banana plug connectors.
Signal Filters Two configurable (low or high pass) filters: 6 or 12 dB/octave. The -3 dB
point of each filter is settable in a 1-3-10 sequence from 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz for lowpass filters and 0.03 Hz to 10 kHz for highpass filters.
Filter Reset Long time constant filters may be reset with a front panel button.
Gain Allocation
Low Noise Most of the gain is allocated in the front end of the instrument to decrease
the magnitude of Johnson noise at the output. High Bandwidth Front-end gain is reduced to increase the amplifier’s frequency response. Low Drift A very low input bias current amplifier is used for more accurate
measurements on the higher sensitivity ranges.
Gain Accuracy ±(0.5 % of output + 10 mV [50 mV High BW]) @ 25°C [100 pA/V - 1
mA/V sensitivities]
DC Drift See Table 1 Maximum Output ±5 V into a high impedance load (50W output impedance). Slew Rate Limit 2 V peak to peak at 1 MHz. Rear Panel ±12 VDC @200 mA, referenced to amplifier ground.
RS-232 Listen only, 9600 Baud DCE, 8 bit, no parity, 2 stop bits. All instrument
functions may be controlled. PC compatible serial connector. Optically
isolated. External Gating TTL inputs to set gain to zero (blanking) or to invert gain polarity
Operating Temperatures 0 to 50° C
Power 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz from line. Internal batteries provide
up to 15 hours between charges. Batteries are charged while connected to
the line. Line power required is 30 watts while batteries are charging and 6
watts once fully charged.
Dimensions 8.3" x 3.5" x 13.0". Rack mounting hardware available. Weight 15 lbs. (including batteries). Warranty 1 year.
Low Noise Mode
High Bandwidth Mode
Gain / Nominal Gain (dB)
1 nA/V
100 nA/V
10 µA/V
1 mA/V
Gain / Nominal Gain (dB)
1 nA/V
100 nA/V
10 µA/V
1 mA/V
-6 1 100 10
Frequency (Hz)
-6 1 100 10
Frequency (Hz)
Amplifier Bandwidth for several sensitivity settings (typical).
Low Noise Mode
High Bandwidth Mode
Current Noise (Amps/¦Hz)
1 10 100 1000 10
1 nA/V
Frequency (Hz)
100 nA/V
1 mA/V
10 µA/V
Current Noise (Amps/¦Hz)
1 nA/V
Frequency (Hz)
1 mA/V
10 µA/V
100 nA/V
100 1000 10
Current Noise as a function of Frequency for several sensitivity settings (typical).
Note: The amplifier bandwidth and noise data were taken with the front panel frequency compensation adjusted for flat frequency response over the widest frequency range, with an input capacitance of 100 pF. Either the bandwidth or the noise specification can be improved at the expense of response flatness.
Table 1
Temperature Coefficient
Bandwidth (3 dB) 1 Noise/√Hz Sensitivity (A/V)
High BW Low Noise Low Noise High BW ±(%input + offset) /°C Impedance
10-3 1.0 MHz 1.0 MHz 150 pA 150 pA 0.01 % + 20 nA 1 10-4 1.0 MHz 500 kHz 60 pA 100 pA 0.01 % + 2 nA 1 10-5 800 kHz 200 kHz 2 pA 60 pA 0.01 % + 200 pA 100 10-6 200 kHz 20 kHz 600 fA 2 pA 0.01 % + 20 pA 100 10-7 20 kHz 2 kHz 100 fA 600 fA 0.01 % + 2 pA 10 k 10-8 2 kHz 200 Hz 60 fA 100 fA 0.01 % + 400 fA 10 k 10-9 200 Hz 15 Hz 10 fA 60 fA 0.025 % + 40 fA 1 M 10-10 100 Hz 10 Hz 5 fA 10 fA 0.025 % + 20 fA 1 M 10-11 20 Hz 10 Hz 5 fA 10 fA 0.040 % + 20 fA 1 M 10-12 10 Hz 10 Hz 5 fA 5 fA 0.040 % + 20 fA 1 M
Frequency Compensation adjusted for flat frequency response (typical values).
Average noise in the freq. range below the 3 dB point but above the frequency where 1/f noise is significant.
Note: The values listed above are typical for a 100 pF source capacitance and an infinite source resistance. Significantly higher values of source capacitance or finite source resistance can degrade these specifications. Proper use of the “FREQ COMP” adjustment and signal filters allows the user to alter the rated noise or bandwidth values. The LOW DRIFT mode has a much lower bandwidth than the LOW NOISE and HIGH BW modes, and should only be used for low frequency measurements.
Low Drift (11 ° - 28 °C) DC Input
Verifying Specifications
To verify the specifications given for the SR570 current amplifier, a few straightforward procedures should be followed. First, the unit must be warmed up for about 60 minutes. Second, for best performance, the input current should produce an output voltage of about 1 V or less. This eliminates problems with slew rate limiting in the various amplifier stages. Finally, care must be taken in selection of a current source for any measurement. Since an ideal current source has infinite impedance, any source used for measurements should have an impedance greater than the inverse of the sensitivity in ohms. Most specifications listed above were measured with an input capacitance of 100 pF. Higher input capacitance will lead to a decrease in performance.
Lets look at a simple example to illustrate some of these principles. To test the gain and frequency response of the instrument at 1 nA/V sensitivity, we might use a 1 V RMS
sine wave across a 1 G resistor and through 1 meter of coax cable into the amplifier front­end. The cable itself has about 100 pF of input capacitance to ground. Any other sources of capacitance will only increase this value, and degrade the noise performance of the
instrument. The 1 G resistor, while a good current source at DC, will be less accurate at higher frequencies due to capacitance of the resistor. A typical resistor will have about 0.1 pF capacitance, which will provide a parallel
impedance of 1 G at about 1.6 kHz. Since this effect provides an alternate path for current, the actual current to the amplifier will be increased and may be misinterpreted as a peaking in the frequency response of the amplifier near 1 kHz. These are only a few examples of what can go wrong when making a measurement. It is very important that the current source be completely characterized before performing specification verification.
Keep in mind the following items when trying to verify specifications or when making sensitive measurements:
1. Make sure the source impedance is greater than the inverse of the sensitivity (e.g. with a sensitivity of 1 nA/V use a source
impedance greater than 1 GΩ).
2. If using a voltage source and a big resistor to source the current, use several smaller resistors in series instead of one larger value to reduce the shunting capacitance.
3. Adjust the FREQ COMP pot on the front panel to optimize frequency response for the source character- istics and for the sensitivity selected.
4. Use short lengths of high quality coaxial cable to connect to the amplifier input.
5. Keep the amplifier output below 1 VRMS to avoid slew rate limiting at high frequencies.
6. Ground the chassis (green connector on back) but do not connect the chassis to the amplifier ground (white connector).
7. For low level measurements, disconnect the power cord and use the internal batteries.
Abridged RS-232 Command List
Command Syntax
All RS232 commands consist of four letter codes, followed in most cases, by an integer value (n). Commands must end with a carriage return and linefeed <CR><LF>.
The SR570 RS232 interface is configured as listen only, 9600 baud DCE, 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits, and is optically isolated to prevent any noise or grounding problems.
Sensitivity control commands
SENS n Sets the sensitivity of the amplifier. n ranges from 0 (1 pA/V) to 27 (1 mA/V). SUCM n Sets the sensitivity cal mode. 0 = cal, 1 = uncal.
SUCV n Sets the uncalibrated sensitivity vernier. [0
Input Offset Current control commands
IOON n Turns the input offset current on (n=1) or off (n=0). IOLV n Sets the calibrated input offset current level. n ranges from 0 (1 pA) to 29 (5 mA). IOSN n Sets the input offset current sign. 0 = neg, 1 = pos. IOUC n Sets the input offset cal mode. 0 = cal, 1 = uncal.
IOUV n Sets the uncalibrated input offset vernier. [-1000
Bias Voltage control commands
BSON n Turns the bias voltage on (n=1) or off (n=0). BSLV n Sets the bias voltage level in the range. [-5000
Filter control commands
FLTT n Sets the filter type. 0=6 HP, 1=12 HP, 2=6 BP, 3=6 LP, 4=12 LP, and 5=none. LFRQ n Sets the value of the lowpass filter 3dB point. n ranges from 0 (0.03Hz) to 15 (1 MHz). HFRQ n Sets the value of the highpass filter 3dB point. n ranges from 0 (0.03Hz) to 11 (10 kHz). ROLD Resets the filter capacitors to clear an overload condition.
Other commands
GNMD n Sets the gain mode of the amplifier. 0=low noise, 1=high bw, 2=low drift. INVT n Sets the signal invert sense. 0=non-inverted, 1=inverted. BLNK n Blanks the front end output of the amplifier. 0=no blank, 1=blank. *RST Resets the amplifier to the default settings.
n 100] (percent of full scale).
n +1000] (0 - ±100.0% of full scale).
n +5000] (-5.000 V to +5.000 V).
Operation and Controls
Why use a Current Amplifier?
Many people wonder why current amplifiers are necessary. Why not simply terminate a current source with a resistor and amplify the resulting voltage with a voltage preamplifier? The answer is twofold. First, to get a large voltage from a small current, large resistors are necessary. In combination with cable capacitance and other stray capacitance, this can lead to unacceptable penalties in frequency response and phase accuracy. Current amplifiers have much better amplitude and phase accuracy in the presence of stray capacitance. Secondly, using resistive terminations forces the current source to operate into possibly large bias voltages–a situation that is unacceptable for many sources and detectors. Current amplifiers can sink current directly into a virtual null, or to a selected DC bias voltage.
The SR570 is a low-noise current preamplifier, providing a voltage output proportional to the input current. Sensitivities range from 1 mA/V down to 1 pA/V. The general architecture is diagrammed in figure 1 on the following page.
The DC voltage at the input can be set as a virtual null or biased from -5V to +5V. An input offset current from 1pA to 1 mA may also be introduced. The user can choose between low noise, high bandwidth, and low drift settings, and can invert the output relative to the input. Two configurable R-C filters are provided to selectively condition signals in the frequency range from DC to 1 MHz.
The SR570 normally operates with a fully floating ground with the amplifier ground isolated from the chassis and the AC power supply. Input blanking, output toggling and listen-only RS-232 interface lines are provided for remote instrument control. These lines are optically isolated to reduce signal interference. Digital noise is eliminated by shutting down the processor clock when not executing a front­panel button press or an RS-232 command.
Internal sealed lead-acid batteries provide up to 15 hours of line-independent operation. Rear panel banana jacks provide access to the internal
regulated power supplies (or batteries) for use as a voltage source.
Use this procedure as a quick orientation to the instrument's features and capabilities. If you encounter problems, read the detailed discussions on operation.
1) Make sure that the correct line voltage has been selected on the rear panel power entry module.
2) With the unit's power switch "OFF", hold the "FILTER RESET" key down and turn the unit "ON". This will return all instrument settings to their default state.
3) Select a filter from the "FILTER TYPE" menu. Then use the up/down arrows of the "FILTER FREQ" menu to choose the filter 3 dB points.
4) If an input offset current is desired, choose a current level from the "INPUT OFFSET" menu with the up/down arrow keys. The current will be applied when the "ON" led is lit.
5) When the bias voltage is off, the amplifier input is a virtual null. To set a bias voltage, use the up/down arrow keys of the "BIAS VOLTAGE" menu. The test point will always reflect the selected bias voltage, but the bias will only be applied when the "ON" led is lit.
6) Set the sensitivity and gain mode to the desired settings for the the amplitude of the signal to be measured.
7) Adjust the "FREQ COMP" pot near the input BNC to compensate the amplifier's frequency response for any input capacitance. An external square wave signal from the source under test can be used for precise calibration.
8) Connect the signal to be measured to the "INPUT" BNC. The signal will be converted to a voltage, filtered and amplified. The amplifier output voltage can be accessed from the "OUTPUT" BNC connector.
Operation and Controls
Figure 1: SR570 Block Diagram
Operation and Controls
Figure 2: SR570 Front Panel
The operation of the SR570 Low-Noise Preamplifier has been designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. The effect of each keypress on the front panel is reflected in the change of a nearby LED. All front panel functions, except power, can be controlled through the rear-panel RS-232 interface.
The SR570 is turned on by depressing the POWER switch. When disconnected from AC power, the unit will operate for approximately 15 hours on internal sealed lead-acid batteries. Up to 200 mA of unregulated battery power is available at the rear panel banana jacks as long as the power switch is in the ON position. Battery life will be reduced when the unit is providing external power through the rear panel jacks. When operating on batteries, the front panel LINE indicator will not be lit. As the batteries near depletion, the LOW BATT LED will light, indicating that the unit should be connected to AC power to charge the batteries. When connected to an AC power source, amplifier power is derived from regulated line power, and the internal batteries are automatically charged. When operating on AC power, the front panel LINE indicator is on to indicate the source of amplifier power.
Charging status is indicated on the rear panel by the CHARGE and MAINTAIN LED indicators.
An insulated BNC is provided to connect the signal of interest to the amplifier. Care should be taken in choosing a cable to connect to the amplifier input. Both cable capacitance and dielectric quality will affect sensitive measurements. Whenever possible, use low noise coaxial cable and always use the shortest possible cable length. Above the input BNC is the FREQ COMP adjustment potentiometer. This feature allows the user to compensate for any input capacitance by varying the capacitance across the front-end amplifier feedback resistor. In this way, the amplifier bandwidth can be easily adjusted to compensate for source capacitance by measuring a square wave signal from the source of interest and using FREQ COMP to optimize the output waveform. See Appendix C for further discussion of the effects of source capacitance.
Any changes made to the front panel settings of the SR570 will be stored even when power is turned off, as long as the batteries are hooked up. To reset the SR570 to its default settings, simply turn the power off, and while depressing the FILTER RESET button, turn the power on. Alternatively, removing
Operation and Controls
the batteries from an SR570 with no AC power connected will reset the unit to the default state. The default settings are:
Sensitivity = 1 µA/V, calibrated Invert = off Input Offset = +1 pA, calibrated, off Bias = 0 V, off Filters = none Hi Freq = 0.03 Hz Lo Freq = 1 MHz Gain Mode = Low Noise
Bias Voltage
In the default configuration, the SR570 is a virtual null at the input BNC. The bias voltage provides a variable -5V to +5V voltage (12 bit,
1.22 mV resolution) at the input. This voltage can be used to bias a photodiode or similar device. The voltage level is set by the up/down arrows in the bias voltage section of the front panel. The up arrow increases the voltage towards +5V, and the down arrow decreases the voltage towards -5V. To enable the bias voltage, simply push the button directly below the bias ON LED. The selected voltage can be monitored at the TEST point with a DC voltmeter whether the bias voltage is turned on or not.
Input Offset Current
The SR570 can provide a DC current offset to suppress any background currents at the input. The offset range can be changed from 1 pA to 5 mA (both positive and negative) in discrete increments. Use the up/down arrow keys in the Input Offset section to change the current level. In addition to these fixed settings, the user may specify arbitrary currents through the UNCAL feature. To set an uncalibrated offset current, the user must press both up and down buttons simultaneously, lighting the UNCAL LED. In this mode, by pressing the up or down pushbuttons, the user may reduce the calibrated current in roughly 0.1% increments from 100% down to 0% of the selected offset value. In contrast to other front-panel functions, when in UNCAL the instrument's key-repeat rate will start slowly and increase to a limit as long as either button is depressed. Simultaneously pressing both Offset buttons once again will
restore the unit to the previously calibrated current setting, and turn off the UNCAL LED. The sign of the current is set with the button directly below the POS and NEG LEDs. A positive offset current is defined to be a current that will produce a positive output voltage with no signal connected to the input BNC and INVERT not selected. The button below the input offset ON LED turns the offset on and off. The current level can be adjusted whether the offset current is turned on or not.
The INVERT pushbutton allows the user to invert the output of the instrument with respect to the input. A positive current will give a negative voltage and visa versa. The INVERT LED displays the output sense relative to the input unless the TOGGLE feature is being used.
The SR570 contains two identical 1st-order R-C filters whose cutoff frequencies and configuration (high-pass or low-pass) are controlled from the front panel. The maximum bandwidth of the instrument is 1 MHz.
The FILTER CUTOFFS can be configured in the following six ways:
i. high-pass filter at +6 dB / octave ii. high-pass filter at +12 dB / octave iii. high-pass filter at +6 dB / octave, and low-pass filter at -6 dB / octave (band­ pass) iv. low-pass filter at -6 dB / octave v. low-pass filter at -12 dB / octave vi. no filters in the signal path
Filter settings are chosen by the FILTER TYPE pushbutton. Each time the FILTER TYPE pushbutton is pressed, the instrument configures the two R-C filters in the progression shown above. LEDs give a visual indication of the filter configuration.
The filter cutoff frequencies are controlled by the up/down arrows in the FILTER FREQ section. When the FILTER TYPE section is configured solely as high-pass or low-pass (i, ii, iv and v ), the cutoff frequency is illuminated by one of sixteen
Operation and Controls
LEDs in the range from 0.03 Hz to 1 MHz. High pass filters are not available for the four highest frequency settings. When the filter section is configured as band-pass (iii), the cutoff frequencies are illuminated by two LEDs. The lower frequency setting marks the cutoff for the high-pass filter, and the higher setting is the cutoff for the low-pass filter.
To change the values of the bandpass cutoff frequencies, use the up arrow button to change the lowpass cutoff and the down arrow to change the highpass cutoff. If the displayed frequency is already at the highest or lowest possible choice, then pushing the button again will cause the frequency to “wrap around” to the opposite extreme frequency. In this case the two cutoffs can be set to the same frequency to provide a narrow bandpass. The highpass frequency can never exceed the lowpass frequency. When both filters are removed from the signal path (vi) all FREQ LEDs are extinguished and the NONE LED is lit.
Gain Mode
The allocation of gain throughout the instrument is set using the GAIN MODE pushbutton. The gain mode feature controls the tradeoffs between dynamic reserve, bandwidth, and noise in the amplifier circuits. The Gain Mode is displayed by three indicator LEDs: LOW NOISE, HIGH BW, and LOW DRIFT. For a given gain setting, the LOW NOISE mode allocates gain toward the front-end in order to quickly "lift" low-level signals above the instrument's noise floor. The LOW DRIFT mode allocates the gain just as the LOW NOISE mode, except the front-end op amp is switched to one with a very low input bias current for high sensitivity settings. The HIGH BW setting allocates more gain toward the output stages after the filters. Since smaller values of feedback resistance are needed for the front-end gain, the bandwidth of the amplifier is increased over that of the other two settings. This also prevents signals which are attenuated by the filters from overloading the amplifier. See Appendix B for further details of op amp selection for the different gain modes.
The instrument's sensitivity is increased or decreased using the SENSITIVITY section pushbuttons. Sensitivity settings from 1 pA/V to 1 mA/V are available and are displayed as the product of a factor 1, 2 or 5 and a multiplier (x1, x10, x100) with the appropriate units. In addition to these fixed settings, the user may specify arbitrary sensitivities through the UNCAL feature.
To set an uncalibrated or arbitrary sensitivity, the user must press both up and down buttons simultaneously, lighting the UNCAL LED. In this mode, by pressing the up or down pushbuttons, the user may reduce the calibrated sensitivity in roughly 1% increments from 100% down to 0% of the selected sensitivity. In contrast to other front-panel functions, when in UNCAL, the instrument's key­repeat rate will start slowly and increase to a limit as long as either sensitivity button is depressed. Simultaneously pressing both sensitivity buttons again will restore the unit to the previously calibrated sensitivity setting, and turn off the UNCAL LED.
The output of the instrument is an insulated BNC with a 50 ohm output impedance. In most applications, the instrument will be used to drive high impedance loads (e.g. voltmeters or oscilloscopes). Therefore, the instrument's gain is calibrated for high impedance loads. When driving a 50 ohm load, the gain of the amplifier is reduced by a factor of two. The shields of the two front-panel BNCs are connected together and form the amplifier's floating ground. In addition, a balun is used at the output to reduce common mode noise. See the end of Appendix A for more details about the output balun.
Filter Reset
If an overload occurs with filter settings of long time constants, the FILTER RESET pushbutton will speed the SR570's recovery from overload. The filters will be discharged by momentarily grounding the filter capacitors.
The FILTER RESET button is also used to return the unit to its default settings. Simply hold down the
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