Front Panel Summary5
Abridged Command List7
Status Byte Definition8
Configuration Switches8
Guide to Operation
Front Panel9
Signal Inputs9
Signal Fi lters9
Dynamic Reserve10
Status Indicators10
Display Select10
Channel 1 Display10
R Output11
Output Channel 111
Rel Channel 111
Offset Channel 111
Expand Channel 112
X (RCOSØ) Output12
Channel 2 Display12
Ø Output12
Output Channel 213
Rel Channel 213
Auto Phase13
Offset Channel 213
Expand Channel 214
Y (RSINØ) Output14
Reference Input14
Trigger Level14
Reference Mode15
Reference Display15
Phase Controls15
Time Constants15
Noise Measurements15
Power Switch16
Local/Remote Operation16
Default Settings16
Rear Panel17
AC Power 17
GPIB (IEEE-488) Connector17
RS232 Connector17
Signal Monitor Output17
Pre-Amp Connector17
A/D Inputs and D/A Outputs17
Ratio Feature17
Internal Oscillator17
Guide to Programming
Command Syntax19
Status LED's19
RS232 Echo Feature20
Try-out with an ASCII Terminal20
Command List21
Status Byte24
Reset Command25
Trouble-Shooting Interf ac e Probl ems25
Common Hardware Problems25
Common Software Problems25
RS232 Interface
Introduction to the RS23226
Data Communications Equipment26
Wait Command26
Termination Sequence26
GPIB (IEEE-488) Interface
Introduction to the GPIB26
GPIB Capabilities26
Response to Special GPIB comman ds26
Serial Polls and SRQ's27
Echo Mode using the RS23227
Using Both the RS232 & GPIB27
Lock-in Technique
Introduction to Lock-in Amplifier s28
Measurement Example28
Understanding the Specifications 29
Shielding and Ground Loops29
Dynamic Reserve30
Current Inputs30
Bandpass Filter30
Notch Filters31
Frequency Range31
Output Time Constants31
Noise Measurements31
Ratio Capability31
Computer Interfaces31
Internal Oscillator31
SR530 Block Diagram
Block Diagram32
Signal Channel33
Reference Channel33
Phase-Sensitive Detector33
DC Amplifier and System Gain33
Microprocessor System33
Circuit Description
Signal Amplifier34
Current Amplifier34
Notch Filters34
Bandpass Filter34
Reference Oscillator35
PSD, LP Filters and DC Amplifier35
Analog Output36
Expand 36
Front Panel36
Microprocessor Control36
RS232 Interface37
GPIB Interface37
Power Supplies37
Internal Oscillator37
Calibration and Repair
Multiplier Adjustments38
Amplifier and Filter Adjustments38
CMRR Adjustment38
Line Notch Filter Adjustment39
2xLine Notch Filter Adjustment39
Repairing Damaged Front-End39
IBM PC, Microsoft Basic, via GPIB51
HP-85, HP Basic, via HPIB53
Parts List, Oscillator Board55
Parts List, Main Board56
Parts List, Front Panel Board70
Parts List, Quad Board73
Parts List, Miscellaneous77
Schematic Diagrams79
Simplest Case Using the RS23243
Using Control Lines43
Baud Rates43
Stop Bits44
Voltage Levels44
Appendix C: GPIB
Introduction to the GPIB45
Bus Description45
Appendix D: Program Examples
Program Description46
IBM PC, Microsoft Basic, via RS23246
IBM PC, Microsoft Fortran, via RS23247
IBM PC, Microsoft C, via RS23249
Safety and Preparation for Use
***CAUTION***: This instrument may be damaged if operated with the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR set for
the wrong applied ac input-source voltage or if the wrong fuse is installed.
The SR530 operates from a 100V, 120V, 220V, or
240V nominal ac power source having a line
frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. Before connecting the
power cord to a power source, verify that the LINE
VOLTAGE SELECTOR card, located in the rear
panel fuse holder, is set so that the correct ac input
voltage value is visible.
Conversion to other ac input voltages requires a
change in the fuse holder voltage card position and
fuse value. Disconnect the power cord, open the
fuse holder cover door and rotate the fuse-pull lever
to remove the fuse. Remove the small printed circuit
board and select the operating voltage by orienting
the printed circuit board to position the desired
voltage to be visible when pushed firmly into its slot.
Rotate the fuse-pull lever back into its normal
position and insert the correct fuse into the fuse
Verify that the correct line fuse is installed before
connecting the line cord. For 100V and 120V, use a
½ Amp fuse and for 220V and 240V, use a 1/4 Amp
- Power Cord
- Operating Manual
Temperature: +10° C to +40° C
(Specifications apply over +18° C to +28° C)
Relative Humidity: < 90% Non-condensing
Temperature: -25° C to 65° C
Humidity: < 95% Non-condensig
To avoid personal injury, do not remove the
product covers or panels. Do not operate the
product without all covers and panels in place.
This instrument has a detachable, three-wire power
cord with a three-contact plug for connection to both
the power source and protective ground. The
protective ground contact connects to the accessible
metal parts of the instrument. To prevent electrical
shock, always use a power source outlet that has a
properly grounded protectiv e-gr ou nd con tac t.
It is relatively easy to damage the signal inputs if
a photomultiplier is used improperly with the
lock-in amplifier. When left completely
unterminated, a PMT will charge a cable to a
few hundred volts in a very short time. If this
cable is connected to the lockin, the stored
charge may damage the front-end transistors.
To avoid this problem, provide a leakage path of
about 100 KΩ to ground inside the base of the
PMT to prevent charge accumulation.
SR530 Specification Summary
Power100, 120, 220, 240 VAC (50/60 Hz); 35 Watts Max
Mechanical17" x 17" x 5.25" (Rack Mount Included) 16 lbs.
WarrantyTwo years parts and labor.
Signal Channel
InputsVoltage:Single-ended or True Differential
ImpedanceVoltage:100 MΩ + 25 pF, ac coupled
Current:1 kΩ to virtual ground
Full Scale SensitivityVoltage:100 nV (10 nV on expand) to 500 mV
Current:100 fA to 0.5 µA
Maximum InputsVoltage:100 VDC, 10 VAC damage threshold
Current:10 mA damage threshold
NoiseVoltage:7 nV/√Hz at 1 kHz
Current:0.13 pA/√ Hz at 1 kHz
Common ModeRange:1 Volt peak; Rejection: 100 dB dc to 1KHz
Gain Accuracy1% (2 Hz to 100KHz)
Gain Stability200 ppm/°C
Signal Filters60 Hz notch, -50 dB (Q=10, adjustable from 45 to 65 Hz)
120 Hz notch, -50 dB (Q=10, adjustable from 100 to 130 Hz))
Tracking bandpass set to within 1% of ref freq (Q=5)
Dynamic Reserve20 dBLOW(1 µV to 500 mV sensitivity)
40 dBNORM (100 nV to 50 mV sensitivity)
60 dBHIGH(100 nV to 5 mV sensitivity)
Bandpass filter adds 20 dB to dynamic reserve
Line Notch filters increase dynamic reserve to 100 dB
2 VAC peak-to-peak saturation
1 µA ac peak-to-peak saturation
Above 1KHz the CMRR degrades by 6 dB/Octave
Reference Channel
Frequency0.5 Hz to 100 kHz
Input Impedance1 MΩ, ac coupled
TriggerSINE:100 mV minimum, 1Vrms nominal
PULSE:±1 Volt, 1 µsec minimum width
ModeFundamental (f) or 2nd Harmonic (2f)
Acquisition Time25 Sec at 1 Hz
6 Sec at 10 Hz
2 Sec at 10 kHz
Slew Rate 1 decade per 10 S at 1 kHz
Phase Control90° shifts
Fine shifts in 0.025° steps
Phase Noise0.01° rms at 1 kHz, 100 msec, 12 dB TC
Phase Drift0.1°/°C
Phase ErrorLess than 1° above 10Hz
Orthogonality90° ± 1°
Stability5 ppm/°C on LOW dy nam ic res erv e
50 ppm/°C on NORM dynamic reserve
500 ppm/°C on HIGH dynamic reserve
Time ConstantsPre:1msec to 100 sec (6 dB/Octave)
Post:1sec, 0.1 sec, none (6 dB/Octave) or none
OffsetUp to 1X full scale (10X on expand)
Both channels may be offset
Harmonic Rej-55 dB (bandpass filter in)
Outputs & Interfaces
Channel 1 Outputs X (RcosØ), X Offset, R (magnitude), R Offset, X Noise, X5 (external D/A)
Channel 2 OutputsY (RsinØ), Y Offset, Ø (phase shift of signal), Y Noise, X6 (external D/A)
Output Meters2% Precision mirrored analo g meter
Output LCD'sFour digit auto-ranging LCD display shows same values as the analog meters
Output BNC's±10 V output corresponds to full scale input, <1Ω output impedance
X OutputX (RcosØ), ±10 V full scale, < 1Ω output impedance
Y OutputY (RsinØ), ±10 V full scale, < 1Ω output imp eda nce
Reference LCDFour digit LCD display for reference phase shift or frequency
RS232 Interface controls all functions. Baud rates from 300 to 19.2 K
GPIBInterface controls all functions. ( IEEE-488 Std )
A/D4 BNC inputs with 13 bit resolution (±10.24 V)
D/A2 BNC outputs with 13 bit resolution (±10.24 V)
RatioRatio output equals 10X Channel 1 output divided by the Denominator input.
Internal OscillatorRange:1 Hz to 100 kHz, 1% accuracy
Signal InputsSingle Ended (A), True Differential (A-B), or Current (I)
Signal FiltersBandpass:Q-of-5 Auto-tracking filter (In or Out)
Line Notch:Q-of-10 Notch Filter at line frequency (In or Out)
2XLine Notch: Q-of-10 Notch Filter at twice line frequency (In or Out)
SensitivityFull scale sensitivity from 100 nV to 500 mV RMS for voltage inputs
or from 100 fA to 500 nA RMS for current inputs.
Dynamic ReserveSelect Dynamic Reserve
LOW20 dB5 ppm 1 µV to 500 mV
NORM40 dB50 ppm100 nV to 50 mV
HIGH60 dB500 ppm100 nV to 5 mV
Status IndicatorsOVLD Signal Overload
UNLK PLL is not locked to the reference input
ERRIllegal or Unrecognized command
ACTRS232 or GPIB interface Activity
REMRemote mode: front panel has been locked-out
Display SelectChannel 1Channel 2
X (RcosØ)Y (RsinØ)
X OffsetY Offset
R (Magnitude) Ø (Phase)
R OffsetØ (no offset)
X NoiseY Noise
X5 (D/A)X6 (D/A)
Analog MetersDisplays Channel 1 and 2 Outputs as a fraction of full scale
Output LCD'sDisplays the Channel 1 and 2 Outputs in absolute units
Output BNC'sChannel 1 and 2 Outputs follow Analog Meters, ± 10 V for ± full scale
ExpandMultiplies the Channel 1 or 2 Analog Meter and Output voltage by a factor X1 or X10.
Stability Sensitivity Ranges
RELSet the Channel 1 or 2 Offset to null the output: subsequent readings are relative
readings. REL with phase display performs auto-phasing. REL with X5, X6 display
zeroes the D/A outputs.
OffsetEnables or Disables Offset, and allows any offset (up to full scale) to be entered. X, Y,
and R may be offset and X5, X6 may be adjusted. Phase is offset using the reference
phase shift.
X BNCX (RcosØ) output, ± 10V full scale
Y BNCY (RsinØ) output, ± 10V full scale
Reference Input1 MΩ Input, 0.5 Hz to 100 KHz, 100 mV minimum
Reference TriggerTrigger on rising edge, zero crossing, or falling edge
f/2f ModePLL can lock to either X1 or X2 of the reference input frequency
Phase ControlsAdjust phase in smoothly accelerating 0.025° steps, or by
90° steps. Press both 90° buttons to zero the phase.
Reference LCDDisplay reference phase setting or reference frequency
Time ConstantsPre-filter has time constants from 1 mS to 100 S (6 dB/Octave)
Post-filter has time constants of 0, 0.1 or 1.0 S (6 dB/Octave)
ENBWEquivalent Noise Bandwidth. Specifies the bandwidth when making
Noise measurements. (1Hz or 10 Hz ENBW)
Power SwitchInstrument settings from the last use are recalled on power-up
Abridged Command List
AXAuto offset X
AYAuto offset Y
ARAuto offset R
APAuto phase
BReturn Bandpass Filter Sta tus
B0Take out the Bandpass Filter
B1Put in the Bandpass Filter
CReturn the Reference LCD Status
C0Display the Reference Frequency
C1Displ ay the Refere nce Phas e Sh ift
DReturn Dynamic Reserve Setting
D0Set DR to LOW range
D1Set DR to NORM range
D2Set DR to HIGH range
EnReturn Channel n (1 or 2) Expand
En,0Turn Channel n Expand off
En,1Turn Channel n Expand on
FReturn the Reference Frequency
GReturn the Sensitivity Setting
OXReturn X Offset Status
OX 0Turn off X Offset
OX 1,vTurn on X Offset, v = offset
OYReturn Y Offset Status
OY 0Turn off Y Offset
OY 1,vTurn on Y Offset, v = offset
ORReturn R Offset Status
OR 0Turn off R Offset
OR 1,vTurn on R Offset, v = offset
PReturn the Phase Setting
PvSet the Phase to v. Abs(v) <999 deg
Q1Return the Channel 1 output
Q2Return the Channel 2 output
QXReturn the X Output
QYReturn the Y Output
RReturn the trigger mode
R0Set the trigger for rising edge
R1Set the trigger for + zero crossing
R2Set the trigger for falling edge
SReturn the display status
S0Display X and Y
S1Display X and Y Offsets
S2Display R and Ø
S3Display R Offset and Ø
S4Display X and Y noise
S5Display X5 and X6 (ext D/A)
T1Return pre-fi lter sett in g
T1,1Set the pre-filter TC to 1 mS
T1,11Set the pre-filter TC to 100 S
T2Return the post-filter setting
T2,0Remove post filter
T2,1Set the post filter TC to 0.1 S
T2,2Set the post filter TC to 1.0 S
VReturn the value of the SRQ mask
VnSet the SRQ Mask to the value n
(See the Status Byte definition)
WReturn the RS232 wait interval
WnSet RS232 wait interval to nX4mS
XnReturn the voltage at the rear panel
analog port n. (n from 1 to 6)
X5,vSet analog port 5 to voltage v
X6,vSet analog port 6 to voltage v
YReturn the Status Byte value
YnTest bit n of the Status Byte
ZReset to default settings and cancel
all pending commands.
Status Byte Definition
Bit Meaning
0 Magnitude too small to calculate
1 Command Parameter is out-of-range
2 No detectable reference input
3 PLL is not locked to the reference
4 Signal Overload
5 Auto-offset failed: signal too large
6 SRQ generated
7 Unrecognized or illegal command
Configuration Switches
There are two banks of 8 switches, SW1 and
SW2, located on the rear panel. SW1 sets the
GPIB address and SW2 sets the RS232
parameters. The configuration switches are read
continuously and any changes will be effective
SW1:GPIB Mode Switches
Bit Example Function
1 } up GPIB Address Switches
2 } up Address 0 to 30 allowed
3 } up 'up' for bit = 1
4 } down 'down' for bit = 0
5 } up (Most Significant Bit)
6 down 'down' to echo on RS232
(normally 'up')
7 up Not Used
8 up Not Used
If the GPIB mode switches are set as shown in the
example column above, then the lockin will be
addressed as GPIB device #23, and all GPIB
commands and data will be echoed over the
RS232 for de-bugging purposes.
SW2:RS232 Mode Switches
Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Baud Rate
up up up 19200
down up up 9600
up down up 4800
down down up 2400
up up down 1200
down up down 600
up down down 300
Bit Setting Explanation
4 up Odd parity
down Even parity
5 up No parity
down Parity enabled
6 up No echo (for computer)
down Echo mode (for terminal)
7 up Two stop bits
down One stop bit
8 unused
Eight data bits are always sent, regardless of the
parity setting. The most significant bit is always
Example: Bit 1 'down' and all others 'up' for
RS232 communication at 9600 baud, no parity,
two stop bits, and no echo or prompts by the
SR510 Guide to Operation
Front Panel
The front panel has been designed to be almost
self-explanatory. The effect of each keypress is
usually reflected in the change of a nearby LED
indicator or by a change in the quantity shown on
a digital display. This discussion explains each
section of the front panel, proceeding left to right.
Signal Inputs
There are three input connectors located in the
SIGNAL INPUT section of the front panel. The
rocker switch located above the B input selects
the input mode, either single-ended, A, differential,
A-B, or current, I.
The A and B inputs are voltage inputs with 100
MΩ, 25 pF input impedance. Their connector
shields are isolated from the chassis ground by
10Ω. These inputs are protected to 100V dc but
the ac input should never exceed 10V peak. The
maximum ac input before overload is 1V peak.
The I input is a current input with an input
impedance of 1 KΩ to a virtual ground. The
largest allowable dc current before overload is 1
µA. No current larger than 10 mA should ever be
applied to this input. The conversion ratio is 10
V/A, thus, the full scale current sensitivities range
from 100 fA to 500 nA with a max ac input before
overload of 1 µA peak. You should use short
cables when using the current input.
allowable signals at the inputs. The notch
frequencies are set at the factory to either 50 Hz
or 60 Hz. The user can adjust these frequencies.
(See the Maintenance and Repair section for
alignment details.) These filters precede the
bandpass filter in the signal amplifier.
The bandpass filter has a Q of 5 and a 6 dB roll off
in either direction. Thus, the pass band (between
70% pass points) is always equal to 1/5th of the
center frequency. The center frequency is
continually adjusted to be equal to the internal
demodulator frequency. When the reference
mode is f, the filter tracks the reference. When the
mode is 2f, the filter frequency is twice the
reference input frequency. The center frequency
tracks as fast as the reference oscillator can slew
and may be used during frequency scans. The
bandpass filter adds up to 20 dB of dynamic
reserve for noise signals outside the pass band,
and increases the harmonic rejection by at least
13dB. (2nd harmonic attenuated by 13 dB, higher
harmonics attenuated 6dB/octave more.) If not
needed to improve the dynamic reserve or the
harmonic rejection then the filter should be left
The sensitivity is displayed as a value (1-500) and
a scale (nV, µV, mV). When using the current
input, which has a gain of 106 V/A, these scales
read fA, pA, and nA. The two keys in the
SENSITIVITY section move the sensitivity up and
down. If either key is held down, the sensitivity will
continue to change in the desired direction four
times a second.
Signal Filters
There are three user selectable signal filters
available; a line frequency notch, a 2X line
frequency notch, and an auto-tracking band pas s .
Each of the filters has a pair of indicator LED's and
a function key located in the SIGNAL FILTERS
section of the front panel. Pressing a key will
toggle the status of the appropriate filter. The
status of each filter is displayed as IN, filter active,
or OUT, filter inactive.
The notch filters have a Q of 10 and a depth of at
least 50 dB. Thus, the line frequency notch is 6
Hz wide and the 2X line notch has a width of 12
Hz. Both of these filters can increase the dynamic
reserve up to 50 dB at the notch frequencies. The
achievable reserve is limited by the maximum
The full scale sensitivity can range from 100 nV to
500 mV. The sensitivity indication is not changed
by the EXPAND function. The EXPAND function
increases the output sensitivity (Volts out /volts in)
as well as the resolution of the digital output
Not all dynamic reserves are available at all
sensitivities. If the sensitivity is changed to a
setting for which the dynamic reserve is not
allowed, the dynamic reserve will change to the
next setting which is allowed. Sensitivity takes
precedence over the dynamic reserve. The
sensitivity range of each dynamic reserve is
shown below.
Dynamic ReserveSensitivity Range
LOW1 µV through 500 mV
NORM100 nV through 50 mV
HIGH100 nV through 5 mV
Dynamic Reserve
The dynamic reserve (DR) is set using the keys in
the DYNAMIC RESERVE section. The reserve is
displayed by the three indicator LED's, HIGH,NORM, LOW. Only those dynamic reserve
settings available for the sensitivity are allowed
(see above table). For example, when the
sensitivity is 500 mV, the DR will always be LOW.
The dynamic reserve and output stability of each
setting are shown below.
the output, i.e. in the ac amplifier or output time
constant. In this case, the dynamic reserve,
sensitivity, time constant, or ENBW needs to be
UNLK indicates that the reference oscillator is not
phase locked to the external reference input. This
can occur if the reference amplitude is too low, the
frequency is out of range, or the trigger mode is
incorrect for the reference signal waveform.
ERR flashes when an error occurs on one of the
computer interfaces, such as an incorrect
command, invalid parameter, etc.
ACT indicates activity on the computer interfaces.
This LED blinks every time a character is received
or transmitted by the SR530.
Since a higher DR results in degraded output
stability, you should use the lowest DR setting for
which there is no overload indication. Note that
using the Bandpass Filter provides about 20dB of
additional DR and so allows you to operate with a
lower DR setting.
Output Stability
There are five STATUS LED's.
OVLD indicates a signal overload. This condition
can occur when the signal is too large, the
sensitivity is too high, the dynamic reserve is too
low, the offset is on, the expand is on, the time
constant is not large enough, or the ENBW is too
The OVLD LED blinks four times a second when
an output is overloaded. This occurs if an output
exceeds full scale. For example, during a
quadrature measurement where X exceeds full
scale while Y is near zero, a blinking OVLD
indicates that it is safe to take data from the Y
output since only the X output is overloaded. The
signal path to the Y output is not overloaded.
OVLD also blinks if a noise measurement is
attempted on an output which exceeds full scale.
If the OVLD LED is on continuously or flashes
randomly, then an overload has occurred before
REM indicates that the unit is in the remote state
and that the front panel controls are not operat ive.
There are two remote states. The Remote-WithLockout will not allow any inputs from the front
panel. The Remote-Without-Lockout command
allows you to return the front panel to operation by
pressing the LOCAL key.
Display Select
The keys in the DISPLAY section sele ct the
parameters to be displayed on the OUTPUTMETERS and the output of the two OUTPUT BNC
connectors. The displayed parameters are
indicated by one of the six DISPLAY LED's and
can be either the two demodulator outputs (X Y),
the demodulator output offsets (X OFST Y OFST),
the magnitude and phase (R Ø), the magnitude
offset and phase (R OFST Ø), the rms noise on X
and Y (X NOISE Y NOISE), or the D/A outputs (X5D/A X6). When displaying NOISE, the equivalent
noise bandwidth is selected in the TIMECONSTANT section. When displaying D/A, the 2
outputs are the X5 and X6 rear panel D/A outputs,
allowing the D/A outputs to be set from the front
panel. This feature can be used to set the
reference frequency when using the internal
Channel 1 Display
The channel 1 outputs are summarized below. X
is equal to RcosØ where Ø is the phase shift of
the signal relative to the reference oscillator of the
display CH1 X
output expand? offset? (RCOSØ)
XNOISE X noise yes yes X+X
X5 X5 no adjust X+X
The EXPAND and OFFSET conditions for each
display are retained when the DISPLAY is
changed. Thus, when the DISPLAY is changed
from X to R, the EXPAND and OFFSET assume
the conditions set the last time the DISPLAY was
R. If the DISPLAY is changed back to X, the
EXPAND and OFFSET return to conditions set for
yes yes X+X
yes yes X
yes yes X+X
yes yes X+X
R Output
The magnitude, R, is given by the equation:
R = {(X+X
Note that the X and Y offsets affect the value of R
while the X and Y expands do not.
The magnitude output has a resolution of 12 bits
plus sign and is updated every 3.5 mS. To
achieve maximum accuracy, the magnitude should
be as large a fraction of full scale as possible.
R is expanded after the calculation. Thus, when R
is expanded, the full scale resolution drops by a
factor of 10 to about 9 bits.
)2 + (Y+Y
+ R
The left hand analog meter always displays the
CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT voltage. Accuracy is 2% of
full scale.
The CHANNEL 1 LCD display provides a read-out
of the displayed parameter in real units. The scale
of the displayed quantity is indicated by the three
scale LED's to the left of the display. This readout auto ranges and will reflect the sensitivity
added when the EXPAND function is on. When
displaying X5, the scale LED's are off and the
units are volts.
Rel Channel 1
Every time the REL key is pressed, the displayed
parameter is offset to zero. This is done by
loading the displayed parameter's offset with
minus one times the present output. If the output
is greater than 1.024 times full scale, the REL
function will not be able to zero the output. In this
case, the OFFSET ON LED will blink and the
offset value will be set to its maximum value.
The REL function and the manual OFFSET are
both ways to enter the offset value. After using
the REL key, the offset may be adjusted using the
manual OFFSET.
When the DISPLAY is X, X OFST, or X NOISE,
the REL key sets the X OFFSET (which affects
the X (RCOSØ) output). If XNOISE is being
displayed, the REL function zeroes X and the
noise output will require a few seconds to settle
When the DISPLAY is R or R OFST, the REL key
sets the R OFFSET.
Output Channel 1
The CHANNEL 1 output is available at the left
hand OUTPUT BNC connector. The output
parameter is selected by the DISPLAY setting and
can be X, X OFST, R (magnitude), R OFST, X NOISE, or X5 (external D/A). (Note that X5 is the
ratio output at power up. When displaying X5, the
ratio output is 10R/X1). All outputs are ±10V full
scale when the EXPAND is off. With the EXPAND
on, the output is multipled by 10 effectively
increasing the full scale sensitivity by 10. (X5 may
not be expanded). The output impedance is < 1Ω
and the output current is limited to 20 mA.
The REL key zeroes the X5 output when the
Offset Channel 1
The OFFSET buttons control the manual offset.
The offset is turned ON and OFF using the upper
key in the OFFSET section. When the offset is
ON, the lower two keys are used to set the amount
of offset. A single key press will advance the
offset by 0.025% of full scale. If the key is held
down, the offset advances in larger and larger
increments, the largest increment being 10% of full
scale. When the offset is turned OFF the applied
offset returns to zero but the offset value is not
lost. The next press of the upper offset key (return
to ON) sets the offset to the previously entered
If an attempt is made to advance the offset value
beyond full scale, the ON LED will blink. An offset
up to 1.024 times the full scale sensitivity may be
entered. When the EXPAND is on, this is 10X the
full scale output.
Note that the offsets (either manual offset or those
generated by the REL function) represent a
fraction of the full scale reading, and so their
absolute value will change when the sensitivity
scale is changed. A signal which has been nulled
by an offset will not be nulled when the sensitivity
scale is changed. The analog meter and the
output BNC indicate the same value given by the
= 10Ae(AvVicosØ+Vos) {if the output is X}
in magnitude to the selected sensitivity which is in
phase with the reference oscillator will generate a
10V output. The output impedance is <1Ω and the
output current is limited to 20 mA.
The X (RCOSØ) output is affected by the X offset
but may not be expanded. The X (RCOSØ) is not
affected by the DISPLAY setting except for two
cases. When the DISPLAY is set to X OFST, the
X (RCOSØ) output is the X offset. When the
DISPLAY is set to X NOISE, the X (RCOSØ)
output has a bandwidth equal to the ENBW (1 or
10 Hz) instead of the time constant.
Channel 2 Display
The channel 2 outputs are summarized below. Y
is equal to RsinØ where Ø is the phase shift of the
signal relative to the reference oscillator of the
Ae= 1 or 10 per the Expand
Av= 1/Sensitivity
Vi= magnitude of the signal
Ø= phase between signal & reference
Vos= offset (fraction of FS < 1.024)
When the DISPLAY is X, X OFST, or X NOISE,
the OFFSET keys adjust the X OFFSET (which
affects the X (RCOSØ) output). When the
DISPLAY is R or R OFST, the OFFSET keys
adjust the R OFFSET. When the DISPLAY is X5,
the OFFSET up and down keys set the output
voltage of D/A output X5 (also on the rear panel)
up to ±10.24 V. Adjusting X5 will cancel the
RATIO output.
Expand Channel 1
The output EXPAND is toggled by pressing the
key in the Channel 1 EXPAND section. The
expand status is indicated by the X10, expand on,
and the X1, expand off, LED's. Only the Channel
1 OUTPUT is affected, the X (RCOSØ) output is
not expanded.
display CH2Y
YNOISE Y noiseyesyesY+Y
X6X6noadjust Y+Y
The EXPAND and OFFSET conditions for each
display are retained when the DISPLAY is
changed. Thus, when the DISPLAY is changed
from Y to Ø, the EXPAND and OFFSET turn off. If
the DISPLAY is changed back to Y the EXPAND
and OFFSET return to conditions set for Y.
expand? offset? (RSINØ)
Ø Output
The phase, Ø, is given by the equation:
Ø = - tan-1 {(Y+Y
Note that the X and Y offsets affect the value of Ø
while the X and Y expands do not.
The X5 D/A output may not be expanded.
X (RCOSØ) Output
The analog output, X+X
(RCOSØ) BNC connector. An input signal equal
, is available at the X
The Phase Output voltage is 50 mV per degree
with a resolution of 2.5 mV or 1/20 of a degree.
The output range is from -180 to +180 degrees.
The phase output is updated every 3.5 mS. To
achieve maximum accuracy, the magnitude, R,
should be as large a fraction of full scale as
possible. If R is less than 0.5% of full scale, the
phase output defaults to zero degrees.
The Phase Output may not be expanded and the
OFFSET keys do not offset the Phase Output.
However, the Phase Output can be offset using
the Reference Phase shift.
The Reference Phase shift, which may be
adjusted via the phase controls in the reference
section, rotates the lock-in's internal coordinate
axes relative to the reference input. The Phase
Output is the phase difference between the signal
and the lock-in's coordinate system. For example,
if a signal exactly in phase with the reference input
is being measured and the Reference Phase shift
is zero, the Phase Output will be zero also. This is
because the lock-i n coordinate system is in phase
with the reference input and signal. If the
Reference Phase shift is set to +45 degrees, then
the lock-in coordinate system rotates to +45
degrees from the reference input. Thus, the
reference input is now at -45 degrees from the
lock-in coordinate axes. Since the reference and
signal are in phase, the signal is now at -45
degrees with respect to the lock-in coordinates
and the Phase Output will be -45 degrees.
The sum of the Reference Phase shift and the
Phase Output is the absolute phase difference
between the signal and the reference input.
Therefore, the Phase Output may be offset to zero
by adjusting the Reference Phase shift. This is
sometimes necessary when the Phase Output is
near 180 degrees and varies between +180 and 180 degrees.
Output Channel 2
The CHANNEL 2 output is available at the right
hand OUTPUT BNC connector. The output
parameter is selected by the DISPLAY setting and
can be Y, Y OFST, Ø (phase), Ø (phase), YNOISE, or X6 (ext D/A). All outputs are ±10V full
scale when the EXPAND is off. With the EXPAND
on, the output is multipled by 10, effectively
increasing the full scale sensitivity by 10. (Ø and
X6 may not be expanded). The Ø (phase) output
is 50 mV/deg (20 deg per Volt) up to ±9 V (±180
deg). The output impedance is <1Ω and the
output current is limited to 20 mA.
The right hand analog meter always displays the
CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT voltage. Accuracy is 2% of
full scale.
The CHANNEL2 LCD display provides a read-out
of the displayed parameter in real units. The scale
of the displayed quantity is indicated by the four
scale LED's to the right of the display. This readout auto ranges and will reflect the sensitivity
added when the EXPAND function is on. When
displaying X6, the scale LED's are off and the
units are volts.
Rel Channel 2
Every time the REL key is pressed, the displayed
parameter is offset to zero. This is done by
loading the displayed parameter's offset with
minus one times the present output. If the output
is greater than 1.024 times full scale, the REL
function will not be able to zero the output. In this
case, the OFFSET ON LED will blink and the
offset value will be set to its maximum value.
The REL function and the manual OFFSET are
both ways to enter the offset value. After using
the REL key, the offset may be adjusted using the
manual OFFSET.
When the DISPLAY is Y, Y OFST, or Y NOISE,
the REL key sets the Y OFFSET (which affects
the Y (RSINØ) output). If Y NOISE is being
displayed, the REL function zeroes Y and the
noise output will require a few seconds to settle
The REL key zeroes the X6 output when the
Auto Phase
When the DISPLAY is Ø (phase), the REL key
sets the Reference Phase Shift to the absolute
phase difference between the signal and the
reference. This is done by setting the Reference
Phase Shift to the sum of the Reference Phase
Shift and the present Phase Output. After autophase is performed, the Ø output will be 0 deg, R
will be unchanged, X will be maximized, and Y will
be minimized.
Offset Channel 2
The OFFSET section controls the manual offset.
The offset is turned ON and OFF using the upper
key in the OFFSET section. When the offset is
ON, the lower two keys are used to set the amount
of offset. A single key press will advance the
offset by 0.025% of full scale. If the key is held
down, the offset advances in larger and larger
increments, the largest increment being 10% of full
scale. When the offset is turned OFF the applied
offset returns to zero but the offset value is not
lost. The next press of the upper offset key (return
to ON) sets the offset to the previously entered
If an attempt is made to advance the offset value
beyond full scale, the ON LED will blink. An offset
up to 1.024 times the full-scale sensitivity may be
entered. When the EXPAND is on, this is 10X the
full scale output.
Note that the offsets (either manual offset or those
generated by the REL function) represent a
fraction of the full scale reading, and so their
absolute value will change when the sensitivity
scale is changed. A signal which has been nulled
by an offset will not be nulled when the sensitivity
scale is changed. The analog meter and the
output BNC indicate the same value given by the
= 10Ae(AvVisinØ+Vos) {if the output is Y}
Ae= 1 or 10 per the Expand
Av= 1/Sensitivity
Vi= magnitude of the signal
Ø= phase between signal & reference
Vos= offset (fraction of FS < 1.024)
Y (RSINØ) Output
The analog output, Y+Y
(RSINØ) BNC connector. An input signal equal in
magnitude to the selected sensitivity which is 90°
out of phase with the reference oscillator will
generate a 10V output. The output impedance is
<1Ω and the output current is limited to 20 mA.
The Y (RSINØ) output is affected by the Y offset
but may not be expanded. The Y (RSINØ) is not
affected by the DISPLAY setting except for two
cases. When the DISPLAY is set to Y OFST, the
Y (RSINØ) output is the Y offset. When the
DISPLAY is set to Y NOISE, the Y (RSINØ) output
has a bandwidth equal to the ENBW (1 or 10 Hz)
instead of the time constant.
, is available at the Y
Reference Input
The REFERENCE INPUT BNC is located in
REFERENCE INPUT section. The input is ac
coupled and the impedance is 1 MΩ. The dc
voltage at this input should not exceed 100 V and
the largest ac signal should be less than 10 V
Trigger Level
The TRIGGER MODE indicator toggles from
the TRIGGER MODE key is pressed.
When the DISPLAY is Y, Y OFST, or Y NOISE,
the OFFSET keys adjust the Y OFFSET (which
affects the Y (RSINØ) output). When the
DISPLAY is Ø, the OFFSET keys do nothin g.
When the DISPLAY is X6, the OFFSET up and
down keys set the output voltage of D/A output X6
(also on the rear panel) up to ±10.24V.
Expand Channel 2
The output EXPAND is toggled by pressing the
key in the Channel 2 EXPAND section. The
expand status is indicated by the X10, expand on,
and the X1, expand off, LED's. Only the Channel
2 OUTPUT is affected, the Y (RSINØ) output is
not expanded. Ø and X6 may not be expanded.
If the center TRIGGER MODE LED is on, the
mode is SYMMETRIC and the reference oscillator
will lock to the positive zero crossings of the ac
reference input. The ac signal must be symmetric
(e.g. sine wave, square wave, etc.) and have a
peak to peak amplitude greater than 100 mV. A
signal with 1 Vrms amplitude is recommended.
The phase accuracy of the reference channel is
specified for a 1Vrms sinewave in the symmetric
trigger mode.
If the upper TRIGGER MODE LED is on, the
mode is POSITIVE. The trigger threshold is +1V
and the reference oscillator will lock to the positive
going transitions of the reference input. This
mode triggers on the rising edges of a TTL type
pulse train. The pulse width must be greater than
1 µS.
If the lower TRIGGER MODE LED is on, the mode
is NEGATIVE. The trigger threshold is -1V and
the reference oscillator will lock to the negative
going transitions of the reference input. This
mode triggers on a negative pulse train or on the
falling edges of a TTL type pulse train
(remembering that the input is ac coupled). The
pulse width must be greater than 1 µS.
Reference Mode
The REFERENCE MODE indicator toggles
between f and 2f whenever the MODE key is
pressed. When the MODE is f, the lock-in will
detect signals at the reference input frequency.
When the MODE is 2f, the lock-in detects signals
at twice the reference input frequency. In either
case, the reference oscillator has a maximum
frequency of 100 KHz, thus, when in the 2f mode,
the reference input frequency may not exceed 50
Reference Display
either the reference oscillator frequency or phase
shift. The displayed parameter toggles between
the two whenever the SELECT key is pressed.
The appropriate scale indicator below the display
will be on. It is useful to check the frequency
display to verify that the lock-in has correctly
locked to your reference. The reference frequency
is measured to 1 part in 256 resolution at all
frequencies. The display reads .000 if there is no
reference input and 199.9 kHz if the input
frequency exceeds 105 kHz.
Phase Controls
The phase shift between the reference oscillator of
the lock-in and the reference input signal is set
using the four keys in the PHASE section. The
two keys below the FINE label inc r em ent the
phase setting in small amounts. A single key
press will change the phase by 0.025 degrees in
the desired direction. Holding the key down will
continue to change the phase with larger and
larger steps with the largest step being 10
degrees. The two 90° keys are used to change
the phase by 90 degree increments. The upper
key will add 90 degrees and the lower key will
subtract 90 degrees. Holding both keys down at
once sets the phase shift back to zero. The
displays the phase whenever any of the PHASE
keys are pressed. The phase ranges from -180
degrees to +180 degrees and is the phase delay
from the reference input signal.
Time Constant
There are two post demodulator low pass filters,
labeled PRE and POST. The PRE filter precedes
the POST filter in the output amplifier. Each filter
provides 6 dB/oct attenuation.
The PRE filter time constant ranges from 1 mS to
100 S and is selected by the two keys below the
PRE filter indicator LED's. Holding down either
key will advance the time constant four times a
second in the desired direction.
In many servo applications, no time constant is
needed. The SR530 may be modified to reduce
the output time constant to about 20 µS. Contact
the factory for details.
The POST filter time constant can be set to 1 S or
0.1 S, or can be removed altogether, NONE, using
the two keys below the ENBW indicators. When
set to NONE, the total attenuation is that of the
PRE filter, or 6 dB/oct. When the POST filter is 1
S or 0.1S, the total attenuation is 12 dB/oct for
frequency components beyond the larger of the
POST and PRE filter bandwidths (reciprocal time
Noise Measurements
When the DISPLAY is set to X NOISE Y NOISE,
none of the PRE and POST indicator LED's are
on. Instead, one of the two ENBW indic ators wil l
be on, showing the Equivalent Noise Bandwidth of
the rms noise calculation. The ENBW is set using
the keys below the ENBW indicator LED's (same
keys as used to set the POST filter). The PRE
filter keys do nothing in this case. Pressing the
upper key when the bandwidth is already 1 Hz will
reset the rms noise average (output) to zero,
restarting the calculation. Likewise with pressing
the lower key when 10 Hz is already selected.
The noise is the rms deviation of the output within
a 1 or 10 Hz equivalent noise bandwidth about the
reference frequency. A dc output does not
contribute to the noise, the noise is determined
only by the ac 'wiggles' at the output. By
measuring the noise at different frequ enci es , the
frequency dependence of the noise density can be
found. This usually has the form of v
The noise computation assumes that the noise
has a Gaussian distribution (such as Johnson
noise). Since the computation takes many time
constants (reciprocal ENBW), the noise output
noise ~
should be allowed to approach a steady value
before a reading is taken. For the 1 Hz ENBW,
this time is on the order of 15 to 30 seconds; for
the 10 Hz ENBW, the output stabilizes much
faster. The noise output will vary slightly since
there will always be noise variations that are slow
compared to the bandwidth. Any DC component
in the output will not contribute to the noise.
However, a large DC output will cause the noise
computation to initially rise to a large value before
approaching the final answer. As a result, the
computation will take longer to settle.
If the OVLD indicator is blinking four times a
second, then either the X or Y output is
overloaded and the corresponding noise
calculation should be ignored. If the OVLD LED is
on continuously, then the input signal is
overloading the ac amplifier or time constant
filters. In this case, both noise outputs will be
To obtain a value for the noise density, the noise
reading should be divided by the square root of
the ENBW. Thus, when the ENBW is 1 Hz, the
noise output is the noise density, and when the
ENBW is 10 Hz, the noise density is the noise
output divided by √10. For example, if the input
noise is measured to be 7 nV with the ENBW set
to 1 Hz, the noise density is 7 nV/√Hz. Switching
the ENBW to 10 Hz results in a faster
measurement and a reading of 22 nV on the
output. The noise density is 22 nV/√10 Hz or 7
nV/√Hz. At frequencies » 10 Hz, the noise density
should be independent of the ENBW.
This is the instrument's POWER switch. When the
power is turned off, the front panel settings are
retained so that the instrument will return to the
same settings when the power is next turned on.
The SR530 always powers up in the LOCAL
The D/A out puts X5 and X6 are not retained
during power off. X5 always becomes the RATIO
output at power on and X6 is always reset to zero.
the instrument. All displays return to normal after
3 seconds.
Local and Remote
When the instrument is programmed via the
computer interface to be in the REMOTE state
WITHOUT LOCK-OUT, the LOCAL key will return
the instrument to LOCAL front panel control. If
the instrument is in the REMOTE WITH LOCK-OUT state, no front panel key will return the status
to LOCAL. In this case, a RETURN TO LOCAL
command must be sent over the computer
interface or the power must be turned off and back
If the LOCAL key is held down when the POWER
is turned on, the instrument settings will be set to
the defaults shown below instead of the settings in
effect when the power was turned off.
OFFSETSOFF (value=0)
Whenever default values are used at power up,
the red ERR LED will turn on for about 3 seconds.
If the ERR LED is on when the instrument is
powered on without the LOCAL key down, then
the instrument is ignoring the retained settings.
This can be due to a low battery.
When the power is turned on, the CHANNEL 1
SERIAL NUMBER of the instrument and the
DIGITIAL DISPLAY shows the model number of
SR530 Guide to Operation
Current Available
Rear Panel
AC Power
The ac line voltage selector card, line fuse, and
line cord receptacle are located in the fuse holder
at the left side of the rear panel. See the section,
Preparation for Use at the front of this manual for
instructions on setting the ac voltage selector and
choosing the correct fuse.
GPIB Connector
The SR530 has an IEEE 488 (GPIB) interface built
in. The GPIB address is set using SW1 located to
the right of the interface connectors. Refer to
page 7 for switch setting details.
RS232 Connector
The SR530 has an RS232 interface. The
connector is configured as a DCE. The baud rate,
parity, stop bits, and echo mode are selected
using SW2 located to the right of the interface
connectors. Refer to Page 7 for switch setting
Signal Monitor Output
This BNC provides the buffered output of the
signal amplifiers and filters. This is the signal just
before the demodulator. The output impedance is
<1Ω. When a full scale input is applied, the peakto-peak amplitude at this output is 20 mV, 200 mV
or 2 V for dynamic reserve settings of high, norm,
and low, respectively.
Preamp Connector
This 9 pin "D" connector provides power and
control signals to external peripherals such as preamplifiers. The available power is described
1+20100 mA
2+510 mA
6-20100 mA
7Signal ground
8Digital ground
General Purpose A/D and D/A
There are four analog input ports, labele d X1
through X4. These inputs may be digitized and
read via the computer interfaces. The range is -
10.24 V to +10.24 V and the resolution is 2.5 mV.
The input impedance is 1 MΩ. A digitization can
be performed in about 3 mS but the result may
take longer to transmit over the interface being
There are two analog output ports, labele d X5 and
X6. The voltages at these ports may be
programmed via the computer interfaces. The
range is -10.24 V to +10.24 V and the resolution is
2.5 mV. The output impedance is <1Ω and the
output current is limited to 20 mA.
Output X5 is the ratio output when not
programmed by the computer interface or set via
the front panel. X5 becomes the ratio output
whenever the unit is turned on.
The voltage at X5 is the ratio of the Channel 1
Output to the analog voltage at port X1. An output
of 10 V corresponds to a ratio of 1. The ratio is
computed by digitizing the Channel 1 Output and
the voltage at port X1 and then taking the ratio.
The resolution is 2.5 mV. For best accuracy, the
sensitivity should be set to provide at least a 50%
full scale signal and the analog denominator (X1)
should be 5V or greater. The ratio is updated
approximately every 3 mS. For the Ratio feature
to work, the voltage at the denominator input must
exceed 40 mV.
When the DISPLAY is set to D/A, the ratio output
is 10 times the magnitude, R, divided by X1.
Internal Oscillator
controlled oscillator with a sine wave output . To
use the oscillator as the reference source, connect
the REF OUTPUT on the rear panel to the REF
INPUT on the front panel. The REF OUTPUT is a
1 Vrms sine wave. The SINE OUTPUT may be
used as the stimulus to the experiment. The SINEOUTPUT can be set to three amplitudes, 1 V, 100
mV, and 10 mV (rms) using the amplitude switch.
The output impedance is 600Ω. The AMP CAL
screw adjusts the amplitude.
The oscillator frequency is controlled by the VCOINPUT voltage. A voltage from 0V to 10V will
adjust the frequency according to the VCORANGE selected. Three ranges are available, 1
Hz/V, 100 Hz/V, and 10 KHz/V. The input
impedance is 10 kΩ. The FREQUENCY CAL
screw adjusts the frequency.
There are four ways to set the frequency:
1) Connect X5 or X6 (D/A outputs) to the VCOINPUT. The frequency can now be set from the
front panel by setting the DISPLAY to D/A and
adjusting X5 or X6. The frequency is also
controllable via the computer interfaces by
programming X5 or X6.
2) If the VCO INPUT is left open, then the
oscillator will run at the top of its range (i.e. 10 Hz,
1 KHz, or 100 KHz).
3) A 10 KΩ potentiometer may be connected from
the VCO INPUT to ground. This pot will then set
the frequency.
4) Connect the VCO INPUT to an external voltage
source which can provide 0 to 10V.
In all four cases, if the REF OUTPUT is connected
to the REFERENCE INPUT on the front panel, the
frequency may be read on the front panel
computer interfaces.
SR530 Guide to
An example of a multiple command is:
G 5; T 1,4; P 45.10 <cr>
The SR530 Lock-in Amplifier is remotely
programmable via both RS232 and GPIB
interfaces. It may be used with laboratory
computers or simply with a terminal. All front
panel features (except signal input selection and
power) may be controlled and read via the
computer interfaces. The SR530 can also read
the analog outputs of other laboratory instruments
using its four general purpose analog input ports.
There are also two programmable analo g outpu t
ports available to provide general purpose control
Communicating with the SR530
Before using either the RS232 or GPIB interface,
the appropriate configuration switches need to be
set. There are two banks of 8 switches, SW1 and
SW2, located on the rear panel. SW1 sets the
GPIB address and SW2 sets the RS232
parameters. The configuration switches are read
continuously and any changes will be effective
immediately. For details on switch settings, see
page 7 at the front of this manual.
Command Syntax
Communications with the SR530 use ASCII
characters. Commands to the SR530 may be in
either UPPER or lower case.
It is not necessary to wait between commands.
The SR530 has a command input buffer of 256
characters and processes the commands in the
order received. Likewise, the SR530 has an
output buffer (for each interface) of 256
In general, if a command is sent without
parameters, it is interpreted as a request to read
the status of the associated function or setting.
Values returned by the SR530 are sent as a string
of ASCII characters terminated usually by carriage
return, line-feed. For example, after the above
command is sent, the following read commands
would generate the responses shown below.
Command Response from the SR530
G <cr>5<cr><lf>
T 1 <cr>4<cr><lf>
P <cr>45.10<cr><lf>
The choice of terminating characters sent by the
SR530 is determined by which interface is being
used and whether the 'echo' feature is in use. The
terminating sequence for the GPIB interface is
always <cr><lf> (with EOI). The default sequence
for RS232 is <cr> when the echo mode is off, and
<cr><lf> when the echo mode is on. The
terminating sequence for the RS232 interface may
be changed using the J command.
A command to the SR530 consists of one or two
command letters, arguments or parameters if
necessary, and an ASCII carriage return (<cr>) or
line-feed (<lf>) or both. The different parts of the
command do not need to be separated by spaces.
If spaces are included, they will be ignored. If
more than one parameter is required by a
command, the parameters must be separated by
a comma. Examples of commands are:
G 5 <cr>set the sensitivity to 200 nV
T 1,4 <cr> set the pre filter to 30 mS
F <cr>read the reference frequency
P 45.10 <cr>set phase shift to 45.10¡
X 5,-1.23E-1 <cr>set port X5 to -0.123 V
Multiple commands may be sent on a single line.
The commands must be separated by a semicolon
(;) character. The commands will not be executed
until the terminating carriage return is sent.
Note that the terminating characters are sent with
each value returned by the SR530. Thus, the
response to the command string G;T1;P<cr> while
using the RS232 non-echo mode would be
Front Panel Status LED's
The ACT LED flashes whenever the SR530 is
sending or receiving characters over the computer
The ERR LED flashes whenever an error has
occurred, such as, an illegal command has been
received, a parameter is out of range, or a
communication buffer has exceeded 240
characters. This LED flashes for about three
seconds on power-up if the battery voltage is
insufficient to retain previous instrument settings.
The REM LED is on whenever the SR530 is
programmed to be in the remote state.
RS232 Echo and No Echo
In order to allow the SR530 to be operated from a
terminal, an echo feature has been included which
causes the unit to echo back commands received
over the RS232 port. This feature is enabled by
setting switch 6 on SW2 to the DOWN position. In
this mode, the SR530 will send line-feeds in
addition to carriage returns with each value
returned and will also send the prompts 'OK>' and
'?>' to indicate that the previous command line
was either processed or contained an error.
Operating the SR530 from a terminal is an ideal
way to learn the commands and responses before
attempting to program a computer to control the
SR530. When the unit is controlled by a
computer, the echo feature should be turned off to
prevent the sending of spurious characters which
the computer is not expecting.
Try-Out with an ASCII Terminal
Before attempting any detailed programming with
the SR530, it is best to try out the commands
using a terminal. Connect a terminal with an
RS232 port to the RS232 connector on the rear
panel of the SR530. A 'straight' RS232 cable is
required since the SR530 is a DCE and the
terminal is a DTE. Set the baud rate, parity, and
stop bits to match the terminal by setting SW2 per
the switch setting table given on page 7. The
echo mode should be enabled (switch 6 DOWN).
After setting SW2 and connecting the terminal,
hold down the LOCAL key while turning the unit
on. This causes the SR530 to assume its default
settings so that the following discussion will agree
with the actual responses of the SR530. The ACT
and ERR LED's on the front panel will flash for a
second and the sign-on message will appear on
the terminal. Following the message, the prompt
'OK>' will be displayed. This indicates that the
SR530 is ready to accept commands.
DIGITAL DISPLAY. Typing the phase read
command, P<cr>, will now return the string 45.00
to the terminal.
Now read the gain using the sensitivity read
command, G<cr>. The response should be 24
meaning that the sensitivity is at the 24th setting or
500 mV. Change the sensitivity by typing
G19<cr>. The sensitivity should now be 10 mV.
Check the front panel to make sure this is so.
The Channel 1 Output of the lock-in is read by
typing the command, Q1<cr>. The response is a
signed floating point number with up to 5
significant digits plus a signed exponent. Change
the gain to 10 uV using the G10 command. The
response to the Q1 command will now be similar
to the previous one except that the exponent is
Attach a DC voltmeter to the X6 output on the rear
panel. The range should allow for 10V readings.
The voltage at the X6 output can be set using the
X6 command. Type X6,5.0<cr> and the X6 output
will change to 5.0V. To read this back to the
terminal, just type X6<cr>. When setting the X6
voltage, the voltage may be sent as an integer (5),
real (5.000), or floating point (0.500E1) number.
Now connect the X6 output to the X1 input (a ls o
on the rear panel). X1 through X4 are analog
input ports. To read the voltage on X1, simply
type X1<cr>. The response 5.000 should appear
on the terminal. The analog ports X1 through X6
can be used by your computer to read outputs of
other instruments as well as to control other
laboratory parameters.
At this point, the user should experiment with a
few of the commands. A detailed command list
Type the letter 'P' followed by a carriage return
(P<cr>). The SR530 responds by sending to the
terminal the characters 0.00 indicating that the
phase is set to 0 degrees. In general, a command
with no arguments or parameters reads a setting
of the unit. To set the phase to 45 degrees, type
the command, P45<cr>. To see that the phase
did change, use the SELECT key on the front
panel to display the phase on the REFERENCE
SR530 Command List
The leading letters in each command sequence
specify the command. The rest of the sequence
consists of parameters. Multiple parameters are
separated by a comma. Those parameters shown
in {} are optional while those without {} are
required. The variables m and n represent
integers while v represents a real number.
Parameters m and n must be expressed in integer
format while v may be in integer, real, or floating
point format.
The A command causes the auto offset (rel)
function to execute. Auto offset is performed by
reading the output and using that value as the
appropriate offset. Every time an "AX" command
is received, the auto offset function is executed on
the X output. The "AY" command auto offsets the
Y output. The "AR" command auto offsets the R
output. Note that "AX" and "AY" will affect the R
output but "AR" will not affect X and Y. The "AP"
command will execute the auto-phase routine.
This is done by setting the reference phase shift
with the present phase difference between the
signal and the reference input. The ¯ output then
reads zero and the reference display reads the
signal phase shift. "AP" maximizes X and
minimizes Y but R is unaffected. The A
commands may be issued at any time, regardless
of the DISPLAY setting.
B {n}
If n is "1", the B command sets the bandpass filter
in. If n is "0", the bandpass filter is taken out. If n
is absent, then the bandpass filter status is
C {n}
If n is "1", the C command sets the reference LCD
display to show the phase setting. If n is "0", the
LCD will display the reference frequency. If n is
absent, the parameter being displayed (frequency
or phase) is returned. Note that the P and F
commands are used to read the actual values of
the phase and frequency.
D {n}
If n is included, the D command sets the dynamic
reserve. If n is absent, the dynamic reserve
setting is returned.
Note that not all dynamic reserve settings are
allowed at every sensitivity.
E m {,n}
The E command sets and reads the status of the
output expands. If m is "1", then Channel 1 is
selected, if m is "2", Channel 2 is selected. The
parameter m is required. If n is "1", the E
command expands the selected output channel. If
n is "0", the expand is turned off for the selected
channel. If n is absent, the expand status of the
selected channel is returned. Note that the
expands do not affect the X and Y BNC outputs,
only the Channel 1 and 2 outputs.
The F command reads the reference frequency.
For example, if the reference frequency is 100 Hz,
the F command returns the string "100.0". If the
reference frequency is 100.0 kHz, the string
"100.0E+3" is returned. The F command is a read
only command.
G {n}
If n is included, the G command sets the gain
(sensitivity). If n is absent, the gain setting is