Stanford Research Systems SIM954 Operation And Service Manual

Operation and Service Manual
Stanford Research Systems
300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
Revision 1.01 February 4, 2010
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Copyrightc Stanford Research Systems, Inc., 2008 – 2010. All rights reserved.
Stanford Research Systems, Inc. 1290–D Reamwood Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Phone: (408) 744-9040 Fax: (408) 744-9049 e-mail:
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
General Information iii
Safety and Preparation for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
1 Operation 1 – 1
1.1 Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 –2
1.2 Operation Inside the SIM900 Mainframe . . . . . . . . 1 – 2
1.3 Operation Using an External Power Supply . . . . . . 1 – 3
1.4 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 3
2 General properties 2 – 1
2.1 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 2
2.2 AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 4
2.3 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– 8
2.4 Crosstalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– 9
2.5 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 10
2.6 Power Supply and Thermal Considerations . . . . . . 2– 12
3 Application notes 3 – 1
3.1 Resistive Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 2
3.2 Capacitive Load Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 3
3.3 Inductive Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 5
3.4 Transformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3– 8
3.5 Load Impedance Matching Examples . . . . . . . . . 3 – 10
3.6 Bridge Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 –11
3.7 Typical Application: a High Voltage Isolated, Low
Noise, DC-DC Converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 12
3.8 Common Mode EMI/EMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 – 16
3.9 Overdrive Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3– 18
3.10 Miscellaneous Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3– 20
4 Calibration 4 – 1
4.1 Getting Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 – 1
4.2 Oset Voltage and Input Bias Current . . . . . . . . . 4 – 1
ii Contents
5 Circuitry 5 – 1
5.1 Circuit Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – 2
5.2 Parts Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 –4
5.3 Schematic Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 – 7
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
General Information
The SIM954 300 MHz Amplifier, part of Stanford Research Systems’ Small Instrumentation Modules family, is a dual, inverting, precision wideband amplifier with up to ±10 V output voltage and 1 A output current.
The module can be used to drive many types of light laboratory loads which exceed the capacity of typical instrument outputs without imposing the limitations and cost of typical high power RF amplifiers.
Safety and Preparation for Use
The front-panel BNCs are all grounded to Earth ground, the power­line-outlet ground, and the metal chassis of the module. No danger­ous voltages are generated by the SIM954. However, if a dangerous voltage is externally applied to the module, it may be present on all BNC connectors, the chassis, the SIM interface connector, and may cause injury or death.
The SIM954 is a single-wide module designed to be used inside the SIM900 Mainframe. Do not turn on the power until the module is completely inserted into the mainframe and locked in place.
iv General Information
Performance Characteristics
Property Min Typ Max Remarks Gain 4 (12dB) 3% max. gain error
-3dB Bandwidth 300 MHz small signal Gain Flatness 1 dB DC to gain peak
Slew Rate 4000 Vs Output Amplitude 10 V into 50 Peak Output Current 1 A into 7 Average Output Current 500 mA one channel or sum of both channels Output Impedance 3.3 Input Impedance 50 Input Oset Voltage 1 mV user trimmable Input Bias Current 10 µA user trimmable Operating Temperature 0 40◦C Power Supply Voltages 15 V,+15V Supply Current ±1 A Internally current limited
1.2 : 1 DC to 100 MHz
1.6 : 1 DC to 300 MHz
70dB Output to input DC to 1MHz
40dB Output to input DC to 300MHz
60 dB at 1 MHz
40 dB full BW
Table 1: SIM954 Specifications
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
1 Operation
In This Chapter
Following is a short overview on general guidelines for the operation of the SIM954.
1.1 Quick Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 2
1.2 Operation Inside the SIM900 Mainframe . . . . . . . 1– 2
1.3 Operation Using an External Power Supply . . . . . 1 – 3
1.4 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 3
1.4.1 SIM Interface Connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 – 4
1.4.2 Direct Interfacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1– 5
1 – 1
1 – 2 Operation
1.1 Quick Start
The SIM954 contains two mostly independent, identical small RF power amplifiers with a gain of 4 (12dB) into 50and a 3dB bandwidth of 300MHz. The output voltage limit of ±10V can be achieved with a modest ±2.5V input voltage, so most test equipment can drive a SIM954 channel to its voltage and power limits.
The module was specifically designed to drive laboratory loads like magnetic coils, capacitors, piezoelectric and electrochemical cells, small motors, heaters etc.. While these loads often require currents and voltages beyond the range of many test instruments, driving them with expensive and bulky power amplifiers generally does not represent a satisfactory and ecient solution.
Unlike many power amplifiers, the SIM954 can operate as a precise DC amplifier, wideband RF amplifier and driver stage for dicult passive loads like ceramic capacitors and high Q resonant circuits. It will stay unconditionally stable under a variety of load conditions, and its specifications will deteriorate in a predictable manner.
The two otherwise independent amplifier channels share a common power supply and are limited by the total power consumption per­missible for a single wide SIM module. See section 2.6 on page 2 – 12 for further discussion.
1.2 Operation Inside the SIM900 Mainframe
The SIM954 is primarily designed to work inside a SIM900 main­frame. Like all other SIM modules, it should not be hot-plugged or removed under power.
Because of their higher current requirements, the number of SIM954 operated in a single SIM900 mainframe should be limited to a max­imum of four. The modules should be separated by at least one slot from each other, and any other module next to a SIM954 should not have an increased power consumption itself.
SIM modules with higher power consumption, like the SIM965 Ana­log Filter and the SIM940 Rubidium Frequency Standard, should not be operated next to a SIM954 .
Running at its power limit, a SIM954 can heat up to approximately 50◦C. Some low power SIM modules like the SIM928 Battery Isolated Voltage Source (because of its temperature sensitive NiMH batteries), can not tolerate these temperatures and should not be operated in a slot next to a SIM954 .
Precision SIM modules like the SIM910 and SIM911 Preamplifiers,
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
1.3 Operation Using an External Power Supply 1 – 3
the SIM918 Precision Current Amplifier, the SIM921 AC Resistance Bridge, the SIM922 and SIM923 Temperature Monitor modules and the SIM970 Quad Voltmeter might show increased temperature drift when operated close to a SIM954 amplifier and would likely benefit from being thermally isolated from a SIM954.
As with any other power amplifier, loads should be connected and discon­nected with the amplifier powered down to ensure safe operating conditions for the SIM954 and the load.
Loads should be checked for their ability to handle the voltage, cur­rent and power output limits of the SIM954 .
Many BNC style 50 loads, terminators and attenuators, power split­ters, mixers, etc., are at risk of being damaged by a SIM954 if no further precautions against overload are taken.
1.3 Operation Using an External Power Supply
Unlike other SIM modules, the SIM954 has additional power supply filtering and protection against inverse polarity conditions and is therefor somewhat more forgiving when used with custom power supplies. A well regulated, low noise, bipolar power source with ±15 V, ±1 A output current can be used to power a SIM954 module.
1.4 Interfaces
As with any product that relies on external power, the user is responsible to ensure that the supply never exceeds the maximum operating voltage, that short circuit currents are limited, and that thermal overload is avoided.
Any SIM954 used outside of a mainframe should be kept in a well controlled thermal environment where none of the ventilation slots are covered and the sides are at least one inch away from any other surface.
In this manual it is assumed that the SIM954 is used inside a SIM900 Mainframe. The specifications of the module always refer to use inside a SIM900 mainframe.
There are a total of four BNCs on the SIM954 front panel. The upper two are the input and output of Channel 1, and the lower two are the input and output of Channel 2. The front panel calls out the input impedance of 50 , the output impedance of 3.3 and the nominal gain of 4 (12 dB) into a 50 terminated load.
Each channel has an overload indicator, and there is a single ”On” LED on the front panel to indicate that operating voltage is applied to the module. This is useful when the module is used outside of the
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
1 – 4 Operation
SIM900 mainframe. The ”On” LED does not indicate, however, that the power supply voltage is correct and the power source has su­cient output current to power the module under all load conditions.
1.4.1 SIM Interface Connector
The DB–15 SIM interface connector carries all the power and commu­nications lines to the instrument. The connector signals are specified in Table 1.1.
There is no microcontroller inside the SIM954 and the module does not communicate over its serial port. However, the status/service re­quest line (-STATUS) serves as an indicator for an overload condition which can be detected by the mainframe or the user. This signal will be pulled to ground during an overload condition. The duration of the pull-down state is approximately the same as the on-time of the front–panel overload LED (approximately 0.5s).
All other RS-232 signals are unused.
Pin Signal Src Dest Description
1 SIGNAL GND MF SIM Ground reference for signal 2 STATUS SIM MF Status/service request (GND = asserted, +5 V= idle)
(Overload condition indicator)
3 RTS MF SIM HW Handshake (+5 V= talk; GND = stop)(No con-
nection in SIM954)
4 CTS SIM MF HW Handshake (+5 V= talk; GND = stop)(No con-
nection in SIM954) 5 REF 10MHZ MF SIM 10 MHz reference (No connection in SIM954) 6 5 V MF SIM Power supply (No connection in SIM954) 7 15 V MF SIM Power supply 8 PS RTN MF SIM Power supply return 9 CHASSIS GND Chassis ground
10 TXD MF SIM Async data (start bit = “0”= +5 V; “1” = GND) (No
connection in SIM954)
11 RXD SIM MF Async data (start bit = “0”= +5 V; “1” = GND) (No
connection in SIM954)
12 +REF 10MHz MF SIM 10 MHz reference (No connection in SIM954) 13 +5 V MF SIM Power supply (No connection in SIM954) 14 +15 V MF SIM Power supply 15 +24 V MF SIM Power supply (No connection in SIM954))
Table 1.1: SIM Interface Connector Pin Assignments, DB-15
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
1.4 Interfaces 1 – 5
1.4.2 Direct Interfacing
The SIM954 is intended for operation in the SIM900 Mainframe, but users may wish to directly interface the module to their own systems without the use of the mainframe.
The mating connector needed is a standard DB–15 receptacle, such as Tyco part # 747909–2 (or equivalent). Clean, well-regulated supply voltages of 15 and +15VDC must beprovided, following the pin-out specified in Table 1.1. Ground must be provided on pins 1 and 8, with chassis ground on pin 9. The STATUS signal may be monitored on pin 2 for a low-going TTL-compatible output indicating an overload condition.
The SIM954 has internal protection against reverse polarity, but there is no overvoltage protection on these power supply pins.
The power supply must be able to provide both supply voltages simultaneously at 1A load without significant dropout.
Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to malfunction and possibly destruction or lasting deterioration of the module’s performance.
The SIM954 may present a significant reverse current into the power supply when turned oor when subjected to faulty load conditions. Other loads on the same power supply can be put at risk by this behavior, and if necessary, additional isolation and protection in the form of reverse diodes, zener overvoltage protection diodes, and voltage regulators has to be established.
The SIM954 power is internally well filtered, but it is recommended to use another set of RF beads and ceramic filter capacitors directly on the DB–15 receptacle in noise sensitive environments.
This is a standard measure for all RF amplifiers and is especially important with an RF module like the SIM954 which can deliver up to 1A of output current.
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
1 – 6 Operation
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
2 General properties
In This Chapter
In this chapter general properties of the SIM954 are being discussed.
2.1 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 2
2.1.1 DC Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 2
2.1.2 Gain Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– 2
2.1.3 Oset Voltage and Input Oset Current . . . . 2 – 2
2.2 AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 4
2.2.1 Input Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– 4
2.2.2 AC Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 5
2.3 Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2– 8
2.4 Crosstalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 9
2.5 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 – 10
2.6 Power Supply and Thermal Considerations . . . . . 2 – 12
2 – 1
2 – 2 General properties
2.1 DC Characteristics
Unlike most medium and high frequency amplifiers, the SIM954 does not compromise DC and low frequency properties to achieve its performance at high frequencies. It behaves very much like an ideal amplifier with finite output resistance for a wide range of loads and operating conditions.
2.1.1 DC Gain
The DC gain of each SIM954 channel is 4 or (12 dB) into 50 . This gain is load dependent. Since the amplifier has an output resistance of 3.3 , the following formula describes the eective gain for a given resistive load:
) = 4.264 ×
In particular, an unterminated SIM954 will have a DC gain of 4.264 (12.6 dB), which is 6.6% higher than the nominal terminated gain.
If the SIM954 is used to drive a 75 system, the expected DC gain is Gain(75 ) = 4.084 (12.2 dB).
+ 3.3
2.1.2 Gain Error
The typical gain error of a SIM954 channel is approximately 1%, and the worst case error can be up to ±3%. With exception of a few applications, even the worst case gain error is of little consequence.
Gain errors need to be considered when two or more SIM 954 chan­nels are connected in parallel. The two amplifiers can dier by up to 6% in their absolute DC gain, and for 10 V output amplitude this is equivalent to a 0.6 V output voltage dierence.
Since this voltage dierence appears across the two 3.3 output resistors, a current of up to 0.6 V/6.6 90 mA can flow between the two amplifier outputs reducing the static SIM954 current limit of 500 mA by approximately 18%.
The majority of amplifiers will have lower gain errors and the stan­dard deviation for the cross current is only 30 mA under mentioned circumstances.
2.1.3 Offset Voltage and Input Offset Current
With a factory calibrated input oset voltage of less than 1 mV and an input oset current of less than 10 µA, a DC precision of better than 2 mV (input referenced) can be achieved in 50 systems.
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
2.1 DC Characteristics 2 – 3
Users who wish to re-calibrate the input oset voltage and the input oset current can use the procedure described in Chapter 4. De­pending on the temperature range the SIM954 is exposed to, this procedure may slightly improve the input oset voltage.
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
2 – 4 General properties
Frequency [MHz]
Input Impedance
2.2 AC Characteristics
2.2.1 Input Characteristics
The SIM954 has outstanding AC input characteristics up to about 100 MHz with input VSWR not excedding 1.2 : 1. Between 100 MHz and 300 MHz, the amplifier’s input impedance falls to a minimum of 30 and a worst case VSWR of 1.6 : 1. At the worst frequency, which is just slightly above the 3 dB point, the input has a 0.25 re­flection coecient or 12 dB return loss. Since the non-ideal input
Figure 2.1: Typical SIM954 input impedance
impedance will reflect part of the incoming signal energy at high fre­quencies, it is necessary to either terminate the source output or keep the cable to the SIM954 input short. To maintain the best possible pulse response at 300 MHz (λ
= 0.67m = 26”) the maximal cable
length is 8.3 cm or 3.3”, which is a λ/8 cable.
Short cables are especially important when two or more SIM954 channels are being connected in series because the driving SIM954 channel is not terminated. While two SIM954’s connected in series by a 4” cable will still have an acceptable pulse response, the same combination used with 12” cables will exhibit significant ringing due to cable reflections.
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
2.2 AC Characteristics 2 – 5
Frequency [MHz]
Figure 2.2: Typical SIM954 input VSWR
If optimal response at the end of an electrically long cable driven by a nonideal source is of importance, an input attenuator can be used to optimize the amplifier’s input impedance near the upper end of its frequency range. By trading gain flatness against absolute gain, satisfactory results can usually be achieved even with electrically long cables.
2.2.2 AC Gain
The typical AC gain is very flat up to about 10 MHz and will exhibit variations of ±0.2 dB up to 100 MHz. Beyond 100 MHz the gain will slightly peak (< 1 dB or 12% in amplitude). Beyond the peak it will fall oand reach its 3 dB point at about 300 MHz.
These gain variations depend on the internal compensation of the op-amps (which are production lot dependent) and the tolerances of the gain setting resistors in the SIM954 . Since the THS3091 op-amps used in this module are transimpedance types, the gain peaking and the 3 dB point are controlled by the feedback resistor.
The curves shown are based on a randomly chosen SIM954 prototype and are characteristic for the product. However, SRS does not test for the worst gain variation with a precision that resembles the plots
SIM954 300 MHz Dual Inverting Driver Amplifier
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