Safety and Preparation for Usev
Quick-Start Instructionsvi
DG535 Specificationsvii
Abridged GPIB Command Listviii
Error Status Byte Definitionix
Instrument Status Byte Definitionix
Front Panel Features1
Power Button1
Liquid Crystal Display1
Menu Keys1
Data Entry Keys1
Trigger Status LED's1
Delay Outputs1
Pulse Outputs2
Option 06 - Trigger Inhibit Input2
Table of Contents
Rear Panel Features2
Power Entry Module2
IEEE-488 Standard Port2
10.000 MHz Reference2
Option 02 - ±35 Volt Rear Panel Outputs3
Front Panel Programming3
Trigger Menu4
Trigger Submenus4
Trigger Tricks4
Delay Menus5
Output Menus5
AB and CD Outputs6
GPIB Menus6
Store and Recall Menus7
Timebase Drift8
Channel to Channel Interaction8
Time Delay vs Repetition9
Detailed Command List10
Initialization Commands10
Status Commands10
Error Status Byte Definition10
Instrument Status Byte Definition11
Display Control Commands12
Delay and Output Commands14
Output Control14
Trigger Commands15
Store and Recall Commands16
Microprocessor System22
IEEE-488 Interface22
Keypad and LED Indicators22
LCD Display22
Output Ports on the Top PCB22
Output Ports on the Bottom PCB22
Port Address Decoding23
Input Ports23
Digital to Analog Converter24
Frequency Synthesizer24
Line Trigger24
Trigger Selection24
Trigger Circuits25
Trigger Sequence25
Overview of the Delay Channels25
Jitter Compensation26
Jitter Precharge and Sample & Hold26
The T0 Delay27
Channel A's Digital Delay27
Analog Delays27
Reset Cycle and Status Bits28
Top PCB32
Bottom PCB32
Front PCB37
Optional Outputs PC Board37
Miscellaneous and Chassis Assembly38
Top PCB39
Bottom PCB40
Front PCB41
Optional Outputs PCB41
Sheet #1 Microprocessor System, GPIB and Digital I/O
Sheet #2 Slow Counter/Timers
Sheet #3 Trigger Status and Reset Sequence
Sheet #4 Rate Generators
Sheet #5 Power Supply and Dropout Detection
Sheet #6 System Connectors and Polarity Control
Bottom PCB
Sheet #1 Trigger Circuit and Gated 80 MHz
Sheet #2 10 MHz Reference and 80 MHz PLL
Sheet #3 Jitter Compensation
Sheet #4 ECL Counters and Resync Circuits
Sheet #5 T0 Analog Delay and Output Driver
Sheet #6 A Analog Delay and Output Driver
Sheet #7 B Analog Delay and Output Driver
Sheet #8 C Analog Delay and Output Driver
Sheet #9 D Analog Delay and Output Driver
Sheet #10 AB & CD Gate Output Drivers
Sheet #11 Digital to Analog Converter and Multiplexer
Sheet #12 Power Regulators
Front PCB
Optional Outputs PCB
Table of Figures
Figure - 1 DG535 Rear PanelPage - 2
Figure - 2 DG535 Front PanelPage - 3
Figure - 3 Maximum Error vs. Time DelayPage - 6
Figure - 4 Apparent (Peak To Peak) Jitter and RMS JitterPage - 7
Figure - 5 RMS JitterPage - 8
Figure - 6 DG535 Block DiagramPage - 30
Figure - 7 DG535 Timing DiagramPage - 31
Figure - 8 Top PC LayoutPage - 39
Figure - 9 Bottom PC LayoutPage - 40
Figure - 10Front PC LayoutPage - 41
Figure - 11Optional Outputs PC LayoutPage - 41
Figure - 12Fast Transition-Time ModulesPage - 42
Figure - 13Fast 2 Volt Output StepPage - 44
This instrument may be damaged if it is
operated with the LINE VOLTAGE
SELECTOR set for the wrong ac line voltage
or if the wrong fuse is installed.
The DG535 operates from a 100V, 120V,
220V or 240V (50 or 60 Hz) ac power source.
Before applying a power source, verify that
the line voltage selector card (located in the
rear panel power entry module) is in the
correct position. The selected voltage may be
seen through the clear window by viewing the
power entry module from below.
To change the line voltage selection, remove
the line cord, slide the window to the right,
and pull the "fuse pull" lever out. Verify that
the correct fuse is installed for the ac line
voltage: 1 Amp for 100 or 120V, and 1/2 Amp
for 220 or 240V. Pull out the line voltage
selector card with a pair of needle nose pliers,
and insert it with the correct line voltage
facing the bottom of the instrument and
towards the line cord. Verify that the correct
line voltage can be seen through the slot that is
just above thefuse holder. Push the fuse holder
back in, and install the correct fuse. Slide the
window to the left, and replace the line cord.
The DG535 uses a three wire power cord for
connection to the power source and to a
protective ground. The exposed metal parts of
the instrument are connected to the outlet
ground: to protect against electrical shock,
always use an outlet which has a properly
connected protective ground.
To avoid shock or injury do not remove
product covers or panels. Do not operate the
product without all covers and panels in place.
All front panel BNC shields are connected to
the chassis ground and to the power outlet
ground via the power cord. Do not apply any
voltage to either the shields or to the outputs.
The outputs are not protected against
connection to any potential other than ground.
(1) Make certain that the correct line voltage is selected on the rear panel.
(2) Press the power button "in" to turn on the unit.
(3) Press the RECALL Menu key, the "0" digit, and the EXC key in sequence to
recall default settings.
(4) Press the left cursor key (<) twice to select internal trigger.
(5) Trigger the oscilloscope on the rising edge of T0's output, and display A's
output on the 1µs/div scale.
(6) Press the DELAY Menu key and use the cursor keys to change the A delay
from 0.0 seconds.
(7) If you ever change the OUTPUT Menu, be sure to specify the correct
load impedance.
(8) If you have problems, read the detailed descriptions and troubleshooting
sections that follow.
DELAYSChannelsFour independent delay outputs : A, B, C and D
Range0 to 999.999,999,999,995 seconds
Resolution5 ps
Accuracy 1500 ps + timebase error x delay
TimebaseStandard: 25 ppm crystal oscillator
RMS JitterExt Trig to any output: 60 ps + delay x 10-8
T0 to any output: 50 ps + delay x 10-8
Trig Delay Ext Trig to T0 output : 85 ns
INTERNAL RATE GENERATORRateSingle shot, .001 Hz to 1.000 MHz, or Line
Resolution0.001 Hz below 10 Hz, otherwise 4 digits
AccuracySame as timebase
Jitter 1:10,000
Settling<2 seconds for any rate change
Burst Mode2 to 32766 pulses per burst at integer multiples
(4 to 32767) of the trigger period
INPUTSExternal Trigger Rate: dc to 1/( 1 µ s + longest delay)
Threshold:±2.56 Vdc
Slope: Tr igger on rising or fal ling edge
Impedance: 1 MΩ + 40 pF or 50Ω
Option 06TTL front panel trigger inhibit input.
OUTPUTST0, A, B, C, D, AB, -AB, CD and -CD
Load50Ω or high impedance
Risetime2 to 3 ns (typical)
Slew Rate1 Volt/ ns
Overshoot<100mV + 10% of pulse amplitude
LevelsTTL: 0 to 4 Vdc, normal or inverted
ECL: -1.8 to -.8 Vdc, normal or inverted
NIM: -.8 to 0 Vdc, normal or inverted
VAR: Adjustable offset and amplitude
between -3 and +4 Vdc with 4V
maximum step size
Accuracy 50 mV + 3% of pulse amplitude
Option 02Rear panel T0, A, B, C, D outputs for 1µs
pulses, amplitudes typically x8 of corresponding front
outputs at 1kHz rep. rate. Output level is reduced by
2V/mA of additional average output current.
SH1, AH1, T6, TE0, L4, LEO, SR1, RL1, PP0, DC1, DT1, C0 and E1.
256 characters are remembered in the command buffer.
All instrument functions and settings may be controlled over the
interface bus.
GENERAL Dimensions: 14" x 8.5" x 4.75"
Weight: 10 lbs
Power: 70 Watts from 100, 120, 220, or 240 Vac
Warranty: One year parts and labor on materials and workmanship.
CLClear instrument
GT{i}{,j}{,k} Specify one to three ASCII codes which will terminate each response from the DG535
ESReturns the Error Status byte
ES iReturns bit i of the Error Status Byte
ISReturns the Instrument Status byte
IS iReturns bit i of the Instrument Status Byte
SM {i}Set Status Mask for service request to i.
DL {i,j,k}Select Display Line to menu i, submenu j, line k.
CS {i}Set Cursor Mode (i=0) or Number mode (i=1)
SC {i}Move cursor to column i= 0 to 19
MC iMove cursor left (i=0) or right (i=1)
IC iIncrement (i=1) or decrement (i=0) the digit at the current cursor location.
DS string Display a string of 1-20 characters. Do not use spaces (use_underline_instead) or
DSClear Display String
DT i{,j,t}Delay Time of channel i is set to t seconds relative to channel j. Example:
DT 3,2,1.2E-6 will set B=A+000.000,001,200,000 seconds
TZ i{,j}Set the Termination Impedance (Z). Output i is configured to drive a 50Ω load (j=0)
or a high-Z load (j=1)
OM i{,j}Set Output i to Mode j where j=0,3 for TTL, NIM, ECL, or VARiable.
OA i{,v}Output amplitude of output i is set to v Volts if in the VARiable mode
OO i{,v}Output Offset of output i is set to v Volts if in the VARiable mode
OP i{,j}Output Polarity of channel i is inverted (j=0) or normal (j=1) for TTL, ECL or NIM.
TM {i}Set Trigger Mode to Int, Ext, SS or Burst (i=0,1,2,3)
TR i{,f}Set Int Trigger Rate (i=0) or Burst Trigger Rate (i=1) to f Hz.
TZ 0{,j}Set Trigger input impedance to 50Ω (i=0) or to high impedance (j=1)
TL {v}Set External Trigger Level to v Volts.
TS {i}Trigger Slope set to falling (i=0) or Rising Edge (i=1)
SSSingle-Shot trigger if Trigger Mode = 2
BC {i}Burst Count of i (2 to 32766) pulses per burst
BP {i}Burst period of i (4 to 32766) triggers per burst
ST iStore all instrument settings to location i=1 to 9
RC iRecall all settings from location i=1 to 9 Default settings may be recalled from location 0.
Bit DescriptionBit Description
7Always zero7Memory contents corrupted
6Recalled data was corrupt6Service request
5Delay range error5Always zero
4Delay linkage error4Trigger rate too high
3Wrong mode for the command380MHz PLL is unlocked
2Value is outside allowed range2Trigger has occurred
1Wrong number of parameters1Busy with timing cycle
0Unrecognized command0Command error detected
In all of the commands listed here, i, j and k
are integer values and f, t and v may be
integer, floating point or exponential notation.
Optional parameters are enclosed in curly
brackets. If optional parameters are omitted
then the current value of those parameters will
be sent back to the GPIB controller. For
example, the command "TM 3" sets the
Trigger Mode to mode 3 while the command
"TM" will return the response "3".
Also, blanks are ignored, case is ignored,
multiple commands may be sent on one line if
separated by semicolons. All responses are
terminated by a carriage return and a line feed.
The line feed is sent with an EOI.
The Delay and Output commands use integer
codes which are assigned to each front panel
BNC. The table for these assignment is given
Integer Assignment
0Trigger Input
1T0 Output
2A Output
3B Output
4AB and -AB Outputs
5C Output
6D Output
7CD and -CD Outputs
The DG535 Digital Delay and Pulse Generator
can provide four precisely timed logic
transitions, or two precisely controlled pulses.
The four digitally controlled time intervals may
be programmed from the front panel or via the
GPIB. Front panel BNC's provide high slew rate
outputs at TTL, NIM, ECL or continuously
adjustable levels. The outputs may be set to
drive either 50Ω or high impedance loads.
The high accuracy (1 ppm), precision (5 ps),
wide range (0 to 1000 s), and low jitter (50 ps
rms) recommend the DG535 as the solution to
many difficult timing problems in science and
GPIB allows the user to see data received via
the GPIB and to set the GPIB address
STORE and RECALL provide a convenient
method to save all of the instrument
Detailed descriptions of each of these menus will be
Sixteen keys are used to enter and modify data.
There are three modes of operation for this keypad:
the mode is indicated by the three LED's in the
center of the panel. The cursor mode (< >) allows
individual digits to be modified in a fashion similar
to the operation of thumbwheel switches. The
numeric mode (NUM) allows the data to be entered
as a numeric string. The remote mode (REM) lets
the GPIB controller lock-out front panel operation.
The key beneath the Mode LED's allows the user to
change the keypad mode, if not locked-out by the
GPIB controller.
The unit is turned on by depressing the POWER
button. All instrument settings are stored in
nonvolatile RAM, and so the settings are not
affected by turning the power on and off. The
model, firmware version, and serial numbers for
the unit will be displayed briefly when the
power is first applied.
The 20 character LCD is the user interface for
all front panel programming operations. The
wide viewing angle LCD is backlit by an
electroluminescent panel for convenient
operation in low light level conditions. When
the keypad is in the cursor mode, the contrast of
the LCD may be adjusted for optimum viewing
by the two right most keys on the front panel.
Six Menu Keys select the function to be
programmed. Most menu items are selfexplanatory:
TRIG defines the trigger source
DELAY is used to adjust the four digital
OUTPUT sets the output pulse levels
Five LED's are used to indicate the trigger status.
The TRIG LED blinks each time the unit is
triggered, the BUSY LED is on whenever a timing
cycle is in progress, the RATE LED is lit if a trigger
is received while BUSY. The INT LED indicates
that the internal rate generator is the trigger source,
and the 50Ω LED is on when the EXT TRIG input
is terminated in 50Ω. The EXT TRIG BNC is the
input for external triggers.
There are five delay output BNC's: T0, A, B, C and
D. T0 marks the start of the timing interval and is
most useful when an internal trigger source has been
selected. The logic transitions at the outputs of A, B,
C and D may be set from 0 to 1000s in 5 ps
increments with respect to T0. The outputs may be
programmed for TTL, NIM, ECL or adjustable
output levels, and can drive 50Ω or high impedance
loads. The polarity of each output may be set to
provide a rising or a falling edge when the channel
times out. The outputs will remain asserted until 800
ns after the longest delay.
There are four, pulse output BNC's: AB, -AB,
CD and -CD. The AB output provides a pulse
for the interval between the time set for channel
A and channel B. The CD output provides a
pulse for the interval between the time set for
channel C and channel D. These outputs allow
the DG535 to generate two precisely timed
complementary pulses.
If the DG535 was ordered with the option 06,
there will be a BNC connector located directly
under the power button on the front panel to
which the trigger inhibit input is applied. This
input is active low and is used to disable the
trigger mode. A TTL low inhibits triggers while
a TTL high permits triggers. If there is no input
signal, the input floats high and all triggers are
for instructions on selecting the correct line voltage
and fuse.
The 24 pin IEEE-488 rear panel connector allows a
computer to control the DG535. The command
syntax for the GPIB transactions is detailed in the
programming section of this manual. The address of
the instrument on the GPIB is set from the front
panel by the GPIB menu.
Internal or external references may be used as the
timebase for the digital delays. If the internal
timebase is to be used, the rear panel switch should
be in the INT position. In this position, the 10.000
MHz internal timebase will be appear as a 1V p-p
square wave at the rear panel BNC. This output is
capable of driving a 50Ω load, and may be used to
provide the same timebase to several DG535's.
The power entry module is used to fuse the line,
select the line voltage, and block high frequency
noise from entering or exiting the instrument.
Refer to the section at the front of this manual
An external reference may be applied to the DG535
by placing the switch in the EXT position. A 10.0
MHz, ±1%, reference with a 1 Vp-p amplitude must
be applied to the rear panel BNC which now serves
as a reference input. If the external reference has
insufficient amplitude, or is more than a few percent
off the nominal 10.0 MHz, then the message "Ext
Clk Error" will appear on the LCD until the problem
is remedied.
To use the timebase in one DG535 as the
timebase for several DG535's, set the switch on
the "master unit" to the INT position. Use coax
cables to daisychain the 10.000 MHz output
from the "master unit" to the other DG535's
whose switches are all set to the EXT position.
Use a 50Ω terminator to terminate the 50Ω line
at the last unit on the daisychain.
OPTION 02 - ±32 Volt Rear Panel Outputs
If the DG535 was ordered with the option 02,
there will be five rear panel BNC's to provide
amplified outputs for T0, A, B, C and D. These
outputs have nominal adjustable output
amplitudes from -32 to +32 Volts. The pulse
width is approximately 1 µs, and the leading
edge has a transition time of 2 to 3 ns. The
outputs are designed to drive 50Ω loads,
however, if the cable is terminated into a high
impedance load, the pulse amplitude will double
(up to 64 Volts) for a duration equal to the
round trip cable delay. The amplitude of the
output pulse is reduced by 2 Volts per mA of
average output current: the average output
current is only 0.7 mA for a 32 Volt output into
50Ω at a 1 kHz repetition rate. For high
impedance terminations, charging and
discharging of the cable capacitance may be the
most important current factor. In this case, the
average current is given by:
I = 2Vtƒ / Z
where, V is the pulse step size, t is the length of the
cable in time (5 ns/meter for RG-58), ƒ is the pulse
repetition rate, and Z is the cable's characteristic
impedance (50Ω for RG-58).
Pressing a new menu key will take you to the "top"
menu for that item. Each successive press of the
same menu key will take you to the "next" submenu
for that item. The power-up menu will be the same
menu that was displayed when the unit was last
turned off.
The Keypad mode (cursor or numeric) will be the
same as it was the last time the menu item was
accessed. Some menu items only allow one type of
keypad mode, for example, the GPIB address may
only be entered in the numeric mode.
In the cursor mode, only the keys with arrows are
active. The keys with the green arrows are used to
modify the displayed value (up/down) or to move
the cursor (left/right). The two keys with grey
arrows are used to adjust the LCD display contrast.
In the numeric mode, the entire keypad is active.
Data may be entered as a floating point number
or in exponential notation. Entered data may be
edited by using the BSP (backspace) key.
Backspacing past the left edge of the screen will
cancel the command. The entered data is
actually used when the EXC (Execute) key is
pressed. Selecting another menu item will have
the same affect as pressing the EXC key.
Error messages will appear on the LCD to
indicate improper commands. For example, an
attempt to decrement a delay below zero will
generate the error message "Delay Range Error".
The error message may be cleared from the
LCD by pressing any key.
The "top" line on the trigger menu is:
and digits more than three places beyond the
decimal point will be truncated.
The External trigger mode has three submenus to
specify the threshold, slope and termination
impedance of the external trigger input. Each
submenu is selected by pressing the TRIG key. The
Threshold may be entered as a floating point number
or may be modified in the cursor mode. The Slope
may be selected by using the cursor (up/down) keys,
as can the Trigger termination impedance. The
threshold, slope, and termination impedance shown
in the example menus would be appropriate for
triggering on the rising edge of a TTL Pulse.
The Single-Shot trigger mode has only one
submenu. If SS is selected by the cursor, pressing
the TRIG menu key will display "Single Shot
(EXC)." Now each press of the execute key will
trigger the timing cycle.
Int Ext SS Bur Line
The cursor, underlines one of the five modes in
the list to indicate Internal, External, SingleShot, Burst, or Line trigger. The left and right
cursor keys may be used to change the mode.
Subsequent menus, which are different for each
trigger mode, are selected by pressing the TRIG
menu key again.
ModeMenu Example
IntRate =10000.000Hz
ExtThreshold =+1.00V
Slope(±) = +
Trigger Term = HighZ
SSSingle-Shot (Exc)
BurRate =10000.000Hz
Line(No submenu)
The Internal trigger mode has only one submenu
to set the trigger rate. The rate may be entered in
the numeric mode or modified in the cursor
mode. Only four digits of precision are allowed,
The Burst mode has three submenus to specify
trigger rate, number of pulses per burst, and number
of periods between the start of each burst of pulses.
All of the items may be entered in the numeric
mode, or modified in the cursor mode. The Rate
may be entered in floating point or exponential
notation, and may be specified to four digits of
precision. For the entries shown in the above menu
example, there would be 10 pulses per burst, each
pulse separated by 100 µs, and a new burst of pulses
would start every 20 periods, i.e. every 2 ms.
The Line trigger mode has no submenus. The unit
will be triggered on a zero crossing of the power line
at the line frequency. The line trigger is also
synchronized to the internal 80 MHz timebase, so
that the timing jitter of the delay outputs in this
trigger mode will be very low (typically 25 ps rms).
There are several techniques that may be used to
extend the versatility of the DG535's trigger modes.
The Jitter of the delay outputs will be reduced by
about a factor of two (to less than 25 ps rms) if the
unit is triggered synchronously with the 10 MHz
time base. This is done automatically if the Line
Trigger is selected. You may also want to arrange
your external trigger so that it is synchronous with
the 10 MHz output on the rear panel (if the internal
time base is being used).
It is often desirable to trigger the unit at a submultiple of the trigger source. Suppose you wish
to trigger a laser at 10 Hz synchronously with
the zero crossing of the power line. In this case
you would select the Line Trigger, and set
channel D's delay to 95 ms. Once triggered, the
DG535 will ignore other triggers until all
channels have timed out, hence every sixth Line
trigger (at 60 Hz) will cause a new timing cycle.
The RATE error LED on the front panel will be
illuminated to indicate that triggers occurred
while the unit was busy. Trigger rates up to
100 MHz can be used, with the unit ignoring all
triggers until all channels have timed out, as in
the above case.
There are four delay menus to specify the delays
for channels A, B, C and D. Each delay may be
entered in floating point or exponential notation
or may be modified in the keypad cursor mode.
The maximum time delay is
999.999,999,999,995 seconds, which may be set
with a resolution of 5 ps.
Any delay channel may be "linked" to another
channel. Two examples of this are shown in the
above sample menus. While A is referenced to
T0, channel B's delay is set to A's delay plus
0.001 seconds. Linking provides a convenient
method to specify a pulse output (AB) as a pulse
start time and width rather than start and stop
times. Now, if channel A's delay is modified, B's
delay moves with it, so that the pulse width
stays at 0.001 seconds. With the above settings,
the CD output will produce a very accurate 10
ns pulse despite the very long delay which is
specified for channel C.
To change the linkage, the cursor is positioned
beneath the character just to the right of the
equal sign, and the cursor up/down keys are
used to select from the available links. Not all
links are available, for example, in the above
menus linking channel A to channel B is not
allowed, as B is linked to channel A in the second
Delay can be scrolled by first selecting the delay
menu, positioning the cursor under the digit to be
incremented. Depress the #5 and either the up or
down keys simultaneously. The step rate will be
approximately 4 Hz, and may vary during a scan.
The output menus are used to specify the load
impedances, pulse output amplitudes, offsets, and
polarities for each of the front panel BNC's. The
cursor (left/right) keys are used in the "top" line of
the OUTPUT menu to select which output is to be
programmed. Successive presses of the OUTPUT
key will access each menu line for the selected
output, finally returning to the "top" line.
The menu items for the T0, A, B, C and D output
are virtually identical. An example of these menus
is given here for channel A's output:
A:load= High Z
A:Inverted Normal (if TTL, NIM or ECL is
A:Amplitude = +1.00V (if VARiable is selected)
A:Offset = 0.50V (if VARiable is selected)
The first line in this submenu specifies the load
impedance. The cursor (up/down) keys are used to
select between High Z and 50Ω loads. This is a very
important step in setting up the output: the wrong
choice will cause the output to have half the
expected amplitude, or to misbehave entirely.
The cursor (left/right) keys are used in the second
submenu to select either standard logic levels for the
output, or continuously variable offsets and
amplitudes. If either the TTL, NIM or ECL logic
levels are selected, the next submenu is used to
specify the polarity of the output pulse: the
"Normal" polarity will provide a rising edge at the
output at the set time: "Inverted" polarity will
provide a falling edge.
If VAR (variable) is selected in the second
submenu, then subsequent submenus allow the pulse
amplitude and offset to be set. Both numbers may be
entered as floating point numbers or may be
modified by the cursor keys. The minimum
amplitude is 100 mV, the maximum amplitude
is 4.00 VDC, and outputs outside the range of -3
to +4 VDC are not allowed.
The menus for the AB and CD outputs are
similar to the other outputs. Example menus for
the AB output are shown on the following page:
AB&-AB Loads = High Z
AB:Amplitude = +1.00V (if VARiable is
AB:Offset= +0.50V (if VARiable is selected)
The cursor (up/down) keys select the load
impedance for both the AB and -AB outputs. It
is very important that if a 50Ω load is specified,
that a 50Ω load be present on BOTH the AB
and the -AB output BNC's.
The cursor (left/right) keys select the logic
levels for the AB and -AB outputs. If TTL, NIM
or ECL is selected, then no further submenus are
needed to specify the outputs: both the
"Normal" and "Inverted" logic levels are
available at separate front panel BNC's. If VAR
is selected, then the next two submenus are used
to set the amplitude and offset of the outputs.
There are three menus which are accessed by the
GPIB key. They are:
GPIB Address: 15
Service RQST: (EXC)
The first menu displays the last 15 characters of data
that have been received over the GPIB. 256
characters are retained in memory and may be
viewed by scrolling the display window with the
cursor keys. Spaces and control codes will not be
displayed, however special characters for carriage
returns and line feeds will be displayed. This feature
is very useful when debugging computer programs
that control the DG535.
The GPIB address may be set in the second menu.
The keypad is automatically placed in the numeric
mode for this menu item. Any address from 1 to 30
may be entered: the default address for this
instrument is 15.
The third menu allows the user to generate a service
request by pressing the EXC button (lower right on
the front panel). A service request is used to attract
the attention of the GPIB controller.
There are ten storage locations from which
setup data may be recalled. One of these
locations, number 0, contains default setup data,
the other nine locations contain setup
information that was stored by the user. Because
the information is stored in nonvolatile RAM, it
will be available for recall even if the instrument
is turned off.
All of the instrument's settings are stored, even
those which are not currently active: for
example, the external trigger threshold is saved
even though the instrument is operating on
internal trigger.
Operating data is stored by pressing the STORE
key, one digit (1-9) to specify the storage
location, and the EXC (execute) key. Mistakes
may be edited with the BSP (backspace) key.
Instrument settings are recalled from storage by
pressing the RECALL key, one digit (0-9), and
the EXC (execute) key. If the stored data has
been corrupted since it was saved, the error
message "Recall Error" will be displayed. The
error message can be removed by pressing any
key. A defective Lithium battery or very noisy
ac line voltages will cause "Recall Errors".
Each of the delay channels, A, B, C and D, may
be programmed to time out from 0 to 1000
seconds with a resolution of 5 ps. The factors,
which detract from this ideal performance, are
discussed here.
The error in the time delay between any two outputs
is less than (1500 ps [500 ps typical] + Timebase
error x Time between Outputs). (This specification
is exclusive of time shifts due to slew rates at the
outputs, i.e., it should be measured with both
outputs set for the same logic levels driving the
same loads). The timebase error depends on the
timebase being used:
Standard<25 ppm 0-50 °C
Option 03 <1 ppm 0-50 °C
External Source spec + 0.0002ppm
Using the typical error figure, for a time delay of 1.0
ms, this table implies an absolute error of ±25 ns,
±1.5 ns and ±0.5 ns respectively for the standard,
optional and external timebases (assuming a 0.01
ppm external source specification). If A=100.000µs
and B=100.01µs, the error with respect to T0 will be
±2.6 ns with the standard timebase, however the
accuracy of A with respect to B will be ±500 ps.
A graph showing the maximum time error as a
function time delay is shown in Figure 3. The four
curves show the time error for the standard,
optional, 0.01 ppm external, and ideal external
timebases. The excess error for time delays longer
than 1 second on the "ideal external source " curve
is due to drift in the analog jitter compensation
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