Stanford Research Systems DC205 Operation And Service Manual

Operation and Service Manual
Precision DC Voltage Source
Stanford Research Systems
Revision 0.30 February 22, 2019
Stanford Research Systems certifies that this product met its published specifications at the time of shipment.
This Stanford Research Systems product is warranted against defects in materials and workman­ship for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a Stanford Research Systems authorized service facility. Contact Stanford Research Systems or an authorized representative before returning this product for repair.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Copyrightc Stanford Research Systems, Inc., 2019. All rights reserved.
Stanford Research Systems, Inc. 1290–D Reamwood Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Phone: (408) 744-9040 Fax: (408) 744-9049 e-mail:
Printed in U.S.A. Document number 9-01745-903
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
General Information iii
Safety and Preparation for Use ................ iii
Symbols ............................. iv
Notation ............................. v
Specifications .......................... vi
1 Getting Started 1 – 1
1.1 How to use this manual ................. 1–2
1.2 Preliminaries ........................ 1–2
1.2.1 Equipment needed ................ 1–2
1.3 First example: turning on the instrument ....... 1–2
1.4 User interface ....................... 1–4
1.5 Instrument settings .................... 1–5
1.5.1 Sense ........................ 1–5
1.5.2 Isolation ...................... 1–6
1.5.3 Scanning ...................... 1–7
1.6 Interlock .......................... 1–10
2 Operation 2 – 1
2.1 Navigating the front panel ................ 2–2
2.1.1 Power ....................... 2–2
2.1.2 Range ....................... 2–4
2.1.3 Select / Adjust ................... 2–4
2.1.4 Numeric Entry .................. 2–5
2.1.5 Sense ........................ 2–6
2.1.6 Config ....................... 2–6
2.1.7 Scan ........................ 2–7
2.1.8 Output ....................... 2–7
2.1.9 Status ........................ 2–8
2.1.10 Source Out ..................... 2–8
2.2 Theory of operation .................... 2–10
2.3 Scanning .......................... 2–10
2.4 Error messages ...................... 2–10
3 Remote Operation 3 – 1
3.1 Index of commands .................... 3–2
3.2 Alphabetic list of commands ............... 3–4
ii Contents
3.3 Introduction ........................ 3–6
3.3.1 Interface configuration .............. 3–6
3.3.2 Buers ....................... 3–6
3.4 Commands ......................... 3–7
3.4.1 Command syntax ................. 3–7
3.4.2 Notation ...................... 3–8
3.4.3 Examples ..................... 3–8
3.4.4 Configuration commands ............ 3–9
3.4.5 Setting commands ................ 3–10
3.4.6 Scan commands .................. 3–10
3.4.7 Setup commands ................. 3–13
3.4.8 Interface commands ............... 3–13
3.4.9 Status commands ................. 3–15
3.5 Status model ........................ 3–18
3.5.1 Status byte (SB) .................. 3–18
3.5.2 Service request enable (SRE) .......... 3–19
3.5.3 Standard event status (ESR) ........... 3–19
4 Field Calibration 4 – 1
4.1 Introduction to Field Calibration ............ 4–2
4.2 Equipment needed .................... 4–2
4.3 Detailed procedure .................... 4–2
A Fuse and ac Line A – 1
A.1 Power Entry module ................... A–1
A.2 ac voltage selector ..................... A–1
A.3 Fuse installation ...................... A–3
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
General Information
Safety and Preparation for Use
AC line voltage
Line cord
Dangerous voltages, capable of causing injury or death, are present in this instrument. Do not remove the product covers or panels. Do not apply power or operate the product without all covers and panels in place.
The DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source operates from a 100 V, 120 V, 220 V–230 V, or 240 V nominal ac power source having a line fre­quency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Before connecting the power cord to a power source, verify that the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR, located in the rear panel power-entry module, is set so that the correct ac line voltage value is visible. For operation with 230 V ac power, the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR should be set to 220 V.
The DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source will be damaged if oper­ated with the LINE VOLTAGE SELECTOR set for the wrong ac line voltage, or if the wrong fuses are installed. Verify that the correct line fuses are installed before connecting the line cord. Use two (2) metric size 5 ×20 mm fuses. For 100 V/120 V, use 1 A fuses; for 220 V– 230 V/240 V, use 0.5 A fuses. See appendix A for detailed instructions.
The DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source has a detachable, three-wire power cord for connection to the power source and to a protective ground. The chassis of the instrument is connected to the outlet ground to protect against electrical shock. Always use an outlet which has a properly connected protective ground.
The DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source does not have any user serviceable parts inside. Refer service to a qualified technician.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modi­fications to this instrument. Contact the factory for instructions on how to return the instrument for authorized service and adjustment.
iv General Information
Symbols you may Find on SRS Products
Symbol Description
Alternating current
Caution - risk of electric shock
Frame or chassis terminal
Caution - refer to accompanying documents
Earth (ground) terminal
On (supply)
Off (supply)
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
General Information v
The following notation will be used throughout this manual.
A warning means that injury or death is possible if the instructions are not obeyed.
A caution means that damage to the instrument or other equipment is possible.
Typesetting conventions used in this manual are:
Front-panel buttons are set as [Button]
Front-panel knobs are set as
Front-panel indicators are set as Overload
Remote command names are set as *IDN?
Literal text other than command names is set as OFF
Remote command examples will all be set in monospaced font. In these examples, data sent by the host computer to the DC205 are set as straight teletype font, while responses received by the host computer from the DC205 are set as slanted teletype font.
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
vi General Information
All performance specifications after 2 hour warm-up at 23◦C ±1◦C ambient, unless otherwise specified.
Accuracy and stability
Full Resolution Max Time Settling
scale (1 ppm) current const.
V μV mA μs ms
1V ±1.010 000 1 50 160 50
10 V
100 V
±10.100 00 10 50 160 50 ±101.000 0 100 25 400 100
Time required to settle to 63 % of final value
Time to settle to 99.999 % of final value
Settling times measured for full-scale step into 10 MΩ load.
Accuracy Stability
(23◦C ±5◦C) (±1◦C)
24 h 90 day∗1 year
24 h
±( ppm setting + μV)
1V 7 + 2 12 + 6 25 + 10 1 + 1
10 V
100 V
7 + 6 12 + 15 25 + 20 1 + 3
8 + 60 12 + 80 25 + 100 1 + 20
Noise and drift
Temperature Noise
coecient (typical)
0◦C–40◦C (0.1 – 10) Hz 10 Hz – 100 kHz
±( ppm setting + μV)/◦C μVrms
1V 1 + 1 0.5 9
10 V
100 V
1 + 2 1.5 12
1 + 15 12 50
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
General Information vii
Remote Interfaces
DB-9 connector, 9600 baud USB USB type B receptacle; serial port emulation, 115,200 baud Optical fiber Connection to SX199 Optical Interface Controller. Provides
isolated connectivity to GPIB, RS-232, and Ethernet.
Specification Temperature 0◦Cto40◦C, non-condensing Power < 20 W, 100/120/220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Dimensions 8.3W × 3.5H × 13D Weight 10 lbs Fuse two (2) metric size 5 × 20 mm
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
viii General Information
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
1 Getting Started
In This Chapter
This chapter provides step-by-step instruction to get started quickly with the DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source. Refer to chapter 2 for a more complete introduction to the DC205.
1.1 How to use this manual ................. 1–2
1.2 Preliminaries ....................... 1–2
1.2.1 Equipment needed ................ 1–2
1.3 First example: turning on the instrument ....... 1–2
1.4 User interface ....................... 1–4
1.5 Instrument settings .................... 1–5
1.5.1 Sense ........................ 1–5
1.5.2 Isolation ...................... 1–6
1.5.3 Scanning ...................... 1–7
1.6 Interlock .......................... 1–10
1–2 Getting Started
1.1 How to use this manual
Two possible starting points are available to new users of the DC205. Those who want to begin with an overview to the functional layout of the instrument should turn to Chapter 2.
Users who prefer to jump in and begin using the DC205 first should continue with this Chapter, where a series of step-by-step procedures are given to verify the basic performance of the instrument. This will also providea quick introductionto the DC205and how it isoperated.
Chapter 3 discusses remote operation of the DC205 over any of the three remote interfaces: USB, RS-232, and optical fiber.
1.2 Preliminaries
The following sections provide step-by-step instructions for verify­ing the basic operation of the DC205. In addition to confirming proper operation, it provides a good introduction to operating the current source.
1.2.1 Equipment needed
To perform all the steps described in this chapter, you will need:
1. a collection of stacking banana plug test leads,
2. a precision voltmeter with at least 6 digits resolution,
3. a BNC 50 Ω terminator,
4. a dual banana-to-BNC (banana-male, BNC-female) adapter.
1.3 First example: turning on the instrument
This section describes the initial steps for first operating the DC205. Please pay specific attention to the AC line voltage selector setting.
1. Before using the instrument, verify the rear-panel power entry module is properly configured for the power line voltage in
your region. Applying power with improper setting of the line voltage selector will result in significant damage to the DC205.
2. Plug the AC line cord into the rear-panel power entry module, and then into a grounded wall outlet.
3. Using banana-plug test leads, connect the DC205 OUTPUT terminals (HI and LO) to the voltmeter input terminals (HI and LO). Turn on the voltmeter and set it to DCV, Autorange.
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
1.3 First example: turning on the instrument 1–3
4. Restore the factory default settings by pressing the POWER [ ] while holding the BACKSPACE [
] button depressed. This will perform the power-on reset, clear any field calibration data, and return the instrument to its factory default state.
After several seconds, the display will show
and then
5. Key in the value 1.000000 V. Start by pressing the [1] and no­tice the display shows the polarity indicator + and digit 1 are shown. Also, the Pending indicator begins blinking, indicating the numeric value is awaiting entry.
6. Try pressing another digit, such as [3]. Note the value is not added to the display, as the implied value (13) is out of range for the current setting. Then press the decimal point button, [.], and then press [0] three times. The display should show
and Pending should still be flashing.
7. Now press the [7] digit. The display will show
. We don’t actually want that last digit, so
now press the [
] button to erase the .
8. Press the [Enter/Start]. The Pending indicator should go dark,
and the display now shows
. The multi-
meter should not yet show any steady reading.
9. Finally, press the OUTPUT [On/O] button. The On indica­tor should illuminate, and the multimeter should now show a reading very close to +1.00000 V.
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
10. Allow the unit to warm up for 2 hour for full specified perfor­mance. Warm up is not needed to test basic functionality.
1–4 Getting Started
1.4 User interface
This section explores the DC205 front-panel interface, and demon­strates the dierent methods for entering or modifying the voltage setting.
1. If the OUTPUT is still On, turn it oby pressing the [On/O] button.
2. Change the RANGE to ±10V by pressing [Range] once. Set the voltage to 0 by pressing [0] and then [Enter/Start]. Enable the output by pressing OUTPUT [On/O]. The display should
knob inwards. The least significant digit should
3. Press the
begin to blink. Now slowly turn the
knob clockwise. The
DC205 should click, and the least significant digit (tens of mi­crovolts) begin incrementing. Continue turning the knob until
the display shows
4. Press the SELECT/ADJUST [] button two times. Notice that with each press, the blinking digit moves one position to the
left. Now slowly turn the
The display should now show
knob for 3 more clicks clockwise.
, and the
multimeter should show the same voltage.
5. Now clear the output setting by pressing [0] and [Enter/Start].
The display returns to
, but notice the mil-
livolts digit is still blinking. Now press the [] button three
times. The display should now show Turn the
should now show
knob counterclockwise for 5 clicks. The display
. and the (millivolts
position) is still blinking.
6. Press the [Cancel] button—now the blinking should stop. Care­fully turn the
knob clockwise without depressing the shaft.
Note that there no clicks, and the setting does not change.
This brief exercise demonstrated the entry modes for the DC205, in­cluding the notion of active editing (indicated by the blinking digit), and the use of the [Cancel] button to return to the display-idle state. Note that the [] and [] buttons provide essentially the same func-
tionality as the
knob .
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
1.5 Instrument settings 1–5
1.5 Instrument settings
This section will demonstrate the basic configurations of the DC205.
1.5.1 Sense
The SENSE setting selects 2-wire or 4-wire (remote sensing) for the voltage source circuitry.
1. If the OUTPUT On indicator is lit, disable the DC205 OUTPUT by pressing the [On/O] button.
2. Connect a pair of banana test leads from the red and black SENSE terminals on the DC205 to the input HI, LOW terminals on the multimeter.
3. Connect a second pair of banana test leads from the red and black OUTPUT terminals on the DC205, connecting the other end of these test leads to the back of the corresponding stack­able sockets on the banana leads at the multimeter. Be sure to connect HI to HI, and LOW to LOW.
4. Plug the banana-to-BNC adapter into the back banana leads at the multimeter. Be sure to align the Ground tab of the adapter with the LOW side banana leads.
5. If not already so configured, press the [Range] button repeat­edly until the ±1V range is selected. Press [Float/Ground] to select Ground, and press [2 or 4 Wire] to select 2-wire.
6. Press [1] and [Enter/Start] to program the setting to 1.000 000 V. Press [On/O] to enable the output. Verify the multimeter displays a voltage very close to 1.000 000 V.
knob to adjust the
7. Use the SELECT/ADJUST buttons or the
DC205 until the multimeter displays exactly 1.000 000 V, with a minimum of 100 μV resolution.
8. Attach the 50 Ω BNC terminator to the banana-to-BNC adaptor. Verify that the multimeter display drops by at least one or two millivolts (the actual drop will depend on the length and wire gauge of your banana test leads).
9. Now, press the [2 or 4 Wire] button. Verify that the 4-Wire indicator and the SENSE indicator both become illuminated.
10. The multimeter should again be displaying exactly 1.000 000 V, with a minimum of 100 μV resolution.
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
1–6 Getting Started
This exercise demonstrated the function of remote sensing in the DC205. When operated in simple 2-wire mode, the commanded output voltage is controlled internally. When a significant load is presented (in this case, 50 Ω), a current flows from the voltage source through the circuit created by the output leads. In this case, with 1 V across 50 Ω, a total of 20 mA flows through the output relays and the banana test leads. Even 10 mΩ of lead resistance in this case will lead to a 200 μV potential drop.
1.5.2 Isolation
By enabling remote sensing in the 4-Wire mode, the DC205 controls the potential as measured by the sense leads. By carefully arranging the SENSE wiring to not carry any of the load current, the desired output voltage is applied at the point of interest (in this case, at the multimeter input terminals).
The CONFIG setting selects whether the output circuitry of the DC205 is referenced to chassis ground or floating.
1. If the OUTPUT On indicator is lit, disable it by pressing the [On/O] button.
2. Connect a pair of banana test leads from the red and black OUT­PUT terminals on the DC205 to the input HI, LOW terminals on the multimeter.
3. Press the [Range] buttonto select ±1V. Press the[Float/Ground] button to select Floating. Press [1] and then [Enter/Start] to set
the display to
4. Press the [On/O] button to enable the output. Verify that +1.0000 V appears on the multimeter.
5. Connect another banana test lead to the green chassis ground terminal on the DC205 front panel. Connect the second end of
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
1.5 Instrument settings 1–7
the test lead to the back of the red HI banana lead at the DC205.
Notice that the multimeter still displays +1.0000 V, even though the HI terminal is now connected to chassis ground. The out­put of the DC205 is configured to float; by grounding the HI terminal with the banana lead, the LOW terminal is now at
1.0000 V with respect to ground.
6. Now press the [Float/Ground] button to select Ground.
Now notice that the multimeter display had dropped to a value near 0 V (probably a few millivolts). Also, the red Overload indicator on the DC205 is illuminated. With the DC205 in Ground mode, the LOW terminal is internally tied to ground. By grounding the HI terminal to with the third banana lead, we are shorting the output. This causes the Overload to illuminate.
7. Carefully remove the third banana lead from the back of the banana cable at the HI terminal. The Overload indicator should turn o, and the multimeter again should display very close to
1.0000 V.
1.5.3 Scanning
In addition to generating a stable DC voltage, the DC205 is also able to create linear sweeps of the output voltage. This example will demonstrate one such sweep.
1. If the OUTPUT On indicator is lit, disable it by pressing the [On/O] button.
2. Connect a pair of banana test leads from the red and black OUT­PUT terminals on the DC205 to the input HI, LOW terminals on the multimeter.
3. Press the [Range] buttonto select ±1V. Press the[Float/Ground] button to select Ground. Press the [2 or 4 Wire] button to select 2-wire.
4. Briefly press the [Setup Arm] button, entering the SCAN setup
mode. The display should now show
changing the display to
scan range selection to
. Press [] once.
. Press [] to return the
. Press [],
5. The display now shows the beginning voltage for the scan, indicated with the
at the left side of the display. Key in
the value [0], [.], [1], and then press [Enter/Start]. The display
DC205 Precision DC Voltage Source
should show
. Press [] again.
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