materials and binders or other containers) TO THE PLACE WHERE YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND.
LICENSE. LICENSOR grants to you a limited, non-exclusive license to (i) install and operate the copy of the computer program contained in this
package ("Program") on a single computer (one central processing unit and associated monitor a nd keyboard) and (ii) make one archival copy of the
Program for use with the same computer. LICENSOR retains all rights to the Program not expressly granted in this Agreement.
OWNERSHIP OF PROGRAMS AND COPIES. This license is not a sale of the original Program or any copies. LICENSOR retains the ownership of
the Program and all subsequent copies of the Program made by you, regardless of the form in which the copies may exist. The Program and
accompanying manuals ("Documentation") are copyrighted works of authorship and contain valuable trade secrets and confidential information
proprietary to LICENSOR. You agree to exercise reasonable efforts to protect LICEN SOR'S p roprietary interest i n the Progra m and D ocumenta tion
and maintain them in strict confidence.
USER RESTRICTIONS. You may physically transfer some Programs from one computer to another provided that the Program is operated only on
one computer. Other Programs will operate only with the computer that has the same security code and cannot be physical ly transferre d to another
computer. You may not electronically transfer the Program or operate it in a time-sharing or service bureau operation. You agree not to translate,
modify, adapt, disassemble, de-compile, or reverse engineer the Program, or create derivative works based on the Program or Documentation or any
portions thereof.
TRANSFER. The Program is provided for use in your internal commerci al busi ness operations a nd must r ema in a t all time s upon a single computer
owned or leased by you. You may not rent, lease, sublicense, sell, assign, pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of the Program or Documentation, on
a temporary or permanent basis, without the prior written consent of LICENSOR.
TERMINATION. This License is effective until terminated. This License will terminate automatically without notice from LICENSOR if you fail to
comply with any provision of this License. Upon termination you must cea se all use of the Program an d Documentation and ret urn them, and any
copies thereof, to LICENSOR.
GENERAL. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, United States of America.
LICENSOR grants solely to you a limited warranty that (i) the media on which the Program is distributed shall be substantially free from material
defects for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS, and (ii) the Program will perform substantiall y in accordance with the material descriptions in the
Documentation for a period of NINETY (90) DAYS. These warra nti es commence on th e day you first obtain the Program and extend only to you, the
original customer. These limited warranties give you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LICENSOR does not warrant the Program will meet your requirements or that its operations will be
uninterrupted or error-free.
If the media, Program or Documentation are not as warranted above, LICENSOR will, at its option, repair or replace the nonconforming item at no
cost to you, or refund your money, provided you return the item, with proof of the date you obtained it, to LICENSOR within TEN (10) DAYS after
the expiration of the applicable warranty period. If LICENSOR determines that the particular item ha s been damag ed by a ccident, a buse, misuse or
misapplication, has been modified without the written permission of LICENSOR, or if any LICENSOR label or serial number has been removed or
defaced, the limited warranties set forth above do not apply and you accept full responsi bility for the product.
The warranties and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. Statements or
representations which add to, extend or modify these warranties are unauthorized by LICENSOR and should not be relied upon by you.
LICENSOR or anyone involved in the creation or delivery of the Program or Documentation to you shall have no liability to you or any third party
for special, incidental, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of profits or savings, downtime, damage to or replacement of
equipment and property, or recovery or replacement of programs or data) arising from claims based in warranty, contract, tort (including
negligence), strict liability, or otherwise even if LICENSOR has been advised of the possibility of such claim or damage. LICENSOR'S liability for
direct damages shall not exceed the actual amount paid for this copy of the Program.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
If the Program is acquired for use by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, the Program and Documentation are provided
with "Restricted Rights". Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restri ctions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and to all other regulations, restrictions and limitations applicable
to Government use of Commercial Software. Contractor/manufacturer is Tripod Data Systems, Inc., PO Box 947, Corvallis, Oregon, 97339, United
States of America.
Should you have questions concerning the License Agreement or the Limited Warranties and Limitation of Liabi lity, please contact in writing:
Tripod Data Systems, Inc., PO Box 947, Corvallis, Oregon, 97339, United States of America.
Ranger, the TDS triangles logo, the TDS icons and Survey Pro are trademarks of Tripod Data Systems, Inc. ActiveSync, Windows and the Windows
logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth
symbol are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG Inc. USA. Socket is a registered trademark of Socket Communications, Inc. All other names
mentioned are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. This software is ba sed in part on the work of the
Independent JPEG Group.
Lambert Zones ......................................................................A-2
Congratulations on your decision to purchase a Tripod Data Systems
product. TDS is serious about providing the best possible prod ucts to
our customers and know that you are serious about your tools. W e are
proud to welcome you to the TDS family.
The TDS Survey Pro team is continually improving and updating
Survey Pro. Please take a few minutes to register your copy so that
you will be eligible for upgrades. You can do this either by completing
and returning the product registration card or by visiting our Web
site (
Main Menu
The Main Menu is the starting point where
all the other Survey Pro screens described in
this manual are accessed.
The area at the top of the screen is called the
command bar. The small buttons in the
command bar are used as follows:
Online Help
Tapping the button opens the online help,
which allows you to access information
similar to the information you would find in
the reference manual for each screen.
Quick Pick
The Quick Pick button is used to quickly
access any of a variety of commonly-used
Survey Pro routines. The list of routines
available is customizable using the Quick
Pick Editor (Page R-442).
The User’s Manual also contains more information on using the
Quick Pick button and Quick Pick Editor
Battery Level
The battery icon indicates the condition of the data collector’s
rechargeable battery. The icon has five variations depending on the
level of charge that is remaining:
25% and 5%.
100%, 75% 50%,
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Tapping the battery icon is a shortcut to the Microsoft Power Settings
screen. You can view the online help for this screen on a Ranger
300X/500X by tapping
, or on a Ranger by tapping .
Surveying Mode
The instrument icon indicates which collection mode the
software is running in. There are three possible surveying
this icon will open a list of options to do any of the following:
Conventional, GPS, and Leveling. Tapping
• Switch to another instrument mode.
• Select a different instrument profile.
• Quickly access the Instrument Settings
screen (Page R-38).
Map View
A map view of the current job can be displayed by tapping the
button. This screen is described on Page R-444.
This button performs the desired action then closes the current
This button is red in color and closes the current screen without
performing the action intended by the screen.
This button is green in color and closes the current screen.
This button opens the Settings screen associated with the current
Main Menu
GPS Status
This is used to view the current status and access the settings for a
GPS receiver when using the GeoLock feature (Page R-162). It is
only available from the Remote Control
when using a Trimble or Geodimeter robotic total station.
and Remote Shot screens
File Menu
The File Menu contains routines to transfer files between the data
collector and another device.
A: Open / New
B: Save As
C: Import
D: Export
E: Control Panel
F: Backup / Restore Job
F: Transfer
H: Register Modules
I: About Survey Pro
J: Exit
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Open / New
File Open / New.
The Open / New screen is used to open an
existing job or create a new one. This screen
also appears when Survey Pro is first started.
Open : will open the job selected in the Open a
Recent Job list.
Browse… : will open the Open screen (Page R-
13) where an existing job to open can be
New… : will open the New screen (Page R-8)
where a new job can be created.
New Job
File Open / New New….
The New Job wizard is used to create a new job.
Create a New Job 1
Directory: displays the directory where the
current job will be stored.
Job Name: is where the name of the new job is
entered. The default name is the current date.
Browse… : allows you to select a different
directory where to store the new job.
Use or Import a Control File: when checked,
you can select an external control file or import
the points from a different job as control
File Menu
Next > : opens the next screen. The screen that opens depends on if
a control file will be used.
Create a New Job 2 – (Imported or
External Control File)
This screen will only open next when a control
file will be used or imported.
Import Control Points: When selected, the
points in the control file will be imported into
the new job.
Use External Control File: When selected, the
control points in the control file will be
accessible from the new job, but will not be
Control File: displays the path and control file
name selected with the Browse… button.
Browse… : will open the Open screen (Page R-
13) where an existing job can be selected as a
control file.
< Back : returns you to the previous screen.
Next > : opens the next screen.
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Create a New Job 3
Azimuth Type: specifies if you are surveying
with a North Azimuth or South Azimuth.
Units for Distances: specifies if your distances
will be entered in International Feet, U.S. Feet,
or Meters.
Note: You can enter a distance in any distance
field in units other than what is set for the job
by appending the distance value with the
following characters:
yf or ft or ift International Feet
yusf or usft US Survey Feet
yi or in Inches
ym Meters
ycm Centimeters
ymm Millimeters
yc or ch Chains
Once the cursor leaves that field, the distance will be converted
automatically. (A space between the value and the unit abbreviation
is optional.)
Units for Angles: specifies if angles will be entered in Degrees or
; Adjust for Earth Curvature / Refraction: when checked, the
elevations recorded from all shots will be adjusted to compensate for
earth curvature and refraction.
; User Scale Factor: when checked, all horizontal distances when
taking shots will be adjusted by the scale factor entered here.
Next > : opens the final screen, which can be one of two different
possible screens depending on if a control file is being imported.
Create a New Job 4 – (Imported
Control File)
This screen will only open when a control file is being import ed.
Screen when checkbox is unchecked. Screen when checkbox is checked.
Enter First Point: when this box is checked, the additional fields will
appear allowing you to create a new point.
File Menu
Note: Although all new jobs must have at least one point, creating a
new point when importing a control file is optional since p oi nts are
already being loaded into the job in the form of control points.
Point Name: is the name of the initial point.
Northing: is the Y-coordinate of the initial poi n t.
Easting: is the X-coordinate of the initial point.
Elevation: is the elevation of the initial point.
Description: is the description of the initial point.
< Back : returns you to the previous screen.
Finish : stores a new job file and raw data file using the specified
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Create a New Job 5 – (External or No
Control File)
Point Name: is the name of the initial point.
Northing: is the Y-coordinate of the initial
Easting: is the X-coordinate of the initial point.
Elevation: is the elevation of the initial point.
Description: is the description of the initial
< Back : returns you to the first screen.
Finish : stores a new job file and raw data file
using the specified information.
File Open / New. Browse….
The Open screen is used to open an existing job.
A list of all the jobs in the current directory is
displayed. Simply tap on the job name that
you want to open and then tap
Note: TDS CR5 files can be opened just like
any Survey Pro JOB file. When a CR5 file is
opened, it is automatically converted and
stored to a JOB file with the same name. If a
matching RW5 raw data file exists, it too will
be converted and saved to a Survey Pro RAW
file with a note inserted indicating that the
conversion took place.
When a job is being opened, the Loading JOB
file screen will open and display the status of
the loading process.
File Menu
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Save As
File Save As.
The Save As screen allows you to save a copy of the current job under
a new name. The copy that is created will then
become the current job.
The Save As
found in the Windows operating system.
Simply enter a new name for the current job
and then tap the Save button.
Note: It is not necessary to include the .JOB
extension since it will automatically be added
for you.
dialog box is identical to that
File Menu
File Import.
The Import screen is used to add the points from another source into
the current job or import the data from a LandXML file to the current
Warning: Coordinate values can change when they are imported!
Importing coordinates from any source other than a JOB file requires
that the distance units used in the source file be specified. It is not
necessary to specify the distance units when importing coordinates
from a JOB file since those units are written within the file.
If importing coordinates where the distance units in the source file
are different than the distance units for the current job, the imported
coordinates will be converted to the current job’s distance units when
they are imported. This is normally the desired result, but it can
cause a problem if any distance units were set incorrectly. This
situation can most commonly occur when working with International
Feet and US Survey Feet where the conversion from one to the other
is not always obvious.
Usually the difference between International Feet and US Survey
Feet is negligible (2 parts per million), but when dealing with State
Plane or UTM mapping plane coordinates, which are often very large
in magnitude, the difference can be substantial if the coordinates are
converted from one format to the other.
If importing coordinates from a source, such as an HP 48, where you
are not sure if the units are in International Feet or US Survey Feet
into a job that is set to International Feet or US Survey Feet, you will
usually just want to import them without any conversion being
performed. To do this, be sure to select the same distance units for
the source file as those set for the current job.
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Coordinates from a variety of file types can be imported into the
current job. The first Import Coordinates
from the file types listed below. The next screen that opens depends
on the selection made here.
•Job Files (*.JOB): import coordinates from
another Job file.
•Coordinate Files (*.CR5): import
coordinates from a TDS CR5 coordinate
•GPS Files (*.GPS): import coordinates
from a TDS GPS coordinate file.
•Text Files (*.TXT): text files can cont ain
coordinates in several different possible
formats. The Import ASCII Wizard
to define the format of the text file being imported.
•Text Files (*.CSV): this is a simplified text file import routine
where the source file is comma delimited and has a *.CSV
•LandXML Files (*.xml): imports points, alignments, polylines,
and parcels from a LandXML file.
screen is used to select
is used
Import *.JOB Coordinates
When importing coordinates from another *.JOB file, the Import
Coordinates screen is used, described above.
A list of all the jobs available in the current directory is displayed.
Simply tap on the job name that you want to import and then tap
button. The points in the selected job will be added to the
points in the current job.
File Menu
Import *.CR5 Coordinates
When importing a CR5 file, you will first be prompted to select the
layer where you want the new data stored. Select a layer and tap
to continue.
In the next screen, select the distance units
that the coordinates were stored in and tap
Import *.GPS Coordinates
When importing a GPS file, you will first be prompted to select the
layer where you want the new data stored. Select a layer and tap
to continue.
In the next screen, select the distance units
that the coordinates were stored in and tap
When importing coordinates from both a TDS
CR5 and GPS file from the same job, the GPS
coordinate will be linked to the coor dinates in
the CR5 file. For more information on this,
refer to the GPS User’s Guide.
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Import *.TXT Coordinates
When importing a TXT file, you will first be prompted to select the
layer where you want the new data stored. Select a layer and tap
to continue.
Since the coordinates in an ASCII TXT file can
be stored in a variety of formats, two screens
are used to define the format of the file that is
being imported once a layer is selected. The
source TXT file can contain either plane
coordinates or geodetic coordinates.
Delimiters: is the character that separates
each column of text in the ASCII file.
Units: are the units that the distances in the
file were stored in.
Coordinates: is used to specify if the
coordinates are plane coordinates, geodetic coordinates in degreesminutes-seconds format, or geodetic coordinat es in decimal format.
; Skip the first row: should be checked if the first line in the ASCII
file contains non-coordinate information, such as a heading.
Next > : opens the second screen.
File Menu
Import *.TXT Coordinates – Screen
Name Column No. / Start Point Name.
When the first option is selected here, the
column number used for the name field in the
*.TXT file is specified here. When the second
option is selected, it is assumed that the *.TXT
file does not contain point names and will
assign the first point the name specified here
and increment to the next available point name
for the remaining points.
Columns: is where the column number for each
specified coordinate exists in the source *.TXT
file. The coordinates types displayed here can
either be for plane coordinates or geodetic coordinates depending on
the selections made in the previous screen. If a coordinate has a
checkbox, which is unchecked, it is assumed that the source *.TXT
file does not contain columns for that type of coordinate.
; Specify Missing Elevation Threshold: if the source file was
created from coordinates with no elevations, but the file contains an
elevation column with values, such as 0, check this box and indicate
the value in the field that will appear to the right.
Preview : opens the ASCII Import Preview window containing all the
point data that will be imported. This is useful to check for errors
before actually importing new data.
< Back : returns to the previous screen.
Finish : imports the new point data into the current project.
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Import LandXML Coordinates
Points, alignments, polylines, and parcels can be imported from a
LandXML file.
The way the LandXML data is imported depends on how the data is
stored in the source file and how the settings are configured in the
two screens described below.
Consult the User’s Manual for more information on the conditions
that affect how the data is imported.
On specified layer: will import all the data on
the specified layer.
On different layers by groups: will import
points, alignments, and parcels to layers
named by the group name for the data in the
source file. If the group name is an invalid
layer name (e.g., it is empty or contains invalid
characters), the data will be stored to the
active layer.
Next > : opens the second configuration
Import polylines, alignments and parcels:
When this is checked, polylines, alignments
and parcels will be imported, as well as the
points. When unchecked, only the points will
be imported.
Import parcels to the specified layer: When
this is checked, imported parcels will be stored
to the selected layer. If unchecked, parcels will
be stored to the layer specified in the p r evious
For more information on how parcels are
imported, consult the User’s Manual.
Point and Line Descriptions: You can select what information to use
as the description for imported lines and points in the corresponding
two fields.
File Menu
Lines can either be assigned the name or description from the source
file and points can either be assigned the description or code from the
source file.
Back : returns to the previous screen.
Import : imports the specified data into the current project. A
results screen will open listing the details of the imported data.
Confirm Point Replace
If a point being imported has the same name and the same
coordinates as a point that is already in the current job, it is ignored
and a message will be displayed after the remaining points are
imported to indicate this.
If an imported point is encountered with the
same name, but with different coordinates as a
point in the current job, the Confirm Point
Replace screen will open.
Yes : will replace the point in the current job
with the point being imported.
Yes to All : will replace the point in the current
job with the point being imported and perform
the same action for any remaining duplicate
No : will not import the duplicate point, keeping the coordinates for
the existing point unchanged.
No to All : will not import the duplicate point, keeping the
coordinates for the existing point unchanged and perform the same
action for any remaining duplicate points.
Renumber : will store the new point in the current job under the
name specified in the Starting At field.
Renum All : will store the new point in the current job under the
name specified in the Starting At field and perform the same action for
any remaining duplicate points, storing them with the next available
point name.
Survey Pro Reference Manual
Start At: is the point name assigned to the imported point when
using the Renumber or Renumber All functions.
Compare coordinates… : will open a dialog box showing the
coordinates for the duplicate points to assist in making a decision of
how to handle the new point.
Stop Importing : will not import the current duplicate point and will
stop importing any remaining points. All previous points will still be
imported into the current job.
File Export.
The Export screen allows you to export selected points from the
current job to a new job or to a coordinate file in another format. You
can also export all the objects in the current job to a LandXML file.
This first screen is used to specify the type of file that you want to
export data to.
Job (.JOB) File: when selected, the points are
exported to a TDS JOB file.
Old Job (.JOB) File: when selected, the points
are exported to a TDS JOB file that is
compatible with versions of Survey Pro earlier
than 3.0.
Coordinate (.CR5) File: when selected, the
points are exported to a TDS CR5 coordinate
file format.
Text (.TXT) File: when selected, the points are
exported to an ASCII text file.
Comma Separated Values (.CSV) File: when selected, the points are
exported to an ASCII text file that is comma delimited and the file is
automatically given a *.CSV extension.
LandXML (.XML) File: when selected, the data is exported to a
LandXML file and automatically given an *.XML extension.
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