Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.2 User Manual

GPS Quick Start
Table of Contents
Before You Leave the Office.................................................................1
Receiver Setup..................................................................................2
Receiver Settings ...........................................................................3
RTK Data Collection and Stake Out ....................................................4
Start GPS Survey.............................................................................5
Start GPS Survey - Choose One Point Setup.................................5
Start GPS Survey - Choose Projection Mode.................................6
Start GPS Survey - Choose Base Setup .........................................7
Start GPS Survey - Connect to Receiver........................................7
Base Setup......................................................................................8
Start GPS Survey - Rover Setup....................................................8
Start GPS Survey – Solve Localization .........................................9
Mapping Plane Zones and Ground Scale.....................................11
Data Collection...............................................................................11
Data Collection Settings...............................................................11
Data Collection Functions............................................................13
Stake Out........................................................................................13
Post Processing Data Collection.........................................................15
Post Processing Receiver and Settings.........................................15
Start Receiver Recording..............................................................15
Post Processing Data Collection....................................................16
File Processing................................................................................17
900-0034-XXQ 062006
Survey Pro GPS Quick Start Guide 1

Before You Leave the Office

Make sure your software is registered. Go to Register Modules on the Files menu. Check to see that at least the Standard and GPS modules are registered.
If you are using a geoid model, make sure the correct *.GGF data file is on the data collector.
If you are using a grid datum transformation, make sure the correct pair of *.DGF files are on the data collector.
Note: Geodetic data files must be in the proper geodata folder. For Windows Mobile 5 devices, this will be ‘My Device\Geodata’. For Pocket PC 2003 devices, this will be ‘Built-in Storage\Geodata’. For Windows CE. net devices, this will be ‘Disk\Geodata’.
Make sure your equipment all works together. Some equipment settings can not be configured using Survey Pro. You should set up your base and rover and do a short test session to ensure:
¾ The base and rover modems are programmed with the
correct channels and protocols. Although you can change some modem parameters with Survey Pro, you need to make sure they are correctly configured with the manufacturer’s software application.
¾ The GPS receivers’ internal data storage has been
backed up and emptied. Although you can download and delete receiver files from some brands of receiver, this function is not available on all receiver brands and models supported in Survey Pro..
¾ The base and rover receivers support compatible RTK
correction formats. This is especially important when using older and newer base and rover pairs, or mixing equipment from different manufacturers.
¾ All additional equipment, such as batteries, cables,
GPS antennas, external data modems and antennas, range poles, tribrach adapters, etc… are in working order.

Survey Method: RTK or Post Processing

This section describes:
¾ The two different types of GPS data collection supp orted
in Survey Pro.
¾ How to make a GPS receiver profile for an RTK base,
RTK rover, Ntrip rover, and post processing receiver.
Using GPS for precise surveying requires data from two receivers collected at the same time. Survey Pro supports two different methods of GPS data collection: Real Time Kinematic (RTK) data collection and post processing data collection. The RTK method uses a modem to send data from a base receiver to a rover receiver, and the measurements are combined at the rover receiver to calculate positions in real time. The post processing method involves logging the raw GPS measurements to a file on a disk, and then combining the measurements using PC software to calculate positi ons some time after the data is collected in the field.
The active receiver profile will set the method of data collection in Survey Pro. Creating a receiver profile for an RTK base, RTK rover, Ntrip rover, and post processing only receiver is described below. RTK and post processing data collection are described in the following section.

Receiver Setup

Before you can start surveying, you need to create a receiver profile. A receiver profile describes the mode and settings used when that receiver is the active instrument. The Receiver Setup profiles.
The easiest way to create a receiver profile is t o start a survey, then tap Create New Receiver when prompted to connect to an instrument. You can also access this button
from the Job Choose a name for this profile, and select the brand and
model. Next, set the communication parameters for this receiver. Usually you can just tap Defaults and then connect to your equipment. However, if your equipment has been
configured before with different communication parameters,
screen is used to create or edit receiver
| Settings | Receiver screen.
Survey Pro GPS Quick Start Guide 3
you can use Autodetect to determine what the current settings are in the receiver. To change the receiver communication settings, select the new parameters and tap
Set Rx Comms.
Bluetooth Note: You can use Bluetooth to connect to a Bluetooth enabled receiver. In some cases, you can also use Bluetooth to connect to a cellular phone to use as a data modem. How to use Bluetooth to connect to the recei ver and/or the phone will depend on the data collector platform you are using. Consult the users and reference manual for more detailed information on Bluetooth setup and operat io n within Survey Pro.
Once you are sure you are talking with the receiver, tap
Receiver settings… to open the Receiver Settings screen.

Receiver Settings

Use the three cards of the Receiver Settings
screen to set the
following parameters:
Receiver Mode and Correction Formats
Survey Pro can control a GPS receiver in one of four modes:
¾ RTK Base ¾ RTK Rover ¾ Ntrip Rover ¾ Post Processing
If you are using an RTK base or RTK rover, you must specify the RTK Correction Format to broadcast from the base to the rover over the modem. Choices here will depend on your receiver model. You must choose the same format for the base and rover. If you are using an RTK rover, you can set any special rover handling options. If you are using an Ntrip rover, the correction format and special handling is chosen when you connect to the server. If you are using a post processing receiver, no correction format setting is required. This card is also used to set the elevation cutoff for trackin g satellites.
Data Modem
For RTK base, RTK rover, and Ntrip rover receivers, you must choose a data modem type and configure the communication settings between the receiver and the modem hardware. The choices of data modem will be different for base and rover, and will vary between brands. If your specific modem hardware is not listed in the interface, you can choose Generic Serial and set the baud rate and parity for the receiver to send data to the modem device.
General Settings
This card is used to pick brand and model specific settings. The settings on this page will depend on the receiver model. For more information, see the Reference Manual.
Post Process Settings
The Job recording interval for logging GPS data for post processing. If you wish to setup logging of raw GPS data for post processing, either simultaneously with RTK data collection or for post processing only data collection, go to the Post Proc ess card and select a Recording Interval.
| Settings | Post Process card is used to set the

RTK Data Collection and Stake Out

This section describes:
¾ How to start RTK data collection using the Start GPS
Survey wizard.
¾ How to setup receiver logging for post processing data
collection simultaneous with RTK.
¾ How and when to collect control points to solve a
localization coordinate system adjustment.
¾ How to use the different data collection functions ¾ How to use the different stake out functio ns ¾ How to select a map projection zone and how to setup a
Ground Coordinate system.
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