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LICENSE. LICENSO R grants to you a limited , non-excl usive licens e to (i) instal l and operate the co py of the compute r program contained in this
package ("Program") on a single computer (one central processing unit and associated monitor and keyboard) and (ii) make one archival copy of the
Program for use with the same computer. LICEN SOR retains all rights to the Program not expressly grante d in this Agreement.
OWNERSHIP OF PROGRAMS AND COPIES. This license is not a sale of the original Program or any copies. LICENSOR retains the ownership of
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GENERAL. This License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, United States of America.
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If the Program is acquired for use by or on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, the Program and Documentation are provided
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Should you have questions concerning the License Agreement or the Limited Warranties and Limitation of Liability, please contact in writing:
Tripod Data Systems, Inc., PO Box 947, Corvallis, Oregon, 97339, United States of America.
Survey Pro is a registered trademark of Tripod Data Systems, Inc. Windows CE is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Transfer Menu.................................................................................R-90
Job Menu
A: Settings
B: New
C: Open
D: Edit Points
E: Edit Polylines
F: Edit Alignments
G: Auto Linework
H: Save As
I: Import Coordinates
J: Export Coordinates
K: Job Information
L: View Raw Data
M: Backup Job
N: Collection Mode
O: Register Modules
P: About Survey Pro
Q: Exit
Items in gray are covered in the standard Reference Manual.
GPS Reference Manual
The Settings screen opens several individual screens that control all
hardware and software settings. The screens are provided in an
index card format.
There are two ways to navigate to the various screens. The first
method is to tap the
screens and then tap on the desired screen from the list to open it.
The second method is to tap the buttons to the side of the screen title,
which will open the previous or next screen respectively. Repeatedly
tapping either of these buttons will cycle through all the available
Note: Only the cards that are available when running in GPS Mode
are covered in this manual. For details on cards shared by both GPS
Mode and Conventional Mode, refer to the Conventional Reference
button to drop down the list of available
Receiver Settings
Job Menu
The Receiver Settings card is used to select the GPS receiver make
and model as well as the mode of differential data collection.
: is where you specify the model of the receiver you are using
from a dropdown list.
GPS Mode
processing functions.
which is used to change the settings specific for the receiver.
: toggles the content of the Survey Menu
: is where you specify the manufacturer
of the receiver you are using from a dropdown
Note: Many dialogs require connection to a
receiver to work. To open dialogs without a
receiver, set the
training and demonstrations, set the
Demo Mode
: opens the Receiver Settings
Manual Entry
Manual Mode
. To simulate RTK for
for RTK or post
screen (Page R-12),
and the
GPS Reference Manual
Measure Mode Settings
The Measure Mode card is used to configure the RTK data collection
Receiver Dynamics
receiver dynamics for point occupations.
Static on occupy
occupation, receiver is put in static
mode where it calculates position
assuming no motion and applies
advanced averaging techniques for the
most precise solution.
Dynamic always
dynamic mode for all point occupations.
Store GPS Raw Data
storage. The following options are available:
Lat, Lng, Ht (EP)
in the Survey Pro .RAW file for each measurement.
EP + Bl,CV
and associated covariance matrix (CV) in the Survey Pro
.RAW file for each measurement.
: is where you control the
: Receiver is left in
: is where you set the mode for raw data
: stores just a geodetic position (EP) record
: stores EP, the RTK base line measurement (BL)
On starting a point
Note: Ashtech receivers do not store base lines (BL) and covariance
(CV) records in the Survey Pro raw data file. Instead, they use a
separate Ashtech format .OBN file to store this information. The
user interface for Ashtech receivers will show OBN in place of BL,CV.
EP + Bl,CV + Rx Raw
covariance matrix (BL,CV) in the Survey Pro .RAW file. Also
sends the station and antenna information to the receiver’s
internal raw data file for post processing.
EP + Rx Raw
sends the station and antenna information to the receiver’s
internal raw data file for post processing.
: stores EP in the Survey Pro .RAW file. Also
: stores EP, and the base line and
Job Menu
Note: All receivers need to be in static mode to record Rx. Raw, and
some receivers always record Rx. Raw when in static mode. If the
combination of settings you select is not compatible for your receiver,
you will be prompted to change the settings..
: is where you control the solution quality acceptable for
storing measurements. You have two options:
Fixed RTK only
Code, Float, or Fix
Allows storage of fixed solution only.
: Allows storage of any differential
Epochs to Average on Accept
: is where you set the number of
epochs to average for the final coordinate. If this number is greater
than one, the final coordinate is calculated using an average of the
number of epochs specified.
Note: This function is not appropriate for every recei ver. Some
receivers, when dynamics are set to ‘static’, use Kalman filtering and
other superior techniques to cal culate an average position. In this
case, the position returned from the receiver is better with each epoch
and you may actually degrade your result by averaging with Survey
Pro. You should check with your receiver manufacturer for s pecific
recommendations on field procedure.
Use Acceptance Criteria
: is where you select to apply criteria to
measurement acceptance. When checked, only measurements with
values below the threshold will be accepted. To
use less than all three criteria, check this box but enter 0.0 for the
criteria you do not wish to apply.
: is the horizontal RMS threshold for automatic
acceptance or warning on point acceptance.
: is the vertical RMS threshold for automatic
acceptance or warning on point acceptance.
warning on point acceptance.
is the PDOP threshold for automatic acceptance or
GPS Reference Manual
Auto Acc e p t
acceptance. When checked, both the da ta and Offset Shots screens
will automatically accept points once the measurement is better than
the specified criteria.
is where you select to use criteria for automatic point
Projection Settings
The Projection Settings card is used to define the projection mode you
will use to calculate horizontal and vertical coordinates in your
your horizontal projection.
: contains the following options for
Ground - TDS Localization
setting to transform GPS coordinates
into a ground level local system using a
default TDS map projection set up to
produce ground distances at the GPS
base point origin.
Mapping Plane
transform GPS coordinates to a
selected mapping plane
: contains the following options for your vertical projection.
Localization (+Geoid)
with or without a localization vertical adjustment.
Ellipsoid Height
measured ellipsoid heights is desired. Point elevations will be
local ellipsoid heights.
: use this
: use this setting to
: use this setting to have a geoid model
: use this setting when no transformation of
: is where you select the coordinate system database to use.
Post Process Settings
Job Menu
The Post Process card is used to configure the post processing raw
data storage settings.
Do not store
autonomous points in RTK data collection routines.
Prompt for layer
an autonomous point is accepted. The layer specified will be
the default layer to store autonomous points, but the user can
over ride at the prompt.
Store on selected layer
autonomous points accepted during RTK data collection
routines on the specified la yer.
: this option will prohibit acceptance of
Recording Interval
period for receiver internal raw data
recording. Set it to
processing data collection in survey pro
and to turn off receiver recording on
RTK Autonomous Points
specify action to take when accepting
autonomous points during RTK data
: this option will prompt the user whenever
: this option will automatically store
: is where you set the
to disable post
is where you
: displays the layer selected to store autonomous points.
Select Layer
existing layer or create a new layer t o store autonomous points.
Session Monitor
processing status for the session screen. To have Survey Pro display
warnings during post processing data collection, check
and specify threshold values for t h e number of SV,
: opens up a layer prompt to allow you to select an
: is where you select to use monitoring of post
Wa rn me if
GPS Reference Manual
Note: This function only works during post processing data collection
using the session screen. For status during simultaneous post
processing and RTK data collection, refer to the status screens or the
RTK status bar.
Receiver Settings
The receiver Settings contains several settings specific to the selected
manufacturer and model of receiver. Some of these setting will vary
compared to what is displayed here.
Receiver Settings
The Receiver card is used to view the settings
for communication between the data collector
and the receiver.
: displays the receiver manufacturer
selected in the Receiver Settings
: displays the receiver model selected in
the Receiver Settings
RTK Correction Format
communication between the base and rover.
Serial Port (Data Collector)
port on the data collector used to communicate with the receiver.
Serial Port (GPS Receiver)
used to communicate with the data collector.
: is the format for
: displays the COM
: displays the COM port on the receiver
Baud Rate
speed must match the baud rate set in the receiver, which can be set
from the Receiver Communications
: displays the speed of the data collector’s COM port. This
screen, opened by tapping the
: displays the communications parity setting.
Job Menu
of the displayed communications settings can be changed.
: opens the Receiver Communications
screen, where many
Receiver Communication Screen
The Receiver Communication card is used to change the settings for
communication between the data collector and the receiver.
Baud Rate
communication baud rate.
Note: When you tap 2., the selected baud
rate will only get set in Survey Pro. To set the
selected baud rate on the receiver, tap
parity (if it is user selectable).
Note: For receivers where parity is not user definable, this field
simply displays the default parity.
Serial Port (GPS Receiver)
Serial Port (Data Collector)
the data collector.
selected value.
: sets all the fields to the default values.
: sets the baud rate on the chosen receiver port to the
: is where you select the serial port on the
: is where you select the
: is where you select the communication
: is where you to select the serial port on
Note: This function requires that communication is already open
between the data collector and receiver. If communication is not
open, use
first to get the current receiver communication
GPS Reference Manual
the current receiver communication settings. If this function
succeeds, Survey Pro is set to communicate at the baud found on the
: checks the receiver at all allowable baud rates to find
Base Radio Settings
The Base Radio Settings card is used to view and configure the
settings for the radio used with the base receiver.
Baud Rate
will use to communicate with the radio.
to communicate with the radio.
Serial Port
will use to communicate with the radio.
Communications screen (Page R-15), where
you can change the receiver settings for radio
firmware and opens the Radio Settings screen (Page R-15), where you
can change the radio channel and sensitivity settings.
: displays the baud rate the receiver
: displays the parity the receiver will use
: displays the serial port the receiver
: opens the Radio
: displays the last radio channel when applicable.
: displays the last radio sensitivity when applicable.
: displays the last radio base mode when applicable.
The Radio Communications screen is used to change the settings for
communication between the base or rover receiver and the radio.
the receiver will use to communicate with the
the parity the receiver will use to
communicate with the radio.
Serial Port (GPS Receiver)
select the serial port the receiver will use to
communicate with the radio.
defaults based on the selected hardware.
Note: The radio communication settings are also set in the receiver
during the base and rover setup procedure. Therefore, you will not
usually have to use the Receiver Set button on this page.
: automatically sets all the selectable values to their
: sets the selected radio communication settings in the
The Radio Settings screen is used to configure settings of the b ase or
rover radio mode. All settings available are described below.
However, not all radios support all of the described settings, so if you
do not see one of these fields, it is because the radio type does not
support it.
Pac Crest Radio Settings screen. Trimble Radio Settings screen.
: displays the baud rate the radio is currently set to.
: displays the parity the radio is currently set to.
communicate with the other radio.
selected on this screen.
Note: some settings on the radio cannot be modified with Survey Pro.
To fully program the radio modems, you need to PC software that
should be supplied with the radio.
: is where you select the channel the radio will use to
: is where you select the sensitivity of the radio.
: is where you select the base radio mode of the radio.
: sends commands to the radio firmware to configure the settings
Rover Radio Settings
Job Menu
The Rover Radio Settings card is used to view
and configure the settings for the ra dio used
with the rover receiver. It is identical to the
Base Radio
card described on Page R-14.
General Settings
The General Settings card is used to configure
additional settings and to se lect any rece ive rspecific settings.
Elevation Cutoff
minimum elevation angle for using a satellite.
The available fields on this page are specific to
the selected receiver make and model. For
further information, see your receiver
: is where you set the
operation (base and rover) and puts the
receiver into a standalone autonomous position mode.
Note: This function is useful for some receivers that have trouble
communicating with radios during RTK operation.
: Disables all RTK
GPS Reference Manual
RTK Configurations
The RTK Configurations Settings card is used to configure automatic
connection when RTK base and rover receivers need to use different
COM ports and settings.
Auto connect RTK with saved configuration
is where you turn on the automatic connect ion
function. When selected, this feature will
switch to the receiver brand and model and set
the port settings to the saved configuration.
: Displays the brand and model of the
saved base receiver configuration.
Connect Using
settings for the saved base receiver
COM port settings as the RTK base. This receiver will automatically
be set when you tap Base Setup in Survey Pro.
: Displays the brand and model of the s aved rover receiver
COM port settings as the RTK rover. This receiver will automatically
be set when you tap Rover Setup in Survey Pro.
: Displays the COM port
Saves the current receiver and
Saves the current receiver and
Note: If you need to connect to a receiver different than the saved
configuration, you can un-check the Auto Connect control.
Survey Menu – RTK
The Survey Menu contains the routines used for collecting data. The
screens below are available only when running Survey Pro in RTK
mode. The screens available when running in Post Processing mode
are described in the next section.
A: GPS Status
B: Base Setup
C: Rover Setup
D: Control Points
E: Data Collection
F: Projection
G: Receiver Recording
H: Receiver Info
I: Readjust Points
J: Projection Calculator
GPS Reference Manual
GPS Status
The GPS Status screen contains several index card-format screens
providing information about the current GPS solution.
The Receiver card displays information about the
receiver mode and GPS solution quality.
displays if the receiver is set to
, or
remaining in the receiver’s internal storage card.
the receiver.
Satellites Used
for the current GPS solution.
Satellites Locked
the following values:
Post Processing
: displays the amount of memory
: displays the remaining battery charge in
: displays the number of satell ites used by the receiver
: displays the number of satellites tracked by the
: displays the type and quality of solution. It will be one of
: is used to reinitialize the receiver’s RTK engine.
Off, Base,
No Communication
No Data
No RTK Solution
receiver is not computing a solution.
(accuracy is about 100 meters).
: we are receiving an unknown or a bad response to
: we are receiving a stand-alone solution
: we are not receiving a response to
: we are receiving a response, but the
: we are receiving a code differential solution (precision
is about 1 to 10 meters).
Survey Menu – RTK
H Precision
horizontal solution reported by the receiver. It is displayed in project
V Precision
by the receiver. It is displayed in project units.
: displays the Horizontal Dilution of Precision. It is a measure
of the geometrical quality of the solution. DOP has no units and
lower numbers indicate better solution geometry.
: displays the Vertical Dilution of Precision. It is a measure of
the geometrical quality of the solution.
: displays the Position Dilution of Precision. It is a combination
of HDOP, VDOP and Time Dilution of Precision. It will always be
larger than HDOP and VDOP.
: we are receiving a carrier phase differential solution
with float ambiguities (precision is typically within 0.1_m to
: we are receiving a carrier phase differential solution
with fixed ambiguities (precision is typically within 15_mm
for single-frequency receivers and 5_mm for dual-frequency
: displays the root mean squared (RMS) error of the
: displays the RMS error of the vertical solution reported
Data Link
The Data Link card displays information about the radio
Receiver mode
Radio Reception
radio signal quality. This information is only
displayed if the receiver is in rover mode.
Signal Latency
differential correction used in the current GPS
solution. This value should be one second or
less for good RTK solutions. If this value is
: (see the Receiver Status card,
: displays two values indicating
: displays the age of the
GPS Reference Manual
consistently greater than one second, check the radio link.
the radio link.
Position Quality
: displays the receiver’s estimation of the percent quality of
: (see the Receiver
card on Page R-20.)
Sky View
The Sky View card displays a plot of the satellites
tracked and the elevation mask boundary.
Note: If the receiver setup has not yet been
performed, the elevation mask will not be
Sat Info
The Sat Info card displays signal quality information for the satellites
that are being used and allows you to disable
specific satellites.
: is the satellite identification number that
you wish to disable or re-enable.
This satellite will then no longer be used in any
solution until it is re-enabled.
: disables the USI entered above.
shows a bar graph that indicates the signal-to-noise ratio. A longer
bar indicates more noise, and a lower-quality signal.
being used, which is reported by the receiver. The columns
available depend on the receiver being used. Consult your
receiver’s documentation for more information.
: re-enables the USI entered above.
: enable all the satellites that were disabled.
: This card lists all the satellites that are in view and
: This card lists signal quality information for each satellite
Survey Menu – RTK
The Position card displays your current position as well as your
course and speed information if you are moving.
are moving.
ground if you are moving.
: displays your current coordinates.
: (see the Receiver
: displays your course over ground if you
: displays your horizontal speed over
card on Page R-20.)
Base Setup
The Base Setup screen is used to set the base point in Survey Pro and
to configure the receiver to begin broadcasting differential
Note: If you are in
for the purposes of doing GPS calculations without having to connect
to a receiver.
Manual Mode
When you tap the Base Setup menu item, the
Current GPS Base Station
is displayed.
, you can set the base in Survey Pro
information screen
Base Point
name, if set.
Base Status
Base Latitude
the base point set in Survey Pro.
Base Longitude
longitude of the base point set in Survey Pro.
: displays the current base point
: displays the status of the base.
: displays the current latitude of
: displays the current
GPS Reference Manual
Base Height
Survey Pro.
: displays the current height of the b ase point set in
set and the receiver configured for RTK and post processing data
setup so you edit the point if necessary.
: displays information about the antenna if it is available.
: opens the Base Setup
: (visible only in
Manual Entry
wizard where the base position can be
mode) clears the existing base
Base Setup One – Pick Base Point
The first Base Setup screen is used to pick the base point and set the
antenna height.
Base Point
that the base antenna is set up over.
Note: You can enter either an existing point
or a new point name into the Base Point
control. If you enter a new point name, the
routine will create a new point record in the job
file at the end of successful base station
Receiver Antenna screen after tapping
field changes depending on if the antenna has already been setup.
: is where you enter the point name
: displays antenna information defined from the Base
. The title of this
the location specified on the Base Receiver Antenna
where the details of the base antenna are defined.
Note: the antenna information and receiver serial number is stored
in the registry. When you setup the base or rover receiver and the
receiver serial number matches a number stored in the registry, the
associated antenna parameters are automatically recalled.
: is where you enter the height of the antenna, measured to
: opens the Base Receiver Antenna
screen (Page R-27)
Survey Menu – RTK
on the base point you choose:
• If the base point has existing geodetic coordinates, or if they can
• If the base point does not have geodetic coordinates or if geodetic
: opens the final Base Setup
be computed from 3D plane coordinates and the latest projection
solution, the final screen allows you to SET the receiver with the
known position.
coordinates cannot be computed for this point, the final screen is
used to GET an autonomous position and set the receiver.
screen. The final screen depends
Base Setup Two – SET
This final Base Setup screen is used to SET the known base position
in Survey Pro and in the receiver. This screen will open when the
base point has measured or computed geodetic coordinates in the job.
Base Point
chosen in the previous screen.
base point.
the base point.
Ellipse Height
height for the base point.
: sets the base position in Survey Pro and configures the receiver
to begin broadcasting differential corrections. When successfully
completed, the Current GPS Base
the new base station information.
: displays the base point name
: displays the current latitude for the
: displays the current longitude for
: displays the current ellipsoid
: returns to the previous Base Setup
information screen returns with
Base Setup Two – GET and SET
This final Base Setup screen is used to GET an autonomous (here)
position from the receiver and to SET that base position in Survey
Pro and in the receiver. This screen will open when the point is a
new point in the job file, or, in Localization mode when this is the
first geodetic point i n the job.
GPS Reference Manual
Base Point
: displays the base point name chosen in the previous
latitude for the base point.
longitude for the base point.
Ellipse Height
ellipsoid height for the base point.
Note: You can enter latitude in dd.mmsssss
format with north positive, or you can enter dd
mm ss.ssssss N/S. You can enter longitude in
ddd.mmsssssss format with east positive or you
can enter ddd mm ss.sssss E/W.
Average position for epochs before GET
average autonomous positions for this number of epochs before
position. This position can then be used to configure the base by
: is where you enter the WGS84
: is where you enter the WGS84
: is where you enter the WGS84
: opens the GPS Status
: queries the receiver for an autonomous
screen (Page R-20).
: instructs the receiver to
Note: It is highly recommended that you do only one autonomous
base setup per job. This will make it much easier to manage the
transformation from geodeti c to local plane coordinates in your job. It
is possible, however, to do multiple autonomous setups in a job. If
you do this, each setup is assigned a unique setup group to identify
them. See the user's manual for more informat ion on setup groups.
: sets the base position in Survey Pro and configures the receiver
to begin broadcasting differential corrections. When successfully
completed, the Current GPS Base
the new base station information.
information screen returns with
Base Receiver Antenna
Survey Menu – RTK
Vertical Offset
Slant Offset
The Base Receiver Antenna screen is used to define the parameters of
the antenna used with the base receiver.
Antenna Type
: is where you select the model
of antenna to use. The options available here
depend on the current receiver.
Measure To
: is where you select method for
antenna height measurements. Most
antennas have only two choices, measure to
bottom of mount, or a visible slant measure
: is where you enter the height of the
antenna, measured to the location specified in
Measure To
: is where you enter the
distance from the antenna’s center to
the measuring mark on its outer edge.
Phase Center
: is where you enter the vertical
distance measured from the
location, to the phase center.
Note: If your antenna type is not
Manual, the Radius and Offset fields
will be disabled, and the known values
for the selected Measure To mark will
be displayed.
Updates the base antenna settings with the values selected on
this screen.
GPS Reference Manual
Note: When this screen is used by the RTK rover for updates of
antenna height during a survey, the Set button will send the new
antenna parameters to the receiver as well as updating Survey Pro's
Rover Setup
The Rover Setup screen is used to configure an RTK rover to begin
receiving differential corrections and to start the survey with the base
reference position.
Rover Status
Base set at
This will be empty if the base is not set.
: displays the latitude of the base.
: displays the longitude of the base.
position is not known to this data collector.
This function will get the base station’s geodetic coordinate over the
radio link and set the base position in Survey Pro. It will then
configure the rover receiver to start receiving differential corrections.
collector. This function configures the rover with the displayed
geodetic coordinate.
Last Antenna for this Receiver
from the Rover Receiver Antenna
title of this field changes depending on if the antenna has already
been setup.
: displays the ellipsoid height of the
: displays the status of the rover.
: displays the current base point.
: is used when the GPS base
: is used when the base station was set with this data
: displays antenna information defined
screen, opened from
. The
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