GHOST Appendix A A.3
TTiimmeeccooddee SSuuppppoorrtt
The console will display the last timecode value sent by the tape machine. This
means that, for some machines, when you rewind the tape the displayed timecode
will be that at which the tape was stopped. This will be displayed until the tape is
played again, at which point the display will update to the new value being sent.
To cope with tape dropout the SMPTE reader 'flywheels' for ten frames after
which the timecode stops.
CCoonnttrrooll BBuuttttoonn SSuuppppoorrtt
To provide feedback to the console transport control buttons the tape machine
should support 'tally' messages (i.e., feedback from the tape machine of its status).
If this is not provided the console tries to interpret any timecode being sent to
produce these 'tally' messages internally.
MMIIDDII TTiimmeeccooddee MMaasstteerr
The Ghost uses its own internal clock as a timecode reference for mixing. It also
sends out MIDI timecode. This mode would normally be used with sequencers
which can chase to MTC.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
Control timecode sent out by the Ghost.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
Supported. (assuming all other devices will chase to MTC)
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported.
Shuttle not supported (Use FF or REW).
Jog mode supported.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect MIDI cable from Ghost to sequencers etc.
MMIIDDII TTiimmeeccooddee SSllaavvee
The Automation slaves to incoming MIDI Timecode. The transport buttons on the
console indicate whether timecode is running, stopped etc. The console transport
controls have no effect on the tape machine.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
Display only, by using timecode values returned by the tape machine.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect MIDI cable from external MIDI Timecode source to console.