Soundcraft GHOST User notes

GHOST Appendix A A.1
NNootteess FFoorr
MMaacchhiinnee CCoonnttrrooll
A.2 GHOST Appendix A
NNootteess ffoorr MMaacchhiinnee CCoonnttrrooll
PPrroottooccooll SSuuppppoorrtt
The following tape machines/protocols are supported:
Machine/Protocol Timecode source
MIDI Timecode master internal
MIDI Timecode slave MTC (Midi Time Code)
Fostex G series MTC (Midi Time Code)
Fostex R series MTC (Midi Time Code)
Fostex RD-8 LTC (Using Midi Machine Control )
Midi Machine Control MTC
Midi Machine Control LTC
MMC Open Loop MTC
LTC Timecode Master LTC
LTC Timecode Slave LTC
Akai DR4 LTC & MTC (Midi Time Code)
Alesis ADAT AI-2 (Midi Time Code)
Alesis BRC MTC (Midi Time Code)
Sony 9-Pin LTC
Sony 9-Pin P2 No Record LTC
Sony UVW 1800P / TascamDA-88 LTC
Tascam DA-88 LTC (Midi Time Code)
Tascam DA-88 MTC (Midi Time Code)
All Trademarks acknowledged.
GHOST Appendix A A.3
TTiimmeeccooddee SSuuppppoorrtt
The console will display the last timecode value sent by the tape machine. This
means that, for some machines, when you rewind the tape the displayed timecode
will be that at which the tape was stopped. This will be displayed until the tape is
played again, at which point the display will update to the new value being sent.
To cope with tape dropout the SMPTE reader 'flywheels' for ten frames after
which the timecode stops.
CCoonnttrrooll BBuuttttoonn SSuuppppoorrtt
To provide feedback to the console transport control buttons the tape machine
should support 'tally' messages (i.e., feedback from the tape machine of its status).
If this is not provided the console tries to interpret any timecode being sent to
produce these 'tally' messages internally.
MMIIDDII TTiimmeeccooddee MMaasstteerr
The Ghost uses its own internal clock as a timecode reference for mixing. It also
sends out MIDI timecode. This mode would normally be used with sequencers
which can chase to MTC.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
Control timecode sent out by the Ghost.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
Supported. (assuming all other devices will chase to MTC)
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported.
Shuttle not supported (Use FF or REW).
Jog mode supported.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect MIDI cable from Ghost to sequencers etc.
MMIIDDII TTiimmeeccooddee SSllaavvee
The Automation slaves to incoming MIDI Timecode. The transport buttons on the
console indicate whether timecode is running, stopped etc. The console transport
controls have no effect on the tape machine.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
Display only, by using timecode values returned by the tape machine.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect MIDI cable from external MIDI Timecode source to console.
A.4 GHOST Appendix A
MMIIDDII MMaacchhiinnee CCoonnttrrooll ((MMTTCC))
This allows the Ghost to work with a tape machine which can be controlled using
the generic MIDI Machine Control (MMC) protocol and which also sends the
timecode as MIDI Timecode (MTC) on the same MIDI output as the MMC tallies.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, machine required to send back tallies.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported
SSeettuupp NNootteess
See tape machine manual
OOtthheerr NNootteess
Closed loop system required. Open loop users may wish to try the Alesis driver
(Alesis ADAT AI-2), or the MMC Open Loop Driver.
MMIIDDII MMaacchhiinnee CCoonnttrrooll WWiitthh LLTTCC
This allows the Ghost to work with a tape machine which can be controlled using
the generic MIDI Machine Control (MMC) protocol and which sends the timecode
as SMPTE Longitudinal Timecode (LTC).
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, machine required to send back tallies.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect SMPTE IN on the Ghost to the Timecode Output of the Tape Machine.
Connect MIDI cables from the Tape Machine MIDI Controller to the Ghost MIDI
OOtthheerr NNootteess
Closed loop system required.
GHOST Appendix A A.5
MMMMCC OOppeenn LLoooopp
This allows the Ghost to work with a tape machine which can be controlled using
the generic MIDI Machine Control (MMC) protocol and which also sends the
timecode as MIDI Timecode (MTC).
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not Supported
Not supported
SSeettuupp NNootteess
See tape machine manual
LLTTCC TTiimmeeccooddee ((SSllaavvee))
The Automation slaves to incoming SMPTE Timecode.
This mode would be used for a tape machine which has no interface for the Ghost
to control it, but which has SMPTE Timecode recorded on one track of the Tape
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
Display only, by using timecode values returned by the tape machine.The trans-
port buttons on the console indicate whether timecode is running, stopped etc.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Connect tape machine SMPTE signal to SMPTE IN on the Ghost.
A.6 GHOST Appendix A
AAkkaaii DDRR44
AAddddiittiioonnaall HHaarrddwwaarree RReeqquuiirreedd
IB-113M-V3.0 MIDI Interface Board
IB-112T-V3.0 SMPTE/EBU Timecode Interface Board (optional)
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, except record.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported by the DR4
Not supported by the DR4
SSeettuupp NNootteess
See the DR4 user documentation.
SMPTE lead is only
required if IB-112T
SMPTE interface board is
fitted to the DR4
GHOST Appendix A A.7
AAlleessiiss AADDAATT ((AAII--22))
AAddddiittiioonnaall HHaarrddwwaarree RReeqquuiirreedd
AI-2 Synchronisation Interface
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, except record. Display tallies created from MTC fed to the Ghost.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported by the Al-2
Not supported by the Al-2
SSeettuupp NNootteess
The following parameters should be set-up on the AI-2 Menus.
Menu Submenu Option
Control Mode Auto
The following diagram shows how to connect the MIDI and sync cables.
Put the AI-2 on-line by pressing its ON-LINE switch.
OOtthheerr NNootteess
Open loop control system, uses MMC to control tape machine, may be useful on
other 'dumb' machines.
A.8 GHOST Appendix A
AAlleessiiss BBRRCC ((MMTTCC))
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, BRC sends back tallies
LLooccaattee ttoo ttiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
This function is not supported by Alesis BRC.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Use the MIDI/UTIL button on the BRC to select page 1 on the LCD display
[ 1. MIDI Echo ]
[ OFF ] Use the  ¯ keys to select option to OFF.
Select page 8
[ 8. Output Rew/FF ]
[ SMPTE & MTC ON ] Use the  ¯ keys to select option to ON.
Select page 9
[ 9. Sysex Output ]
[ Enable ] Use the  ¯ keys to select option to Enable.
Enable the timecode output using the GEN SYNC button on the BRC.
GHOST Appendix A A.9
FFoosstteexx GG sseerriieess ((MMIIDDII))
AAddddiittiioonnaall HHaarrddwwaarree RReeqquuiirreedd
G series synchroniser card required, to be fitted to tape machine (Fostex Part no.
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, machine sends back tallies.
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Not supported by Fostex G series machines.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
The following procedure should be followed on the front panel of the G24 to set-
up the parameters on the synchroniser card.
Hold down RCL, while held down press STO
Type 60, use "." to change to SIO MIDI.
Press STO.
Hold down RCL, while held down press STO
Type 63. Type 01.
Press STO.
Hold down RCL, while held down press STO
Type 64, use "." to change to ADFr oF.
Press STO.
Hold down RCL, while held down press STO
Type 65, use "." to change to change to Chuc oF.
Press STO.
Don't forget to connect timecode output from the tape to CODE IN. See diagram
A.10 GHOST Appendix A
FFoosstteexx RR sseerriieess ((MMIIDDII))
AAddddiittiioonnaall HHaarrddwwaarree RReeqquuiirreedd
Fostex MTC-1 Interface (Software version greater than 1.3 required for full func-
TTrraannssppoorrtt CCoonnttrroollss
All supported, machine sends back tallies
LLooccaattee TToo TTiimmeeccooddee
RReeccoorrdd EEnnaabbllee//RReehheeaarrssee
Supported. Possible problem with old Fostex exclusive messages on machines ear-
lier than rom revision 1.4.
Not supported by Fostex R series machines.
SSeettuupp NNootteess
Remember to connect Timecode from tape track to MTC1. See diagram below.
Set dipswitch on back to all zeros except switches 8 & 6.
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