SoundCraft Five Monitor User Manual

FIVE Monitor Contents 1
2 FIVE Monitor Contents
© Harman International Industries Ltd. 1997 All rights reserved
Parts of the design of this product may be protected by worldwide patents.
Part No. ZM0228 Issue 1
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not repre­sent a commitment on the part of the vendor. Soundcraft shall not be liable for loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or any error con­tained in this manual.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans­mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of Soundcraft.
It is recommended that all maintenance and service on the product should be car­ried out by Soundcraft or its authorised agents. Soundcraft cannot accept any lia­bility whatsoever for any loss or damage caused by service, maintenance or repair by unauthorised personnel.
Harman International Industries Limited. Cranborne House, Cranborne Road, Cranborne Industrial Estate, Potters Bar, Herts., EN6 3JN UK.
Tel: 01707 665000 Fax: 01707 660482
FIVE Monitor Contents i
FIVE MMonitor


1. Introduction 1.1
Introduction 1.2
Warranty 1.2
2. Installation 2.1
Dimensions 2.2
Precautions and Safety Instructions 2.3
Mains Installation 2.4
Connections 2.6
Block Diagrams 3.1
24-bus Mono Input Module 3.2
32-bus Mono Input Module 3.3
24-bus Stereo Input Module 3.4
32-bus Stereo Input Module 3.5
32-bus Output Module 3.6
Master Module 3.7
EQ Output Module 3.10
Functional Description 4.1
Mono Input Module 4.2
Stereo Input Module 4.6
Output Module 4.10
Master Module 4.14
Specifications 5.1
ii FIVE Monitor Contents
FIVE Monitor Introduction 1.1
FFIIVVEE MMoonniittoorr
1.2 FIVE Monitor Introduction
Congratulations on purchasing a Soundcraft console.
Series FIVE Monitor is a dedicated Monitor mixing console designed to meet the
exacting requirements of major tours and installations.
SSyysstteemm OOvveerrvviieeww
l Available in two versions: 24+2 or 32+2 bus
l Frame sizes from 40-60 mono inputs
l Optional stereo input module
l 4-band parametric EQ on all inputs including stereos
l Sends can be globally configured as mono or stereo
l Comprehensive output matrix built-in
l 8 VCA Groups plus 8 Mute groups
l Remote control of BSS Varicurve via midi
l LED input metering plus VU output metering
PPoowweerr SSuuppppllyy
l The FIVE Monitor uses the CPS2000 Power Supply.
FIVE Monitor Introduction 1.3
1 Soundcraft is a trading division of Harman International Industries Ltd .
End User means the person who first puts the equipment into regular
Dealer means the person other than Soundcraft (if any) from whom the
End User purchased the Equipment, provided such a person is authorised
for this purpose by Soundcraft or its accredited Distributor.
Equipment means the equipment supplied with this manual.
2 If within the period of twelve months from the date of delivery of the
Equipment to the End User it shall prove defective by reason only of faulty
materials and/or workmanship to such an extent that the effectiveness
and/or usability thereof is materially affected the Equipment or the defec-
tive component should be returned to the Dealer or to Soundcraft and
subject to the following conditions the Dealer or Soundcraft will repair or
replace the defective components. Any components replaced will become
the property of Soundcraft.
3 Any Equipment or component returned will be at the risk of the End User
whilst in transit (both to and from the Dealer or Soundcraft) and postage
must be prepaid.
4 This warranty shall only be available if:
a) the Equipment has been properly installed in accordance with instruc-
tions contained in Soundcrafts manual; and
b) the End User has notified Soundcraft or the Dealer within 14 days of the
defect appearing; and
c) no persons other than authorised representatives of Soundcraft or the
Dealer have effected any replacement of parts maintenance adjustments or
repairs to the Equipment; and
d) the End User has used the Equipment only for such purposes as
Soundcraft recommends, with only such operating supplies as meet
Soundcrafts specifications and otherwise in all respects in accordance
Soundcrafts recommendations.
5 Defects arising as a result of the following are not covered by this
Warranty: faulty or negligent handling, chemical or electro-chemical or
electrical influences, accidental damage, Acts of God, neglect, deficiency in
electrical power, air-conditioning or humidity control.
6 The benefit of this Warranty may not be assigned by the End User.
7 End Users who are consumers should note their rights under this Warranty
are in addition to and do not affect any other rights to which they may be
entitled against the seller of the Equipment.
1.4 FIVE Monitor Introduction
FIVE Monitor Installation 2.1
FFIIVVEE MMoonniittoorr
2.2 FIVE Monitor Installation
All dimensions are in millimeters (inches in brackets)
251.12 (9.89")
112.35 (4.42")
169.38 (6.67")
(24-bus, 44ch), 40ch
(24-bus, 52ch), 48ch
(24-bus, 60ch), 56ch
2007.80 (79.05")
2269.80 (89.36")
2531.80 (99.67“)
156kg (343lbs)
170kg (374lbs)
185kg (407lbs)
Mono Input Output Master
40 ch 48 ch 56 ch
FIVE Monitor Installation 2.3
PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss aanndd SSaaffeettyy IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
GGeenneerraall PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
Avoid storing or using the mixing console in conditions of excessive heat or cold,
or in positions where it is likely to be subject to vibration, dust or moisture. Do
not use any liquids to clean the fascia of the unit: a soft dry brush is ideal. Use only
water or ethyl alcohol to clean the trim and scribble strips. Other solvents may
cause damage to paint or plastic parts.
Avoid using the console close to strong sources of electromagnetic radiation (e.g.
video monitors, high-power electric cabling): this may cause degradation of the
audio quality due to induced voltages in connecting leads and chassis. For the
same reason, always site the power supply away from the unit.
In all cases, refer servicing to qualified personnel.
HHaannddlliinngg aanndd TTrraannssppoorrtt
The console is supplied in a strong crate. If it is necessary to move it any distance
after installation it is recommended that this packing is used to protect it. Be sure
to disconnect all cabling before moving. If the console is to be regularly moved we
recommend that it is installed in a foamlined flightcase. At all times avoid applying
excessive force to any knobs, switches or connectors.
PPoowweerr SSuupppplliieess && ccaabblleess
Always use the power supply and cable supplied with the mixer: the use of alter-
native supplies may cause damage and voids the warranty; the extension of power
cables may result in malfunction of the mixing console.
Always switch the power supply off before connecting or disconnecting
the mixer power cable, removing or installing modules, and servicing. In
the event of an electrical storm, or large mains voltage fluctuations,
immediately switch off the PSU and unplug from the mains.
Use only the Soundcraft CPS2000 power supply with your console.
SSiiggnnaall LLeevveellss
It is important to supply the correct input levels to the console, otherwise signal to
noise ratio or distortion performance may be degraded; and in extreme cases,
damage to the internal circuitry may result. Likewise, on all balanced inputs avoid
sources with large commonmode DC, AC or RF voltages, as these will reduce the
available signal range on the inputs. Note that 0dBu = 0.775V RMS.
2.4 FIVE Monitor Installation
MMaaiinnss IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
GGeenneerraall WWiirriinngg PPrroocceedduurreess
To take full advantage of the excellent signal to noise ratio and low distortion of
Soundcraft consoles care must be taken to ensure that incorrect installation and
wiring does not degrade the performance of the desk. Hum, buzz, instability and
Radio Frequency interference can usually be traced to earth loops and inferior earth-
ing systems. In some areas, especially heavily industrial areas, the incoming mains
earth will not be adequate and a separate technical earth for all the audio equipment
must be supplied. However, check with your local electricity supply company to
ensure that safety regulations are not infringed or negated.
The successful, hum free, installation of a system requires forethought, and the estab-
lishment of a set of ground rules, which must be consistently adhered to at all stages
of installation.
IInniittiiaall WWiirriinngg CCoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss
For optimum performance, it is essential for the earthing system to be clean and noise
free, as all signals are referenced to this earth. A central point should be decided on
for the main earth point system, and all earths should be `star fed from this point. It
is common electrical practice to daisy chain the earths to all electrical outlets but this
method is unsuitable for audio installations. The preferred method is to run an indi-
vidual earth wire from each outlet, back to the system star point to provide a safety
earth screen reference for each piece of equipment.
A separate earth wire should also be run from each equipment rack and area, to the
star point. This may or may not be used depending on circumstances, but it is easier
to install in the first place, than later when problems arise.
The location of the star point should be a convenient, easily accessible place, prefer-
ably at the rear of the console or in the main equipment rack.
Install separate clean and dirty mains outlets, wired individually back to the incom-
ing mains distribution box. Use the clean supply for all audio equipment and the
dirty supply for all lighting, etc. Never mix the two systems.
If necessary, to provide sufficient isolation from mains borne interference, install an
isolating transformer. This should be provided with a Faraday Shield which must be
connected with earth.
Never locate the incoming mains distribution box near audio equipment, especially
tape recorders, which are very sensitive to electro-magnetic fields.
Ensure that all equipment racks are connected to earth, via a separate wire back to
the star point.
Equipment which has unbalanced inputs and outputs may need to be isolated from the
rack to prevent earth loops.
AAuuddiioo WWiirriinngg
Having provided all equipment with power and earthing connections, consideration
must be given to the method of providing audio interconnection and adequate screen-
ing of those interconnections. This must be done in a logical sequence to avoid prob-
lems and assist in the localisation of problem equipment.
l Connect the Monitor system to the console and check for any hum, buzz, or
RFI. Only when you are satisfied with the quietness of the console and the
monitor system should you proceed with the next step.
l Connect stereo tape recorders, echo and foldback sends one at a time, check-
ing and isolating any connection which degrades performance.
l Connect all other peripheral devices.
FIVE Monitor Installation 2.5
l Connect all microphone lines.
By following this sequence much time and future trouble will be saved, and the result
will be a quiet, stable system.
Audio equipment is supplied with a variety of input and output configurations, which
must be taken into consideration when deciding where the screen connections should
be made. There are three sources of unwanted signal being impressed on the screen,
which are as follows:
l Extraneous electrostatic or electromagnetic fields.
l Noise and interference on the earth line.
l Capacitive coupling between the screen and signal wires.
To minimise the adverse affects of the unwanted coupling to the signal wires, it is
important that the screen is connected at one end only, i.e. the screen must not carry
any signal current. Any signal on the wires within the screen will be capacitively cou-
pled to the screen. This current will ultimately be returned to the source of the sig-
nal, either directly, if the screen is connected at the signal source end, or indirectly via
the earthing system, if the signal is connected at the signal destination end. The indi-
rect connection will cause an increase in high frequency cross-talk, and should be
avoided wherever possible.
Therefore, in general, always connect the shield only at the signal source end. In high
RF areas, the screen can also be connected to earth via a 0.01
µF capacitor. This will
present a short circuit at RF frequencies, thus lowering the effective shield impedance
to ground. However, at low audio frequencies the reactance of the capacitor will be
sufficiently high not to cause an earth loop problem.
PPooiinnttss ttoo RReemmeemmbbeerr
l In all cases, use good quality twin screened audio cable. Check for instability at
the output.
l Always connect both conductors at both ends, and ensure that the screen is
only connected at one end.
l Do not disconnect the mains earth from each piece of equipment. This is
needed to provide both safety and screen returns to the system star point.
l Equipment which has balanced inputs and outputs may need to be electrically
isolated from the equipment rack and/or other equipment, to avoid earth
It is important to remember that all equipment which is connected to the mains is a
potential source of hum and interference and may radiate both electrostatic or elec-
tromagnetic radiation. In addition, the mains will also act as a carrier for many forms
of RF interference generated by electric motors, airconditioning units, thyristor light
dimmers etc. Unless the earth system is clean, all attempts to improve hum noise lev-
els will be futile. In extreme cases there will be no alternative but to provide a com-
pletely separate and independant technical earth to replace the incoming noisy
earth. However, always consult your local electricity supply authority to ensure that
safety regulations are not being infringed.
2.6 FIVE Monitor Installation
2 2
1 1
3 3
3-pole XLR
Audio Connectors
Lamp Connectors
MIDI Connectors
Stereo Jack Plug used as balanced Input/Output, inc. Insert Send/Return
Pin 4 = 0V
Pins 1 and 3 = +/-12V
Stereo Jack Plug used for Headphones
Not Used
Midi In -
Midi In +
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
MIDI Out -
MIDI Out +
FIVE Monitor Installation 2.7
JJuummppeerr OOppttiioonnss
MMoonnoo IInnppuutt MMoodduullee ((SSCC 33991177))
Jumper Function Default Option Option
JMP 1-6 Channel Insert Position J1/2/3 Pre EQ J4/5/6 Post EQ
JMP 7-9 Prefade Source Select J7 Pre Fade J8 Pre Mute J9 Pre EQ
JMP 10-12 Prefade Source Select J10 Pre Fade J11 Pre Mute J12 Pre EQ
GRPS 9-16
JMP 13-15 Prefade Source Select J13 Pre Fade J14 Pre Mute J15 Pre EQ
GRPS 1-8
JMP 16-18 Direct Output Source J18 Post I/P Amp J17 Pre Fade J16 Post Fade
JMP 19 Pre EQ Mute Enabled Disabled
JMP 20 Pre Mute Source Post Pre
Post EQ Insert Post EQ Insert
JMP 21-23 Meter Source J21 Post I/P Amp J22 Pre Mute J23 Post Fade
MMaasstteerr MMoodduullee LLHH PPCCBB ((SSCC33992233))
J1 Talk Back to Foh DC Signal Enabled Disabled
J2 Oscillator Routing to Buses 32 Bus 24 Bus
J3 Wedge Source If no Solo No Signal GRPL+R
VVCCAA FFaaddeerr ((SSCC33992266))
J1-8 VCA Solo Signal (Select by VCA Position)
J11-18 VCA Control Level (Select by VCA Position)
J21-28 VCA Mute Signal (Select by VCA Position)
PPoowweerr DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn && LLiinnkk PPCCBB ((SSCC33992277))
J1 Matrix Ext. Input L Sensitivity +4dBu -10dBu
J2 Matrix Ext. Input R Sensitivity +4dBu -10dBu
OOuuttppuutt MMoodduullee LLHH PPCCBB ((SSCC33992211))
J1-16 A Group Input Select (GRPS 1-16)
J17-20 A Group Input Select 24 Bus Consoles Only
J21-36 B Group Input Select (GRPS 1-16)
J37-68 A+B Group Output Select (GRPS 1-16)
J70 Ground Cancel Bus Select
J71-86 Matrix Output Select
J87-90 Matrix External Input Option Select
J101-116 Mono/Stereo Mode Switch Select
+ 35 hidden pages