DCU-11 Installation Guide for Windows® 2000
Important note:
To avoid loss of data, do not remove the USB data cable from the PC or the phone
during data transfer. Removing the cable during data transfer may cause unstable
operation of the Windows® Operating System.
NOTE: The phone does not have to be connected during installation.
1) Download the USB driver files from the Sony Ericsson Global Support Area to your
computer. IMPORTANT: Make note of location!!!
2) Attach the DCU-11 cable to an unused USB port of your computer.
3) The pop up window in Figure 1 displays:
Figure 1
4) Followed by the pop-up window in Figure 2.
5) Select Next (Figure 2).
Figure 2

6) Choose Search for a suitable driver…. and then select Next (Figure 3).
Figure 3
7) Check Specify a location, and select Next (Figure 4).
Figure 4