• The software described herein may also
be governed by the terms of a separate
user license agreement. For usage of the
software, refer to the end user license
agreements of each software.
• In no event shall Sony Corporation be
liable for any incidental, consequential
or special damages, whether based on
tort, contract, or other wise, arising out of
or in connection with this manual, the
software or other information contained
herein or the use thereof.
• Sony Corporation reserves the right to
make any modification to this manual or
the information contained herein at any
time without notice.
Trademark Notice
• Windows and Microsoft are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries.
• Intel and Pentium are the registered
trademarks of Intel Corporation.
• Air Shot is the trademark of Sony
• Other system names, product names and
company names appearing in this manual are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders. In this manual such
names are not indicated by ® or ™ symbols.
On Copyrights
• This product includes software developed by
Canon i-tech, Inc.
Before Operation ................................3
Features .........................................3
lamp replacement timing and error
information to a previously-registered mail
address. It also supports SNMP.
This unit is equipped with the network
presentation and control function.
Any image of a computer, if it is connected
to a LAN by wired or wireless connection,
can be projected by connecting a network
cable to the NETWORK connector (RJ45)
of the projector.
Operations such as power on/off or input
selection of the projector or confirmation of
the situation of the projector such as lamp
used time is possible far from the projector.
Easy installation
For using the network presentation function,
install the application software, Projector
Station for Air Shot Version 2, in the
computer. The installation can be done
easily in accordance with the instructions on
the screen by using the supplied CD-ROM.
Speedy and high quality
The image data is efficiently compressed so
that a high-quality image can be transported
speedily. An animation function can be used
at a presentation by the transportation. (It is
not suitable for a movie such as a DVD.)
Multiple connections
A maximum of 5 projectors can be
connected to one computer without using a
distributor and an image can be projected on
the projectors at the same time.
Control by using Web browser
You can control the projector and confirm its
Status check and system extension
by network
Power on/off, input selection, confirmation,
etc. of the projector can be done from the
computer connected to LAN by wired or
wireless connection. The network function
also provides mail report function to notify
Number of Picture Elements
of Sending Image
When you perform network presentation
using VPL-FE40/FE40L, VPL-FX40/
FX40L or VPL-FX41/FX41L, the image
sent from a computer is projected by the
projector with the resolution of XGA. If the
resolution of the image from the computer is
less than XGA, the resolution of the
projected image will be the same as that of
the computer. If the resolution of the image
from the computer is higher than XGA, the
image is converted to XGA and projected as
a degraded image.
When you use VPL-FW41/FW41L, the
image sent from a computer is projected by
the projector with the resolution of WXGA.
If the resolution of the image from the
computer is less than WXGA, the resolution
of the projected image will be the same as
that of the computer. If the resolution of the
image from the computer is higher than
WXGA, the image is converted to WXGA
and projected as a degraded image.
To prevent the projected image from being
degraded, check [Set PC desktop to
Projector resolution] of [Connection
Setting] in [Option Setting] in the
application software so that the PC desktop
is automatically set to the resolution of the
projector, or set the resolution on the
computer to XGA (or WXGA or XGA for
When the resolution of the computer is 1280
× 768 to 1360 × 768 in VPL-FW41/FW41L,
the image is shown in the window size.
(Sometimes black bands are added to the top
and bottom or left and right of the window in
WXGA according to the difference between
the resolutions of the computer and the
projector. The “Aspect” setting item of “The
Screen Menu” in the main unit cannot be
changed in the network presentation.)
If you use VPL-FW41/FW41L and if your
computer cannot output the resolution of
WXGA, delete the check from [Set PC
desktop to Projector resolution]. When it is
Before Operation
checked, ProjectorStation for AirShot
Version2 outputs the image without
changing the resolution if the resolution of
the computer is 1280 × 768 to 1360 × 768. If
the resolution of the computer is other than
these values, it outputs the image by
changing the resolution to 1280 × 768. In
this case, if the resolution cannot be changed
to 1280 × 768 due to the display driver of the
computer, it works as [Set PC desktop to
Projector resolution] is not checked.
When you connect two or more projectors to
the computer, the resolution of the second or
subsequent projector will be the same as the
first projector. If you use VPL-FW41/
FW41L and another model whose aspect
ratio is 4:3 at the same time, connect the
model with the 4:3 aspect ratio as the first
projector and the VPL-FW41/FW41L as the
second or third, etc.
About the Version
The network presentation function supplied
with VPL-FE40/FX40/FX41/FW41 series,
etc. is compatible with Air Shot Version 2
supplied with VPL-CX86/CX76. To use the
network presentation function and Air Shot
Version 2 when the application software Projector Station for Air Shot Version 2
(version 1.xx) - is installed, install the
supplied Projector Station for Air Shot
Version 2 (Version 2.xx) in the computer.
The installed Air Shot Version 2 (Version
1.xx) is uninstalled automatically.
The application software is installed for the
first time and to use both of the network
presentation function and Air Shot Version
2, install the supplied Projector Station for
Air Shot Version 2 (Version 2.xx) in the
To use Simple Mode or USB wireless LAN
module by VPL-CX86/CX76, install
another driver or set the Simple Mode
setting. Use the USB WL LAN Driver
folder in the CD-ROM or USB wireless
LAN module (MEMORY) supplied with
VPL-CX86/CX76. Refer to the Operating
Instructions supplied with VPL-CX86/
CX76 to set Simple Mode.
• As the USB wireless LAN module
supplied with VPL-CX86/CX76 is not
compatible with Windows Vista, the
simple mode cannot be used with
Windows Vista.
• Use the latest version of Projector Station
for Air Shot Version 2. When the version
is up, take care that the version older than
the installed one is not installed.
• The [Projector Setting] tab is displayed to
[Option] for the wired LAN function.
However, it is not available for VPLCX86/CX76.
• The [Simple Mode Setting] tab for the
Simple Mode function is displayed in
[Option]. However, it is not available for
VPL-FE40/FX40/FX41/FW41 series.
Air Shot supplied with VPL-CX85/CX75 is
not compatible with Air Shot Version 2
supplied with VPL-CX86/CX76 or the
network presentation function supplied with
VPL-FE40/FX40/FX41/FW41 series, etc.
To use both versions of the software, do
either of the following:
• Use the original program without updating
When using VPL-CX85/CX75, start
Projector Station for Air Shot. When using
Air Shot Version 2/Network presentation,
etc. start Projector Station for Air Shot
Version 2. When using in Simple Mode,
use USB wireless LAN module, each
supplied with VPL-CX85/CX75 or VPLCX86/CX76.
• Update the Air Shot version of the VPLCX85/CX75.
Use the “Memory Stick” to update the
version of the Air Shot to Air Shot Version
2 Light. For the update program and
instructions, refer to the folder “Air Shot
Version 2 Light” in the CD-ROM supplied
with VPL-FE40/FX40/FX41/FW41
System Requirements
Recommended system requirements for the
installed Projector Station for Air Shot
Version 2 are as follows.
Before Operation
Available computer
CPU: Intel Pentium III 600 MHz or higher,
and CPU recommended by OS
Memory: 64 MB or more, recommended
128 MB or more, and Memory
recommended by OS
Hard disc: free capacity 10 MB or more
Other hardware requirements: CD-ROM
Available OS
• Microsoft Windows 98SE
• Microsoft Windows Me
• Microsoft Windows 2000
• Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional
• Microsoft Windows Vista Home Basic
• Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium
• Microsoft Windows Vista Business
• Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate
(Uses Windows Vista 32-bit version.)
Supported display
Color resolution: 16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit
Usable browser
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
Available network
RJ45 (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)
Projector Station for Air Shot Version 2 will
not work on some computers and OS even
though they satisfy the above requirements.
Preparing the Computer
For using the network presentation function,
install the application software Projector
Station for Air Shot Version 2 (Version 2.00
or higher) in the computer, or copy the folder
to the hard disk or external memory*
(“Memory Stick”, USB memory, etc.).
* In the case that the folder is copied to the
external memory, it is not necessary to install
Projector Station for Air Shot Version 2 into
the computer.
Use the supplied CD-ROM for installation
or copy from the folder.
If you use Windows 2000 Professional,
Windows XP Home Edition/Professional
Edition or Windows Vista Home Basic/Home
Premium/Business/Ultimate on your computer,
log on using the administrator privileges.
Installing Projector Station for Air
Shot Version 2
1 Insert the supplied CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive of the computer.
The application installation window
The window for installing the Projector
Station for Air Shot Version 2 appears.
• If the above window does not appear,
click [My Computer]-[CD-ROM][Dp_Inst].
• [Computer] is displayed instead of
[My Computer] in Windows Vista.
2 Select [Projector Station for Air Shot
v2] and then click [Install].
3 Install the software according to the
“wizard” within the installer.
When you use Windows XP Service
Pack 2/Service Pack 3 or Windows Vista
and the following dialog box appears
during installation, check the [Register
automatically] radio button and click
The [Autoconfiguration done] appears
after the installation is completed.
4 To go on projecting the pictures, check
the [Start Air Shot v2 and connect to
Projector] check box and click [OK].
Starting from the hard disk or
external memory without installing
Projector Station for Air Shot
Version 2 into the computer
1 Install the external memory (“Memory
Stick”, USB memory, etc.) into the
It is not necessary to copy it to the hard
2 Put the supplied CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive of the computer.
When the application software
installation window appears, press the
Exit button to exit it.
3 Open [My computer], then put the
cursor on [CD-ROM drive] and rightclick.
When the item list appears, select
[Open (O
[Computer] is displayed instead of [My
Computer] in Windows Visata.
4 Copy the folder of [PjStation for Air
Shot v2] to the hard disk or external
With the check, the Projector Station for
Air Shot Version 2 starts up
automatically. Without the check, the
installer is completed.
When you are not going to project the
pictures, click [OK].
5 Execute [AutoConfig.exe].
When you use Windows XP SP2/SP3
or Windows Vista
If the following window appears in the
middle of the operation, check the [Register
automatically] radio button and click [Next].
[Autoconfiguration done] appears after the
installation is completed.
To continue projecting the pictures, check
the [Start Air Shot v2 and connect to
Projector] check box and click [OK].
Projector Station for Air Shot Version 2
starts up automatically.
When you are not going to project the
pictures, click [OK].
After executing [AutoConfig.exe], start up
the application with [PjstnASv2.exe].
When you change the computer, execute
Preparing the Projector
Setting the projector
1 Connect the network cable to the
NETWORK connector of the
2 Turn on the projector.
3 Press the INPUT E or AIR SHOT key
on the remote commander.
The home display of the network
presentation appears.
Serial number
Model name
Nick name (only
Icons representing network status:
being not connected
being connected
when specified)
IP address
4 Press the ENTER key.
The setting menu display appears.
Internet Protocol(IP)
IP Address Setting:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Simple Mode
Manual Mode1
Manual Mode2
Manual Mode3
Manual Mode4
Manual Mode5
System Setup
5 Select the mode to be set and press the
ENTER key.
The setting items menu (action menu) is
Set referring to the “Setting each mode”
on page 9.
To use the network function, set [Standby
Mode] in the menu for the setup of the
projector to [Standard].
Projector Setting Items
When the ENTER key is pressed in the home
display of the network presentation, the
initial display of the setting menu appears. In
the initial display, you can switch the mode
to be used and change each mode settings.
Internet Protocol(IP)
IP Address Setting:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Simple Mode
Manual Mode1
Manual Mode2
Manual Mode3
Manual Mode4
Manual Mode5
System Setup
Using the software keyboard
When inputting characters or numbers, the
software keyboard is displayed.
1 Select a character with the v/V/B/b
buttons and then press the ENTER
The selected character is displayed at the
cursor position in the display column.
2 Repeat step 1 to input characters.
3 After you input the rest of the
characters, select [OK] with v/V/B/
b button and press the ENTER key.
Input characters are entered and the
software keyboard is closed.
To delete the character locating one
space before the cursor
elect [Delete] with v/V/B/b button and
press the ENTER key.
To redo the input from the beginning
Select [All Clear] with v/V/B/ b button
and press the ENTER key.
To enter a space
elect [Space] with v/V/B/b button and
press the ENTER key.
Setting each mode
In the initial display of the setting menu, the left edge of the mode currently used is displayed
in light blue. You can switch the mode to be used and change the mode name and settings.
x Displaying the setting items menu (action menu)
The status appears in the right pane of the window.
Press the ENTER key to display the setting item menu (action menu).
Internet Protocol(IP)
IP Address Setting:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Simple Mode
Manual Mode1
Manual Mode2
Manual Mode3
Manual Mode4
Manual Mode5
System Setup
CloseCloses the action menu.
SelectSets the selected mode effective.
Status (only for the mode
Displays the status of the mode currently used.
being used)
SetupDisplays the [Network Setting] window to change the mode
RenameRenames the mode. You can input the maximum of 16 characters/
+ 21 hidden pages
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