Sony RM-VLZ620 User Manual

©2010 Sony Corporation Printed in China
The following tables show brand names (Brand) and their corresponding code numbers (Code No.). To set the manufacturer’s code, refer to the Operating Instructions.
Le tableau ci-dessous indique des marques (Brand) et les codes correspondants (Code No.). Pour régler le code de fabricant, reportez-vous au mode d’emploi.
La siguiente tabla muestra los nombres de las marcas (Brand) y el número de código correspondiente (Code No.). Para establecer el código del fabricante, consulte el Manual de instrucciones.
As tabelas a seguir mostram os nomes das marcas (Brand) e os seus códigos correspondentes (Code No.). Para definir o código do fabricante, consulte o Manual de instruções.
Manufacturer’s Code List Liste des codes d’appareil par fabricant Lista de códigos del fabricante Lista de código do fabricante
TV/projector / Téléviseur/projecteur / TV/proyector / TV/projetor
DVD player / Lecteur DVD / Reproductor de DVD / Reprodutor de DVD
Brand Code No.
A.R. Systems 00037, 00556 Accent 00037 Acer 01339 Acoustic Solutions 01037, 01523, 01667 Action 00650 Addison 00108, 00653 Admiral 00463 AEG 01037, 01163, 01556 Aftron 00891 Aiko 00037, 01681 Aim 00037, 00706, 00753 Akai 00037, 00178, 00208, 00556,
00702, 00714, 00753, 00812,
01675, 02232 Akashi 00860 Akiba 00037 Akira 00753, 01733 Akito 00037 Akura 00037, 00171, 00668, 00714,
01037, 01363, 01556, 01667 Alba 00037, 00668, 00714, 01037,
02104 Alien 01037 Allstar 00037 Amstrad 00037, 00171, 01037 Anam 00037 Anam National 00037, 00650 Andersson 01163 Anitech 00037 Ansonic 00037, 00668 AOC 00108, 00178, 00625, 01365,
01589 Apex Digital 00156 Ardem 00037, 00714 Arena 00037 Aristona 00037, 00556 ART 01037 Asberg 00037 Astra 00037 ATD 00698 Atlantic 00037 Audiosonic 00037, 00714, 00820, 01681,
02104 Audioworld 00698 Aventura 00171 Awa 00108, 01681 Axxon 00714 Baird 00208 Bang & Olufsen 00565 Barco 00556 Basic Line 00037, 00556, 00668, 01037,
01163 Baur 00037, 00195, 00512 Baysonic 00463 Beaumark 00178 Beijing 00208, 00226, 00812, 00821 Beko 00037, 00714, 01652 Belson 00698 Belstar 01037 BenQ 01562 Beon 00037 Berthen 00668 Bestar 00037 Black Diamond 00753, 00820, 00821, 01037,
01163 Blaupunkt 00195 Blue Sky 00037, 00556, 00625, 00668,
00714, 01037, 01314, 01363,
01652 Boca 01652 Bork 01363
Brand Code No.
BPL 00037, 00208, 00896, 01476,
01543 Brandt 00560, 00625, 00714 Brillian 01255 Brinkmann 00037, 00668 Brionvega 00037 Broksonic 00463 Bush 00037, 00208, 00556, 00668,
00698, 00714, 01037, 01556,
01645, 01652, 01667, 02104 C-Tech 00891, 00896 Caishi 00891 Cameron 01523 Camper 00037 Carad 00668, 01037 Carena 00037 Carrefour 00037 Cascade 00037 Casio 00037 Cathay 00037 CCE 00037 Celebrity 00000 Celestial 00820, 00821 Centrex 00891 Centrum 01037 Centurion 00037 Changfeng 00753 Changhong 00156, 00508, 00820, 00821 Chun Yun 00000, 00706, 01756 Chung Hsin 00108 Cinex 01556 Clarivox 00037 Clatronic 00037, 00714 Clayton 01037 Coby 02306, 02348 Commercial Solutions 01447 Condor 00037 Conia 00820, 00821, 01523 Conrowa 00156, 00698, 00753 Contec 00037 Cosmel 00037 Crosley 00000 Crown 00037, 00208, 00668, 00712,
00714, 01037, 01652 CTX 01756 Curtis 02352 Curtis Mathes 00702, 01661 D-Vision 00037, 00556 Daewoo 00037, 00108, 00178, 00556,
00634, 00860, 01661, 02098 Dansai 00037, 00208 Dantax 00714, 01037, 01163, 01652 Datsura 00208 Dawa 00037 Daytron 00037 De Graaf 00208 DEC 00860, 00891 Decca 00037 Denver 00037 Desmet 00037 Diamant 00037 Diamond 00698, 00706, 00820, 00860,
00896 Dick Smith Electronics 00698, 01556 Digatron 00037 Digihome 01667 Digiline 00037, 00668 DigiMax 00891 Digital Life 00891 Digitex 00820 Digitor 00037, 00698
Brand Code No.
Dixi 00037 DL 00891, 01363 Domeos 00668 Drean 00037 DSE 00698, 00820, 01556 Dual
00037, 01037, 01163 Durabrand 00171, 00178, 00463, 01652 Dux 00037 DVX
00891 DX Antenna 01817 Dynatron 00037 Dynex
01810, 02049 Easy Living 02104 Ecco 00773 ECE
00037 Elbe 00037, 00556 Electroband 00000 Electrograph 01755 Electrohome 00463 Elektra 01661 Elfunk 01037 ELG 00037 Elin 00037 Elite 00037 Emerson 00037, 00171, 00178, 00463,
00668, 00714, 01394, 01661,
01864 Envision 01365, 01589 Enzer 00753, 00860 Erres 00037 ESA 00171, 00812 ESC 00037 Etron 00820 Euroman 00037 Europa 00037 Europhon 00037 Evesham 01667 Evolution 01756 Excello 01037 Exquisit 00037 Ferguson 00037, 00195, 00560, 00625,
01037 Fidelity 00037, 00171, 00512 Finlandia 00208 Finlux 00037, 00556, 00714, 01556,
01667 Firstline 00037, 00208, 00556, 00668,
00714, 01037, 01363 Fisher 00208 Flint 00037 Formenti 00037 Fraba 00037 Friac 00037 Fujitsu 00809 Fujitsu Siemens 01163 Funai 00000, 00171, 00668, 00714,
01037, 01271, 01394, 01817 Furichi 00860 Futronic 00860 G-Hanz 01363 Gaba 01037 Galaxi 00037 Galaxis 00037 Gateway 01755, 01756 GE 00178, 00560, 00625, 01447,
01454 GEC 00037 Genesis 00037 Genexxa 00037 GFM 00171 Goldfunk 00668 GoldStar 00037, 00178, 00714 Goodmans 00037, 00556, 00560, 00625,
00634, 00668, 00714, 01037,
01163, 01645, 01667 GP 00753 Gradiente 00037 Graetz 00714, 01163 Granada 00037, 00108, 00208, 00226,
00560 Grandin 00037, 00556, 00668, 00714,
01037 Grundig 00037, 00195, 00556, 00706,
01223, 01667, 02007 Grunkel 01163 GVA 01363 Haaz 00706 Haier 00037, 00508, 00698, 00891,
00896, 01749, 02309, 02449 Hallmark 00178 Hankook 00178 Hanseatic 00037, 00556, 00625, 00634,
00714 Hantarex 00037 Hantor 00037 Harwa 00773 Harwood 00037 Hauppauge 00037 HCM 00037 Hewlett Packard 01494 Highline 00037 Hinari 00037, 00208 Hisawa 00714 Hisense 00156, 00208, 00508, 00556,
00753, 00821, 00860, 01314,
01363, 02098, 02341 Hitachi 00037, 00108, 00150, 00156,
00178, 00508, 00634, 01037,
01163, 01576, 01643, 01667,
02215, 02433 Hitachi Fujian 00108, 00150, 00860 Hitec 00698 Hoeher 00714, 01163, 01556 Hornyphon 00037 HP 01494 Humax 01295 Hypson 00037, 00556, 00668, 00714,
01037 Hyundai 00698, 00706, 00753, 00860,
01037, 01523, 01556, 01681,
02454 Iberia 00037 ICE 00037 iDEAL 01556 Imperial 00037 Indiana 00037 Ingelen 00714 Inno Hit 01037, 01163 Innova 00037 Inotech 00773, 00820 Insignia 00171, 01204, 01423, 01564,
02049 Inspira 01556 Interbuy 00037 Interfunk 00037, 00512 Internal 00556 Intervision 00037 Irradio 00037 IRT 00698, 01661 Isukai 00037 ITS 00037 ITT 00208 ITT Nokia 00208 ITV 00037 JCB 00000 Jean 00156 Jinfeng 00208, 00226 Jinxing 00037, 00156, 00556, 00698,
00821 JMB 00556, 00634 JNC 00896 Jocel 00712 JTV 00860 Jubilee 00556
Brand Code No.
JVC 00463, 00508, 00650, 00653,
00731, 01253, 01601, 01774,
01818, 02271 Kaisui 00037 Kanghua 00896 Karcher 00714, 01556 Kathrein 00556 Ken Brown
00463 Kendo 00037, 01037 Kennex 01037 Kenstar
02388 Khind 00706, 00896 Kioto 00556, 00706 Kiton
00037, 00668 KLL 00037 Kneissel 00037, 00556 Koenig
00037 Kolin 00037, 00108, 00150, 00891,
01331, 01610, 01755 Kolster 00037 Konka 00037, 00714 Korpel 00037 Kosmos 00037 Kunlun 00208, 00226 L&S Electronic 00714 Lavic 01363 Lavis 01037 Lecson 00037 Lenco 00037, 01037 Lexsor 01507 Leyco 00037 LG 00037, 00108, 00178, 00556,
00698, 00714, 01423, 01663,
01681, 02182, 02358 Liesenkoetter 00037 Lifetec 00037, 00668, 00714, 01037 Local India TV 00208 Local Malaysia TV 00698 Lodos 01037 Loewe 00037, 00512, 00633, 01884 Logik 00698, 00773, 01037 Logix 00668 Luma 01037 Lumatron 00037 Lux May 00037 Luxor 00208, 01037, 01163 LXI 00156, 00178 M Electronic 00037, 00195, 00512, 00634,
00714, 01652 Madison 00037 Magnavox 00706, 00753, 01365, 01454,
01866, 02372 Magnum 00037, 00714 Manesth 00037 Manhattan 00037, 00668, 01037 Marantz 00037, 00556, 01454 Mark 00037, 00714 Mascom 01556 Mastro 00698, 00706, 01556 Masuda 00037 Matsui 00037, 00195, 00208, 00556,
00714, 01037, 01667, 02007 Matsushita 00650 Maxdorf 00773, 01276 Maxent 01755 Maxim 01556 Meck 00698, 00891 Mediator 00037, 00556 Medion 00037, 00512, 00556, 00668,
00698, 00714, 01037, 01556,
01667 Megatron 00178 MEI 01037 Memorex 00150, 00178, 00463, 01037 Mercury 00037 Mermaid 00037 Metronic 00625 Metz 00037, 00195, 00668, 01163 MGA 00150, 00178 Micromaxx 00037, 00668, 00714, 01037 Microtek 00820, 00860 Mikomi 01037 Minato 00037 Minerva 00108, 00195 Ministry Of Sound 01667 Minoka 00037 Mitsai 01556 Mitsubishi 00037, 00108, 00150, 00178,
00512, 00556, 00836, 01037,
01250 Mivar 00609 Moree 00037 Morgan’s 00037 MTC 00512 MTlogic 00714 Mudan 00208, 00226 Multitec 00037, 00668, 01037, 01556 Multitech 00037 Myryad 00556 NAD 00037, 00156, 00178 Naiko 00037, 00753 Nakimura 00037 NAT 00226 National 00208, 00226, 00508 NEC 00156, 00178, 00508, 00653,
01797 Neckermann 00037, 00556 NEI 00037, 01037 Netsat 00037 NetTV 01755 Neufunk 00037, 00556, 00714 New Tech 00037, 00556 Newave 00178 Nikai 01163 Nikkai 00037 Nikkei 00714 Nikko 00178 Nimbro 02104 Nintaus 00891 Noblex 00037 Nokia 00208 Norcent 01365, 01589 Nordmende 00037, 00195, 00560, 00714,
00891, 01163, 01667, 02007 Normerel 00037 Nortek 00668 Novatronic 00037 Novex 01523 Nu-Tec 00698, 00820, 00821 O.K.Line 01037 Oceanic 00208 Okano 00037 Olevia 01144, 01331, 01610 Omni 00698, 00891 Onei 01667 Onida 00653, 01253, 02396 Onimax 00714 Onix 00698 Onn 01667 Opera 00037 Optimus 00650 Orbit 00037 Orion 00037, 00463, 00556, 00714,
01037, 02007 Orline 00037 Ormond 00668, 01037 Osaki 00037, 00556 Osio 00037 Osume 00037 Otto Versand 00037, 00195, 00226, 00512,
00556 Pacific 00556, 00714, 01037 Packard Bell 01314 Palladium 00037, 00556, 00714
Brand Code No.
Palsonic 00037, 00698, 00773, 01507 Panama 00037 Panasonic 00037, 00108, 00208, 00226,
00508, 00650, 00896, 01271,
01457, 01480, 01636, 01650 Panavision 00037 Panda 00208, 00226, 00508, 00698,
00706, 00821, 00891 PARK
02104 Peng Sheng 00891 Penney 00156, 00178 Perdio
00037 Perfekt 00037 Petters 00037, 01523 Philco
00037, 00171, 00178, 00463,
01271, 01394, 01661 Philips 00000, 00037, 00108, 00178,
00512, 00556, 00605, 00639,
00690, 01454, 01506, 01744,
01756, 01866, 02372 Phocus 00714, 01652 Phoenix
00037 Phonola 00037, 00556 Pilot 00706, 00712 Pioneer 00037, 00512, 00698, 01260,
01457, 01636 Pionier 01556 Plantron 00037 Playsonic 00037, 00714, 01652 Polaroid 01276, 01314, 01523, 01645 Polyvision 01144 Portland 01661 Powerpoint 00037, 00698 Premier 00891 President 00860 Prima 00753, 01507 Princess 00773 Prinston 01037 Profilo 01556 Profitronic 00037 Proline 00037, 00625, 00634, 01037 Proscan 01447, 02147, 02256 Prosco 00156 Prosonic 00037, 00668, 00714, 01314,
01507 Protech 00037, 00668, 01037 Proton 00178 Protron 01320 ProVision 00037, 00556, 00714 Pye 00037, 00556 Qingdao 00208, 00226 Quadro 00753 Quasar 00650 Quelle 00037, 00195, 00512, 00668,
01037 R-Line 00037 Radiola 00037, 00556 Radiomarelli 00037 RadioShack 00037, 00178 Radiotone 00037, 00668, 01037 Rank Arena 00753 RCA 00000, 00178, 00560, 00618,
00625, 00753, 01447, 01454,
01781, 02187, 02247, 02403,
02429, 02434 Realistic 00178 Recco 00706 Recor 00037 Rectiligne 00037 Redstar 00037 Reflex 00037, 00668, 01037 Relisys 01645 Remotec 00037, 00171 Reoc 00714 Revox 00037 RFT 00037 Rinex 00773 Roadstar 00037, 00668, 00714, 01037 Rolson 02098 Rowa 00037, 00698, 00712 Saba 00560, 00625, 00714 Sagem 00618 Saivod 00037, 00668, 00712, 01037,
01163, 01556 Salora 00208, 01556 Sampo 00171, 00178, 00650, 01755 Samsung 00037, 00156, 00178, 00208,
00226, 00556, 00618, 00650,
00702, 00812, 00821, 01312,
01458, 01619, 02051, 02103 Sanken 01507 Sansui 00037, 00171, 00463, 00706,
00714, 00753, 01236, 01556 Sanyo 00108, 00156, 00208, 00508,
01037, 01142, 01276, 01507,
01667 SBR 00037, 00556 Sceptre 01360, 01599 Schaub Lorenz 00714, 01667 Schneider 00037, 00556, 00668, 00714,
01037 Scotch 00178 Scott 00178, 01711 Sears 00156, 00171, 00178 Seaway 00634 Seelver 01037 SEG 00037, 00668, 01037, 01163 SEI 00037 Sei-Sinudyne 00037 Semivox 00463 Semp 00156 Serie Dorada 00156, 00178 Shanghai 00208, 00226 Sharp 00650, 00653, 00818, 01193,
01393, 01659 Shenyang 00753 Shinelco 02104 Shintoshi 00037 Shivaki 00037, 00178 Siam 00037 Siemens 00037, 00195 Siera 00037, 00556 Silva 00037 Silva Schneider 00037, 01556 SilverCrest 01037 Singer 00037, 00891, 01556 Sinotec 00773 Sinudyne 00037 SKY 00037 Skysonic 00753 Skyworth 00037, 00698, 00753 SLX 00668 Solavox 00037 Soniko 00037 Sonitron 00208 Sonneclair 00037 Sonoko 00037 Sonolor 00208 Sontec 00037 Sony 00000, 00650, 00810, 01505,
01651, 01825, 02473 Soundesign 00178 Soundwave 00037, 01037 Sova 01320
Brand Code No.
Sowa 00156, 00178, 00226 Soyea 00773 Squareview 00171 Standard 00037, 01037 Starlite 00037 Strato
00037 Strong 01163 Sunny 00037 Sunstar
00037 Sunwood 00037 Superscan 00864 Supersonic
00208 SuperTech 00037, 00556 Supra 00178 Supreme
00000 Svasa 00208 Swisstec 02104 Sylvania 00171, 01271, 01314, 01394,
01864 Symphonic 00171 Synco 00000, 00178, 01755 Syntax 01144, 01331, 01610 Sysline 00037 Tacico 00178 Talent 00178 Tashiko 00650 Tatung 00037, 00156, 01556, 01756 TCL 00698, 00706, 02403, 02429 TCM 00714 Teac 00037, 00171, 00178, 00512,
00668, 00698, 00706, 00712,
00714, 01037, 01363, 01645,
01755 Tec 00037 Tech Line 00037, 00668, 01163 Technica 01037 Technics 00556, 00650 Technika 01667 TechniSat 00556 Technisson 00714, 01652 Technosonic 00556, 00625 Techwood 01037, 01163, 01667 Tecnimagen 00556 Teco 00178, 00653, 01523 Tedelex 00208, 00891, 01681 Tek 00820 Teknika 00150 Telecor 00037 Telefunken 00037, 00560, 00625, 00698,
00702, 00712, 00714, 00753,
00820, 00821, 00896, 01556,
01681 Telefusion 00037 Telegazi 00037 Telemeister 00037 Telesonic 00037 Telestar 00037, 00556 Teletech 00037, 00668, 01037 Teleview 00037 Tennessee 00037 Tensai 00037, 01037 Tesla 00037, 00556, 00714, 01037,
01652 Tevion 00037, 00556, 00668, 00714,
01037, 01556, 01645, 01667 Thomson 00037, 00560, 00625, 00753,
01447 Thorn 00037, 00512 TMK 00178 TML 01756 Tokai 00037, 00668, 01037 Tokaido 01037 Topline 00668, 01037 Toshiba 00156, 00195, 00508, 00618,
00650, 00821, 01037, 01508,
01524 TRANS-continents 00037, 00556, 00668, 01037 Transonic 00037, 00512, 00698, 00712,
01363 Triad 00556 Triumph 00037, 00556 TVS 00463 TVTEXT 95 00556 Uher 00037 Ultravox 00037 Unic Line 00037 United 00037, 00556, 00714, 01037,
01652 Universal 00037, 00714 Universum 00037, 00195, 00512, 00618,
00668, 01037, 01163 Univox 00037 V7 Videoseven 01755 Vestel 00037, 00668, 01037, 01163,
01667 Vexa 00037 Victor 00650, 00653 Videocon 00037, 00508, 01540, 01541,
02436 VideoSystem 00037 Vidtech 00178 Viewsonic 00864, 00885, 01627, 01742,
01755 Viore 02104, 02352 Vision 00037 Vistron 01363 Vizio 00864, 00885, 01756, 01758 Vortec 00037 Voxson 00037, 00178 VU 02098 Vue 01236 Walker 01667 Waltham 00037, 00668, 01037 Wards 00000, 00156, 00178 Watson 00037, 00668, 00714, 01037 Waycon 00156 Wega 00037 Welltech 00714, 01652 Weltstar 01037 Westinghouse 00885, 01577, 01712, 01755 Wharfedale 00037, 00556, 00860, 00891,
00896, 01556, 01667, 01681 White Westinghouse 00037, 00463, 01661 Wilson 00556 Windsor 00668, 01037 Windy Sam 00556 Wintel 00714 Wyse 01365 Xenius 00634 Xiahua 00698, 00773 XLogic 00698, 00860 Xoro 01507 Xrypton 00037 Yamaha 00650, 01576 Yamishi 00037 Yokan 00037 Yoko 00037 YU-MA-TU 00037 Zenith 00000, 00037, 00178, 00463,
01423, 01661 Ziggo 01818 Zonda 00698
Brand Code No.
3D LAB 10539 Accurian 10675, 11416 Acoustic Solutions
10713 AEG 10675, 10770, 11233, 12173 AFK 11152 Aim
10672 Airis 10672 Aiwa 10533 Akai
10770, 11115, 11233 Akura 11233 Alba 10539, 10672, 10713, 11530 Allegro
10869 Amitech 10770 Amstrad 10713, 10770 Ansonic
10831 Apex Digital 10672 Arena 11115 Aristona
10539, 10646 Audix 10713 Autovox 10713 Awa 12587 Basic Line 10713 Bel Canto Design 11571 Berthen 11643 Black Diamond 10713 Blu:sens 11233 Blue Sky 10672, 10713 Brainwave 10770, 11115 Brandt 10503, 10551 Bush 10672, 10713, 10831, 11530 C-Tech 11152 California Audio Labs 10490 Centrex 10672 Centrum 10675, 10713 CGV 11115 Cinea 10831 Cinetec 10713 CineVision 10869 CJ Digital 11643, 12173 Clatronic 10672, 10675, 11233 Clayton 10713 CMX 11643 Codex 11233 Conia 10672 Continental Edison 10831 Craig 10831 Crown 10713, 10770, 11115 Cybercom 10831 CyberHome 11024 D-Vision 11115 Daewoo 10770, 10869 Dansai 10770, 11115 Dantax 10539, 10713 Datsun 11233 DCE 10831 Decca 10770, 11115 Denon 10490, 11634, 12258 Denver 10672 Dgtec 10672 Diamond 10768 Dick Smith Electronics 11152 Digihome 10713 DigiLogic 10713 Digital 12173 Digitrex 10672 DiK 10831 Disney 10675, 10831, 11270 DK Digital 10831, 11643 Dragon 10831 DSE 10675, 11152 Dual 10713, 10831, 11115, 11530 Durabrand 10675, 10713, 10831, 11530 DVX 10768 E:max 10770, 11233, 11643 eBench 11152 Elfunk 10713 Elin 10770 Elite 11152 Elta 10672, 10770, 11115, 11233,
11643, 12173 Eltax 11233 Emerson 10591, 10675 Enterprise 10591 EuroLine 10675, 11115, 11233, 11643 Ferguson 10713 Finlux 10591, 10672, 10741, 10770 Fintec 11530 Firstline 10713, 10869, 11530 Funai 10675 GE 10522 GFM 10675 Global Solutions 10768 Global Sphere 11152 Go Video 10741, 10744, 10869, 11044,
11075 GoldStar 10591, 10741, 10869 Goodmans 10713, 11152, 11530 GoWell 11643 GPX 10741 Gran Prix 10831 Grandin 10713, 11233, 12173 Grundig 10539, 10551, 10713, 11416,
11643 Grunkel 10770, 10831 GVG 10770 H & B 10713, 11233, 12173 Haaz 11152 Hanseatic 10741 Harman/Kardon 10702, 11229 Hello Kitty 10831 Henss 10713 Hitachi 10573, 10664, 10713 Hiteker 10672 Hoeher 10713, 10831, 11530, 12173 Home Electronics 10770 Home Tech Industries 11643 HotMedia 11152 Humax 10646 HYD 11233 Hyundai 10768 Inno Hit 10713 Insignia 10675, 12428, 12596 Integra 11634, 12147 Irradio 10869, 11115, 11233 JBL 10702 JGC 11530 JNC 10672 JVC 10503, 10539, 10623, 10867,
11164 Kansas Technologies 11233, 11530 Kendo 10672, 10713, 10831 Kennex 10713, 10770 Kenwood 10490 KeyPlug 11643 Kiiro 10770 King Vision 11643 Lawson 10768 Lazer 12173 Lenco 10713, 10770 Lexia 10768 LG 10591, 10741, 10869, 11233 Lifetec 10831 Limit 10768 LiteOn 11416, 11644 LM 11643 Lodos 10713 Loewe 10539, 10741 Logik 10713 Lumatron 10713, 10741, 11115 Lunatron 10741
Brand Code No.
Luxman 10573 Luxor 10713 Magnavox
10503, 10539, 10646, 10675,
10713, 11354, 11506 Manhattan 10713 Marantz 10539, 11627, 12414, 12432 Mark
10713 Marquant 10770 Matsui 10672, 10713 Maxim
10713 MDS 10713 Mecotek 10770 Medion
10741, 10831, 11270, 11644 Memorex 10831, 11270, 12213 Metz 10713 Micromedia
10503, 10539 Micromega 10539 Microsoft 10522 Microstar
10831 Minax 10713 Minoka 10770, 11115 Mitsubishi 10713, 11521 Mizuda 10770 Muvid 11643, 12173 Mystral 10831 NAD 10741, 12572 Naiko 10770 NEC 10741, 10869 Neom 11643 Nevir 10672, 10770, 10831 Noblex 11233 Nordmende 10831, 11530 Nortek 11643, 12173 Olevia 12331 Olidata 10672 Onkyo 10503, 11627, 12147 Oppo 10575, 12545 Orbit 11643 Orion 10713, 11233 Ormond 10713 Pacific 10713, 10768, 10831 Packard Bell 10831 Palladium 10713 Palsonic 10672 Panasonic 10490, 10503, 11579, 11641 Pelican Accessories 10533 Philco 10675 Philips 10503, 10539, 10646, 10675,
10713, 11267, 11340, 11354,
11506, 12056, 12084, 12093,
12434 PianoDisc 11024 Pioneer 10142, 10631, 11571, 12442 Play It 11643 Polk Audio 10539 Portland 10770 Presidian 10675 Prinz 10831 Prism 10831 Proceed 10672 Proline 10672 Proscan 10522 Proson 10713 Prosonic 11530 Pye 10539, 10646 Radionette 10741, 10869 Radiotone 10713 RCA 10522, 10822, 12213, 12587,
12592, 12594 REC 10490 Red 12213 Redstar 10770 Reoc 10768 Richmond 11233 Rio 10869 Roadstar 10672, 10713 Rotel 10623 Saba 10551, 12173 Saivod 10831 Salora 10741 Samsung 10199, 10490, 10573, 10744,
10820, 11044, 11075, 11635,
12329, 12489 Sansui 10768 Santosh 11115 Sanyo 10713 Schaub Lorenz 10770, 11115, 11643 Schneider 10539, 10646, 10713, 10831,
10869 Schoentech 10713 Scientific Labs 10768 Scott 10672, 11233, 12173 Seeltech 11643 SEG 10713, 11530 Semp 10503 Shanghai 10672 Sharp 10675, 10713, 10869, 12250 Sherwood 10741, 10770 Shinsonic 10533 Silva Schneider 10741, 10831, 10869 SilverCrest 11152, 12173 Singer 10768 Sistemas 10672 Skantic 10539, 10713 Skymaster 10768 Sliding 11115 SM Electronic 10768, 11152 Smart 10713 Sogo 10672 Sonashi 10831 Sonic Blue 10869 Soniq 10831 Sony 10533, 10864, 11033, 11070,
11431, 11516, 11536, 11633 Sound Color 11233 Soundmaster 10768 Soundmax 10768 Soundwave 10713, 11530 Standard 10768, 10831 Star Clusters 11152 Strato 11152 Strong 10713 Sunkai 10770 Sunstech 10831 Superior 11643 Supervision 10768, 11152 SVA 10672 Sylvania 10675 Symphonic 10675 Synn 10768 Tandberg 10713 Targa 10741, 11644 Tatung 10770 Tchibo 10741 TCL 12587 TCM 10741 Teac 10675, 10741, 10768 Technica 10713 Technics 10490 Technika 10770, 10831, 11115, 11530 Technisson 11115 Technosonic 11115 TechnoStar 11643 Techwood 10713, 11530 Tedelex 10768 Telefunken 10551 Teletech 10713, 10768 Tensai 10770 Tevion 10768 Thomson 10522, 10551, 10831 Thule Audio 10551
Brand Code No.
Tivo 11503 Tokai 11233 Toshiba 10503, 11154, 11503, 11510,
12006, 12277 TRANS-continents 10831, 11233 Trent 11643 Trevi
10831 TVE 10713 United 10675, 10713, 11115, 11152,
11233, 11643 Universum
10591, 10713, 10741, 10869,
11530 Urban Concepts 10503 Vestel 10713, 11530 Viewsonic
11530 Viore 12553 Vizio 12563 Voxson
10831 Vtrek 12587
Brand Code No.
Waitec 11233 Waltham 10713, 11530 Welkin 10831 Wellington 10713 Weltstar 10713 Wharfedale
10713, 11115 Wilson 10831, 11233 Windsor 10713 Windy Sam
10573 WIZE 11115 X-View 11233 Xbox
10522 XLogic 10768, 11152 XMS 10770 Yamada
11416 Yamaha 10490, 10497, 10539, 10646,
10817, 11416, 12298 Zenith 10503, 10591, 10741, 10869
DVD recorder / Enregistreur DVD / Grabador de DVD / Gravador de DVD
Brand Code No.
Accurian 10675, 11416 Alba 11530 Aristona 10646 Bush 11530 Denon 10490 Dual 11530 Durabrand 11530 Emerson 10675 Fintec 11530 Firstline 11530 Funai 10675 Go Video 10741 Goodmans 11530 GPX 10741 Hoeher 11530 Humax 10646 JGC 11530 JVC 11164 Kansas Technologies 11530 LG 10741 LiteOn 11416 Loewe 10741 Magnavox 10646, 10675, 11506 Medion 10741
Brand Code No.
Panasonic 10490, 11579 Philips 10646, 11340, 11506, 12093 Pioneer 10631 Pye 10646 RCA 10522 Samsung 10490, 11635 Schneider 10646 SEG 11530 Sharp 10675 Sony 11033, 11070, 11431, 11516,
11536 Soundwave 11530 Sylvania 10675 Targa 10741 Technika 11530 Techwood 11530 Thomson 10551 Toshiba 11510, 12277 Universum 11530 Vestel 11530 Waltham 11530 Yamada 11416 Yamaha 10646 Zenith 10741
Blu-ray Disc/HD-DVD player / Lecteur Blu-ray Disc/DVD HD / Reproductor de Blu-ray Disc/HD-DVD / Reprodutor de Blu-ray Disc/HD-DVD
Brand Code No.
Denon 12258 Insignia 10675, 12428, 12596 Integra 12147 LG 10741 Magnavox 10675 Marantz 12414, 12432 NAD 12572 Olevia 12331 Onkyo 12147 Oppo 12545
Brand Code No.
Panasonic 11641 Philips 12084, 12434 Pioneer 10142, 12442 Samsung 10199 Sharp 12250 Sony 11516 Sylvania 10675 Viore 12553 Vizio 12563 Yamaha 12298
Cable set top box / Décodeur de câblodistribution / Decodificador de cable / Decodificador de TV a cabo
Brand Code No.
ADB 51927 Akado 52043 Amino 51602, 51822 Bright House 51376, 51877 Cable One 51376, 51877 Cablecom 51582 Cablevision 51006, 51376, 51877 Canal Digital 41334, 41780 Charter 51376, 51877, 52187 Cisco 51877, 51982 Com Hem 41915, 41176, 50660, 51666,
52015 Comcast 51376, 51877, 51982, 52576 Coship 41672 Cox 51376, 51877 Daeryung 51877 Digeo 51187, 52187 Foxtel 41356 Freebox 51482, 51976 Handan 41780 Hathw@y 52043 Humax 41176, 41915, 42443, 50660,
51981, 51983, 52043 i3 Micro 51602 Insight 51376, 51877 KabelBW 41915, 41195, 41197, 42176,
41176, 51981, 51983 Kabel Deutschland 51981, 51983 Knology 51877 Mediacom 51376, 51877 Memorex 50000 Motorola 51187, 51376, 51982 Myrio 51602, 51822 NTL 51060 Nokia 40723, 41023, 41114 Numericable 42466 Optus 41356, 51060 Pace 41356, 51060, 51376, 51877,
Brand Code No.
Panasonic 50000, 51982 Paragon 50000 Philips 40099, 41499, 42466, 51582 Pioneer 51877 Premiere 40723, 41100, 41114, 41176,
41195, 41675, 42176 Pulsar 50000 Qtel 51822 Quasar 50000 Rogers 51877 Runco 50000 Sagem 41114 Salora 50000 Samsung 50000, 51060, 51666, 52015 Scientific Atlanta 51877, 51987 Sejin 51602 Shaw 51376 SKY Deutschland 40723, 41100, 41114, 41176,
41195, 41675, 42176 Sony 51006 StarHub 51927 Stofa 52015 Suddenlink 51376, 51877 TechniSat 41100, 41195, 41197 Telenet 51920 Telestar 41100, 41195, 41197 Telewest 51987 Thomson 51582, 51981, 51983 Time Warner 51376, 51877, 52187 Tivo 52576 Topfield 41545, 41783, 41986 Toshiba 50000 UEC 41356 UPC 51582 Virgin Media 51060, 51987 WideOpenWest 51877 Zenith 50000 Ziggo 41499, 41657, 42443, 50660,
51666, 52015
VCR / Magnétoscope / VCR / Videocassete
Brand Code No.
ADB 52254 Amino 51481, 52482 AT&T 50858 Azteca 52237 Belgacom TV 52345 BesTV 52327 BIG TV 52452 BT Vision 52294 Cisco 52345 ClubInternet 52132 Kiss 52132 KoolConnect 51481 MIO 52275 Motorola 50858, 51998, 52275, 52378
Brand Code No.
Now TV 52013 Orange 52407 PCCW 52013 Reliance 52452 Sagem 52407 Samsung 52407 Scientific Atlanta 50858, 52132, 52345 SingTel 51998, 52275 SureWest 51481 T-Home 52132 Thomson 52237, 52407 UTStarcom 52327 Verizon 52378
Video accessory / Accessoire vidéo / Accesorio de video / Acessório de vídeo
IPTV / Télévision IP / IPTV / IPTV
Brand Code No.
ADB 52254 Amino 51481, 52482 AT&T 50858 Azteca 52237 BesTV 52327 BIG TV 52452 BT Vision 52294 Cisco 52345 ClubInternet 52132 Kiss 52132 MIO 52275 Motorola 50858, 51998, 52275, 52378
Brand Code No.
Now TV 52013 Orange 52407 PCCW 52013 Reliance 52452 Sagem 52407 Samsung 52407 Scientific Atlanta 50858, 52345 SingTel 51998, 52275 T-Home 52132 Thomson 52237, 52407 UTStarcom 52327 Verizon 52378
DVR (PVR) / Magnétoscope numérique (enregistreur vidéo personnel) / Videograbadora digital (videograbadora personal) / Gravador de vídeo digital (gravador de vídeo pessoal)
Brand Code No.
DirecTV 20739 Go Video 20614 Hughes Network
Humax 20739 Panasonic 20614, 20616 Philips 20618, 20739
Brand Code No.
ReplayTV 20614, 20616 Samsung 20739 Sonic Blue 20614, 20616 Sony 22676, 20636 Tivo 20618, 20636, 20739 Toshiba 21008
Brand Code No.
Accent 60072 Admiral 60048 Adyson
60072 Aiko 60278 Aim 60278, 60348, 60642 Aiwa
60032, 60037, 60348, 60352,
61137 Akai 60037, 60240, 60315, 60348,
60352, 60642 Akiba 60072 Akura
60072 Alba 60072, 60081, 60278, 60315,
60348, 60352 Allegro 61137 Allorgan
60240 Allstar 60081 America Action 60278 American High
60035 Amstrad 60072, 60278 Anam 60037, 60162, 60226, 60240,
60278 Anam National
60162, 60226, 61562 Anitech 60072 Aristona 60081 ASA 60037, 60081 Asha 60240 Asuka 60037, 60038, 60072, 60081 Audio Dynamics 60040 Audiolab 60081 Audiosonic 60278 Audiovox 60037, 60278 AVP 60352 Awa 60037, 60043, 60278, 60320,
60642 Baird 60104, 60278 Basic Line 60072, 60104, 60278 Beaumark 60240 Beko 60104 Bell & Howell 60104 Bestar 60278 Black Diamond 60642 Black Panther 60278 Blaupunkt 60081, 60162, 60226 Blue Sky 60037, 60072, 60278, 60348,
60352, 60642, 61137 Bondstec 60072 Brandt 60320 Brinkmann 60348 Broksonic 60348 Bush 60072, 60081, 60278, 60315,
60348, 60352, 60642 Calix 60037 Canon 60035 Carena 60081 Carrefour 60045 Carver 60081 Cathay 60278 CCE 60072, 60278 Centrum 60593 Changhong 60048, 60081 Cimline 60072 Cineral 60278 CineVision 61137 Citizen 60037, 60278 Clatronic 60072 Colt 60072 Combitech 60352 Condor 60278 Craig 60037, 60072, 60240 Crosley 60081 Crown 60037, 60072, 60278 Curtis Mathes 60035, 60060, 60162, 60240,
60278 Cybernex 60240 Cyrus 60081 Daewoo 60045, 60104, 60278, 60352,
60642, 61137 Dansai 60072, 60278 Dantax 60348, 60352 Daytron 60278 DBX 60040 De Graaf 60042, 60048, 60081, 60104 Decca 60067, 60081, 60352 Deitron 60278 Denko 60072 Denon 60042 Diamant 60037 Diamond 60348 Dick Smith Electronics 60642 Digitor 60642 DSE 60642 Dual 60081, 60278, 60348 Dumont 60081, 60104 Durabrand 60038, 60593, 60642 Elbe 60038, 60278 Elcatech 60072 Electrohome 60037, 60043 Electrophonic 60037 Elin 60240 Elsay 60072 Elta 60072, 60278 Emerex 60032 Emerson 60035, 60037, 60043, 60045,
60072, 60240, 60278, 60348,
60593 ESA 61137 ESC 60240, 60278 Ferguson 60278, 60320, 60348 Fidelity 60072, 60240, 60352, 60432 Finlandia 60037, 60042, 60043, 60048,
60081, 60104, 60226 Finlux 60042, 60081, 60104 Firstline 60037, 60042, 60043, 60045,
60072, 60278, 60348, 61137 Fisher 60104 Flint 60348 Frontech 60072 Fuji 60033, 60035 Fujitsu 60045 Fujitsu General 60037 Funai 60593 Galaxis 60278 GE 60035, 60048, 60060, 60226,
60240, 60320 GEC 60081 General 60045 General Technic 60348 Genexxa 60104 Go Video 60240, 60432, 61137 GoldHand 60072 GoldStar 60037, 60038, 60226, 61137 Goodmans 60037, 60072, 60081, 60240,
60278, 60348, 60352, 60642 GPX 60037 Gradiente 61137 Graetz 60104, 60240 Granada 60037, 60042, 60048, 60081,
60104, 60226, 60240 Grandin 60037, 60072, 60278 Grundig 60072, 60081, 60226, 60320,
60347, 60348, 60352 Haaz 60348 Hanimex 60352 Hanseatic 60037, 60038, 60081 Haojie 60240 Harman/Kardon 60038, 60081 Harwood 60072 HCM 60072 Hinari 60072, 60240, 60278, 60352 Hisawa 60352 Hischito 60045 Hitachi 60037, 60042, 60081, 60240,
Brand Code No.
Hoeher 60278, 60642 Hornyphon 60081 Hughes Network
Hypson 60037, 60072, 60278, 60352 Ingersol 60240 Inno Hit
60072 Instant Replay 60035, 60226 Interbuy 60037, 60072 Interfunk
60081, 60104 Internal 60278 International 60037, 60278, 60642 Intervision
60037, 60278, 60348 Irradio 60037, 60072, 60081, 61137 ITT 60104, 60240 ITV
60037, 60278 JBL 60278 JMB 60348, 60352 JVC
60045, 60067, 60081 Kaisui 60072 Kambrook 60037 Karcher 60081, 60278, 60642 KEC 60037, 60278 Kendo 60037, 60072, 60278, 60315,
60348, 60642 Kenwood 60038, 60067 Kioto 60348 KLH 60072 Kneissel 60037, 60278, 60348, 60352 Kodak 60035, 60037 Kolin 60043 Korpel 60072 Kyoto 60072 Lenco 60278 Leyco 60072 LG 60037, 60038, 60040, 60042,
60045, 60278, 61137 Lifetec 60348 Loewe 60037, 60081, 60162, 61062,
61562 Logik 60072, 60240 Lumatron 60593, 61137 Lunatron 61137 Lux May 60072 Luxor 60043, 60048, 60072, 60104,
60315 LXI 60037 M Electronic 60037, 60038 Magnasonic 60278, 60593 Magnavox 60035, 60081, 60593, 60642 Magnin 60240 Magnum 60642 Manesth 60045, 60072, 60081 Marantz 60035, 60038, 60081 Mark 60278 Marta 60037 Mascom 60642 Mastec 60642 Master’s 60278 Matsui 60037, 60240, 60278, 60348,
60352 Matsushita 60035, 60162, 60226 Mediator 60081 Medion 60348, 60352, 60642 MEI 60035 Memorex 60035, 60037, 60048, 60104,
60162, 60240, 60348 Memphis 60072 Metronic 60081 Metz 60037, 60081, 60162, 60226,
60347, 60836, 60837, 61062,
61562 MGA 60043, 60240 MGN Technology 60240 Micormay 60348 Minolta 60042 Mitsubishi 60043, 60048, 60067, 60081,
60642 Motorola 60035, 60048 MTC 60240 Multitec 60037 Multitech 60072 Myryad 60081 NAD 60104 Naiko 60348, 60642 National 60226 Nebula Electronics 60033 NEC 60035, 60037, 60038, 60040,
60048, 60067, 60104, 60278,
61137 Neckermann 60081 Nesco 60072 Neufunk 61137 Newave 60037 Nikkai 60072, 60278 Nikko 60037 Noblex 60240 Nokia 60042, 60048, 60081, 60104,
60240, 60278, 60315 Nordmende 60067, 60320, 60642 Oceanic 60048, 60081, 60104, 60320 Okano 60072, 60278, 60315, 60348 Olympus 60035, 60226 Onimax 60642 Optimus 60037, 60048, 60104, 60162,
60432, 60593, 61062 Orbit 60072 Orion 60348, 60352 Osaki 60037, 60072 Osume 60072 Otto Versand 60081 Pace 60352 Pacific 60348, 60642 Palladium 60037, 60072, 60348 Palsonic 60072, 60642 Panasonic 60035, 60162, 60226, 60836,
60837, 61062, 61562 Pathe Cinema 60043 Penney 60035, 60037, 60038, 60040,
60042, 60240 Pentax 60042 Philco 60035, 60038, 60072, 60226 Philips 60035, 60081, 60226, 60593 Phoenix 60278 Phonola 60081 Pilot 60037 Pioneer 60042, 60067, 60081, 60162 Polk Audio 60081 Portland 60278 Profitronic 60081, 60240 Proline 60278, 60320, 60642 Proscan 60060 Prosco 60278 Prosonic 60278 Protec 60072 Protech 60072, 60081 ProVision 60278 Pye 60081 Qisheng 60060 Quasar 60035, 60162, 60278 Quelle 60081 Radialva 60037, 60048, 60072, 60081 Radiola 60081 Radionette 60037, 61137 RadioShack 60037 Radix 60037 Randex 60037 RCA 60035, 60042, 60048, 60060,
60226, 60240, 60320 Realistic 60035, 60037, 60048, 60104 Reoc 60348 RFT 60072
Brand Code No.
Rio 61137 Roadstar 60037, 60072, 60081, 60240,
60278 Royal 60072 Saba 60278, 60320 Saisho 60348 Salora
60043, 60104 Sampo 60037, 60048 Samsung 60045, 60240, 60432 Sanky
60048 Sansei 60048 Sansui 60067, 60072, 60348 Sanyo
60048, 60067, 60104, 60240,
60348, 61137 Saville 60240, 60278, 60352 SBR 60081 ScanSonic
60240 Sceptre 60104 Schaub Lorenz 60104, 60315, 60348 Schneider 60037, 60042, 60072, 60081,
60240, 60278, 60348, 60352,
60642, 61137 Scott 60043, 60045, 60593 Sears 60035, 60037, 60042, 60104 Seaway 60278 SEG 60072, 60081, 60240, 60278,
60593, 60642 SEI 60081 Sei-Sinudyne 60081 Seleco 60037 Semivox 60045 Semp 60045 Sentra 60072 Setron 60072 Sharp 60037, 60048, 61137 Shintom 60072, 60104 Shivaki 60037 Shogun 60240 Siemens 60037, 60081, 60104, 60320,
60347 Siera 60081 Silva 60037 Silva Schneider 61137 Silver 60278 SilverCrest 60642 Singer 60045, 60072, 60348 Sinudyne 60081, 60352 Skantic 60348 Smaragd 60348 Sonic Blue 61137 Sonneclair 60072 Sonolor 60048 Sontec 60037, 60278 Sonwa 60642 Sony 60032, 60033, 60035, 61032 Soundwave 60037, 60348 Ssangyong 60072 Standard 60278 Stern 60278 STS 60042 Sunkai 60278, 60348 Sunwood 60072 Supra 60037, 60278, 60348 Sylvania 60035, 60043, 60081, 60593 Symphonic 60593 T+A 60162 Tandberg 60278
Brand Code No.
Tandy 60104 Tashiko 60037, 60048, 60081, 60240 Tatung 60043, 60045, 60048, 60067,
60081, 60348, 60352 Tchibo 60348 TCM 60348 Teac
60037, 60072, 60278, 60593,
60642 Tec 60072 Tech Line 60072 Technics
60035, 60081, 60162, 60226 TechniSat 60348 Technosonic 60352 Teco
60035, 60037, 60038, 60040,
60048 Tedelex 60037, 60348, 60642 Teknika 60035, 60037 Telefunken
60278, 60320, 60593, 60642 Telerent 60226 Telestar 60037 Teletech 60072, 60278 Tenosal 60072 Tensai 60037, 60072, 60278 Tesla 60081 Tevion 60348, 60642 Texet 60278 Thomson 60060, 60067, 60278, 60320 Thorn 60037, 60104 TMK 60240 Tokai 60037, 60072, 60104 Topline 60348 Toshiba 60042, 60043, 60045, 60067,
60081, 60352, 60432 Totevision 60037, 60240 Towada 60072 Toyoda 60278 Tradex 60081 Triad 60278 Uher 60240 Ultravox 60278 Unitech 60240 United 60348 Universum 60037, 60081, 60104, 60240,
60348, 61137 Vector 60045 Vector Research 60038, 60040 Victor 60067 Video Concepts 60040, 60045 Videomagic 60037 Videosonic 60240 Wards 60033, 60035, 60038, 60042,
60045, 60048, 60060, 60072,
60081, 60240 Watson 60081, 60352, 60642 Weltblick 60037 Wharfedale 60593, 60642 White Westinghouse 60072, 60278 World 60348 XR-1000 60035, 60072 Yamaha 60038 Yamishi 60072, 60278 Yokan 60072 Yoko 60037, 60072, 60240 Yoshita 60072 Zenith 60033, 60037, 61137 ZX 60348, 60352
DVD Home Theater / Cinéma-maison DVD / DVD con cine en casa / DVD Home Theater
Brand Code No.
Aiwa 31827 Bose 31629, 31933 Cameron 32426 Daewoo 31293 Denon 31460, 32279, 32857 Harman/Kardon 31306 HitPlus 32483 JBL 31306 JVC 31374, 31676 Kenwood 31293, 31313 LG 31293, 32197 Magnavox 31269 Marantz 31269, 31289 McIntosh 31289 Medion 32197 Nakamichi 31313 Onida 32482 Palladium 31293 Panasonic 31548, 31763, 31765, 31779,
Brand Code No.
Philco 31838 Philips 31266, 31269, 31289, 31673,
31831, 32311, 32459 Pioneer 31284 Polk Audio 31289, 32270 Radionette 31293 RCA 32041, 32426 Samsung 31295, 31868 Sherwood 31905 Sony 31454, 31558, 31622, 31658,
31758, 31822, 31827, 31858,
31882, 32172, 32522 Sunfire 31313 Sungoo 31313 Targa 31293 Technics 31763, 31765 Thomson 31194 Vtrek 32426, 32483 Yamaha 31331, 31375, 32061 Zenith 31293
Amplifier / Amplificateur / Amplificador / Amplificador
Brand Code No.
Curtis Mathes 80300 Denon 80272 Lexicon 81802 Marantz 82138 Optimus 80300, 80823
Brand Code No.
Parasound 82245 Pioneer 80300, 80823 Polk Audio 82242 RCA 80300, 80823
Receiver / Récepteur / Receptor / Receiver
Brand Code No.
Aiwa 81089 Arcam 81189 Audiolab 81189 Audiotronic 81189 Bang & Olufsen 80799 Carver 81089, 81189 Denon 81104, 81360 Fine Arts 81189 Fonmix 81360 Grundig 81089, 81189 Harman/Kardon 81189, 81304, 81310, 82241 Integra 81320, 81805 JBL 81304 Kenwood 81570 Magnavox 81089, 81189 Marantz 81089, 81189, 82114 Micromega 81189 Musicmagic 81089 Myryad 81189
Brand Code No.
NAD 80320 Onkyo 81320, 81805 Optimus 81023 Panasonic 81275, 81309, 81518 Philips 81089, 81189 Pioneer 81023, 81935 RCA 81023 Revox 81089 Samsung 81304 Sansui 81089 Silsonic 80176 Sony 81058, 81112, 81158, 81258,
81441, 81759, 82586 Stereophonics 81023 TAG McLaren 81189 Technics 81309, 81518 Thomson 81354 Thorens 81189 Yamaha 80176, 80376, 81276, 81815
CD player / Lecteur CD / Reproductor de CD / Reprodutor de CD
Brand Code No.
Acoustic Research 70420 Advantage 70032 AH!
70157 Aiwa 70157 Arcam 70157 Atoll Electronique
70157 Audio Research 70157 Audiolab 70157 Audiomeca
70157 Audioton 70157 AVI 70157 Balanced Audio
Burmester 70420 Bush 70388 Cairn
70157 California Audio Labs 70029, 70303 Cambridge 70157 Cambridge Audio
70157 Carver 70157 CCE 70157 CDC 70420 CEC 70420 Cyrus 70157 Denon 70034 DKK 70000 DMX Electronics 70157 Dynaco 70157 Garrard 70420 Genexxa 70000, 70032 Goldmund 70157 GoldStar 71208 Grundig 70157 Harman/Kardon 70157, 70173 Hitachi 70032 Integra 70101 JVC 70072 Kenwood 70028, 70036, 70157 Krell 70157 LG 71208 Linn 70157 Loewe 70157 Magnavox 70157 Marantz 70029, 70157 Matsui 70157 MCS 70029 Memorex 70032 Meridian 70157 Micromega 70157 Miro 70000 Mission 70157 MTC 70420
Brand Code No.
Myryad 70157 NAD 70000, 70721, 71208 Naim
70157 NSM 70157 Onkyo 70101, 71327 Optimus
70000, 70032, 70420 Panasonic 70029, 70303, 70388, 70752 Parasound 70420 Philips
70157 Pioneer 70032, 70101, 71087 Polk Audio 70157 Primare
70157 Proceed 70420 Proton 70157 QED
70157 Quad 70157 Quasar 70029 Radiola
70157 RCA 70032, 70053, 70420 Realistic 70420 Restek 70157 Revox 70157 Roksan 70420 Rotel 70157, 70420 Royal 70420 SAE 70157 Sansui 70157 SAST 70157 Sharp 70034 Sherwood 71950 Siemens 70157 Silsonic 70036 Simaudio 70157 Sonic Frontiers 70157 Sony 70000, 70100, 70490, 71364 Sylvania 70157 TAG McLaren 70157 Tandy 70032 Tascam 70420 TDK 71208 Teac 70420 Technics 70029, 70303 Thomson 70053 Thorens 70157 Thule Audio 70157 Tokai 70420 Universum 70053, 70157 Victor 70072 Wards 70000, 70032, 70053, 70157 Yamaha 70032, 70036, 70187, 70490 Zonda 70157
Cassette deck / Platine à cassette / Casetera / Reprodutor/gravador de fitas cassete
Brand Code No.
Aiwa 79029 Audiolab 79029, 79229 Carver 79029 Grundig 79029 Harman/Kardon 79029 Inkel 79070 JVC 79244 Kenwood 79070 Magnavox 79029 Marantz 79029 Myryad 79029 Onkyo 79135 Optimus 79027, 79220 Panasonic 79229
Brand Code No.
Philips 79029, 79229 Pioneer 79027, 79220 Polk Audio 79029 Radiola 79029 RCA 79027, 79220 Revox 79029 Sansui 79029 Sony 79170, 79243, 79291 Technics 79229 Thorens 79029 Victor 79244 Wards 79027, 79029 Yamaha 79097
Audio accessory / Accessoire audio / Accesorio de audio / Acessório de áudio
Brand Code No.
Apple 81115
Brand Code No.
Yamaha 82116, 82458
Brand Code No.
Samsung 40253, 40853, 41377, 41442,
41662 Sansui 41545 Sanyo 41626 Sat Control 41300 Sat Team 40713 SAT+
41409 Satec 40713 Satplus 41100 SatyCon
41631 Schaub Lorenz 42418 Schwaiger 41334, 41631, 41672 Sedea Electronique
41626 Seeltech 41993 Seemann 40396 SEG
41284, 41626, 41993 Servimat 41611 ServiSat 40713 Shark 41631 Sharp 42034 Sherwood 41409 Siemens 40173, 41334, 41657 Sigmatek 42139, 42418 SilverCrest 42026 Skantin 40713 SKR 40713 SKY 40099, 40847, 40856, 40887,
41175, 41499, 41662, 41693,
41848, 42619 SKY Brazil 40856, 40887, 41499 SKY Deutschland 40723, 41100, 41114, 41176,
41195, 41675, 42176 SKY Italia 40853, 41693, 41848 SKY Mexico 40856, 42619 Sky+ 41175, 41662 Skymaster 40713, 41334, 41409, 41545,
41611 Skymax 41413 Skyplus 41175, 41334, 42026 SkySat 40713 Skyvision 41334 SL 41672, 42026 SM Electronic 40713, 41409 Smart 40396, 40713, 41413, 41631 Sogo 42166 Sony 40847, 40853, 41558, 41979 Star 40887 Starland 40713 Stream 41848 Stream System 41300 Strong 40713, 40853, 40879, 41284,
41300, 41409, 41626, 41801,
42235, 42418 Sunny 41300 Sunsat 40713 Sunstar 40642 Sunstech 41993, 42139 Supernova 40887 SupportPlus 42167 Supratech 41413, 41993, 42139, 42166 Systec 41334 Sytech 42139 Tahnon 41704 TATA Sky 41997 TBoston 42139, 42418
Brand Code No.
Teac 41322 Technical 41626 Technika 41284, 41672, 42034 TechniSat 40396, 41100, 41195, 41197,
41322 Technosonic 41672 Technotrend
41672 Techwood 41284, 41626, 42034 TELE System 40396, 41409, 41611, 41801 Telefonica
42527 Teleka 40396 Telestar 41100, 41195, 41197, 41334,
41626, 41672 Telesystem
41801 Televes 41300, 41334 Televisa 40887 Tevion
40713, 41409, 41672, 41993 Thomson 40713, 40847, 40853, 41175,
41291, 41662, 41848, 41997,
42107, 42176 Tiny 41672 Tivo 41442 TNT SAT 41692, 42564 Tonna 40713, 41611 Topfield 41545, 41783, 41986 Toshiba 40749, 41284, 41749 Transparent Video
Triax 40396, 40713, 40853, 41291,
41413, 41611, 41626, 41631,
42026 Turnsat 40713 TVB 41989 TWF 41993 Twinner 40713, 41611 UEC 40879, 41356, 42463 Uniden 40722 Universum 40173 US Digital 41535 USDTV 41535 Vantage 42297 Vaova 41993 Variosat 40173 VEA 42418 Vestel 41284, 42034 Viola Digital 41672 Vision 41626 Visiosat 40713, 41129, 41413 Vitecom 41413 Viva 40856 Volcasat 42418 Wavelength 41413 Wharfedale 41284, 42034 Winbox 41801 Wisi 40173, 40396 Woxter 42139, 42418 Xsat 40713, 40847 Xtreme 41300 Yakumo 41413 Yamada 41993, 42139 Yes 40887 Zehnder 41334, 41413, 41631, 41777 Zenith 40856 Ziggo 41499, 41657, 42443 Zodiac 40396, 41801
Satellite receiver / Récepteur satellite / Receptor de satélite / Sintonizador de satélite
Brand Code No.
@sat 41300 @Sky 41334 ABsat
40713 Acoustic Solutions 41284 ADB 40642, 40887, 42367 Airis
41993 Airtel 42248 Akura 41626 Alba
40713, 41284 Alltech 40713 Allvision 41334 Amitronica
40713 Ampere 40396 Amstrad 40396, 40713, 40847, 41175,
41662, 41693, 41801, 41848,
42139 Anglo
40713 Ankaro 40713 Ansonic 42418 Apro
41672 Arnion 41300 ASCI 41334 ASLF 40713 AssCom 40853 Aston 41129 Astra 40713 Astratec 41743 Astro 40173, 40658, 41100, 41816,
42600 Atlanta 42418 Atsat 41300 AtSky 41334 Audioline 41672 Aurora 40642, 40879 Austar 40642, 40879 Avalon 40396 Axil 41413, 41777, 41993, 42139,
42418 Axitronic 41626 41672 Bell ExpressVu 40775 Belson 42139, 42418 Best Buy 41993, 42139 BIG TV 42463 Black Diamond 41284 Blaupunkt 40173 Blue Sky 40713 Boca 40713, 42026 Boshmann 41413, 41631 Brainwave 40658, 41672 British Sky Broadcasting 40847, 41175, 41662 Broco 40713 BskyB 40847, 41175, 41662 Bubu Sat 40713 Bush 41284, 41291, 41626, 41645,
41672, 41743, 42167, 42376 Canal Digitaal 42466 Canal Digital 40853, 41780 Canal Satellite 40853, 42107 Canal+ 40853, 42107, 42657 CanalSat 42107 CDV 41993 Century 40856 CGV 41413 Chess 40713, 41334, 41626, 42026 CityCom 40658, 41176 Classic 41672 Clatronic 41413 Clayton 41626 Clemens Kamphus 40396 Cobra 40396 Com Hem 41176, 41915 Comag 41413, 42026 Comsat 41413 Conia 42167 Connexions 40396 Coship 41672 Crown 41284 CS 41631 Cyfra+ 41409, 42593 Cyfrowy Polsat 40253, 40853, 42527 D-box 40723, 41114 Daeryung 40396 Daewoo 40713, 41743 DAK 41993 Dantax 41626 Denver 42418 Dgtec 41631, 42418 Digi 42026 Digiality 41334 Digifusion 41645, 41743 Digihome 41284, 42034 DigiLogic 41284 DigiQuest 41300, 41631 DigitalBox 41100, 41631 Digital+ 40853 Digiturk 41432 Digiwave 41631 Dilog 41780 DirecTV 40099, 40566, 40749, 41377,
41414, 41442, 41749 Dish Network 40775 Dishpro 40775 DishTV 41300 Distratel 41704 DNT 40396 Doro 41672 Dream Multimedia 41237, 41652 DSTV 40642, 40879 Durabrand 41284, 42034 DVX 41993, 42167 Echostar 40396, 40713, 40775, 40853,
41409, 42527 Eco-Star 41413 Edision 41631 Einhell 40713 Elap 40713, 41129, 41413 Elbe 42418 Elsat 40713 Energy Sistem 41631 Engel 40713, 41801, 41993 Eutelsat 40713 Evesham 42034 Expressvu 40775 F&U 42166 Fagor 41611 Fenner 40713 Ferguson 41291, 41743 Finepass 41780 Finlux 41626 Flair Mate 40713 FMD 41413 Foxtel 40879, 41176, 41356 FTEmaximal 40713 Fuba 40173, 40396, 41801 Funai 42167 Galaxis 40853, 40879 GE 40566 General Satellite 41176 Globo 41334, 41626, 42026 GOI 40775 Gold Box 40853 Gold Vision 41631 GoldMaster 41334 Goodmans 41284, 41291, 42034, 42376 Gradiente 40099, 40856, 40887 Grandin 41626 Grocos 41409
Brand Code No.
Grundig 40173, 40847, 40853, 40879,
41284, 41291, 41672, 41780,
42034, 42367, 42376 Haier 42418 Hallo
41626 Handan 41780 Hanseatic 41100 Hauppauge
41672 HB 41801 Hirschmann 40173, 40396, 42026 Hisense
41535 Hitachi 41284, 42034 Hornet 41300 Houston
40396 HTS 40775 Hughes Network
40749, 41442, 41749
41176, 41427, 41675, 41743,
41808, 41915, 41989, 42144,
42408, 42443 Hyundai 42463 i-Box 41652 i-CAN
42367 ID Digital 41176 ILLUSION sat 41631 iLo 41535 Imperial 41100, 41195, 41197, 41334,
41672 Indovision 40856, 40887, 41989 iNETBOX 41652 Ingelen 40396 Inno Hit 41626 Innova 40099 Inves 41743, 41993 iotronic 41413 ISkyB 40887 ITT 42418 ITT Nokia 40723 Jadeworld 40642 Jaeger 41334 JVC 40775 K-SAT 40713 Kamm 40713 Kaon 41300 Kathrein 40173, 40658, 40713, 41561 Kenwood 40853 Koenig 41631 Kreiling 40658, 41626 Kreiselmeyer 40173 L&S Electronic 41334 LaSAT 40173 Lava 41631 Leiko 41626 Lemon 41334 Lenco 40713 Lenoxx 41611 LG 41414 Lifesat 40713 Linsar 41284 Listo 41626 Lodos 41284 Logik 41284 Magnavox 40722 Manata 40713 Manhattan 41300 Maspro 40173, 40713 Matsui 40173, 41284, 41626, 41743 Maximum 41334 Mediabox 40853 MediaSat 40853, 42107 Medion 40713, 41334, 41626, 42026 Medison 40713 Meo 42466 Metronic 40713, 41334, 41413, 41704,
42167 Metz 40173 MiCO 41993 Micro 40713 Micro Elektronic 40713 Micro Technology 40713 Microtec 40713 Mitsubishi 40749 Morgan’s 40713 Motorola 40856 Multichoice 40642, 40879, 42059, 42060 Mysat 40713 MySky 41356, 41693, 41848 Neom 41993 NEOTION 41334 NET 41883 Net Brazil 41883 Netgem 41322 Netsat 40099, 40887 Neuf TV 41322 Neuhaus 40713 Neusat 40713 Newton 40396 Nikko 40713, 40723 Noda Electronic 41704 Nokia 40723, 40853, 41023, 41114 Nordmende 41611 Numericable 42466 Omni 41993 Onn 41284, 42034 Optex 40713, 41413, 41611, 41626 Optus 40879, 41356 Orbis 41334 Orbitech 41100, 41195, 41197 Pace 40847, 40853, 40887, 41175,
41356, 41662, 41693, 41848,
42059, 42060, 42466, 42593,
42657 Pacific 41284 Palcom 41409 Palladium 40396 Panasat 40879 Panasonic 40847 Panda 40173 peeKTon 41993, 42418 Philips 40099, 40173, 40722, 40749,
40853, 40856, 40887, 41114,
41442, 41499, 41672, 41743,
41749, 42107, 42176, 42466,
42593 Phoenix 42418 Phonotrend 41780 Pino 41334 Pioneer 40853 Planet 40396 PMB 40713, 41611 Polytron 40396 Portugal Telecom 42466 Preisner 40396 Premier 42176 Premiere 40723, 41100, 41114, 41176,
41195, 41675, 42176 Pro Basic 40853 Proline 41284 Proscan 40566 Proton 41535 Radix 40396 RCA 40566, 41291 Reliance 42463 RiksTV 42367 Roadstar 40713, 40853 Rollmaster 41413 Rover 40713 SAB 41300 Sagem 41114, 41690, 41692, 42107,
Saivod 42418