Sony RM-AX4000 - Integrated Remote Commander Software Manual

AX Remote Editor is a software application that lets you edit the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) settings on your PC. By following the wizard, you can easily program the Remote Commander, including XPRESS function and AV component control setup. Furthermore, AX Remote Editor gives you and easier way to set up and edit a macro (Action list) for a key/button. There is also a wide range of customizable options which can only be set up with the software, such as changing the Timer and Air-Slide functions.
The wizard makes complicated settings simple
The first time you start up AX Remote Editor, the wizard helps you set up the Remote Commander. By following the wizard, you can program complicated settings easily, such as setting the XPRESS function or setting up AV component commands. Furthermore, the wizard allows you to easily change components and add new components and XPRESS functions even after the initial setup.
Two modes for editing (Standard mode/Advanced mode)
AX Remote Editor has "Standard mode" and "Advanced mode." Standard mode is for programming the basic settings of the Remote Commander, such as setting up AV component commands. Advanced mode is for programming higher level functions on the Remote Commander, such as customizing the function of a key/button. You can switch between modes whenever you want.
Intuitive programming of the Remote Commander
AX Remote Editor provides an easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) which looks like the front of the Remote Commander. This makes programming easier, such as renaming or programming keys and buttons or editing a macro (Action list).
Editing macros (Action lists) is easier
With AX Remote Editor, it is easier to check/edit a macro (Action list), since the macro is displayed as a list.
Changing Timer and Air-Slide functions
You can change a Timer function or Air-Slide operation. In Standard mode you can set up the Timer or Air-Slide to operate XPRESS function. In Advanced mode you can set up the Timer or Air-Slide to operate a macro (Action list).
Testing the Remote Commander on your PC (Emulator)
AX Remote Editor includes an Emulator which helps you confirm that settings will work properly. By connecting your PC to the Remote Commander with the USB mini cable, you can test the settings of an AV component by pressing the keys/buttons on the Emulator.
Exchanging data between the Remote Commander and your PC with the USB mini cable
AX Remote Editor allows you to exchange data between the Remote Commander and your PC with the USB mini cable. This means it is possible to download the AX Remote Editor settings to the Remote Commander, or to upload the Remote Commander settings to AX Remote Editor and make a backup copy.
Saving multiple settings for the Remote Commander to your PC (Project)
You can save settings made on AX Remote Editor as a "project" on the hard disk drive of a PC. You can create as many projects as necessary. For example, you can save several Remote Commander settings as different names. Or, you can make a backup copy of the Remote Commander settings as a precaution against accidental data loss.
Updating the Remote Commander's firmware
The AX Remote Editor website ( provides the latest version of AX Remote Editor. By downloading the file from the website and installing it on your PC, you can update the Remote Commander's firmware to be compatible with the latest version of AX Remote Editor, including updated codes.
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About this Help
This section explains how to use AX Remote Editor. With Help, you can find information on a specific topic by clicking on the "Contents" tab, for the table of contents; or the "Index" tab, for an indexed list of keyw ords; or the "Search" tab, for typing in keyword(s) to perform a search.
To search by contents (Contents)
When you select the "Contents" tab on the left side, the table of contents (Contents) w ill appear. The topic titles are listed on the left side (e.g., "Starting up AX Remote Editor" and "Adding a component," etc.). When you click on a topic, an explanation of that topic appears to the right.
To search indexed information (Index)
When you click the "Index" tab, a list of keyw ords appears on the left side. You can type in the first few letters of a keyw ord in the "Type in the keyw ord to find" field (or select a keyw ord from the list) then click "Display," and the explanation relating to the keyw ord is show n to the right.
To search using key words (Search)
When you click the "Search" tab, "Search" w ill be displayed on the left side. If you enter a w ord or phrase into the "Type in the keyw ord to find" field and click "List Topics," a list of items containing the w ord(s) will appear on the left side. If you click an item on this list, the explanation w ill be show n to the right. The entered w ord(s) is highlighted in the explanation.
To toggle between related information and the currently viewed explanation
When you click on underlined text or , you can see detailed information of the topic on the right side. To return to the previous screen, click at the top of the w indow . The previous screen reappears.
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Starting up AX Remote Editor
Click the Window s "Start" button and point to "All Program s" - "Sony Rem ote AX," - "AX Rem ote Editor" and click.
AX Remote Editor starts up, and the last project appears. The first time AX Remote Editor starts up, the "New Project" w izard appears. Follow ing the on-screen instructions, create a project.
If you are using an operating system other than Window s XP, click the "Start" button of Window s and point to "Programs" - "Sony Remote AX" - "AX Remote Editor" and click to start up AX Remote Editor.
If (the shortcut icon of AX Remote Editor) is displayed on the desktop of Window s, double-click the icon to open it. (Depending on the setting,
Window s XP may delete icons from the desktop if they have not been used for a certain period of time. If is not displayed on the desktop, use the "Start" button.)
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Exiting AX Remote Editor
Do one of the follow ing:
Click [Exit] in the low er right of AX Rem ote Editor.
Click in the uppe r right corner of AX Re m ote Editor.
Click "File" on the m e nu bar, then se le ct "Exit."
AX Remote Editor closes.
If you try to exit AX Remote Editor w ithout saving the project you are editing, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm saving. To save the project you are editing, click "Yes," otherw ise, click "No."
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About Standard mode/Advanced mode
Tw o edit modes (Standard mode/Advanced mode)
Editing flow in Standard mode
Editing flow in Advanced mode
Editable contents in Standard mode/Advanced mode
Two edit modes (Standard mode/Advanced mode)
AX Remote Editor has "Standard mode" and "Advanced mode." Standard mode is for programming the basic settings of the Remote Commander, such as setting the preset code of a component.
Advanced mode is for programming higher level functions on the Remote Commander, such as customizing the function of a key/button.
You can sw itch betw een modes by clicking the tab in the low er left of the screen on AX Remote Editor.
Editing flow in Standard mode
Perform the follow ing steps to edit in Standard mode.
Create a project.
To edit on AX Remote Editor, first you need to create a project. In Standard mode, create a project follow ing the "New Project" w izard. The w izard allow s you to make all the necessary settings, such as setting a project name, components, XPRESS keys, and dow nloading the settings to the Remote Commander, so once you have finished w ith the "New Project" w izard, you can operate an AV component w ith the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) right aw ay.
The first time you start up AX Remote Editor, the "New Project" w izard appears.
Edit the Re m ote Com m ande r se tting.
Open the project you w ant to edit. When the project is displayed on the screen, set the follow ing as necessary.
Change com pone nt settings
You can add a new component setting and delete an unnecessary component, for example, w hen you buy a new AV component.
Change the s ettings of XPRESS ke ys
You can add a new XPRESS key and delete an unnecessary XPRESS key, for example, w hen you add or replace a component in your AV system.
Change a Tim e r/Air-Slide se tting as neces s ary
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Change the setting w hen you w ant to:
Set an action (XPRESS procedure) to operate at a scheduled time w ith the Timer function.
Change the action of an Air-Slide pattern.
You can edit various other settings in Standard mode as w ell. For further details, see "Editable contents in Standard mode/Advanced mode."
Check the setting on the Emulator
When you finished editing, connect the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) to your PC and start the Emulator. When you press a key/button on the Emulator, the Remote Commander sends a signal to the component so you can confirm the operation.
Dow nload the settings to the Re m ote Commander
When you finished checking, dow nload the settings to the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000). After dow nloading, you can use the Remote Commander w ith the new setting.
Editing flow in Advanced mode
Perform the follow ing steps to edit in Advanced mode.
Create a project.
To edit on AX Remote Editor, first you need to create a project. A project in Advanced mode is set by default to operate Sony brand AV component. Change the Remote Commander preset code according to the AV component.
The first time you start up AX Remote Editor, the "New Project" w izard appears and helps you create a project in Standard mode. In this case, after creating a project follow ing the "New Project" wizard, sw itch to Advanced mode to edit a key/button.
Edit the Re m ote Com m ande r se tting.
Open the project you w ant to edit. When the project is displayed on the screen, set the follow ing as necessary.
Change com pone nt settings
First, change the preset codes according to your AV components, as necessary. Second, delete any unnecessary components. If you have several AV components of the same category, or if you have an AV component w hose category is not preset, add a component. Lastly, change the assignment of components as you like.
Change the s ettings of XPRESS ke ys
First, delete any XPRESS key(s) that no longer reflects your actual AV system, if necessary. Second, add an XPRESS key(s) that reflects any addition(s) to your AV system. If you w ant to add an action for each XPRESS key, edit a Start
macro or Exit macro.
Lastly, change the assignment of each XPRESS key as you like.
Change a Tim e r/Air-Slide/System Control s etting as ne cessary
Change the setting w hen you w ant to:
Set an action (XPRESS procedure) to operate at a scheduled time w ith the Timer function.
Change an action for an Air-Slide pattern.
Change an action (System Control macro) to be assigned to a System Control button/key.
You can edit other various settings in Advanced mode as w ell. For further details, see "Editable contents in Standard mode/Advanced mode."
Check the setting on the Emulator.
When you finished editing, connect the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) to your PC and start the Emulator. When you press a key/button on the Emulator, the Remote Commander sends a signal to the component to confirm the operation.
Dow nload the settings to the Re m ote Commander.
When you finished checking, dow nload the settings to the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000). After dow nloading, you can use the Remote Commander w ith the new setting.
Editable contents in Standard mode/Advanced mode
With AX Remote Editor you can edit the follow ing items in Standard mode/Advanced mode.
Editable contents Standard
m ode Advanced
m ode
Editing a component
Change the label of a component Editable Editable
Change the assignment of components
Editable Editable
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Change the preset code of a component
Editable Editable
Add a component
Editable Editable
Change the key/button setting for a component
- Editable
Delete a component
Editable Editable
Initialize the key/button setting for a component
- Editable
Editing the settings of XPRESS keys
Change the label of an XPRESS key
Editable Editable
Change the assignment of XPRESS keys
Editable Editable
Add an XPRESS key
Editable Editable
Edit a Start macro/Exit macro for an XPRESS key
- Editable
Change the key/button setting for an XPRESS key
- Editable
Copy an XPRESS key
- Editable
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Delete an XPRESS key
Editable Editable
Initialize the settings of an XPRESS key
- Editable
Setting a Timer/Air-Slide/System Control
Change the Timer function
Editable Editable
Change an Air-Slide's settings
Editable Editable
Change a System Control setting
- Editable
*1 Standard mode sets a preset code by "SOLUTION preset" method (by reading the preset code from the remote control signal of your AV component).
Advanced mode sets a preset code by "SOLUTION preset," or by "BRAND preset" method (by selecting the manufacturer and the preset code).
*2 Only in Advanced mode, can you select "None" for a component that has no preset code.
*3 In Standard mode you can set an XPRESS procedure to operate at a scheduled time.
In Advanced mode you can set a macro (Action list) to operate at a scheduled time.
*4 In Standard mode you can set an XPRESS procedure for an Air-Slide pattern.
In Advanced mode you can set a macro (Action list) as an action for an Air-Slide pattern.
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Connecting the Remote Commander to your PC
You can connect the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) to your PC w ith the supplied USB mini cable. When you check the remote control signal of a macro (Action list) programmed for a key/button, or w hen you exchange setting data betw een your PC and the Remote Commander, connect the Remote Commander to your PC.
Do not keep the Remote Commander connected to the PC w hen the PC is in standby/hibernation, otherw ise, a malfunction could occur. Be sure to disconnect the Remote Commander from the PC before standby/hibernation begins.
Furthermore, do not connect the Remote Commander to the PC w hile it is in standby/hibernation. Wait until the PC comes out of standby/hibernation before connecting.
The Remote Commander uses the battery w hen connected to the PC. When you finish the setup, unplug from the USB connector.
Before connecting the Remote Commander to your PC, make sure that the battery charge is enough.
Do not disconnect the USB mini cable from your PC w hile your PC is communicating w ith the Remote Commander, otherw ise a malfunction may occur.
Only connect one Remote Commander to your PC at a time. Otherw ise, your PC w on't be able to communicate w ith the Remote Commander.
Connect the USB m ini cable to the USB connector of the Re m ote Com m ander (RM-AX4000).
Connect the USB m ini cable to the USB connector of your PC.
The first time you connect the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) to your PC, the USB driver install w izard appears. For further installation details, refer to the supplied operating instructions.
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About projects
AX Remote Editor allow s you to manage the Remote Commander settings as a "project." When you first install AX Remote Editor, there are no projects yet, so the "New Project" w izard appears asking you to create a project when you start up AX Remote Editor. The on-screen instructions in this w izard guide you through the necessary procedures to create a project, such as setting a project name, components, XPRESS keys, and dow nloading the settings to the Remote Commander.
When you create a project, a folder of the same name (project folder) as the project is created on your PC w here its settings file (AX Remote Editor file w ith the file extension ".axe") is saved along w ith various other files for that project.
You can create as many projects as necessary. For example, you can save several Remote Commander settings as different projects, according to your needs. Or, you can make a backup copy of the Remote Commander settings as a precaution against accidental data loss.
Do not use Window s Explorer, etc., to move project folders and or the files w ithin. Doing so may make it impossible to edit the project on AX Remote Editor.
Project related topics
With AX Remote Editor you can:
Create a new project
Create a project in Standard mode (New Project Wizard)
Create a project in Advanced mode
Save a project
Open a project
Enter a user name and comments for a project
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Creating a project in Standard mode (New Project Wizard)
Perform the follow ing steps to create a project in Standard mode follow ing the "New Project" w izard instructions.
Step 1: Se t a project nam e
Enter a name for the project you w ant to create.
Step 2: Se t components
In this step, perform the follow ing steps to set various component settings.
Select all the component types you w ant the Remote Commander to control.
Check or change the label of components.
Program the preset code of a component.
Check if the preset code you programmed w orks.
Repeat steps 3 to 4 for each component you are editing.
Step 3: Se t XPRESS keys
In this step, perform the follow ing steps to set various settings of XPRESS keys.
Select the "Purpose" and the "Source component" (that outputs images and sound) of all the XPRESS keys you w ant to program.
Check or change the label of XPRESS keys.
Select a video component (that outputs images from the source component).
Select an audio component (that outputs sound from the source component).
Set the follow ing items about the video component.
Select the type of pow er button on the video component's remote control.
Set the information about the input select button on the video component's remote control.
Make the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) learn the video component's remote control signal.
Set the follow ing items about the audio component.
Select the type of pow er button on the audio component's remote control.
Se the information about the input select button on the audio component's remote control.
Make the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) learn the audio component's remote control signal.
Set the follow ing items about the source component.
Select the type of pow er button on the source component's remote control.
Make the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) learn the source component's remote control signal.
Set a Start macro (action to be executed w hen operating an XPRESS key) and an Exit macro (action to be executed w hen sw itching to another XPRESS display) of an XPRESS key.
Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each XPRESS key you are setting.
Step 4: Dow nload the s e ttings to the Re mote Com m ander
Dow nload the settings made on the w izard to the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000).
When you start up AX Remote Editor for the first time, the "New Project" w izard appears asking you to create a project. In this case, create a project follow ing the above procedure.
If you w ant to exit the setting procedure at any point, click "Save and Exit" in the low er right of the screen. The setting is saved and AX Remote Editor closes.
The next time you start AX Remote Editor, you can resume the setting from the point you stopped.
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Setting a project name
You can create a project in Standard mode. In the first step, set the project name.
Click "File" on the m e nu bar, then se le ct "Ne w ."
The "New Project" dialog box appears.
If the project you are editing is not saved, a message box appears asking you to confirm saving before the "New Project" dialog box appears. To save the project, click "Yes," otherw ise, click "No."
Click "Standard," then click "OK."
The "New Project" w izard appears.
Click "Next."
The "Project Name" screen appears.
Enter a proje ct nam e under "Input a proje ct folder nam e ," next to .
Click under "Save the project folde r in."
A dialog box appears for you to select a folder.
The "Save the project folder in" field show s the folder (location) in w hich you created a project or saved the project under a different name last time. The first time you start AX Remote Editor, the field show s the Window s desktop.
Select the folde r in w hich you w ant to create the project, then click "OK."
The dialog box closes, and the selected folder is displayed to the left of .
Click "Next."
The "Component Settings - Select Component" screen appears. Follow ing the w izard instructions, set components.
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Setting components
The "Component Settings" screen in the "New Project" w izard allow s you to make various settings for components.
You can save and exit the setting procedure at any point; just click "Save and Exit" in the low er right of the screen. The setting is saved and AX Remote Editor closes. The next time you start AX Remote Editor, you can resume the setting from the point you stopped.
From the com pone nt category list on the left side of the scre en, click the com ponent that you w ant the Re mote Com m ander to control, then click "Se le ct ->."
The selected component is added to the "Preview " area on the right side. Repeat to add other components to the "Preview " area.
You can add up to 16 components.
Click "Clear the Last Selected" to delete the last added component from the "Preview " area.
When you are not sure w hich component to select, see "About the component category" below . (Clicking "Help" on the "Component Settings - Select Component" screen also displays the same information.)
After adding the neces s ary com ponents to "Preview ," click "Ne xt."
The "Component Settings - Confirming the Label of a Component Key" screen appears. This screen allow s you to change the component's label displayed on the Remote Commander.
If you w ant to change the labe l, e nter the new label in the te xt box to the right of "Label."
You can enter up to eight characters. The label preview in the center of the screen updates the information.
If you don't w ant to change the label, skip to step 4.
By clicking "Symbol," the "Symbol select" dialog box appears, allow ing you to enter symbols such as .
The "Label" text box allow s you to copy and paste characters by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or the shortcut keys.
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one character.
After e ntering the label, click "Ne xt."
The "Component Settings - Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)" screen appears. This screen allow s you to program the preset code for each component. Preset code refers to the IR code of a component's remote control.
Connect the Re m ote Com m ander (RM-AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable.
Follow ing the on-screen ins tructions, place the Re m ote Com m ander (RM -AX4000) he ad to head w ith the AV com pone nt's re mote control w hose pres et code you w ant to program .
Click "Pres et."
The "Preset" dialog box appears, and the Remote Commander (RM-NX4000) goes to standby mode.
Operate the rem ote control according to the on-screen instructions .
"The preset code of "component name" is programmed" appears w hen the programming is complete.
If 60 seconds passes in standby mode, or if the Remote Commander cannot define the preset code, a dialog box appears for you to confirm redoing the operation. If you click "Yes," the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) goes to standby mode again and you can redo the operation. If you click "No," the "Learn signal in Order" dialog box appears, allow ing you to make each of the keys/buttons learn the code of the selected component from its
remote control.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK" in the m es sage box.
The message box closes, and the screen returns to "Component Settings - Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)".
Click "Next."
The "Component Settings - Checking the Operations" screen appears. This screen allow s you to test the remote control signal of the preset code programmed in steps 6 to 9.
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV component you w ant to ope rate, the n click "Em ulate."
The Emulator appears.
One by one, pre ss the ke ys and buttons on the Emulator to confirm the corresponding action on the AV component.
Press the keys/buttons longer than usual.
After che cking all the k e ys and buttons, click in the uppe r right of the Emulator.
The Emulator closes, and the screen returns to "Component Settings - Checking the Operations."
Click "Next."
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The "Component Settings - Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)" screen reappears, and the second component setting starts. Repeat steps 5 to 13 to finish all the component settings.
If only one component is added in step 1, the "Component Settings - Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)" screen does not appear. In this case, go to step 15.
Click "Next."
A dialog box appears asking if you are sure you w ant to save the settings and continue.
Click "Yes ."
The "XPRESS Settings - What is XPRESS?" screen appears. Follow ing the w izard instructions, set XPRESS keys.
About the component category
When you select the component category (type) in the "New Project" w izard (for creating a project) or in the "New Component" w izard (for adding a component), be careful of the follow ing:
A "DVD/Receiver Combo" is a Sony AV amplifier w ith a built-in DVD player.
A "DVR/DVD Combo" is a DVD recorder w ith a built-in hard disk drive.
Except the DVD/Receiver combo, the components w ith the built-in amplifier should be registered as Receiver. All the keys that are inoperative should be registered by the learning function.
When you have a multi-component (such as a DVD/VCR combo), select only one of either component for the category.
For example, in the case of a DVD/VCR combo, select "DVD" or "VCR" for the category. If you select both components, the XPRESS function w ill not w ork properly.
Only w hen you add a component in Advanced mode, can you select "None" (that has no preset code). When you cannot find an appropriate component type, select "None."
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Setting XPRESS keys
The "XPRESS Settings" screen in the "New Project" w izard allow s you to make various settings for XPRESS keys.
You can save and exit the setting procedure at any point; just click "Save and Exit" in the low er right of the screen. The setting is saved and AX Remote Editor closes. The next time you start AX Remote Editor, you can resume the setting from the point you stopped.
After reading the introduction, click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Purpose and Source Component" screen appears.
Clicking "Help" on the "XPRESS Settings - What is XPRESS?" screen also displays the information about the XPRESS function.
Set the follow ing:
Select the purpose of the XPRESS key by clicking and selecting from the drop-dow n list. After selecting the purpose, the "Source component" can be set in the same w ay.
Source com pone nt
Select the source component (that outputs images and sound) for the XPRESS key by clicking and selecting from the drop-dow n list. After selecting the component, the next line can be set in the same w ay to add another XPRESS key.
Repeat step 2 to set up other XPRESS keys.
You can set up to eight XPRESS keys.
After e ntering e ach require d XPRESS ke y, click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Confirming the Label of an XPRESS Key" screen appears. This screen allow s you to change the XPRESS key's label displayed on the Remote Commander and its name.
If you w ant to change the labe l and nam e, set the follow ing:
Enter the label (displayed on the Remote Commander). You can enter up to eight characters. The label preview in the center of the screen updates the information.
Enter the name (w hich w ill appear on the XPRESS display as its title). You can enter up to 12 characters.
If you don't w ant to change the label or name, skip to step 5.
By clicking "Symbol," the "Symbol select" dialog box appears, allow ing you to enter symbols such as .
The "XPRESS Key" or "XPRESS Name" text box allow s you to copy and paste characters by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or the shortcut keys.
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one character.
After e ntering the label and name, click "Ne xt."
A dialog box appears asking if you are sure you w ant to save the settings and continue.
Click "Yes ."
The "XPRESS Settings - Video Component" screen appears.
Select a video com pone nt (that outputs im ages from the source com ponent), then click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Audio Component" screen appears.
Select an audio component (that outputs sound from the s ource com pone nt), then click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Pow er Button on your Remote Control of the Video Component" screen appears.
Select the type of pow er button on the vide o com ponent's rem ote control, then click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Input Select Button on your Remote Control of the Video Component" screen appears.
Select the type of input se le ct button on the video com ponent's remote control from the follow ing options, the n click "Ne xt."
I pres s a button re peatedly to cycle through the inputs . (Type A)
Select this if you change the input by pressing a button repeatedly, then go to step 14.
I pres s a button to dire ctly s elect the desire d input. (Type B)
Select this if you change the input by pressing a particular button. Then enter the name of the source component button in the text box and go to step
Select this if you change the input on the menu display, then go to step 11.
Select the type of input se le ct button on the rem ote control from the follow ing options, then click "Ne xt."
Type C
Select this if you change the input on the menu display by pressing the up/dow n button, then go to step 12.
Type D
Select this if you change the input on the menu display by pressing a particular button. In the text box, enter the name of the button you press after the menu button to use the source component, then go to step 15.
For further details about the difference of "Type C" and "Type D," see "About the remote control's input select button type." (Clicking "Help" on the "XPRESS Settings - Input Select Button on your Remote Control of the Video Component" screen also displays the same information.)
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Enter the follow ing inform ation regarding the input sele ction of the video com pone nt, then click "Ne xt".
What is the total num ber of inputs you can s elect from the on screen menu?
Click and select the number.
Which input do you se le ct w hen you use "Source component nam e"?
Enter the input name in the text box.
In w hat order does your s election (in [2]) appear on the list (1st, 2nd, 3rd, e tc.)?
Select the order number by clicking .
Select w hich input is highlighte d w hen you pres s the input sele ct button on the rem ote control, then click "Ne xt."
After this selection, go to step 15.
Enter the follow ing inform ation regarding the input sele ction of the video com pone nt, then click "Ne xt".
What is the total num ber of inputs you can change by pres sing the Input Se lect button?
Click and select the number.
Which input do you se le ct w hen you use "Source component nam e"?
Enter the input name in the text box.
Where does the input (in [2]) s tand from the initial input?
Select the order number by clicking .
Follow ing the on-screen ins tructions, place the Re m ote Com m ander (RM -AX4000) he ad to head w ith the AV com pone nt's re mote control w hose pres et code you w ant to program .
Make sure that the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) is connected to your PC.
Click "Learn."
The "Learn" dialog box appears, and the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) goes to standby mode.
Operate the rem ote control according to the on-screen instructions .
"Learning is complete" appears w hen learning is successful. Keep follow ing the on-screen instructions. The "Learning is complete" message box show s "OK" w hen learning is complete.
If "A time out error: 60 seconds has passed" appears, click [OK] and redo from step 16.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK."
The message box closes and the screen returns to "XPRESS Settings - Learn."
Click "Next."
The "XPRESS Settings - Pow er Button on your Remote Control of the Audio Component" screen appears.
Set the inform ation re garding the audio com pone nt's re mote control in the sam e w ay as for the vide o com ponent (show n in s teps 9 to18).
When finis hed, then click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Pow er Button on your Remote Control of the Source Component" screen appears.
Select the type of pow er button on the s ource com ponent's rem ote control, then click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Learn" screen appears.
Mak e the Re m ote Com m ande r learn the s ource component's rem ote control s ignal in the sam e w ay as for the vide o com ponent (show n in s teps 15 to18).
When le arning is com plete, click "Ne xt."
The "XPRESS Settings - Options" screen appears.
Set the follow ing options :
Option1: Start Macro
Select this to set additional actions (Start macro) to w ork w hen operating an XPRESS key. If an action is not necessary, uncheck the box.
Option2: Exit M acro
Select this to set additional actions (Exit macro) to w ork w henever you sw itch to another XPRESS display. If an action is not necessary, uncheck the box.
Click "Next."
The "XPRESS Settings - Checking the Operations" screen appears. This screen allow s you to check if the Start macro added in step 25 w orks properly.
Before checking, make sure that the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) is connected to your PC.
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV component you w ant to ope rate, the n click "Test."
A message box appears.
Follow ing the on-screen ins tructions, pre pare the AV com ponent you want to operate and click "OK."
The "Test" dialog box appears.
Page 16
Click "Send."
The signal programmed for the Remote Commander as a Start macro is sent to the AV component. Check if the AV component w orks properly.
After the check ing, click "Cance l."
The "Test" dialog box closes and the screen returns to the "XPRESS Settings - Checking the Operations."
Click "Next."
A dialog box appears asking if you are sure you w ant to save the settings and continue.
Click "Yes ."
The follow ing screen appears:
If you se t tw o or m ore XPRESS keys in s tep 2
The "XPRESS Settings - Video Component" screen reappears, and the second XPRESS key's setting starts. Repeat steps 7 to 32 to set all the XPRESS keys.
If you se t only one XPRESS ke y in step 2, or otherwis e , w hen all the XPRESS ke y's se ttings are com plete
The "Data Dow nload to Remote" screen appears.
Follow ing the w izard instructions, dow nload the settings to the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000).
About the remote control's input select button type
Generally, there are four types of input select button on remote controls. See the follow ing:
Type A
Changes the input by pressing the button repeatedly.
 
In the above example, pressing the "TV/VIDEO" button repeatedly changes the input.
Type B
Changes the input by pressing a particular button.
 
In the above example, pressing the "TV" button changes the input to "TV;" the "VIDEO1" button is "VIDEO1."
Type C
Changes the input on the menu display by selecting w ith the up/dow n button.
 
In the above example, press the up/dow n button to select "Video1," and then select the button to decide the selection. The input is changed to "Video1."
Type D
Changes the input on the menu display by pressing a particular button.
 
In the above example, pressing the "VIDEO2" button changes the input to "VIDEO2."
In the above example, the current input (VIDEO1) is displayed on the menu display. Pressing the button for changing the input (such as Ch2, VIDEO2) changes the input to "VIDEO2." (The button differs depending on the AV component.)
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Downloading the settings to the Remote Commander
The "Data Dow nload to Remote" screen of the "New Project" w izard allow s you to dow nload the settings to the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000).
If you don't w ant to dow nload the settings to the Remote Commander, skip the follow ing steps. Just click "Finish" on the "Data Dow nload to Remote" screen.
Mak e sure that the Re m ote Commander (RM -AX4000) is connecte d to your PC.
Click "Dow nload."
The "Dow nload to Remote" dialog box appears.
Click "Dow nload."
The settings are dow nloaded to the Remote Commander. When dow nloading is complete, a message box appears.
If the firmw are version of the Remote Commander is older than that of AX Remote Editor, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm updating the firmw are w hen you click "Dow nload." By clicking "OK," the firmw are is updated.
If you update the firmw are, all the current settings of the Remote Commander are deleted. So proceed w ith caution, being careful not to delete necessary data.
If the version of AX Remote Editor is older than the firmw are version of the Remote Commander, a message box appears asking you to update AX Remote Editor w hen you click "Dow nload." In this case, after checking the firmw are version of the Remote Commander, dow nload the compatible version of AX Remote Editor from the w ebsite.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK."
The Standard mode screen of AX Remote Editor appears. Now you have finished all the settings. After disconnecting the USB mini cable from the Remote Commander, try operating your AV components w ith the Remote Commander.
Page 18
Creating a project in Advanced mode
You can create a project in Advanced mode.
Click "File" on the m e nu bar, then se le ct "Ne w ."
The "New Project" dialog box appears.
If the project you are editing is not saved, a message box appears asking you to confirm saving before the "New Project" dialog box appears. To save the project, click "Yes," otherw ise, click "No."
Click "Advanced," the n click "OK."
The "New Project" w izard appears.
Enter a proje ct nam e under "Input a proje ct folder nam e ," next to .
Click under "Save the project folde r in."
A dialog box appears for you to select a folder.
The "Save the project folder in" field show s the folder (location) in w hich you created a project or saved the project under a different name last time. The first time you start AX Remote Editor, the field show s the Window s desktop.
Select the folde r in w hich you w ant to create the project, then click "OK."
The dialog box closes, and the selected folder is displayed to the left side of .
Click "OK."
The "New " dialog box closes, and the new project named in step 3 is created. The project is displayed in Advanced mode on the AX Remote Editor screen.
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Standard mode screen reference
The Standard mode of AX Remote Editor displays the follow ing items.
A Title bar
Displays the current project name as "Project name - AX Remote Editor."
B M e nu bar
Displays the AX Remote Editor menu.
C Edit Com ponent button
Sw itches the edit area on the right side of the screen to the Component edit pane.
D Edit XPRESS Setting button
Sw itches the edit area on the right side of the screen to the XPRESS edit pane.
E Se t Up Tim e r or Air-Slide button
Sw itches the edit area on the right side of the screen to the Timer/Air-Slide edit pane.
F Edit area
One of the follow ing panes appears, depending on the button you click on the left pane.
When the Edit Component button is click e d
The Component edit pane opens.
When the Edit XPRESS Setting button is click ed
The XPRESS edit pane opens.
When the Se t Up Tim e r or Air-Slide button is click ed
Page 20
The Timer/Air-Slide edit pane opens.
G Minim ize button
Minimizes the AX Remote Editor screen and show s an icon on the Window s taskbar.
H Close button
Exits AX Remote Editor.
Sw itches to Advanced mode for more advanced programming of keys and buttons, such as macros (Action lists).
J Connection s tatus
Displays the connection status betw een your PC and the Remote Commander.
When appears
One Remote Commander is connected to the PC. You can send data.
When appears
Tw o or more Remote Commanders are connected to the PC. You cannot send data.
When appears
The Remote Commander is not connected to the PC. You cannot send data.
K Dow nload to Re m ote button
Dow nloads the settings you made on AX Remote Editor to the Remote Commander.
L Em ulate button
Starts the Emulator. By pressing the keys/buttons on the Emulator, the signal from the Remote Commander connected to your PC is sent to an AV
component to confirm that the settings made on AX Remote Editor w ill w ork properly.
M Exit button
Exits AX Remote Editor.
Page 21
Changing the component settings (Standard mode)
The Component edit pane in Standard mode displays the follow ing items.
A Component lis t
Displays the programmed components on a list. Items on the top line of the list are Component keys of page 1 on the Remote Commander's display. You can program up to four Component keys on each line (page), up to 16 Component keys on four lines (pages). By clicking a Component key on a list, you can edit the component. You can also change the assignment of components on a list by dragging and dropping
the components you w ant to move.
B Component inform ation
Displays the selected component type (category).
Displays the manufacturer of the selected component.
Displays a label of the selected component (Component key) on the button. By clicking the button, you can change the label of the Component key.
If the component sets the preset code by "SOLUTION preset" (by reading the preset code from the remote control signal of your AV component), manufacturer is not displayed in the "Brand" field.
C Change Pre set button
Changes the preset code of the selected component.
D Add button
Adds a component on an empty key position (w here no component is assigned) in the component list.
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You cannot add a component to the key position w here a component is already assigned or if 16 components are already programmed.
E De lete button
Deletes the selected component.
Page 23
About editing components
About operating and editing of a component
Editable contents for a component
About operating and editing of a component
A "component" refers to an AV component that you w ant the Remote Commander to control. When you press a COMPONENT button on the Remote Commander, keys show ing components, called "Component keys," appear at the bottom of the display. You can create up to 16 Component keys.
When you press the Component key of the component you w ant to operate, the display to operate the component appears. This display is called "Component display." Keys on the Component display are divided into tw o types--"Touch-keys" (w hose labels are already set) and "Label keys" (w hose label you can enter). You can create up to 12 Label keys per component.
Furthermore, for each component, you can set different actions for each button on the Remote Commander.
Editable contents for a component
With AX Remote Editor you can edit the follow ing items for a component in Standard mode/Advanced mode.
Editing contents Standard
m ode Advanced
m ode
Page 24
Change the label of a component
Editable Editable
Change the assignment of components
Editable Editable
Change the preset code of a component
Editable Editable
Add a component
Editable Editable
Change the key/button setting for a component
- Editable
Delete a component
Editable Editable
Initialize the key/button setting for a component
- Editable
*1 The Standard mode sets the preset code by "SOLUTION preset" (by reading the preset code from the remote control signal of your AV component).
The Advanced mode sets the preset code by "SOLUTION preset" or "BRAND preset " (by selecting the manufacturer and the preset code).
*2 Only in Advanced mode, can you select "None" for a component (that has no preset code).
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Changing the label of a component (Standard mode)
You can change the label of a component (Component key).
Click the "Standard" tab in the low er left of the s cree n to sw itch to Standard m ode.
Click "Edit Com ponent" in the upper left of the screen.
Click the com ponent w hose label you w ant to change from the com pone nt list on the right.
Click the button to the right of "Label."
The "Edit Key Label" dialog box appears.
Enter the new label in the te xt box to the right of "Label."
You can enter up to eight characters. The label preview in the center of the screen updates the information.
By clicking "Symbol," the "Symbol select" dialog box appears, allow ing you to enter symbols such as .
The "Label" text box allow s you to copy and paste characters by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or the shortcut keys.
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one character.
Click "OK."
The "Edit Key Label" dialog box closes, and the label of the component selected in step 3 is changed.
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Changing the assignment of components (Standard mode)
You can change the assignment of the components (Component keys) displayed on the Remote Commander.
Click the "Standard" tab in the low er left of the s cree n to sw itch to Standard m ode.
Click "Edit Com ponent" in the upper left of the screen.
Click the com ponent you w ant to m ove from the com ponent lis t on the right side , then drag and drop it to the k e y position w here you w ant to m ove it.
If no component occupies that key, the component w ill move there. If another component already occupies that key, the components w ill sw ap key positions.
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Changing the preset code of a component (Standard mode)
You can change the preset code programmed for each component. In this topic, preset code refers to the IR code of a component's remote control. Change the preset code of a component only w hen necessary, for example, w hen you buy a new AV component.
If you change the preset code of a component, all the learned key/button settings (Learn action and Learn+ action) for that component are deleted. So proceed w ith caution, being careful not to delete necessary data.
If you change the preset code of a component, any XPRESS key w hich includes that component in its setting w ill also be deleted. So proceed w ith caution, being careful not to delete necessary data.
Click the "Standard" tab in the low er left of the s cree n to sw itch to Standard m ode.
Click "Edit Com ponent" in the upper left of the screen.
Click the com ponent w ith the pre se t code you want to change in the com ponent list on the right side .
Click "Change Pre se t."
A dialog box appears asking if you are sure you w ant to change the preset code.
Click "Yes ."
The "Confirming the Label of a Component Key" screen in the "Component Setting" w izard appears.
If you w ant to change the labe l, e nter the new label in the te xt box to the right of "Label."
You can enter up to eight characters. The label preview in the center of the screen updates the information.
If you don't w ant to change the label, skip to step 7.
By clicking "Symbol," the "Symbol select" dialog box appears, allow ing you to enter symbols such as .
The "Label" text box allow s you to copy and paste characters by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or the shortcut keys.
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one character.
After e ntering the label, click "Ne xt."
The "Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)" screen appears.
Connect the Re m ote Com m ander (RM-AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable.
Follow ing the on-screen ins tructions, place the Re m ote Com m ander (RM -AX4000) he ad to head w ith the AV com pone nt's re mote control w hose pres et code you w ant to program .
Click "Pres et."
The "Preset" dialog box appears, and the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) goes to standby mode.
Operate the rem ote control according to the on-screen instructions .
"The preset code of "component name" is programmed." appears w hen the programming is complete.
If 60 seconds passes in standby mode, or if the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) cannot define the preset code, a dialog box appears for you to confirm redoing the operation. If you click "Yes," the Remote Commander goes to standby mode again and you can redo the operation. If you click "No," the "Learn signal in Order" dialog box appears, allow ing you to make each of the keys/buttons learn the code of the selected component from
its remote control.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK" in the m es sage box.
The message box closes, and the screen returns to "Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)."
Click "Next."
The "Checking the Operations" screen appears. This screen allow s you to test the remote control signal of the preset code programmed in steps 9 to
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV component you w ant to ope rate, the n click "Em ulate."
The Emulator appears.
One by one, pre ss the ke ys and buttons on the Emulator to confirm the corresponding action on the AV component.
Press the keys/buttons longer than usual.
After che cking all the k e ys and buttons, click in the uppe r right of the Emulator.
The Emulator closes and the screen returns to "Checking the Operations."
Click "Finish."
The preset code of the component selected in step 3 is changed.
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Adding a component (Standard mode)
When you buy a new compatible AV component, etc., you can add it to the Remote Commander's (RM-AX4000) control list using AX Remote Editor.
If 16 components are already programmed, you cannot add another component.
Click the "Standard" tab in the low er left of the s cree n to sw itch to Standard m ode.
Click "Edit Com ponent" in the upper left of the screen.
Click an em pty k ey position in the com ponent list on the right side .
Click "Add."
The "Select Component Category" screen in the "New Component" w izard appears.
Click the com ponent type you w ant to add, the n click "Ne xt."
The "Confirming the Label of a Component Key" screen appears.
When you are not sure w hich component to select, see "About the component category." (Clicking "Help" on the "Select Component Category" screen also displays the same information.)
If you w ant to change the labe l, e nter the new label in the te xt box to the right of "Label."
You can enter up to eight characters. The label preview in the center of the screen updates the information.
If you don't w ant to change the label, skip to step 7.
By clicking "Symbol," the "Symbol select" dialog box appears, allow ing you to enter symbols such as .
The "Label" text box allow s you to copy and paste characters by using the shortcut menu (right-click menu) or the shortcut keys.
The label cannot be left blank. Be sure to enter at least one character.
After e ntering the label, click "Ne xt."
The "Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)" screen appears. Preset code refers to the IR code of a component's remote control.
Connect the Re m ote Com m ander (RM-AX4000) to your PC w ith the USB m ini cable.
Follow ing the on-screen ins tructions, place the Re m ote Com m ander (RM -AX4000) he ad to head w ith the AV com pone nt's re mote control w hose pres et code you w ant to program .
Click "Pres et."
The "Preset" dialog box appears, and the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) goes to standby mode.
Operate the rem ote control according to the on-screen instructions .
"The preset code of "component name" is programmed." appears w hen the programming is complete.
If 60 seconds passes in standby mode, or if the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) cannot define the preset code, a dialog box appears for you to confirm redoing the operation. If you click "Yes," the Remote Commander goes to standby mode again and you can redo the operation. If you click "No," the "Learn signal in Order" dialog box appears, allow ing you to make each of the keys/buttons learn the code of the selected component from
its remote control.
If "The Remote Commander is not connected or not responding." appears, the Remote Commander (RM-AX4000) may not be connected to your PC properly. After checking the connection, click "Retry" to repeat the operation.
Click "OK" in the m es sage box.
The message box closes, and the screen returns to "Component Settings - Programming the Preset Codes of Components (SOLUTION)."
Click "Next."
The "Checking the Operations" screen appears. This screen allow s you to test the remote control signal of the preset code programmed in steps 9 to
Aim the Re m ote Com m ande r at the AV component you w ant to ope rate, the n click "Em ulate."
The Emulator appears.
One by one, pre ss the ke ys and buttons on the Emulator to confirm the corresponding action on the AV component.
Press the keys/buttons longer than usual.
After che cking all the k e ys and buttons, click in the uppe r right of the Emulator.
The Emulator closes and the screen returns to "Checking the Operations."
Click "Finish."
The new component is added to the place selected in step 3.
Page 29
Deleting a component (Standard mode)
You can delete unnecessary components (Component key). Delete a component w hen the existing component is no longer necessary, such as w hen you replace an AV component.
If you delete a component, any XPRESS key that includes that component w ill also be deleted. So proceed w ith caution, being careful not to delete necessary data.
Click the "Standard" tab in the low er left of the s cree n to sw itch to Standard m ode.
Click "Edit Com ponent" in the upper left of the screen.
Click the com ponent you w ant to dele te from the com pone nt list on the right side.
Click "Delete " at the bottom of the s cree n.
A dialog box appears for you to confirm the deletion.
Click "Yes ."
The component selected in step 3 is deleted.
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