Sony PCM-D50 Operating Instruction

Linear PCM Recorder
Operating Instructions
© 2007 Sony Corporation
Owner’s Record
Model No. PCM-D50
Serial No.
To reduce the risk of fire o r e lec tri c s hoc k, do not ex pos e t his ap par atu s t o r ain or moi stu re.
Do not in sta ll the ap pli anc e i n a co nfi ned spa ce, su ch as a b ook cas e o r b uil t-i n cab ine t.
To reduce the risk of fire, do not co ver th e ven til ati on of the ap par atu s w ith ne wsp ape rs, tab lec lot hs, cu rta ins , e tc. An d d o n ot pla ce lig hte d c and les on th e a ppa rat us.
To reduce the risk of fire o r e lec tri c s hoc k, do not pl ace ob jec ts fil led wi th liq uid s, suc h as vas es, on th e a ppa rat us.
Con nec t A C p owe r a dap ter to an ea sil y acc ess ibl e A C o utl et. Sh oul d y ou not ice an abn orm ali ty in AC pow er ada pte r, disconnect it from the AC outlet immediately.
Cer tai n c oun tri es may regulate disposal of the ba tte ry use d t o p owe r t his product. Ple ase co nsu lt wit h y our lo cal au tho rit y.
You are c aut ion ed tha t a ny cha nge s o r mod ifi cat ion s n ot exp ressly approv ed in thi s man ual co uld vo id you r a uth ori ty to ope rat e thi s e qui pme nt.
Notice for the customers: the following information is only applicable to equipment sold in the countries applying EU directives
The ma nuf act urer of this pro duc t i s S ony Cor por ati on, 1- 7-1 , K ona n M ina to- ku Tokyo, 10 8-0 075 Ja pan . T he Aut hor ize d Rep resentative for EMC and prod uct sa fet y is Son y D eut sch lan d G mbH , H ede lfi nge r Str ass e 6 1, 703 27 Stu ttg art , G erm any. For any se rvi ce or gua ran tee ma tte rs, pl eas e refer to the addres ses gi ven in se par ate ser vic e o r g uar ant ee doc ume nts .
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
Thi s s ymb ol on the product or on its pa cka gin g i ndi cat es tha t t his product shall not be trea ted as hou seh old wa ste . I nst ead it sh all be han ded ov er to the ap pli cab le
col lec tio n p oin t f or the recycling of ele ctr ica l a nd ele ctronic equipment. By ens uri ng thi s p roduct is disposed of cor rectly, y ou wil l h elp prevent potential neg ati ve con seq uen ces fo r t he env ironment and hu man he alt h, whi ch cou ld oth erw ise be cau sed by in app ropriate waste handling of thi s p roduct. The recy cli ng of mat eri als wi ll hel p t o c ons erv e n atu ral resources . F or more det ail ed inf orm ati on abo ut recycling of this product, please contact your local Civic Office, your household waste disposal ser vic e o r t he sho p w here you purc has ed the product.
Disposal of waste batteries (applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems)
Thi s s ymb ol on the ba tte ry or on
the pa cka gin g i ndi cat es tha t t he
bat ter y p rovided with this prod uct
sha ll not be treated as household
was te. On cer tai n b att eri es thi s s ymb ol mig ht be use d i n c omb ina tio n w ith a che mic al sym bol . The ch emi cal sy mbo ls for me rcury (Hg) or lea d ( Pb) are added if the battery contains more than 0.0005% merc ury or 0. 004 % lea d. By ens uri ng the se bat ter ies are disposed of cor rectly, y ou wil l h elp prevent potentially neg ati ve con seq uen ces fo r t he env ironment and hu man he alt h w hic h c oul d o the rwi se be cau sed by in app ropriate waste handling of the ba tte ry. The recy cli ng of the ma ter ial s w ill hel p t o c ons erv e n atu ral resources . In cas e o f p roducts that for safety, per for man ce or dat a i nte gri ty reasons require a per man ent co nne cti on wit h a n inc orp ora ted ba tte ry, this battery should be replaced by qualified service staff o nly.
To ens ure that the battery will be treat ed properly, ha nd ove r t he product at end­of- lif e t o t he app lic abl e c oll ect ion po int fo r the recycling of electrical and electron ic equ ipm ent . For al l o the r b att eri es, pl eas e v iew th e sec tio n o n h ow to remove the battery fro m the product safely. H and th e b att ery ov er to the ap pli cab le col lec tio n p oin t f or the recycling of waste batteries. For mo re detailed information about recycling of this prod uct or ba tte ry, please con tac t y our lo cal Ci vic Office, your hou seh old wa ste di spo sal se rvi ce or the sho p w here you purc has ed the product.
For the customers in the United States
The fo llo win g F CC sta tem ent ap pli es onl y to the ve rsi on of thi s m ode l m anu fac tured for sa le in the US A. Oth er ver sio ns may no t com ply wi th FCC te chn ica l regulations.
Thi s e qui pme nt has be en tes ted an d f oun d to com ply wi th the li mit s f or a C las s B di git al dev ice , p urs uan t t o P art 15 of th e F CC Rul es. Th ese li mit s a re designed to prov ide reasonable prote cti on aga ins t h arm ful int erf erence in a resi den tia l i nst all ati on. Thi s e qui pme nt gen era tes , u ses an d c an rad iat e r adi o f requency energy and, if not ins tal led an d u sed in ac cordance with the ins tru cti ons , m ay cau se har mfu l i nte rfe rence to rad io com mun ica tio ns. How eve r, there is no gua ran tee th at int erf erence will not occur in a particular ins tal lat ion . I f t his eq uip men t d oes ca use har mfu l i nte rfe rence to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tur ning the equipment off a nd on, th e u ser is enc our age d t o t ry to cor rect the interferen ce by one or mo re of the following measures : Reo rie nt or relocate the rec eiv ing an ten na. Inc rease the separation between the equ ipm ent an d receiver. Con nec t t he equ ipm ent in to an out let on a c ircuit different fro m t hat to wh ich th e receiver is connected. Con sul t t he dea ler or an ex per ien ced ra dio / TV tec hni cia n f or hel p.
You are c aut ion ed tha t a ny cha nge s o r mod ifi cat ion s n ot exp ressly approv ed in thi s man ual co uld vo id you r a uth ori ty to ope rat e thi s e qui pme nt.
If you ha ve any qu est ion s a bou t t his product, you ma y c all : S ony Cu sto mer In for mat ion Ser vic e C ent er 1-8 00- 222 -76 69 or htt p:/ /ww /
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY Mod el: PC M-D 50 Res pon sib le Par ty: So ny Ele ctronics Inc. Add ress: 165 30 Via Es pri llo , San Diego, CA 92127 USA Teleph one Nu mbe r: 858 -94 2-2 230 Thi s d evi ce com pli es wit h p art 15 of th e FCC Ru les . O per ati on is sub jec t t o t he fol low ing tw o c ond iti ons : ( 1) Thi s d evi ce may no t c aus e h arm ful in ter ference, and (2 ) t his de vic e m ust ac cep t any in ter ference re cei ved , i ncl udi ng int erf erence that may cause undesired ope rat ion .
For yo ur protection, please rea d t hes e s afe ty ins tru cti ons co mpl ete ly bef ore operating the app lia nce , a nd kee p t his ma nua l f or fut ure referen ce. Carefully observe all warni ngs , p recautions and in str uct ion s o n t he app lia nce an d i n t he ope rat ing in str uct ion s, and ad here to them.
Water and Moisture – Do not use powerline ope rat ed app lia nce s n ear wa ter – for exa mpl e, nea r a ba tht ub, wa shb owl , k itc hen sin k, or lau ndr y t ub, in a wet ba sem ent , o r nea r a sw imm ing po ol, et c.
Heat – Do no t p lac e t he app lia nce ne ar or ove r a ra dia tor or he at register, or wh ere it is exp ose d t o d irect sunlight.
Ventilation – The slots and openings in the ca bin et are pro vid ed for ne ces sar y ven til ati on. To en sure re lia ble op era tio n of the ap pli anc e, and to protect it from ove rhe ati ng, th ese sl ots an d o pen ing s m ust nev er be blo cke d o r c ove red.
Nev er cov er the sl ots an d o pen ing s w ith a
clo th or oth er mat eri als .
Nev er blo ck the sl ots an d o pen ing s b y
pla cin g t he app lia nce on a bed , s ofa , r ug or oth er sim ila r s urf ace .
Nev er pla ce the ap pli anc e i n a co nfi ned
spa ce, su ch as a b ook cas e, or bui lt­in cab ine t, unl ess proper ventilation is provided.
Accessories – D o n ot pla ce the ap pli anc e on an uns tab le car t, sta nd, tr ipo d, bra cke t, or tab le. Th e a ppl ian ce may fa ll, ca usi ng ser iou s i nju ry to a c hil d o r a n a dul t, and ser iou s d ama ge to the ap pli anc e. Use onl y a ca rt, st and , t rip od, br ack et, or ta ble recommended by Sony.
Power Source – This appliance should be ope rat ed onl y f rom the type of power source ind ica ted on th e m ark ing la bel . I f y ou are not sure of the type of electrical power supplied to you r h ome , c ons ult yo ur dea ler or lo cal pow er com pan y. For those appliances des ign ed to ope rat e f rom battery power, or oth er sou rces, refe r t o t he ope rat ing ins tru cti ons .
Grounding or Polarization – This appliance is equ ipp ed wit h a po lar ize d A C p owe r c ord plu g ( a p lug ha vin g o ne bla de wid er tha n t he oth er) , o r w ith a three-wire grounding type plu g ( a p lug ha vin g a th ird pin for grou ndi ng) .
Fol low th e i nst ruc tio ns bel ow:
For the appliance with a polarized AC
power cord plug: Thi s p lug wi ll fit in to the po wer ou tle t onl y o ne way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully int o t he out let , t ry reversing the plug. If the pl ug sho uld st ill fa il to fit , c ont act you r e lec tri cia n t o h ave a sui tab le out let ins tal led . D o n ot def eat th e s afe ty pur pos e of the po lar ize d p lug by fo rcing it in.
For the appliance with a three-wire
grounding type AC plug: Thi s p lug wi ll onl y f it int o a grounding-type pow er out let . T his is a saf ety fe atu re. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, con tac t y our el ect ric ian to ha ve a s uit abl e out let in sta lle d. Do not de fea t t he saf ety pur pos e, of the grounding plug.
Overloading – D o n ot ove rlo ad wal l o utl ets , ext ens ion co rds or convenience rec ept acl es bey ond th eir ca pac ity, since this can resu lt in fire or electric shock.
When not in use – Unp lug th e p owe r c ord of the ap pli anc e f rom the outlet when left unu sed fo r a lo ng per iod of ti me. To dis con nec t t he cord, pull it out by gra spi ng the pl ug. Ne ver pu ll the pl ug out by the co rd.
Power-Cord Protection – Route the power cord so that it is not likely to be walked on or pin che d b y i tem s p lac ed upo n o r a gai nst the m, pay ing pa rti cul ar att ent ion to th e plu gs, receptacles, and the point where the cord exits from the ap pli anc e.
Lightning – For ad ded protection for this app lia nce du rin g a li ght nin g s tor m, or whe n it is lef t u nat ten ded an d u nus ed for lo ng per iod s o f t ime , u npl ug it from the wall outlet and di sco nne ct the an ten na or cab le sys tem . Thi s w ill prevent damage to the appliance due to li ght nin g a nd pow erl ine su rge s.
Attachments – D o n ot use at tac hme nts no t recommended by Sony, as the y m ay cau se haz ards.
Cleaning – U npl ug the ap pli anc e f rom the wal l o utl et bef ore cleaning or polishing it. Do not us e l iqu id cle ane rs or aerosol cleaners. Use a clo th lig htl y d amp ene d w ith wa ter for cl ean ing th e e xte rio r o f t he app lia nce . Cle an the ap pli anc e o nly as recommended by Son y.
Object and Liquid Entry – N eve r p ush obj ect s o f a ny kin d i nto th e a ppl ian ce through openings as they may touch dan gerous voltage points or short out par ts tha t c oul d result in a fire or ele ctr ic sho ck. Ne ver sp ill li qui d o f a ny kin d o n t he app lia nce .
Damage Requiring Service – Unp lug th e app lia nce from the wall outlet and re fer ser vic ing to qu ali fie d s erv ice pe rso nne l u nde r the fo llo win g c ond iti ons :
Whe n t he pow er cord or plug is damaged
or fra yed .
If liq uid ha s b een sp ill ed or obj ect s h ave
fal len in to the ap pli anc e.
If the ap pli anc e h as bee n e xpo sed to ra in
or wat er.
The ap pli anc e d oes no t a ppe ar to ope rat e
nor mal ly or exh ibi ts a m ark ed cha nge in per for man ce. – Thi s i ndi cat es a n eed fo r ser vic e.
If the ap pli anc e d oes no t o per ate no rma lly
whe n f oll owi ng the op era tin g i nst ruc tio ns, adj ust on ly tho se con trols that are spe cif ied in th e o per ati ng ins tru cti ons . Imp roper adjustment of other controls ma y result in damage and will often re qui re ext ens ive wo rk by a q ual ifi ed tec hni cia n t o restore th e a ppl ian ce to nor mal op era tio n.
If the ap pli anc e h as bee n s ubj ect to
exc ess ive sh ock by be ing dropped, or the cab ine t h as bee n d ama ged .
Servicing – Do not at tem pt to ser vic e t he app lia nce yo urs elf as op eni ng or removing cov ers ma y e xpo se you to da nge rous vol tag e o r o the r h aza rds. Refer all servicing to qua lif ied se rvi ce per son nel .
Replacement parts – W hen replacement par ts are req uired, be sure t he ser vic e tec hni cia n h as use d replacement parts spe cif ied by So ny tha t h ave th e s ame cha rac ter ist ics as th e o rig ina l p art s. Una uth ori zed su bst itu tio ns may result in fire, ele ctr ic sho ck, or ot her ha zards.
Safety Check – Upo n c omp let ion of an y ser vic e o r repairs to the appliance, ask the ser vic e t ech nic ian to pe rfo rm routine safety che cks (a s s pec ifi ed by Son y) to det erm ine tha t t he app lia nce is in sa fe ope rat ing con dit ion .
Table of Contents
What you can do with the PCM-D50 .. ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ......9
Identifying parts and controls .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... . 12
Getting Started
Checking the supplied accessories .. ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ...... 17
Step 1: Preparing a power source . .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... .. 17
Step 2: Setting the clock .. ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ...... 19
Preparation before recording ..... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... . 21
Recording analog sound ......... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... 23
Monitoring the recording .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... 26
Recording a few seconds in advance, before starting to record
(Pre-recording) ........ .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... ... 26
Recording with an external microphone .... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... . 27
Recording from external equipment (Line Input) ..... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... . 28
Digital recording ........ .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... 28
Recording digital signals from external equipment
(Optical Input) ...... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... 29
Synchronizing recording with playback (Digital Synchronized
Recording) .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ..... 30
Using the remote commander for recording ......... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ...... 30
Operations after Recording
Playing back recorded audio data (tracks) ..... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... .. 31
Quickly locating the point you wish to start playback
(Easy Search) .... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ...... 33
Adjusting the playback speed (DPC (the Digital Pitch Control
function)) ..... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... 33
Connecting external equipment for playback ..... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... 34
Playing back repeatedly ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .. 34
Dividing a track ...... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... 35
Deleting tracks ..... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .. 35
Storing tracks on a computer .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... . 36
Getting StartedOverview Recording
On folder and track file structure ...... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... 37
Playing back MP3 files copied from a computer .. ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... 38
Menu Operations
Using the menu display ..... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... .. 40
Menu items .... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ...... 41
LED (Indicator lighting)
CLOCK (Date/time settings)
MEMORY (Recording/playback memory)
FORMAT )(Initializing memory)
DELETE ALL )(Deleting all tracks in a folder)
Continued on the next page
Recording Menu Operations Additional Information
Operations after
Table of Contents (continued)
DELETE TRK (Deleting a track)
DPC (Digital Pitch Control function)
EASY SEARCH (Easy search function)
REC MODE (Sampling frequency/quantifying bit number)
LIMITER (Preventing distortion)
LCF (Low Cut Filter function)
SBM (Super Bit Mapping function)
PRE REC (Pre-recording function)
SYNC REC (Synchronized recording function)
PLUG IN PWR(Plug in power function)
Additional Information
Using a “Memory Stick” (not supplied) ..... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .. 45
Inserting a “Memory Stick” ..... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ..... 45
Using the “Memory Stick” for recording/playback . .... ... .... ....... .... ..... 46
Maintenance ........ .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... 47
Troubleshooting . ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... .... 48
Error messages ..... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ..... 51
Specifications ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .. 54
File Specifications ..... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... ... 56
Index . .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... ....... .... ....... .... ... .... .... ... .... ....... .... . 58


What you can do with the PCM-D50

For recording practice sessions
The bu ilt -in mi crophones of the PCM-D50 all ow you to record mu sic al per for man ces eas ily wi tho ut com pli cat ed mic rophone set up.
The DP C ( Dig ita l P itc h C ont rol) feature provides quick or slow playback of a mus ica l p erf orm anc e, whi ch is bes t s uit ed for mo del ing yo ur pla yin g o n t he pla yba ck on the record er. (Page 33)
The op tio nal remote commander (RM­PCM 1) all ows yo u t o c ont rol the PCM-D50 ope rat ion s remotely: starting and stopping recordi ng, di vid ing a tra ck, an d o the r b asi c ope rat ion s.
You can attach the optional tripod (VCT­PCM 1) to the record er.
Continued on the next page
What you can do with the PCM-D50 (continued)
For outdoor recording
The hi ghl y-s ens iti vit y b uil t-i n m icrophones
ena ble ea sy and hi gh- qua lit y o utd oor recordi ng.
You can also connect an exter nal
mic rophone to the stereo min i-p lug of th e PCM -D5 0.
You can use an optional wind scre en (AD -
PCM 1) to reduce the noise caused by wind or breath.
By con nec tin g t he opt ion al XLR
mic rophone adapter (XLR-1) to the recorde r, you can use an exter nal mic rophone via the XLR balance con nec tio n. The XL R-1 is ca pab le of pha nto m p owe r sup ply op era tio n.
The pre-re cording feature all ows yo u t o
buffer sound source s f or a m axi mum of fi ve sec ond s p rio r t o t he poi nt whe n t he but ton for record ing is ac tua lly pressed. (Page 26)
Lon g b att ery li fe affordi ng you to record fo r
app roximately 12 hours with four LR6 (size AA) al kal ine ba tte rie s.
The op tio nal ca rry ing ca se (CK L-P CMD 50)
is bes t s uit ed for ca rry ing PC M-D 50 out sid e. With the supplied belt strap, the recorde r c an be att ach ed to the be lt.
As a high-quality music player
The bu ilt -in hi gh- sen sit ivi ty hea dph one amp lif ier ac hie ves we ll- bal anc ed and pow erf ul out put th at cov ers bo th low an d hig h f requency ranges.
The PC M-D 50 sup por ts dig ita l recordin g from an externa l d evi ce, al low ing yo u t o preserve your music library of DAT or MD med ia jus t a s t hey are in the original digital recordi ng. (P age 29 )
Lin e c onn ect ion ma kes it po ssi ble to dig iti ze ana log so und so urces such as an ana log record di sc or cas set te tap e. (Pa ge
28) You can also transfer that digitized sound dat a t o a co mpu ter to st ore them. (Page
MP3 pl ayb ack is su ppo rte d.
The op tio nal ca rry ing ca se (CK L-P CMD 50) is bes t s uit ed for ca rry ing th e P CM- D50 out sid e. With the supplied belt strap, the recorde r c an be att ach ed to you r b elt .

Identifying parts and controls

Front Right side
Continued on the next page
Built-in microphones (page 21)
Peak level lamps (L/R) (page 24)
Dis pla ys lef t a nd rig ht pea k l eve ls of an aud io sig nal in put wi th -12 dB (green) and OVE R ( red) lamps.
Display (page 15)
Volume dial (page 26)
Adj ust s t he pla yba ck vol ume by tu rning the dia l t o s et the de sired level (0 to 10) to the “•” po sit ion .
A-B (repeat A-B) button (page 34)
FF (fast-forward) / (up) button
(pages 19, 32)
(folder)/MENU button (pages 20, 23,
31, 40)
Whe n p ressed briefly, sw itc hes fo lde rs. Whe n p ressed and held, displays the menu.
LIGHT button
Turns th e b ack lig ht of the di spl ay on or off.
FR (fast-rewind) / (down) button
(pages 19, 32)
REC LEVEL (recording level) dial (page 24)
Adj ust s t he recordi ng vol ume by tu rning the dia l t o s et the de sired level (0 to 10) to the “•” po sit ion .
DISPLAY button (page 15)
Swi tch es tim e i nfo rma tio n o n t he dis pla y.
PAUSE button/indicator (pages 24, 25,
ACCESS indicator (pages 18, 45)
Fla she s w hen th e recorder is ac ces sin g mem ory (e xce pt dur ing record ing ).
REC (recording) button/indicator
(page 24)
DIVIDE button (page 35)
PLAY/ENTER button/indicator
(pages 31)
STOP button (pages 25, 32)
(microphone) jack (page 27)
LINE IN (OPT) (line input (optical)) jack (pages 28 - 30)
Memory Stick slot (page 45)
POWER switch (page 18)
Turns th e p owe r “ ON” or “O FF.”
Battery compartment lid (page 17)
Slot for a wrist strap
(A str ap is not su ppl ied .)
Identifying parts and controls (continued)
Left side
LIMITER switch (pages 22, 43)
LOW CUT FILTER switch (pages 22, 43)
Hole for attaching the tripod (not supplied)
INPUT switch (pages 23, 28, 29, 30)
Whe n s et to “” (m icrophone), reco rds an aud io sig nal in put from the built-in mic rophones or an extern al mic rophone that is con nec ted to th e  ja ck. Whe n s et to “LI NE, ” records an aud io sig nal out put from extern al equ ipm ent th at is con nec ted to th e L INE IN (O PT) ja ck.
LINE OUT (OPT) (line output (optical)) jack
(page 34)
 (headphone) jack (pages 26, 31)
MIC ATT (microphone attenuator) switch
(page 22)
USB connector (page 36)
DC IN 6V jack (page 19)
HOLD switch
Whe n s et to “ON ,” the bu tto ns on the recorde r a re locked to pre ven t a cci den tal ope rat ion . I t i s recommended that you set thi s s wit ch to “ON ” d uri ng recordi ng and pla yba ck. To un loc k t he con trols, set it to “OF F.”
DPC (Digital Pitch Control) switch (pages
33, 42)
REMOTE jack (page 30)
Time information
Eac h t ime th e D ISP LAY b utt on is pressed, the ti me inf orm ati on cha nge s a s f oll ows (Fl ash es whe n t he recorde r i s p aus ed) :
Ela pse d recordin g/p lay bac k t ime
Rem ain ing record abl e t ime of th e cur rent memory (During playback: Rem ain ing ti me of the cu rrent track)
Rec orded date (Du rin g recordin g: Rec ording start date)
Recording/playing status
Dis pla ys as fol low s a cco rding to the curren t ope rat ion :
Recording pause, standby for recording
Playback pause
Fast reverse/forward
Go to previous/succeeding tracks
Level meter/peak values (page 24)
Dis pla ys the le vel me ter an d t he max imu m val ue of the pe ak lev el. Wh en the le vel exc eed s t he set va lue , ap pea rs. Whi le an MP3 fi le is bei ng pla yed , d isp lay s the ar tis t n ame an d t itl e i nfo rma tio n.
Continued on the next page
Identifying parts and controls (continued)
Memory Stick indicator
Dis pla yed wh en the cu rrent memory is a “Me mor y S tic k.”
Folder number, track numbers
Fol der s a re classified into ( a f old er for recordi ng and pl ayb ack ) a nd (a fol der fo r pla yba ck onl y) (pa ge 38) . Track numbers are dis pla yed as “c urrent track number/total num ber of tr ack s.”
Recording mode
Dis pla ys the record ing mo de cur rently spe cif ied in th e m enu in th e s top mo de. Dur ing pl ayb ack or record ing , d isp lay s t he recordi ng mod e o f t he cur rent track.
Limiter setting
Dis pla yed wh en the LI MIT ER swi tch is se t t o “ON .”
LCF setting
Dis pla yed wh en the LO W C UT FILTER switch is set to “O N.”
SYNC REC setting
Dis pla yed wh en the “S YNC RE C” is set to “ON .”
Remaining memory amount
Dis pla ys the remaining amount of current mem ory (p age 25 ).
File information
Dis pla ys the fi le nam e o f t he tra ck.
Remaining battery power (page 18)

Getting Started

Checking the supplied accessories

USB ca ble (p age 36 )
AC pow er ada pte r ( 6V)1) (p age 19 )
Fou r L R6 (si ze AA) al kal ine ba tte rie s
CD- ROM (“ Sou nd For ge Aud io Stu dio LE ”)
Ope rat ing In str uct ion s ( thi s b ook )
Only fo r th e US an d Ca nad ian models
1) Only fo r th e US, C anad ian , an d Europe an mode ls

Step 1: Preparing a power source

Use th e s upp lie d L R6 (si ze AA) al kal ine bat ter ies .
Ope n t he bat ter y c omp art men t l id on the
rear of the reco rder.
First slide t he lid downward a nd then open it.
Pul l o ut the ba tte ry cas e f rom the
recorde r.
Push the butt ons on both sides to pull it out.
Ins ert fo ur LR6 (s ize AA ) a lka lin e b att eri es
Battery case
int o t he bat ter y c ase . Be sure to insert the batteries with the  and  en ds in the ri ght po sit ion .
Getting Started
Ins ert th e b att ery ca se bac k i nto th e
recorde r, and close the battery com par tme nt lid .
Turn off the reco rder pow er befo re t akin g out t he
bat tery cas e.
Continued on the next page
Getting Started (continued)
When you turn on the recorder for the first time after purchasing
Whe n t he POW ER swi tch is se t t o t he “ON ” pos iti on, “A CCE SSI NG MEM ORY... ” a ppe ars on the di spl ay, and the ACCESS indicator fla she s. Inf orm ati on require d f or ope rat ion is read into the re corder’s built-in memory. The n, the di spl ay cha nge s t o t he clo ck set men u s inc e t he clo ck is not se t w hen yo u purchase the rec order.
When to replace the batteries
Whe n u sin g b att eri es, th e remaining battery pow er is ind ica ted on th e d isp lay.
The re is suff ici ent ba tte ry pow er.
Rep lac e a ll fou r b att eri es.
“CH ANG E B ATTER Y” app ear s o n t he dis pla y; the re is no power left. The record er wil l n ot ope rat e.
Notes on using rechargeable batteries
You ca n u se r echa rgea ble bat teri es with the
reco rder.
Eve n if ful ly- char ged rech arg eabl e ba tte ries are
ins erte d, t he batt ery ind icat or may not sho w th e fu ll sta tus.
Use a recha rger to recharg e ba tte ries at room
tem pera ture s.
Use the fol low ing char ger and rec harg eab le
bat teri es f or the reco rder :
Nic kel meta l h ydri de r echa rge able bat ter y:
Qui ck b atte ry char ger for nic kel met al h ydr ide
rech argeabl e ba tte ries : BC G-3 4HE
Battery life
Whe n u sin g S ony LR 6 ( siz e A A) alk ali ne bat ter ies (s upp lie d)* :
Linear PCM MP3
96 kHz 24 bit
Playback Approx.
20 hours
Recording while
Approx. 12 hours
44 kHz 16 bit
Approx. 20 hours
Approx. 14 hours
128 kbps
44.1 kHz
Approx. 26 hours
Recording without
Approx. 20 hours
Approx. 24 hours
Whe n u sin g S ony ni cke l m eta l h ydr ide rechargeable batteries NH-AA-B4F (not sup pli ed) *:
Linear PCM MP3
96 kHz 24 bit
Playback Approx.
25 hours
Recording while
Approx. 13 hours
44 kHz 16 bit
Approx. 25 hours
Approx. 15 hours
128 kbps
44.1 kHz
Approx. 27 hours
Recording without
Approx. 20 hours
Approx. 25 hours
App roximate val ues for con tin uous rec ordi ng/
pla ybac k us ing the bui lt- in m emory a t an am bien t room temper atur e wi th the LIMI TER swi tch set to “OF F,” and “LED ” o f th e menu set to “OFF.” The bat tery lif e m ay b ecom e s hort er depe ndin g o n th e ope rati onal co ndit ions .
+ 42 hidden pages