Prosu mer HD
High Defi nition MiniDV (HDV
The Sony® HDR-FX1000 Handycam® Camcorder delivers HD-broadcast­quality moving images. With 24p Progressive Scan Mode, the HDR-FX1000’s high-quality lens lets you capture vibrant images with incredible details. Cinematone Gamma
and Cinematone Color technologies provide the
color and gamma range to give your footage an even more fi lm-like feel.
Film-Like Progressive Scan
In addition to 1080/60i recording, the HDR-FX1000 offers 1080/24p and 1080/30p Progressive Scan modes for capturing videos with fi lm-like results. Signals scanned at 24p/30p are converted to 60i, then recorded onto MiniDV tape. This allows footage to be played and edited using existing HDV equipment.
Cinematone Gamma and Cinematone Color
Cinematone Gamma technology deepens colors by allowing users to specify a gamma curve with contrast characteristics similar to those of fi lm. Cinematone Color technology recreates fi lm-like color tones.
3x 1/3” ClearVid™ CMOS Sensors w/Exmor
The HDR-FX1000 features three 1/3” ClearVid CMOS Sensors, each having 1,120k total pixels. The 3 independent CMOS sensors each handle one of the color elements — red, green, blue — for improved color reproduction. Dark scenes can be captured with low noise thanks to Exmor-derived technology that features a new column A/D converter and dual noise reduction.
Minus Auto Gain Control
When shooting in overly bright conditions, this feature enables the selection of gain settings in the negative range for satisfying results with minimal noise.
Enhanced Imaging Processor (
EIP) Technology
To record HD videos with stunningly beautiful colors, the HDR-FX1000 uses an EIP processor to process the vast amounts of pixel data coming from its 3 ClearVid CMOS Sensors. Working together, the EIP and 3 ClearVid CMOS Sensor imaging system provide extremely high image quality with smooth gradations and detailed image reproduction.
G Lens: 29.5mm Wide-Angle to 590mm (20x) Telephoto
Equipped with a 29.5mm wide-angle G Lens made from an advanced 10 group, 15 element lens including Extra-low Dispersion glass. This reduces chromatic aberration caused by light refraction and produces video with extremely low color fringing. The 20x optical zoom (29.5mm-590mm: 35mm conversion) lets you zoom in on faraway subjects with no loss in image quality.
Superior Low-Light Shooting Capabilities
Lets you shoot in light as low as 1.5 lux (at 1/30 fi xed shutter speed with auto iris and auto gain). This allows you to capture sharp detail and brilliant colors even in less-than-perfect conditions where professional lighting cannot be used.
Additional Features
• 3x Built-in Neutral Density (ND) Filters
• 3x Manual Rings for Superior Control: Zoom, Focus and Iris
• 3.2” Xtra Fine LCD
• Optical SteadyShot
• Manual Gain/Shutter/White Balance Adjustment
• 2:3 Pull- down to 60i for Editing on Most HDV Software
• Minus Auto Gain Control (Minus AGC
• Assign Buttons
• Additional Record and Zoom Lever Control on Handle
• 0.45” Xtra Fine LCD
Display (921K pixels
Image Stabilization
View Finder
Sony Electronics Inc. | 16530 Via Esprillo | San Diego, CA 92127 | 1.800.222.7669 |
Specifi cations
Imagi ng Devic e 3x 1/3” ClearVid™ CMOS Sen sor Proces sor EIP (Enhanc ed Imag ing Proce ssor Image r Pixel Gro ss Siz e 3x 1,120k eac h (Red, Gree n, Blue
Video Act ual 16:9 3x 1037k each (Red, Gree n, Blue Video Act ual 4:3 3x 778k each (Red, Gree n, Blue Video Re solut ion (Full HD Video S ignal S ystem NTSC col or, EIA stand ards Video Fo rmat(s) Suppo rted HD: HDV (MPEG -2
Still Ac tual 16:9 1037k Still Ac tual 4:3 778k Still P icture M ax Reso lutio n 1.2 megap ixel Dual Re cord Res oluti on 1.2 megapixe l Pictur e Captur e Resol ution 1.2 megapixe l
Audio Re cordin g Forma t
Microp hone Built- in Stereo Microp hone
MiniDV / H DV MiniDV / HDV Memor y Stick P RO Duo
Rec. / Pla yback M iniDV / HDV
Lens Type G Le ns 35mm Eq uivalen t 16:9 29.5 - 590mm (Wide ang le 35mm Eq uivalen t 4:3 36.1 - 722mm Apert ure F1.6 - 3.4 Expos ure Cont rol ­Filter D iamete r (mm Focal D istanc e (mm Focus S ystem Aut o/Manual (Ring)/One- push Auto/Infi nity Progre ssive Sh utte r Mode ­Shutt er Spee d 1/4 - 1/10,00 0 sec (20 step
Minim um Illu minati on
Optica l Zoom 20x Digita l Zoom 30x app rox. (When Di gital Ex tender “ON”)
Displ ay 3.2” Xtra Fin e LCD View Find er 0.45” Xtra Fin e LCD™ View Find er (1,227K pixels
Flash ­Memor y Stick P RO Duo Media S lot Manua l / Auto Lens C over Manual Assig nable D ial ­S/S & Zoom butt on on LCD -
Audio/Vid eo Remot e Termina l Video/S Vide o/Audio/LANC Analog A udio/Vid eo Outp ut(s)Multi AV (Video/S Vide o/Audio LANC Term inal Yes Digita l Audio/Vi deo Out put(s)Yes (i.LINK® and USB
USB Por t(s i.LINK® Inter face Yes Compon ent Vid eo (Y/Pb/Pr)
Output(s S-Vid eo Outp ut(s HDMI™ Conne ction Ou tput(s)Includ ed in A/V Ja ck Headp hone Ja ck Yes Microp hone In put Yes Active Int erfac e Shoe Cold Sho e
1080/60i, 1080/24p, 108 0/30p
HD: HDV (MPEG -1 Audio Laye r II) / SD: DV (PCM Dig ital Stere o
Memor y Stick Duo™ media, M emory Stick PR O Duo
* SP: 60m in/80min., L P (DV only): 90min/120mi n.
72mm (G Lens
4.1 - 82mm
1.5 lux (At 1/30 fi xed shu tter sp eed wit h auto iris a nd auto gain
Yes (via mult i AV
displa y (921K pixels
High Defi nition MiniDV (HDV™) Handycam® Camcorder
Dual Re cord Yes White Ba lance Auto / Ou tdoor / In door / On e-p ush (A/B Image S tabil izatio n Optical Steady Shot™ image stabilizati on (Active Lens System
x.v.Color White Ba lance Auto / Ou tdoor / In door / On e-p ush (A/B Fader E ffect s Bla ck, Whi te Scene S elect ion Mode(s Still I mage Fo rmat(s Smooth S low Rec ord Yes (6 sec. at 240 fps NTSC
Power Con sumpt ion HDV: 6.4W (VF/LCD Suppl ied Bat tery Typ e InfoL ITHIU M® Recharg eable Batter y (NP-F 570 Power Req uirem ents 7.2V (Batte ry Pack); 8.4V (AC Adaptor
Dimen sions (Approx.
Weight (Approx.
AC adaptor AC-L100 Rechar geabl e Batt ery Pac k InfoLIT HIUM® Recharg eable Batter y (NP-F 570 Remote Commander® control unit RMT -831
Compon ent Vid eo Cabl e Yes Lens Ho od Lens hoo d with len s cover Media Operat ion Manu al
Applic ation S oft ware (CD- ROM)PMB Ver.4.2.0 0
*Capacity w ill vary based on type a nd complexity of imag e recorded.
9. Requires Microso ft
10. Smooth Slow Rec ord captures 3 seconds of vid eo which plays back over 12 secon ds.
19. The HDV recording format is in 1440 x1080i and 4:2:0 colo r space.
Windows® XP SP3/ Windows Vis ta® SP1. Not supported by Ma c® OS.
Yes (up to 6 pictu re profi les JPEG
6 3/4 x 7 x 13 7/8 inch (169 x 178 x 349mm
4lbs 15oz (2.3kg) with sup plied b atter y and lens hood
Prosu mer HD
© 2011 Sony Electroni cs Inc. Al l rights re serve d. Reprod uction i n whole or i n part w ithout w ritte n permis sion is p rohibit ed. Sony is n ot respons ible for t ypographic an d photogra phic er rors. Fea tures and specifi cations are subje ct to chang e without notice. A ll TV rec eption, m onitor p ictures a nd print p ictures a re simula ted. Sony, , B loggi e, Handyc am, Clea r Photo, Opti cal Steady Shot, S -Mas ter, TruBlac k, and Xtra Fin e LCD are trade marks of Sony. Microsof t, Windows, and Wind ows Vista are tradem arks of Mic rosof t Corpora tion. HD MI is a trademark of H DMI Licensing L LC. Dolby i s a registe red trade mark of Dolby Lab oratori es. All oth er trade marks are t radema rks of the ir respec tive owne rs.