Sony FVP-1, FVP-1E Service Manual

Japanese Model
US Model
Canadian Model
AEP Model
Correct your service manual as shown below.
!:訂正箇所/Indicates corrected portion.
ページ 訂正前 訂正後
注2: ステアステップテストパターンのプリントの出し方は
SW-39基板のS1707(CAPTURE)とS1717(ENTER)を押 しながら,電源スイッチを「入」にする。(ピーという
音がするまで,S1707とS1717は押していること)S1701 (ロータリSW)を同種2分割( )の位置に合わせ,S1706 (プリント)を押すとプリントを開始します。
モード テストモード(注2) 信号 テストパターン(ステアステップ)
測定点 測定器 デジタルボルトメータ
調整素子 VR201 規格値 プリント濃度が見本品と等しいこと。
注2: ステアステップテストパターンのプリントの出し方は
モード テストモード(注2) 信号 テストパターン(ステアステップ)
測定点 測定器 デジタルボルトメータ
調整素子 VR201 規格値 プリント濃度が見本品と等しいこと。
SW-39基板の がら,電源スイッチを「入」にする。(ピーという音が するまで,S1714とS1717は押していること)S1701(ロー タリSW)を同種2分割( )の位置に合わせ,S1706(プリ ント)を押すとプリントを開始します。
UK Model
1) ステアステップテストパターンのプリントの出し方は
SW-39基板のS1707(CAPTURE)とS1717(ENTER)を押し ながら,電源スイッチを「入」にする。(ピーという音がす るまで,S1707とS1717は押していること)S1701(ロータリ SW)を同種2分割( )の位置に合わせ,S1706(プリント) を押すとプリントを開始します。
1) ステアステップテストパターンのプリントの出し方は SW-39基板の ら,電源スイッチを「入」にする。(ピーという音がするま
で, を同種2分割( )の位置に合わせ,S1706(プリント)を押 すとプリントを開始します。
FVP-1 (US, Canadian models)
Note 2: To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch while
pressing the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW­39 board. (Press the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
Mode Test mode (Note 1) Signal Test pattern (Stair-step)
Measuring points Measuring instrument Digital Voltmerter
Adjustment part VR201 Specification Print density should be the same as the sample
Note 1: To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch while
pressing the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW­39 board. (Press the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
Adjustment Procedure:
(1) To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch
while pressing the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW-39 board. (Press the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the posi­tion, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
+: CN1943 2 pin (MD-39 board) –: CN1943 3 pin
Note 2: To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch while
Mode Test mode (Note 1) Signal Test pattern (Stair-step)
Measuring points Measuring instrument Digital Voltmerter
Adjustment part VR201 Specification Print density should be the same as the sample
pressing the S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW-39 board.
(Press the S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
+: CN1943 2 pin (MD-39 board) –: CN1943 3 pin
Adjustment Procedure:
(1) To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch
while pressing the S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW-39 board. (Press the is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep
FVP-1E (AEP, UK models)
Note 2: To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch while
pressing the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW­39 board. (Press the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
Mode Test mode (Note 2) Signal Test pattern (Stair-step)
Measuring points Measuring instrument Digital Voltmerter
Adjustment part VR201 Specification Print density should be the same as the sample
Adjustment Procedure:
(1) To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch
while pressing the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW-39 board. (Press the S1707 (CAPTURE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the posi­tion, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
+: CN1943 2 pin (MD-39 board) –: CN1943 3 pin
Note 2: To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch while
Mode Test mode (Note 2) Signal Test pattern (Stair-step)
Measuring points Measuring instrument Digital Voltmerter
Adjustment part VR201 Specification Print density should be the same as the sample
Adjustment Procedure:
(1) To print the stair-step test pattern, turn on the power switch
pressing the board. (Press the heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
while pressing the the SW-39 board.
(Press the is heard.) Set the S1701 (Rotaly switch) to the position, and press the S1706 (print), then the print will start.
S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) on the SW-39
S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep is
+: CN1943 2 pin (MD-39 board) –: CN1943 3 pin
S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) on
S1714 (SAVE) and S1717 (ENTER) until a peep
Sony Corporation
Printing Technologies Company
– 2 –
Printed in Japan © 1999. 6
Published by VAIO Customer Link