CD Walkman® Portable Compact Disc Player with Tuner
Step-up Feature
New Feature
Full Circle Design
AM/FM Tuner (20 FM/10 AM presets)
Skip-Free2G-Protection™ Technology
Up to 12 Hours of Continuous Playback with (2) "AA" Batteries (Not Supplied)
NEW! Clip Style Headphones
8 Playback Modes
Bookmark Playback Function for Easy Programming
Digital Mega Bass® Sound System
Digital Volume Control
2 Position Automatic Volume Limiter System (AVLS)
Available in Pink and Black
Please visit the Dealer Network for more information at www.sony.com/dn

CD Walkman® Portable Compact Disc Player with Tuner
AM/FM Tuner with 20 Presets Lets you listen to a wide varity of radio music
and talk programs through your Walkman® Player.
CD-R/RW1Playback Plays all CD-R/RW discs burned either in a PC or a home
recording deck. Create custom mixes from your existing music collection and
always have the right music at hand.
Skip-Free2G-Protection™ Technology continues to provide quick recovery
from both horizontal and vertical shock
Off Timer Auto Shut Off Feature to Conserve Battery Life Maximizes
battery life by powering down the player when not in use
8 Playback Modes offer many predetermined choices in the playback of CDs,
including hearing one track over and over, hearing a selection of tracks in a
desired order, or listening to tracks randomly
Bookmark Playback Function for Easy Programming You can easily
program your favorite songs from multiple CDs and play them back with the
touch of a button. This feature makes it easy to program and playback a
personalized mix of your favorite songs
Digital Mega Bass® Sound uses digital processing technology to produce
rich, deep, bass tones with extremely low harmonic distortion
Digital Volume Function provides precise adjustment of volume level, while the
volume level appears on the LCD display
2 Position Automatic Volume Limiter System (AVLS) maintains volume
output at levels below distortion threshold for cleaner sound reproduction
Digital-to-Analog Converter: 1 Bit
D/A Conversion: 1 Bit Quartz Time-Axis Control
Frequency Response: 20-20000Hz, 1/-2dB
Input(s): DC-In 3V
Output(s): Headphone (stereo mini jack)
Power Requirements: DC 1.5V x 2 ("AA" x 2 Batteries)
Battery Life (Approx.): 12 Hours with "AA" Sony Alkaline Batteries x 2 (G-Protection on)
Weight: TBD
Dimensions (WHD): 5 1/2" x 1 1/10" x 5 1/2" (135.8 x 22.8 x 135.8mm)
Color: Pink, Black
Supplied Accessories: New Clip Style Headphones (MDR-J0Z1LP)
Optional Accessories: AC-E45HG/E45A AC Adapter
DCC-E345 Car Battery Cord
RK-G129HG/G136HG Connecting Cord
CPA-9C Car Connecting Pack
DCC-E34CP Car Battery Cord
UPC Code: 0272426737310
1. CD- R-RW med ia/fo rmats ar e not un ivers ally com patib le.
2. Eli minat es or re duces sk ippin g dur ing m any a ctive us es.
©20 05 So ny El ectro nics Inc .
Rep roduc tion in who le or in pa rt wi thout wr itten pe rmiss ion i s pro hibit ed. A ll ri ghts res erved . Son y,
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Fea tures an d spe cific ation s are su bject to ch ange wit hout not ice. Non -metr ic we ights an d mea sures ar e
app roxim ate.
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 • www.sony.com
Last Updated 2005-04-01