SINGER 14T970C User Manual

' 1
Thank you for your purchase of this Combination Overiock, Chain Stitch and Cover Stitch Sewing Machine. This machine, that is intended for househoid use wiii provide you with exceiient performance in sewing from iight to heavy materiai (iawn to denim).
Piease refer to this Instruction Book for proper use and optimum service. To get the most out of your sewing machine, read the entire Instruction Book before attempting to operate the machine. Then famiiiarize yourseif with the machine by foiiowing the instruction Book page by page.
To ensure that you are aiways provided with the most modern sewing capabiiities, the manufacturer reserves the right to change the appearance, design or accessories of this sewing machine when considered necessary without notification or obiigation.


When using an electrical appliance, basic safety precautions should always
be followed, including the following: Read the instruction carefully before you
use the machine.
ADANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock:
* The appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in. * Always unplug this appliance from the electric outlet immediately after using
and before cleaning.
* Always unplug this sewing machine from the electric outlet immediately
after using and before cleaning, removing covers, relamping, lubricating or when making any other user servicing adjustments mentioned in the instruction manual.
A WARNING - To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock or
injury to persons:
* Do not allow this appliance to be used as a toy. Close attention is necessary
when this appliance is used by or near children and infirm persons.
* Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. Use
only attachments recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this
* Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not
working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water.
Return the appliance to the nearest authorized dealer or service center for examination, repair, electrical or mechanical adjustment.
* Never operate the appliance with any air openings blocked. Keep
ventilation openings of the sewing machine and foot control free from the
accumulation of lint, dust, and loose cloth.
* Keep fingers away from all moving parts. Special care is required around
the sewing machine needle and cutter.
* Always use the proper stitch plate. The wrong plate can cause the needle
to break. * Do not use bent needles. * Do not pull or push fabric while stitching. It may deflect the needle causing
it to break.
* Switch the sewing machine off “ O “ when marking any adjustments in the
needle area, such as threading needle area, such as threading needle, changing needle, threading looper, or changing presser foot and the like.
Never drop or insert any object into any opening. Do not use outdoors. Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where
oxygen is being administered. To disconnect, turn all controls to the off “ O “ position, then remove plug
from outlet.
Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord. Use only identical replacement parts. See instructions for servicing double
insulated appliances. If oil gets in eyes, immediately, rinse the oil out with water. If you swallow
oil by mistake, immediately consult a medical doctor. Close cover before operating machine.
Keep the instructions at a suitable place close to the machine and hand it
over if you give the machine to a third party.
Use the machine only in dry locations. Don’t use the machine if it’s wet or in humid environment.


This overlook sewing machine is intended for household use only. * The machine may only be used with foot pedal type 4C-326G/ 4C-316C/
4C-345G/ 4C-326C manufactured by Wakaho. Never place anything on
the pedal. * European contact window provided. * The sound pressure level at normal operation is smaller than 76dB(A). * SERVICING DOUBLE-INSULATED PRODUCTS (USA and Canada
version excepted) In a double-insulated product, two systems of insulation
are provided instead of grounding. No grounding means is provided on a
double-insulated product nor should a means for grounding be added to
the product. Servicing a double-insulated product requires extreme care
and knowledge of the system and should and only be done by qualified
service personnel. Replacement parts for a double-insulated product must
be identical to those parts in the product. A double-insulated product is marked with the words DOUBLE INSULATION or DOUBLE INSULATED.
The symbol 0 may also be marked on the product.
1. Principal parts....................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Accessories........................................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Needle information............................................................................................................................................... 7
4. How to open looper cover..................................................................................................................................... 8
5. Principal parts behind the looper cover................................................................................................................ 8
6. Preparation prior to sewing................................................................................................................................... 8
7. Preparation for threading.................................................................................................................................... 10
* Setting Up the Thread Guide Holder........................................................................................................... 10
* Anti-spill Net.................................................................................................................................................... 10
* Spool Cap....................................................................................................................................................... 10
8. How to remove and insert needles..................................................................................................................... 11
* Needle Position.............................................................................................................................................. 11
* To Remove Needle(s)..................................................................................................................................... 11
* To Insert Needles(s)....................................................................................................................................... 11
9. Selection of stitches............................................................................................................................................ 12
10. Handy reference chart........................................................................................................................................ 12
11. How to sew a cover stitch................................................................................................................................... 13
12. Threading the machine....................................................................................................................................... 16
* Threading Diagram: Three Thread Cover/Chain Stitch............................................................................... 16
* Tension Color Code: Cover Stitch................................................................................................................... 16
* Three-Thread Cover Stitch Suggested Tension Settings............................................................................ 25
* Threading Diagram: Cover Stitch - Two Thread Narrow................................................................................. 26
* Tension Color Code: Two Thread Narrow Cover............................................................................................ 26
* Threading Diagram: Cover Stitch - Two Thread Wide.................................................................................... 32
* Tension Color Code: Two Thread Wide Cover............................................................................................... 32
* Two-Thread Cover Stitch Suggested Tension Settings
* Threading Diagram: Chain Stitch.................................................................................................................... 39
* Tension Color Code: Chain Stitch................................................................................................................... 39
* Double Chain Stitch Suggested Tension Settings
13. How to change threads: tie on method............................................................................................................... 46
14. How to adjust the stitch length............................................................................................................................ 47
15. How to adjust the presser foot pressure............................................................................................................. 47
16. Differential feed.................................................................................................................................................. 48
17. Machine maintenance........................................................................................................................................ 49
18. Snap-on type presser foot.................................................................................................................................. 51
19. Troubleshooting chart......................................................................................................................................... 52
20. Relationship between cloth, thread and needle.................................................................................................. 53
21. Specification....................................................................................................................................................... 54
1. Thread Guides and Holder
2. Handle
3. Left Needle Thread Tension Dial (blue)
4. Middle Needle Thread Tension Dial (green)
5. Right Needle Thread Tension Dial (red)
6. Chain Stitch Looper Thread Tension Dial (yellow)
7. Throat Plate
8. Cloth Plate
9. Looper Cover
10. Power & Light Switch
11. Stitch Length Dial
12. Handwheel
13. Spool Stand
14. Cone Adaptor
15. Spool Pin
16. Presser Bar Lifter and Tension Release
17. Differentiai Feed Adjusting Diai
18. Foot Pressure Adjusting Diai
Accessories are contained in the accessory case
1. Screw Driver (iarge size) 1
2. Thread Unwinder Spooi Cap 4
3. Anti-Spili Net 4
4. Oiier 1
5. Aiien Screw Driver (smali) 1
6. Tweezers 1
7. Needie Set 1
8. Brush 1
9. Spooi Holder 1
10. Machine Cover 1
' This cover stitch uses a flat shank industrial needle
that eliminates the possibility of inserting the needle backwards.
' Do not attempt to use a standard household sewing
machine needle of any size or type in this cover stitch.
’ SINGER 2022 Needles size 14/90 are furnished
with the machine.
' Only use SINGER 2022 Needles size 14/90 and
11/80 as supplied in the accessory case.
Overlook needle
Push the cover to the right as far as it wiii go. Puii cover down toward you.
Be sure to turn off power switch.
|\ Be sure iooper cover is ciosed when
1. Chain/Cover Looper
' Connect the controlier/eiectric piug to the
machine receptacle. ’ Plug power line into eiectric outlet. ' Power Switch: Push "i" mark side to turn “ON”
Push "O" mark side to turn “OFF”
' To run the machine and controi the speed, press
the controlier.
' The harder you press, the faster the machine
wiii sew.
' To stop the machine from sewing, remove your
foot from the controiier.
Use only foot controller provided with this machine. (Type 4C-316B for U.S.A. & CANADA only) Be sure to make reference to “Warning” on following


This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade wider than the other). To reduce the risk of
electric shock, this plug is intended to fit in a polarized outlet only way. If the plug does not fit fuily in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit contact a qualified electrician to instail the proper outlet. Do not modify the piug in any way.
' Be sure that the eiectrical voitage of the eiectric outlet (wall receptacle) is the same as the
rated voltage of the motor.
' Handle the foot controller with care and avoid dropping it on the floor. Be sure not to place
anything on top of it when not in use.
' Disconnect the power line plug from the electric outlet when changing needles, presser feet or
when leaving the machine unattended. This eiiminates the possibility of starting the machine by accidentally pressing the controller.

Setting Up the Thread Guide Hoider

• Take out the thread guide from the top of Styrofoam, and insert it as shown on the right iiiustration.
• This machine is shipped with the thread guide hoider on the top of styrofoam.
• Fuiiy extend the thread guide hoider.
• The two joints on the teiescope wili ciick into place when they are correctiy positioned.
• Center the thread guides above the spooi pins.
• Place thread over the cone adapters on the
spool pins.
Note: Your new machine is threaded to sew
Triple Cover Stitch. Refer to Page 45 for
instructions on tying on to the threads.

Anti-spili Net

• When using synthetic threads that easily spill off
the cone, slip the anti-spill net furnished with the
machine over the thread from the bottom of the
cone leaving the thread end hanging free at the top the anti-spill net as shown at right.

Spool Cap

• When using a regular thread spool, fit the spool
cap supplied with the machine onto the thread spool as shown at right.

Needle Position

• With this machines, three needies can be inserted to
the needie clamp as shown in the drawing.
• The Instruction Book refers to different needie positions by iliustrating the needle clamp at right.
Note: When all cover stitch needles are inserted,the left
needle will be slightly higher than the others.

To Remove Needle(s)

Caution: Be sure to disconnect the machine from the
• Turn the hand wheel toward you until the needles are at
their highest position.
• Place a thick piece of fabric [such as felt] under the presser foot. Lower the needles halfway into the fabric.
• Loosen, but do not remove the needle set screws
with the small alien screwdriver. Hold the needles with your fingers and raise the needle bar. The needles will
remain in the fabric.
electric outlet before removing needle(s).
C. Cover stitch left needle D. Cover stitch middle needle E. Cover stitch right needle
Cover stitch right needle
Cover stitch middle needle-|—I / Chain stitch needle
Cover stitch left needle -
Left, middle and right cover stitch needle thread
After removing the specific needle which is not currently to
be used for sewing, remember to fasten the set screw in
the screw hole of the needle clamp and to Just fasten tight
into the hole. Please do not over-tighten the screw into the hole or the needle clamp will be damaged.

To Insert Needles(s)

• Hold the needle with the flat surface to the back.
• Insert the needle into the needle socket as far as it will go.
• When inserting a needle, if you first lower it down
into the hole in the throat plate it will line up with the needle socket. Then direct it upwards
This machine uses SINGER 2022 needles.
Do not use Standard Household Needles.
This machine is capable of producing 4 types of stitches according to the combination of needie positions, threading methods, tension adjustment.
Stitch Type
1. Double Chain Stitch
2. Cover Stitch Narrow (2.8mm)
3. Cover Stitch
Wide (5.6mm)
4. Triple Cover Stitch
A1-needie 2-thread straight stitch is used for construction or decorative stitching. Seams also can be sewn at desired distance from edge of fabric by disengaging the right iooper and movabie knife.
2-needie, 3-thread cover stitch is suitabie for stretchy fabrics such as knits, etc.
A narrow seam is formed by using ieft and middle needles.
2-needle 3-thread cover stitch is suitable for stretchy fabrics such as knits, etc.
A wide seam is formed by using left and right needles.
3-needle 4-thread cover stitch is suitable for stretchy fabrics such as knits, etc.
A triple seam is formed by using left, middle, and right needle.
The thread tension becomes tighter as the diais are turned to higher numbers. The tension settings shown on this page as weli as throughout the instruction book are suggested guides. Adjust thread tensions to suit the fabric and size of thread of thread used. For best results make tension adjustments in smali increments of no greater than haif a number at a time.
* When chainstitching under conditions given in No.1, set stitch iength to over 2mm.
* When cover stitching under conditions given in No.2,3,4, set stitch iength to over N (2.5mm).
This machine can produce a 3-thread 5.6 mm wide
bottom cover stitch.
The cover stitch can be used for covering, binding or top-stitching necklines and for hemming the
bottom, of T-shirts and sweatsuits, etc. in addition
to flat joining seams (plain seaming). The cover stitch is most suitable for stretchy
fabrics such as knit.
It also can be used In woven fabrics such as denim, but careful attention must be paid to the tension settings or there is the possibility of thread
breakage and or skipping.
If you experience skipping or thread breakage sewing denim change needles first and then adjust the tensions little by little (1/4 number at a time).

Machine Set up

• Open looper cover. (See page 8)
• For Triple 5.6mm cover stitch, install cover stitch right needle (E), cover stitch middle needle (D) and
cover stitch left needle (C).
• Pass thread through needles (E), (D) and (C) and
thread cover stitch looper [yellow].
• The graduations on seam guide plate indicate the
distance from cover stitch middle needle.
Use It as a guide when positioning fabric edge.
• Close looper cover.
Be sure to turn off power switch.
Additional Information About Cover Stitch
At start of sewing
• Raise presser foot, (a)
Place fabric under presser foot behind the needle, (b) Lower presser foot, (c)
When you start to sew from the middle of the fabric,
place the fabric at the desired starting point of sewing,

At end of sewing

stop sewing when the fabric is not under the needles
Raise presser foot, (e)
Turn the hand wheel toward you one circle (counter-clockwise), then turn away from you one circle back, (Clockwise) stopping with
needles in the highest position, (f)
Place your thumb on the stitches, then pull out the fabric lightly to rear of machine and cut the threads, (g)
Note: The instructions are given when sewing cover stitches because it is not possible to chain-off when doing a cover stitch, (h)

Securing the Seam End

• Since the seams formed by cover stitch unravei when the iooper thread is pulied out at the end of sewing, secure the seam end in the foliowing manner.
When sewing through to the edge of fabric, among the threads coming out of the fabric edge, knot the needie threads (2 or 3 threads) together first, as shown on the right iliustration. Then, tie these threads with the Iooper threads.
When sewing is stopped haifway, puil out the needie threads (2 or 3 threads) on the underside of the fabric and knot the threads in the same manner as described above.
Cut extra threads.
Note: Normaiiy, the seams at the start of sewing do
not unravel, but it is safe to secure the seam end foliowing the same steps as described when sewing through to the edge of fabric.
Threading Diagram: Three Thread Cover Stitch
• A color coded threading diagram is located Inside the looper cover for quick reference.
• Thread the machine in the order 1 to 4 as shown at right.

Tension Color Code: Cover Stitch

1. Cover stitch looper thread
2. Right needle thread...................... Red
3. Middle needle thread
4. Left needle thread
Green Blue
1) Threading the Chain Stitch/Cover Stitch Looper
• Thread the chain stitch/cover stitch iooper as indicated 1~10.
Raise Presser foot to reiease Tension discs
Pass thread from back to the front through the thread
guide 1.
Thread the top cover thread guide by puiiin the thread towards the ieft untii it siips under guide. Then puii threa aiong the right side of button as iliustrated.
Whiie hoiding thread with fingers, pass it between the tension discs and puii thread down to make certain it is properiy iocated in between the tension discs 3.
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