Siemens CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions Manual

CM 1243-5
CM 1243-5
Operating Instructions
Application and properties
Displays and connectors
Installing, connecting up and commissioning
Configuration and programming
Operating the module
Technical specifications
Dimension drawings
Training, Service & Support
Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
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Siemens AG
Industry Sector Postfach 48 48 90026 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
order number: C79000-G8976-C246 Ⓟ 04/2011
Copyright © Siemens AG 2011. Technical data subject to change
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Validity of this manual
This document contains information on the following product:
CM 1243-5 Order number 6GK7 243-5DX30-0XE0 Hardware product version 1, firmware version V1.0
The device is the communications module for the PROFIBUS DP master function for the SIMATIC S7-1200.
Figure 1-1 CM 1243-5
At the top right behind the hinged cover of the module housing, you will see the hardware product version printed as a placeholder "X" (for example X 2 3 4). In this case, "X" would be the placeholder for hardware product version 1.
Product name
In this document, the term "CM" is also used instead of the full product name "CM 1243-5".
Purpose of the manual
This manual describes the properties of this module and supports you when installing and commissioning the device.
CM 1243-5
4 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
The necessary configuration steps are described in the form of an overview.
You will also find instructions for operation and maintenance and information on the diagnostics options of the device.
Required experience
To install, commission and operate the CM, you require experience in the following areas:
● Automation engineering
● Setting up the SIMATIC S7-1200
● Data transfer with PROFIBUS
Further information
You will find an overview of further reading and references in the Appendix of this manual.
You will also find information about training, Service & Support and who to contact in the Appendix of this manual.
License conditions
Open source software
Read the license conditions for open source software carefully before using the product. The acceptance of the disclaimers of liability and warranty it contains is a clear precondition of the use of open source software.
You will find the license conditions on the data medium with the product documentation.
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Table of contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Application and properties ......................................................................................................................... 7
Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS.........................................................................................7
Communications services of the CM .............................................................................................7
Performance data ..........................................................................................................................8
Requirements for operation ...........................................................................................................9
Configuration examples for PROFIBUS ......................................................................................10
Displays and connectors.......................................................................................................................... 11
Opening the covers of the housing..............................................................................................11
LEDs ............................................................................................................................................12
Electrical connections ..................................................................................................................15
Installing, connecting up and commissioning........................................................................................... 17
Warning overvoltage protection ...................................................................................................19
Installing and commissioning the CM 1243-5..............................................................................19
Pin assignment of the socket for the external power supply .......................................................22
Pinout of the D-sub socket...........................................................................................................23
Configuration and programming .............................................................................................................. 25
Operating the module .............................................................................................................................. 27
Note on operation ........................................................................................................................27
Downloading firmware .................................................................................................................28
Module replacement ....................................................................................................................28
Technical specifications........................................................................................................................... 29
Dimension drawings ................................................................................................................................ 31
Approvals................................................................................................................................................. 33
References .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Training, Service & Support..................................................................................................................... 41
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 43
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Table of contents
CM 1243-5
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CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Application and properties
1.1 Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS
Connecting the S7-1200 to PROFIBUS DP
The S7-1200 can be connected to a PROFIBUS fieldbus system with the following communications modules:
● CM 1242-5
Operates as DP slave
● CM 1243-5
Operates as DP master class 1
If a CM 1242-5 and a CM 1243-5 are installed together, an S7-1200 can perform the following tasks simultaneously:
● Slave of a higher-level DP master system
● Master of a lower-level DP master system
1.2 Communications services of the CM
Bus protocol
The PROFIBUS CMs use the PROFIBUS DP-V1 protocol.
Possible DP slaves for the DP master CM 1243-5
With the DP master module CM 1243-5, the S7-1200 can communicate with the following DP-V0/V1 slaves:
● Distributed I/O SIMATIC ET200
● S7-1200 CPUs with CM 1242-5
● S7-200 CPUs with PROFIBUS DP module EM 277
● SINAMICS converter
● Drives and actuators from various vendors
● Sensors of various vendors
● S7-300/400 CPU with PROFIBUS interface
Application and properties
1.3 Performance data
CM 1243-5
8 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
● S7-300/400 with PROFIBUS CP (for example CP 342-5)
● SIMATIC PC stations with PROFIBUS CP
Types of communication with the CM 1243-5 in DP-V1
The following types of communication are available with DP-V1:
● Cyclic communication
The CM supports cyclic communication for the transfer of process data between DP slave and DP master.
Cyclic communication is handled by the operating system of the CPU. No instructions or software blocks are required for this. The I/O data is read or written directly from/to the process image of the CPU.
● Acyclic communication
The CM also supports acyclic communication:
– The "RALRM" instruction is available for receiving interrupts of the DP slaves.
– The "RDREC" and "WRREC" instructions are available for transferring configuration,
diagnostics or I/O data.
The SYNC/FREEZE and Get_Master_Diag functions are not supported.
Other communications services of the CM 1243-5
The CM 1243-5 supports the following additional communications services:
● S7 communication
– PUT/GET services
The DP master functions as a client and server for queries from other S7 controllers or PCs via PROFIBUS.
– PG/OP communication
The PG functions allow the downloading of configuration data and user programs from a PG and the transfer of diagnostics data to a PG.
Possible communications partners for OP communication are HMI panels, SIMATIC panel PCs with WinCC flexible or SCADA systems that support S7 communication.
1.3 Performance data
Transmission speeds of the CM 1243-5
As the transmission speed on PROFIBUS, values of 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps are permitted for the CM.
Application and properties
1.4 Requirements for operation
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Characteristic data of the DP interface of the CM 1243-5
● Number of DP slaves operable with a DP master: Maximum 16 *)
● Total number of operable slots: Maximum 256
Any distribution of the slots as I slots and Q slots is permitted.
● Size of the DP data areas of the DP master: Max. 1024 bytes
– Input area of the DP master in total: Max. 512 bytes
– Output area of the DP master in total: Max. 512 bytes
● Maximum size of the DP data areas of the DP slaves
– Input area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes
– Output area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes
– Diagnostics data area per DP slave: Max. 244 bytes
*) Maximum 16 DP slaves per station
For the constellation STEP 7 V11.0 and CPU firmware V2.0, resources are available for a maximum 16 DP slaves in total per station.
If you plug in a master module (CM 1243-5) and 1 or 2 slave modules (CM 1242-5) in a station at the same time, the maximum number of slaves that can be operated with the CM 1243-5 reduces by the CM 1242-5 modules plugged into the same station. The number of DP slaves that can be operated with the DP master is therefore reduced to 15 or 14.
Characteristic data of S7 communication
● Number of possible connections for S7 communication in total: 8
Of which maximum:
– Configured connections for PUT/GET services: 4
– PG connections: 1
– OP connections: 3
● User data per frame
– PUT: Max. 209 bytes
– GET: Max. 222 bytes
1.4 Requirements for operation
Configuration tool
To configure the module, the following configuration tool is required:
Application and properties
1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS
CM 1243-5
10 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
STEP 7 as of version V11.0
CPUs of the S7-1200
Use of PROFIBUS functionalities with the S7-1200 is only possible with CPUs as of firmware version 2.0.
1.5 Configuration examples for PROFIBUS
Below, you will find examples of configurations in which the CM 1242-5 is used as a DP slave and the CM 1243-5 is used as a DP master.
Operator control &
Operator control & monitoring
with CM 1242-5
with CM 1242-5
PROFINET/ Industrial Ethernet
Figure 1-1 Configuration example with a CM 1242-5 as PROFIBUS slave
Operator control & monitoring
SIMATIC S7-1200 with CM 1243-5
Figure 1-2 Configuration example with a CM 1243-5 as PROFIBUS master
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Displays and connectors
2.1 Opening the covers of the housing
Location of the display elements and the electrical connectors
The LEDs for the detailed display of the module statuses are located behind the upper cover of the module housing.
The terminals for the power supply are located on the top of the module.
The PROFIBUS connector is located behind the lower cover of the module.
Opening the covers of the housing
Open the upper or lower cover of the housing by pulling it down or up as shown in the illustration. The covers extend beyond the housing to give you a grip.
Figure 2-1 Opening the covers of the housing
Displays and connectors
2.2 LEDs
CM 1243-5
12 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
2.2 LEDs
LEDs of the module
The module has various LEDs for displaying the status:
● LED on the front panel
The "DIAG" LED that is always visible shows the basic statuses of the module.
Table 2- 1 LED on the front panel
LED / colors Name Meaning
red / green
DIAG Display of the basic status of the module
● LEDs below the upper cover of the housing
Open the upper housing cover. The LEDs here provide more detailed information on the module status.
Table 2- 2 LEDs below the upper cover of the housing
LED / colors Name Meaning
yellow / green
RUN/STOP Details on the operational and communications status of the
ERROR Group error
- not used - -
- not used - -
LED colors when the module starts up
When the module starts up, all its LEDs are lit for a short time. Multicolored LEDs display a color mixture. At this point in time, the color of the LEDs is not clear.
Displays and connectors
2.2 LEDs
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Display of the operating and communication status
The LED symbols in the following tables have the following significance:
Table 2- 3 Meaning of the LED symbols
LED status OFF ON (steady light) Flashing, one color Flashing
Not relevant
The LEDs indicate the operating and communications status of the module according to the following scheme:
Table 2- 4 Display of the basic states of the module by the "DIAG" LED
(red / green)
Meaning Comment
Power OFF
RUN without errors
flashing green
Startup STOP without errors No project data Firmware update
The individual states are signaled by the RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs (see below).
flashing red
Problem / error The individual states are signaled by the
RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs (see below).
Displays and connectors
2.2 LEDs
CM 1243-5
14 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
Table 2- 5 Display schemes for detailed module statuses
(red / green)
- RUN/STOP (yellow /
Detailed status schemes
RUN without errors, Exchange of user data with DP master
flashing green
Stopped (STOP) without errors No project data available
flashing green
Starting up (STOP → RUN)
flashing green
Loading firmware (The RUN/STOP and ERROR LEDs flash
flashing red
RUN with PROFIBUS problem:
DP slave errors No master-slave connection PROFIBUS cable not connected or not
flashing red
System fault:
CM has not received an address from the CPU Power supply of the CM was interrupted CPU reset to factory defaults
Solution when the error is permanent: Station power → OFF → ON
Other possible problems:
Module fault Incomplete firmware version
Contact the hotline.
In STOP mode, configuring and performing diagnostics on the CM remain possible.
Displays and connectors
2.3 Electrical connections
CM 1243-5 Operating Instructions, 04/2011, C79000-G8976-C246-01
2.3 Electrical connections
Power supply
The 3-pin socket for the external 24 V DC power supply is located on the top of the module. The matching plug ships with the product.
You will find the pin assignment of the socket in section Pin assignment of the socket for the external po
wer supply (Page 22).
Figure 2-2 Socket for the 24 V DC power supply
9-pin D-sub female connector (PROFIBUS)
The PROFIBUS connector is located behind the lower cover of the module. The interface is a 9-pin D-sub female connector operating according to the RS-485 standard.
You also have the option of connecting to optical PROFIBUS networks via an Optical Bus Terminal OBT or an Optical Link Module OLM.
You will find the pin assignment of the D-sub socket in section Pinout of the D-sub socket (Page 23).
More detailed information on the electrical connections
For technical information on the electrical connections, refer to the section Technical specifications (Page 29).
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