No part of this manual or the products it describes may be reproduced
by any means or in any form without prior consent in writing from
Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics.
CHEK-STIX, Clinitek, and Clinitek Advantus are trademarks of
Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics.
Kimwipes is a trademark of Kimberly-Clark.
Cidex is a trademark of Johnson and Johnson.
Theracide is a trademark of Lafayette Pharmaceuticals.
Amphyl is a trademark of Linden Corporation.
IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines.
Lubriplate Super-Lubrication Prevents Wear and Corrosion is a trademark of
Fiske Brothers Refining Company.
Origin: UK
The information in this manual was correct at the time of printing. However,
Siemens Diagnostics continues to improve products and reserves the right to
change specifications, equipment, and maintenance procedures at any time
without notice.
If the Clinitek Advantus analyzer is used in a manner differently than specified
by Siemens Diagnostics, the protection provided by the equipment may be
impaired. Observe all warning and hazard statements.
review additional information such
as the glossary or the supplies list
Section 1, Overview and Intended Use
Section 2, Operating the System
Section 3, Calibration
Section 6, Troubleshooting
Section 7, File Management
Section 8, System Configuration
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide7
The Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide uses the following text and symbol
Biohazard statements alert you to
ItalicItalic type refers to the title of a document or
potentially biohazardous conditions.
Warning statements alert you to conditions
that may cause personal injury.
Caution statements alert you to conditions
that may cause product damage or loss of
Note statements alert you to important
information that requires your attention.
Bold type indicates text or icons on the user
interface. For example, if the word save
appears as Save, it refers to the Save
button on the user interface.
System icons are also indicated by words in
bold type. For example, the words
Next Screen refer to the system icon .
A complete list of system icons and their
equivalents is in Appendix E, Symbols.
a section title in this guide.
8Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
1 Overview and Intended Use
Overview and Intended
The Clinitek AdvantusTM Urinalysis analyzer is a semi-automated, benchtop
analyzer. It is designed to read Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics
Reagent Strips for Urinalysis, such as, MULTISTIX®10 SG and Siemens
The analyzer is a reflectance spectrophotometer that analyzes the color and
intensity of the light reflected from the reagent area and reports the results in
clinically meaningful units. The analyzer can determine and report the color of
the urine. You can enter clarity for each specimen. You are not required to
make any calculations. Calibration is performed automatically each time a
reagent strip is analyzed.
Reagent Strips.
Figure 1 Clinitek Advantus Analyzer
Siemens Diagnostics Reagent Strips contain reagent areas for testing
glucose, bilirubin, ketone (acetoacetic acid), specific gravity, occult blood, pH,
protein, urobilinogen, nitrite, and leukocytes. MULTISTIX PRO Reagent Strips
also contain protein-low and creatinine reagent areas. A single protein result
is reported from the 2 protein tests and this reading is compared to the
creatinine result to provide a protein-to-creatinine ratio.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide9
Overview and Intended
The Clinitek Advantus system is intended for professional use in a laboratory
environment only. Tests performed using the Clinitek Advantus system are
intended for in vitro diagnostic use. As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive
clinical diagnosis should not be based on the results of a single test, but
should only be made by the physician after all clinical and laboratory findings
have been evaluated.
Hardware Overview
User Interface
By default, interaction with the Clinitek Advantus analyzer is via an integrated
touch screen. Messages, options, and requests for information display, and
responses are made by touching the appropriate key symbol on the screen.
Do not use anything hard or pointed on the touch screen. It may
damage the screen.
You can also use a computer keyboard or a handheld barcode reader to
interact with the analyzer. Some analyzer screens may not accept input from
these devices.
Testing and Printing Areas
All testing takes place on the fixed platform.
The fixed platform consists of 3 sections: the strip loading station, the
incubation/read station, and the waste bin. Strips are placed on the strip
loading station. The push bar moves the strips to the incubation/read station,
where they are tested. When testing is complete, the strips drop into the
waste bin.
10Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
When testing is complete, an internal thermal printer prints the test results.
Waste bin
Fixed platform
Incubation/read station
Strip loading station
Push bar
Overview and Intended
Figure 2 User Interface, Testing and Printing Areas
Connections and Power
The line cord is connected into the line cord receptacle. Turn the analyzer on
by pressing the power switch to the on position. You can connect a computer,
printer, ethernet connection, keyboard, and handheld barcode reader to the
analyzer using the interface connectors.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide11
Overview and Intended
The analyzer software is stored in internal flash memory. When necessary,
you can update the software using an electronic memory card located on the
back of the interactive touch display.
The analyzer stores the operating parameters, including those selected by
the user, and up to 500 patient results and 200 quality control results. This
information is in a RAM with a battery backup, and is held in memory
regardless of whether the analyzer power is on or off.
Memory card slot
Cooling fan
Power switch
Line cord receptacle
Ethernet interface connector
Serial interface connector
Printer interface connector
Keyboard and barcode reader interface connector
Figure 3 Connections, Power, and Memory
12Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
Software Overview
The Clinitek Advantus provides an easy-to-navigate and intuitive user
Overview and Intended
When the analyzer is not in use, the screen saver or the Ready/Run screen
displays. If the screen saver displays, touch the screen to access the Ready/
Run screen. You can access all tests through the Ready/Run screen. You
can also navigate from this screen to any point in the software.
Information and instructions area
Inactive action key
Active action key
Inactive cycle key
Active cycle key
System status area
Figure 4 Ready/Run Screen
The information and instructions area shows system settings or user input,
and provides instructions for the user. The Help, Stop Run, and Return to
Ready/Run keys display in this area.
Many options are next to an Action Key. Select this key to select the option.
Some options are next to a Cycle key. Use the cycle key when several
options are available. Each time you select the key, a different option displays
for the selection.
If an option is active, the key symbol is fully lit. If it is not active, it is dimmed,
and a tone will sound when you touch the key.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide13
Overview and Intended
The system status area displays only on the Ready/Run screen. It shows the
current date and time, and the Technician ID, if Technician IDs are active on
your system.
Numeric keypad
Information and instructions area
Return to Ready/Run screen key
Reset QC Lot ID key
Move Left key
Alphabet key
Enter key
Figure 5 Input Screen
Some options require that you enter information. If selected, a numeric
keypad will display. If available, you can select the Alphabet key to access an
alphabetic keypad. If a handheld barcode reader or keyboard is connected to
the system, you can scan or enter information for some values. The
instrument will only recognize keyboard input that is equivalent to the
keypads available on the instrument display.
Refer to Appendix E, Symbols for a complete list of key symbols used on the
Clinitek Advantus.
14Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
Operating Sequence
If specimen IDs are not used and color/clarity results are reported and
displayed, the analyzer automatically enters the Run mode when you place a
strip on the fixed platform. A sensor detects the strip's presence and activates
the strip movement and reading cycle.
If the push bar is positioned at the left side of the loading station, the analyzer
is ready to accept placement of a strip. If the bar is positioned to the right, the
analyzer is not ready and ignores any strip placed on the platform.
If the analyzer is already in the Run mode and you place a strip on the
platform, there may be delay of up to 7 seconds before the push bar moves.
The amount of delay depends on the status of the timing cycle for the strips
currently being analyzed.
The push bar moves the strip along the loading station to the read area. The
sequence number increments. A series of pins move the strip across the
platform at a rate of about 1.3 cm (1/2 inch) every 7 seconds.
Two readheads, located inside the read area, scan the length of each reagent
strip at a specific time in the incubation cycle. The first readhead reads the
reagent areas requiring shorter incubation times. The second reads those
requiring longer incubation times.
Each of the 2 readheads contains an incandescent lamp and photodiode
pack. When a strip moves into position under the readhead, the analyzer
performs a calibration cycle. The readhead then scans the entire length of the
strip, measuring the light reflectance of each reagent pad. A portion of the
light striking the pad is reflected back to the photodiode pack. The light
reflected at specific wavelengths from the test pad is dependent upon the
degree of color change in the pad and is directly related to the concentration
of the particular constituent in the urine.
The photodiode pack contains 4 filters, one each at 400 – 510 nm (blue),
510 – 586 nm (green), 586 – 660 nm (red), and 825 – 855 nm (IR). The light
intensity detected by the photodiode pack is converted into electrical
impulses, which are processed by the analyzer’s microprocessor and
converted into clinically meaningful results.
The pins continue to move the strip along the platform until it drops into the
waste bin.
An internal thermal printer prints the test results, if this option is selected. You
can also send the results to a computer and a form or 80-column printer.
Overview and Intended
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide15
Overview and Intended
16Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
2 Operating the System
Leave the Clinitek Advantus analyzer on at all times, except during
maintenance and cleaning procedures.
You can test without a loadlist or specimen ID. Put a strip on the analyzer. The
analyzer automatically assigns a Sequence Number and begins testing.
You can manually assign specimen IDs to tests. You can enter specimen IDs
immediately prior to testing each specimen.
You can enter a loadlist of up to 200 specimen IDs before starting the run. You
can enter the IDs from the analyzer display, a computer keyboard, a host
computer, or Laboratory or Hospital Information System (LIS/HIS).
You can interrupt processing to run a STAT test when using a loadlist. After the
STAT test the analyzer will continue testing specimens from the loadlist.
If necessary, you can stop a run before all readings are complete.
Results transmit to the printer and computer as soon as all reagent areas on
the strip are read.
Preparing for a Run
When you place the first strip on the fixed platform the analyzer begins a run.
Before starting each run, perform the following procedures.
Operating the System
Select a Reagent Strip
1. Check that the primary and alternative Siemens Diagnostics Reagent
Strips for Urinalysis displayed correspond to the strip types you are using.
Do not use a reagent strip other than the selected primary or
alternative reagent strip. Only use Siemens Diagnostics brand
reagent strips. Use of other strips may cause erroneous results.
2. If required, select the cycle key next to the alternative strip name to use the
alternative strip.
3. If the strip names do not agree, change the selected strips before
beginning testing.
Select the strips through the Setup Routine.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide17
Operating the System
Check the Strip Loading Station
Ensure that the strip loading station and push bar are clean and in the correct
position. If contaminants are present, remove and clean the push bar, the
platform, and the moving table.
Change the Starting Sequence Number
This number increments with each strip placed onto the analyzer. If necessary,
use this procedure to change the number.
1. Select
SEQ #.
A numeric keypad displays.
2. Enter the new sequence number.
Change individual digits as needed:
a. Select
Move Left or Move Right to move the cursor to the digit to
b. Enter the correct number.
00001 to reset the number.
3. Select
Change the Technician Identification
You can activate the Tech ID option during analyzer setup. Refer to Te ch I D‚
page 102 for more information.
1. Select
2. Select
3. Enter an identification number of up to 13 digits.
4. Select
Tec h I D.
A numeric keypad displays.
a. Select
b. Select
A-Z to enter alphabetic characters.
Enter to return to the numeric keypad.
Enter to save the Tech ID.
Print Information
1. Select Menu.
2. Select
18Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
Print to print:
•the ID list if a loadlist exists in memory
•confirmation of the last calibration
•a report of the setup parameters
Run Controls
At the Set options menu, select QC to run controls before processing patient
samples. Refer to Section 4, Quality Control, for more information.
Testing Routine Specimens
Testing Without a Specimen ID or Loadlist
Wear personal protective equipment. Use universal precautions.
Refer to Appendix A, Safety Information for recommended
precautions when working with biohazardous materials.
1. Select a reagent strip.
Do not use a reagent strip other than the selected primary or
alternative reagent strip. Only use Siemens Diagnostics brand
reagent strips. Use of other strips may cause erroneous results.
2. If you are entering color or clarity, use the cycle key to set color and clarity
for each specimen.
You can also enter the color and clarity by scanning the barcoded symbols
provided with the handheld barcode reader.
NOTE: If Use default COL/CLA during run is set to on, the default values of
YELLOW and CLEAR display.
Enter the color and clarity of each specimen before dipping the reagent
You can change the color and clarity until the strip moves.
3. Completely immerse all of the reagent pads on a Siemens Diagnostics
Reagent Strip in fresh, well-mixed, uncentrifuged urine.
4. Immediately remove the reagent strip.
5. While removing the strip, run the edge against the side of the container.
This removes excess liquid.
Operating the System
Do not blot the edge of the strip. This could affect results.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide19
Operating the System
6. Place the reagent strip onto the supports of the strip loading station, with
the reagent pads facing up.
Place the strip to the right of and parallel to the push bar. Ensure that the
end of the strip is against the back wall of the platform and that it is not
touching the bottom of the strip loading station.
Improper placement may cause the analyzer to jam or the strip to
incorrectly align under the readheads.
Figure 6 Placement of Reagent Strip
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each specimen.
When the push bar is to the far left of the platform, you can place a new strip
on the loading station until the previous strip placed enters the waste bin.
When the final strip moves to the waste bin, the run ends, and end of run
reports are processed.
Refer to Printing and Transmitting Results‚ page 28 for information on printing
and transmitting the results.
20Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
Using the Specimen ID Without a Loadlist
You can enter Specimen IDs immediately prior to testing each specimen.
NOTE: You can use this procedure only if Enter Sample IDs is On. Refer to
Enter Sample IDs‚ page 102 for information on this setting.
1. At the Ready/Run screen, select ID.
2. Enter the ID number for the specimen you are about to test.
A-Z to enter alphabetic characters.
You can also enter the ID from a computer keyboard, or scan it from a
barcoded label using the handheld barcode reader.
3. If needed, enter or scan the color and clarity.
4. When this information is correctly entered, select
code from the color or clarity card.
The display changes to allow entry of the next ID number, and the push bar
moves to the left so you can place a strip on the loading station.
5. Dip and place a reagent strip.
NOTE: If another ID is entered without a strip being detected, the analyzer
automatically creates a loadlist.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 for each specimen.
Enter or scan the Enter
Using Loadlists
You can enter a loadlist of up to 200 specimen IDs before starting the run. You
can enter the IDs from the analyzer display, a computer keyboard, a host
computer, or Laboratory or Hospital Information System (LIS/HIS).
NOTE: You can use loadlists only if Enter Sample IDs is On. Refer to Enter
Sample IDs‚ page 102 for information on this setting.
Operating the System
Entering a Loadlist from the Display or Computer Keyboard
To report color and clarity, enter initial values at the same time as the ID. You
can edit color and clarity while running the specimens, immediately prior to
dipping each reagent strip.
NOTE: Duplicate ID numbers are allowed by the analyzer.
1. At the Ready/Run screen, select
2. Enter the
You can also enter the ID from a computer keyboard, or scan it from a
barcoded label using the handheld barcode reader.
NOTE: Do not select or scan Enter from the ID entry screen before entering
the color and clarity.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide21
ID for the first specimen.
A-Z to enter alphabetic characters.
3. If needed, enter or scan the color and clarity.
4. Select
Enter or scan the Enter code.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each specimen.
Editing a Loadlist
Use this procedure to make changes to the loadlist when initial entry is
1. Use
Move Up and Move Down to select the record to edit.
2. Edit the ID number.
NOTE: You cannot change or delete the ID number during Run mode.
Make any changes while the analyzer is in the Ready mode.
3. Select Delete to delete an item from the loadlist.
You can delete only the ID number being displayed or all IDs in memory.
4. Edit the color and clarity.
5. Select
Enterto accept the new number, color, and clarity.
Operating the System
Entering a Loadlist from a Host or Laboratory/Hospital System
You can connect the Clinitek Advantus analyzer to a host computer or
laboratory system. Refer to Appendix G, Computer and Printer Interface, for
more information.
1. Before sending a loadlist from a host or laboratory system, ensure that the
following conditions are true:
•The analyzer is at the Ready/Run screen.
•No IDs from an earlier loadlist are still stored in the analyzer. If a loadlist
was sent but is no longer needed, you can overwrite the unused IDs
with a new loadlist.
•The computer port is set to computer port, ethernet port, or both.
•The computer port options for Baud, Data, and Parity are correct for the
computer or LIS/HIS sending the loadlist. Refer to the specifications
accompanying the computer or Laboratory/Hospital Information System
for information on the required parameters.
•The output format for the computer port is CCS. Refer to Computer Port
Options‚ page 104 for more information on setting the computer port.
NOTE: Loadlist data is only transferred if it is formatted correctly. If a
loadlist is not transferred, refer to Section 6, Troubleshooting, for possible
22Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
2. Review or delete a loadlisted number and add a color or clarity description.
The loadlist order is indicated by a number to the left of the ID number. The
total number of IDs in the loadlist is shown in the lower right corner of the
a. At the Ready/Run screen, select
b. Use
Move Up and Move Down to display the ID number.
Use the loadlist order number to locate the proper location.
NOTE: You cannot change or delete an ID number transferred from a
host computer or Laboratory/Hospital Information System.
c. Delete the number from the loadlist by selecting
You can delete only the ID number being displayed or all IDs in
d. If needed, enter or scan the color and clarity.
e. Select
3. Select
4. Select
Enterto accept the new color and clarity.
Print to print the ID list.
Return to Ready/Run to begin testing specimens.
You can also print the ID list from the Ready/Run screen.
a. Select
b. Select Print.
c. Select
NOTE: You must make changes to the loadlist before starting testing. To
ID list.
edit remaining IDs in the loadlist, enter a loadlist from the analyzer display
or a computer keyboard and then cancel the run. Add new IDs when the
run is complete.
5. Test each specimen.
The Ready/Run screen displays each ID number and the color/clarity
descriptions in the same order as they were entered into the loadlist.
a. Check that the ID number, color, and clarity descriptions are correct for
the specimen you are about to test.
b. Edit the color and clarity, if necessary.
c. Dip and place a reagent strip.
Operating the System
When the strip for the last loadlisted specimen is moved to the read area, you
are not allowed to place any additional strips on the table. The push bar stays
at the right side and the analyzer completes the run.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide23
Operating the System
Performing a STAT Test
Use this procedure to run a STAT test when using a loadlist. After the STAT
test the analyzer will continue testing specimens from the loadlist.
1. At the Ready/Run screen, select STAT.
2. Enter an ID for the STAT test.
The SEQ # shown is the next number available after the end of the loadlist.
3. Edit the color and clarity, if necessary.
4. Select a reagent strip.
Do not use a reagent strip other than the selected primary or
alternative reagent strip. Only use Siemens Diagnostics brand
reagent strips. Use of other strips may cause erroneous results.
5. Dip and place a reagent strip.
The result is printed when the STAT test is complete. The analyzer
displays any confirmatory or microscopic flags from the STAT test.
6. Run another STAT test or resume loadlist testing.
The next test is allocated the SEQ # which follows the number used for the
STAT test just completed.
Cancelling a Run
Select Stop Run if you need to stop the run before all readings are complete.
You can cancel the entire run or only the last strip placed on the platform.
If the you cancel the entire run, all strips on the platform are moved
immediately to the waste bin. No results are reported. No SEQ # is assigned
for any strip that was not read at both readheads before Stop Run was
selected. You must retest all the specimens for all cancelled strips.
If only the last strip is cancelled, the run continues and you can test a new strip
using the same SEQ #.
24Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
Managing Results
Results are transmitted to the printer and computer as soon as all reagent
areas on the strip are read. If a record is flagged for a confirmatory report and
Edit flagged results is On, that record is not transmitted until after the end-ofrun reports complete.
End-of-Run Reports
The analyzer may display up to 3 end-of-run reports when the run, or a STAT
test, is completed. These reports display if you have marked any analytes to
flag for confirmatory or microscopic tests, and if Mark positives is On.
To request these reports:
1. Specify 1 or more tests for the Confirmatory Reports A and B or
Microscopy Report.
2. In the Setup routine, select
The Confirmatory and Microscopic Report screens display the
ID of the record, and the abbreviation for each positive analyte marked for
Up to 5 records may be displayed on 1 screen.
3. Use
4. Edit these results before exiting the Confirmatory Report. Refer to Editing
5. Select Print to print a report.
6. Select
7. Retest any specimens listed.
Move Up and Move Down to view additional records.
If both the Confirmatory and Microscopic Reports contain records, the
Confirmatory Reports display first.
Results in the Confirmatory Reports‚ page 25.
Return to Ready/Run to exit the report screen.
If an error is reported for 1 or more analytes, a report displays after the
Confirmatory and Microscopic Reports. This report displays last.
On for Edit flagged results.
SEQ # and
Operating the System
Editing Results in the Confirmatory Reports
Use this procedure to edit the results of confirmatory testing.
1. During the end of run review, access the Confirmatory Report screens.
2. Select a record from the Confirmatory Report A screen.
The flagged positive test results display.
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide25
Operating the System
3. Select the cycle key next to the test name to change the displayed result to
the next available reported result.
When the cycle key is selected, the result for that test is printed and stored
with an exclamation point (!) to indicate that it was edited, even if the result
is reset to its original value.
If the selected output format is CCS, an E is transmitted with the results.
4. Select
Previous Screen when editing is complete for that record to return to
the Confirmatory Report.
5. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 above for each record.
6. When all editing is complete, select
Return to Ready/Run to exit
Confirmatory Report A.
When you leave a Report, you are not able to edit the report any further.
Records for Confirmatory Report B display.
7. Repeat Steps 2 to 4 above to edit these records.
8. When all Confirmatory Report editing is complete, select
to exit the Confirmatory Reports.
NOTE: When you leave the Edit routine, you are not able to edit the run any
Return to Ready/
Records in the Microscopic Report display.
After you exit Confirmatory and Microscopic Report screens, results for the
records included in Confirmatory Reports A and B are sent to the printer and
computer, all other records are printed and transmitted as soon as they are
Merging Data from Microscopic Testing
Use this procedure to add the microscopic test results:
This option is only available if you created customized microscopy headings.
1. At the Ready/Run screen, select
2. Select
Enter Microscopics results.
3. Search for the correct test results:
a. Enter the patient ID.
b. Select
Enter to start the search.
The patient ID results display with the earliest test displayed first.
c. Use
d. Select
Move Up and Move Down to select the correct test results.
Select Result.
4. Select the heading where you will add results.
5. Enter the microscopic test result for the heading.
26Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
6. Select Enter to enter the data.
7. Repeat this procedure to add all required microscopic test data.
8. Select
Print to print the microscopic result data and the results of the
patient test on the analyzer.
9. Select Merge to store the microscopic data with the analyzer results.
When the test results are recalled, Microscopics displays on the results
display to show that microscopic results are stored with the test results.
Recalling Results
Up to 500 patient records and 200 quality control records are stored in
memory. Use the following procedure to recall 1 or more records:
1. At the Ready/Run screen, select Menu.
2. Select
3. Recall a group of records.
4. If you selected
5. Select
6. Locate the first record to review using the movement keys shown on the
7. Select
•all patient records
•all QC records
•the last batch of patient results
•stored results by Patient ID
The number of records in memory displays next to the first 2 options.
The last batch of patient results tests are those tests run between the last
pause in testing and the latest test. If the latest test is a QC test, it is not
Search for stored results, enter the patient ID.
Enter to start the search.
The earliest record of the selected group displays. The date and time the
record was stored displays, along with the Technician ID, SEQ #, and ID for
the record. All results are then listed. Positive results are flagged with an
asterisk (*) and edited results with an exclamation point (!).
The next lower- or higher-numbered record in memory is recalled when
Move Up and Move Down are used. The record 10 higher or lower is
recalled when Move Up 10 and Move Down 10 are used.
If microscopic results are merged with the patient test results,
Microscopics displays on the patient record.
Microscopics to view the merged microscopic results.
Operating the System
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide27
Operating the System
Printing and Transmitting Results
Printing Records from Memory
1. Recall a group of results. Refer to Recalling Results‚ page 27.
2. Select
3. Select 1 of the following options:
Print the record displayed,
Specify the beginning and
ending records to print,
Print all records that were
Print to print 1 or more records.
Print only this result
The SEQ # and ID of that record continues to
display on the print option menu.
Print a group of results
1. Use the movement keys to specify the start
record to print.
2. Select
Enter to select the end record to print.
This record must have a SEQ # that is higher
than or the same as the start record.
3. Select Enter to begin printing.
All records in the sequential group print.
NOTE: The results tested using a loadlist may
include STAT tests carried out during the loadlist
Print all patient (control) results
After printing is complete, the screen returns to the earliest record of the
group. If Print a group of results is selected, the display first returns to the
screen from which the group was selected.
4. Select
Previous Screen as needed to return to the first record.
Resending Records from Memory
Use this procedure to resend 1 or more records to a host computer or LIS:
1. Recall a group of results. Refer to Recalling Results‚ page 27.
2. Select Resend.
28Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
3. Select 1 of the following options:
Send the record
Send only this result
The SEQ # and ID of that record continues to
display on the sent option menu.
Specify the start and end
records to resend,
Send a group of results
1. Use the movement keys to specify the start
and end records to resend.
2. Select
Enter to begin resending.
All records in the sequential group are sent.
NOTE: The results tested using a loadlist may
include STAT tests carried out during the loadlist
Send all records that were
Send all patient (control) results
After resending is complete, the screen returns to the earliest record of the
group. If Send a group of results is selected, the display first returns to the
screen from which the group was selected.
4. Select Previous Screen as needed to return to the first record.
Deleting Results from Memory
To delete all patient or control results from memory:
1. Recall a group of results. Refer to Recalling Results‚ page 27.
2. Select Delete.
3. Confirm the deletion.
4. Select
Previous Screen to return to the previous menu, or select Return to
to return to the Ready/Run screen.
Operating the System
Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide29
Operating the System
Additional Operating Instructions
Using a Form Printer
While printing results using a form printer, each set of results is stored in
memory until you insert a form into the printer. When the analyzer detects a
form, the next set of results is sent to the printer.
Check each form immediately after it is printed to ensure that all results are
printed and are clearly readable. If the printed form has a problem, immediately
reprint the last report.
NOTE: If you are using the Clinitek
Printer. Do not select
1. Select
2. Insert a new form into the Form Printer.
3. When the report is printed correctly, select
4. Insert a new form to print the next set of results.
Reprint last result.
As long as the checkmark displays in the selection key, the last set of
results are reprinted each time a form is inserted into the printer.
Do not insert the form before selecting
results is lost.
remove the checkmark.
Reprint last result on the analyzer display.
Removing a Jammed Test Strip
Refer to Section 6, Troubleshooting for more information on this procedure.
Form Printer, use Reprint on the Form
Reprint last result or the last set of
Reprint last result again to
Thermal Printing
Thermal print from the internal printer fades with time, especially when
exposed to light. The print also fades if covered with transparent tape or when
exposed to extremes in temperature or humidity.
Managing the Printer Paper
The analyzer detects when the internal printer is out of paper and retains the
results until the printer paper roll is replaced. The last meter of paper on the roll
has a pink edge. Change the roll when the pink edge displays. Refer to
Changing the Paper‚ page 45.
Emptying the Waste Bin
Empty the waste bin as it starts to fill. This prevents problems with strips
jamming as they leave the read station.
30Clinitek Advantus Operator’s Guide
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