Siemens Climatix POL822 Instruction

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Siemens room unit QAA822 Building Technologies
The room unit is intended for basic users control and monitoring of the function of Mandík air conditioning units incl. basic parameters. The measurement of temperature of the room, where the room unit is installed, is integrated. Up to two room units can be connected to the Mandík measurement and control system. The room unit is not intended for setting the configuration parameters. The configuration parameters are set on the control panel of Climatic controller or through the web viewer of the computer connected to the Climatix controller installed in the switchboard with OS designation. The parameter setting is described in the document Detailed instruction for control through HMI Climatix“.
The room unit is intended for semi-flushed surface mounting with a recessed installation box. The cable entry is through the rear of the unit. The unit consists of a front cover with electronics and a rear cover. The rear cover can be removed after loosening the safety mechanism. The front cover comprises a printed-circuit board and a room temperature sensor, an LCD panel and key buttons for selection of operating mode, temperature set-up, time setting and fan speed. The rear cover includes terminal connections for connection of two­wire communication conductors. Both covers are made of plastic material.
The cover removal is described in the Installation manual that forms a part of the package.
Control buttons and display
Cover removal
Button for switching on or off the air conditioning unit.
2 Occupancy
The button enables to switch on/off temporarily the occupancy mode in the time programme.
3 Parameters
The button enables to change the required temperature values or to quit the viewing of the actual temperatures.
4  Minus
The button for changing the set-point of the selected parameter or temperature.
5  Plus
The button for changing the set-point of the selected parameter or temperature.
6 Info
By pressing the button the viewing of current temperatures is activated or the possibility to change the required temperatures is quitted.
7 Fan
The button is used to set the fan speed within the pre-set fan speeds for the modes Economy and Comfort.
8 Mode
Using this button you can switch between the modes Time Schedule, Economy and Comfort, when the air conditioning unit is on.
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Siemens room unit QAA822 Building Technologies
Temperature in °C (resolution 0.1 °C).
The temperature can be adjusted with a resolution of
Fan speed. Number of stages
Weekday indicator in the lower part of the display.
Modes are switched off – the air conditioning unit is off or it works in the complementary mode of room frost protection based on parameters in the room unit setting).
Automatic change of air conditioning unit modes according to the time schedule. It is not used, if no time schedule is available.
7 Economy mode - the air conditioning unit is on.
8 Comfort mode - the air conditioning unit is on.
Cooling is on; the flashing icon indicates a cooling failure.
Heating is on; the flashing icon indicates a heating failure.
Humidifying is on; the flashing icon indicates a humidifying failure.
Complementary mode is on; the flashing icon indicates the complementary mode failure.
Fans are on; the flashing icon indicates a fan failure.
Operation with the use of power-saving function of energy recovery and air mixing. The flashing icon indicates the failure of generator energy saving function.
Failure indication. The flashing icon indicates a new failure. The lighting icon indicates an extinct failure not confirmed/quitted by the operator or a failure that has been quit by the operator, but has not extinguished yet. Further details are given by flashing icons. The specific failure is displayed on the control panel of the Climatix controller or web viewer of the computer connected to the Climatix controller in the OS-designated switchboard.
Indication of non-standard operation or status of the air conditioning unit. The lighting icon indicates a non­standard operation, so-called non-serious failure (clogged filter, thawing air conditioning/condensing unit, etc.). The flashing unit indicates blocking of the air conditioning unit operation due to non-meeting of operating conditions (low temperature of heating water, etc.). The particular information is displayed on the control panel of the Climatix controller or web viewer of the computer connected to the Climatix controller in the OS-designated switchboard.
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Siemens room unit QAA822 Building Technologies
Function description
Switch the air conditioning unit on or off by pressing the button OFF/ON. When the air conditioning unit is switched on, the unit is in condition before last switching off (Time Schedule, Economy or Comfort). This condition is indicated by combination of icons 6, 7 and 8. After switching off the air conditioning unit, the unit is either turned off or it changes over into complementary mode of room frost protection. This status is indicated by icon 5. In the default setting of the complementary frost protection mode, the air conditioning unit is turned off. Only if the room temperature falls below 5°C, the air conditioning unit is switched on until the room temperature higher than 5°C is reached. If the room temperature sensor is not used, it can be substituted by a temperature sensor of the supplied or exhausted air. The substitution is performed in configuration parameters*).
After switching on the air conditioning unit by the OFF/ON button and by pressing the button Mode the air conditioning unit switches between the modes Time schedule, Economy and Comfort in cycles. If no time schedule is set, the air conditioning unit switches only between the modes Economy and Comfort. The currently selected mode is indicated on the display by the combination of the relevant icons 6, 7 and 8.
In the mode Economy the air conditioning unit is heating or cooling so that the temperature required for this Economy mode is reached. This mode is indicated on the display by the icon 7. The default setting for this mode is 18°C. The current temperature can be changed temporarily by the Plus or Minus buttons. The temperature setting can be changed by the Parameters button. The fan speed is preset in the configuration parameters of this mode*). The speed can be increased by the button Fans in six steps up to the speed corresponding to the Comfort mode. This setting is possible only if the configuration parameters are adjusted for fan button control*).
In the mode Comfort the air conditioning unit is heating or cooling so that the temperature required for this Comfort mode is reached. This mode is indicated on the display by the icon 8. The default setting for this mode is 22C. The current temperature can be changed temporarily by the Plus or Minus buttons. The temperature setting can be changed by the Parameters button. The fan speed is preset in the configuration parameters of this mode*). The speed can be reduced by the button Fans in six steps down to the speed corresponding to the Economy mode. This setting is possible only if the configuration parameters are adjusted for fan button control*).
Starting the air conditioning unit
Operating mode selection
Operating mode Economy
Operating mode Comfort
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