PARTS ............................................................ 27
9 TECHNICAL DATA ..................................... 28
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1 Description
Purpose of the BT 200
The BT 200 offers diagnostics for PROFIBUSDP systems without having to use additional
measuring aids (e.g., PC or oscilloscope).
BT 200 - version 2
Version 2 of the BT 200 offers additional
• Log function
• 6-language user interface
• Test of the PROFIBUS-DP master inter-
• Indication of the master’s address
• Wiring test with stations connected
• New, reasonably-priced compact char-
ging device
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Operator control elements and display
Fig. 1 BT 200 operator control elements and display
1) PROFIBUS-DP connection (9-pin sub D)
2) LC display (2 x 16 characters )
3) ON/OFF button
4) Charging socket for plug connector/charging device
5) TEST key (start test)
6) CURSOR keys
7) OK key (various functions)
8) ESCAPE key (terminate)
9) Charging contacts for charging device
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2 Commissioning
Before initial commissioning , chec k your delivery, and charge the battery.
Scope of delivery
The delivery includes:
- 1 BT 200
- 1 battery
- 1 test plug connector (wiring test)
- 1 test cable, length: 2 m (station test)
- 1 user’s guide
Charging the battery
- Open the battery compartment (see
chapter on changing the battery), and
check to determine whether the battery is
installed. Install the battery if necessary.
- Charge battery of the BT 200 via char-
ging shell (approx. 4 hours).
U Attention!
The battery is always delivered uncharged.
The charging shell is not included and must
be ordered separately.
- Measuring cannot be performed during
the charging procedure.
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3 Normal Mode
The BT 200 is turned on with the ON/OFF
Keep the ON/OFF button pressed until you
see a reaction on the display.
Standby display
The following display appears for approx. 2
seconds after the device is turned on.
Battery display
The battery capacity display is then shown for
approx. 2 seconds.
Operational display
After the battery display disappears, the BT
200 assumes normal mode and displays the
start screen for the wiring test.
Only the wiring test can be performed in normal mode.
When the BT 200 is in log mode (the cursor
looks different), an extra screen appears after
each test.
Energy saver mode
If no keys are pressed for approx. 3 minutes
and no measurements are being performed,
the BT 200 goes off automatically.
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3.1 Wiring Test
Principle of measuring
The wiring test for a bus segment is performed between the BT 200 and the test plug
connector. During the installation phase, a
test can be performed from connector to connector. See figure 2. The test connector is
always installed on the one end of the bus
Short circuits can also be determined outside
the test path. The bus segment may only be
equipped with a terminating resistor at the
beginning and at the end.
Fig. 2 S t ep-by-step measuring principle
Performing the test
The test can be performed with or without
stations connected.
The test is started by pressing the TEST key.
One of the following two messages is displayed if the test was concluded successfully.
For one terminating resistor (as long as installation has not been completed, only one
terminal resistor is present)
After installation has been concluded, two resistors must be inserted.
The test is concluded by pressing the OK key,
and a new wiring test can be started.
The wiring test can also be concluded or terminated at any time by pressing the ESC key.
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3.2 Error Messages of the Wiring Test
Station test
Check to determine whether the power supply
has been turned off for all stations and power
Wire mix-up
Exchange the cores in the corresponding plug
UThe wiring test must be performed each
time a new PROFIBUS plug connector is
connected. Otherwise an even number
of wire mix-ups will not be recognized.
Short circuit
Locate and correct the short circuit.
A frequent cause (e.g., of shield short circuits)
is the incorrect application of shield braiding in
the plug connectors.
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Line or shield break
Possible error causes:
• Interruption of several cores
• Interruption of cores and shield
• Test plug connector not connected
To obtain a correct measuring result for shield
break, the shield may not be connected with
With all four messages, first check the plug
connectors/connections in question. If these
are okay, replace the line.
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None or more than two terminating resistors
Page with the "→""←" keys.
Place a terminating resistor at the beginning
and end of the bus segment.
Page with the "→""←" keys.
Remove or deactivate all terminating resistors
except the two at the beginning and end of
the bus segment.
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4 Specialist Mode
You can switch from normal mode to specialist mode by pressing ESC and OK at the same time.
The following functions are available in specialist mode.
- Wiring test. See normal mode.
- Station test (RS 485 test)
- Branch test
- Distance measurement
- Reflection test
- Service menu
4.1 Operator Control
The BT 200 is menu-controlled via the input
keys of the sealed keyboard (figure 1).
The current cursor position in the display is
shown as a flashing arrow and indicates the
function which is being performed.
If the BT200 is in log mode, the cursor position is shown with a modified arrow.
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Menu items
Menu items are selected with the cursor and
activated with the OK key. The ESC key can
be used to terminate a running function or to
jump back to the higher-level menu item.
Menu structure
Battery test
N mode
s comde
(Normal mode)
(Specalist mode)
Baud rate
Log mode
FW version
Self test
Fig. 3 Menu st ructure
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4.2 Station (RS 485) Test
This test is used to test the RS 485 interface
of a single slave or master.
Performing the test
Disconnect bus connector from the station.
Establish point-to-point connection between
station and BT 200. See figure 4.
UOnly the included test cable may be used for
this connection.
Fig. 4 P oi n t -to-point connection
Turn on the station since the test must be
performed with an active station. The master
must be in "RUN" mode.
Start station test.
Set address of the station to be tested as
shown below.
Test results
Possible test results are listed below.
- RS 485 okay (slave okay)
- RS 485 defective. (No continuous signal
receipt; repeat test.)
- No response (nothing at all received)
- 5 V : (corresponding measured value)
- RTS signal (YES or NO)
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4.3 Branch Test
This can be used to check the availability of
all slaves on PROFIBUS or to address an in-
dividual slave.
The branch test can also be performed beyond repeaters/LWL.
Performing the test
Disconnect all masters from the bus (e.g., PG,
OP and CP). See figure 5.
Caution: The bus termination must remain
Connect BT 200 to the bus.
Set the baud rate configured on the bus on
the BT 200.
Set the desired address for individual slave
Set address to "000" for the total test.
Confirm with OK the address (slave or master) which was detected by the BT 200.
Fig. 5 Measuri ng pri nc i pl e of the branc h test
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Test results
During the total branch test, each available
slave is indicated in a list of available stations
(i.e., LIFE LIST).
For an individual test
- No response (e.g., no station with this
bus address on the bus.)
- Faulty station (e.g., a slave number has
been assigned twice.)
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4.4 Distance
Distance measurement can only detect lines
longer than 15 m. No distance measurement
can be performed when repeaters are used.
Performing the test
Turn off the power supply of all bus stations.
Connect test plug connector to one end of the
line and the BT 200 to the other end. (Turn
off resistor for BT 200.)
Start distance measurement.
After the start, the BT 200 requests three values which must be entered on the keyboard.
- Loop resistance (default = 110 Ω/km)
The default value can be changed via
menu item Service.
- Number of 12-Mbaud plug connec-
tors/devices with longitudinal inductivity
- Resistance value per connector/device
(default = 0.32 Ω)
After entry of the last value and confirmation
with OK, measurement is performed.
Measurement results
The following appears on the display.
The following error messages can occur during measurement.
- No resistor inserted.
- Display "0 m" (no plausible length deter-
- More than 1 resistor inserted.
Possible causes of errors:
- Distance < 15 m
- Stub lines, located on the measuring path
Correct the error, and repeat the measurement.
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4.5 Reflection Test
The reflection test can be used to determine a
faulty location (e.g., short circuit) or to confirm
the distance measurement (not via repeater).
Reflections can occur, for example, in the following situations:
- Stub lines exist.
- Too many terminating resistors have be-
en inserted, or none have been inserted.
- Change to a wrong type of cable occurs
within the measuring path.
Performing the test
Disconnect master from the bus, and make
sure that:
- the bus termination has power
- no bus communication occurs
- no test plug connector is connected.
Connect BT 200 to one end of the line.
Start reflection measurement.
Test results
If no reflection (i.e., fault) is detected, the following message appears.
If a reflection is detected, the following message appears.
The number in the display specifies the distance in meters from the measuring point to
the faulty point.
If the distance of the reflection measurement
corresponds to a previous distance measurement, this distance measurement is confirmed. The wiring of the bus segment which
was measured is correct.
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4.6 Service
The following settings can be changed in the
Service menu.
- Language (German/English/French/
- Italian/Spanish/Portuguese)
- Loop resistance (50 to 200 Ω/km)
- Baud rate (9600 baud to 12 Mbaud)
- Contrast (↑↓)
- Log mode (on/off)
Activate the interface for data transmission for
the log function.
The Service menu gives you the following information.
- Firmware version
- Battery capacity
Hardware test
This tests the internal hardware.
Calibration is not necess ary when the standard type-A PROFIBUS cable is used.
The accuracy of distance and reflection measurement is achieved by calibration with 2 test
cables of different known lengths.
Fig. 6 P rinciple of calibration
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5 Log Mode
In log mode, performed tests are stored on
the BT 200. Later this inform ation can be
transferred over a serial interface to a PC with
log SW.
Log mode can be enabled and disabled in the
Log mode remains set even when the BT 200
is turned off. This mode remains on until the
setting in the SERVICE menu is changed
An identifier (X0 ..X999) is assigned to each
test to be stored on the BT 200.
The following table shows the maximum
number of tests which can be stored and their
Type of TestID LetterMax. Number
Wiring testV128
Station testT128
Branch testS10
Distance meas.E10
Reflection testR10
Storing the tests
After each test, the following prompt with the
next available identifier appears on the display.
The identifier can be changed with the cursor
or accepted with OK.
If you manually enter an identifier which has
already been assigned, it will be overwritten.
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Memory full
This display appears when the maximum
number of tests to be stored is reached.
After you confirm with OK, the last selected
identifier appears which you can then
This identifier cannot be changed. The last
test result is overwritten.
Transferring tests to a PC
The test data are stored in non-volatile memory (i.e., they can be transferred to the PC
even after the BT 200 is turned off).
Before starting the transmission to the PC,
connect the included "log" cable to a COM
interface of the PC and to the 9-pin sub D
socket of the BT 200.
The transmission is activated with the
SERVICE menu and indicated on the display.
Communication can be terminated with the
ESC key. The following display appears.
OK terminates communication.
ESC terminates "termination" of communication.
Deleting the test data
The test data can be deleted with the
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6 Sample Applications
Testing the complete PROFIBUS-DP
• No master may be connected to the bus.
• The "life list" can also be generated with a re-
peater and optical paths.
•Parts of the system can be tested in advance
without the master for their bus functionality.
Fig. 7 S am pl e test 1
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Wiring test for connected stations
•Stations no longer need to be removed from the
(Stations must be powered down!)
(Measurement not possible over repeater)
Fig. 8 S am pl e test 2
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Wiring test of a segment via PG socket on the
Fig. 9 S am pl e test 3
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Wiring test of a segment behind a repeater and
with terminator
Fig. 10 Sample test 4
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7 Maintenance and Trouble-
7.1 Charging Status of the Battery
The charging status of the battery is indicated
for approximately 2 seconds during startup.
This display then disappears.
The charging status can also be indicated via
the service menu during operation.
If the battery goes dead during operation, the
charging status begins to flash.
Standard values
If you want to reset all values to their status
on delivery, keep both cursor keys pressed
for approx. three seconds after switch-on.
7.2 Changing the Battery
Fig. 11 Changing the battery
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7.3 Self-Tests
The BT 200 performs self-tests automatically
and on request (hardware test).
- Internal RS 485 driver test
The test is performed each time the station and branch test is called.
- RAM test
A cyclic RAM test is performed.
- Flash EPROM test
A cyclic EPROM test is performed.
- RS 485 driver test
The individual tests (e.g., RAM test, flash
EPROM test and display key test) can also be
selected in specialist mode via service menu HW test.
If an error is detected during the self-test, you
must proceed as shown in the error correc-tion table.
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7.4 Error Correction Table
Fault during startup
NoneNo dis-
play after
If possible:
Fault during operation
switchon, "internal
goes off.
goes off.
driver is
Battery is
Time with
no user
HW defect
does not
start up.
No measuring
No measuring
No station/
or install
BT 200.
BT 200.
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8 Accessories and Replacement
The following components can be ordered under
their MLFB number.
Designation/PictureMLFB Number
Test connector
Log kit
for Win95/98/NT4
• CD-ROM in
• Cable
Plug-in charger w. power
pack for:230 V AC
110 V AC
Battery with connection
Test-cable station test
9-pin sub D on
9-pin sub D (1 to 1)
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