Siemens Ardoptix PT 140 AF4, Ardoptix PT 140 AF1, Ardoptix PT 143 AF4, Ardoptix PT 143 AF1 Operating Manual

Two-colour Pyrometer
PT 14x
Two-colour Pyrometer PT
Ident.-Nr.: 106 7393
Stand: 21.03.2017
830 hm / 810 het
Copyright prohibits the reproduction or distribution of this instruction manual, including text, photographs or images contained herein, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever, without prior consent of the au­thor. This applies to any form of mechanical or electronic reproduction as well as to electronic transmission in any form through any medium.
Please note:
Unless otherwise stated in this instruction manual, the instruments described herein are subject to change without prior notice, particularly modifications for the sake of technological advancement.
Siemens AG
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Operating manual
1 Product Numbers Ardoptix PT .................................................. 1
2 Miscellaneous ............................................................................. 2
2.1 Informationen about this manual ........................................................ 2
2.2 Explanation of symbols ....................................................................... 2
2.3 Liability and Warranty ......................................................................... 2
2.4 Copyright ............................................................................................ 3
3 Safety .......................................................................................... 3
3.1 Intended use ....................................................................................... 3
3.2 User’s responsibility ................................ ................................ ............ 4
3.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility ............................................................ 4
4 Scope of delivery ........................................................................ 4
5 General Description ................................................................... 4
5.1 Intended Use ...................................................................................... 4
5.2 Operating Controls and Display .......................................................... 4
6 Charging the batteries ............................................................... 5
7 Preparing the pyrometer for measurements ............................ 6
7.1 General Information ............................................................................ 6
7.2 Diopter compensation ......................................................................... 6
7.3 Brightness control to protect the eye .................................................. 6
7.4 Focusing the pyrometer ...................................................................... 6
7.5 Align the pyrometers ........................................................................... 7
7.6 Performing a measurement ................................ ................................ 7
7.7 Automatic switch-off ........................................................................... 8
8 Setting parameters at the pyrometer (basic configuration) .... 8
9 Menu ............................................................................................ 9
9.1 Measurement two-colour/ratio mode configuration layer C001.......... 9
9.2 Configuration data acquisition configuration layer C010 ................... 10
9.3 General function configuration layer C011 ....................................... 10
9.4 Displayed temperature readings configuration layer C020 ............... 11
10 Setting the Emissivity Ratio (two-colour/ratio mode) ............ 11
11 Initializing emissivity ratio constants ..................................... 12
11.1 Define number of emissivity ratio constants in array ........................ 12
11.1.1 Store and assign emissivity ratio constants .................................. 12
11.2 Select the emissivity ratio constant ................................................... 12
12 Determining and Setting Emissivity (Spectral mode) ............ 13
13 Initializing emissivity factors (Spectral mode) ....................... 13
13.1 Define number of emissivity constants in array ................................ 13
13.1.1 Store and assign emissivity constants .......................................... 14
13.2 Select the emissivity constant ........................................................... 14
14 Further configuration ............................................................... 14
15 Configuration – signal conditioning ....................................... 14
15.1.1 Transmission factor (spectral mode) ............................................ 14
15.1.2 Background Temperature Compensation (Spectral mode) .......... 15
15.1.3 Temperature offset using linear interpolation ............................... 15
15.1.4 Smoothing function ................................ ................................ ....... 16
15.2 Min/Max memory .............................................................................. 17
15.2.1 Min/Max Memory .......................................................................... 17
Operating manual
15.2.2 Double Maximum Memory with hold time ..................................... 17
15.2.3 Double Maximum Memory with hold time "Combined" ................. 18
15.2.4 Automatic Temperature Detection (ATD) ..................................... 18
16 Setting Parameters at the device ............................................ 22
16.1 Configuration layers ................................................................ .......... 22
16.1.1 Temperature measurement using two-colour/ratio mode ............. 23
16.1.2 Temperature measurement lambda 1 .......................................... 24
16.1.3 Temperature measurement lambda 2 .......................................... 25
16.1.4 Configuration I/O .......................................................................... 27
16.1.5 General Functions ........................................................................ 28
16.1.6 Displayed temperature readings ................................................... 29
17 Software CellaView .................................................................. 29
18 PC Interface .............................................................................. 29
19 Remote configuration .............................................................. 30
19.1 Main Menu ........................................................................................ 31
19.2 View Current Configuration............................................................... 31
19.3 Submenus ........................................................................................ 32
19.3.1 Configure two-colour/ratio mode .................................................. 32
19.3.2 Lambda 1 ..................................................................................... 32
19.3.3 Lambda 2 ..................................................................................... 33
19.3.4 Quick access to emissivity / signal smoothing / operating mode .. 33
19.3.5 I/O Signal Configuration ............................................................... 33
19.3.6 Automatic temperature data output .............................................. 35
19.4 User Recalibration ............................................................................ 36
20 Maintenance ............................................................................. 38
20.1 Cleaning the pyrometer lens/protective glass ................................... 38
21 Accessories .............................................................................. 39
21.1 Supplementary lens .......................................................................... 39
22 Theory of Non-Contact Temperature Measurements ............ 40
22.1 Emissivity .......................................................................................... 40
22.2 Temperature measurement using spectral mode ............................. 41
22.3 Temperature measurement using two-colour/ratio mode ................. 41
22.4 Emissivity Coefficient Table – Spectral Mode ................................... 42
23 General technical data ............................................................. 43
24 Technical Data PT 140 (650 – 1700 °C) .................................... 43
24.1 Field of View Diagrams PT 140 (650 – 1700 °C) .............................. 43
25 Technical Data PT 140 (750 – 2400 °C) .................................... 45
25.1 Field of View Diagrams PT 140 (750 – 2400 °C) .............................. 45
26 Technical Data PT 143 (650 – 1700 °C) .................................... 46
26.1 Field of View Diagrams PT 143 (650 - 1700°C) ................................ 46
27 Technische Daten PT 143 (MB 750 - 2400°C).......................... 47
27.1 Field of View Diagrams PT 143 (MB 750 - 2400°C) ......................... 47
29 Dimensions ............................................................................... 48
30 Shipping, Packaging and Disposal ......................................... 49
30.1 Inspecting your shipment .................................................................. 49
30.2 Packaging ......................................................................................... 49
30.3 Disposal of used apparatus .............................................................. 49
31 Copyright .................................................................................. 50
Operating manual
32 Default settings ........................................................................ 51
32.1 Temperature measurement (Configuration layer: C001)............. 51
32.2 Temperature measurement Lambda 1 /2(Configuration layer: C002) .. 52
32.3 Temperature measurement Lambda 2(Configuration layer: C003) ...... 53
32.4 General Functions (Configuration layer: C010) ........................... 53
32.5 General Functions (Configuration layer: C011) ........................... 54
Operating manual
Operating manual
1 Product Numbers Ardoptix PT
Temperarute range
Product number
Ardoptix PT 140 AF1
MB: 650-1700 °C, D=80:1 (St.-Optic)
Ardoptix PT 140 AF4
MB: 750-2400 °C, D=150:1 (St.-Optic)
Ardoptix PT 143 AF1
MB: 650-1700 °C, DV=230:1, DH=45:1 (St.-Optic)
Ardoptix PT 143 AF4
MB: 750-2400 °C, DV=350:1, DH=50:1 (St.-Otic)
Operating manual
2 Miscellaneous
2.1 Informationen about this manual
The Operating Manual shall enable the user to properly install the pyrometer and those accessories which are necessary.
Before starting installation, be sure to read and understand this entire manual, in particular the chapter on safety! The instructions contained in this manual, especially those concerning safety, as well as site-specific regulations governing UV radiation must be complied with at all times!
2.2 Explanation of symbols
Important safety-related references in this manual are marked with a symbol.
CAUTION! This symbol indicates important information which, if neglected, might result in pyrometer damage, malfunction or breakdown.
This symbol points out guidelines which should be heeded for efficient and trouble-free operation.
2.3 Liability and Warranty
All information compiled in this manual is in accordance with applicable regulations. The statements made are based on state-of-the-art technol­ogy and reflect our extensive knowledge and many years of experience.
Always carefully read this Operating Manual before beginning any work on or with the instrument, especially prior to installation and initial setup! The Manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damages or malfunctions arising from a disregard of the warnings and instructions contained herein.
This Operating Manual must be retained for future use. Please ensure that all persons who wish to operate the instrument have access to this manual.
Operating manual
2.4 Copyright
This Operating Manual should be treated as confidential. It is solely in­tended for use by persons involved with the instrument. This manual may
not be made available to a third party without prior Manufacturer’s con-
sent. Please contact the Manufacturer if the need should arise.
The data, texts, charts, drawings, images or other representations con­tained in this manual are copyright-protected and furthermore, subject to intellectual property rights. Violators will be prosecuted. Unauthorised use and copyright infringement will be subject to penalty by law.
Reproductions of any kind, in whole or in part, as well as the exploitation or disclosure of this manual’s content without the explicit written approval of the Manufacturer are expressly prohibited by law. Violations shall be subject to compensation claims by the Manufacturer. The right to claim additional indemnities remains reserved.
3 Safety
This chapter outlines all important safety aspects to be considered for optimum employee protection and to ensure safe and reliable operations.
3.1 Intended use
The pyrometer is solely intended for non-contact measurement of tem­peratures as described in this manual. Any other use is not intended. Operational safety can only be ensured when the instrument is used for its intended purpose.
CAUTION ! It is prohibited to use the pyrometer for any other purpose beyond what
is specified in this manual. Using the instrument in any other manner will be considered as improper.
The Manufacturer/Authorised Agent shall not be held liable for any dam­ages or loss resulting from such unintended or improper use; in this case the risk is solely borne by the user.
Operating manual
3.2 User’s responsibility
The pyrometer may only be used when it is in perfect working condition.
3.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility
The devices comply with the essential safety requirements of the Elec­tromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU (EMC Act).
4 Scope of delivery
Make sure that all of the following components have been included with your shipment:
Pyrometer Carrying case Power supply Calibration certificate Software CellaView (Download Version) USB cable
5 General Description
5.1 Intended Use
The Ardoptix PT series provides efficient pyrometers for non-contact temperature measurements.
The two-colour pyrometer Ardoptix PT 14x measures the intensity of in­frared radiation at two different wavelengths. The ratio of these two in­tensities is proportional to the temperature. The Ardoptix PT 14x is used for temperature measurement from 650 °C to 2400 °C. These instru­ments serve a broad range of applications which include the iron and steel producing industry as well as the metal, glass, cement and chemi­cal industries.
5.2 Operating Controls and Display
The rear panel of the Ardoptix has a 4-digit display and 4 push-buttons. The display normally indicates the currently measured temperature. Dur­ing configuration (using the push-buttons), the display will show the pa­rameter you are setting. Whenever the display shows a parameter, the F1 Parameter LED (yellow) will light up. During a running measurement, the F2 Status LED (green) will light up.
Operating manual
6 Charging the batteries
Connect the battery charging socket of the Ardoptix to the provided pow­er supply (9 V DC). The charge indicator lights as long as the batteries are being charged. A complete charging cycle takes approx. 15 hours.
Parameter LED
Status LED
Mode key
Charge indicator
Charging socket
¼“ Tripod thread
Switch „ON“
USB connection
Parameter select / change
Only use the power supply which comes with the pyrome­ter. Do not use any other power supply as this may cause irreparable damage to the device.
The charger is only for charging the battery. The rechargeable battery is only charged when the pyrom­eter is switched off.
Operating manual
7 Preparing the pyrometer for measurements
7.1 General Information
The pyrometer’s field of view must remain unobstructed. Any obstruction may lead to measurement errors.
7.2 Diopter compensation
7.3 Brightness control to protect the eye
7.4 Focusing the pyrometer
To ensure precise temperature measurement, the pyrometer must be correctly focused on the target object
The pyrometer offers diopter compensa­tion to adjust the sighting device to the
user’s vision. Turn the ring until you see a sharp image of the target spot indica­tion in the viewfinder.
Instruments with a measuring range of > 2000 °C are equipped with a polarisation filter to control brightness and protect the
user’s eye.
The pyrometer is equipped with focusable optics. Turn the lens until the target object and the target marker (distinctly marked in the viewfinder) both appear in sharp focus simultaneously
Operating manual
7.5 Align the pyrometers
Direct the Ardoptix to the object to be measured. The target marker in the through-the-lens sighting device indicates the size of the target. (see technical data/ course of target). When measuring with a two-colour py­rometer, the object to be measured is not required to fill the complete measurement area. The integrated traffic light function in the viewfinder signals an inadmissible partial illumination and the measurement is stopped.
7.6 Performing a measurement
Press the ON button to switch on the device. If necessary adjust the ratio correction. Focus the target marker at the diopter correction switch and adjust the pyrometer lens to the correct measuring distance.
Measurement is in progress as long as you press the ON button. The temperature (depending on the configured mode) is displayed on the rear panel when you release the ON button. As an option, the measure­ment readings can be transmitted via interface.
1) Traffic light indicates
2) Measurement area
3) Target object
2 3
The amount of thermal radiation emitted from an object de­pends on the specific radiation properties of the material and its surface. Non-contact temperature measurement requires that you determine the material constant (emissivity) of the target object prior to first-time use
Operating manual
7.7 Automatic switch-off
In the default setting, the Ardoptix switches off automatically after 2 minutes if none of the control keys are pressed. Automatic switch-off can be configured from 1 – 60 minutes. The Ardoptix measures continuously when it is in "automatic disconnection deactivated" mode.
8 Setting parameters at the pyrometer (basic configura-
Use the buttons ▲▼ and the „MODE" button on the rear panel to access and configure parameters. With these buttons you can view and adjust all settings required for operating the pyrometer.
Menu structure:
1. Press the MODE button while in normal operating mode to switch to "configuration layer" mode.
2. Use ▲▼ to select the configuration layer for the parameter you wish to set.
3. Press MODE to confirm. Press ▲▼ to select the particular param­eter.
4. Press MODE to confirm. Press ▲▼ to adjust the parameter value.
5. Press MODE again to end. Press ▲▼ to select END.
Whenever a control key has not been pressed within 30 seconds, the py­rometer will automatically return to normal operating mode. The modified value is applied.
operating mode
config. layer
Key lock may have been activated at the terminal. When select­ing the configuration layer you will be prompted to enter an ac­cess code with
. To obtain full access to parameter set-
tings, enter
otherwise you will only be able to view pa-
rameters but not change them.
Operating manual
9 Menu
9.1 Measurement two-colour/ratio mode configuration layer C001
In the default configuration, certain parameter settings will be hidden. If required, you can have them shown
Operating manual
9.2 Configuration data acquisition configuration layer C010
9.3 General function configuration layer C011
Operating manual
9.4 Displayed temperature readings configuration layer C020
10 Setting the Emissivity Ratio (two-colour/ratio mode)
When the radiation properties of the target object’s surface (emissivity)
differ at two different wavelengths, or when interferences in the field of viewsuch as dust or steamdo not weaken the signal to the same de­gree at each wavelength, the pyrometer can be adjusted by setting the ratio of these two emissivity coefficients.
During normal operating mode, the emissivity ratio can be set at the pyrometer using the ▲▼ buttons. When simultaneously pressing the MODE key, the display shows the current measuring temperature while the emissivity ratio coefficient continues to be adjusted in the background. This is an easy way to determine the emis­sivity ratio when the object temperature is known. The modified values are directly adopted.
Operating manual
11 Initializing emissivity ratio constants
The Ardoptix lets you store up to 10 emissivity ratio factors. Before you perform a new measurement, simply use the ▲▼ control keys to select your preconfigured emissivity factor. When you select a stored emissivity ratio factor, the display will briefly show the preconfigured factor for that emissivity ratio factor.
11.1 Define number of emissivity ratio constants in array
Before you configure the pyrometer with emissivity ratio factors, you must define the size/length of the array. This is the number of emissivity ratio you would like the array to contain (10 maximum). Using parameter
E.TB.Q, enter the total number.
Measurement two-colour/ratio mode configuration layer C001
Enter desired number of elements in array
If E.TB.1 = OFF, then use ▲▼ keys to manually set emis­sivity ratio
11.1.1 Store and assign emissivity ratio constants
Next, assign a value to each emissivity ratio constant in the index.
Measurement two-colour/ratio mode configuration layer C001
E. 01
Emissivity ratio Memory position 1
z. B. 100.5 %
E. 02
Emissivity ratio Memory position 2
z. B. 101 %
E. 03
Emissivity ratio Memory position 3
z. B. 101.5 %
11.2 Select the emissivity ratio constant
The memory position can optionally be set using the menu.
Once you have configured the emissivity ratio parameter, the pyrometer will maintain this specific setting. The py­rometer will always operate with this value unless you change the setting.
Operating manual
Measurement two-colour/ratio mode configuration layer C001
Memory position
Shows current selected emissivity ratio con­stant, e.g. E. 02
12 Determining and Setting Emissivity (Spectral mode)
In pyrometry, the specific radiation characteristics of the measured object will influence the generated temperature data. In order to produce accu­rate and reliable temperature readings, the pyrometer must be config­ured according to the specific material constant (emissivity).
In spectral operation mode, emissivity can be set at the pyrometer using the ▲▼ buttons. This changed setting will apply immediately to the cur­rent temperature measurement
13 Initializing emissivity factors (Spectral mode)
The Ardoptix lets you store up to 10 emissivity factors for lambda 1 and lambda 2. Before you perform a new measurement, simply use the ▲▼ control keys to select your preconfigured emissivity factor. When you se­lect a stored emissivity factor, the display will briefly show the preconfig­ured factor for that emissivity factor.
13.1 Define number of emissivity constants in array
Before you configure the pyrometer with emissivity factors, you must de­fine the size/length of the array. This is the number of material constants you would like the array to contain (10 maximum). Using parameter
E.TB.1/ E.TB.2, enter the total number.
Once you have configured the emissivity parameter, the pyrometer will maintain this specific setting. The pyrome­ter will always operate with this value unless you change the setting.
To determine the correct setting of the emissivity of a compara­tive measurement is carried out by a contact measurement. In order to minimize measurement differences between the two different physical measuring methods, the comparison meas­urement is almost the same time and performs at the same measuring point as possible.
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