Title Screen
Once the Title Screen appears, press the Start Button and the
Select the VMU you wish to use to save your game(s).
Save Files
Ecco the Dolphin is a memory card compatible game
[Visual Memory Unit sold separately]. You must have at least
8 blocks of space to save.
After selecting a VMU with the appropriate space, you will
be taken to the SELECT A GAME screen. Here you can select
a new game by inputting your initials. Once you’ve entered your
initials and selected [END], you will be taken to the MAIN MENU.
Main Menu
START GAME* Start the game
LOAD GAME Allows you to select a level that you’ve
already accessed.
OPTIONS Change controller setting, language, or
audio parameters.
VMU MENU Select VMU and Ecco file or delete an
existing Ecco file.
*If a file is selected, or once a game has been started, CONTINUE
GAME will appear instead of START GAME. CONTINUE GAME
allows you to start at the level that you last left off at.
If none of the controllers plugged in has a VMU, a warning message
Uwill alert you. If you do not plug a VMU into the controller, you
will still be able to play, but your progress will not be saved.
The VMU MENU allows you to come back to this option and thus
indicate at any moment on which VMU the game in progress should
be saved.
At the dawn of the 30th century, after five hundred years of unity and fellowship,
dolphin and man set out from the Earth to explore the great unknowns of space.
But where man and dolphin founded a civilization of peace, others based theirs on
strength, conquest, and domination. And, even as man and dolphin went out from
the Earth, a sinister Foe cast envious eyes upon it. For the Earth was a prize
beyond measure, a pristine world to be cherished or exploited.
But the Earth was not defenseless. The mighty Guardian -- the greatest creation of
dolphin kind -- shielded it with its power.
Undeterred, the Foe persisted, probing for a moment of weakness they were certain
must come.
It was in this time that a dolphin named Ecco arrived to the Isle of the Guardian,
seeking to learn from the scholars of peace, but destined to be the only hope and
champion of the Earth.
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