Selection Guide
Table 7. Valve Assemblies 5” and 6” With PT Ports with ANSI Standard B16.1 Flanges
24 Vac Proportional with Position Output
Signal (MP2000-NSR)
24 Vac Proportional/Floating with Position
Output Signal Spring Return Open
24 Vac Proportional/Floating with
Position Output Spring Return Closed
Flow Rate
395 (min. 158) 5 VP220A-125S-395-U161 VP220A-125S-395-U261 VP220A-125S-395-U361
485 (min. 194) 5 VP220A-125H-485-U161 VP220A-125H-485-U261 VP220A-125H-485-U361
640 (min. 256) 6 VP220A-150S-640-U161 VP220A-150S-640-U261 VP220A-150S-640-U361
830 (min. 332) 6 VP220A-150H-830-U161 VP220A-150H-830-U261 VP220A-150H-830-U361
a. Factory set. Complete flow ranges shown in tables for 5"…6" on page 12 and page 19.
Table 8. Specification 5”and 6” Valve Body Actuators
5” and 6” Valve Body Actuator Part
Number (actuator code)
Input Signal Proportional, 0…10 Vdc, 2…10 Vdc, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA, with selectable input signal action and Floating, DIP swtich selectable
Electrical Connection Screw terminal with conduit connector
Position Feedback Output Signal 0…10 Vdc, 2…10 Vdc, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA
Spring Return – Open Valve Close Valve
Auxilary Switch Yes
Other Features
Linear/Equal% Valve Flow Curve Selection Yes
Actuator Speed s/mm 60 Hz (50 Hz) 3 or 6 (3 or 6) 4 or 6 (4 or 6)
Power Consumption 15.0 VA
Operating Temperature Limits °F (°C) 32…131 (0…55)
Actuator Weight (lb.) 13.8 18.96
Regulatory Compliance
Specification Data Sheet F-27976 F-27969
Installation Data sheet F-27956
a. When used with a proportional input signal. All actuators are 24 Vac. 50/60 HZ with conduit connector holes and wiring terminal block, manual override
© 2019 Schneider Elect ric. All rights rese rved. All tradema rks are own ed by Schnei der Electr ic Industries SAS o r its aff iliated com panies. Januar y, 2019 tc
Docume nt Number : F-27947-7
cULus according to UL 60730-1A/-2-14 and CAN/CSA E60730-1/-2-14 and CE according to EN 60730-1/-2-14 per EMC [2014/30/EU] and LVD [2014/35/EU]
MP2000-NSR (U161) MP2000-SRU (U261) MP2000-SRD (U361)
configurable position outpout signals, selectable speed, adjustable equal percentage flow curve
Auto calibration, 3-color LED indication, powered manual override,