Ball Valve Assemblies
with SmartX Actuators
Ball Valve Assemblies
The Schneider Electric VA, VF, and VS-2xx3-xxx-9-xx series
Ball Valve Assemblies are complete actuator/valve assemblies that accept two-position, floating, or proportional control
signals from a DDC system or a thermostat, for control of hot
or chilled water, or solutions of up to 50% glycol. They consist
of direct-coupled, SmartX, spring return or non-spring return
actuators mounted on 2-way (1/2” to 3”) and 3-way (1/2” to 2”)
ball valve bodies.
Typical applications include reheat on VAV boxes, fan coil units,
hot and chilled water coils in air handling units, and unit ventilators.
Ball Valve Assemblies with SmartX Actuators
Vx-2xx3-xxx-9-xx series ball valve assemblies are available
with either spring return or non-spring return SmartX
Installation Instructions
2-Way Assembly
with Non-Spring
Return Actuator
Ball valve body/linkage assemblies allow field mounting of
SmartX Actuators.
3-Way Assembly
with Non-Spring
Return Actuator
2-Way Assembly with
Spring Return Actuator
2-Way Assembly with
Mx4D Series Actuator
3-Way Assembly with
Spring Return Actuator
3-Way Assembly with
Mx4D Series Actuator
Applicable Literature
MA40-704x, MA4x-707x, MA4x-715x General Instructions ......F-26642
MF4x-7xx3, MF4x-7xx3-50x General Instructions ..............F-26644
MS4x-7xx3, MS4x-7xx3-50x General Instructions .............F-26645
MF41-6043, MF41-6083 General Instructions .................F-27213
MA4D-xxxx, MF4D-xxxx, MS4D-xxxx General Instructions. . . . . . .F-27170
MS41-6043, MS41-6083 General Instructions ................F-27214
Mx40-704x Mounting and Wiring Instructions .................F-27003
Mx4x-6xxx, Mx4x-7xxx, SmartX Actuators Selection Guide ......F-26646
VA, VF, and VS-2xx3-xxx-9-xx Series Ball Valve Selection Guide . F-27086
EN205 Water and Steam Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .F-26080
Schneider Electric Valves Catalog .........................F-27414
Body/Linkage Assembly
with 2-Way Ball Valve
Body/Linkage Assembly
© 2016 Schne ider Ele ctric. All rights rese rved. All trademar ks are owned by Schneider El ectric Indust ries S AS or its a ffil iated companie s. June, 2016 tc
Docume nt Numbe r: F-27087-8

Installation Instructions
Inspect the package for damage. If damaged, notify the appropriate carrier immediately. If undamaged, open the pack-
age and inspect the device for obvious damage. Return any damaged products.
• Tools:
• #2 Phillips screwdriver
• 3 mm hex wrench (for setscrew on Mx41-6043 and Mx41-6083 non-spring return actuators)
• 10 mm socket wrench (for shaft clamp nuts on Mx40-704x spring-return actuators)
• 10 mm open-end wrench or adjustable wrench such as a Crescent® wrench
• Torque wrench, range to include 55 to 120 lb-in. (6.2 to 14 N-m)
• Pipe wrenches, two
• Additional installation tools as specified in the actuator’s installation document
• Training: Installer must be a qualified, experienced technician
Avoid locations where excessive moisture, vibration, or corrosive fumes are present.
Observe the minimum and maximum temperature limits in Table-2.
General Installation
Table 1. Applicable Actuators for Ball Valves
Valve Size
1/2 to 1-1/4
1-1/2 to 3 inch (2-Way)
1-1/2 to 2 inch (3-Way)
1/2 to 3 inch (2-Way) and 1/2
to 2 inch (3-Way)
1/2 to 1inch (2-Way) and 1/2
to 1 inch (3-Way)
Non-Spring Return Spring Return
Mx41-6043 (35 lb-in., 24 Vac)
Mx41-6083 (70 lb-in., 24 Vac)
Mx4D-6083 (70 lb-in., 24Vac/20-30 Vdc) —
MA40-7040 (35 lb-in., 120 Vac)
Mx40-7043 (35 lb-in., 24 Vac)
Mx4D-7033/8033 (30 lb-in., 24 Vac/2030 Vdc
June, 2016 tc © 2016 Schne ider Ele ctric. All rights rese rved. All trademar ks are owned by Schneider El ectric Indust ries S AS or its a ffil iated co mpanie s.
Document Number: F-27087-8