NOTICERead these instructi ons carefully , and look a t the equipm ent to become fa miliar with
the device before trying to install, operate, or maintain it. The following special
messages may appear th roug hout thi s docu menta tion or on the equi pment to warn
of potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a
The addition of this symb ol to a Danger or Warning safety labe l indicates
that an electrical hazard exists, which will result in personal injury if the
instructions are not foll owed.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, will result in death, serious in ju ry , or equipment damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result
in death, serious injury , or equipment damage.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, can result
in injury or equipment d am age.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 20029
Safety Information
PLEASE NOTEElectrical equipment should be serviced only by qualified personnel. No responsi-
bility is assumed by Schneider El ect ric for an y cons equen ces ari sing o ut of the u se
of this material. Thi s document is not intende d as an instruction manual for untrained
Document ScopeThis manual describes how to install, c onf igu r e a nd us e Pro WO RX 32 and all of its
To find out about any changes to the manual after this version was published,
consult our web site at
Terms and Abbreviations
Numbers are written according to international practice as well as according to
approved SI (System International d’Unites) presentation; each thousand is
separated by a space, along with use of the decimal point, e.g., 12 345.67
Validity NoteThis document applies to the installation and use of ProWORX 32 in Windows 98,
Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000 environments and
ProWORX Server in Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows 2000
Title of DocumentationReference Number
Modicon Ladder Logic Block Library840 USE 101 00
Modicon Modbus Plus PCI-85 Interface Adapter890 USE 162 00
Modicon Quantum Hot Standby System Planning and Installation
Modicon TSX Quantum Automation Series Hardware Reference
TSX Momentum I/O Base User Guide870 USE 002 00
Modicon A120 Series I/O Modules User Guide890 USE 109 00
BM85 Bridge Multiplexer User’s Guide890 USE 103 00
840 USE 106 00
840 USE 100 00
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200211
About the Book
Product Related
Schneider Electric assumes no res po ns ibi lit y for an y errors that may appear in this
document. If you have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have
found errors in this publication, please notify us.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electron ic
or mechanical, including photocopying, without the express written permission of
Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. Copyright 2002.
User CommentsWe welcome your comments about this document. You can reach us by e-mail at
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Getting Started
Welcome to ProWORX 32
About this
Getting Started
ProWORX 32
What’s in this
This manual is a guide for operating ProWORX 32. It does not contain information
about specific controllers, I/O cards, or ladder logic instructions. For further
hardware and ladder logic info rma tio n, go to the ProWO R X 32 on -li ne he lp syste m.
This chapter guides you through starting out with ProWORX 32.
Memory128 MB
Hard Disk Space (Available)200 MB
Installation Media TypeCD
Display256 color VGA or higher
ProWORX 32 Client Operating Systems
ProWORX Server - Operating
Microsoft Internet ExplorerVersion 5.0 or higher.
Microsoft MDACVersion 2.5 or higher.
Windows 98, Windows NT (Version 4.0, SP5 or higher),
Windows 2000, Window Me, and Windows XP.
Windows NT (Version 4.0, SP5 or higher), Windows 2000,
and Windows XP.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Installing ProWORX 32
Getting Started
ProWORX 32
Modifying or
Repairing the
ProWORX 32
ProWORX 32
ProWORX 32 requires the installation of MDac version 2.5 or great er and Internet
Explorer 5.0 or greater. Install the MDac software from the ProWORX 32 installation
CD, and ensure that you have a compatible version of Internet Explorer prior to
installing ProWORX 32. Then, to install ProWORX 32:
1Insert the ProWORX 32 CD into your CD-ROM drive. The ProWORX 32
installation screen should automatically load. If the ProWORX installation
program does not automatically load, you can open the installation in Windows
Explorer at CD Rom Drive
2Select the Language you want to install ProWORX 32 in. (English, French,
German, Spanish.)
3Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of ProWORX 32.
→ Setup.exe.
If you have already installed ProWORX 32:
1Insert the ProWORX 32 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2Select Modify to add new components, or remove already installed components.
Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions.
3Select Repair to reinstall all components installed by the previous setup. Click
Next and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you have already installed ProWORX 32:
1Insert the ProWORX 32 CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2Select Remove to uninstall all installed components.
3Click Next and follow the on-screen instructions.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200215
Getting Started
Logging In
The ProWORX 32
Login Screen
Logging In to the
ProWORX 32
Logging Out of
the ProWORX 32
When opening ProWORX 32 you are pro mpted with the ProWORX 32 Login sc reen.
If you are using project s that reside on a server or you w ant to communicate through
the server, enter the login informa tion and click Login. If you are us ing onl y projec ts
that reside on the client, click Bypass.
To access th e login screen from within ProWORX 32:
1In the ProWORX 32 menu, select File
2Enter the user name and password that your system administrator has given you
in the Name and Password fields.
3Select your method of communicating with the server from TCP/IP and Modbus
4Enter the address of the server in the Server Address field.
5Enter the timeout (seconds) in the Timeout field.
6If you have selected TCP/IP, enter the port number in the Port Number field.
7If you have selected Modbus Plus, enter the adapter number in the Adapter
Number field.
8Click Login.
→ Login.
Closing ProWORX 32 c li ent lo gs y ou out of the server or to l og ou t w hile remaining
in ProWORX 32:
1From the ProWORX 32 menu, select File
→ Logout.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Authorizing ProWORX 32
Getting Started
Opening the
Using the
From the Windows Start menu:
1Select Programs
→ ProWORX 32 → Authorization.
After opening the authorization wizard:
1Select which task you would like to perform:
Authorize this PC: Sets up the PC you are currently using to run ProWORX
Transfer Authorization: Transfers authorization from one PC to another.
Enter received code: If already registered, you are taken directly to the
Entering Authorization Code screen.
When you have made a selection, click Next.
2Select which method you would prefer to authorize ProWORX 32 by, and click
Authorize by Phone: A message box is displayed containing a customer
support phone number and the customer support hours of operation. Click
OK to return to the authorization application.
Authorize by Fax: A fax page is printed containing the information you have
entered and a number to send the fax to.
Authorize by Multi-User License Diskette: This option is used strictly for
uncopyprotected versions in which a diskette has been provided by
Schneider Electric. The contents of the diskette will be transferred onto your
Authorize by Email: An email is sent to customer support containing the
information you have entered.
Authorize by W e b: You will be directed to a web page at the Schneider
Electric web site where the information that you have entered will be
displayed and an authorization number will be generated for you.
3Select which product you want to authorize and click Next:
Online Only Client: Access to online only portions of ProWORX 32.
Lite Client: Access to Momentum, Compact, and Micro controllers only.
Full Development Client: Full access to all features of ProWORX 32.
Server: Full access to the ProWORX Server.
4Enter all of your personal information in the User Information screen and click
Next. If you would like to view our privacy policy, click Privacy Policy.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200217
Getting Started
Entering the
After selecting Transfer Authorization in Step One:
1Insert a diskette into your PC diskette drive.
2Select which transaction you want to complete and click Next:
Transfer authorization from computer to diskette.
Transfer authorization from diskette to computer.
After receiving an authorization number:
1A Code Entry Number and a Computer ID are created automatically
2Enter the Authorization Number provided to you by customer support and click
3To complete your ProWORX 32 authorization, click Finish.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Getting Started
The ProWORX 32 Environment
OverviewProWORX 32 is organized i n s uch a w ay tha t the info rma tion you need at any time
is readily accessible through the ProWORX 32 main interface.
ProWORX 32
From the My Computer right-click menu in the Navigation panel:
1Select Properties.
2Select the Environment tab.
3Set the following ProWORX 32 Environment parameters:
4Auto Monitor/Logout: When selected with Logout, the Online Network Editor
closes after the specified amount of inactive time. When selected with Monitor,
the Online Network Editor closes after the specified amount of inactive time and
Monitor mode is activated.
5Prompt For Read When Exiting Online: Displays a prompt to perform a read
after switching out of online mode.
6Compare To Project On Attach: Displays a prompt to perform a compare when
switching to online mode.
7Enable Audit Trails : Audit trails and the log book are viewable.
8Automatically Update Used Tables Online: When going online, the used
tables are automatically updated.
9Enable Scrolling Nav igation Panel: When this option is selected, the
navigation panel shrinks showing only the panel’s border. To see the navigation
panel, hover your mouse over the border and the navigation panel expands.
10Instruction Toolbar: See ProWORX 32 Toolbar, p. 23.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200219
Getting Started
ProWORX 32 Client Security
OverviewSecurity allows an administrator to disable features of ProWORX 32.
Setting Security
for a Client
From the My Computer right-click menu in the Navigation panel:
1Select Security Settings to open the Client Security dialog.
2To set and confirm the administrative password, enter the password into the
Password and Confirm Password boxes.
3To set the rights that users have while running ProWORX 32 on this specific PC,
select rights from the Enabled Functionality group of rights. See User Rights
below for more information.
4Click OK to confirm changes. Click Close to exit.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
User RightsUser rights descriptions:
User RightsDescriptions
Controller ConfigurationThe ability to change the controller configuration, or change
Traffic CopThe ability to edit in the traffic cop.
CommunicationsThe ability to change the communications setup including the
LogicThe ability to edit logic.
ForcingThe ability to force contacts and coils.
InsertThe ability to insert cells, rows, columns, and networks.
DeleteThe ability to delete cells, rows, columns, and networks.
SweepThe ability to enter sweep mode.
Data EditorsThe ability to enter any of the data editors, If deselected, the
Extended MemoryThe ability to edit extended memory registers.
Protected RegistersThe ability to set ranges of 4xxxx addresses that are
Configuration ExtensionsThe ability to edit the configuration extensions.
ASCII MessagesThe ability to edit the ASCII messages.
SearchThe ability to use the search feature.
ReadThe ability to read from the controller.
WriteThe ability to write to the controller.
Start/StopThe ability to start or stop the controller.
Clear Audit TrailsThe ability to remove all audit trail and logbook entries.
Getting Started
controller type.
controller’s address.
user is unable to change register data.
uneditable. See Setting Protected Registers for more
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200221
Getting Started
Tracking Help
OverviewTracking help is a brief desc ription or overv iew of the editor, ins tructions, or I/O card
that is curr ently selected in ProWORX 32.
Using Tracking
From the ProWORX 32 menu:
1Select View
2To see more information about the current tracking help topic, press F1.
→ Tracking Help to open the tracking help window.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Getting Started
ProWORX 32 Toolbar
OverviewThe ProWORX 32 toolbar holds all of the icon buttons that can be used to access
features, utilities, and tools needed to properly use ProWORX 32s development
Using the
Customizing the
ProWORX 32 Toolbar
From the ProWORX 32 toolbar right-click menu:
1To add a toolbar, select a toolbar to add from the list. A toolbar that is displayed
is denoted by a check .
2To remove a toolbar, select a toolbar to remove from the list.
3To move a selected toolbar within the ProWORX 32 toolbar area, select the
toolbars handle, and drag and drop the toolbar to its desired location.
4To customize the toolbars, click Customize. To view help concerning toolbar
customizing please refer the Windows help file, Windows Start Menu
In the project navigation panel:
1From the project right-click menu, select Properties.
2Select the Environment tab.
3Scroll to the number of the button (1-14) you would like to change in the Button
Number field. eg. 1 = the leftmost button, 14 = the rightmost button.
4Enter the name of the instruction to be placed on the toolbar in the Button Text
→ Help.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200223
Getting Started
Toolbar ListingDefault toolbars and items:
Standard Toolbar
- Create a New Project
- Save the Active Project
- Print the Active Project
- Open Print Preview
- Open Report Setup
- Undo the most recent action (CTRL+Z)
- Repeats the most recent action
- Cut the current selection and copy to the system clipboard
- Copy the current selection to the system clipboard (CTRL+C)
- Paste data from system clipboard to selected area (CTRL+V)
- Open the Search window (CTRL+F)
Control Toolbar. See
Working with a
ProWORX 32 Project,
p. 36
- Repeat the last Search operation (SHIFT+F4)
- Find and Replace (CTRL+H)
- Open Help (F1)
- Take project offline
- Take project to emulation
- Take project online
- Take project to combined mode
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Online Control Toolbar
p. 98.
DWW Log Toolbar
Getting Started
- Start/Stop controller. See Starting and Stopping Controllers,
- Initialize logic. See Initializing Logic in a Controller, p. 90.
- Read from controller. See Reading From a Controller, p. 91.
Read extended memory
- Write to controller. See Writing to a Controller, p. 92.
Write logic
Relocate logic and data
Relocate logic only
Write extended memory
- First record
- Previous record
- Next Record
- Last record
- Pause/Resume
- Record
- Toggle between logging real-time data from a controller and
logging stored
Instruction Toolbar
- A user-defined set of instructions. Clicking an instruction adds it
to the logic editor at the cursor.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200225
Getting Started
Contacting Schneider Electric
Customer support is available to registered Schneider Electric users.
If you have a question about ProWORX 32 and can’t find the answer in the
ProWORX 32 Help system or the User ’s Guid e, contact our Custom er Servic e staff
for assistance. You can reach Schneider’s Customer Support department by
Internet, phone, fax, or mail:
Schneider Electric
One High Street
North Andover, MA 01845
To help us assist you quickly, we sugge st yo u have the fol lowing inf ormati on read y:
The version and serial number of your copy of ProWORX 32. To find this
information, select About on the Help menu.
What you were doing when the p roblem occu rred, whether you can repe at it, and
any error messages you recei ve d.
Your version of Windows. To find this information in Windows ME, 98, 95, 2000
or NT 4.x: click Start, then Settings. Select Control Panel. When the Control
Panel window opens, double-click System. When the System window opens,
select the General tab. Your version of Windows is listed under the heading
Information about your computer, inclu ding its processor type, memory, hard
drive size, video card type, and I/O boards.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Working with Projects
At a Glance
OverviewProWORX 32 holds information about each of your controllers in a project. The
project stores:
The controller’s configuratio n
Ladder logic
Descriptors of the controller and ladder logic
Project properties
Data trends
Compare results
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200227
Working with Projects
What’s in this
This chapter contains the following topics:
Creating a New Project29
Selecting a Controller Type31
Converting Ladder Logic Databases34
Using the ProWORX Server to Manage ProWORX 32 Projects35
Working with a ProWORX 32 Project36
Using Emulation Mode39
Instructions Supported in Emulation Mode45
Adding Emulation Instruction Solve Support46
Documentation Editor51
Using the Documentation Editor53
Importing and Exporting ProWORX 32 Documentation55
Protected Registers58
Using Search59
Address Used60
The Knowledge Base62
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
Creating a New Project
Working with Projects
Creating a New
From the ProWORX 32 tool bar:
1Click File
2Enter a project name in the New Project Name box.
3Click OK. The New Project Wizard appears.
→ New.
OverviewThe Project Configuration Wizard steps you through creating new default projects
and modify existing projects in ProWORX 32. The configuration wizard guides you
through a series of easy to understand steps to set up a project. Each step
configures an important area of the project.
Each screen in the wizard has a caption stating which step you are currently
completing. Also, each screen has a diagram and description detailing what the
current step involves.
The standard wizard buttons are:
HelpDisplays context-sensitive help pertaining to the current step.
CancelExits the wizard and no new project is created or no changes are saved.
BackReturns the wizard to the previous step.
NextAdvances the wizard to the next step.
FinishCompletes the wizard and creates a new project or saves the changes.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 200229
Working with Projects
Step 1 - Select
Creation Method
Select a path to create a new project:
Online to ControllerThis option sets up a project enough to go online to a controller.
The first step configures the parameters used to communicate
with the desired controller. This step encapsulates
communications setup; use of this step is identical to the Project
communications setup dialog. Click Next to display the Finish
step. Click Finish to go online to the desired controller.
Select Controller TypeThis step allows you to set up the controller type. For more
information, see Selecting a Controller Type, p. 31.
Base on Existing ProjectThis option creates a project based on an existing project. First,
select an existing Project from the list of projects on the local
computer. ProWORX 32 creates a copy of the project and uses
it as the base for the new project. ProWORX 32 initializes the
logic and clears the traffic cop of the new project. ProWORX 32
then displays a communications setup step to configure
communications to the desired controller. On the finish step
click Finish to complete the new project creation.
Read from ControllerThis option creates a project based on a read of the program
from an existing controller. ProWORX 32 displays a
communications setup step to configure communications to the
desired controller. On the Finish step click Finish. ProWORX
32 reads the contents of the controller into a new default project.
Use as a MacroWhen selecting any offline options, you can click the Use as
Macro checkbox to create a macro-enabled database. For more
information, see Macros, p. 214.
372 SPU 780 01EMAN May 2002
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